SeleneChapter 2 free porn video

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A few months went by. I was relocated to another city, a job was found for me, in construction, thank god, and it was good to be back amongst the working men and women. Construction wasn't just a male-oriented trade here. There were just as many women in the building trade as men, and there were no differences, only in gender. They drank, they swore, they worked hard, they played harder.

The women flirted with the men, wolf-whistled at the passing talent, and told ribald jokes. Just like old times!

Then my doppelganger, Murchison, turned up at my door one night just before I was about to hit the sack, and as I let him in, he said, 'Thought you'd like to know. We've cleaned out that nest of snakes. We found twenty-two young girls that were sex-slaves in that one town alone. The ones who talked gave us good intel about other places, and those were cleaned out as well, and the girls found are undergoing treatment.'

'The ones who talked?' I asked, and he shook his head.

'You don't want to know, ' was all he said.

'Now, ' he said, 'what to do about your niece? You've been given the option of having her go into rehab, to get psych eval and treatment, or you can take her as is.'

He looked at me, and warned me, 'She's pretty messed up, Robert. She's been a sex object since she was a baby. That's all she knows. To survive that kind of life, she became the abuser. She helped snatch kids, all girls, and 'trained' a few of them herself.'

Murchison shuddered. 'Her mind-blocks are like thick stone walls, she won't let anyone in. She's a young girl, but my god, man, she's as hard as a diamond, so damned hard.'

I sat down on the couch, and took a sip of my beco, an aromatic dark brew made from beets. It had a rich satisfying flavour, and cleared the mind.

'I need to talk to her, ' I decided. 'I need to see if we can work this out. If she's not too damaged, maybe we can salvage her.'

'Good luck there, man, ' Murchison said, not sounding hopeful.

'Maybe that's all I need, ' I said.

I wasn't needed for the court case. My recording was all the testimony the Prosecutor needed. My brother, Trevor, and nineteen of his cronies were sentenced to life, with hard labour, for their various crimes. More were killed in firefights or by suicide rather than be taken.

My one recording had started a tidal wave, one which reached out and encompassed the country. Child sex rings were toppling all over the place, and the attrition rate was staggering.

There were so many taken, that the death penalty was instituted, and then the jails and prisons started to empty out. Maximum security prisons were deemed too expensive to maintain, so they were 'emptied' out as well. The crime rated dropped, for the first time in recorded history. Prison just wasn't a viable option anymore as a lifestyle choice.

The hitman sent to remove me was killed, but Murchison shrugged. 'Shit happens. I had an idea he didn't want to be taken. I had to shoot him. He walked into the office, asked me if I was Robert Allison, and when I said I was, he pulled a silenced pistol out, and before he could get a shot off, I put a bullet between his eyes.'

The matter-of-fact way he told me this chilled me.

'We didn't find out who was in charge, ' he continued. 'We thought it was your brother, but he was only the second-in-command. He still won't tell us who it is, no matter what we try.'

He was genuinely puzzled. 'Your brother actually seems to be terrified of this person.'

'Where's Selene now?' I wanted to know.

'She's at a facility a day's travel from your town. She's being held in protective custody, in isolation. At first, she tried to kill our officers when they stormed the compound where the girls were kept. She was dropped by mexo, mexodrine. It's a nerve blocker. One drop of that, all your muscles stop working, but your heart keeps pumping. Any more than that, you're dead.'

'We got your brother and most of his crew with our darts. Unfortunately, some perps were hit multiple times in the crossfire, and their ashes are fertilising grass now. We're not sure if the head man was one of them. We hope so.'

'Fucking hell!' I breathed. 'You guys play rough!'

'Have to, man! These ain't schoolyards we're playing in!'

Then Murchison hesitated, and he said, 'You know, when we dropped your niece, some guys swore she was giving orders to the perps. It was thought that because she was brainwashed by her life, that she didn't really know whose side she was on.'

