BlackmailedChapter 3 free porn video

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"But you don't understand, Joan..." Arnie explained. "Harry's ironing out the details now... on the Championship bout... and it'll probably come off... in about two more months!"

"Then you are going to stay here... to train for it?" she queried, surveying him through dark grey eyes, her brow wrinkled in a frown.

"I have to... this's where Harry wants me to work out..."

"Well... do we have to stay here in Santa Monica?" Joan tossed her jet-black hair, as she swept her eyes around the apartment, Arnie had picked out for them.

"No... not really..."

"I'm going to find a place I like!"

"Do you mean... you're going to stay... this time?"

"Yes... darling... but I'm going to live in the kind of place I want... instead of this!" She was derisive.

"Okay... go ahead!" Arnie couldn't believe what he had heard. His wife was really going to stay with him... and maybe... just maybe, he could convince Harry that living like a normal man, with his wife, while he was training... wouldn't hurt him. Hell! Sex burns up less energy than boxing one round... and it'll sure make me a lot happier... to have Joan with me!

Of course, Arnie knew that his wife was headstrong, and that there was a strong streak of selfishness in her... but he overlooked those two things, in favor of something more positive, for Joan was definitely a sexy woman... beautiful almost to perfection, and she did try to please him... most of the time. That's why Arnie put up with the rest of it... otherwise... But, Damn! Carla's something else... a real sex-pot!

Guiltily, he remembered what that little session with the hot blooded girl had resulted in... and he wasn't pleased with himself, at all! But, Christ... I was desperate... for a piece of ass! That's why he was so glad that Joan was going to stay with him. I won't have to go looking for it... It'll be right there... when I want it!

Arnie hadn't told Harry Nash about the blackmail thing... at least not yet; he was waiting to see what Jay Ballard would come up with, as far as finding out who it was... then, he'd turn it over to the police and the Boxing Commission. God damn it... if I told Harry... he'd blow it wide open... and I can't let him do that yet! Those damned goons said they'd kill me... if the police were brought in on it!

There was no doubt in his own mind about his courage... or lack of it. It just wasn't wise to match his fists against a bunch of gun-carrying hoods. If I ever get the chance, though... However, it was unlikely that he'd ever get a chance at one of them, alone; they always came in pairs.

And, of course, he hadn't told Joan, for very obvious reasons. Damn... when they get to her... finally... there's going to be all hell to pay!

Joan went apartment hunting. She found exactly what she wanted... in Corona del Mar!

Arnie was appalled when she told him... on two counts: The location! Christ! Carla Reynolds lives down there... somewhere! He tried to fix the location in his mind but drew a blank. Secondly: The price he was going to have to pay for a fully furnished apartment made him flinch... but he wasn't going to object. It would end up in an argument, so he just bit his tongue and said, "Okay, darling... if that's what you really want... we'll rent it and move into it..."

"It's a lovely place!" Joan gushed. "... And it's in a perfect location... with a view of the Ocean. "

They moved in the next day.

"I've just come to California..." Joan confessed to the auburn-haired woman who sat across from her.

They were in a plush cocktail lounge, drinking a leisurely martini... at Carla's invitation. Carla had spotted Joan Pearson that afternoon in her favorite Hairdresser's Salon.

Like many prostitutes, Carla didn't really like men. She tolerated them... but she really got her best kicks with women. Actually, she swung both ways, almost equally. Men provided her with the necessities... and many of the luxuries of life... but with another beautiful woman...

She had found it easy to strike up a conversation with the black-haired beauty who was obviously a stranger. Joan was appreciative of her easy, friendly ways, the sparkling conversation... the invitation to an afternoon cocktail... and so, there they were. Carla seemed to have a sixth sense about things like this. She knew it would be easy to get her new friend up to her apartment. After that... well... Carla knew what to do... It would be a nice afternoon interlude before the evening's work.

"I just know you'll love it, here!" Carla told her, her grey- green eyes smoldering over the rim of her glass.

Joan felt a little uneasy, but she decided that it was just friendliness... and the alcohol that caused Carla's eyes to do those things.

And, later... after the second round of drinks... when Carla made the pitch to her... about coming over to her apartment, to relax... listen to some wild records... and get to know each other better... Joan had some second thoughts. She really should be home when Arnie got back; he'd had to go into L. A. for some kind of conference.

"You can leave... any time you want to... but I think it'd be groovy... you know..." Carla smiled, mysteriously.

