Commanding PresenceChapter 11: Dinner, Dancing, Dominating free porn video

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Evan had no problems with going out to dinner. In fact his midterm exams were finished and he was looking forward to getting out. The restaurant Cheri picked was reasonably upscale and required a coat and tie for him; Cheri wore the same dress she had for his birthday. She worried if maybe this would be a little too formal for Pam but she felt like dressing up a little. Okay, maybe a lot.

She needn't have worried about that. They were waiting for their table when Pam strolled through the door. Her hair was pulled back severely and rolled up on the top of her head accentuating her fine Nordic features. She had on a black sleeveless dress with a high neckline, high enough to cover her collar, yet tight enough to clearly show every curve on her body. It had a zipper in front running from about her navel up to her neck, zipped up all the way to the top. The hem came to about mid thigh with her long tapered legs covered in nylons atop a pair of four-inch spike heel CFM shoes. (CFM she had explained to Evan meant Come Fuck Me.) A smile lit up her face when she saw Cheri and she rushed over.

"Cheri! There you are! Oh you look gorgeous tonight! Well are you going to introduce me to this handsome man on your arm? I'm going to assume this is Evan."

"Of course it is. Pam this is Master Evan, Evan this is my friend Pam. My God I'm glad I tried to dress up tonight. You look stunning! What do you think, Evan?"

"I think," he said as her took her hand and bent down to kiss it, "that I will have to watch my back very carefully tonight. Every man here is going to be so jealous of me for having the two most beautiful women here with me that they might try something evil just to get me out of the way."

"Oh my," Pam blushed accepting his outrageous flattery, "Cheri, you weren't kidding. He could just sweep a girl off her feet, couldn't he?"

"Thank you, lovely lady. To sweep you off your feet would be an honor, I'm sure," he gave and exaggerated heavy sigh. "If only my heart weren't already lost to another..." Saying that he picked up Cheri's hand and also gave her a bow and a kiss. The maître d' arrived to show them their table. The girls and Evan followed him as they weaved their way through the tables.

Pam leaned over and whispered in Cheri's ear, "He's perfect! So young, but so masterful! Where did you find him? Did you grow him yourself?"

"Hmm, well, something like that. And yes, his body's young but as for the rest of him... Well he's every inch a man, let me tell you."

"Oh I can believe that, oh yes indeed. And just how many inches may I ask? Six, seven, maybe eight? Am I getting warm?"

"You're terrible!" Cheri giggled back at the younger woman. "And I'm not telling you! You already look like you're loaded for bear and I'm not giving you any more incentive to chase him, you Jezebel."

"Oh Cheri, believe me I would never do that to a friend but if you weren't, grrrr, he is something special! I can tell that even now. Thanks for letting me meet him."

When they got to their table they were seated with the women on either side of Evan. They ordered some wine to begin and soon ordered dinner. Talk jumped from topic to topic: from Evan and Cheri's classes (Pam was surprised that Evan approved of Cheri taking classes. "Why not?" he said. "She's as intelligent as she is beautiful and shouldn't be wasting her life just cleaning toilets at home."), to Pam working at a bookstore.

"You didn't tell him where I work, did you?" Pam asked Cheri, accusingly.

"Well I didn't think it was really relevant and..." she blushed, looked down at the table and bit her lip.

"No need to be ashamed, I'm not. Evan, we met while I was working at the Chained Love. It's a little boutique that specializes in, shall we say, love with restrictions and boundaries. In fact I don't just work there, I'm also the owner. Have been for the past two years. I think you might be familiar with a few of the lines of merchandise we carry, such as this one." With that she reached up and traced a finger along Cheri's collar to the cameo.

"Beautiful work, this. I can see you had it custom made. Cheri and I have been talking about these little symbols and exactly what they mean. I would assume you know a little about what they signify and the customs associated with them."

"I'm afraid I probably don't know as much as I should," he said seemingly unaffected by her blatant reference to the slave collar. "To be honest the symbolism was only between us." He clasped Cheri's free hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss.

