Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 13
- 4 years ago
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(Sunday evening 12/4)
This Journey was awesomely intense! I knew the Gate of Heaven wasn't a mystical thing they believed in, but it made an interesting analogy for what we were doing.
He nuzzled my boobs, soothing them with licks, caresses and kisses. He managed to calm my nipples down just a little too, so they didn't ache so much.
He sat between my legs, crossed his legs and drew mine across his knees, one on each side of him. Through his eyes, I could see my pussy held wide open, and it was drooling fluid continuously.
He leaned forward, positioned himself and effortlessly pulled my whole body towards him, sinking Little Bob all the way to the bottom.
Instant orgasm! Shit! It washed over us so fast and hard I didn't get a chance to scream -- I just had a single, intense convulsion which locked me up then shook me all over.
Bob told me, "Just letting off a little excess steam through the safety valve." He took both my hands in one of his, pulled my upper body off the mattress, and we arranged a couple pillows beneath my back so there wasn't so much pressure on my neck.
He ran his hands down my thighs up to my tits and lightly touched the very tips of the nipples -- warmth flooded over us as more bubbles released their energy.
He got a finger down around our joining and spread lots of fluid around Miss Clitty. We savored the view for a moment -- my swollen inner lips were gripping his glistening shaft and Miss Clitty pushed out straight upwards.
He guided my hands to my lower tummy just above my mound. "Try pressing in around this area. There are supposed to be vaginal nerves on the top; try compressing them against my penis inside you."
There were, and when I massaged them, warmth spread outwards up to my chest and down well below my hips. We smiled at each other with pleasure while the boiler pressure climbed up several more notches.
"See what you can feel when we move," He took a slow, full out-and-in stroke. With this different angle, there was a different pressure pattern. The head was now mostly pressing against the top of my channel instead of the pressure being distributed on all sides. As he moved, my hands felt his penis head slide down and up inside.
I whispered at him, "Kind of a different feel and view. Sexy as hell. Oh, Bob, you do us so good!"
He started slow, full strokes, about a second for each in and for each out. There seemed to be a spot which was more sensitive than anywhere else on the top a couple inches inside. We adapted immediately so every couple strokes took a good hard rub at it. I could just get my fingers over it on the outside to the left of the pubic bone. With my fingers putting pressure from the outside, each stroke on the inside gave us a jolt of energy which shot all the way up to my nipples.
He gasped, "Might take care with doing that, Hon. Mighty powerful -- it could knock us off the edge and we're not ready yet."
I reluctantly moved my fingers away and ran them down around Miss Clitty touching his shaft as it moved in and out.
We slowed our stroking until we were barely moving. I moved my hands across my belly, stroked my lips around his hardness and nudged Miss Clitty every so often. Bob stroked his hands along my legs and sides, leaned forward, touched my face and shoulders and smiled his love at me. My pussy fluttered continuously, caressing my love's hardness within.
With my hands down at my crotch, my upper arms pushed my boobs together, stimulating them deeply and continuously. Bob stroked them with a light Sorcerer's Grip and occasionally put pressure on my steel-hard areolae and nipples, causing major heat down to my navel and up to my head.
I rotated my knees outwards and found I could bend my legs behind his hips. As he stroked in, I pulled him in firmly with them, reluctantly letting him back out again.
The pressure built slowly upwards towards some as yet unknown limit where it would release and throw us into ecstasy.
We shivered with tension and sweat ran down so much we had to keep toweling it off our eyes. We keened our joy with every breath while we dove deeply into each other's eyes and souls. My pussy fluttered continuously, and every several seconds another bubble would break loose and wash its heat over us.
"Always smooth, slow motion. A jolt could push us over the edge. Not yet, wait..."
We finally stopped and rested, if you could call panting, shrieking and shaking "resting." My pussy fluttered all the time, and with each little orgasm, it would clamp down on Bob's glorious hardness and ripple.
Even stopped, orgasms kept rolling over us every thirty seconds or so. We managed to get a quick swallow of water and towel off some of the sweat. The boiler pressure seemed so high the walls were bulging and seemed always to be on the verge of exploding.
I said, around my gasps and other involuntary noises, "I don't see how you keep from coming, Bob. The pressure must be awful."
He grinned weakly, "Yeh. I can feel every square millimeter inside you. When your sweet pussy clamps down and milks me, I have to concentrate on your pleasure or I'll lose it. I've probably spurted several times, so it keeps some of the pressure off.
