Aratheon: Treasure Hunt Pt. 1 free porn video

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“What will it be, stranger?” the barkeeper, an aged man with bags underneath his eyes asks.

“I’ll take a pint of mead, please,” I tell the man and I put a gold coin on the table. He takes it and a few minutes later brings out a pint and places it in front of me. “I’m looking to hire a captain and crew for an adventure. Do you know where I might find such a crew?”

“What kind of adventure are you taking?” he asks.

“One fraught with danger and could easily end in death, however, the reward will be larger than a King’s imagination,” I say.

“Then you are looking for a captain who is crazy enough to accept such a risk. There’s only one captain I know in these parts,” he says as he washes down a dirty cup. “And that is Captain Azariah.”

“Where might I find this Captain Azariah?” I ask.

“She just happens to be in this very tavern as we speak. She is sitting with her crew over in the far corner. But I’ll warn you,” he says as he quickly takes a look around to see if anyone is listening in on our conversation. “Captain Azariah is a Deldorai. She harder than tempered steel and colder than ice.”

I take a gaze over where he suggested and I get a glimpse of an elf with a red bandana tied over her dark black hair with eyes... Never in my life have I ever seen eyes like these before. Just the look of them makes my skin crawl. They are as black as night with burning red irises.

She just happened to look over at us at that very moment and gives me a stare that shakes me to my very core. It was not an entirely cold glance, but the look of a conqueror who has just found a new conquest.

She is surrounded by several men and women of different races, but all look as shady as the dark alley’s I tend to avoid.

“Is she the wood elf?” I ask as I tear my gaze away from her.

“That would be her. But I’ll warn you just this once, she is not one to be taken lightly. She’d just as soon kill ya if she senses she’s being cheated.”

“I will not take the warning lightly,” I say. “Thank you for the tip,” I toss the man another coin, down my drink and head over to her.

Her eyes catch mine as I make my way over to her. I tense up at her stare. Those black eyes unnerve me. It is as if I am staring at Death itself.

She looks me up and down, taking me all in as I approach her table. “I heard you talking about me.”

“Y...yes, the b… barkeeper says you are the one to talk to about a ship and a crew for hire,” I say meagerly. For some reason, just being around her makes me nervous. A devilish smile curves on her face.

She nods to her crew and they clear the table so it is just the two of us. “Have a seat,” she says.

I take the chair across from her. “What kind of business do you have in mind?”

I look around warily to see if anyone is listening. “I need an escort to an island off to the south. I will warn ya…”

I lean in a little closer. “It will be dangerous, but the reward will be great.”

She lets out a laugh. “Well. Has anyone ever told you that you are adorable? Little boy, I am dangerous.”

“Uhh… I… I can see that.”

“Now, what were you saying about a reward?” she asks as she leans back and places her boots on the table and crosses her hands against her chest, squishing those bountiful breasts together. I take a rather large gulp. “Give me the details.”

“I need passageway to the island my great grandfather was shipwrecked on. His ship was carrying enough gold to buy the human kingdom. But that is not what I am interested in, if and when we find the ship, the gold, and any other valuables can be distributed amongst the crew. I am just interested in a family heirloom.”

“Enough to buy the entire human kingdom, aye?” She leans forward and places her hands on the table, interlocking her fingers together. “I like the sound of that. I suppose you know how to get to this Island, right?”

“Well I just so happen to have a map that shows us the location where my grandfather was stranded with his ship full of treasure,” I say.

“Who is this Elf Lord?” she asks.

“He was my ancestor, Lord Kasius,” I say.

“I never heard of him,” she scuffs.

“He is really old,” I say.

“How much treasure are we talking about?” she asks.

“All of his wealth, which is enough to buy this city three times over,” I say. Her eyes widen. “But that’s not what I’m interested in. In his position was a scepter. The scepter is worth more to me than all of the gold in his ship. It has no real value, it is just a lost family heirloom.”

“So let me get this straight, you want me and my crew to take you to this ship and help you get back this scepter?” she asks me.

“Correct,” I say.

“And what about the gold?” she asks.

“You can have all of it. It is of no interest to me,” I say.

“Are you serious?” she asks. “You do not want any of it?”

“Even without my ancestor’s wealth, my family is still one of the richest in all of the High elven kingdom,” I say proudly as I puff out my chest and hold my head up high.

“They must have mated with dwarves at one point because you are awfully short for a high elf,” she laughs. My cheeks instantly burn red.

“Jest all you want, wood elf. Do you want the job or not?” I ask.

“I will require an upfront payment,” she says.

I grab the purse of gold hanging from my belt and drop it onto the table. “Done.”

“You did not let me tell you what the payment will be,” she says with a smirk.

“This is enough gold to buy this tavern,” I say. “What more do you require?”

“Sure, that will cover our expenses and give us something to live on if things go sour, but I require something more,” she says.

“And what is that?” I ask.

She likes her lips. “It is not often that a cute, slender, little thing such as yourself enter a tavern-like this. Especially with an ass like yours.”

I take a nervous swallow.

“You see, I’ve had my share of the busty barmaids here and a few of the gruff men, but they are not my pint of ale. Hmmm. I like something a little more delicate.” She gets up and saunders around the table. She sets her nice thick bubble butt down on the table.

“You are exactly the kind of ale I enjoy sinking into. If you want to ride on my ship, you are going to have to sleep in my bed,” she says.

“Wait… Really?” I ask. She is joking, right? A woman like her? I would have bet all the gold in the world that a woman like her would only go after the strongest of men. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I had a chance with a sexy elven woman like her.

“Of course, I find meek, feminine boys like yourself very attractive,” she says with a devious smirk. What does she mean by that? I am not feminine nor am I meek.

“I will have you know that I am over 300 cycles old,” I declare.

“Aww, just a baby,” she laughs. “I am well over 1,000 cycles old, boy. You are but a child to me.”

Her statement made a knot in my throat. She is as old as my father. I take a swallow of my pride.

She brings her hand up to my cheek and brings my face up to hers. “Now, do we have a deal or not?”

“Ah… yes! We have a deal.”

“Great! Now I will have to take a look at this map of yours,” she says as she stands up. She signals to the people who were sitting by her and they walk over to us.

“Get the ship ready, we have to take off as soon as possible,” she tells them. They all nod and take off. Then those red and black eyes of hers turn to me. “Now, come with me. We need to go somewhere private.”

I get up and follow the wood elf. My eyes cannot help but travel down to that butt of hers all wrapped up in leather chaps. My heart beats a little faster as I become fixated on the way she walks, swaying her hips this way and that.

I lick my lips as my head fills with all sorts of thoughts about what this elf will do to me when she gets me in her bed. I cannot help but imagine her moist cunt and spreading it with my cock.

In the 300 cycles of my existence, I have only slept with two women. One was a human and the other was another High Elf like myself. Both are rather long stories. But this woman. She makes the other two look like a couple of wenches.

She signals to the barkeeper and he nods. I trail her up the stairs into a room. “Now, how about you show me that map?” she asks.

I nod and open up my gilded silken rucksack and pull out the map. “You will not be able to read it,” I say as I hand it to her.

“And why is that?” she asks.

“Only the descendant of Vanurato can read the map,” I inform her.

“Let me guess, you are a descendant of Vanurato?” she asks.

I nod in confirmation.

She lets out a laugh. “Looks like we cannot just take the map and find the treasure for ourselves,” she sighs.

“You would do that?” I ask as my eyes widen.

“My crew certainly would like to, but I would rather take you as my treasure. It has been so long since I have had a nice soft elven boy in my bed,” she says.

“For the last time, I am not a boy!” I raise my voice at her.

“Have you killed a man before?” she asks.

“No… I…”

“Then you are still a boy,” she laughs.

“Now onto business. You have agreed to be mine for the entirety of the trip, have you not?” she asks.

“I thought I was just to sleep in your bed?” I clarify.

“Same thing different words,” she says.

“I will have to admit that I have already slept with two women before this,” I say.

“Oh, look at you, so experienced. You are practically an expert on coitus, are you not?” she smirks.

“I… I would not say that,” I mutter, tearing my eyes from hers.

“I was only jesting. I will make you a man. Well… More like a…” She mutters something under her breath that I cannot quite make out.

“What was that?” I ask.

She only giggles. “Oh, nothing. Now, before we get this adventure started, I require some release. It is time for you to start fulfilling your end of the bargain.”

I take a big swallow. “Okay.”

The beautiful elf in front of me turns around, presenting me that beautiful arse. of hers. Perfect in every way. Slowly she begins to unbuckle her leather trousers and slides them down, revealing two pillowy cheeks. I lick my lips. Just the thought of stuffing my face or another part of my body in between those round cheeks is enough to make the sword hilted in my robes harden.

And then she turns around…

The sight of the biggest cock I have ever seen nearly hits me in the face. I recoil at the sight of it. Perfectly hairless and veiny. The mushroom tip swells as it begins to grow. The musky taint of it hits my nostrils making me queasy.

“What? You do not like it?” She asks with a coy smirk on her face as if she knew I was going to be off-put by her swelling cock.

“You have a… You have a cock!” I gasp.