"I suppose I could have or maybe should have known there were wider meanings when I bought the necklace, but to tell the truth, I didn't care. The collar may be resting around her neck but it binds me just as much as it does her. I suppose it's a lot like a wedding ring only a little more extreme."

"Yes, there is some truth to what you say." Pam looked at the boy thoughtfully. "The bond between dominant and submissive, or Master and Slave as we truly call it, isn't a one-way street. A slave needs to be controlled, needs the domination, but without the slave a Master is not a Master. Each has his or her own role to play and each is as important as the other. I like the way you look at it. In fact I wish more did; maybe there would be more long-term stable relationships out there. We don't tend to see that, I'm afraid."

"You said 'we'." Evan leaned forward looking exceptionally curious. "Do you mean 'we' as in the business or 'we' as in you've had experience with this before?"

"Evan! That may be too personnel! I may have to answer your embarrassing questions but Pam doesn't!" Cheri glanced at him, imploring with her eyes.

"Of course she doesn't! I'm sorry Pam. Please forgive me, but I'm fascinated by this whole culture. I don't know much about it -- that's obvious -- but I'd like to learn if for no other reason than I don't want to make stupid mistakes. But you certainly don't have to answer to me or anyone."

Pam laughed lightly and reached over to grab each of their hands in hers. "I don't mind talking about it, really I don't. I've never been what you call shy and this is a subject I really can get into. To answer your question: it's both. As proprietor of a shop that deals in the subject, I need to know everything I can about it. But the reason I'm in the business is that I'm also personally involved. Maybe this will explain."

Reaching for her throat Pam clasped the zipper of her dress and pulled it down to where it was almost below her breasts. She then folded the dress' neckline back until her throat and a tremendous amount of cleavage was exposed. Standing out starkly on her bared neck was the dark shape of her collar. Clearly visible was the empty ring hanging down in the center.

"Oh, I think I see," said Evan. "That is quite beautiful on you, your, ah, Master must be very proud of you."

"That shows what you don't know." Pam reached up and flicked the empty ring with a fingernail. "I don't have a tag. That means I don't have a master now."

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't be. It's not your fault and besides you didn't know. Well we can talk about this a little later but right now I need to go to the little girls' room."

"Oh," Cheri exclaimed, "so do I. Here, I'll go with you."

Both women stood up and made their way to the restroom. It wasn't surprising that every male head in the place practically swiveled off their necks trying to follow them as they went. One in particular watched with something more than male lustfulness and fantasy.

"Oh my god he's a doll, Cheri!" Pam gushed to her friend as they primped in the mirror next to each other. "He doesn't have a brother, does he?"

"I think I can safely say I'm sure he doesn't have a brother." Cheri grinned. "He is something special and I'm glad you like him. He sure seems to like you. I'm wondering if I should be getting jealous or not."

"Oh I think it would safe to say he's interested. I thought his eyes were going to pop out when I unzipped my top, but he was such a perfect gentleman even then. But even if I could get him interested I think that's all I would be able to do. I can tell he would never do anything to hurt you so, unless you wanted to share him, I don't think I would ever stand a chance.

"You wouldn't, would you?" Pam looked at Cheri out to the corner of her eye.

"I wouldn't want to what?"

"Share him with me, or maybe with us. Please don't be offended and certainly don't feel badly about saying no, but I want to be honest. I find you both very attractive, very exciting. The thought of being in bed with the two of you really turns me on."

"Ah, well, hmm, that's to say, I've never, ah..." Cheri was flabbergasted, unable to string together a coherent sentence. She knew she should come out and flat out say no, but that was the old Cheri talking. If she looked deep enough inside herself she had to admit the thought was very arousing.

"Oh don't say anything now. Like I said, you can say no and not hurt my feelings. In fact I hope we can still be friends no matter what you decide. But if sometime you want to try it... Well, I'll be here."

"I can't say what I feel right now, Pam," Cheri whispered to her. "I really like you and, well yes, I'm attracted to you also. But you know it's not up to me. For me Evan is the boss. I can ask but that doesn't mean he'll do it. I don't know what to say right now. Can we just leave it that I'll be thinking about it?"