"Remember, we have a unique system between us when we share sensations. I don't have to come to get my jollies -- your pleasure is literally my pleasure. I ache, I hurt and am always on the verge, but it's really no different than the boiler pressure we're sharing.
"Sunshine, I don't think I can take much more of this. I'd say if we fell off the edge right now, I don't know what would happen. We need to bleed it off and come back down.
"Oh, God, sweetheart, I'm so worn out from coming I don't know what would happen if we fell. Let's call it."
Mother and Father were on the edge, too, so we decided to come down together.
I told Natalie, "Come on up here, Sunshine." I reached underneath her waist and pulled her upright against me with our arms around each other. This pushed Little Bob in so far he was solidly pushing her cervix upwards.
Natalie's eyes were almost frantic. "Shit, Bob, it feels like it's gonna come out the top of my head."
I stroked her back, ran my hands down her flanks onto her quivering butt and squeezed it lightly. "The Kamasutra calls this the Lotus position."
We reached out and linked up more tightly with Mother and Father who were balancing on their own edge. The four of us jockeyed around until we were comfortable. Mother was a "virgin" to this too but was eager to try.
DON (Friday 11/25) Jeez, I never expected it! Sure, Bob had fit some of the profile, but that had been over 2,000 miles away. Ana stood up, walked over in front of Bob and motioned him up. He stood hesitantly and Natalie stood up shakily beside him. Ana put her arms around his neck, kissed his cheek and hugged him for a long minute. She finally let go, stepped back and looked at him. She said quietly, "Thank you for my life." He took her hand and said, "Ana, I honestly didn't know it...
1. Chapter 12. This is a highly-abbreviated spiritual counseling process Mr. Hubbard developed. Glossary Note: The term Gaelic is usually used to refer to Scottish Gaelic, or Gaidhlig. Although Irish Gaelic, or Gaelige is also a Gaelic language, it's usually referred to as simply Irish or called "The Irish Language". In Sorcerer, it's called Irish, Gaelic or Irish Gaelic. "English" is the U.K. English. "American" is the U.S. "Irish slang" is the English-language slang used in...
LUCIA (Monday morning 12/12) Wow! Those were a couple of exciting days! When we got to school Monday morning, everyone seemed to be looking at Bellana and me! Steven assured me it was because we were so beautiful and full of joy -- I decided the way they were admiring us was a lot better than getting propositioned as a whore every five feet. I glanced at Janet and Bellana; they were smiling and happy. My headlights were on high beam, and my pussy was slick. What the fuck! Enjoy! At lunch,...
BOB (Friday 12/23) Natalie, George, Sherry and I got together with Leone and Mark. We told them an idea (Don's idea actually) about sending DVDs out to various publishers with their music. Sherry asked, "Have you done any original writing? That would be very interesting to send out." Mark told us, "We've done several in draft form; music and lyrics. We've tried them out with just the piano and we're pretty satisfied with them." Leone put in, "Our next step, we think, is to...
NATALIE (Tuesday 12/27) More gigs! Dayum Bob's good. We had work running out our ears. We talked with Elizabeth for forty minutes on scheduling, job estimations, promotion and other business ideas. A lot of our stuff came through Dave's company -- jobs too small for a big contractor with all their overhead to handle economically. The rest of it came through word-of-mouth from the faculty and other satisfied clients. Bob and I had a very viable operation going. We had ten gigs Tuesday. We...
NATALIE (Friday 11/25) Fortunately, I was awake enough to take a shower -- and I needed it. I'd never been inside a whorehouse, but I probably smelled like one. My pants were wet all the way through to my ass -- I bet Bob would like the present I left him all over the seat of his truck! My boobs were so sensitive I could barely wash them; just the water running over them got my nipples crinkling again -- Jaysus, would I ever turn off? Somehow I managed to wash most of the smell off,...
BELLANA (Thursday 1/5) Toro, Janet and I had a weeknight sleepover last night. We'd gotten all our chores done as fast as we could after Inner Circle study, tormented Blake and Louise a while then retired to Toro's bedroom with lots of water and towels. We then carefully proceeded to screw our brains out! We'd done a couple round-robins and a few other things Janet had dreamed up -- plus some threesome-alterations to several of the Kamasutra positions! My stomach was still sore from...