“Baby, half of the Deldorai have cocks. Did you not know this?” She asks, tilting her head sideways.

“I heard the rumors but I never thought they could be true.”

“Well, now you know for sure. They are true. Now, a deals a deal. You better get used to my sword, you will be well acquainted with it by the end of the trip,” she laughs. I look up at those big black and red sinister eyes of hers and plead with her. “I’ll tell you what. Since I can tell you are a bit hesitant, I will not make you take it all this time around. All you have to do is give it a few strokes until my seed flows from it. I’ll even return the favor. I’ll wager, you’ll enjoy my love stick by the end of it.”

I gulp down my nerves. Even though I am disgusted with it, I cannot stop staring at the giant snake staring at me with its one eye. I have not seen many cocks in my life, but this one is by far the biggest. Far bigger than my own little fellow.

Just the smell alone is enough to put anyone off. So musky and sour. Like a pair of old socks that have been on a stinky dwarf for far too long.

“Why don’t you fish out your cock and we can stroke each other off. It will be much more enjoyable that way.” I turn away as my face burns bright red. The thought of showing her my little cock when she has that monster is humiliating. It’s bad enough I've been ridiculed my whole life for how small it is. I do not need to be shown up by a woman. “I will pass.”

“Aww, I take it you have a tiny cock. Don’ shy. I won't judge. Most men are smaller than me.” She sits down on the bed next to me as her hand crawls up my leg.

I take another nervous swallow as her hand finds its way to my belt buckle. Fire floods through my veins as my belt comes undone. She works my tunic, unbuttoning it and then goes for my pants. She kicks off her boots and leather breaches before she tugs mine down, freeing my little cock from its confines. “Aww, now I see why you were so reluctant to show me your little pecker. It’s tiny. But rather adorable.”

Heat rushes to my cheeks at her words. Must she point out how small it is? As if I was not embarrassed enough.

“Don't take insult. You are beautiful. With a little pecker like that, you were never meant to be a swordsmen anyway. But you do have an ass any woman would die for. You were born to be the hilt that sheaves bigger swords. It’s not a bad thing. No, not at all. I think you will grow to love having that beautiful arse filled with cock.”

Her words are like an ice-cold waterfall atop my skin. They send a chill down my spine and yet my little dagger comes alive at the very thought of having her sword hilted inside me. What is wrong with me? Am I queer? I have never had these deranged thoughts run rampant in my mind before.

Placing her hand on top of mine, she guides it to her snake. Even though it is not even hard, it makes my hand look small. Slowly, she moves my hand up and down the length of her cock as it hardens between my fingers. Her free hand wraps around my cock and slowly starts to stroke it. Her hand brings all sorts of pleasure alive in my dick. A subtle moan escapes my lips. Her cock continues to grow in my hands. Soon my fingers can't even wrap themselves around it. It’s thicker than a tree branch and almost as hard as one. My curiosity continues to grow like both of our cocks. Soon her hand feels from mine and I was stroking it by myself. I tried to mimic the way she rubbed mine. Slowly working up to the top and messaging the tip. The sensitive head seemed to amplify the pleasure that coursed down through my cock the more you touched it.

She began to pick up speed and I followed. We both moaned together. “You’re starting to like the feel of my cock, aren’t you?” She asks.

In truth, it was not so bad. The feel of her large cock in my hand was stiff, yet spongy. It was hefty. A lot heavier than my own. “Next time I'll let you taste it. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She asks.

Letting out a low moan, I was too caught up in the pleasure of her hand on my dick, I just nodded. “You and I will have plenty of time alone together, you’re mine for the rest of this trip.”

I could barely register her words as my dick grew steely hard. I pumped her cock swift and hard as my own pleasure built up. I had to release. I could not hold it any longer. “For the love of the gods.” I shouted as the pleasure erupted inside me and my cock shot a rope of cum on my leg.

She also let out a little moan as her big dick exploded like a geyser in a hot spring. It coated my hand and her thighs.

“Fuck that felt so good. Your little hands felt so good wrapped around my big cock. Didn’t you like the way it felt in your hands?” She gasps, as a heavy breath escapes her lips.

“Yeess…” I pant, too lost in the excitement of the moment to truly register what I had done and said.

“Why don’t you give my delicious seed a taste,” she says as she grabs my wrist and brings my hand to my lips. "You’ll find you might actually like it.”

I looked up at those red irises coated in black. Still, in a euphoric haze, I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, licking up the thick globs of her cum. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. A tad on the salty side and it had a heavy musk to it, it was actually rather tasty. I licked her hand clean. “Good boy.”

At Sea

After we finished up in the tavern, Captain Azariah led me to the docks. My mind was heavy with what had just happened. Had I really just rub another man’s cock? No. She is not a man. She is a Deldoai. And the rumors were true. The Deldorais had cocks. What does this make me? Am I one of those queer cocklovers who lay with men?

The elven fembois I believe they were called. Elven men who gladly played the role of females and gave away their bodies for the pleasure of men. No. I am not one of them. I am Riyu Lumenor and I am part of one of the most prestigious high elf families in history. At least we were until my ancestor Vanurato Lumenor lost a great portion of our wealth at sea. Fortunately, my father was able to rebuild our fortune and reclaim our prestige.

However, I still cannot come to grips with what happened. Only low born males give themselves away to worship other men’s cocks. Although she was not a man. I was certain of that. And all I did was stroke it with my hand. It was not like I sucked on it or took it up between my cheeks like a femboy elf. I was not one of them. I was a highborn.

“Don't bother yourself with a guilty conscience. There is no shame in pleasuring a cock,” Captain Azariah says as she looks over her shoulder. Her eyes possessively taking me all in. “Now it's about time you meet the crew.”

We make our way through the city of Vogithrim. Pipe smoke, piss, and ale lingers in the air. The streets here are just as wild as the back alleys of Isyelnaes. Shady individuals are in abundance in every crook and cranny here. You have all manners of swindlers peddling their wares. Things you could not get in the cities of either the dwarven or human nations. Magical items that claim all sorts of powers beyond imagination. Weapons of unimaginable power. All of which are most definitely junk. Slavers, poachers, and smugglers are everywhere bargaining off their unsavory goods. Brothels on every street corner, sitting next door to the taverns. Mercenaries, sellswords, and pirates fill them discussing all manner of unpleasant business.

“Look at the wood elf scum,” A dwarf says as he hobbles down the dock towards us. He’s got a metal stump for a leg and a patch covering his eye with a scar beneath it. The rest of his face is covered in a thick black beard. He’s got a black leather trench coat with a big cocked hat. One eye is covered in a black patch and he’s puffing on a pipe. A few other dwarves crowd behind him.

“I knew I smelt something foul,” Captain Azariah says. “What do you want Thornwulf?”

“That’s Captain Thornwulf to you,” he snaps crossing his arms. “There’s nothing I want from a no-good, tree-hugging, wood elf!”

Captain Azariah sighs. “Listen, dwarf. Unless you have business with me, which you don’t, then I suggest you be on your way, you’ll regret it otherwise.”

“Is that a threat, ye pointy-eared filth.” the dwarf spits out.

“I do not make threats, only promises.” captain says, she then turns to me. ‘Let’s stop wasting time on this little hairball and continue on with business.”

“Who you calling a hairball! You blubbering tree hugger.” he hollers at us as we walk away.

“You already said that one captain.” one of the other dwarves says.

“Dwarves are so rude,” I say as we continue down the dock.

“Not all dwarves are like him, but like all races, there’s always a few rotten eggs in the bunch,” she says. How insightful for a pirate.

We stop in front of a smaller ship than the dwarves.

“She may not look it, but there is no faster ship in all the sea.” Captain Azariah says.

“I will have to take your word for it.” I mutter.

“Hey, Capitan.” a dwarf with bright red hair walks up carrying a bundle of harpoons over his shoulder.

“Durgil, where might I find, Damaris?” Captain asks.

“Oh, she’s on the ship!”

I follow Captain Azariah on board her ship. There is one thing that surprises me about this city and Azariah’s crew. It is filled with a mixture of Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, High Elves, and Wood Elves. The reason that surprises me is that under normal circumstances the dwarves, humans and the high elves do not get along with wood elves. As witnessed earlier. Even though the dwarves and humans trade with the high elves there is still a jagged history between the dwarves and high elves. None of them seem to care for the orcs. All of which are crammed in this crew, working together to prepare the ship for sea.

“You will find that here, race doesn’t matter, we are all free people.” Captain Azariah adds.

I follow her aboard and she approaches a beautiful woman with hair as black as the night. Her eyes are colored like the forest trees. Even though she has hips that sway with her walk, her body seems to have been hardened by the sea. “Damaris, Is the ship ready to sail?”

“We will be in less time then it takes the wind to change directions,” Damaris replies as her eyes turn to me. “Ah, now I see what has taken you so long. You found another boy to warm our bed. I hope this one is good with his tongue.”

“I am sure you can teach him,” Captain Azariah says. “He is good with his hands.”

My face flushes with heat. They talk as if I am either an idiot or cannot hear them.

