SeleneChapter 2 free porn video

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A few months went by. I was relocated to another city, a job was found for me, in construction, thank god, and it was good to be back amongst the working men and women. Construction wasn't just a male-oriented trade here. There were just as many women in the building trade as men, and there were no differences, only in gender. They drank, they swore, they worked hard, they played harder.

The women flirted with the men, wolf-whistled at the passing talent, and told ribald jokes. Just like old times!

Then my doppelganger, Murchison, turned up at my door one night just before I was about to hit the sack, and as I let him in, he said, 'Thought you'd like to know. We've cleaned out that nest of snakes. We found twenty-two young girls that were sex-slaves in that one town alone. The ones who talked gave us good intel about other places, and those were cleaned out as well, and the girls found are undergoing treatment.'

'The ones who talked?' I asked, and he shook his head.

'You don't want to know, ' was all he said.

'Now, ' he said, 'what to do about your niece? You've been given the option of having her go into rehab, to get psych eval and treatment, or you can take her as is.'

He looked at me, and warned me, 'She's pretty messed up, Robert. She's been a sex object since she was a baby. That's all she knows. To survive that kind of life, she became the abuser. She helped snatch kids, all girls, and 'trained' a few of them herself.'

Murchison shuddered. 'Her mind-blocks are like thick stone walls, she won't let anyone in. She's a young girl, but my god, man, she's as hard as a diamond, so damned hard.'

I sat down on the couch, and took a sip of my beco, an aromatic dark brew made from beets. It had a rich satisfying flavour, and cleared the mind.

'I need to talk to her, ' I decided. 'I need to see if we can work this out. If she's not too damaged, maybe we can salvage her.'

'Good luck there, man, ' Murchison said, not sounding hopeful.

'Maybe that's all I need, ' I said.

I wasn't needed for the court case. My recording was all the testimony the Prosecutor needed. My brother, Trevor, and nineteen of his cronies were sentenced to life, with hard labour, for their various crimes. More were killed in firefights or by suicide rather than be taken.

My one recording had started a tidal wave, one which reached out and encompassed the country. Child sex rings were toppling all over the place, and the attrition rate was staggering.

There were so many taken, that the death penalty was instituted, and then the jails and prisons started to empty out. Maximum security prisons were deemed too expensive to maintain, so they were 'emptied' out as well. The crime rated dropped, for the first time in recorded history. Prison just wasn't a viable option anymore as a lifestyle choice.

The hitman sent to remove me was killed, but Murchison shrugged. 'Shit happens. I had an idea he didn't want to be taken. I had to shoot him. He walked into the office, asked me if I was Robert Allison, and when I said I was, he pulled a silenced pistol out, and before he could get a shot off, I put a bullet between his eyes.'

The matter-of-fact way he told me this chilled me.

'We didn't find out who was in charge, ' he continued. 'We thought it was your brother, but he was only the second-in-command. He still won't tell us who it is, no matter what we try.'

He was genuinely puzzled. 'Your brother actually seems to be terrified of this person.'

'Where's Selene now?' I wanted to know.

'She's at a facility a day's travel from your town. She's being held in protective custody, in isolation. At first, she tried to kill our officers when they stormed the compound where the girls were kept. She was dropped by mexo, mexodrine. It's a nerve blocker. One drop of that, all your muscles stop working, but your heart keeps pumping. Any more than that, you're dead.'

'We got your brother and most of his crew with our darts. Unfortunately, some perps were hit multiple times in the crossfire, and their ashes are fertilising grass now. We're not sure if the head man was one of them. We hope so.'

'Fucking hell!' I breathed. 'You guys play rough!'

'Have to, man! These ain't schoolyards we're playing in!'

Then Murchison hesitated, and he said, 'You know, when we dropped your niece, some guys swore she was giving orders to the perps. It was thought that because she was brainwashed by her life, that she didn't really know whose side she was on.'

