Blow Job ObsessionChapter 4 free porn video

We avoided talking about Natalia’s experience with Slim for a couple of days. I was getting familiar with Natalia’s need to process and even found it kind of hot because I knew that when she was ready to talk she would be totally open and honest and she wouldn’t be holding back any details or emotions. We were having our usual coffee shop breakfast when she decided to open up.
“I really enjoyed my time with Slim. I am very thankful and impressed with how you manage to find the right guys for me. I thought that Slim was both attractive and sweet. His patience with helping me conquer my challenges with deep throating was much appreciated. It could have been a much different experience with someone who just forced himself into my throat without taking the time to explain and guide. I am also really proud of myself for performing my first deep throat. It is something that I have fantasized about ever since my late teens when I discovered porn. But equally impressive was the ass fucking you gave me after he left. I’m guessing it was Slim’s description of ass fucking having similar challenges to deep throating that drove me to beg you to ream out my ass. It was tremendous and the orgasm was one of my top 10. I suppose I might have been helped along a bit by watching the video of myself deep throating,” said Natalia with a smile and a wink. “I still want to take dick pics for my collection but maybe the occasional video would also be nice as I feel that I would enjoy re-watching them occasionally. Maybe we could even watch them together occasionally.”
“Babe, you never have to beg me to fuck your ass. I love it when you stick your ass high in the air and invite me to invade you. My orgasm was also very intense. The combination of just having watched you take an eight inch cock down your throat and having my cock buried in your ass was very hot. I agree with you about the videos. It’s one thing to look at a cock picture but a totally different thing to watch you actually service that cock. I will have to make sure that the participants are okay with it first. I will include that in my future postings. I also think it would be a good time to start documenting whose dick pic belongs to who. Over time you might forget!”
“Good idea love. Right now those cocks are emblazoned in my mind and I often fantasize about them in my dreams but, as the numbers grow, to the dozens or even hundreds, I am sure I will forget some of them. I’ll get right on that,” replied Natalia with another big smile.
George was pleasantly surprised with his wife’s response. Part of him felt that this adventure they were on together would end sooner rather than later which, he felt, would be disappointing. Now he felt that he was getting the green light and that she had no intention of ending it anytime soon. He also realized that it was going to be his responsibility to ensure that Natalia continued to have good experiences. She was finally an open minded lady but he knew that one bad experience could end their adventure at any time.
“What do you think about me joining in for a double blowjob sometime?” asked George with a certain amount of trepidation.
“Glad you asked. I have been thinking about sucking off two dicks at once. I found it really turned me on when I gave your dick a suck while servicing Slim. But, you are going to have to be patient with me George. Baby steps work best for this new slut. To answer your question directly, yes, a double blow job will happen but not just yet. Besides, anticipation is half the fun,” she said with a wink.
“Okay, I’m good with that,” replied George. “I’ll give my slut time to adjust to her new life and try and not push too hard.”
They both laughed out loud and quickly looked around to see if anybody was listening. Everybody was engrossed in whatever they were doing or listening to. ‘Too bad’ thought Natalia. It would be fun to have someone eavesdrop on one of their conversations. My god, what was she becoming!
“Is it okay to line up your next man?”, asked George.
“Yup. Bring them on lover.”
They went home and George sat down to start working on his next posting. Then he stopped himself and went back to the replies he had received from his last posting. A number of the previous replies had included pictures of uncut cocks. He isolated these pictures from all the others and reviewed them. He had no idea that cocks could look so different. With some of them the sheath covered the entire head. On others you could barely see that there even was a protective sheath. He had no idea what would appeal the most to Natalia. He narrowed it down to the usual three possible candidates. He was also aware that these men had responded to the post for someone with at least an eight inch dick. In the back of his mind he was concerned about combining two of Natalia’s wants into one. But, he rationalized, she had learned how to deep throat and might be excited to demonstrate her new skill again. He randomly selected one of the men and messaged him. He made up a lame excuse for the delay in responding and asked if he was still interested in receiving a free blow job. In about fifteen minutes George got a response in the affirmative. George responded with the new requirement of a possible video with no faces. An immediate response of ‘no’. Apparently this man had an obvious tattoo that he was afraid would be, either on purpose or accidently, be captured in a video. George thanked him and moved on to the other two selections. Thinking that a video might be a problem he decided to message both of them to save time. One almost immediate response who was interested but out of town for the week. No response from the other man. George went to bed.