“I want to take off as soon as possible. We’ve got a new job with a big potential payoff and it is burning a hole in my purse,” Captain Azariah says.

“Aye, Aye! Captain! Once the men finish loading the supplies we will be ready,” Damaris says.

“Will I get to meet the crew?” I ask the captain.

“There will be time for that once we're well on our way,” Captain Azariah says. “Now let me show you where you will be staying.”

I follow Captain Azariah to what looks like an office. There is a huge desk in the middle and books everywhere. There is a door behind the desk and Captain Azariah leads me through it to a small quaint room with a bed big enough 4.

“This is my cabin, but as with our agreement, you will be keeping my bed warm when I am in it. You’re allowed to sleep in it when I am not in it of course. Damaris also sleeps here, so you’ll have to share,” she says as she eyes me. “You can put your things in here. I’ll have someone bring a small chest just for you. Any questions.”

“Yes, I have several.” She lets out a sigh as she gives me a look that says she does not have all day. “Is Damaris your lover?”

“Something like that, she’s my first mate. Second in command and she shares my bed. We have a long history. Anything else?”

“I ummm. Will I have to be… ummm…”

“Yes, you will eventually have to get used to the idea of servicing my dick. Why else would I let you share my bed?” she asks, raising one eyebrow. “Don’t worry young one, we will take it slow. I don’t just want you to service my dick. I want you to worship my dick. Of course, for that to happen you have to like it. And when I’m done with you, you’ll want nothing but my dick.”

I take a long swallow of all the dignity I had left and look up to those dark black eyes with red circles focused on me. “I…”

“A deal is a deal, or is not?” she asks.

“No… I was not about to complain. I was just saying I have not much experience.”

She steps closer and places her hand gently upon my cheek. “You are just the most adorable thing I have ever laid eyes upon. Do not fret. I have enough experience for the whole crew. I will teach you how. I’m glad you’re over the whole queer thing. I do not care about such things. On this ship you are mine. I will not hurt you, nor should you fear me. But you will obey me. We may be partners on this quest, but on this ship, I am in command. Do you understand?”

After taking another hard swallow, I nod my head. What have I gotten myself into? I am starting to believe I am way over my head.

She leans in and weaves her fingers through my hair, grabbing the back of my neck pulling me closer to her. “You don’t have to be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you. I think you’ll come to love being with me. Everyone else has.”

“So you will not force me to take your…” The words catch in my throat.

“My cock?” A mischievous curl appears in the corner of her lips. “No. I will not force it on you. That’s not really my style. Usually, men and women beg to be in my bed. I’m certain you will too eventually. You’re curious about the snake between my legs. I can see it in your eyes. Eventually, just like everyone else, you’ll beg to be mine.”

Did it suddenly get hot in here? I tug at the collar of my shirt as beads of sweat drips from my forehead. “I uh…”

“Tonight, I want you to watch as I plow my first mate. I want you to picture yourself in her position, underneath me, taking my cock.”

Just the thought of her cock makes me swallow. What hold does this woman have on me? She flashes me a wicked smile that boils my blood.

“Now, come on my little elf. Let me show you the rest of the ship,” she says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the cabin. As we walk out onto the deck, men and women of various races continue to haul crates and other supplies on board.

Azariah leads me down two flights of stairs to the interior. Ballistas line the walls pointing out at holes in the walls. “As you can see, my ship will not go down without a fight. These are the best ballistas gold can buy.”

We continue through the deck until we go through a door that leads to a bunch of hammocks hanging down. “This is where you would have been staying if I didn’t fancy you. Trust me, you’ll be glad you’re with me. My crew would use you like a ragdoll.”

“You must be jesting, right?” I look up at her, the faint feeling for dread fills my stomach.

“Darling, most of my crew do not care if you are a man or woman. When you’ve spent enough time at sea, it’s all the same.” She lets out a devilish laugh. “You should count yourself lucky that you get to stay in my cabin with me. At least I will treat you decent. I’ve already promised that I won’t hurt you, haven’t I?”

I nod. What have I gotten myself into? This crew is filled with animals!

“Now let’s finish this little tour. We’ve got lots to do,” she says as she continues down another flight of stairs. Here there are barrels stacked upon each other, crates piled up to the ceiling and sacks scattered everywhere. There is a strong smell of… Ale? Wine maybe? It is hard to tell.. “This is our storage. Food, ballista ammunition, and everything else is stored down here. And of course, all our mead, ale, wine and just about every other drink you can think of. My crew loves their booze. Now come on, we’re soon to be leaving. Let’s head up.”

I take one last look around before following her back up to the deck.

“There you are,” Damaris says. “We are all ready to set sail.”

Several large orcs walk up, 3 males and a female. I swallow nervously. For some strange reason, all I can think about is their dicks. I can only imagine how awful it would be to be taken by an orc. I shudder at the thought. Compared to an orc, I suppose a Deldorai is not so bad. I bring my eyes back to Captain Azariah. She is beautiful. But those eyes are unsettling. I have seen a great many things in the 300 cycles of my life, but I have never seen eyes like those. Even in the Deldorai that is strange. But I cannot take my gaze away from them. Well… I suppose the lure of that body of hers is enough to tempt any man.

She’s got the curves of a barmaid. I can imagine she has the strength of several orcs, so it is best not to piss her off. She is the captain for a reason. But for the love of the gods, those thighs of hers are something to be admired. They make my eyes salivate.

“Like what you see?” I look up at those burning red circles surrounded by a sea of black as they bear into me with primal intent.

“I.. uh…” Sweat drips from my forehead. She caught me staring. The thought of being hers is a frightful thought. That cock she has is a weapon in and of itself. And yet, it not only strikes fear into my heart, but I cannot stop thinking about it. The way it felt in my hands excited me.

“Don’t be ashamed. Many men would beg to be on their knees to please me.”

“She’s got that right…” The biggest orc with forest green skin says. The big green giant eyes me up and down. He has two huge tusks coming out of his mouth and a mohawk of bright orange hair. Intimidating to say the least. “She’s had more ass than a lavatory. I’ve seen her turn the most dangerous men into her little pets.”

“Riyu meet Tozhug. He’s part of my vanguard. The orc standing next to him is Sarfu, also part of the vanguard. Those two are some of the most fearsome warriors in the land,” she says. I look over at Sarfu who’s got a long braided black beard with shorter tusks and a long braid of hair going down his back. He is slightly smaller than Tozhug and has a more brownish skin color.

“You’ve got that right. I’ve seen Tozhug and Sarfu take down some of the most fiercest Centaurs I’ve ever seen,” Damaris says.

“Centaurs?” I ask.

“Yeah, they are half-orc, half horse, but extremely dangerous and hard to kill. Their lands are to be avoided at all costs,” Damaris says.

“I know what a centaur is, I just have never seen any,” I shrug.

“You do not want to see any. Trust me on that. I have heard they like to make slaves of us to serve their more primal needs,” she says.

“If you think my cock is big, you should see a centaur’s cock,” Azariah says.

My eyes go wide at the thought. “Is it just like a horse’s cock?”

“Yep, just as big and just as thick. You do not want that thing being plugged up your that tight little butt of yours,” Captain Azariah says. “Luckily you are all mine and I will kill any Centaur who would try to prove otherwise.”

The thought of being a slave to a centaur and having to please their cocks sends my stomach turning in on itself. It makes serving Azariah a much better alternative. I am beginning to wonder if getting the artifact is worth all of this.

If it was not a family heirloom, there would be no way I would put up with these water rats. But that heirloom could unlock untold power. Maybe even free my family from our chains to the The Golden Trading Company. I must do whatever it takes to get my hands on it.

The rest of the crew gathers as Captains Azeriah calls them forth. “Is everyone here?” She pauses for a bit to count heads. “All right, you scallywags. We’ve got an important job to do. This adorable little elf here is hiring us to retrieve a family heirloom.”

“How much are we getting paid?” Asked a rather thin man asks.

“Does it matter? You work for me. I set the rate of your pay. But if you must know, there just so happens to be a treasure that could buy the human kingdom 3 times over,” she says. “And if we get our little elf friend over here his heirloom, we get to keep all of the treasure. Oh, by the way, his name is Riyu and until this quest is over…”

She stares out at her entire crew, giving them a heart-piercing glare. “He is mine!”

Wait a second. Is she really declaring her ownership of me to the entire crew? What the hell?

“Is that all clear? That tight little butt of his will only be touched by me, understood?” she asks. My face flushes with heat. I take a deep breath, but legs are shaking. She cannot possibly hope to force that dick of hers in my ass. I… there is no way I can possibly take it all.

“Now, let’s set sail!” she says.

Everyone rushes out to do what they need to do. “Come with me,” the Captain says. “It will be a long way out until we next stop, you’ll have plenty of time to meet the rest of the crew.”

I follow her into her cabin. Damaris follows us as well. “Pull out that map of yours.”

I hesitate.

“You don’t have anything to fear. I am not going to screw you over… Well. I will screw my cock into those tight little buns of yours, but I am an honest pirate. You’ve hired me and my crew and I will fulfill my end of the agreement. Of course, if we get there and there is no gold… Well.” A wicked grin curls upon Azariah’s face. “Your stay on this ship will become permanent.”