'I'd be very careful, man. Step lightly here when it comes to Selene. Nobody can figure her out. She's ... I don't know, man.' He shook his head perplexed, 'I just don't know!'

'See the sheriff about her release into your custody if you want to have her. You'll have to sign some papers, but there won't be any trouble.'

'So I can go home now?' I asked.

'Sure can!' he beamed. 'By the way, we put a guy in to run your business for you, after I had to head back for debrief. The Force did that to help you out for your helping us. Your people are all happy, business is going good, and for fuck sakes, man, get a fucking secretary or something! Your books are a fucking mess, and the guy running the place almost tore his hair out trying to find shit!'

I laughed, the scene was hilarious. There was me, telling me off! I shook my head and said, 'Okay, pal, one secretary coming up! Pass on my apologies. I didn't realise how bad things were. I had my system, and it worked for me. I'll get that shit sorted out when I get back.'

'That's fine, ' Murchison told me. 'Well, Robert, it's been a blast being you, but now, I want to go back to being me.'

He stuck out his hand, and as I clasped his, there was that jolt again, and the true Murchison stood before me, looking tired.

'Crap, ' he said. 'I feel like I could sleep for a week!'

That was one thing that Murchison had confided in me. Replacers could take the form of other people, 'inherit' their memories, adopting their mannerisms, in effect becoming the person they replaced. But when they 'transferred' back to their own form, the mental, physical and sometimes emotional strain of the person's persona that they had become wiped them out. Sometimes, it took a Replacer a week or more to recover, depending on how long he or she had taken another's identity.

Sometimes, a Replacer became lost in someone else's identity, totally unaware that they were not the person they thought they were. Those were retired, he said.

He didn't elaborate.

Murchison dug into his pockets, and pulled out an envelope.

'Oh, yeah, before I forget. Here's your final pay sheet. There are travel orders, and some money for food on the way. Your pay is in the bank, with holiday pay. You can leave tomorrow if you choose, it's up to you.'

He shook my hand again, but there was no jolt this time.

'Take care, guy, ' he said, with a smile. 'It's been fun!'

'Take care yourself, ' I told him.

It felt good to be able to travel openly back to my town. I didn't rush back, I took my time getting there. I stopped at various places, seeing the sights, doing the tourist dance. When I got back to town, I went straight to the sheriff's office, and expressed my interest in having custody of my niece, Selene.

'Murchison filled you in on what's she like?' the sheriff asked me sombrely.

'Yes, ' I said nodding, 'and I'm willing to take a chance on her. I can give the girl stability, and in time, I believe she can be rehabilitated, if we work at it.'

The sheriff shrugged, and told me, 'Your decision. But if she becomes too much for you, we have a hotline you can call, and she'll be taken off your hands and put into treatment.'

It didn't take long to get the paperwork signed, and an officer gave me directions for the facility Selene was kept at. The security was tight, my identification scrutinised time and again, but before long, I was sitting in a well-lighted room deep underground, Selene sitting opposite me, smiling but wary.

The girl was wearing a sky-blue shift and white cotton underwear, that was about it. Her arms were folded across her stomach. This made the cotton shift adhere to her chest, prominently displaying the two rounded bumps underneath the cloth. Her breasts had started growing, a part of my brain told me. Her hair was tied back into a severe ponytail, making the skin on her face tight, and her cheekbones stood out sharply. For a moment, she looked like a younger version of my mother, making my heart soften toward her.

My mother was part Tchekala, an Indian nation that lived on a reservation not far from town, up in the mountains.

The smile didn't reach her eyes, however. Those ice-blue eyes of hers watched me closely, minutely. She was tense, highly strung, and she almost seemed to vibrate as she sat opposite me in that room, ready to explode into movement at any moment.

The room was divided by a clear bomb-proof Plexiglas partition. The table we sat at was divided by the glass, right down the middle. We could hear and see each other, but we couldn't touch or make physical contact with each other.