In the back of her mind, Joan knew that she was being picked up... yet there was something perverse in her that told her to go along with the act... experience something new! It was her headstrong stubbornness getting in the way of rational thought. If I don't like the way things are going... after we get to her apartment... I'll just walk out!... After all... she couldn't force me to do... something I didn't want to do!

And there was her curiosity. She'd heard of women who loved other women... but except for a passing attraction another girl had for her... when she was in high school, Joan had never experienced a woman-woman relationship. She remembered that Helen... that girlfriend, back in Omaha, had wanted to rub and massage her breasts... and there had been some kissing. It hadn't gone beyond that. Still... as memory flooded back, she had known, even then... that they had been on the verge of discovering more of their sexuality. There was the warm tingle in her breasts, still remembered, when Helen had kissed them... and that uncomfortable moistness between her legs... and yes... there had been sexual stimulation. She knew now... what it had been.

Helen had moved away, she thought... or was it that she had discovered boys. They were more exciting, and it hadn't taken Joan long to find out why... She hadn't thought about women as sex-objects... until this very moment... when Carla had suggested going to her apartment... to get better acquainted! She was not that nave! She knew what the implications were in that loaded invitation!

In Carla's apartment they shared another drink. Joan was beginning to feel the effects of them; her head whirled, eyes refused to focus properly... and she felt exhilaration and a high sense of adventure... as she wondered when things were going to start happening. Churning, warmly, in her belly was a tiny spark of anticipating sensuality, waiting there to be fanned into full- blown passionate desire. It was a new feeling; one she had never before experienced.

They chattered... listened to a record or two... and then the drinks were finished. Carla put her glass down on the low coffee table, decisively. There's no point... in wasting any more time!

Direct, as always, Carla, seated on the couch next to Joan, leaned over to her, put her arms around the black-haired woman and kissed her, using her tongue, worming it, gently, between the other woman's lips and into her mouth to dart, exploringly, tasting and savoring the sweetness of her mouth.

Even though she had expected it, when it came, Joan was surprised... and shocked. Instinctively, she tried to pull away, succeeding, finally, in twisting her mouth to the side to break the deep, warmly passionate kiss.

She gasped, "Really... Carla! Wh-What... are you doing? What do you... w-want... ?"

"You know what I want! You!" Carla hissed, her grey-green eyes burning into Joan's dark orbs, as her tiny, warmly avid hand went out to caress the fullness of a soft breast through her clothing.

"Do you... m-mean... ?"

"I want you... your lovely body! I want to... make love to you!" Carla told her, her voice husky and low.

Suddenly, in the face of the other woman's savage desire, she felt panic... and fear, a fear that she had overstepped the bounds... that she was in deeper water than she could handle.

"I-I couldn't... do that!" Joan gasped. "My husband... I-I..."

"He'd never need to know..."

"... But... I-I love... him!"

"Men! What do they know about love... about what really turns a woman on... ?"

"It j-just seems... so..."

"Wrong... ?" Carla finished, tossing her au burn hair back. "You'll never know... what it's like... to be turned on... really... until you've been loved... that way... by another woman! Because she's a woman... she knows what to do... what not to do..."

Then, as Carla's hand drifted down across her flat abdomen and began to squirm its way down into the angle of her thighs, pressing in against the curling, down-covered mound through the light layers of her clothing, Joan felt a sudden, leaping thrill- sensation surge warmly through her loins, seeming to center down there, between her now trembling thighs, signaling a prelude to forbidden pleasures. Her body wanted to leap for joy... to plunge in... experience all, but her reasoning mind was there, censoring the lewdly lubricious, sexually oriented signals, telling her: This isn't what you want... really! Remember... you can just walk away from it! You promised... !

Joan's own hand followed Carla's, grasped it in an attempt to pull it away... stop the other woman from going too far. Desperately, she murmured, "I've got... to g-go home... be there... when my husband..."

"Fuck your husband! He can wait... his turn!" Carla spat, her lips twisting around the obscenity, lewdly.

Joan was shocked. She had never heard a woman use words like that! She had heard the crudity from boys she had gone out with... and from her husband, Arnie, but no woman she had ever known had used the lewd word. Her face crimsoned with an unbidden blush. She gaped at the delicately beautiful, auburn-tressed woman, in disbelief, who had rapped it out so brazenly.

