Hero s Mistress
- 4 years ago
- 61
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In the morning, Gretchen and Nina showered together, with Gretchen making sure that Nina was not only well-scrubbed, but also brought close to an orgasm to start her day. As they dried each other, Gretchen asked, “Are you going to the new client this morning, or are you going to your regular office?”
“I was planning to go to the office, first, and then go to the new client, but I could skip the office. This new client is my number one priority right now.”
“Good. I’d like to send a present to this other Mistress, but it wouldn’t be appropriate for your regular office.”
“That sounds ominous. What does my Mistress have in mind?”
“Nothing too strange. I’ll be sending back the Ben Wa balls, so you’ll be wearing those. The rest of the present is more in the manner of presentation.”
“I’m not quite sure I follow.”
“Think back to the day of shopping we did. Those clothes are in my closet. You’ll be wearing one of those outfits.”
“Oh.” Nina had a quick flashback to that day, and remembered what some of those clothes looked like, and how little some of them covered.
Gretchen could see the consternation on Nina’s face. She grinned at her and said, “Not to worry. I know that most of those clothes aren’t appropriate as normal office wear, but from what you said about this new client, I think there are a few outfits that will be fine. You might not want to walk around in public too much, but you’ll be fine in your car, and I might even let you wear an overcoat.” She paused for a moment, then added, “Of course, that depends on whether or not it’s raining.”
Nina didn’t think she’d ever be allowed a coat, but she also knew she wouldn’t have any choice in the matter. Whatever clothes that Gretchen told her to wear were the clothes that she’d have on when she went to work.
Gretchen led her to the closet holding all of those clothes, and started picking through them. In fairly short order she handed Nina a skirt and a blouse, and told her to try them on. The skirt was several inches shorter than those she normally wore, and the blouse was almost sheer. When she looked in a mirror, her nipples were completely visible.
She looked at Gretchen and said, “If I were to wear this outfit to my office I’d likely be fired, regardless of the fact that I’m now the hero of the hour for rescuing this account. At the very least I’d get sent home to change and I’d lose the raise and the bonus I’ve been promised.” She turned to see her profile in the mirror, and added, “To keep my job I’d likely have to dress very conservatively for a few weeks, in violation of the usual slave dress code.”
Gretchen gave her a rather crooked grin. “And for that, you know I’d have to punish you. After all, we can’t have you covering up all that beauty in sackcloth and burlap.” She stepped up to Nina and wrapped her arms around her. “Not to worry, little one. You know I said that I would not jeopardize your professional standing. From what you’ve said about this new client, and the fact that she sent you to me with Ben Wa balls in your pussy, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She tucked a lock of hair behind one of Nina’s ears, gave her a peck on the lips, and added, “If you do need to go to the office today, just go home first and change. I won’t hold that against you.” She stepped back a bit and reached out to tweak one of Nina’s nipples. “I will say, though, that I like the way this blouse makes it very easy to see how great your tits look.”
Nina took another look at herself in the mirror. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wear stockings with this skirt. It may be too short and the tops of them will show. That will make the look a little too slutty.”
Gretchen took a look at Nina’s reflection in the mirror, then ran a hand up her thigh and under the hem of the skirt. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Oh well, you won’t be the first girl to go barelegged. Your legs are tanned enough that they won’t look pasty white, so you’ll be absolutely fine.”
Nina glanced at her watch and cursed. “I’ve got to get going or I’ll get caught in traffic and be late getting in.”
Gretchen said, “One sec. There’s one more addition to this outfit.” She quickly left the room, then returned, holding out her hand. The Ben Wa balls were gleaming on her palm. “You need these, or the whole effect gets spoiled.”
Nina gave a little groan, but widened her stance as Gretchen reached under her skirt and pushed each of the balls into her pussy. She paused to rub Nina’s clit for a second. “That’s to make sure you stay well lubricated so they move around freely. Not that you ever need it, of course.” She winked at Nina, then cupped one of her breasts as she gave her a soft kiss. “Go see your other Mistress, tell her I said ‘hello’, and offer to let her take her toys back. If she wants a more personal thank you, then crawl under her desk and give it to her.”
Nina sighed, “Yes, Mistress.” She grabbed up her purse and her briefcase and headed out the door at a rush. Of course, moving quickly set the balls in motion, and she could feel her arousal rising quickly. She slowed her pace to keep things from getting out of hand, then got in her car and headed out into traffic.