'I'd be very careful, man. Step lightly here when it comes to Selene. Nobody can figure her out. She's ... I don't know, man.' He shook his head perplexed, 'I just don't know!'

'See the sheriff about her release into your custody if you want to have her. You'll have to sign some papers, but there won't be any trouble.'

'So I can go home now?' I asked.

'Sure can!' he beamed. 'By the way, we put a guy in to run your business for you, after I had to head back for debrief. The Force did that to help you out for your helping us. Your people are all happy, business is going good, and for fuck sakes, man, get a fucking secretary or something! Your books are a fucking mess, and the guy running the place almost tore his hair out trying to find shit!'

I laughed, the scene was hilarious. There was me, telling me off! I shook my head and said, 'Okay, pal, one secretary coming up! Pass on my apologies. I didn't realise how bad things were. I had my system, and it worked for me. I'll get that shit sorted out when I get back.'

'That's fine, ' Murchison told me. 'Well, Robert, it's been a blast being you, but now, I want to go back to being me.'

He stuck out his hand, and as I clasped his, there was that jolt again, and the true Murchison stood before me, looking tired.

'Crap, ' he said. 'I feel like I could sleep for a week!'

That was one thing that Murchison had confided in me. Replacers could take the form of other people, 'inherit' their memories, adopting their mannerisms, in effect becoming the person they replaced. But when they 'transferred' back to their own form, the mental, physical and sometimes emotional strain of the person's persona that they had become wiped them out. Sometimes, it took a Replacer a week or more to recover, depending on how long he or she had taken another's identity.

Sometimes, a Replacer became lost in someone else's identity, totally unaware that they were not the person they thought they were. Those were retired, he said.

He didn't elaborate.

Murchison dug into his pockets, and pulled out an envelope.

'Oh, yeah, before I forget. Here's your final pay sheet. There are travel orders, and some money for food on the way. Your pay is in the bank, with holiday pay. You can leave tomorrow if you choose, it's up to you.'

He shook my hand again, but there was no jolt this time.

'Take care, guy, ' he said, with a smile. 'It's been fun!'

'Take care yourself, ' I told him.

It felt good to be able to travel openly back to my town. I didn't rush back, I took my time getting there. I stopped at various places, seeing the sights, doing the tourist dance. When I got back to town, I went straight to the sheriff's office, and expressed my interest in having custody of my niece, Selene.

'Murchison filled you in on what's she like?' the sheriff asked me sombrely.

'Yes, ' I said nodding, 'and I'm willing to take a chance on her. I can give the girl stability, and in time, I believe she can be rehabilitated, if we work at it.'

The sheriff shrugged, and told me, 'Your decision. But if she becomes too much for you, we have a hotline you can call, and she'll be taken off your hands and put into treatment.'

It didn't take long to get the paperwork signed, and an officer gave me directions for the facility Selene was kept at. The security was tight, my identification scrutinised time and again, but before long, I was sitting in a well-lighted room deep underground, Selene sitting opposite me, smiling but wary.

The girl was wearing a sky-blue shift and white cotton underwear, that was about it. Her arms were folded across her stomach. This made the cotton shift adhere to her chest, prominently displaying the two rounded bumps underneath the cloth. Her breasts had started growing, a part of my brain told me. Her hair was tied back into a severe ponytail, making the skin on her face tight, and her cheekbones stood out sharply. For a moment, she looked like a younger version of my mother, making my heart soften toward her.

My mother was part Tchekala, an Indian nation that lived on a reservation not far from town, up in the mountains.

The smile didn't reach her eyes, however. Those ice-blue eyes of hers watched me closely, minutely. She was tense, highly strung, and she almost seemed to vibrate as she sat opposite me in that room, ready to explode into movement at any moment.

The room was divided by a clear bomb-proof Plexiglas partition. The table we sat at was divided by the glass, right down the middle. We could hear and see each other, but we couldn't touch or make physical contact with each other.