I take a long hard swallow. “I.. I assure you, the treasure is real.”

“I trust that you believe that and if half of the gold that you promised is there, then it will be worth the risk. Now let’s see that map of yours.”

I pull out the map and place it on the table.

“What is this? It is blank!” Damaris says.

“No… It’s elven magic. Only the bloodline of the one who created it can see it,” Captain Azariah says. “It is quite clever. It makes it so that we have to have the rightful heir to be able to find the treasure.”

“So, we are stuck with him regardless,” Damaris says.

“And you say that like it is a bad thing, my love,” the captain says with a devious smile.

“I suppose I will quite enjoy watching you pillage the little elf. I bet he's got a supple ass. Just ripe enough for that cock of yours,” Damaris says biting her lip.

“I am right? You know I can hear you, right?” I ask the two perverted women.

They both brush me off and continue talking. “He’s a little hesitant though. He hasn’t quite gotten over his perceived stigma towards cock,” Captain Azariah says.

“Are you just going to continue talking as if I am not here?” I ask getting flustered. The way the talk about me makes me feel as if I am just an object for their amusement. No better than a slave.

“That surprises me, the elf looks as if he was born to suck cock. So petite, meek and feminine. I feel that all the women on this ship are more manly than he is,” Damaris says. “I certainly would not let him fuck me. I bet he has a small little pecker.”

Heat rises within me. I can even bring myself to meet their eyes as they pick me apart. Is this what it is going to be like here? I cannot possibly stand for this. I am not a child to be passed over. I know for a fact that I am at least 3 times the age of Damaris.

“Ahh, don't belittle him,” Azariah says with a pouty face. “But yes. He does have a rather small cock. It’s definitely not good for fucking. There’s no doubt he’ll always be on the receiving end on this ship.”

Her words send a shiver down my back. Just the thought of a cock coming close to my ass floods me with fear.

“Can’t say that I am surprised. The little elf should be wearing a dress. He doesn’t really pass for a man, does he?” she says.

“Hey! Is that really called for?” I ask. There is certainly no way I will ever wear a dress! “I am a man!”

“Oh, settle down. No one’s going to make you wear a dress,” Captain Azariah says. “But don’t think you’ll ever get that little pecker of yours wrapped inside a nice warm fuckhole. You were made to be the bitch in any relationship.”

“Now, let us figure out where this treasure of ours is,” she adds.

I look down upon the map. Everyone else may see a blank piece of parchment, but to me, it shows us the 6 kingdoms, 7 if you count the northern kingdom of humans. It shows several Islands to the southeast. The Land of the Kar farther east of those islands and that is where the X is at.

“It shows that the treasure we seek is at the Land of the Kar,” I point out.

“That’s not very specific, the land of the Kar is just as big as the 6 kingdoms,” Damaris says.

“I will tell you specifically where it is at once we get there,” I say, looking up at the two women.

“And why is that?” Damaris asks.

“If I told you where the X is, what is to stop you from leaving me here and going after it yourself?” I ask.

“You’re brighter than you look, I’ll give you that,” Captain Azariah says. “Look, we may be pirates, but we honor our word. If we have agreed to provide services to you, then we will follow through with our word. Besides, as I have said, you’re mine. That tush of yours is the treasure I desire.”

Beads of sweat start to appear on my forehead. She’s not giving up on this, is she?

“For now, we’ll just trust you, but eventually you’ll have to give us the location,” she says. “Now let’s set sail, once we’re well on our way, I intend to collect on our agreement.”

I swallow nervously.

The Captain strolls out onto the deck. “Alrighty, lads. Let’s set sail!”

Immediately, everyone rushes to get to work. People untying the ropes while others climb the big wooden pillars. For the life of me, I cannot seem to remember what they are called. The mast?

I follow the captain as she strolls up the stairs up to the helm. She grabs the giant wheel with knobs all around it as she we leave the dock behind.


As the day went by, we have long lost sight of Vogithrm and the mainland itself. There is no land in sight. Not even a small island.

Things have been going quite smoothly though. I have managed to stay out of the way while the Captain commands her crew. As intimidating as she can be, there is a deep beauty to her. I have never seen a wood elf with hair as dark as obsidian. And never have I seen another living being with eyes like hers. Pitch black with burning red irises. They will put a chill down a fire dragon’s spine.

I spend a little time exploring the ship. As I stand on the main deck, I take in the sight of the water. I never imagined the sea could be so beautiful. I still can’t believe my dreams are all about to be realized. I breathe in the salty smell that lingers in the air. I’m soon going to reclaim the artifact my great anscestor cherished.

“Move it or lose it!” a rough voice yells at me. I turn to see a fucking a giant cat. Or a man-like cat. His main covers his entire head. He’s brawny with wide shoulders.

“You’re in the way,” he says.

I quickly move out as he climbs on top of the net of ropes and up the mast to the crow’s nest. “Zar isn’t a man of many words,” a man says as he walks up next to me, looking out at the sea. “He’s more of a man of action.”

He’s got deep black hair with rather lanky slim frame. A mustache and goitee cover his face. “The name is Koinos and you must be the one financing this operation, am I right?”

I nod.

“That’s great, I think you and me are going to be great friends. I consider myself something of a business man,” he says, putting his arm around my shoulder. “As a fellow business man, how about you and I talk about this fortune we’re after.”

“Koinos, why don’t you leave the lad alone,” a rather rough feminine voice says.

Koinos removes his arm from my shoulder as a female dwarf walks up to us. “I was just getting aquanted with the newbie, here.”

“I’m sure that’s all you’re doing.” she says. Her aubrun hair done up in a braid. She’s rather staunch for a woman and musculer, her forearms are buldging.

“Why don’t you go make yourself useful for once,” she says.

“I swear, I get no respect on this crew,” he says, sulking off.

“You sure don’t want to aquiant yourself with the likes of him,” the dwarf says offering her hand. “My name is Murbila Oakmane. I’m the ship’s surgeon. You get hurt, you see me.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, taking her hand in mine. She comes off as a no nonsense kind of woman.

“You’re polite, I like that,” she says, she pats me on the shoulder. “Just stay out of trouble and you’ll do fine.”

With that she takes her leave.

As I journey below deck, I

“Aye, matey,” A dwarf says with amber long braided hair and a braided beard to match. He has a scar on his right cheek. Like all dwarves, he’s short with broad shoulders. “I’m Hemdal Oakmane, the crew’s quartermaster. I am responsible for distributing the loot and our equipment along with dealing out punishment for crimes against the crew.”

“It is nice to meet you Hemdal, Riyu Lumenor at your service,” I say.

“You look like you’re a good lad, I hope we won’t have any troubles,” he says.

“Certainly not, good dwarf. I am just here for business. I do not wish to start any trouble,” I say.

“Good, because you don’t want to know what we do with troublemakers,” the dwarf says.

“We tend to tie them up and throw them overboard,” A dark olive-skinned orc female says as she walks by. Her bright red hair is buzzed in a mohawk. She’s bears clad leather armor on that barely hides her melon size breasts. A pair of torn-up leather chaps barely fit over her thick muscular thighs with big leather boots. She’s got two small tusks coming out between her big luscious lips.

“Those are the lucky ones,” Hemdal says. “Sometimes we like to scrape them against the barnacles at the bottom of the ship.”

I nervously scratch the back of my neck as I let out an awkward laugh. “You will not have any trouble with me. I can assure you.”

“Hemdal, Farfu, you aren’t giving our guest here the shivers, are you?” Captain Azariah asks as she walks up. She causes me to jump as she pats my ass. What did I get myself into partnering with these savages?

“No, just informing him what happens to troublemakers, that’s all,” Hemdal says.

“I don’t think we’ll have any troubles with this one,” the captain says as she wraps her arm around my waist. “Will we?”

I gulp down my nerves. “No Captain.”

“I see she’s already laid claim to you,” Farfu, the orc woman says. “Shame, I was looking to get a piece of that ass for myself.”

“Farfu, I might be willing to share for a good enough reason,” The captain throws the orc a smile. What does she mean by that?

“And that’s why I follow you, my Captain,” the orc’s grin has a sadistic undertone as she eyes me with possession.

I look up at the Captain nervously, does she honestly think I am some kind of treasure to be shared with?

“Now then, let’s stop standing around and get back to work. It’s getting late and I want to be to Red Water Bay.” Captain says, then she storms off. I rush to follow.

“Why do they call it Red Water Bay, is the water there really red?”

She laughs. “I may have been once when they fought over it. It earned its name during a war between pirates. There were so many deaths, it stained the water red.”

She grabs the wheel and stares out to the great beyond. The endless sea.

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” I say.

“That is why there is a council of the 7 Pirate Lords now,” she says.

“Who are the 7 Pirate Lords,” I ask.

“You might see for yourself when we arrive,” she says. “For now, go get something to eat. You’ll need your strength for tonight.”

I raise an eyebrow as I meet her gaze. “And what’s tonight?”

A dark and devious smile crosses the captain’s face. “Tonight’s the night I collect my payment. Well… At least part of it. You’ll be sleeping in my bed for the entirety of the voyage.”