Seeing her shocked surprise, Carla went on, "I was married... once... when I was seventeen... too damned young... to know what was going on! All men are alike... I think... All they want to do is screw! Climb on top of you... shove a hard cock between your legs... ramming it into your cunt... whether you're ready or not... and not giving a damn whether you want it! All they care about is their own precious, male egos... thinking once they're married... that they own you!... Then... they'll just fuck you... shoot their load into you... and if you cum... it's good... but if you don't... Well, tough titty! Then... you're left to worry... about pregnancy... and not cumming... while the big, selfish son-of-a-bitch... goes to sleep... leaving you with nothing but a sore cunt... and the possibility of getting caught with a baby! And, all the time... what you really wanted was some real loving... not just fucking! There's a difference... and they're not very many men... who know how to love a woman!" It was a long tirade that Carla spat out in her hate and frustration, her vengefulness contorting her beautiful face as she spoke.

Somehow, Joan knew that she was facing a truth. She could have recited the same story... without the obscenities coloring it. There was an exception: She had tried to learn to respond to Arnie... and thought she was working toward a good sex life with him... when he was home. But God... he's home so seldom!... Always going off to train somewhere... for a fight... leaving me alone... almost half the time!

A flash of insight, the germ of an idea, began to ricochet around inside her skull. Maybe there was a partial answer, here... to the loneliness she experienced, when Arnie was in training camp. She rejected the borning idea almost as soon as it materialized in her mind and became words. No! God... Wh-What am I thinking about... ? Take a woman... l-lover... when Arnie's gone... !? No! NO! NOOOOO!

There was that moist warmth between her legs, the tremulant, keening sensations that were racing through her... and she didn't want it.

Struggling to her feet, she swayed, dizzily, finding her legs shaky, almost unable to support her weight. She had to leave... get away from Carla... before...

Soft, female arms were around her, supporting her... and leading her somewhere. Where? She was in a bedroom... being helped onto the bed... and Carla's voice came to her, soothingly, through the pounding in her head.

"Everything's going to be all right... Baby..." Carla crooned. "You'll see... It'll be out of this world... for you..."

Looking down at the lovely woman on her bed, Carla Reynolds knew that it was time, now, to make it with the confused girl... give her something she'd remember. Hell... she doesn't know... what she wants... at this point! It had been easier than she'd thought... to get Joan into bed. Of course, the drinks helped... She smiled to herself. But, maybe she was ready for it... and didn't know it! Like... maybe... it was lucky for her that I came along... and just sort of nudged her over the brink... It seemed to her that Joan was hotter... more ready and more receptive than any woman she had ever seduced.

Not hurrying, Carla stood up and began to take off her clothes, posing provocatively, seductively, as she did so... knowing that Joan couldn't help but watch. She was a practiced expert...

Fascinated, in fact... almost hypnotized, Joan Pearson watched the other woman strip off her encumbering garments, to reveal the loveliness of her soft, clear-skinned body... the voluptuousness of her curvaceously delicate figure, and she wondered... even as she watched, with a feeling of revulsion for what she knew would soon follow... wondered what it would feel like to have another woman's body in intimate contact with her own. How... would it be... ?

Then, standing naked, there, beside the bed, Carla allowed her hands to roam over her own body, reassuringly, cupping up her luscious, full breasts, caressingly, rolling the delicate, pink nipples to spiky erection; finally, a hand slid down across the flatness of her smooth white belly to the triangle of her pubic mound, lightly covered with curling, auburn hair that gleamed like polished bronze, where she slipped a finger into the moist pinkness of her woman's slit to tease at her own erectly alert clitoris. She shivered, erotically, with the wild sensations her own finger caused.

"OOooh... that's soooo nice..." she breathed. "Have you... ever done that... to yourself... darling... ?"

Mutely, Joan affirmed it with a little wag of her head.

Sidling onto the bed, beside her, Carla ran her hands over Joan's softly rounded body, her warm hands sending tiny thrills coursing through her.

"Now... let's get you stripped, too..." Carla cooed, beginning already to unbutton buttons.

Not understanding why, Joan allowed herself, dazedly, to be disrobed... even helping a little... until she, too lay on the bed stark naked.

"Oh... lovely..." Carla breathed, stretching out beside the black-haired beauty of Joan's equally luscious body, her hands going out to caress and fondle a full-orbed breast and reveling in the smooth pliancy of the soft, silky skin. Deftly, she teased a cameo-pink nipple into erect hardness, her mouth following to suck and nibble while her hand taunted at the opposite one.