'Took you long enough, ' she said finally, her voice hard with rebuke.

Then she smiled, a proper smile this time, and she seemed to glow with happiness.

'Hello, Uncle Robert!' she gushed, wiggling on her seat, a young girl once more. 'I was hoping you'd come for me! Can we go home, now? Please? I really don't like it here!'

She sat back, relaxed. This girl was very mercurial, her personality changing at random. 'The people here are okay, I guess, but I really missed you! I knew you would come for me, you're the only family I have left.'

She looked sad, and said, 'No-one else wants me, ' she pouted. 'The people here tried to find someone, family, like, to take me in, but they weren't interested, once they found out about my past!'

Her eyes hardened again, chips of cold ice. 'No-one wanted a dirty, rotten soiled little whore. I was unclean, tainted by my father, your brother, for fucking me since I could walk!' she spat.

There was a snarl on her face, making her look feral and dangerous. I was actually afraid if that child for a second.

The snarl dropped, her features becoming calm.

'I have memories of waking up in my bed, his cock in my mouth, did you know that? No, that's right, you didn't. Why should you? He'd make me suck on him until he shot into my mouth. I cried a lot, Uncle Robert. I didn't want to do that, to choke on that thing in my mouth, it made me sick, but he'd force me to do him. After a while I gave in and did it anyway, just to make him go away. Then, he wanted me to do it anywhere, anytime of the day or night. I couldn't go out to play like a 'normal' child, he was constantly horny, and without warning, he'd pull his cock out, grab my head, and make me suck it.'

'When I was six, he put me on my back, and shoved his cock into me. I thought I was going to die, Uncle Robert. I kept fainting with the pain, then waking up only to faint again. It seemed to go on forever! He didn't care, he just kept going. I wasn't safe after that. I had to be beside him, or near him, so that he could fuck me any time he wanted me.'

'He used to put his cock between my legs and rub himself against my little girl pussy until he shot off, ' Selene continued her grisly tale. 'Before he fucked me for the first time, I mean.'

Her eyes bored into mine relentlessly. Selene was making damned sure I knew what I was getting, what I was letting myself in for.

'He'd hold my legs together, and tell me what a 'good little girl' I was.'

Selene spat on the floor, grimacing.

'I didn't feel anything. He was rough with me. He didn't care that he left bruises on my body. He didn't hear me crying as he shoved his cock into my cunt. He didn't hear me screaming as he raped my ass.'

All this time during the monologue Selene had never raised her voice, hadn't got emotional, cried or shown an ounce of humanity. She was the soul of calmness. I was chilled by the matter-of-fact way she delivered her speech.

She leant forward, her eyes still holding mine. Putting her elbows on the table she steepled her fingers, and in a hard voice, she said, 'So, Uncle Robert, do you still want me now?'

I leaned back, putting some distance between us. Selene smirked, and sat back as well, crossing her legs and smoothing her shift flat on her legs. I was in a state of shock. I had no idea Trevor was, had been, capable of doing such filthy vile things to his own child.

Which made me ask her, 'What about Serena? Where was she during all this?'

Selene grinned, and then said, 'He took her for a ride one day. When she was sober enough to notice what was going on, they argued a lot, and then one day he drove off with her, and when he came back, she wasn't with him.'

The girl smirked again, and in a teasing tone, she said, 'I'm sure we can guess what he did with her! Her body is probably still out there somewhere, what's left of it!'

That definitely gave me goosebumps.

'There are a lot of dead little girls out there, ' she said intensely. 'Some are buried, some he made me watch as the wild animals tore their corpses apart.'

'I trained myself not to care, ' the girl said. 'I knew that if I didn't go along with him, that body being torn apart would be me next time.'

'I know, because he told me so!' she growled.

Selena nodded for no apparent reason, and stood up, stretching.

'That's about all I'm willing to tell you!' she said, raising her voice. 'Memory Lane has been closed, thank you for your time, God bless and Goodbye!'