ELIZABETH (Sunday 12/4) Ana was in a great mood. We got coffee and settled in for girl talk. "Ana, when Natalie and Bob asked me to teach them to dance a little, I had no idea how good they'd be. I've taught hundreds of couples basic ballroom dancing over the years, and they've been the fastest and best students I've ever seen. "I'd give them a few hints and things to practice, and the next time we got together, it appeared they'd been at it for years! They seemed just to know what...
BOB REYNOLDS (Wednesday 9/7) First day of school! I was looking forward to learning what I could in the Senior year. Even in the most boring required classes, I could pick up something useful -- some viewpoint or some bit of information I could put together with something else. "Hey, The Sherry!" She looked good after the summer. We needed to do some catching up. She grinned at me. "Sorcerer! Righteous Bob! High-Five!" "Yes!" We smacked our hands together. The Sherry's really good...
ANA (Friday 9/16) I was really looking forward to having Bob back to finish the dining room; I didn't think of him as a "male." He was lots of fun, and it doesn't hurt an old lady's morale any to have such an Irish stud flirt with her, either, especially since we know it's just a game. Natalie was really happy for him to be there last night too. We got back into our grubbies after dinner and were ready when Bob came over around six. He got us all in the dining room and we...
ANA (Saturday 12/3) After the scream we'd heard in the middle of the night and the first thing in the morning, we heard quite a few light to medium noises, and there were a lot of emotional surges. I'd say they were taking it slow and easy -- maybe Bob was pacing himself. About 10:30, I gave their door a couple quiet raps and told them, "Half-hour to brunch." They replied, so they were still alive. I got things going good in the kitchen. Don and I were at the table having some coffee...
NATALIE (Sunday evening 12/4) Jeez it was hot! I hadn't been sure if it was too much when I started, but it turned out perfectly. I'd felt Dave's fires burn when I swished my tits and twat at him. I guess I have an exhibitionist streak somewhere. My willingness to share Bob's and my sex life and now putting the heat to Dave. When we got inside our (Bob's) room and had the door shut, we did a high-five and a little victory dance. He told me earnestly, "Sunshine, you are a total...
ANA (Wednesday 12/28) It was painful. I knew if any of us had been in our bodies, we would have been vomiting within the first thirty minutes. As it was, we were able to keep to our tasks and set aside our feelings and reactions for the time being. From talking with the rest of the gang over the next couple days, each of us heaved our guts up at least once and most of us many times more. I know Don, Bob, Natalie and I sat and wept together several times. Others did the same. Yeh, some whiz...
JANET (Tuesday 12/6) The next morning, I wasn't quite sure how Toro would be. When he saw me, though, his eyes lit up, and he simply glowed with happiness while my heart melted within me again. Just the touch of his fingertips was enough to flutter all over. Every time I saw him I fell deeper in love with the man inside him. Then at lunch, Bob and Natalie called us over to sit with the Inner Circle! Big Brother had talked about them a lot over the past couple years; how smart they were,...
PATRICK (Wednesday 12/7) I got Val rinsed off then washed her with a little soap around her crotch. She was a rag doll. I'd helped her and Mom with some baby-sitting before, and Val was just like the tiny babies -- only with an additional 140 pounds or so! Val's not a slender little willow by any stretch. She's my height, 5' 8" by now and big-boned. Usually, "big-boned" is a politically-correct way of saying, "fat," but fat she was not. Her shoulders were almost as broad as mine...
JANET (Wednesday 12/7) When I woke up in the morning, I felt so happy! I was really looking forward to being with Toro all day at school. As I was making the bed, I saw a bit of yellow paper sticking out from my bedside drawer. When I opened the drawer, there was a note from Big Brother stuck on a box of condoms! God, just the thought of making love with Toro made my nipples tighten up and my pussy overflow! I tucked a couple in my purse -- just in case -- and put the rest back into the...
HENRY (Monday 12/12) Sunday night, Bellana and Lucia spent the night at their place, while Janet and I slept in my room. We just slept most of the time, but we were busy outside looking around, playing in the moonlight, investigating the night life in the hills and, in general, being nosy. About a half hour before the alarm would go off, we came back home, nudged our bodies awake and made slow, gentle love. Janet felt wonderful inside without a condom, and we came gently while we kissed and...