The building housing the company had underground parking, so Nina didn’t have to worry about being out on a crowded sidewalk with her breasts and legs on display. However, there were several people in the elevator as she rode up to the office, and all of them stared at her. Some of the stares were lustful, some were disgusted. Nina did her best to stare straight ahead and ignore all of them, although her cheeks did redden a little.
After a few people had left the elevator, one woman leaned over and quietly said, “I wish I had the guts, and the body, to be able to dress like that, and have everyone look at me the way some of them did. I love your confidence, and I’d really like to take you out sometime.”
Nina turned to look at her, and smiled. “You’re not bad yourself. All you need is the will to do what you want, and the ability to just ignore what everyone thinks of you for doing it.” Just as she finished, the elevator stopped at her floor and the doors opened. She winked at the woman and stepped out.
She walked up to the reception desk, and saw the same young girl who had escorted her to the boardroom the day before. Once again, she saw that the girl was dressed more modestly than the other two receptionists, and certainly much more modestly than the nearly-naked look that Nina presented.
Nina could see the girl’s eyes widening as she took in the view that Nina was presenting. Nina could see her swallow hard as she wondered how to address the beautiful woman with her body on display. Nina smiled at her and said, “It’s okay. I know how I look. It’s kind of a joke on the Mistress. I’ll be popping in to see her first.”
The young girl finally managed to gather her wits enough to be able to say something. “W-would you like m-me to take you there?”
“Sure. We can get to know each other since I’ll be here quite a bit.”
The girl came around from behind the reception desk and met up with Nina. Nina could see that the girl was having trouble looking her in the eye, so she quietly said, “It’s okay. Really. Look all you want. And by the way, I’m Nina.”
The girl’s gaze fixed on Nina’s breasts as she spoke. “My name is Heather. I-I’ve n-never seen any of the other women wear something like that. Are you sure you want to show that much skin?”
Nina reached out to cup the girl’s chin and lift her face so their eyes could meet. “I normally dress like all the other women who work here, but today is a little special. I won’t have so much on display the next time you see me.”
“I’m not allowed to dress like them. I think it’s because I’m an intern, and I’m not as pretty as them, or you.” When Nina dropped her hand, Heather’s eyes once again went to Nina’s breasts. “You’re so pretty. Your breasts are really nice.”
“Especially because you can see them very plainly, I know.” She smiled at the young girl, then took her arm and started walking down the hall. “Don’t be too quick to grow up and dress like all the other women. I’m sure that day will come. And, for the record, you are very pretty and a match for anyone else who works here.”
Heather stopped walking, forcing Nina to pause and look at her. “Really? You really think I’m pretty?”
Nina gave her a warm smile. “You’re gorgeous. You’re young, and you’re only going to get better looking as the next few years go by. These other girls are going to be wondering why they can’t be as pretty as you.” The girl actually blushed a little before Nina took her hand and said, “Now, we can’t be late to see the boss, so we better get moving.” They started off again, hand in hand. The young girl was looking at Nina with a mix of awe and affection, blown away by the fact that this beautiful woman had told her she was gorgeous.
They arrived at the entrance to the CEO’s office suite and Heather let go of Nina’s hand. Nina gave her another warm smile and thanked her for helping her out. As Heather walked away, Nina could see that she was almost skipping down the hall and she chuckled to herself as she opened the door to the office.
The receptionist stared at her as she walked up to the desk. Nina grinned, and said, “Yeah, I know. It’s kind of a present for the Mistress. Is she in, and could I see her for a minute?”
“Yes, she’s in and there’s no one with her. And if I know the Mistress, you may be in there for more than just a minute. For the record, I love how those tits of yours feel, and they look really good on display like that. The Mistress will like them as well.”
“That’s likely part of the present. Should I just go in?”
“Knock on her door first, but then you should be able to just walk in.”
Just before Nina spun away, the receptionist said, “Seeing those luscious tits was thanks enough. If you want to have a little fun, come see me later and I’ll show you how much I’d like to play with them.”
The suggestion that she would be used for sex sent a little pulse through Nina. She resisted turning back and suggesting anything else, but the feeling of the Ben Wa balls moving in her pussy wasn’t helping the spike of arousal that the receptionist’s comment had started. She moved up to the closed office door and knocked, then waited for the Mistress to acknowledge and invite her in.