Selena looked at me, and in a tired voice, she said, 'Come on, Uncle Robert, let's go home.'

The door behind her clicked, and swung open by itself.

I was waiting in my car by the front doors when Selena came out half an hour later. She was dressed in jeans, black calf boots over the jeans, a denim fur-lined jacket, with a pink shirt underneath that. She had a scarf tied around her head, wearing dark glasses that hid her eyes. She had an olive green duffel bag slung over one shoulder. She looked neither left nor right as she walked up to my car. The whole effect made her look like a movie star exiting an airport.

She was tired, and didn't say much for the first hour of our trip. She sat in the front passenger seat, staring out the window, answering only in monosyllables as I tried to have a conversation with her.

'Uncle Robert, ' she finally said in exasperation, 'please, just shut the fuck up will you!'

I didn't have much to say after that.

When we got to my house, I let her in, and followed her into the living room. She looked around silently, then putting her bag down on the floor she walked through the house, looking into every room, every cupboard, and every closet. She came back into the living room, took off her glasses, folded them and put them into her jacket pocket, and said dully, 'Which is my room, or am I 'sharing' yours?'

'I've decided that your room is the one down the end, the one with the sliding door that goes out onto the balcony, ' I told her. 'Get your things put away, and then we'll see about dinner.'

Picking up her bag, she murmured sulkily, 'I'm not hungry.'

She stepped past me, and went to her room, closing the door behind her. I had a shower, changed my clothes, and got some dinner cooking. I'm not a first-class chef by any means, but I can cook without burning the water.

The smell of the food finally brought Selena out of her room. She must have been hungry after all. She didn't say a word as she sat at the table, and when I put a plate of dinner in front of her, she asked me suspiciously, 'What's this crap?'

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Frist time gay sex

Unbelievable I was 18 years and me and my best friend Steve were out cruising for cunt.With not much luck we went back to my parents house, who were away for the weakened. We had a couple of beer’s while lying in sperate twine beds in my room, witch me and my b*****r had sheared before he left for collage. The room was dark and we were talking about pussy and how some girls suck cock and eat your cum. Steve said he had always wanted a girl who could deep thought him! I told him I had it done to...

3 years ago
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Elenas desire

All the lights in the house are off except for the candles she had lit which now fills the rooms of the house with glamorous smells that enhance her desires. She hears his jeep plow up the driveway followed by a steel door slam on the wrangler an snow crunching footsteps pounding up to the house. Her hearts pace begins to raise with anticipation, her eyes fill with desire an she throws the blanket from her shoulders leaving her laying there under the soft light of the candles an fire upon the...

4 years ago
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And the Award for Best Kitty Goes To

Sometimes a story just writes itself and you have to run with it. I never planned on writing Kitty Girl stories. The first one just happened, and after that, well, it just felt right to share adventure after adventure, or at least the ones that I felt comfortable sharing. So, here we are again, a few days after the Academy Awards, sitting at the kitchen counter with a half full (notice I didn’t say half empty) glass of orange juice and a slice of toast with raspberry jam, typing furiously as I...

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Sex with neighbor aunty

Hi guys. I am fan of this site for some time and am a big fan. I really didn’t have much time to share an experience I had with you people. So finally, here goes. First of all, I should tell you that I like to have mature sex very much. If there are any mature ladies who like sex can contact me by my mail address which at the end of the story. This happened about three years or so back. I was doing my undergrad in Australia back then and was on December vacation. The woman in this scene is a...

4 years ago
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My American Lady friend on Vacation in the UK

I was working in the tourist trade on the Island that I live on just off the south coast of the UK mainland and I was working hard this day in the Hotel Bar when I met these two American Ladies and the husband of one of them, well these where the first Americans I had met and they where so nice and easy to get on with, they where so friendly and I got to know them very well over the next week. Bill the man wanted to buy my tartan hat from me one night when he saw me getting ready to go home,...