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I didn't know where I was at first. My mouth was dry, my eyes burned and my head seemed to contain an entire concert of Stomp. I was lying on a mattress, a fluffy pillow under my head. I could just make out a table and lamp beside me, though nothing looked familiar. Obviously I was in a hotel room, but my memory was a bit fuzzy about the details. I remembered riding in the back of Morgan's Mustang, its engine a comforting rumble as we sped south. I couldn't see anything out of the pitch...

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BBW TEACHER reposted

When I was in high school, I had a teacher who I would always fantasize about. She was around age 40, great boobs and was the most sexy BBW I had ever seen. Whenever I saw her, I always had a semi to rock-hard dick. I took whatever classes she taught and always did things for her. She was married, but her husband died.  She never remarried. Her name was Ms. Lane.A few years back, I was in my third year of college when I saw her at a Walmart. She looked as great as she did when I graduated from...

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Naked Angel

Hi ISS readers. I am totally pleased with the overwhelming responses and feedback from all ISS readers. It has been a great experience for me to share my experiences and fantasies with all of you. This has helped me in a lot of ways, and of course it wouldn’t be so colorful without you. This story is dedicated to all ISS readers. This story is a sequel to my previous stories. If you have not read them before please go ahead and read them now. My previous storied were published under the...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart III 6 Romp in the Park

"This feels so dirty!" Suzi said as we slipped into the girls bathroom. "Yeah, I've never been in this girls bathroom before," Joey admitted. "Tim, I still can't believe you picked the bathroom on the other end of the school! Gawd. I'm so wet, it's running down my leg!" "I wonder why the girls get little trash cans in their stalls, and not the boys?" Joey pondered. "Duh!" Suzi said as she got into her stall and shut the door. "Why don't you look and see what is...

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A Clear Conscience

Introduction: the story of Miles Me and Lanie sat next to each-other on the couch, watching some crappy cowboy movie on AMC with old actors that only my grandparents would recognize. I really hated western movies, but I had settled for it since Lanie liked them, and in my never-ending quest to unlock the safe that was my virginity, I would literally do anything Lanie would want to do, even if the reward was just a casual trip to first-base. As the movie went on, I decided I would make my move,...

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OnlyTeenBlowJobs Gabriela Lopez Your Sisters Friend

Bambino is playing video games when the hot latina cutie Gabriela Lopez sits next to him to take some naughty selfies. She exposes her perfect juggs to take her racy pictures immediately catching Bambino’s attention. While taking a picture of her magnificent booty, Bambino can’t resist the envy of liking her sweet pussy from behind. Gabriela enjoys this hot oral action and wants to return the favor. Bambino pulls out his throbbing cock and the sexy teen begins to swallow it deep...

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Why I Hate Magic Pt 3

Daniel could feel his muscles throbbing, keeping rhythm with his heartbeat. His body ached and he was soaked in sweat, the moisture cold and wet against his skin. His mouth, though, was completely dry, as if he had been sucking on a cotton ball until just recently. Lying in bed Daniel opened his eyes to the world around him. Judging from the darkness that had crept into the room, several hours had passed since Daniel had fallen asleep. As his eyes began to adjust to the lack of light...

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Lost FoundChapter 77

The Penn State players stared at the ground as the Longhorns swarmed onto the field to celebrate their championship. Christian stepped over beside me. I looked up at my friend. "I guess this is a good news, bad news situation," Christian said with a forced smile on his face. "The bad news is obvious. The good news is we don't have to dance on TV." "Dance?" I asked. I had no idea what my friend was talking about. "Your birthday," Christian said. "Don't you remember? We promised a...

4 years ago
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Sharing Is Caring

I'd be dating Matt for around a month, he was cute, sexy and pretty submissive. I was always the one calling the shots. When I first told him that I had experience of going to sex parties and the kink scene, he was pretty shocked. Being a couple of years younger than me and only having had one girlfriend before, he was pretty inexperienced and that sort of thing was another world to him! But I soon warmed him up to the idea that he should try it out, and next time an event came up we agreed to...

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Through Our Eyes 3

Her Tuesday Day Three My eyes opened, feeling the warm sun playing on the bed. My dreams had been empty, but I suddenly remembered the previous nights dream. Being held down, my nude body so wanton for him, his eyes ravishing me, I was surprised to realize how much I missed him. ‘Missed him? How could I miss a stranger in a dream? Or, was I missing my handsome neighbor… were they the same?’ Rising quickly, I entered the bath and let the shower’s water heat to a misty steam before entering....