BOB (Saturday afternoon 12/3) Natalie and I shopped for enough food to feed our small army and got back to her place about 2:00. After we got the groceries into the kitchen, Ana told us, "Great! Thanks for doing that. We'll start dinner preps around 4:30, so why don't you two take a break and get some rest." Her raised eyebrow and grin told us what kind of "rest" she expected us to get. Natalie had me grab a six-pack of water, twisted my arm behind my back and marched me off to...
STEVEN (Sunday 12/11) Switching bodies was interesting and fun. It seemed the major differences were in gender and height; those seemed to affect the balance more than anything else. It did feel different in a female body -- Lucia's breasts felt just as wonderful while wearing them as they did when touching them from the outside. Mom told us Mama and Papa Sonora had agreed to all our relationships so long as our grades and attitudes kept up. We heaped our thanks on them and welcomed them...
BOB (Saturday 12/3) What an experience! It had been more than I ever expected it could be. We'd merged just enough so we actually shared ourselves without getting lost or losing control. I decided to give Natalie a hard time. I glanced at the clock and told her, "Well, that took another half hour. I lost count of how many orgasms we had. We've got to decide whether or not this last set counts as just the third or if not, did we overrun our game rules and have to do it all again." She...
STEVEN (Saturday morning 12/10) Courage. It was her defining element. I don't know the statistics exactly, but there's been a lot of rape victims who suicided who hadn't been anywhere near as abused as my Lucia, either physically or emotionally. In all her despair, there had never been the tiniest hint she'd thought of giving up. Courage. No counseling for over a year? Basically entirely on her own? She's got the female version of the cojones del toro. Her family deserves their...
LOUISE (Thursday 12/8) Blake and I woke early and shared a gentle love-making for many minutes -- as we climaxed, Henry and Janet shared theirs with us. We got up quietly and shared a shower -- a wonderful time of exploration, slippery soapy bodies and lots of fun. He dressed for the office while I slipped on a pair of his shorts and borrowed a shirt. I suggested, "Let's peek in on them and see how they're doing." "Voyeur!" "Maybe, but it's inspiring to see two people so much in...
DON (Friday 12/16) When the roar finally quieted down, I saw Michelle Bonds beside us with a young man, obviously her date; Michelle's in one of my Junior Chemistry classes and I'd gotten to know her fairly well. I heard her say, "Oh my God -- that's the Ultimate Seal of Approval." I turned to them and said, "Hello, Michelle. You know I'm new here. I've heard of this Seal of Approval a few times but don't really know what it is. If you don't mind, would you tell my wife and me...
PATRICK DERMAN (Wednesday 12/7) Joy and sexual fulfillment roared over me in a towering wave of sensation. I screamed as my dick went steel-hard in a heartbeat and pumped out cum like a fire hose. I turned towards Valerie, and she was falling out of her desk! Her back was arched so far it was only a couple inches from the floor; she was screaming too, with her eyes closed and her head thrown back. She had one hand buried between her legs and the other squeezing one of her breasts so hard it...
HENRY (Saturday about 6:15 PM 12/10) As Steven had put it last night, time for some serious fornication! Bellana fit with us perfectly. She was a month younger than us, so we could treat her as the baby ("You do that and you'd better spoil me rotten!"). From the moment we'd danced when we met her, Janet and I were in love with her -- and she with us! We meshed together spiritually, and we were excellent matches physically. So nice! As soon as we shut the door to Janet's bedroom, we...
JANET (Friday 12/9) On the way to school, Toro and I grilled Big Brother about his date with Lucia. He didn't give us a lot of information. "Does she kiss good?" was my major question. It had been one of the best parts of my "first date." "Didn't kiss her." "Chicken!" "No, I'm taking it slow, she's got some issues." "Yeh but still..." "Besides, I'm not quite up to Toro's abilities yet. All he has to do to get a kiss is to eyeball a girl's boobs." Toro polished his...
BOB My sweetheart's such a wonderful lady! She's smart, beautiful and modest in public and an uninhibited sex goddess in private -- and we considered the Matthews with George and Sherry to be family and friends, not "public." After we closed our door that evening, I wasn't at all surprised when she laid a kiss on me that would give a Buddha statue an erection. She nibbled on my ear and whispered, "Bob, I'm just getting warmed up. I sure hope you're up to some more adventures...