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Surprise at Harmony JunctionChapter 3

Jess "The Snake" Hawkins and the rest of the Copperhead Gang were prominent on several wanted posters. They were mostly known for bank robberies, but they had been know to hit trains and stage coaches, too. They were vicious cut-throats who had no pity for any of their victims. I could only assume that they were here for our two banks. Neither of the banks held much, alone, to interest a gang of bandits, but the two banks, together, were a different story. I couldn't ignore this, but how...

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A Life Everchanging 2 Get a Job

"Get a job, Sha na na na..." -- The Silhouettes A Life Ever Changing #2 By Angel ...After all the introductions were done (a long hour or more) the DON took me back to her office. Wow, what an office! It was very impressive to say the least. Large room with AC! Wall to wall carpeting with one of those Indian throw rugs in the middle of the floor. Big shiny wooden desk and a chair that looked imposing as heck! Funny how 'her" chair was higher than the one I was to be sitting...

1 year ago
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First time with my aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! iam from delhi and at the time when this incident happpened, i was 18 years old. since i first saw my aunt makin love with my uncle, i had this fantasy of fuckin her. she was around 42 year, fair with luscious figure. one fine day, i got a phone call early in the morning from my aunt tellin me to come over at her place as her husband was leavin for mumbai to attend a meeting. the plus point was that both their sons were in a boarding schools which...

4 years ago
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Watching my wife

I love watching my wife fuck other men. It turns me on to no end. The more she cums on his cock, the hornier and harder I get. And when he squirts his hot load deep inside of her, I am crazy with desire. One of my ex wives, Janie — I have had a few — loved to indulge me in my fantasies, and she got to have other cock which was her turn on to no end. She loved watching me watch her get fucked in all of her holes by different cocks. Here is one of our experiences… Salvo was a Greek guy we met...

1 year ago
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Do you live in a Voyeur House? I imagine my place has always met the definition, at least technically, on account of the voyeuristic pervert who’s always lived there. Since I installed all those hidden cameras in my kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, there ain’t any doubts about what kind of house ThePornDude resides in. Now I just need to invite a few babes over…Maybe you ain’t as brave as me or perhaps you just can’t afford a good set of high-resolution hidden cameras. Hey, no worries, friend,...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 34 More of Molly at the Rourks

Robert gently removed his massive prick from Molly's mouth and gave her a chance to recover from her choking spell. Then he picked her up and brought her over to the large sofa only a few feet removed from his wife, Rosa and Dutch, who now found themselves sprawled out in and beside the armchair that Molly had been sitting in earlier. Only now it was Alice's legs spread lewdly over the arms as Rosa, now on all fours, held Alice's cunt open and hungrily munched on her labia. It wasn't...

4 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 25 How the Maid Hildburg Saves Warnesund

Quickly, Joerg was led from the courtyard. The mayor and his schoeffen marched in front, heading for the execution ground, just outside the Western Gate, where a semi-permanent scaffold stood. The executioner was already there, his head covered by a black hood and leaning on his two-handed sword. He stood beside the wooden block, obviously ready to perform his grim duty. In spite of their fear, a large number of citizens gathered around the scaffold as Joerg was pushed up the rickety ladder....

2 years ago
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Icarly hellip

Most people probably wouldn’t stay friends with someone who had knocked them u*********s on multiple occasions, especially if the victim in the scenario was supposed to be smart. However Freddie Benson’s friendship with Sam Puckett had always been… unique. No matter how much physical and verbal abuse he received from her Freddie could never stay mad at the violent blonde girl like he in all honesty should. Why that was used to be a mystery, now it was very clear. He had feelings for her. He’d...

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Cougar In The Yukon Part 3 Another Predator On the Hunt

Introduction: Presenting the third installment in the series. Enjoy and the 4th one will be coming soon. Dammit, who the hell is that Gail said furiously standing upright in front of me, my prick head still buried inside of her tight asshole. Cmon take it out, its probably someone from town she said bending back down to pick up her robe as I started tugging on my still hard penis. Shit, I think its actually stuck I said pulling back with a decent bit of force but it really felt like her anus...