'Took you long enough, ' she said finally, her voice hard with rebuke.

Then she smiled, a proper smile this time, and she seemed to glow with happiness.

'Hello, Uncle Robert!' she gushed, wiggling on her seat, a young girl once more. 'I was hoping you'd come for me! Can we go home, now? Please? I really don't like it here!'

She sat back, relaxed. This girl was very mercurial, her personality changing at random. 'The people here are okay, I guess, but I really missed you! I knew you would come for me, you're the only family I have left.'

She looked sad, and said, 'No-one else wants me, ' she pouted. 'The people here tried to find someone, family, like, to take me in, but they weren't interested, once they found out about my past!'

Her eyes hardened again, chips of cold ice. 'No-one wanted a dirty, rotten soiled little whore. I was unclean, tainted by my father, your brother, for fucking me since I could walk!' she spat.

There was a snarl on her face, making her look feral and dangerous. I was actually afraid if that child for a second.

The snarl dropped, her features becoming calm.

'I have memories of waking up in my bed, his cock in my mouth, did you know that? No, that's right, you didn't. Why should you? He'd make me suck on him until he shot into my mouth. I cried a lot, Uncle Robert. I didn't want to do that, to choke on that thing in my mouth, it made me sick, but he'd force me to do him. After a while I gave in and did it anyway, just to make him go away. Then, he wanted me to do it anywhere, anytime of the day or night. I couldn't go out to play like a 'normal' child, he was constantly horny, and without warning, he'd pull his cock out, grab my head, and make me suck it.'

'When I was six, he put me on my back, and shoved his cock into me. I thought I was going to die, Uncle Robert. I kept fainting with the pain, then waking up only to faint again. It seemed to go on forever! He didn't care, he just kept going. I wasn't safe after that. I had to be beside him, or near him, so that he could fuck me any time he wanted me.'

'He used to put his cock between my legs and rub himself against my little girl pussy until he shot off, ' Selene continued her grisly tale. 'Before he fucked me for the first time, I mean.'

Her eyes bored into mine relentlessly. Selene was making damned sure I knew what I was getting, what I was letting myself in for.

'He'd hold my legs together, and tell me what a 'good little girl' I was.'

Selene spat on the floor, grimacing.

'I didn't feel anything. He was rough with me. He didn't care that he left bruises on my body. He didn't hear me crying as he shoved his cock into my cunt. He didn't hear me screaming as he raped my ass.'

All this time during the monologue Selene had never raised her voice, hadn't got emotional, cried or shown an ounce of humanity. She was the soul of calmness. I was chilled by the matter-of-fact way she delivered her speech.

She leant forward, her eyes still holding mine. Putting her elbows on the table she steepled her fingers, and in a hard voice, she said, 'So, Uncle Robert, do you still want me now?'

I leaned back, putting some distance between us. Selene smirked, and sat back as well, crossing her legs and smoothing her shift flat on her legs. I was in a state of shock. I had no idea Trevor was, had been, capable of doing such filthy vile things to his own child.

Which made me ask her, 'What about Serena? Where was she during all this?'

Selene grinned, and then said, 'He took her for a ride one day. When she was sober enough to notice what was going on, they argued a lot, and then one day he drove off with her, and when he came back, she wasn't with him.'

The girl smirked again, and in a teasing tone, she said, 'I'm sure we can guess what he did with her! Her body is probably still out there somewhere, what's left of it!'

That definitely gave me goosebumps.

'There are a lot of dead little girls out there, ' she said intensely. 'Some are buried, some he made me watch as the wild animals tore their corpses apart.'

'I trained myself not to care, ' the girl said. 'I knew that if I didn't go along with him, that body being torn apart would be me next time.'

'I know, because he told me so!' she growled.

Selena nodded for no apparent reason, and stood up, stretching.