LOUISE ADAMS (Tuesday 12/6) In one day, Janet had changed from a sometimes not-so-happy little girl who didn't seem to like herself very much to an ecstatic bouncy young lady who appeared to like herself very much, thank you. I knew it was Henry; he talked so nicely, seemed totally sincere, and it was completely obvious he adored her. After introductions, they went off for a little bit then came back with Henry's Dad, Blake. Now I could generate some real interest in him. He was just a...
BOB (Wednesday 4/5) Barbara was a tall lady, just a few inches shorter than me. She was solidly built with nice firm padding where it counted the most, topped off with some drill bits which threatened to go right through me. I felt her heat from the bottom to the top. I told her, "I've changed my mind, Barbara. I don't think you'll survive the night." She quivered a little and snuggled up even closer. "Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we? Siobhan says you know how to show a...
... I asked Bob, "How did you get Barbara to lactate? It thrilled her and it really made the rest of us women hot!" He thought for a bit. "I have a guess but I'm not sure. For one, she's on the pill like a lot of the women. Since the pill actually makes the body 'think' it's pregnant with hormones, it doesn't ovulate. However, just before or after birth, another hormone -- or plural -- cuts in and starts the milk production. "Since she'd nursed Doug and Colin, her body knew...
BOB (Saturday 4/) Apparently part of the shopping they'd done yesterday morning was for dresses for Elisa and Linda. The other ladies ensured they fit properly, their hair was done right and gave them both a quick manicure and pedicure. A bit later, I got some strong Irish cursing from Barbara and some sharp talk-talk from Sherry. For some reason, the dresses they had weren't fitting on top. Barbara said, "Bob, you (tirade deleted)! I had to go back home and get some nursing pads....
KATHLEEN (Sunday 4/9) Two wonderful men admiring me and pleasuring me! Be Jaysus! I came so hard and so often they pushed out of our bodies three times. Front and back together was great! I creaked their bones a few times but kept some bit of control in. I'm gonna get David and Bob together in a few months after I'd gotten the body strength and endurance up. They attacked my tits and made "dirty" talk about babies sucking the milk. After ten minutes of relentless "torture" I felt the...
STEVEN (Saturday evening 12/10) As we listened to the screams of joy from Janet's bedroom, we felt a major orgasm flood over us from Mom and Blake! It was the most intense, clear and joyous one we'd ever felt from them, full of the sensations we'd so recently enjoyed ourselves and full of love, fulfillment and happiness. I don't think we'd leaked any, and we hadn't felt the Wild Bunch leaking, but probably some of our spirit-happiness had gotten to them. All seven of us were totally...
BOB (Friday 11/25) Natalie bustled around and delivered water bottles to everyone, then sat back down beside me on my left side. She sat down close enough to me so we just touched; I felt the warmth from her shoulder, hip and leg and it felt so good. She glanced over at me, winked and kissed me. She knew exactly what she was doing. Ana took a deep breath and told us, "All right, it's time to get down to the business at hand. Natalie and Bob, after what you told each other and us...
BOB (Saturday 10/1) One Saturday morning, Don and I made a tour through the house and garage looking for potential earthquake issues. I spotted a few, mainly bookcases and stuff which could fall over, so I dug out my cordless drill and strapping and tagged them into the wall. I noticed a bookshelf over the head of their bed, full of books. I told him, "Unless you want to attempt to read them all at once in the middle of the night, I'd recommend you replace them with those stuffed animals...
ANA (Saturday 12/17) The Saturday evening after the Christmas Dance, we had George, Sherry and Bob over for dinner. We had a great time discussing the dance, who got honored and why. George and Sherry looked a little tired. Bob told me, "Mother loaned them Bill's old bedroom for the weekend. I think maybe they got out of the house at one o'clock. Of course, I don't know anyone who'd go at it for that long!" His fake-innocent look was pretty good. After George got the DVD player fired...
BOB (Thursday 9/15) Mrs. Baer dropped me a note to see Mr. Matthews, the new Chemistry and Physics teacher, about some renovation work he was looking at doing and suggested a time to see him. Sixth period, I told the study hall teacher where I was going and headed over to see him. I looked in the chemistry lab, saw a man I didn't know and assumed it was him. I rapped on the door jamb and called out, "Mr. Matthews? Bob Reynolds." He looked up and said, "Yes, I'm Mr. Matthews. Come on...