"Oh course we can!" Pam leaned over and gave Cheri a quick kiss on the lips, nothing overtly sexual but firm enough to let her know the younger woman meant business. "Now don't you think we've left our precious escort alone long enough? You'd better watch it or some little bitch will come along and try to snap him up!"

Giggling Cheri said, "I think you're right!"

The ladies exited the restroom and made their way slowly back to the table. Soon after they left a figure put down a phone he had been holding to his ear and followed.

"Ah, my ladies have returned." Evan stood up as soon as he saw them coming back and held out a chair for Pam and after seating her, pulled out the other for Cheri.

"My ears were burning while you were gone. You girls weren't talking about me, now were you?"

"Oh my! You certainly have a Master's ego, that's for sure!" Pam laughed. "If you must know we were comparing the size of the cocks of our latest lovers."

"Pam!" Cheri had been about to take a sip of wine and almost choked. "We were not!"

"Well, then maybe we should," she said raising her eyebrows and looking at Evan expectantly.

"You women!" Evan tried to sound disgusted. "All you can think about is size. Don't you know it's not how deep the cut but how the tool is used that matters?" All three of them started laughing.

"You!" A deep voice resonated over Evan's shoulder.

Turning around Evan saw a man standing behind them, obviously looking directly at Pam.

"May I help you?" Evan inquired.

"Shut up you, little shit. I'm talking to the blonde bitch!" Glancing over at Pam he saw she was biting her lip and looking almost scared. Her hand went to her throat trying vainly to cover her collar. Smoothly Evan pushed his chair out and stood up, placing himself directly between Pam and this disagreeable stranger. He was slightly taller than Evan and a little broader in the shoulders, mid-twenties with long greasy looking hair and dressed in black leather from head to toe.

"Oh I don't think I'll do that. Now as you can see we are having dinner and we really wish to be left alone. So why don't you just go back to your own table and we can all get on with having a very nice evening."

"I said shut up, you little fuck. I'm claiming the bitch and she's coming with me!"

"Is there something I can help with, sirs?" The maître d' seemed to materialize at Evan's side.

"Why I do believe there is." Without taking his eyes off the stranger he reached in his pocket and then seeming to shake the maître d's hand whispered into his ear. The maître d's eyebrows elevated slightly and with a slight smile he raised his hand and sort of flicked his wrist.

"Sir," he said softly taking a step towards the interloper, "I believe it would be better if you just sat down. If not, then I'll have to ask you to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere without this little slit, pipsqueak. Now get your ass moving!"

"She's staying here with me." Evan said calmly. "Now please leave us alone."

"Yes, I'm afraid I must now insist you leave, sir," the maître d' said, calmly inserting himself in between the two men.

"And just who the hell do you think is going to make me? You? Don't make me laugh!"

"Me? Oh, I don't think that will be necessary. Ralph, will you escort our guest to the door?"

"Certainly, Mr. Martin." Materializing almost out of thin air was one of the largest men Evan had ever seen. Placing his hand on the stranger's[0] arm and squeezing, one could hear the leather squeal, a sure sign an immense amount of pressure was being applied. "Now if the gentleman will come with me."

Mr. Leather looked at Pam with what had to be a great deal of shock and blurted, "You're choosing him over me? I can't believe it."

Seeming to have regained her composure, Pam smiled thinly at him and said, "I accept his claim and submit willingly." Looking like a poleaxed steer, the intruder was hustled off by the man-mountain towards the exit.

"I am truly sorry for this interruption, sir and madams. We generally don't have problems with the, ah, coarser types, but we are a public establishment, you know, and regrettably it does happen sometimes."

"It's not your fault nor the establishment's. The fault is entirely that of one very rude individual. Thank you for your assistance, and please give my regards to Mr. Ralph."

"Oh I will, sir, and thank you for your understanding. Please enjoy your meal and please accept a dessert on the house for your troubles."

"Thank you, ah Mr. Martin? I think we will accept your kind offer."

After they sat down Pam turned to them and almost crying said, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I should have never exposed my collar in public. It's just I didn't expect anyone to be here that would do such a thing!"