2 years ago
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My husband and 3 BBCs

We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure.On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool.It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected sight was before me : 3 young blacks boys ( they were 18,19, and 22 years old ) were...

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My Girlfriends Bargaining Chip By BalzMcLngCok

I had never thought about or even considered being with a another guy until that day, even then at first I didn't really want to participate. My girlfriend took me to her landlords house to talk with him about why her rent is late and to see if maybe they could set up a payment plan to pay off the pass due rent so that she wouldn't be evicted. Of course she dressed in a mini skirt that pretty much shows that she wasn't wearing panties and a tight tiny crop top that squeezed her massive DD...

3 years ago
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Drawn ApartChapter 2

My door had barely latched before Belinda was knocking. I opened to find her standing with her hands on her hips. "You got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy," she said in her mock Ricky Ricardo voice. It was one of her least endearing qualities. "How long have we worked together?" she asked but she didn't wait for an answer. "You know my kids' birthdays. You know my husband's birthday. You know my anniversary. You probably even know my bra size. Why did I not know you had an...

4 years ago
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Rekindled Chapter Two

Rekindled Chapter TwoAs I lied on my back next to my friend Patty I could feel my heart beating in my chest. My lips were dry feeling and I licked them to apply a bit of moisture. Patty was slowly coming back to earth from her orgasm and finally spoke: “Oh Joy, you are in for one hell of a time. This man knows how to treat a woman and you’ll be sore for days when he is done fucking you.”The only thing I could do was to turn my head toward Patty and give her a nervous smile as Mark reached down...

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My Telephone Whore Aunt

Hello friends this is Kunal again ( or )…from BHOPAl (m.p).. my previous story was GREAT BIRTHDAY ..I m 20. Well build and from a very good family. For photos of this story write me. This story is especially for my bhopali people! I hope it will seduce u…especially to aunts and to my bhopali sisters..!! Please write your comments after reading this… I used to stay alone in a house which had 2 floors. I was alone in my room and there was a family staying in the ground floor with husband wife...

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Gilding the Lilly

It was a dark and stormy night. Oh, wait, I was taught NEVER to begin a story like that. (Snoopy can get away with it, but he does all his writing with a typewriter balanced on his doghouse). OK, getting back to important things. It was actually early Autumn out in the Desert, cool weather was starting to set in (yeah, I know, 'cool' is relative—temps had been dropping for the last few weeks from highs 90s down to the low 70s now, normal for Vegas weather this time of year) and it was...

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A New Beginning

I was sitting at the kitchen table filled with an overwhelming sense of despair, looking back at my life and wondering what to do next. Mike and I have been locked in what Jamie calls a “Cold War” for the last couple months and I’m at the end of my rope. We aren’t really fighting …. in fact, we haven’t spoken to each other at all in quite some time … but the tension is continuous. I dread going home after work because I never know what kind of mood he’s going to be in when I get there. Will he...

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A Dom Lets His Slave Play Pt 1

Introduction: My wife and I wrote this together. Authors Notes: This is my first story. If it is tagged improperly, I am sorry. Im new to this. Character Descriptions: Matt: 510, Average Build, Hazel Eyes, Brown Hair, 10 Cock Hanna: (Matts Beautiful and Loving Wife)5 8, Chubby Build, 220 lbs, Green Eyes, Auburn Hair, 38DDD Preface Finally, after days of dominating Hanna and telling her what to do, Matt comes to a decision. He is going to give one last command to his submissive. For the...