She opened the door and stepped though, then closed it behind her. She had a quick flash of memory at the last time she had been here, naked and kneeling on the table near the desk with her hands bound behind her and someone squeezing her breasts. The flash sent another pulse through her just as the Mistress looked up from her desk.
“Well, little one. You’re back, and nicely displayed I must say.”
Nina smiled a little crookedly. “My Mistress sends her regards and thought you might like the way I’m being presented. I’m returning the Ben Wa balls and she thought they should be wrapped as a gift.”
The Mistress got up from her chair and walked around the desk to stand in front of Nina. “And are you a gift for me from your Mistress, or are you only for the visual presentation?”
“Well, I’m a slave, so you can certainly use me as you wish, but my Mistress only said that I was to pass along her regards and return the Ben Wa balls. She didn’t say whether I was on any kind of longer-term loan.”
The Mistress stepped a little closer and cupped one of Nina’s breasts, giving it a firm squeeze. “You do have fabulous tits, and I do like that your Mistress decided that they should be on display for everyone to enjoy. It’s also a little bold to send you out in public like this, especially given how much of you is showing.” As she spoke, the Mistress moved her hand to reach under Nina’s skirt, finding her pussy to be very wet.
She started rubbing a finger over Nina’s clit, watching as Nina’s eyelids fluttered and hearing the quiet moan that came out of her mouth. “I’d say that you actually enjoy being displayed like this, given how wet you are.”
“Well, the Ben Wa balls aren’t helping. They turn my crank every time I move. There’s also a side of me that gets really turned on when people just use me for sex without regard for whether or not I have any say in the matter.”
“So, if I were to just push you to your knees and pull your face into my pussy you’d actually get excited by doing it?”
“Yes, Mistress. My husband found out how excited I get when he just bends me over and fucks me, so he tends to do that regularly.” She paused to look the mistress in the eye. “Would you like me on my knees with my tongue in your pussy?”
The Mistress smirked at her, and moved to her chair. “Well now, I’ve never actually tested your abilities in that area. You’ve said you’re very good at your job and very well qualified, but I should find out if your other qualifications are as good.” She spread her legs widely, moving her skirt up her thighs. Nina could see that she was actually wearing panties, which almost surprised her.
Nina stepped forward and lithely dropped to her knees. She kissed both of the Mistress’ knees, then moved her hands to her panties, pulling them down a little. The Mistress cooperated by lifting her rear and letting Nina take them the rest of the way off. When she sat back she spread her legs very wide, fully exposing her pussy to Nina’s gaze. Nina could see that it was already looking a little moist and starting to engorge, a sign that the Mistress was getting aroused by the idea of having Nina giving her pleasure.
She leaned forward and gave that moist pussy a firm lick along its entire length. She felt a slight tremor go through the Mistress’ abdomen, and thought that the Mistress might have expected a rather tentative first contact with her most sensitive parts. Nina made the next contact even stronger, forcing her tongue between the labia, working it into the opening, and then running it the length of the Mistress’ gash, finally surrounding her clit and sucking it between her lips while lashing it with her tongue.
The Mistress gave a sudden loud moan and arched her body, forcing her pussy into tighter contact with Nina’s mouth. She felt a hand tangling in her hair, holding her head in place as she ran the length of her tongue over the Mistress’ clit and down between her labia. Every time she hit the clit with the tip of her tongue she felt the Mistress’ hips jerk and heard another loud moan.
She was so focused on giving pleasure to the pussy in her mouth that she didn’t hear the office door open and close, and didn’t know there was someone else in the room until she felt her breasts being squeezed very firmly by a pair of hands. A voice in her ear said, “You keep working on that pussy and make her come, but these tits are mine.” An instant later she felt all the buttons on her blouse being opened and the hands came back to maul her now naked breasts.
The voice made Nina think of the secretary who had told her to go into the office, and who had commented on the display of her breasts in the sheer blouse. The hands were squeezing her breasts very firmly, and then working over her nipples quite harshly. The flashes of pain, and the way that Nina was now being used by two people, was ramping up her own arousal and she knew she would be longing for her own orgasm, something she would not likely get.