The next morning George was up early. He quietly made himself a cup of coffee trying not to wake up Natalia. He then sat at his desk to check the news and his emails. He was pleasantly surprised to see a response from the third man he had contacted. He was still interested. George went back to his original response. He seemed to be a normal type of guy with a long uncut dick. George responded to him and asked if they could meet later in the afternoon. A response in the affirmative. They selected a coffee shop midway between George’s location and this man’s work. It would mean that George would have to walk a bit further but he didn’t mind as it was a nice day. George learned that the man’s name was Leonard and he could be recognized by a Red Sox hat that he would be wearing.
Natalia got up and George explained that he had arranged a meet up for later in the day. He asked her if she was okay with a possible session later in the today.
“Definitely yes! I was hoping that you might make something happen today. I had some really sexy dreams last night and I am horny and craving some strange cock,” she replied as she took his hand and rubbed it against her pussy.
“Want me to scratch that itch right now?” asked George.
“Very tempting babe but I think I would like to bask in my horniness until I meet my new stranger. I love the feeling of having an itch between my legs knowing that it will get well scratched later on.”
George and Natalia went about their day. They both had some running around to do plus a few chores around the apartment.
George figured that it would take him about a half an hour to walk to the rendezvous place that he and the stranger had selected. He left the apartment at four thirty. When he got to the coffee shop he was surprised to see it was so busy. It seemed as if everyone had a laptop in front of them. He guessed this was one of those shops that many people treat as their office and sit all day working, sipping coffee and eating carrot cake. It took him awhile to locate a Red Sox hat. He fought through the crowd towards the hat. He noticed that Leonard had his earbuds in and was busy talking to somebody on his phone. Leonard looked up and acknowledged George. He motioned for him to sit but there were no open seats. George made his way to the counter and ordered himself an ice coffee. By the time his drink was ready and he made his way back to Leonard a seat had opened up. George plunked himself down and took in the scene around him. Almost everyone was also on a phone call and busy typing away on their computer. Boy, had things changed in the few years since George had been working for a living. He reflected and decided that he regretted missing out on having the opportunity to have a more flexible work environment. He could actually see himself sitting with all these younger people while contacting his clients and preparing proposals.
The man in the Red Sox hat was still chatting on the phone. George decided to try and listen to the one side of the conversation. Much to his surprise he realized that this man was talking to a woman and he was trying to convince her to meet up with him tonight. He was even suggesting that they go to his place and have sex. George was taken aback and somewhat confused. Finally, Leonard gave up with the unknown caller and told her that he had other fucks he could arranged for the evening and that he would give her another chance at a later date.
“You must be George,” the man in the hat said.
The two men shook hands.
“Sorry about the wait but work is crazy right now,” said Leonard.
Obviously Leonard didn’t realize that George had been eavesdropping.
“So, your wife likes blowing strangers and you get off on watching.”
George didn’t respond. He was getting a bad vibe about Leonard.
“Is she any good at giving blowjobs?” asked Leonard.
“Yes, at least I think so,” responded George.
“How many strange dicks has she slurped on?”
“Three so far.”
“That’s not very many.”
George sat silent.
“I have to see somebody else tonight. How long do you think it will take her to get me off?”
“If you are in a hurry I am sure she could do you in fifteen minutes.”
“She would have to be really hot to get me off that quick.”
George had had enough. “Well, it’s not going to happen. I wish you the best of luck with your other women.” With that George grabbed his coffee and left the restaurant. When he looked back he could see that Leonard was already back on his phone. ‘What an asshole’ George thought to himself as he headed back to the apartment. George had been around long enough to know that there are all sorts of people in the world but this guy was a real prick. He then realized that this would be part of the adventure and that is why he was in charge of vetting candidates for Natalia’s mouth. George realized that he had been lucky with the first three men he had selected and that lucky streak had just ended. Leonard wouldn’t get within fifty feet of his wife.