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Sister fucked drunk bro

Hi friends, this is kitty n my age is 21y. After this incidence i love incest stories.i would like to introduce my family members.1st is my dady.he’s lawer n now 52years old. 2nd is my mom. She’s domestic engineer n now 49 years old. 3rd is my brother.he’s software engineer n now 25years old.and last is my bhabhi.she’s also domestic engineer n now 23 years i’ll write autobiography in hindi. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab mere bhaiya ki shadhi ko ek month ho gaya tha.hamare mom-dad ne humse...

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Fucking My Daughter While Being Cuckolded by My Wife

It was traumatic for my wife and me when our daughter, Caitlin, left home for college, which is a two-hour drive away. We have been a very close family and my wife, Dana, and I had a hard time letting her go. Caitlin came home to visit as often as possible, and especially on holidays, and we visited her when we could. She was required to live in the dorm during her first year, so it was hard to spend quality time with her there. At the start of her sophomore year, she rented a small house with...

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TimeslipChapter 7

"Your father, Joe and I married two sisters, Joe married Mary your mother and I married Alice. Mary and Alice came from a wealthy family, their parents were early settlers and they bought up a lot of property locally. Joe and I came from similar although not so wealthy backgrounds. Alice was unable to bear children due to childhood illness that left her barren, Joe and Mary tried for several years to have children but without success, Joe had a low sperm count. Mary and Alice decided that I...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 13

Disoriented, Faith snapped awake, and then remembered, ‘I’m at the Blue Star Inn.’ The bed was empty beside her and there were faint sounds coming from the bathroom. The sky outside was gray and it matched her mood. The aches in her body had found new strength, after being overpowered by the pleasure she’d felt last night. Faith trudged to the bathroom, impatient for some Tylenol, and thinking, ‘No more sex.’ The bathroom was steamy. Holder stood naked shaving his reflection. That was okay,...

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Michaels Erotic Trifecta Acts IIIV

When Kenny got home that afternoon, he had no pressing desire to bring himself off, after all in the history storage room he had gotten his needs fulfilled beyond his wildest expectations. Arriving in his room he simply sprawled out on his bed still dressed and let his mind relive all that had gone on earlier that day. After about twenty minutes of quiet reflection the stillness was shattered as two squealing girls descended upon him. "What happened?" asked a giggling Susie. "Did she meet...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed MomChapter 4

She was in the kitchen fixing dinner when Ralph got home. He gave her a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, said he has glad to be home and he would be in the den going over some papers and to call him when dinner was ready. So, what else is new She thought as She mashed the potatoes. The afternoon had been a rousing success from a sexual standpoint. She had especially liked the part where Dirk had eaten her pussy after having cum in it three times. It made her feel kinky, which in turn kept her...

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The Determined Man Part 1

OK, so this is the first part of a story I have been working on for some time. I started this story before any of the other stories that I have posted on fictionmania and it means a little more to me than the others. It's also longer, and has less sex in it, at least until the later parts. Now, a slow burner may not be to everyone's taste so, for the first three parts, until this story starts getting a bit wilder itself, I'll also be posting a totally unrelated short sexy story...

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Celebrity Sex Wrestling

Entro nella palestra con un po' di tensione. Il pubblico è tanto e non vede l'ora di assistere ad un incontro come quello in programma solo che la mia avversaria sarà una donna famosa,ma non ancora chi. L'arbitro si avvicina e mi dice:"ti ricordo le regole..anzi,l'unica primo ad avere un orgasmo perde e diventa lo schiavo del stai?" Lo guardo annuendo,convinto di poter facilmente battere una donna,e salgo sul ring. Dopo pochi istanti vedo salire la mia...

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A Night at the Laundromat

Time to do the Laundry Being single in an apartment has advantages and disadvantages. I get to wear whatever I want when I'm home. If I'm tired I wear shorts and a t- shirt, when I get up it's underpants and that's it. If its been a long day and I need to escape, it's bra and panties, maybe a nice pair of jeans and a cami under a nice sweater. If it's the weekend it's more like bra and panties, stockings and heels, a short skirt and low cut blouse, lots of makeup and my favorite long...

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