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Director of The FBI: Start recording. Meeting Attendees: Michael Jones, Director of the FBI, Special Agent Morgan Michaels, Agent Jessica Canin from the National Security Agency, General Benjamin Coates from the Joint Chiefs, and the President of the United States Steven Lynns.
POTUS: I asked Supervisory Agent LaDon to join us. Why isn't she here?
Agent Michaels: The treatments to prevent Diana from leaking information to Tavi are no longer as effective as you require, Sir.
POTUS: Excuse me?
Agent Canin: Agent Morgan's primary emotional attachment is to her husband, Elis, Sir. We warned the previous administration using unattached females as Tavi's handlers would lead to conflicts of interest.
POTUS: But it didn't stop my predecessor from whoring out federal agents.
POTUS: Nothing to say about that, ladies?
Agent Michaels: You consider Tavi an abomination.
POTUS: I understand you've been friends with him for years but do not use that tone of voice with me again. These Grendels are abominations before the...
Agent Canin: The Eyes of God.
POTUS: What else would you call them?
Agent Canin: I'm not in a position to have an opinion, Sir.
POTUS: Young lady...
Agent Canin: Mister President, clearly, you do not understand.
POTUS: Then by all means, explain it to me.
Agent Canin: You are a conservative Christian, elected primarily for those values. Anybody paying attention knows your views are somewhat more extreme than your official political affiliation.
POTUS: You should get to the point, Agent Canin.
Agent Canin: You plan to do something about the known Grendels.
POTUS: Something more than making whores out of the women who work for me.
Agent Canin: What you fail to understand, Mr. President, is exactly how dangerous Zakai is. I wouldn't have survived if I allowed myself an opinion about him, Sir. I won't survive.
General Coates: I don't believe there's nothing we can do about it.
Agent Michaels: What you don't believe is that Tavi Smith survived multiple direct hits from the most powerful non-nuclear ordinance available in the world.
General Coates: That's impossible!
Agent Michaels: You have the satellite pictures and film.
Agent Canin: The picture of the missile a yard from his head while he's crouching in that protective pose is my favorite.
Agent Michaels: Elis says it must be an instinctive posture; Tavi stood up after the first strike.
Director Jones: There has to be something we can do.
Agent Canin: Director, I've learned painfully that there doesn't have to be anything we can do about it.
POTUS: Will you cooperate with our plans or have you become a traitor to your country and race, Agent Canin?
Agent Canin: You mean species, Sir. I won't set up Zakai for you. If you want him to show up someplace so you can try to kill him, I'll be glad to deliver an open invitation.
POTUS: I don't appreciate the joke, Agent Canin.
Agent Canin: Mr. President, whatever you're going to try, understand that Zakai will kill YOU.
General Coates: Are you threatening the President?
Agent Canin: The men you send against him, General, he won't kill them. By that I mean, his intention will be more like moving furniture so he can vacuum under the rug.
POTUS: He is just a man.
Agent Canin: Then why are we here? He will kill your family first, Mr. President, so you know how helpless you are to stop him. I don't want that fate for my parents, husband, and children so I will not be the one who puts the first knife in his back or any knife.
POTUS: These ... people will not defy the will of the most powerful nation in the world.
Agent Michaels: Zakai already assassinated a Vice President, which we didn't know about it until he told Agent Canin. We have sent him against enemies of our country and accepted delivery of their heads, Sir. The government has also used Tavi to put away hundreds of criminals in the years since the incident with the Russian Mob.
POTUS: We don't control them. If we could send Grendel Tavi into a combat zone!
Agent Michaels: That would be one of the stupidest acts your administration could commit.
Director Jones: Agent Michaels!
Agent Michaels: At Candice Card's suggestion, we've kept anyone who might be one of Tavi's souls of light away from him. What happens if he touches a foreign national and finds one of these people he must protect?
POTUS: You're telling me what I can't do! I want to know what I can.
General Coates: There's Candice Card and her children by Grendel Tavi. The last administration never applied pressure using that handle. They're vulnerable and make him vulnerable.
Agent Michaels: That wouldn't work, Sir. It would actually be THE stupidest thing you could do. You're better off dropping the biggest nuke you have on Tavi and praying for the best.
General Coates: Why?
Agent Michaels: You presume Tavi has human emotions.
POTUS: He's human.
Agent Michaels: Mr. President, that's a ridiculous statement considering it might be easier to kill the 7 billion humans on the planet than it would be to kill Tavi.
General Coates: You're not helping, Agent Michaels.
Agent Michaels: General, there might not be anything we can do, but there are certainly thing we can do to make it worse, like kill Candice.
Director Jones: We weren't suggesting killing her.
Agent Canin: You suggested using her and their children to make Tavi fall in line--what exactly were you mean? Asking politely? We have and she's made it clear where her loyalties lie.
General Coates: She is his weakness; those children are a weakness also.
Agent Michaels: And your weakness is the American people.

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