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Kate Bishop and the Tracksuit Mafia

“Why the hush hush? You said that the city was free of the archer.” the goon replied to his boss, referring to the first Hawkeye, Clint Barton. “Yes, but there’s still a Spider crawling about, a devil, and the other archer.” Dmitri replied. The only vigilante he was worried about was the other archer, Kate Bishop. She had foiled his last few attempts to regain a foothold back in NYC for the Tracksuits. Other 22-year-old girls were out having a grand ol time, but Kate found her happy place in...

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The Weekend

The Weekend We had meet the couple at a party. We had gotten on so well with them that we had invited them to our house the next weekend. She was tall, blonde, and very sexy. Red swollen lips that pouted as she spoke. Her long blonde hair, cascaded down to her shoulders. Her full ripe breasts, pushed out as the tried to escape the confines of her dress. Her tiny waist, hour glass shape figure, curved in and out at her hips. And her long sleek legs gleamed as they provocatively flashed...

3 years ago
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He Saw Mommy Fucking

He Saw 'Mommy' Fucking... 'Santa Claus' [M+m+/F, ir, slutwife, preg, Christmas] Chapter One: 'Twas the 'Nights' before ChristmasWhen I married Michael, I did love him... or at least his money anyhow. I guess. No... I think maybe I found him okay too. I didn't really know the family though until the wedding and that was when I discovered that the Knights were pretty much the biggest racists I had ever had the shame of meeting. I mean God, every other thing was 'nigger this' and 'nigger that,'...

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Lesbian Lunch

When it was time to go to bed I was horny, I had not fucked Dee in over a week and I was ready ! When she finally came to bed, she was wearing a tee shirt, and as I started feeling up her tits, I felt the nipple rings. What is this? Oh, those are something Dottie dared me to get, I was drunk, and well there they are. I loved them I tugged her nipples and it definitely was a turn on for her. Is there any other additional additions? Well, just one. Dee spread her pussy and there was a piece of...

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I am such a slut3

I woke up the next morning with a soft smile on my face and my little asspussy feeling a bit tender. Was it a dream? Did it really happen? Did a man, a man who I did not know and had not even seen, fuck my ass and cum in my ass? The tenderness of my ass and the marks told me so. How wonderful. How delicious. It had not satisfied me, only released a hunger within me for more. More cock. More cum. Sucking and tasting a man. Licking a man. Maybe kissing a man. Maybe a long soft warm tender kiss. I...

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Sarah Meets Gregs Parents

Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...

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Dads and Daughters on VacationChapter 6

This time the dads led the girls by the hand into the bedroom. To this point in time, Amber and Stephanie had been the aggressors, but what Ted and Mark had both heard loud and clear from their daughters was, "we want to belong to you." They correctly took that to mean that the girls wanted to be taken. The girls had been sharing one of the 2 queen-size beds in their room, but for the moment, each dad took his little girl to a separate bed. Mark picked Stephanie up and laid her down in...

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My exgirlfriend Neeru

It was quite some time after me and my gf Neeru broke up and she got married to some guy in MNC, I met her suddenly in one of the marketing malls in Delhi, after some initial talks, she invited me to her place, I grabbed the offer immediately, she was looking wow in her saree, once in her place, the urge to fuck her suddenly came up, after a cup of tea, I asked when her hubby will be back from his office, she told that he is generally back by 6.30pm, it was 4.00pm then so I guess that I would...

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Lucky Josh Part 2

“It looks like the Oscars” Megan gasped when she saw the camera crew and photographers. “Oh, that’s Brad Pitt” Josh said and pointed at him “he’s dressed like Neo, glad you talked me out of that one Meg.” They made a few more observations before it was their turn. An usher dressed as a squire opened their door and led them across the red carpet to the entrance. There their names were checked, passes given and a ticket for the lottery. Making their way in they saw a big display with all the...

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Experience while being a sub

It's been a long time since we last played together and I'm so ready for tonight, I can hardly think of anything else. I've got all the toys out for Sir to chose what he wants and painted my toes and nails as per his request. I've not come for 12 days and I am gagging to be satisfied but I am watching porn and finding videos we will both like for our playtime.Sir arrives, looking all calm and collected. All I want to do is jump on him on the stairs but I'm patient and know Sir will not leave me...