"Of course it's not your fault! Don't be silly. It's just some asshole, maybe drunk, who created a scene."

"No, really it is my fault! You see by showing my collar without a tag it's like I asked for him to come over and claim me. I just didn't think about it since I was here with you two."

"So not having a tag is the problem?"


"Here," Evan worked at the cuff of his shirt and pulled off one of his cufflinks. It was a beautiful gold oval with as embossed 'E' in the middle. "This should hang on you ring fairly easily and now you can be tagged and hopefully prevent this nonsense from happening again. I suppose you could just cover it up again but it is so beautiful on you and the dress flatters you so much more when it's open. Here, will you allow me?"

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Dancing with Laura

I had to smile as I walked out of the guest bedroom. "Grown up? Um, yeah," I thought to myself. It had started out as a typical Saturday night. I was very much a fly-under-the-radar guy. No need to throw my wild times in my parents' faces, but Saturdays were for going out. Tonight I would spend it out drinking and maybe dancing with some nice looking girls. I wasn't much of a dancer. In fact I felt like a complete douche trying to do it, but if you want to meet the nice looking girls your...

3 years ago
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Nude DancingChapter 2 Mom

Wedding Day, Tampa, Florida, Saturday, September 2nd 2006 Natalie and I spent the rest of Friday night in her bed, making love again and again before we fell into an exhausted sleep that was only interrupted when the dawn sun splashed brightly into the room and roused us. "You better go Bobby, mom might wake up," my sweet, red haired sister whispered in my ear. "Too bad, I'm not finished with my big sister yet," I said with a smiling growl, then rolled on top of her and found her lips...

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Dancing the night away

My friends head out early, too tired to stay, but I'm not ready to leave the club yet. I haven't had my dancing fix and I'm hoping to feel the body of some stranger against mine. The club is in the hipster place of Los Angeles, so I have my pick of young, well-dressed, artsy men. With my hair in a pixie cut and my loose sweater hiding the curves of my body, I'm not exactly advertising my femininity, but the positive energy of the dancing crowd makes me optimistic.On the dance floor, comfortably...

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Showing My Boobs Pt2 Dancing

The previous evening, I had stripped at a club full of men for the first time and I was still shaking a little from adrenaline. It was 6 A.M. and I was wired. I got up and showered; when I got out, Joe was up. He got a quick shower and we decided to go for breakfast. I put on a hot pink spaghetti-strap top and a pair of white shorts.For those who haven't read my other story, I'm 5 foot 6 inches tall with dark hair, blue eyes. I weigh about 135 pounds; I have very well developed thighs, legs,...

2 years ago
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showing my boobs pt2 dancing

Hi, my name is Lori and this is another of my stories. This took place a little over 10 years ago while my boyfriend Joe and I were on a vacation. The previous evening, I had stripped at a club full of men for the first time and I was still shaking a little from adrenaline. It was 6 A.M. and I was wired. I got up and showered, when I got out Joe was up. He got a quick shower and we decided to go for breakfast. I put on a hot pink spaghetti strap top and a pair of white shorts. For those that...

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Dancing Lessons

From our perspective, all our teachers were old, but knowing this was Miss Hanson’s first year at least distinguished her from Miss McGraw who’d taught our parents. I liked Miss Hanson from the first because she knew about everything. How glaciers scooped out lakes, how Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic, whatever struck our fancy. We boys were more interested in glaciers; the girls, of course, Miss Earhart. “It’s a big old world, but not too big for not getting back,” as Miss Hanson put...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 6 Dancing Partners

As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...

3 years ago
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Dancing in the Moonlight

Two left feet. No, that would be kind. I was clearly just a man who, in spite of a few years of playing guitar, had no sense of timing or rhythm. What was so damned difficult about learning to two step? It certainly looked simple enough. My impromptu ‘tutor’, a 50ish man who had no doubt taken pity on the petite woman struggling with my hulking 6 foot 2 form, shrugged his shoulders and went back to dancing gracefully with his partner. I thanked him for his help, and marveled at the way they...

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Darkness and LightChapter 25 Dancing in the Dark

The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...