George walked into the apartment.
“Noooo! You were supposed to text me,” cried Natalia from the bathroom. “I’m only half way through putting on my makeup.”
“Sorry love, it’s not going to happen tonight. Finish with your makeup and let’s go out to the pub and watch some rugby. I’ll tell you the story on the way.”
Natalia peaked out of the bathroom. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m good,” responded George trying to sound less pissed off than he actually was.
Natalia eventually exited the bathroom. She looked hot! She had her usual dark smoky eyes plus a new top with a neckline that plunged deep down her luscious cleavage. She also had on a necklace that trickled all the way down her chest and drew attention to her gorgeous boobs. To top it off she had on glossy dark purple lipstick which matched her nails and completed the slutty look she was looking for.
“Wow! You look great!” exclaimed George. “Perfect for watching a rugby game,” he said with a smile.
“What happened?” asked Natalia.
“I’ll tell you on the way to the pub,” replied George.
“I can’t go to the pub looking like this!” exclaimed Natalia.
“You can and you will,” said George as he slapped his wife’s ass. “I’m not going to waste the effort that you put into making yourself look so fucking hot.”
“My boobs are hanging out and I don’t even have a bra on. I will feel uncomfortable. People will think I am some slut you picked up,” complained Natalia.
“Perfect! Now grab a shawl or something that you can drape over those luscious boobs and let’s get going. The game has already started.”
Natalia did as she was told and found a shawl that she could cover herself with. She also stuck with her original plan and slipped her feet into a pair of her sexiest ‘do me’ heels.
On their way to the nearby pub George explained to Natalia what had happened with Leonard.
“He was a real jerk and obviously just a player. I wouldn’t ever let someone like that anywhere near you,” commented George.
Natalia had George’s arm, partly because she liked the feeling of holding onto him and partly to help her remain steady on her sexy high heels. She gave his arm a squeeze.
“I love you. Thanks for looking out for me. I didn’t know that pimps could be so caring of their sluts,” she said with a giggle in her voice. “You are probably right in that we should expect this type of person from time to time. I just hope it doesn’t happen too often. It might spoil our adventure and, I for one, wouldn’t want that.”
They arrived at the pub and George held the door open for his wife. Natalia pulled the shawl tighter to her chest. They were surprised, the place was jammed with people. Obviously rugby was catching on as a spectator sport. George and Natalia had watched their first rugby game in this very same pub and were instantly hooked. There was something raw and exciting about the sport. No pads, helmets or bickering like in the NFL. Just some very fit, and large, men beating the shit out of each other and at the end of the game they would shake hands and go out for beers together.
George looked around for a place for them to sit. It didn’t look good. Then he spotted a vacant high top table hiding in the corner. He steered Natalia over to the hidden table. They assessed the location of the table. It wasn’t great as they didn’t have a straight on view of any of the TV screens spread throughout the pub.
“Looks like this is as good as it going to get,” said George. “You okay with this?”
“Looks perfect to me. Nice and secluded. Might even be able to get away with giving you a blowjob back here,” responded Natalia with a wink.
There were far too many people for the few servers that the pub had so George made his way to the bar and ordered drinks. He returned to the table with the drinks and sat on the stool beside his wife. They turned their attention towards the game and sat in silence. All of a sudden George felt a hand on his crotch. He looked down and saw sexy fingers with purple nail polish stroking him. He looked over at Natalia but she was still staring at the TV. He then looked around the pub and realized that because of their location nobody could see the hand rubbing his cock. He smiled to himself. He was so lucky to have such a horny and adventurous woman for his wife!
All of a sudden people were up and moving about the pub and the seductive hand disappeared. It was half time and people were making their way to the bar and the bathrooms. George and Natalia sat at their table making casual chit chat and watching the people mill about. Then the game started again and everybody made their way back to their tables. The hand returned.