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Depth of FieldChapter 32 The Riches

In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality - A.S. The talent show started out with Roy, who was quite an impressive singer. He was mixing a Bobby McFerrin-style a cappella solo with some comedy, and the audience was eating it up. We were scheduled to play in the fourth of six slots – one act had withdrawn – preceded by some kid doing magic and followed by Elaine’s brother. The evening’s other band, Green Space, was closing out the night. Shannon...

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Yaadgar Happy Brithday

Hi hello friends mai aapka apna desi boy Akash hu mei dehradun me retha hu and ye meri peheli story h hope aapko pasand aaegi ye ek story se jayda meri life ki true story h to bor na karte huye seedha story par aate hai kad 5 feet 8 inch gora aur midium body mere land ka size 7 inches hai. Dosto bat us time ki hai jab mai BSC.IT 2nd year ka student hu mere ghar ke peeche 1 ladki rahti thi uska nam Rani name changed tha wo mujhe bahut pasand thi lekin mai kuch bolta nahi tha darta tha ki kahi...

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Younger gal becomes my sex guru

“It’s 9pm!” I yelled across the store to my fellow co-worker Swathi, “Time to lock the doors.” “Chill!” she replied as she slowly came out from behind the counter, “We haven’t had a customer in 3 hours.” “Doesn’t matter,” I quickly chimed in, “It’s time to close and I don’t want to be here all night.” “Why?” Swathi replied sarcastically, “Do you have a hot date tonight?” Swathi knew I didn’t have a social life, which is sad seeing how I was a 21 year-old senior in college, but she loved to...

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Total Woman Vignettes 04a

Prologue Augustina was first to depart. After Ned’s inventive tutorial in garage calendar art, she had contacted TWA to see if they could arrange similar industrial modelling opportunities. Acting as her business agent, they had indeed secured keen interest in her talents. After a final full day and night of Ned’s exclusive tune-ups, she had flown off to another island for the scheduled photography gig with a major industrial tool manufacturer. Everyone wished her luck and said they would be...

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I Sold my Ass for 100 Bucks Gay

I was home one Saturday morning when I got a call from an old high school friend that I had seen only once in the last ten years. Chris asked if I was still collecting comic books since he was going to sell some of the better books in his collection. I told him I was, but hadn’t done much collecting in a while, and money was kind of tight for the wife and me. Chris told me to come over to his parents place (he was just in town for the weekend) and take a look at the books. Maybe we could work...

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Usual Massage Went Unusual

Hi people, Jatin here. This story happened when I was just over 18 and had only jerked out only a few times. Coming to our maid, she was a Bengali lady with a small kid and used to do some household chores at our house. She had massaged me a few times before sometimes with underwear and sometimes without it. Then, in September, I had to get a massage like every other time. This time by the maid. My mom told me in the morning that Aunty (I call the maid ‘aunty’) was going to massage today as she...

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Lonnie Loves His Sexy Mom

Lonnie Bertin undressed and slipped on swimming trunks. His bathing suit fit snugly around his hips, buttocks and crotch. The cloth material pressed upon his cock and balls, and he felt his prick stirring and growing stiff. It strained upon the bathing suit. He now had a full-fledged hard-on. But then it seemed he always had a hard-on. His dick seemed to stay in a constant state of stiffness. Lonnie had recently undergone puberty, and his balls and cock tingled constantly, and his thoughts...

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My Anal Angel

A blushing bride gives her new husband a very special gift.When Donna lifted her veil, I thought my heart would burst. Could it really be that this woman - this angel - had agreed to be my wife?I swallowed and glanced back down the aisle. The pews were packed with our friends, family, and the other assorted acquaintances and business contacts that one is compelled to invite to the notable events in your life. The soft spring sunlight cascaded through the stained-glass windows, giving the...

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Escape From LexingtonChapter 8

Wednesday May 31, 1843 The last seven weeks have been encouraging and rewarding--and very exhausting. The two men from the trading post were a huge help. Mr. Chouteau came by a week after we arrived to get a better idea of what we intended to plant. When he offered to let us hire two of his men now and a third one starting in July, I jumped at the offer. Personally, I think he was trying to ingratiate himself with us so we wouldn’t sell our goods to Fort Platte. He was in luck, because we...

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Cosmic Superhero

You are the latest graduate from the Galactic Alliance of Worlds' superhero academy, in the year 3054. Armed with super strength, flight, and durability, you have been trained to fight evil across the universe. Nasty monsters exist in this small corner of the universe, far away from humanity's homeworld of Earth. They have appetites for destruction that are almost as large as their sexual appetites. You have been trained to fight them, as well as super villains, and even common crooks.

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