'That's about all I'm willing to tell you!' she said, raising her voice. 'Memory Lane has been closed, thank you for your time, God bless and Goodbye!'

Selena looked at me, and in a tired voice, she said, 'Come on, Uncle Robert, let's go home.'

The door behind her clicked, and swung open by itself.

I was waiting in my car by the front doors when Selena came out half an hour later. She was dressed in jeans, black calf boots over the jeans, a denim fur-lined jacket, with a pink shirt underneath that. She had a scarf tied around her head, wearing dark glasses that hid her eyes. She had an olive green duffel bag slung over one shoulder. She looked neither left nor right as she walked up to my car. The whole effect made her look like a movie star exiting an airport.

She was tired, and didn't say much for the first hour of our trip. She sat in the front passenger seat, staring out the window, answering only in monosyllables as I tried to have a conversation with her.

'Uncle Robert, ' she finally said in exasperation, 'please, just shut the fuck up will you!'

I didn't have much to say after that.

When we got to my house, I let her in, and followed her into the living room. She looked around silently, then putting her bag down on the floor she walked through the house, looking into every room, every cupboard, and every closet. She came back into the living room, took off her glasses, folded them and put them into her jacket pocket, and said dully, 'Which is my room, or am I 'sharing' yours?'

'I've decided that your room is the one down the end, the one with the sliding door that goes out onto the balcony, ' I told her. 'Get your things put away, and then we'll see about dinner.'

Picking up her bag, she murmured sulkily, 'I'm not hungry.'

She stepped past me, and went to her room, closing the door behind her. I had a shower, changed my clothes, and got some dinner cooking. I'm not a first-class chef by any means, but I can cook without burning the water.

The smell of the food finally brought Selena out of her room. She must have been hungry after all. She didn't say a word as she sat at the table, and when I put a plate of dinner in front of her, she asked me suspiciously, 'What's this crap?'

Same as Selene
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Day 11 -Tuesday A beep. Another beep, followed by another. Was there beeping in the afterlife? If so, heaven wasn't all it was cracked up to be, it was a pretty annoying sound, all things considered. I felt my eyelids fluttering, trying to open, but all I could see beyond them was a bright white light. I heard a noise beyond the incessant beeps - voices maybe? It was difficult to tell, my senses were acting sluggish, and if they were voices, the words weren't making any sense...

3 years ago
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Black Tights and a Mothers Love

Black Tights and a Mother's Love by J. Erin Hendricksen When I was but a precocious six year old boy an occurrence one sunny day in September changed my life forever. I can remember that day as clear as any in my entire life. It was the day my mother took me for my first ballet lesson. What possesses a mother to inflict the wrath of barbs, snide comments, stigma of femininity, etc., on her son by initiating training in classical dance? Why not cub scouts, soccer, or even...

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Getting used in a porn store Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Ever since my college days, I had realized I have an unsatiable urge for sex. But it took me some time to realize I find men and women equally enticing. At first, it felt dirty but porn store experience was real dirty. I would suppress that side of me and hide it away. Maybe all the suppression drove me crazy and I started getting interested in very twisted fantasies. Even after marriage I could not give up my ways and ended up cheating on my new wife. She never indulged these twisted fancies...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 291 Fast Forward

"I love you, my little Girl Scout," I whispered as Jen cuddled to me. Alone in the master suite. It was so unusual, but it was what Jen wanted for her birthday. "Am I a bad Girl Scout?" she asked, a slight quiver in her butt as I stroked her cheeks. "No, my love. You are a very good Girl Scout. You deserve a merit badge." "I was so ... I can't believe today what I did that night when you rescued me." "We were fourteen. What did we know?" "Nine years ago. Can it really be that...

