The First Book of the Merciful NunChapter 7 The College
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It was some days after that before she saw Monsignor Flavin again. When she did, it was in his study, where she stood before his desk again, feeling like a schoolgirl 'on the mat' before the headmistress.
As she entered he had told her to keep her clothes on, and she felt quite bereft, that she was not to be punished was good, but did that mean they were not to pleasure each other? She knew it was sinful, despite his words in the confessional, but she had become accustomed to him making her shudder, and a modern psychiatrist would say she was conditioned to expect it.
"Molly, listen to me. The time has come to review your progress, and to discuss your future," he said.
Waving to a chair she had not previously noticed in the corner, he added pleasantly, "Pull up a chair, my child."
When she was sitting nervously opposite him, he looked long and hard at her.
"Well, you have improved a lot since the first time we met in this room and you flinched when I touched your breast," he started.
Molly nodded.
"Now you seem very obedient. You have realised, I feel, that obedience is the true virtue, and the only one to which you are capable of adhering. I dare say that if I walked round there now and told you to be still, then fondled your breasts and lower body, you would not move a muscle."
She blushed as she realised that this was indeed true. In her cell the Sister Lucia persona ruled her body and hated what happened to her, but in this room the she knew that she would willingly submit to anything he wanted to do to her, and that she would enjoy most of it.
"How sweet, you can still blush at a sexual thought."
He paused and concentrated on filling and lighting his pipe. When it was well alight, he spoke again.
"I have again discussed you with the Mother Superior and the Bishop," he lied, "They both agree that you do not yet have a true vocation to be a member of a religious order. While your obedience is not questioned and the vow of poverty does not present a difficulty, your obvious enjoyment of sexual activities means that some time, perhaps even years must pass before you could again be trusted inside a closed community dedicated to chastity, which really means celibacy. I am sure you understand that a Bride of Christ should not scream in ecstasy as she spends, shudders, impaled on a male finger, or excited by another woman's mouth; nor should she swallow a man's offering so eagerly."
Molly nodded.
"That brings us back to the old option of the Order expelling you on to the streets of Dublin, barefoot and penniless. I do not doubt that you would soon be earning a living in a whorehouse and would not suffer immediately. However, whores tend to catch awful diseases, and to die young, in cruel circumstances, so it isn't a very tempting option. Now, the Bishop and I have devised a way in which you can continue to serve the Church while not actually being in a Convent. On the Bishop's advice, the Mother Superior has agreed that you can remain technically a member of the order, but that you will be on Sabbatical Leave indefinitely. That means you can resume the life of a nun when you are older, should you so wish. In the mean time we have a useful rôle for you within these four walls."
Somewhat infuriatingly for her, he stopped to relight his pipe.
"It is an unfortunate fact of life that all priests are men, and that all men are sinners. The Bishop thinks that for those priests for whom celibacy is all but impossible, it is better for their sin to be controlled and channelled, rather than random and causing scandals. We propose, therefore, that accommodation be provided here for you to ... indulge, yes indulge is the word, indulge these men who could then better control their urges and keep their ... ahem ... hands off their parishioners."
She thought bitterly, 'So I am to be the church's harlot, instead of a public one. Some choice.'
"I think we could make your life here comfortable, and we anticipate no more than three or four visitors a week. In the stews of Mountgomery Street you would be visited many times every day, by all sorts of undesirables. Of course, I shall still have my needs, and the Bishop will call occasionally. If that course of action is agreeable, you would be provided with suitable clothes and, of course, while performing these services you would be known by your former name, Molly."
"Yes, Master," she replied, remembering with no great pleasure those far-off days when she was Molly all the time, before she professed her vows and became Sister Lucia.
"Come with me," he ordered and swept out of the room.
Hurrying to keep up with him, she followed until they reached her cell, and both went into it.
"This is Sister Lucia's cell. Here you are Sister Lucia, the Merciful Nun. Here you will eat, sleep and live, except for the special occasions, when you have a visitor."
She stared at him, not fully understanding.
"Come," and he was gone again.
They hurried along corridors into a part of the College of Correction and Redemption which she had never before visited. The corridors here were not merely carpeted, the carpets were thick. There were pictures on the walls, religious scenes to be sure, but decorations nevertheless. The Monsignor opened a door and led her into a room.
He saw a very ordinary bedroom with a youngish woman wearing a flowered dress such as many of his parishioners might wear at home. He breathed a sigh of relief, for he had been very apprehensive about this whole concept. "Hullo," he said, and then was completely at a loss as to how to proceed. The Merciful Nun was able, after well over a year in the College, to handle this situation, a young priest who was new to visiting her. She smiled and said, "Welcome. I am here for your pleasure,...