1 year ago
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Downfall of a Dancing Girl

Going as far back as she could possibly remember all Allie ever really wanted to be was a dancer. Her grandmother was a ballerina in the old Moscow Ballet Company and would often show her the ancient photos of her on her tip-toes looking like her legs went all the way up to her neck. She had started to train at a very early age and by the time she was sixteen she was as accomplished as most of the adult females dancing professionally on the stage in Portland, Oregon. In a stroke of bad luck...

3 years ago
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Dancing Teens Ch 01

Well it all started when I got off early from work one day. The boss got bad news, something about an old friend of his kicking the bucket or something. Anyhow, he got real upset and just sent everyone home. I felt bad about his friend passing on, but I was a little off about losing some pay, too. Oh well, I thought, might as well enjoy the time off.I headed for home thinking of a little swim in the pool, and maybe a few beers. I called my wife to see if she could get off early, but turned out...

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Chris was in the audience. He made sure to get to the strip club after her that way no one would know the two of them were together. It was Carrie's idea to dance during amateur night at Jiggly's, a local strip club. She felt wet and slutty being on display in front of so many men. In her wilder days in school she had been gang fucked at parties on a couple of occasions, but for some reason this was different. Fucking came natural to everyone, just let your genitals do the talking. ...

1 year ago
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Dancing In the Daylight

Dancing In The Daylight By Julie "How long are you going to be out of town?" Larry asked Ginny as she packed her suitcase. The two of them had been best friends since junior high. That hadn't changed when they married after they had graduated high school. If anything, love made the friendship even stronger. "I have to install the new computer system in our New Jersey branch over the weekend and then help iron out the bugs over the following day or two. If the training...

2 years ago
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Following Dancing to the Wild Side

(This story involves a less married couple, where the past/future wife expands her enjoyment of some women. It builds on the recent previous story, “Dancing To The Wild Side.” Inspired by an idea in “Hot August Night” parts 1 and 2 by Ona-Edge.) Saturday when Katy showed me the selfie on her phone from Friday night she identified Jenni (tall blonde), Robin (cute, short dark hair with really nice roundish tits), and Gerta (their ride share driver and later voyeur, who looked older). Jenni lived...

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Irenes Story Chapter 2 Oscar Takes Me Dancing

Friday morning I woke up early Friday morning. My mind immediately raced to the events of the previous night. Oscar had bought me a very revealing outfit for his birthday. The outfit consisted of a beige silk blouse that was very sheer, a brown wrap-around skirt that had a slit in the front that reached nearly to my crotch, and a pair of brown, high-heel pumps. When modeling the outfit for my husband, he revealed his desire for me to wear this outfit without bra or panties on our date...

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Anita dancing with a black stranger

Our friends Sheila and James had invited us to a house party, but that night I was arriving late to the airport from a flight abroad. But my sweet Ana would go alone and I would join her later at the party.I finally arrived home past midnight. I took a warm shower, changed my clothes and drove to our friends’ house. But I found some pretty bad traffic and I then texted Anita, saying I was really late. She texted back saying not to worry and she loved me.I could get to the party around two...

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Dancing in the DarkChapter 6 Whos Seducing Whom

It's the little things that make the difference. Jumping into bed together might have proved fun and erotic, but small intimacies make anticipation almost unbearable and intensify desire. I held my daughter's hand as we explored the cavernous depths of the Natural History Museum in the morning. I drew her attention to items with a soft, intimate touch of her arm. I steered her through crowds with a gentle hand on her lower back or by leading her by the hand. As we admired displays I let my...

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Dancing With Granny

Last week I met one of the most sensous grannies in my life. Jane is a thin blond, with very small breasts, but she makes up for with the shapeliest legs and nicest ass of any of my grannies. Jane loves to dance and it is amazing to see her sensual movements on the dance floor. She is such a good dancer she will go out with a group of older grannies. Because of a shortage of men, sometimes a group of them will get on the dance floor and just dance with each other. This is where I first met...