“You cannot be serious,” I say, stepping closer to the Captain.

“A deal is a deal, you traded your booty for the service of my crew. Don’t renege on our bargain. You don’t want to know what happens to those who can’t keep their word.” She gives me a look that could kill the undead. It sends a shiver down my spine. Especially with those dark black eyes.

“I… I am not one who goes back on my word,” I say.

“Good, I didn’t think you were a liar,” she says. “Now, go.”

I do not hesitate to get out of her sight. The woman intimidates me. Making my way down to the crew’s quarters where I find an Orc next to a big pot of stew. Off in the corner of the crew quarters I barely even see a white haired, black skinned figure. He has pointy ears like an elf, but his skin. It’s as black as an onyx.

“Ahh, you’re the elf that’s dragging us on this voyage,” he says.

I nod as I walk up to him.

“Well, my name is Woggha and I’m the one who’s going to be keeping you fed on this journey. Here, have some stew,” he says as he pours me a bowl. He’s go

I gladly take it and take a seat next to him. “Thank you, my name is Riyu Lumenor.”

“So tell me about this treasure we’re after,” he says.

“Well, we heading after my great ancestor Vanurato’s ship. He sort of went crazy and took a great deal of fortune in search of what he thought was a god,” I say.

“A god you say?” he asks as I dig into the stew. It is actually quite delicious.

“Yes, he thought there was some kind of god out there he could awaken and gain some kind of incredible power,” I say.

“And you believe this?” the orc asks.

“No, not really. Most of my family think he went mad. But he took a family heirloom that I would like to reclaim along with a boatload of gold,” I say.

“Well, I am glad we’re not chasing myths,” he says.

“Nope, just gold,” I laugh.

“That’s why we’re pirates,” he laughs. The black skinned elf suddenly gets up and leaves the crew’s quarter.

“Can I ask, who or what is he?” I say.

“Him, that’s Kai Urisandoral. He’s a drow. They come from lands in the east. You do not want to get in his way. He’s one of the most deadliest of assassins,” the orc says.

“And he’s part of the crew?”

“Yes, somehow captain persuaded him to join,” he says. “She certainly has a way with people.”

“This stew is delicious, what is in it?” I ask.

“Ehh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that,” he says with a sly grin.

“Woggha, tell me we’re not eating more of that stew you concocted,” an orc female asks. Do not tell me this one has a cock as well.

“The boy over here says it’s delicious,” Woggha laughs. Why does everyone treat me as if I’m a child?

“The boy must not know what good food is,” she says. I gotta say, between this female orc, they are changing the beliefs I held that all orcs are ugly beasts. They are both quite beautiful. She’s got long green hair in a braid with bangs that fall just above her eyes. Her tusks are a little bigger than Farfu’s but not as big as Woggha’s. Her skin is a little browner than Woggha’s and Farfu’s. Woggha’s skin is a darker green than Farfu’s. But like Farfu, she’s got breasts almost as big as my head and a body that looks as if it were chiseled out of stone. She wears similar garbs as Farfu. Her eyes are dirt brown just like Farfu’s and Woggha’s.

“I’m not a boy! I’m well over 300 cycles!”

The orcs stare at each other before nearly falling over laughing. “And how many battles have you fought?” the other orc asks.

“Well, I spent most of my life in the arcane academy, this is actually the first time I have been outside of Isyelnaes.

“Therefore, you are a boy,” she says. She grabs a bowl of stew from Woggha and sits down.

“How many battles have you been in?” I ask.

“More than I can count,” she says.

“You do not think we will end up in a battle on this voyage, do you?” I ask.

“I overheard you said we’re chasing your ancestor’s ship?” she asks.

“Yes,” I say.

“What do you think happened to it?” she asks.

“Well, the map shows the artifact is on the Kar lands,” I say.

“Then we will most certainly end up in battle,” she laughs.

“Really? What resides there that would threaten us?” I ask. “Surely the tales cannot be true. Are there really centaurs?”

She nods. “Yes, and they’re big and hard to kill. If you are unlucky enough to come across one, either kill it or kill yourself. You do not want to be captured alive by a centaur.”

“Why is that?” I ask.

“They’ll take you as a slave and use you as a fucking post,” she says.

“You cannot be serious!” I say.

“As serious as the dead.” She takes a bite of stew.

“Yes, I’ve heard they’ll tie up their slaves installs like we tie up horses. When they need to get off, they’ll just mount up on the stall and hammer away at them,” Woggha says. “It’s not pretty.”

My jaw drops at his statement.

“And they’ve got some fat cocks. Some are even bigger than a regular horse dick,” the orc woman says.

“I… I…”

They both break out laughing.

“Relax kid, you’re with us. Besides, word on the ship is that Captain’s already claimed your ass, so you have nothing to fear,” Woggha says. “When captain claims her booty, nothing will take it from her and no one will get between her and her booty. She’s far more fearsome than any centaur.”

“Are you serious?” I ask. My eyes go wide. “I know Deldorais are hard to beat in combat, but she cannot be that strong, can she?”

Once again, they are both laughing. The woman practically spits out a mouth full of food.

“I reckon there isn’t a mortal alive that can take on the Captain,” says a dwarf who just came in.

“Ahh, Broufol, nice of you to join us,” Woggha says as he dishes up the dwarf a bowl. The dwarf is the shortest I have ever seen. He has a head full of red hair and a beard to match. He does not have a mustache though. He wears a simple linen shirt with leather pants that are far too big and leather boots as well.

“Thanks for the grub, Woggha.” He takes the bowl and sits down next to me. He nods at the orc woman. “Glasha. See you’ve been having fun without me.”

“Woggha and I have been telling the boy about the perils of our journey,” she says.

“Ah, yes. When doesn’t a journey have paroles? We are pirates aren’t we?” he laughs.

“What kind of perils do you think we will face?” I ask.

“Besides the centaurs?” Glasha asks.

I nod.

“Well, hopefully, we don’t run into any of the other pirate crews, especially Thornwulf. That dwarf is a nasty one, always looking for trouble,” Glasha says.

“They're not the only ones,’ Broufol says. “There’s that twig, Ashor and his band of uppity high elves.”

Brouful pauses eating and looks over at me. “Don’t mean any offense.”

“None taken,” I say.

“We’d be lucky if other pirate crews were the only threats we face out on the water,” Woggha says.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

“Let's not forget about the sea monsters out there. I’d much rather face another band of pirates over the Kraken!” he says.

“Hogwash, you know as well as any that the Kraken is just a myth,” Glasha says.

“So you say, but I know an orc who’s seen it with his own eyes and I believe him,” he says.

“And those are just the threats we’d face at sea. We haven’t even touched all that lies on the land we’re heading,” Brouful says. “I overheard you say Centaurs, that could only mean we’re heading to the Kar land. Lets up we don’t face a tribe of enemy Kar. They can be quite vicious.”

“Not to mention the creatures that lie in that damnable forest,” Glasha says.

“Yes, they can be pretty nasty,” Woggha says.

“They’re worse than the wood elves. Living plant people. Blimey!” Brouful says.

“What’s worse than the wood elves?” Captain Azariah asks as she strolls towards.

“Captain! Did I say something about wood elves?” he asks turning beat red.

“If you’re talking about the Bli or the Dryads that reside in the forest of the Kar lands, then you shouldn’t worry. Even though they can be quite deadly, they’ll not pay us any trouble as long as we don’t harm their plants,” she says.

I guess as a wood elf she would know best. Do they share a possible connection?

She takes a bowl and sits down with the rest of us.

“So captain, maybe later I can entice you into a game of chance?” Brouful asks.

“And what do you intend to lose this time?” she asks.

“This time I intend to win your share of the loot!” he says.

“That’s what you said last time,” she laughs. “You’re gambling only lines my pockets with more gold.”

I finish eating and clean my bowl before handing back to Woggha. “Look at that, finally someone who cleans up after themselves,” Woggha laughs.

“Don’t get used to it,” Glasha smirks.

The Captain is quick to wolf down her bowl. “Riyu, you and I have some business to attend to.”

The rest of the crew all snicker. “Good luck little elf,” Glasha laughs. “You’ll need it if you want to survive a night with the Captain.”

The captain gives Glasha a sharp look, but a grin flashes beneath it.

What did I do to deserve this?

I follow the silently follow the captain as my stomach sank to the ground. These were the terms I agreed to. If this is the cost of getting the family heirloom back and taking my claim to the family fortune from Shayu than so be it.

Captain and I make our way to the captain’s quarters. The night is quiet. I look up to see a sky full of stars. I’m struck by it’s magnificent.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” the captain asks.

I nod.

“It’s nights like these that remind me why I sail,” she says.

“Now come on, I’ve been dying to get you in my bed,” she says, grabbing my arm and dragging me behind her.

Once inside the captain’s quarters, my jaw drops seeing Damaris as naked as the day she was born. She’s soaking in the captain’s tub. She gets up and shows off the entirety of her naked body. Her breasts are the size of melons. Her body has been looking as if it has been carved from rock. Her stomach is chiseled with abs. The only fat seems to be on her behind. And what an ass it is. I’m relieved to see a smooth surface between her legs with a small patch of hair above her vagina.