STEVEN (Saturday afternoon, about 5:30 12/10) Lucia's nectar direct from the source was better than when she'd tasted it! Of course, with my extensive studies in statistics, I had to take quite a large sample to determine if the results were valid. The Wild Bunch gave us a wonderful show then the ladies shooed us away and checked each other out. After all, when you're in a group, you need to know the other members' strengths and weaknesses! Henry and I checked each other out. Heads?...
LUCIA (Saturday 12/3) Oh, my, those roller-coaster ones were fun! The track went down, our bodies tried to stay up, and we bounced out above them, pretended to be lost and chased after them -- all the time spinning and dancing around and through each other like fireflies on a warm summer evening. All the bouncing made my boobs sore, so I pled with my Caballero to aid a damsel in distress. He was more than willing to offer support and to try to massage out the soreness, but, alas, the...
BOB (Monday 11/21) The Monday of Thanksgiving week, I felt we had made enough progress with Ana to give it a shot. At study group, I managed to get George and Sherry away long enough ("Go smooch in the kitchen for a little bit, please. Take your time.") to make my sales presentation to Natalie. As I'd done once before the first week of school, I put my hand over hers. "Natalie, if it were in any way possible, would you give me the great honor of accompanying me to the Christmas...
NATALIE (Sunday 12/4) I woke up when the light first started coming in the window. I felt good! Wonderful dream -- or was it a dream? After all, I'd invited Bob to molest me, and my pussy was really wet. I got up and did my pee and poo. Despite what I'd told Bob about no shower, I washed my spare hole really well. I figured (and hoped) it would get lots of attention today along with other parts. Bob came gliding in sporting an enormous boner. He kept trying to tell me he had to pee, but...
SHERRY (Thursday 9/8) Natalie looked really happy this morning. George and I caught her going to our first class so we chatted away. Bob got in just under the bell, but we still managed to sit together. Bob and I got Natalie between us so she couldn't escape; she sure didn't look as if she wanted to escape. Almost every time I glanced at them during class, they were paying attention all right, but they were constantly touching. George and I do it; most couples do it without realizing....
NATALIE (Saturday AM 12/3) I didn't remember much after Bob got me up on the porch, just that we'd made it inside the house. After that, nada. I slept like a rock. I must have been even hornier than usual after all the romantic dancing and smooching with Bob, because I had a glorious dream! Bob was caressing me, kissing my boobs and running the wonderful Sorcerer's hands, mouth and tongue gently over me. Then I seemed to have such a magnificent orgasm! Then the dream faded away too, like...
LOUISE (Friday 12/9) One second I'm in post-coital bliss, the next I'm tearing down the hall buck-naked dribbling stuff trying to put on my blouse. The squawk from Henry, Janet and Steven could have come at a worse time but not by much. They didn't know any more than I did -- Steven's date had suddenly started projectile-vomiting, and they were scared! When I got there though, they were handling things just as I would have -- holding her, keeping her hair away, water, wet cloth. We...
NATALIE (Monday 12/5) I heard the alarm go off and fought my way out of sleep. I felt Bob come awake behind me. I wiggled my ass, squeezed my twat and squeaked, "Unka Robert, why do you have your man-thing in my little cunny?" "Thuh better to boink ya, Missy Lillian." In my normal voice, I asked, "Then what are we doing just talking?" He nuzzled my neck and shoulders and moved in and out. Oh, to wake up to such sweetness is wonderful! We intertwined legs and arms so he was...
LUCIA (Friday 12/9) Even before the first flood of vomit came, I felt Steven's arm in front of my shoulders supporting me and his hand holding back my hair. I projectile-vomited my supper into the toilet so hard it splashed water on us. A towel immediately wiped my eyes, and I vomited again, again and again until the dry heaves were tearing my stomach apart. A wet cloth wiped my face quickly followed by a towel. Someone held a bottle to my mouth. "Water, drink it all -- there may be...
HENRY (Monday evening 12/5) I got to our meeting place as soon as I could after school, but Janet was already waiting. I got blasted with another blazing smile, and I admired her back as hard as I could. It turned out the Media Center was just fine for tonight. We staked out a table as far from the madding crowd as we could, I got us some snacks with Bob's seed money, and we settled in. We called our parents to let them know where we were so they wouldn't worry. We went over some math...