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A Night Of Dancing Leads Unexpected Fun

My wife, Becky, after losing considerable weight had been bugging me to take her out dancing. I finally gave in and we headed to one of the local nightspots. We chose a good night. The oldies band that was there was really rocking. The dance floor was quite crowded. After I got a few drinks in me, I obliged her with a dance. As the song ended, I headed for the bar to get a scotch and water for me and white wine for Becky. We sat at our table, drinking and listening to the band. Suddenly this...

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The Dancing Queen

Catherine Chambers was a fifty-four-year-old unmarried woman who loved life. She had admirers of both sexes and sometimes they got successful with her but she was most happy in her own little world, which revolved around dancing.She was attending the wedding reception of her niece Alison, who had just married an Ian Robertson, and as Catherine had a room for the night at the hotel where the reception was being held, she could let her hair down a bit.Almost from the time that the music started,...

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My Brother8217s Child8217s Dancing Teacher

Hi I am Rohan 5’7 in height long big thick cock 7 inches 2.5 inches thick wanna meet more and more women and make them Enjoy life to the fullest I hope you ll read my two stories My friends wife on a Christmas Eve and Sex in Austria now coming to another incident which happened with me last week.I and my brother live together it so happened that a dancing teacher comes to our house to teach my brothers daughter she must be like in college a young girl very pretty sharp features nice long hair...

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White wife goes out dancing

This story is true of how I became a cuck.I am a 55y/o white boi who is dedicated to promoting, educating, and encouraging white women and of age girls to breed black. This is how I was cucked when I was married to my beautiful wife.My wife was introduced to her black lover by her best friend in high school. He was a foreign exchange student from Mozambique Africa and was so black that he had shiny ebony skin. She is a beautiful pale white redhead who used to be a department store catalog...

3 years ago
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Dancing Bear Ke Maze

Toh dosto mera name hai nimku. Agar kisi bhi aunty ya girls ko maza chahiye toh contact karen Toh story pe aate hain. Apne shayad dancing bear ka name suna hoga porn sites pe toh us tarah hi meine bhi ek jagah dancing bear ban ke gaya tha. Dancing bear woh hota hai jo ladies ki party ya koi aur celebration pe jata hai for fun but invited by girls only. Toh mujhe ek din call aya baby name ki ladki se ki humein dancing bear ko hire karna hai toh meine pucha kitne log honge toh unhone kaha ki...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly massage her...

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A Night of Dancing0

"Have I pleased you Master?" Carefully you look over my body, reaching one hand forward and squeezing a nipple between two fingers. “Lovely” is the only word you utter. Suddenly I feel myself become very damp in a room full of people my breath catches. Watching my face you grip the chain around my belly and pull me too you, kissing my lips roughly before turning from me, pulling me by the chain to a chair by the bar. Picking me up slightly you set me on the stool, I try to cross my...

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A Night of Dancing1

“It was a beautiful ceremony,” I noted as we walked out of the Tempe, Arizona church towards my car. I look over at you and can't believe how beautiful you look. In high school I had always found you rather attractive, but now that you were a little older you were down right sexy. The gorgeous black dress probably didn't hurt either. “What are you looking at?” you ask in a toying tone. “It's just been so long since I've looked at you this way and…and…” I stammer to...

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My Wife Goes Dancing With a Friend Part 1

When I invited John to go dancing, it was as a friend. I thought it would be fun to go out dancing at the club with a male friend, since my husband hates to dance.I could tell John was into me the moment we met. He is a handsome man, about six-feet-four-inches tall, with a muscular build and smooth dark skin; but being married, the thought of us hooking up didn’t even cross my mind.   I shook my hips as John started grinding on me. I was so excited to be out on the dance floor, I didn’t mind...

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Swing Dancing

For a class assignment I had to go to a dance class or club and do some dancing and then write a paper about it. I had taken this dance class thinking it would be an easy A and a lot of fun as I have always liked dancing and was good at it. But I thought this assignment would totally suck donkey balls but I had to do it. I had seen where there was big band dance every weekend with a live band playing music from the 40's. I thought what the hell and dressed up in some 40's type attire and went. ...

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Blondie and the Dancing Dead

I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes never leaving his face, enjoying the slack look that was all he could manage...

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