The Captain walks over and wraps her arms around the woman, pulling her into a kiss. Her hands travel down the woman’s body, grabbing hold of her butt. After a long passionate kiss, they finally pull apart.

Damaris’s eyes fall upon me. “I see you’ve brought us a toy to play with.”

“Of course, my love. Let’s have some fun,” she smirks.

Damaris gets out of the tub and dries off. Damaris helps the captain strip off her clothes, revealing the captain’s rock hard body and her even harder cock. It is just so big!

The women turn their attention to me. They both strut over and start pulling at my clothes. Before I can object, I’m as naked as they are.

Azariah grabs my cock and guides me over to the bed, she climbs on and lays down at the top of the bed before beckoning me over with her finger. “Why don’t you come here and give my cock a taste.”

How did I get myself in this situation? Am I really go through with this? If my family found out, they would disown me.

And yet, I find myself crawling up to her cock. Her dick is just a breadth away from my face. Azariah brings her hand up to my face and caresses my cheek. “Such a pretty little thing you are. Damaris, how lucky are we to have this beautiful elf in our possession?”

“Very lucky, my love.” I feel her behind me as her hands grab a hold of my cheeks. “Let me get the boy’s ass ready for you, my captain.”

“That would be lovely,” Azariah says. Suddenly Damaris has her face buried in my ass as her tongue licks up and down my crack before slipping inside me. I let out a whimper. I didn’t expect it to feel so good. Azariah reaches up and runs her hand through my hair before she pulls me, bringing my face down to her throbbing cock. The musky smell of her crotch takes over my senses. Surprisingly it actually smells rather good.

As the head of her cock kisses my lips, she doesn’t relent. I am forced to open my lips as the tip of her dick slips in.

The taste of it is not as bad as I thought it would be. A hint of saltiness. The texture is rather spongey. She helps me bob up and down on her dick. “Be a dear and suck on it.”

I do as I’m told and suck it. “Urgh, that feels good. Use your tongue.”

I swirl my tongue around the tip before she pushes my head down. Her dick hits the back of my throat and I start coughing and gagging.

She lets out a giggle. “You’re so adorable when you gag on my cock.”

I look up into those pitch-black eyes with fire red irises. The look on her face radiates pure possession and sultry sadism. She pulls down on my head, forcing her dick back in my mouth. All the while, Damaris is fanatically devouring my ass. She’s got a death grip on my thighs as she eats out my ass.

The fact that my own little cock is stiffer than a board leaves me dumbfounded.

As soon as the Captain’s cock hits the back of my throat, I gag and cough. She doesn’t relent, forcing all the way down my throat until my nose hits her small patch of pubes. “That’s it my newfound pet. Take all of my cock.”

She holds me there as I struggle for air. Tears stream down my cheeks. I grab and claw at her thighs until she releases me.

I cough and gag as spit drools down my chin all while I desperately gasp for air.

“Hmm, his ass is just so delicious. Fuck, why do elves have the best asses?” Damaris says as she dives back in.

“I beg to differ, yours is truly divine. But it is hard to argue, this elf has an ass to die for,” she says. “Speaking of his ass. I think it’s about time I get a taste of it.”

“Yes, Captain. It’s nice and ready for you,” Damaris says.

“Aww, you’re too sweet,” Captain says as she gets up and walks around me. Damaris and her switch places as she climbs to the top of the bed. “Riyu, my dear. Why don’t you thank Damaris for getting your ass nice and wet for my cock by licking that nice and wet pussy of hers.”

Damaris scoots her crotch closer to my face. Her pussy is dripping wet. Now, I can do this. I do not even hesitate before burying my face between her thighs. She moans as I give her whole cunny a tongue bath.

I squirm as I feel the Captain’s tongue against my asshole. Dread falls over me as I realize what she intends to do next.

I wince as she slaps my ass.

A shiver goes down my spine as I feel the head of her cock slide up and down the ass of my crack. All the while, I slide my tongue up and down the clit of Damaris. She grabs my hair and starts to grind her hips against my face. I grunt in pain as the tip of Azariah’s cock starts to force itself inside my ass. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I grip Damaris’s thighs and grit my teeth as Azariah’s cock pops inside my butt. “Please! No more! It hurts…”

“Awww, you poor thing. Don’t worry, the worst part is over,” Azariah says.

“Yes, getting the dick in is always the most painful part,” Damaris agrees. Her hand gripping my hair tightens as she pushes me up against her vagina. “No don’t stop licking. Get that tongue deep inside me.”

I stick my tongue deep up her wet steaming hot cunt and explore the depths of her pussy.

A grunt escapes my lips as Azariah pushes further inside me. Damaris grinds her cunt all over my face.

Little by little, Azariah sinks her dick inside me. It hurts so much, but not as bad as when she first pushed inside me and Damaris will not cease. I believe she fully intends to smother me as she squeezes her thighs against my head. I do my best to please the woman by licking every inch of her pussy. Even this little nobby thing. Every time I touch it she goes wild. Moaning ecstatically.

“God he is such a good cuntlicker, captain. Can we keep him? Please?” she asks. I look up into her eyes. “Urgh, just look at those luminescent deep blue eyes. It’s like I’m staring into the sea itself.”

“Oh, I fully intend to keep him. Besides, once we’re done with him, he’ll be begging to be our pet, love,” Azariah says as she shoves more of that dick inside me, causing me to squirm. She doesn’t stop until her hips meet my ass. “Oh

Same as Aratheon: Treasure Hunt Pt. 1 Videos

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Treasure hunt

As i got into my car after a long day at work i had a semi, I'd had it almost the whole of the day due to the fact thers a pair of plump sluts at my work place. Both of these chunky babes wear skin tight leggings and tight polo shirts. I had spent most of the time watching their fat arses jiggling up and down, occasionally bending over to pick stuff up giving a glimpse of heaving tits. So my cock was utterly teased, as i drove home my mind wondered as i thought my sister-in-law wears pretty...

3 years ago
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Teju8217s Job Hunt Was My Treasure Hunt

Hi all, my name is Raghu and I am from Hyderabad. I am 28 years old working for an NGO in Hyderabad. I love contributing something to the society rather than working for Corporates and earning lakhs of rupees. I may not even have time to spend that money. This is my basic intro. I am new to ISS and also to sex life. I come from an orthodox family and my parents were very strict in bringing me up. Now coming to the story. This is my 1st experience and luckily she was also a virgin girl. Her name...

3 years ago
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Treasure Hunter

Inside the tavern laughs, curses and songs filled the air as a fire blazed in the fireplace at one end of the tavern. Mugs of ale cluttered tabletops. Nikki Wolfe took another sip of her ale as a stranger sat down in the empty seat at her table. Warily she looked at him as her hand slid toward her pistol. "Nikita Wolfe?" He asked. He felt no fear even though he had heard many strange things about her. He knew she had been a crack whore in the city of Kelben, and yet she had turned twenty about...

4 years ago
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Summer Treasure Hunting

My first two years in the mage school I had excelled in ancient glyphs, runes and symbols. I was also very good at breaking ancient curses. The trip to the east came at the end of the school year and only one spot was open for me. Most of the rest was filled by those about to graduate or doing field work in the field of ancient studies. I was sixteen and for me it was a chance to treasure hunt. I pulled the new trunk after me and felt excited to finally be free, even if it was only for the...

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Muscle encounters 6 Mistress Treasure

Muscle Encounters 6 - Mistress TreasureBy lilguy Treasure escape from prison and meets her penpalTony was a black man who was single and lived in a small little house, on asmall little street. He went on a dating site to help out with a shy lonelylife and found a site called Prison mates. Where girls and guys could match upwith people in prison and become pen pals. Tony always been a bit submissive,so certain lady caught his eye.She was a Black Girl name Treasure. She had an athletic body and...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure of the Hunt

THE PLEASURES OF THE HUNT ©2004 Cameron Smith Part 1 Amelia was nervous. She had just toweled off after her shower and alreadystreams of perspiration were trickling down her sides from under her arms.She wished she could put on the little leather vest that two of the six girlswere wearing. There was no way of cinching it closed in front and the gap wasso wide it concealed the nipples only if you stood stock still, so it was uselessfor purposes of modesty, but at least it would help keep the...

4 years ago
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RedtailChapter 8 Hunting Treasure

Just because I live out west doesn’t mean everything is cowboys and Indians. I was a pretty normal kid, even if I did have more access to horses and had an hour of chores before school each morning. You get a lot of opportunity to play pretend things when you live miles away from everything else. I pretended pirates, explorers, and army, just like most kids. I guess “pirates” was my favorite. And of course, where there are pirates, there’s buried treasure. I remember the day I dug a hole in...

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Girlfriends weekend Hunt

Girlfriends weekend hunt – part 1I’m Erica and my friends are Lisa and Alison. This is the story of something we planned and did together. But it didn’t turn out the way any of us thought it would.The 3 of us were all accomplished fighters, and we all had some hunting skills too. We became acquainted in an internet group, and decided that an ?in-person? meet in the ?real world? would be a fun thing. We all were very competitive, and LOVED competing with, and defeating other women. Mostly in...