The Mistress’ juices were now dripping off Nina’s chin and she could feel them hitting her chest. In a way she was thankful that she was now half-naked, as the drops were not landing on her blouse. The hands on her breasts were working the juices into her skin, so she would spend some time smelling like the pussy of her new Mistress. That pussy was now bouncing off her mouth, and she fought to maintain contact with it as the Mistress was nearing her climax.
“The way she’s acting, you must be really good at eating pussy. I’ve been in that pussy a lot, but I don’t think she’s ever acted like that for me. I’m going to need to try you out for myself.” As she spoke, the secretary was almost clamping Nina’s nipples in her fingers and pulling them quite hard, then twisting them until Nina felt like they were being tortured by nipple clamps. She wanted to stop the torment, but knew she had to stay focused on bringing the Mistress to a finish.
She kept up her furious assault on the pussy in front of her mouth, moving her tongue as fast as she could, flicking it over the clit between her lips. She brought a hand up to trace along the lips of the pussy, then put two fingers together and drove them into the opening, angling them to graze over the rough patch at the front of the Mistress’ pussy.
She crooked her fingers, rubbing that spot forcefully and heard the Mistress yell as her orgasm slammed into her and Nina’s mouth was filled with a gush of secretions. She kept the fingers moving in and out and flattened her tongue to firmly rub over the Mistress’ clit. She could feel more tremors in the Mistress’ abdomen, and her hand tightened in Nina’s hair, pulling her face in as tightly as possible.
The hands on her breasts kept up their relentless assault and Nina was fairly certain she’d have bruises when they finally released her. The Mistress settled back down into her chair, finally pushing Nina away from her now over-sensitive pussy. As Nina pulled back, the secretary spun her around into a deep kiss, then licked some of the Mistress’ essence off her chin.
Nina heard the Mistress clear her throat and pulled back from the secretary’s embrace so she could look up at the Mistress. “You are a dangerous weapon. I can’t remember the last time somebody ate me that thoroughly. I should have sat on your face yesterday instead of tasting you, but I think you just made up for it.”
Nina smiled at the Mistress and said, “Well, I’m a slave. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”
“Your Mistress has certainly trained you well. My compliments to her.” She seemed to notice that Nina’s breasts were bared and being mauled by her secretary. “If you’re going to bruise the poor girl’s tits the least you could do is to rub her clit a little. After what she just did, she deserves to come once or twice, so get to work or I’ll send you down the hall.”
“Yes, Mistress. Right away, Mistress.” The secretary quickly moved a hand from one of Nina’s breasts to reach under her skirt and cup her wet pussy. She started rubbing her labia very quickly and firmly, moving up to land on her clit. When she felt the little bump, she squeezed it between two fingers and began sawing up and down over it. Nina’s arousal rocketed up since she was already so turned on. In less than a minute she started coming on the secretary’s fingers.
She was moaning loudly as the orgasm racked her body. The secretary never stopped working over Nina’s clitoris, pushing her into a second strong orgasm, and extending it by sucking one of Nina’s nipples between her teeth. She rammed two fingers into Nina’s depths, pushing the Ben Wa balls around inside her and intensifying the new orgasm by also rubbing her clit with a thumb.
Nina finally grabbed the woman’s wrist to pull her hand away from her pussy. “Too much, too much.” Her pussy was now so sensitive that she didn’t think she’d be able to take any more stimulation for a while.
The Mistress growled, “Alright, that’s enough. Leave the slut alone and get back to your desk.”
“Yes, Mistress. Right away, Mistress.” The secretary gave Nina’s nipples one final tweak, then scrambled to her feet and quickly left the office. The Mistress grinned down at the somewhat disheveled and very flushed Nina.
“You might want to go and use my washroom to straighten up and fix your face.”
As Nina slowly got back to her feet, she was still feeling aftershocks from the strong orgasms, and the movement of the Ben Wa balls in her pussy didn’t help her to recover. “Thank you, Mistress. I appreciate that.” She made her way to the washroom and used the break to wash her face and run her fingers through her hair, then straighten her blouse and rebutton most of it. When she returned she was completely presentable once again.
The Mistress grinned at her and said, “If your analytical skills are half as good as that tongue of yours, then I will definitely be looking forward to what you can do to help us improve the operation of the company.”
Nina nodded to acknowledge the compliment, and replied, “I plan to live up to your expectations, Mistress, and I will do my utmost not to let you, or my company, down.”