Sister Lucia woke when one of the nondescript servant girls in a grey smock brought her some hot tea, and bread and cheese early the next morning. When the prisoner started to ask a question, the skivvy looked very frightened and almost ran from the room. However, she left a bundle behind which proved to contain a nun's habit, complete with Swiss wimple, though no under-clothing. Sister Lucia donned such clothes as there were quickly, and with some relief; then she sat and ate the bread and...
Reverend Mother Lucia walked silently along the corridor towards the cell of Sister Marie; the two had remained lovers since Sister Lucia had returned from the College of Correction and Redemption, just after Marie had taken her vows eighteen years earlier. From the cell of Sister Elizabeth, a pretty young nun of nineteen whom Reverend Mother really found most attractive, came the unmistakable sound of a female orgasm, followed by an anxious voice exhorting silence. Throwing open the cell...
For two days, Sister Lucia was left alone to contemplate her fate. She wondered what she would be required to do for this strange establishment where she was punished and yet encouraged to sexual sin. When she tried to leave her cell and go into the corridor she confirmed that although there was a doorknob on the inside of the door, it did not turn and she could not open the door. The servants brought her food, but never spoke, and they were always careful to shut the door after they...
About mid-morning, well after Sister Lucia had said in solitude the morning offices of Matins, Lauds, Prime and Terce, a servant came to her room and indicated that she was to go with her. Again they passed along the corridors and she was led into Monsignor Flavin's study. Standing before his desk, she felt quite ill at ease, not thinking it was her place to initiate the conversation, but unsure of what he might say to her. After what felt like an age, he finally stood up, walked round the...
The journey from the College of Correction and Redemption back to the Convent was again in a closed carriage under the cover of darkness. She was met at the door by the Reverend Mother herself and escorted straight to the infirmary. "You will stay here," the older woman ordered, "Until your child is born. Then, and only then, will you be allowed back into the company of decent nuns." "Reverend Mother..." Waving away Sister Lucia's attempts to ask questions, she continued, "As to...
It was close to midnight when Mother Superior was passing the dormitories and saw a figure walking along the corridor ahead of her. Fascinated, she watched as the woman went in to Sister Lucia's cell and shut the door. 'I wonder where Sister Lucia has been at this hour?' she mused, 'The facilities are the other way, so it musty have been to a dormitory.' She went back to her own cell, but continued to worry about the movement she had seen. Eventually she gave up trying to think of a...
Visitors of many kinds came and went as the weeks went by. Some wanted to seduce a nun, others to humiliate a young wife; some to dally with what they called a French maid; one asked her to sing to him first; still others merely wanted to spend their passion into her body and leave as quickly as possible. Some visited only once, others soon became regulars. Often Molly was punished at the end of the visits for some error, real or imagined, and she came to realise that this was for their...
For the next three days life followed its usual routine. Sister Lucia rose early, said her own Divine Offices at the appointed hours, washed, ate her meals, and spent the rest of her time in silent prayer and contemplation. Almost every day she visited Monsignor Flavin whose use of her had not changed. In many ways she was, she supposed, happier here, without any distractions, than she had been in the Convent. On the fourth morning after the Bishop's visit, with Molly firmly hidden in the...
There was one visitor whom Molly knew she would never forget. Even Sister Lucia remembered him, and she forgot most of Molly's visitors as quickly as she could. It was his general nastiness which made him memorable. The first, and only, time he visited her was some twelve months after her arrival at the College of Correction and Redemption, and Molly had settled into a routine. Sister Lucia would receive word of a visitor and what she was to wear; leaving her cell she would slip easily into...
Although he usually sent messages via the servant girls, Monsignor Flavin came to Sister Lucia's cell in person to tell her to expect a visitor in an hour or so. She was to go with the servant girl carrying a dress and change into it. The servant would then take her habit away and return it after the visitor had left. In Molly's room she quickly undressed, no longer embarrassed at the presence of the servant, and slipped on the dress. Since there were no underclothes, she assumed she was...
An hour later she still waited in her new room for the Bishop to arrive. She was full of trepidation, but convinced that she knew what was expected of her. The Bishop would want to touch her, and to have her suck his male organ, as Monsignor Flavin did. What she wondered was whether she could do it with a different man, and one as important as the Bishop. At least if her nerves were bad, he would see the reluctance he had asked for. Afterwards, Molly expected, he would want to punish her,...
Almost a year had passed after Molly first received the Bishop into her vagina to deflower her when the inevitable happened and she finally missed her monthly flow. Two months later the midwife confirmed that she was pregnant. Molly had no way of knowing exactly which of her visitors had brought this about. Though there were good reasons why some of them were undoubtedly blameless, she herself was so ill-informed that she was not even sure whether or not anal intercourse could cause...