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CHAPTER 3: THE HUNT ‘The Hunt’ is a reminder of what we are not. We are not pursued slaves any longer. This mocks that element of slavery but provides a real function, too. We are dressed in the village. It is another thing about not being slaves. Nudity is a matter of choice . I have prepared myself as best I can. I am convinced nobody understands what I am capable of. Only a few of the ‘Warriors’ met Rayner and me on the other side. And they have probably already forgotten. I will find out if...

1 year ago
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THE HUNT Chapter 3 The Hunt

‘The Hunt’ is a reminder of what we are not. We are not pursued slaves any longer. This mocks that element of slavery but provides a real function, too. We are dressed in the village. It is another thing about not being slaves. Nudity is a matter of choice . I have prepared myself as best I can. I am convinced nobody understands what I am capable of. Only a few of the ‘Warriors’ met Rayner and me on the other side. And they have probably already forgotten. I will find out if I...

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Officer Hunt First Hunt

Lori was at home several days later after her intense evening with Ben. She was sore and tired but at the same time never felt so much alive than right now. It felt good to be home but she longed to be in her new home with Ben already. He awakened an inner beast within her that she kept trapped and now it is free to prowl for the game she lusted for, to hunt and fulfill her fantasies and his. Lori pulled out the list from her back pocket that she had to get done today. First things...

2 years ago
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Treasure hunting

I gave my wife a "White" brand metal detector for Christmas last year. It isn't one of those Radio Shack "el-cheep-o" units it's a damn nice one. She had been after me to take her out I-20 to west Georgia where there are old abandoned farm places so we could look for as she called it "treasure". Well I told her that as soon as the ground thaws we will go. We had a few days in a row that it was in the upper fourties. This saturday we'll go I told her. Friday night I got all our stuff loaded in...

3 years ago
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"I challenge you to a duel!" The words, shouted in the middle of a Ministry of Magic atrium, could hardly have garnered more attention had they been accompanied by Voldemort resurrecting himself. Far from the quietest place on Earth, the Ministry of Magic was nearly always bustling and hustling with throngs upon throngs of every sort of magical being, almost all of them talking at unreasonable volumes to be heard over everyone else talking over unreasonable volumes. Now, however, it had gone...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 21 Rubinas First Hunt

It was a fine sunny day with little wind when Rubina was released for her first hunt. This was not surprising as Kobekistani weather was usually fine and dry; the only variation was the occasional sandstorm in the summer and a week or two of fearsome rain in the spring and autumn. She was released at ten in the morning and told that the hunters would follow in one hour when she heard the gun. Two hours after that, at one o'clock the gun would sound again and the hunt would be over. If she...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 22 Rubinas First Hunt

"Today is your first hunt," said Ramzy El-Najjar when he woke Rubina, "Do you remember everything I told you?" "Yes I remember," she said bitterly, thinking only of the penalty for failure "First they hunt me with elephant dogs, then they rape me, then they beat me, then I come back here." "You forgot the sodomy," he said sardonically. The conditions were perfect; there was a little wind which ameliorated the effects of the hot sun when the hunt met and the stirrup cup of port,...

2 years ago
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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 6 Treasure Chest Surprise

I'm not sure what we each expected but we all acted almost stunned as we milled around the garage studying what appeared to be an actual pirate's treasure chest. Not that any of us had actually ever seen a real pirate's treasure chest anywhere other than the movies. The chest itself was approximately three feet by two feet by 18 inches tall. It seemed to be constructed of some type of dense wood, a wood strong enough to have withstood possibly 350 years of being buried in a hole by the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 18 The Treasure

When Dantes returned next morning to the chamber of his companion in captivity, he found Faria seated and looking composed. In the ray of light which entered by the narrow window of his cell, he held open in his left hand, of which alone, it will be recollected, he retained the use, a sheet of paper, which, from being constantly rolled into a small compass, had the form of a cylinder, and was not easily kept open. He did not speak, but showed the paper to Dantes. "What is that?" he...

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The Fox Hunt

The woman lay gasping under the thick brush, trying to catch her breath,exhausted from running. Her legs were scratched and bruised form the many thicketsshe had stumbled through and her clothes – simple exercise bra and cyclingshorts – were stained with sweat, dirt, and blood. She could hear thebaying of the hounds as the hunters – her pursuers – drew nearto her hiding place deep in the bush. A manicured nail swept a stray lock ofhair from her glistening forehead as she rolled over and tried...

2 years ago
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Pheasant Hunt

My boyfriend Al and I were in the routine of going pheasant hunting every Saturday morning during the pheasant season. Saturdays are a big day for hunters and the crowd was always large. There would be hundreds of hunters with all kinds of hunting dogs. We would always go to Myles Standish State forest. Pheasants were stocked and there were many large areas to hunt. The terrain was also very beautiful and would change almost like magic every couple of hundred yards. The early morning frost...

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Percy Jackson cumdump of the hunt

In this story, all the hunters are older than 18. "Sorry Seaweed brain, but I think we should end this relationship here." It all begun with this simple phrase, she never told him why she wanted to dump him, she just did. When he asked why, she just said that he wouldn't understand before leaving like that, like everything they've been through didn't matter to her. Honestly, Percy thinked he heard his heart shatter when his wise girl, who he thought was going to be the love of his life, told...

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The Hunt

The Hunt My wife Jenny is a tall slender blond with tight breasts about the size ofsmall apples and long sexy legs. I have marveled ever since we met that sucha beautiful woman would have interest in plain old me. When we met we had bothbeen virgin and had remained such until after we had been engaged for six months.Even after marriage our sex life was so conservative that we normally madelove in the man on top position with the light off. She rarely allowed me tosee her naked and wouldn't ever...

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The Village Hunt

When I got summer holidays, and my preschool where I taught, was closed for 1.5 months. I usually spent my holidays on tour. But this time, my parents called me at home. I belonged to a village. I packed my luggage and caught the train of early morning. Around 7pm I reached my village station after five years. Bholu came to pick me. He was younger than me and my best pal too. He called me LD (Laila Didi). His father was working in our bricks factory.In the midway, he stopped for smoking. He lit...

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Peg Legs Lost Treasure

Several years ago, I wrote a story, “It’s Against the Law,” where I introduced three characters, Jack, who was an investigative reporter for a major Chicago newspaper, Dalton, who was a photographer with his own studio, and Dave, a sergeant on the Arlington Hills police force. In my sequel to the story, ‘But is it Immoral,’ I used Jack and Dalton again. Since then, I have received a bunch of emails and comments asking when they would get together again for another story, so I thought I’d have...

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Treasure Of Nadia

When I first found out that this game was being made, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I learned about the developer, NLT, through his other flagship project called Lust Epidemic. At first, I thought that that game looked like ass, until I tried it and became instantly hooked. That game was a fun romp through some intricate drug-fueled sexual scenarios. You played as a young buck, stuck in between four women who are all significantly older than him, but they’re all fucking hot. Hell, one of them is...

Free Sex Games
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Beaver Hunt

BEAVER HUNTThinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to...

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Bartoks Hunt

Bartok was hungry. He understood that he had a job to do. He understood that the completion of his job was priority number one. However, he could not escape his ravenous hunger. Three times in the past week, Bartok had satisfied his hunger. But this time, he had to look past his hunger. He had to let his victim live. It was his job. And Bartok can always be counted upon to complete his job. He walked through the store slowly, pretending to browse here and there. These small-town markets were...

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Sorority House Scavenger Hunt

As always: this is a work of fiction, any names used are NOT REAL, and if it is similar to any other stories found on the net, well, thank god there are more people like me. Sorority House Scavenger Hunt By Catherine Steward PART 1 One night while on a scavenger hunt for my fraternity, the other pledges and I had to find several items that would require breaking into a girl's dorm or apartment. I suggested to my brothers that we could easily acquire most of the items at a...

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Military DelightsChapter 27 The Hunt

When he had started training her, Ramzy El-Najjar had warned Fayruz, "Nobody wins their first hunt, so do not despair when you are caught the first time. If you relax as far as you can and enjoy the hunters' attentions then it should not be too painful for you. If you show some enthusiasm for their pricks then most of them will not whip you." She had started her training by running for two hours at a time on the treadmill, encouraged when necessary by the eunuchs' whips. As soon as she...

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Nymph Hunt

"And after she finished with that, she just... vanished. Off into the woods again, trailing evil laughter." The old man sighed, pointing a gnarled finger into the undergrowth of the forest edge. The younger of the two men rose from kneeling, a patch of grey, dusty soil scattering from between his fingers into a fine cloud of dust. He was tall and strong of body, with a somewhat angular but handsome face topped by short-cropped pale blond hair. His tanned body and muscles spoke of an...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 36 The Treasure Box Orgy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Treasure Box, Shilter Strait I pulled my cock out of Telesi’s pussy. The halfling captain lifted her face out of her daughter’s pussy. “On your back,...

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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to...