“I’m sure you won’t. I have told my people to arrange an office for you with everything you should need while you’re working here. My secretary can give you all the contact information.”
“Thank you, Mistress. I’m sure everything will be fine.” She started to turn away, then looked back and asked, “Oh, Mistress ... the Ben Wa balls?”
This time the Mistress’ grin had a bit of an evil twist. “Keep them. Wear them for the rest of the day. If they prove to be too much of a distraction you have my permission to take them out, but you really should wear them as long as you can. They’re fantastic for improving your internal muscle tone, and I’m sure your husband will appreciate that.”
“Thanks for the gift, Mistress, and I’ll do my best to keep them in. I’ll try not to let them distract me too much.”
“I think you’ll be more of a distraction to the rest of the staff, given the way you’re dressed.”
“I understand, but I have to blame my Mistress for that. She does have a bit of a twisted sense of humour, especially when it comes to her slave.”
“I may have to meet this Mistress of yours. Between the two of us I’m sure we could come up with some interesting things for you.”
Nina’s expression froze for a moment, long enough that the Mistress started chuckling. “It’s okay, little one. You’re safe for the moment. Go get set up in your office.”
Nina decided to get out while she might be ahead. She quickly thanked the Mistress and left the office, not looking forward to anything else the Mistress might have her do.
The secretary looked up at her as Nina approached the desk. “The Mistress says you can tell me where to find the office I’m supposed to use.”
The secretary smiled at her and pushed back from her desk. “I’ll do better than that. I’ll take you there. I’m due for a break anyway.” As she stood, she said, “By the way, I’m Suzanne. I know your name is Nina, but we haven’t been formally introduced.” She held out a hand and Nina took it in one of hers.
“Pleased to meet you, although it’s funny to shake your hand considering that both of your hands have already been all over me.”
Suzanne chuckled and nodded her head. “I’m sure they’d like to be all over you again. For now, though, I’d better get you to your office.”
The two women headed out to the main hallway. Along the way to Nina’s office, Suzanne pointed out the washrooms, the break room, the office supplies and photocopier room, and told her about some of the amenities that were available in the building. “Of course, you might not want to go to the deli downstairs while you’re dressed like that. I could see you causing quite a stir if you did. I’m sure one of the front desk people would be more than willing to go and get something for you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I normally don’t dress like this. My Mistress decided I should be a bit of a present for your boss.”
“Your Mistress? You’re a slave?”
Nina laughed. “I would have thought that my tattoo would have given that away.”
Suzanne looked a little puzzled. They had stepped into an empty office, so Nina lifted the front of her skirt. Suzanne automatically looked down and gasped when she saw the artwork adorning Nina’s public mound. “Wow!” She reached out a hand and ran a finger over it. When she looked up at Nina she said, “I never saw it before. It was always covered by your skirt or someone else’s hand.’
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The collaring ceremony and reception had been a great success. It was a small affair but all had a good time. There were only 10 people in attendance, but were very close friends to the Mistress and her newly collared sub. The actually ceremony had been short and sweet, it had been just a mere formality as the two had been together for 2 years now. They signed the formal agreement, which they had drawn up together. It contained limits, expectations, and rules regarding their union. Next the...
Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...
Chapter 1 We waved our respective husbands goodbye on their business trip togetherand my heart was pounding. Standing, I could smell the warmth of her perfume,I watched the movement of her body and the caress of her hair surreptitiously.I wanted to touch her, be touched by her. I was horny. I was reluctantly becomingused to having to do whatever Susan asked of me again. It scared me, but italso excited me a little more every time Susan asked me to do something. We had never spent a night...
I’m a social alpha-male that loves being sexually submissive. Oh, I’ve been a Dom and thoroughly enjoyed it, but my first love is being subservient to a Domme. I had forgotten all the different ads I had placed, even forgotten what my profile said and all the shemale pictures in the profile photo album. I had a shemale lover before meeting my wife. She was a switch—we were incompatible, but the sex was great! Anyway, her message said: saw your ad and checked you’re profile. I live in...
Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....
BLIND DATE WITH A MISTRESS by Submiss18 After having scoured several different adult personal services, it seemed I'd finally found a dominant woman who responded to me. Upon sending her an initial email to let her humbly know of my intentions and past experience as a submissive slave, Mistress Diana sent me several other emails questioning my level of commitment and I've learned she is very adept at prodding me to want to please her as soon as possible. She has given me...