As the first few weeks passed a number of different visitors came to call; Sister Lucia was transformed into Molly, provided pleasures for them, and then returned to being Sister Lucia. Her duties continued to include pleasuring Monsignor Flavin, and he now used her vagina as well as her mouth, and frequently pushed a finger into her arse as he fucked her. Then a visitor came who introduced her to a new variation. He had asked for her to be dressed as a young lay woman, in the blouse and...
As a fully professed Sister in the Convent, Sister Lucia was totally under the control of the Mother Superior, who could invoke the rules of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience to justify almost any orders she might see fit to give. It was soon clear to Sister Lucia that Obedience was regarded, by the Mother Superior if not by the Church, as the greatest of these three. Her entire life was ruled by the prayers of the Breviary, each at their ordained hour. The day started, often before sunrise,...
Then it was Heather herself who suggested that some tuition in singing techniques would not come amiss. She had realised that she actually had a good voice, and that money could be made as a singer; furthermore, a trained voice would be more saleable than an untrained one. It was some weeks into the singing lessons when Father Reilly's self restraint finally snapped. "There's something wrong here," he commented, "You are not breathing at the right times in the song." "I can't just...
Heather O'Hagan was a quiet girl, a studious girl, but above all an obedient girl. She was rarely admonished, and never chastised as she always tried to do what she was told by her parents, by her teachers, and above all by the Priest. Her childish confessions rarely moved to anything more serious than envy, though on occasion she admitted telling the odd white lie, and occasionally to being nasty to one of her six younger siblings. Father Creggan was a very old man, and even older in...
Her relief was short-lived as the Monsignor took a knout from a drawer in his desk and offered it to her. "This is what you will use to purge yourself of any sins you may feel you have committed, Sister. Here it replaces confession; when you believe you have purged yourself sufficiently, you are absolved of the sins you have remembered, just as if you had confessed them and performed the penance set by the priest," he said. She took the whip and looked at. She had never seen its like...
Sister Lucia stayed in the punishment cell for what seemed an interminable period. It was cold and dank, and smelled faintly musty. With no clothes and no heating, she passed a sleepless night. At some point a tray was pushed under the door with a plate of porridge and a mug of tea on it; neither had been sugared, but both were very welcome for their warmth alone. Later still a plate of meat and potatoes was pushed under the door, though not a word was spoken. After some considerable time,...
Inside the college, the still silent Monsignor led Sister Lucia along a corridor, carpeted she noticed, and opened a door, indicating that she should enter. The room was small and dark, lit only by a small window high in one wall, through which a shaft of moonlight came to strike the wall opposite. A candle was on a small side stand and Monsignor Flavin lit it before bidding her a gruff, "Good night," and withdrawing. As she looked round she saw that although the room was dark, it was...
Some years later, the elderly Mother Superior passed away, as old ladies inevitably do. The Novice who was on her knees sucking the elderly woman nearly died also, because the massive heart attack threw all her considerable bulk on to the Novice, knocking her to the ground and banging her head hard on the unyielding stone floor. There was much discussion as to who would become the Mother Superior, with several of the older sisters firmly considered as the only possible candidates. The...
Her next experience was more surprising than pleasant for her. She was again dressed in a simple housewife's frock, buttoned right down the front, over the sensible brassière and knickers when her visitor came in. He was much younger than her previous visitors, only two or three years older than herself, and she could understand a she surveyed his solid figure that he would have had temptation from every young woman, and some not so young, in his parish. "Oh," he said, surprise and shock...
After the young nun left, Reverend Mother Lucia fell into a reverie as she remembered her time in the College of Correction and Redemption, her subsequent recovery in the Convent, and above all recalling how useful it had been when the old Mother Superior died four years earlier to be able to persuade His Eminence, the Archbishop, her 'Papa' when he had visited her at the College of Correction and Redemption, that she was the best person to take over, young though she was for that office....
Within a week, Sister Lucia began to realise the enormity of the task. Marie had no knowledge whatever of the religious life, and little enough of the rudiments of her religion. The endless patience and good nature of the older girl meant that Marie was hopelessly besotted with her in a school-girl crush within a month. One evening they were discussing life as a nun and Sister Lucia pointed out that once having taken her final vows, a nun was committed for life to the convent. At this Marie...
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Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...
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“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
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IncestChapter Thirty-Two – Ancient History Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: ff, Mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was lying on her bed all alone with the Spellbook of Desires under her sheets. She had been reading through a few of the more wicked spells, including one which had something to do with the golden coins she...