DON I told her, "Well, I think getting them together would be a great idea. I guess 'how' is the issue. If he and Natalie were dating, it would be natural for him to come over, but it's kind of a Catch 22." Rose looked thoughtful for a bit then asked, "You own the house you moved into?" I grinned at her. "Yes, bought it free and clear." "Great!" she told me. "There's another thing about Bob..." She smiled. I offered, "He's secretly SpongeBob SquarePants?" "Close but...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
LUCIA (Saturday about 6:30 PM) My Caballero! My Steven! We were together, not as one, but as two so tightly wound within and through each other we could share ourselves, our emotions, sensations, perceptions and above all, our love, without the slightest hesitation or possibility of misunderstanding. We eased out of our bodies, yet left a solid connection with them so we could share their sensations. And what sensations! A fresh start! We were together, only us, at that exact time. Put...
HENRY (6:15 PM) As Steve had put it last night, time for some serious fornication! Bellana fit with us perfectly. She was maybe a month younger than us, so we could treat her as the "baby" ("You do that and you'd better spoil me rotten!"). From the moment we'd danced when we met her, Janet and I both were in love with her -- and she with us! We all meshed together spiritually, and physically we were excellent matches. So nice! As soon as we'd shut the door to Janet's bedroom, we...
ANA When George finally ejected the DVD, Don started talking, "George, what does it cost to burn a recording of that?" "Well for a high-quality DVD, about a dollar. For an el-cheapo, around fifty cents." Don asked Sherry, "I don't know if you've ever gotten an explicit Bob Seal of Approval, but if you had, what might you be willing to pay for a high-quality video of that dance?" Sherry replied, "I've never really gone as Bob's date, but he's danced with me many times over the...
NATALIE (Christmas Morning Sunday 12/25) Bob and I were asleep together when Toro told us loudly, "ALERT! Earthquake coming -- pretty good sized one!" Bob and I'd been spooned together but the next thing I knew I was face down on the bed with my knees drawn up, my hands on my head and my elbows tucked in while Bob was on all fours on top of me. "Protection, Sunshine." A distant roar got louder and louder until it sounded like the freight trains I'd heard in Ohio -- only this one was...
The first draft of the meeting in The Clann Chapter 3; rather crude but different from the final: BOB We could see her [Ana] coming into the living room from the hallway, so Kathleen took her first pratfall. She took one step inside, managed to tangle her cane in her legs and sprawled flat on her face while hiking her short skirt up above her waist! I hustled over to her, while Evin stepped up beside Ana. "I apologize, Mrs. Matthews. I know Bob told you she was a bit of an airhead, but...
While there was still quite a bit of light left, Janet made an announcement. "Okay, folks, the 'old people' have retired into the house and are no longer watching us. One thing we don't need is to have attention on whatever happens during a Butterfly Game or a party like this. Some nosey busybodies would be extremely upset at 'underage' girls and boys doing what we've done." "They ain't seen nothin' yet. So the principle is whatever happens here stays here. Evin, you know, is a...
ALYSSA (Sunday morning after dawn 1/29) In the morning, Riona and I were slightly sore all over, with a bit extra in our boobs, stomachs and pussies -- I hadn't counted, but we'd probably came hard at least twenty times each last night! We trimmed each other's fannies until they were just right then I gave her a long, slow lick right up her center. We managed to alleviate the soreness with mutual breast and stomach massages. Well, maybe not alleviate, but it took our minds off it after...
RIONA Seventeen and a virgin, I was. Not through lack of trying. Back when I was fifteen, the guy I was kinda seeing and I tried to do the bit at his parent's house. Complete dog's breakfast! I was hot and ready, he was hot and ready, but the second his tool touched my pussy, he dumped his load all over it. He was totally embarrassed. I tried for a half hour at least to get even a twitch out of it with my hands, mouth, boobs, twat, but nothing. We finally gave up, gave each other a peck...
BOB (Saturday 4/8) ... With a final scream, [Elisa] collapsed atop me. We stroked her, kissed her and I told her, "You're a wonderful woman, Elisa. Your very presence inspires people to become the best they can be. Your sweet body, sweet breath and wonderful kisses transport me to pleasures I've rarely known." She pushed back up again and slowly moved her hips around. I gently milked her mother's breasts and asked, "Milk?" Fuck! She convulsed hard and flooded my groin again! Seemed...