As you might expect from a little girl, Claudette threw a tantrum at being uprooted when her ‘father’ took the job at the veterans’ hospital, but that was the only tantrum. Even at her age, she understood just important it was to her ‘dad’ that she became a nurse. We asked what she thought would make the transition easier, and we very were surprised when she said that having a sister might be nice. There were still a number of war orphans in institutions, so within a couple of months of us...
I had never liked guns, which was why I’d volunteered to be a pianist, but I knew that there was a chance we might need that machine pistol in the near future. I’d been trained by S.O.E. to handle weapons, so when Mistress handed me a pistol for self protection, she didn’t need to instruct me on how to use it. I didn’t ask where the pistol came from; it probably came out of the stores where Mistress worked, which meant that she must have stolen it for me. If it hadn’t been so serious, it...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You: want to watch?Stranger: okayYou: okStranger: Doesn't it hurt?You: yesStranger: do you like it?Stranger: Do you like being in pain?You: yesYou: do u like?Stranger: Okay then hit yourself harderStranger: I like to order around people like youYou: im your slaveStranger: then act like itStranger: that's itStranger: goodStranger: It's what you deserveStranger: is that cum what I see?You: spitStranger: thanks godStranger: I don't remember...
My First Session With My MistressThis is unfortunately, only a fantasy. If anyone wants to make it a reality, let me knowWe had met on the internet, and we had spoken a number of times, but when Mistress told me She was going to visit NYC and would be available for a live session, I was excited and, I admit, a bit nervous. After all, live IS different from internet and phone. I was torn between physical fear, fear that I would disappoint my Mistress, and fear that the...
By : Criticalmass Synopsis: The slave girl is going to be taken to her first party with her mistress. This is a firsthand account narrated by the girl. My mistress promised me to take me to a special party on the day I would turn 18, and today is that day. I am 5′ 7″ tall and have a figure of 34D-28-38. I am fair and have long hair. I had met my mistress on my summer vacation 2 months ago. In the last 2 months we have developed a special bonding and trust. The party was late in the night;...
LesbianNearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...
TabooThe MistressA soft glow from the desk lamp illuminated slender black leather gloved hands caressing a riding crop. The silence was palpable. The only sound was the soft rasp of a tongue gliding over polished leather. The Mistress’s gaze was piercing as she read the financial report. She was not pleased with her accountant, and she would soon demand answers from him personally. The white male slave that had brought the financial report stood at attention with his eyes downcast. He sensed...
Kinky Vacation with my Mistress Chapter 1 - Arrival at our Nest of Kink by sissy kristie for Ms. SEVEN The trip was planned carefully and long in advance and both my Mistress as well as Her sub, me, were looking forward to this adventure for almost an eternity.? As soon as the opportunity for the real life adventurous encounter was known, my Mistress decided where we should spend the week in a luxurious and remote house in Avignon, France. It did not take very long until the right place was...
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked and also felt the sensation of my cock receiving more blood and growing slightly in my pants. I shivered due to the winters icy wind as I turned onto the pathway. As I did so I casually looked around and was relieved to see no one was about, and continued down the path to the appointment that I had been fantasising about for the previous few weeks. To be in a situation where it was not me who had to make the decision, or be relied on, or take the...
Mistress steps back from the St Andrew's Cross I'm secured to, and I hear her moving across the studio and then rolling one of her toy chests towards me. She takes hold of my cock which is still bound by the cord. "Hm, I suppose I should untie this. Its head is looking very purple and swollen. If I don't release it soon it just might fall off," Mistress muses. I feel her untying the knot in the cord and disconnecting it from the nipple clamp chain, then she pulls the ends of the cord rapidly...
Mistress Marcie is not happy to have caught sissy richie masturbating when she got back. Mistress takes sissy into the bedroom and cages him, puts on blindfold and ear plugs. Has sissy lay on bed then ties hands a legs spread eagle with head at edge of mattress. Mistress sits on sissy’s face and has him lick her to orgasm, then turns around and slaps sissies’ cock and balls while grinding her butt on sissy face. Has sissy rim and tongue fuck Mistress, this seems like hours of pleasuring...