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My Lovely Daughter Leia Part 2 Pseudo Wedding Night

Introduction: Leia and Joe make love for the first time Part 2, our pseudo wedding night Leia walked out of the hotel, holding my arm as I pushed the stroller. I could only thank my lucky stars, because I felt deeply tied to my daughter. We had been through a lot and now everything was coming up roses. We asked the concierge about a nice place to walk to for lunch and he directed us to a little café, several blocks away from the Dorchester. We sat and ate a small lunch, feeding the boys...

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My first story. Hope you enjoy it. No copying or whole or part please. Comments welcome. Angel The buxom brunette giggled as the dice were rubbed against her ample breasts and gave her goose bumps. He whispered in her ear and she blushed as he tossed the cubes. "Snake eyes! - The shooter looses." "Shit! - Not again!" swore Angelo. She kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered back to him, "So long honey. It's been fun but your streak is over and I'm outa...

3 years ago
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Late Night Workout And Shower

After a stressful day at work, I decided to swing by the local gym for a workout. It was almost nine o'clock, and there were only a handful of people with the same idea.I noticed her instantly on the treadmill.After dressing out, I sat down on the soft, gray carpet and began stretching. Her back was facing me as she watched herself attentively on the wall mirrors, ass bouncing in a hypnotic motion while she ran a steady pace. Every muscle in her toned, tanned legs flexed as she gained...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Andi Rose Her 8220A8221 Card

When Andi Rose is watching porn, she discovers a video of this girl getting fucked in the ass and realizes that she really wants to try it. As she starts experimenting by herself, she gets a call from her best friend Rion King and tells him to come over so he can help her with a project. Once Rion gets there, Andi reveals her naughty desire and tells Rion that she wants him to be the first guy she tries anal with. Rion is shocked at first, but after seeing her sexy ass, he agrees to make Andi’s...

2 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 7

After Becky and I ran our paper route on Monday, she and Mom hurried to get dressed and go to the opening of the new mall in Denton, the next big town over from us. Dad had shown me how to service our vehicles in the past when he changed oil and greased them in our garage. He let me service Mom’s car twice just to watch and be sure I did it right. While Mom and Becky were gone to the mall, I drove over to the store where Dad works and got filters and oil to service our truck. When I...

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The Travel Agency

The Travel Agency By Morpheus A dented old Ford Explorer pulled up alongside the curb, barely stopping before the doors started to open up. Several seconds later, all five of the college students inside were standing around on the sidewalk, staring at the building in front of them. The front of the building had glass windows, with a large sign that simply said 'Travel Agency' above them. Pictures of famous cities, landmarks and exotic locations filled the windows, along with...

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Old Friends

Old friendsWe've been friends for a long time, have been to each others' houses with spouses for dinner, etc. We always seem to have some sort of unique connection between us. One night, you're near my house and decide to stop by and pay a visit... it's been a while since we've chatted. As you walk up to the house you notice the door is open a little but one car is gone.. you think that seems odd so you walk to the door, and knock. You hear nothing and think maybe you should check it out, just...

1 year ago
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Taming a wild slut or Will She Need More

Tina the slut is going to be showed how to be more of a slut. The slut will be taught commands. Example "now" will mean start cock sucking, "bend" meaning bend over & grab your ankles, "open" means a waist high table or chair with legs spread wide & "down" means lie face down on the floor with hands out stretched, “back” means lay down on your back with legs wide saying give me cock give me cock. Bend! You little rotten slut, the slut quickly grabs her ankles & gets a rub on her ass! Good,...

Group Sex
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A Mixed Drink For My Master

This day you are working from home. I am under your desk, curled at your feet. I am being punished today, so I am collared and you have the chain wrapped around your arm. I am wearing a full body stocking with stilettos, decorative cat tail hanging from a butt plug, and cat ears. In the corner is my cat litter to use in case I have to pee. Humiliation is the order of the day. But while submissive, I have a say in what goes on and my gift to my Dom is to hand over control and to abide by what he...