1 year ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one, for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week, and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time, second to sex, is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines, and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

Wife Lovers
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband's birthday is next week and I still haven't found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

1 year ago
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Beaver Hunt

Thinking of the perfect gift is always hard when you want it to be just the right one for that special someone in your life. My husband’s birthday is next week and I still haven’t found the perfect gift for him yet. His favorite past time second to sex is hunting. I decided to pick up one of his hunting magazines and see if it would give me some kind of idea. I started to read an article about a beautiful hunting lodge in Pennsylvania, where there was plenty of white tail dear to hunt. I...

Group Sex
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The Wrong Place to Hunt

The large wooden sailboat was very out of place. First, the monsters in the ocean could probably swallow it. Second, it was never meant to travel on water. Third, it was floating seven hundred meters above the ground and a couple of hundred meters above the trees below. My place was a couple of days east of the northern colony on Addison's World. I brought the boat down close to the colony market area. The landing legs extending and the boat settled before I shut down the hydrogen reactor. I...

2 years ago
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The Treasure Map

It was Christmas Eve and as our kids were well into their teens my wife and I decided to open all our gifts early. After coming home from a traditional night at our friend’s house of singing Christmas carols and cocktails we arrived home. Unknown to my wife earlier in the day I had set up a little treasure hunt for her main gift. I thought it romantic and since it was coming on our tenth wedding anniversary in the upcoming year I bought her a beautiful ten year wedding anniversary diamond ring...

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The Hunt

You’re walking the dark streets of the city, and even though it’s a warm night you’re wearing a heavy jacket, head hung low under a wide brim hat that casts shadows on your already heavily shadowed body. You walk quietly and through sparsely populated streets, often darting between alleys, never looking anyone in the eye. Tonight, you don’t want to be noticed. No one must remember your face, or be able to say you were there. Tonight, you are a predator of the night, a large, dangerous wolf...

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Treasure Beach for Three

I kept stealing glances at my wife's tight, black yoga pants which were clinging to the contour of her ass like a second layer of skin. A thin seam in the fabric ran down her crack toward a small cameltoe hump that was just barely visible as she bent down to check the zipper of her travel bag. The pants were on the shiny side, giving her well-rounded cheeks a sexy sheen from the punishing afternoon sun that was otherwise slowly roasting the hundred people that stood alongside us in the customs...

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Treasure Chest

A new store has opened in my town. It is called the Treasure Chest. It is a lingerie store. I must go check it out. I am shopping for lingerie and panties. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie, adult toys, nightgowns, etc. I start looking around and a man approaches me. He introduces himself as the owner. He tells me his name is Joseph. Joseph asks me what I am looking for. I tell him I am looking for lingerie and thongs. Joseph takes me over and shows me several styles. I...

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Eerie Treasure of Eerie Chapter 3

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber Chapter 3 December 14, 1871 Mrs. Fanning brought the buckboard around, and Myra climbed aboard. Molly waved, calling out, "Lassie, let yuir aunt be taking ye home and don't make any fuss while she does it." The girl frowned peevishly back at her. Irene waved, too, and then, facing forward, she shook the reins to start the horse walking. All during the ride back, Myra sat sullenly, refusing to say a...

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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Chapter 4

The Treasure of Eerie -- Chapter 4 By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber December 16, 1871, Continued Myra was riding beside Paul, on what he understood to be Thorn's outlaw bay. He still wasn't sure what to make of her. Bandits couldn't be trusted, of course, but the Judge had put her under orders. That _should_ mean that she couldn't cause him much trouble during their short outing to the Gap. As they rode, Myra stayed silent, giving only short answers to whatever question...

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The Treasure of Eerie Arizona Chapter 5

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona -- Chapter 5 By Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber December 17, 1871 Myra was sitting listlessly at the table, eating breakfast when she heard the hoof beats of the new posse. She walked over to the window and saw Paul Grant coming down the carriage path, followed by a tall, husky man leading the farm's two horses. Not surprising, the outlaws' saddlebags were no longer to be seen. The rest of the posse - three mounted men - remained at the edge of...

1 year ago
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Treasure worth fucking for

Treasure worth fucking forMy name is Charles Jackson or just Jackson as they called me in the Navy. I was a demolishing diver for the US Navy. I now live in key west Florida with my girl friend Jill Simpson, she is a living Barbie Doll with long jet black hair down to he small of her back and a set of 42 DD knockers to kill for. I had got her interested in scuba diving and we would go diving off the keys just for the fun. One day we came a pond one of the many old ship wrecks and Jill got...

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The Hunt

The Hunt The days before Desperately running through the woods, the big biker, who normally would have been about the most imposing man in whatever situation he found himself, knew that he was the one in trouble this time. The name the 6’5′ man had been born with was Ralph Peterson, but the only people who called him that were either cops or corrections officers during his frequent run-ins with either group. His friends simply called him Bigfoot for the most obvious of reasons. Speaking of...

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The Scavenger Hunt

****This story has a bi-male component. If it’s not your thing, don’t read.**** He had been working long hours and hadn’t had a day off since, he couldn’t remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an...

1 year ago
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The Scavenger Hunt

***This story has a bi-male component. If it's not your thing, don't read.*** He had been working long hours and hadn’t had a day off since, he couldn’t remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an envelope....

First Time
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 8 The Sphinx and the Concubine

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Incessae – The Free City of Raratha My wings fluttered with excitement as the Doge bellowed for his guards. The reputation of my sisters and me combined with the Doge’s base greed spurred him into action. He feared Angela claiming the piece of the High King’s sword. “We must be smart,” I said to the Doge. “Angela and her companions are dangerous. She has a mage.” “A Journeyman,” dismissed the Doge. “I have a Master in my employ. “Then summon him, too....

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Treasure hunt 2 an American sport

A few weeks after the treasure hunt and a few horny memory wanks a new opportunity arose, It was superbowl weekend and we were using it as an excuse for a few drinks, something to eat. A party kind of thing. I jumped at the chance when my mrs asked if we should do something like invite her sister round for it. We had a load of snacks and a few drinks during the day and a few times i saw my sister in law looking over at me like she wanted to say something but i was content with what I'd done and...

3 years ago
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Prospecting for Treasure

Arizona is a state rich in mineral deposits. People are always searching for the "Lost Dutchman Gold Mine." I knew better than to look for that mine. It was just a death wish or at least a way to waste a lot of money. After four college geology classes or rock labs, I developed a never ending desire to go "rock hounding." It was just a hobby that made some beer money. Reality television had peaked my wife, Dana's interest in my hobby. I told her that I never had found any gold or silver. I had...

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Colonels Treasure

Rob turned his head toward the open flap of the tent. He could see the tawny fringe of the Shewan subchief's buckskin jerkin at the fringe of the lamplight escaping the tent's doorway. And the two eagle's feathers sticking out to the side of the back of the native's head, up at the very top of the tent doorway. The savage must be at least six and a half feet tall, Rob thought. And he knows. How could he not know. The colonel was grunting that unmistakable sound of full rut.Rob twitched and...

2 years ago
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Eerie Saloon Treasure of Eerie Prolog

The Treasure of Eerie, Arizona by Christopher Leeson and Ellie Dauber This new story of Eerie, Arizona concerns one of its untold tales. It carries us back to December, 1871, to a month that has been already visited in the second novel, "Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change - Autumn" and in the short story "Eerie Saloon -- Toy Soldier." Let's assume that, behind the scenes, something else was happening that we did not at that time choose to reveal, something that will now be the subject...

2 years ago
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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

3 years ago
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Treasure Chest

I am shopping for lingerie and panties and I notice this new store in town it is called the "Treasure Chest". Once inside I am greeted by a salesgirl and she asks if I have ever been here before. I said I had not. She said that a couple own the store and they try to get the latest and greatest of things. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie and adult toys, nightgowns, etc. So I start looking around and then I see a gentlemen approach me and he announces he is the owner...

1 year ago
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Unicorn Hunt

After an exhausting unicorn hunt, I found the right playmate for Tom and I. Big breasts, big ass and an even bigger sexual appetite. I chatted with her online for weeks. Tom was clueless. I wanted him to be surprised like the time we were in the mall and saw the hottest BBW.Tom and I checked out her huge tits as we passed. She turned to catch a glimpse of his tight ass in the button fly 501s I got him. I grabbed Tom’s arm to stop him. I walked back to the BBW. I told her how gorgeous she looked...

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Moslem Pig Hunt

She had been away from the village studying art when Farah had married Timsar and from her sister's letters had expected him to be a rather serious, boring man. But the first time she saw him she felt her heart pounding and drew her chador tighter in front of her and self consciously looked away. Yet despite her feelings she still couldn't understand how she had not only been so stupid as to share Timsar's bed while Farah and her mother were at market but had also failed to hear...

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Fox hunt

Alpha Sigma Phi is without exception the most powerful sorority on campus especially with the aid of their other half, Kappa Sigma the equally powerful fraternity, with this power comes numerous rewards. There are many incentives to join both causing a large pool of potentially pledges. Each year Kappa Sigma holds an annual fox hunt for its members and Alpha Sigma Phi provides the foxes. After a year of hazing the Alpha Sigma Phi pledges must pass one final test to become a sister in the...


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