My first meeting with Mistress was in the horrible, cold and dirty cell I got thrown into, on arrival. Pardon my vulgarity, but they hadn’t even given me the proverbial ‘pot to piss in’. I thought I’d been in it a few hours, wetting myself, and panicking as to what was going to happen to me. I’d been trained in England and I had a fair idea of what sort of treatment I could expect from the Gestapo. To be fair, I was a little surprised that I hadn’t yet been raped; which was the first...
Sissy wakes up between Mistress Marcie’s legs, she has grabbed its head and is pulling towards her pussy. This one can smell her arousal and knows what mistress wants, sissy starts to lick, kiss and suck on pussy and clitoris, listening to Mistress’s breathing. Sissy hears a change in breathing so starts to work on clitoris running tongue around and lightly over again and again for what seems like ten to fifteen minutes, suddenly Mistress tenses up and starts to moan very loudly and shake,...
Before we were married, my wife June and I never discussed things like how many children we would have, where we would like to be financially in a few years and other mundane things like that. We lived in an apartment for a couple of years, then decided to buy a house. We had different ideas about where we wanted to buy, she wanted to be near downtown, and I wanted to be near my work. We finally compromised and bought a house half way in between. It was a quiet neighborhood, but neither of us...
My Aunt, My MistressI had just turned thi....teen that summer, when Aunt Susan came to look afterme, while my parents went on a 3-week trip to Rodrigues Island, in the Indian Ocean. I liked Aunt Susan. She was unmarried and led a life filled with friends, mostly unmarried women like herself, and seemed to spend her spare time going to the newest shows,visiting all the clubs, or going off skiing or on extended holidays. She was somewhat older than her sister, my mother, but although she was...
The Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress *at the humble bequest of ?slave2isis?* The Mistress smiled lay on her luxurious bed as she had myriad slaves parade her new wardrobe before it was to be organized by her personal suite staff. Of course the robust healthy white males kept their eyes downcast and their penises flaccid. The ready whips of her personal bodyguards were eager to touch their tender skin in punishment. The slaves were performing against a losing battle as the Mistress had a...
Yes Mistress Yes MistressBy slave ajay With bated breath i opened the elevator door and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. It was my firstmeeting with my Mistress. i had spent a sleepless night eagerly awaiting this meeting. Indeed thiswas the first time ever that i got an opportunity to serve a Domme in real life. i had been waiting for thismoment for years now. As the elevator started its ascent, my anticipation increased. i had never met my Mistressbefore and She had been kind...
Follow me to my room my pet. I have some things I want you to change into. Yes Mistress. We get to her room and she has a beautiful black leather corset with garter straps, black seam up the back thigh high stockings, Some very sexy come fuck me pumps and a black and hot pink leather collar with a matching leash. I walk over to the bed and get undressed. Before you put the items on that I have layed out for you, let me get a good look at my slave. She walks over and inspects...
VISIT TO MISTRESS Mistress Carol got a hold of Master at work and asked if She could use me for one night. Master gave Her permission. So here I am walking to the door of Mistress Carol’s house knocking with butterflies in my stomach and a worry look on my face. A tall brunette answers the door, she is at least 2 inches taller and I’m 5’5”. Mistress Carol is 6 feet tall. The girl tells me to come in. I follow her down the hallway to a room where there is a cross and floggers, crops,...
My wife Cherie and I had been married for just over a year when she dropped the bombshell that her daughter was coming to live with us. Cherie had told me she had a daughter to her first husband before we were married but Marcia was twenty-five and had a career as a dancer, so why did she have to move in with us? As it turned out she had lost her job and was low on cash so mummy ......and step daddy were bailing her out. I had not even met her until she arrived two weeks ago, now that was...
BLACK-MISTRESS.TXT - by Cindy V. - femdom, TV, humiliation My local newspaper has a small "personals" column, and recently a new ad appeared that simply said "Roleplaying". I watched the news-paper for a few weeks to see if the ad would disappear, but there it was, day after day. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me, and I called the number. The recptionist explained that they did role-playing fantasies involving all sorts of domination, and best of all they were not that...
Tricia felt she had given Steve the best years of her life. They had been married since graduating college. The k**s were all grown and away at school. She had done everything to support him and be a good wife. So when she discovered his infidelity, it really devastated her. The investigator had all the evidence needed to file for divorce and win a sizable settlement. Steve owned his own company and the other woman was none other than his personal assistant Monica. Now the question was, when...