A couple of minutes into the second half George felt a tight squeeze on his cock. He looked over at Natalia and followed her gaze to the front door of the pub. A man had just walked in. The stranger did a double take, as they had, at the how crowded the pub was. They could see him scanning the pub either looking for someone he knew or looking for a table. You could tell by the look on his face that he had come up empty. He was a brown man probably in his late twenties of early thirties. He was impeccably groomed. Great hair, nicely trimmed beard and a crisp black shirt. He was trim and tall.
“Let’s in invite him to sit with us,” said Natalia.
George knew that Natalia had a thing for brown men and if it had been almost anybody else she would still be staring at the TV. Instead she was transfixed on the man at the door.
“Go ahead,” George said wondering if she would have the balls to invite him herself or whether he would have to take on the task.
Natalia put up her hand and beckoned the man to come over. He saw the waving hand and made his way through crowd to our table. Natalia removed her hand from George’s crotch as the stranger approached.
“It’s a little crowded back here and the TV viewing isn’t great but you are welcome to join us if you would like,” said Natalia to the stranger.
“Thanks,” said the stranger while he took in the very attractive mature woman who had beckoned him.
“Unfortunately we don’t have and extra stool but I am sure we can find one,” said Natalia.
“I’ll look after that,” said George.
They did introductions. The strangers name was Ayendra and he expressed his gratitude for the hospitality.
“Here, you take my stool while I go find another. I’ll also get you a drink while I am at it. What’s your pleasure?” asked George.
“You’re too kind George. I’ll have a Heineken please,” responded Ayendra as he slid onto the stool beside Natalia.
George had noticed a number of stools behind the bar when he had gotten their first round of drinks. He assumed that they were probably used by the bartenders to rest their legs during a long shift. He ordered the drinks then explained to the bartender their situation. Realizing a paying customer has priority over a tired bartender he said that he would have someone bring the stool over to our table. George weaved his way back through the crowd with the drinks.
George put the drinks down and stood waiting for the stool. He couldn’t help noticing that the two of them were completely engrossed in conversation and oblivious to the game. Finally, Natalia interrupted their conversation and brought George up to date on what she had learned about her new friend. George’s stool arrived and he situated it on one side of Natalia. He suspected that she might like being sandwiched between two men. George learned that Ayendra was originally from Sri Lanka and had recently had a relocation with his job. He had only been in town for a few weeks and was still finding his way in the new surroundings. He was single and liked rugby. In fact, he had played the sport for a number of years in his home country.
Finally, the three of them settled in with their drinks and turned their attention to the game.
“Wow, all of a sudden it’s hot in here. Must be all the bodies jammed in here,” said Natalia as she slid off her shawl, turned towards Ayendra and laid it across the back of her chair.
Ayendra’s reaction was immediate. His eyes went to her loose, low cut blouse and her large tits. She caught his stare and smiled at him when he realized he had been outed. He avoided any discussion and returned his attention to the TV.
George felt the familiar hand returning to his crotch. Although her crotch grabbing was not visible to the rest of the patrons, George knew that Ayendra would be able to see the sexy hand and its location. They all stared straight ahead and watched the game as Natalia continued to massage George’s growing dick.
“Is your family still in Sri Lanka?” Natalia asked as she leaned into Ayendra.
Ayendra turned to face her before answering. George watched as Ayendra’s eyes went from her eyes to her breasts and then to her hand which was still stroking his cock.
George thought that this might have been too much for Ayendra and wondered if he would say something or, worse yet, get up and leave.
“Yes,” Ayendra finally responded. It didn’t appear that he was in any condition to elaborate so he forced himself to divert his attention away from the sexiness beside him and returned to watching the game.
Natalia looked at George and winked and gave his now hard cock a tight squeeze. ‘What a tease’ he thought to himself while loving every minute of it.
Natalia let go of George’s cock and brought it up to the table. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her free hand which was damp from holding the cold beer. She then adjusted her top pulling it down as far as she could and exposing maximum skin. Ayendra was still trying to watch the game and George was watching Natalia. Her hand returned to his cock. She then looked George in the eyes and indicated with her free hand that she wanted to stroke the strangers dick. George wasn’t sure how Ayendra would react but nodded his approval.

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