2 years ago
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Massage To A Hot Housewife In Mumbai 8211 Pt 2 Satisfying Varsha

Hi, guys, this is Tushu again with the continuation of the second part of my first story about how I massaged and had a great first session with one of my clients in Mumbai. A little about me I am from Mumbai studying in the arts faculty. I am searching for a job. I am an athlete and healthy body and build, 5-9’ in height, good stamina, with a tool enough to satisfy any girl or women, expert in making females relaxed and a part-time massager. Without wasting any further time, I will start my...

3 years ago
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My wife and her former superior

My wife of s*******n years was receiving doggy style for the first time in our lifes in front of my eyes.. She was complete naked and on all fours, her former superior was kneeling behind her. He looked in my direction and our sight crossed. My wife had her eyes closed and was moaning. He was looking constantly at me and started to pound her harder. My wife began to moan louder, I felt ashamed, because the whole situation was starting to be humiliating. He looked away and I was thankful for it,...

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Market ForcesChapter 3 On A Mission

Clegg and I discussed it. I always like to get a feeling for the business overall before I jump to any conclusions. Clegg agreed and promised to set things up. "You'd better start at the sharp end," he said. "I'll get you out with one of the snatch teams." To say I was surprised was putting it mildly. I'd never thought of myself as a law breaker, well not apart from illegal parking and speeding. Still Clegg wasn't the sort to beat around the bush and I guessed he'd want to discover...

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Lust in the BackseatbyLovely_Emma_21©Laura just couldn't stay awake any longer. She didn't care how mad her mom was going to be. It didn't make sense to her anyway why they all had to stay awake on the long drive from Pennsylvania to South Carolina. Her mother was the only one doing the driving. With a huff, Laura pulled her hood from her sweatshirt over her eyes, slumped down in the seat, and drifted off to dreamland.Rick glared at his wife out of the corner of his eye. It was her dumbass idea...

1 year ago
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I Love Hookers 3

We used to have a lot of Peep Show places around town. They ranged from a small shop with maybe 10 little viewing booths; to few big ones that have up to twenty viewing rooms, sold sex toys, and even some live girl rooms. I first went to one of the smaller ones for my first adventure. I got a hand full of quarters from the guy behind the booth and made my way to a booth. It was quite dark, because everything was painted black, and only a very few lights. I opened one of the doors to an...

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Scott and Sara

Scott wasn't too excited about the coming week. His boss had asked him to attend a conference to learn about some new sales techniques that their company was considering. It was the same mumbo-jumbo they always did. The instructors were all trying to get the attendees to buy into the latest ideological bent and the company workers were really there for the free stuff. Scott just wanted to do his daily routine and relax at night. He didn't want to listen to a bunch of people shoot smoke up...

2 years ago
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Maa Chud Gayi Bete Se

Writing once again a new story of mom and son’s sexual relationship. It is a fictional story so all the characters are fictitious. Just enjoy the story don’t try it in real. Once there was a guy named Ramesh – 32 years old, his faithful wife Rupa 30 and a cute little 8 years old son Raj. Rupa ek aisi aurat thi jaise koi apsara dharti par janmi ho. Yeh ek aisi family thi, jise dekh ke log duwa karte the ki kash aisi meri bhi family ho. Ek bahut hi care karne wala pati aur baap, ek patni jo...

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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT5

Carol Rowe was our class president and the daughter of our mayor, a girl so fake she pretended to like everyone to their faces but was nasty as hell behind their backs. Although she had most of the teachers snowed, many of her classmates saw through that façade of niceness. And if even Katherine didn't like her, that said a lot since she, unlike me, genuinely liked everyone.I had first seduced, then blackmailed and finally gently persuaded my first four pets. This time I planned on using a...

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Andrea Next Door

I’ve always liked my next door neighbor Andrea. Actually “like” probably isn’t a strong enough word. “Lust after” probably fits better. I’ll be honest, from the first moment I saw her she was forever entered into my memory spank bank. Her breasts have to be in the D range and natural. Of course that’s just me looking at them through a shirt, so I guess I can’t be sure. Anyways I have seen her in sweatpants and her ass is the kind you want to make pillows out of. Despite all this she still has a...