Owned by an online Mistress After being blackmailed by Master Michael (see "Blackmailed by Master Michael"), I tried to stop being a sissy. I purged most of my sissy clothes and thought my sissy urges would go away if I just quit going online. They didn't. Unfortunately, drinking and being a sissy led to yet another poor decision on my part when I became owned by an online Mistress. It started when I uploaded my cross-dressing photos to Flickr to share with other sissies, although...
I let a woman control me! I was in college. I lived in a big city, it was summer and I was working in a mall. I was talking to a couple while at work, educating them about a certain washer and dryer when I noticed a woman from across the aisle that kept looking at me and every time I looked over at her she would quickly look away with a smile. I spent about 15 minutes with the couple and when they were done asking questions, I looked around kind of expecting this woman to be looking for help...
with special thanks to Polly Plummer A glass of lemonade! Nina's eyes flew open, fixing the cool patterns of moonlight reflected from hidden smooth surfaces onto the ceiling of her bedroom. The urge had come suddenly, and it had come strong! Half a glass, no more. That would be sufficient. Orange flavour. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table: 2:35 Surely Mistress Selene would not be around the ground floor anymore. Nina slipped out from under her blanket, revealing to a...
I walked into the candle lit living room & stood still for a momentto adjust my vision. Just then she moved out of the shadows & quicklywrapped a blindfold around my head & eyes. She whispered to me as she boundthe blindfold, "You are my prisoner now & you will follow my commands tothe letter or else." As she spoke I felt the heat rising in my loins, I gotvery excited when she grabbed my hands behind my back & handcuffed themtogether. I spoke in a low taunting voice, "Or...
I had just moved into a new neighbourhood after my divorce. We sold our home and acreage and I was able to buy this modest two-story home. I like a lot of space around me and since I'm alone now, this gave me what I wanted. I also work from home and I was fortunate to have a large study on the upper floor. My house is on a corner lot and I have only one neighbour. She lives in a very large house on a double lot. I saw her briefly as I was moving things in. We nodded to each other, but never got...
The Mistress Manual by: Mistress Lorelei1WHY BECOME A MISTRESS?:Some Unexpected Pleasures"When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up." - Roger W Babson"For my readers who have already tasted the heady wine of total control over a submissivemale, this question may seem absurd. The answer is so obvious: being a Mistress is fun.Female Dominance offers the Mistress a cornucopia of delights. (The submissive male enjoysit too, although there are moments in scene when he may not seem...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the next part of the story where Simi and I explored reverse BDSM fantasy as me as a submissive slave. If you haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. After our session on BDSM, where Simi served me, we both were ready for the next one in which I had to serve her (my Mistress). A couple of weeks passed, but we didn’t get time for it....
Part I -- Arrival I arrived at the DeMarcco mansion in late August. Summer was alreadyfading into fall as winter comes early in such a northern province. Ifound the castle cold and dark and foreboding, despite the presence ofthe Master, who was young and handsome and extremely wealthy. He and hispretty bride were renowned for their lavish parties and generosity, andanyone in the country, including the Duke of Kennington, was alwayspleased to receive an invitation. I viewed my change of...
It had been a week since my glorious encounter with Mistress Angie. I swear I can still feel my balls on fire. I had sent numerous IMs but no reply until Thursday. "Stop pestering me you little fuck. I'll contact you not the other way around. You'll just have to wait until I feel you are worthy of another session. Contact me again and I'll show your prissy, sexually dull, blonde haired, blue-eyed wife the little video tape we made together."Video tape? What the fuck! A video tape? Man talk...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...
I was at work when my phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, I saw the single letter 'M.' Mistress! I didn't let it ring a second time. From the other end, I heard the smoky, sensual voice say "Come," and I nearly did right there. She hung up, not needing to say anything more. I knew where to go. I left work early, got in my car and drove. It had been nearly three weeks since I last heard from her and I ached to see her again.Some may think it strange to be so obsessed with this woman who I knew...
journey By Cassandra Morgan - 1 - - Andy's voice - "Me Tarzan, Her Jane!" The first 500 times or so I said it, it might have been amusing. The last 500, people were laughing at me, not with me. But that was okay. I was happy. The music was loud, and the alcohol was flowing, and everyone at Mama Leon's nightclub was happy. Lights flashed. Laughter sounded. People smiled. It was Roleplay Night, which is always a good...