4 years ago
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Virgins Appointment with Sex Threapist

She followed me into the room. "Have a seat." I said, indicating the exam table. She sat down, put her hands in her lap and looked at me. He was a handsome man in his late forties with short salt and pepper hair and sexy, green eyes. "I am .John." I said shaking her hand briefly. "What can I do for you today?" "Well, I have this friend...and I want to make sure that I please him." She said nervously. "In what way do you want to make sure that he is pleased?" I say looking...

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Nitani Cloning labs- Lara awakes inside a medical tube filled with purple tube. looking around you find that the facility is currently either closed down for the night or deserted, a monitor droid anchors itself in front of you Moniter: Good ERROR: DAYUNDEFINED: Lara, its good to see that your alive and you are anyways you cock your head slightly confused Moniter: you clone is 100% complete...buuuut an error in our systems occured and a random set of ...changes happened. now,...

3 years ago
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New Roomie

Her new roommate By: Catherine 1 At first I was hesitant when she dropped the idea to me. To move in with her, and two other girls. One roommate was moving to LA, and they desperately needed to find another roomie before the end of the month. She is Katie, we had worked together for about four years. She had recently turned 24. Her roomies were Jamie and Jonna, 23 and 25, respectively. Me, I was 29. The only reason I could think of to say no was...

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Taking Care of Daddy

When my wife and I were married we did a lot of kinky stuff together. We have been married now for over thirty six years and she has mellowed a lot. But as a young very pretty Latina she followed my lead in doing anything for our sexual pleasure. She even had sex with my best friend when we dated to please me, and of course herself also.We were married when she was 18 years old. She had a dark complexion, dark brown eyes, beautiful legs with a very nice hot tight pussy and a great ass that was...

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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy 18

It was May of 2007, and I was out in South Beach, Miami doing a photo shoot. The weather was gorgeous, sunny and warm. I was shirtless, garbed in long white shorts and matching sneakers. The woman I photographed for my double summer edition of Goodfellas magazine was sexy-ass Roci. She was 5’4 with olive skin and big green eyes! Her slim body and 35DD breasts could make anybody crazy! She wore a lavender top and thong bikini. Roci was fierce with her posing, and the onlookers cheered for her....

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Taken Back to the English Ranch

Taken Back to the English Ranch Chapter 1 - Taken?Good Morning, this is William!? I said after pressing the Bluetooth connection button on the steering wheel of my SUV.?Hello william. How is my little slut today?? the familiar voice from out of the past replied. It was my ex-Mistress, Mistress Brianna, who had almost had me crippled for life when she had me attend The Ranch for a weekend as a ponyboy.?What the fuck do you want Brianna? Both Cheyenne and I have started a new life and you are not...

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raised as a daughter II

Rebecca told me to go to my room and undressed and wait for her. I ran upstairs and pulled everything off. I looked in the mirror, starting back at me was a cute girl from the waist up. Skinny body, small but firm breasts, and a pretty face. Below is a small somewhat useless penis, no more than three inches and thin with a tiny bulge of skin, and shapely legs. I turned to the side and seen a firm round ass. Not small and not big, just a beautiful round ass. I tucked away the useless appendage...

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Abby Abbyrsquos Birthday Part 2

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday Part 2(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is the sequel to Abby’s Birthday, right after Abby’s daddy had fun with her in her room.[SEXY COMMENTS are HIGHLY APPRECIATED] “Where are you going?” asked Jim while sitting on the sofa, watching TV. “I’m going over to Abby’s to get some…… Ugh……, Ugh……, Ugh……,” said Jeff while arching his butt forward and backward thrice, imitating that he’s fucking a pussy. “Hmmm……, Didn’t you just finished...

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