Oh BoyChapter 26 free porn video

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Oh Boy! Last night was as hot as it gets. The girls were being very open and teasing with both Freddie and Howard watching. We went to bed and I was done but still willing, although I fell asleep while being kissed. I woke in the middle of the night with Sherry gently sucking and Jeannie kissing me. How do you not respond? I soon was face first in the very liquid pleasure centers of my mates. Both of them were juicing more than usual as I loved their centers. I was able to slip into both of their juiciest places, and enjoyed a slushy time thrusting into them. We all three collapsed into slumber once again after I had deposited some love into both centers.

I was coming around and looked at the clock to see it was just six thirty. I wondered if I should wake one or both of them while I ran, but decided I felt good enough to run alone. I promised myself that I would sit for a while or head home if I felt weak or failing.

The tide was out and there was no problem running on the water's edge this morning. I ran up the beach and was turning to come back when someone I recognized was running in front of me. It was Julie, Chet's wife. She said, "Run with me for a while. Chet doesn't run, but I love it and the beach is perfect."

"This is about a mile from our place, so we can run north or run back toward my place?"

Julie said, "Let's run north for a half mile or so and come back. That should be enough for me, but I can run south with you for a bit. I love the beach and wish we would move down here, but Chet thinks he needs to be up north to entertain the college football guys."

We were running north a lot farther than a half mile, but I felt good. We turned and were running back when Julie asked, "You have two women at home. Do you love them both, or is this some kind of fun thing?"

"I love them both, Julie. They are both very important to me. We've been together for a long time. Sherry and I have been friends since kindergarten, and Jeannie became a part of us in junior high."

"That is a long time. No wonder you guys are so relaxed around others. Chet is so dynamic that I think he could handle another woman, but he thinks I'm silly. The kids wouldn't care. They are very open to everything because we homeschool them. You should probably talk to him and convince him to take on another woman."

We were running past her hotel when I said, "You know, I think it might be your responsibility to bring another woman in if you think it would be good. Chet loves you and would never want to hurt you or your feelings. You're going to have to find another woman if you want one in your life and put her on top of him. You know how slow we guys are. We do seem to wait to make a decision about our relationships."

The woman laughed and stopped running. She pulled my face down to hers and said, "Too bad I couldn't have another guy. I would convince you to be that guy."

I smiled at her as she began running back toward her hotel. I continued down the beach until I came to our building, and went up to the patio feeling really good. I felt as good as I had always felt, but knew I wasn't as physically strong yet, but getting back to it.

The girls fed me steak, scrambled eggs, and a pile of fried potatoes, along with cream gravy and some delicious biscuits. I waddled away from the table and decided to go for a walk.

We walked down past the concession on Pass-a-grill beach, and back up along the beach road until we came to our condo. I was smiling and the girls were in a good mood. Freddie came down while we were sitting out on the patio and told us, "Howard was a new man last night. I almost told him I loved him, but I held back at the last minute. I'm going to run off with him if he keeps it up. He knows I have some bucks, but not how many. I don't want him to know, but I do want him to know that we can have a lot of fun with what I do have."

I told Freddie, "You know, I somehow don't think the man cares how much you have. He's so fascinated by you, he'll follow you anywhere, but he wants to be the man. Let him be the man and that you can help him be that guy with the bucks you have."

"You make it sound so easy, Matt. You ooze confidence and the girls suck up to you because of it. I would too if you were available, but you're not. I know you gave him the idea to be more dominant, and I thank you because he's more of a man this way. We do make a good couple."

"You're an extremely strong personality, Freddie. You command the space around you and constantly have people hovering over you. Set some limits, let those you want to be your equals come to you, and you'll have the balance you want. I know you want Howie to be a part of your life. Let him, humor him, and be passive with him. It will pay dividends."

Freddie straddled me and kissed me for over a minute. "God, I love you so much, Matt. I know you'll always be Jeannie's and Sherry's, but I'd be your follower if I had a chance. You give me advice and show me love and respect the whole time. Thanks, Guy, I'll be a good girl and get this man. I really do want him."

The girls had fixed me a huge breakfast and I was feeling good. I told them, "I want to go to the ballpark and workout. I need to throw some balls and I need the batting cages. I feel great so help me turn this corner."

We drove by the nutritionist and let her examine me. She was surprised at how much weight I had lost, but said it was easy to gain back if I ate everything I could.

I was early enough to use the batting cages and whacked balls for over an hour. The lady trainer asked me to get a blood test and pee in a cup when I finished. I didn't have a problem with that, and felt that it should show less than the last time in Detroit.

Next was the gym where the girls used the treadmills while I used the weights. I was able to do my entire regimen, but had to go down ten pounds on everything to get back into the swing of things. It felt good to lift.

I finished up by throwing through the hanging rectangle strike zone hole in the cage for a half hour. I really felt good and wished I could have thrown to someone. We drove back home and ate some lunch with the ladies instead. Chet, Julie, and their kids came back to the beach and were having a great time. Sherry and Jeannie had a problem because they couldn't decide where they should be, with me on the patio or on the beach, until I told them, "Stay with Chet, Julie, and the kids. I'm going to take a nap and go back to the ballpark later to work out some more."

I woke up to the girls telling me that I should probably get up if I wanted to go to the ballpark and work out. Jeannie stayed at the house and Sherry drove me instead of both girls going with me. I didn't understand why I needed a chauffeur, but they must have thought I did. I was able to use Scott to throw to for a half hour, and then Hanigan showed up and told me, "Throw to me. I know exactly what your pitches should be doing. Let's go through them by the numbers. I'll sign, you throw.

The slider was working both ways, and the changeup felt good. Hanigan hollered that it would be a winner if I could keep that motion. My curve was really sweet and stayed at the bottom of the zone. I messed up the first throw when Hanigan called for a forkball because I didn't have a good grip. We did it again and the ball dropped very nicely. My fastball was not moving that fast, but Hanigan said the speed would pick up. He then signed for the palm ball, and I was surprised that the ball dropped out of sight at the right time. Hanigan and I were both smiling when Jim Hickey came over to us and said, "You haven't lost anything. You look like one of those kids from a third world country though. Eat something, gain some weight.

Hanigan told me, "The team really misses you and we all thought you were a goner. We're thinking Price may even be gone for the playoffs if we make it. That you have come back is amazing. Keep doing what you're doing and come to throw every day. I'll catch you or Scott will. That guy loves your ass. I wouldn't shower with him by the way he idolizes you."

I told Hanigan, you should bring your family out to the house and play on the beach. You know my ladies and know we're sort of isolationists, but we do enjoy company. Come out and we'll have a beach cookout."

The man smiled at me and said, "Players don't associate that much with each other. You're different, as you are friends with everyone. I have your number and will try to visit when the season is over. I use all of my time studying who we're playing until then."

Sherry drove me home and said it looked like I was throwing well. I told her, "It feels that way too, but I have to build some speed with the fastball. I'll keep exercising and I'll get there."

We had steak with my agent and family. His twins each opted for hot dogs and a hamburger. The kids finished and were shooting pool before abandoning that for the dartboard and foosball table while Chet and Julie were still eating with us. Julie wanted to play our piano, so Sherry showed off with her when they began playing some kind of duet together that must be known by everyone. They were having a great time.

Chet pulled me outside to the patio and asked, "How did you do today, and what kind of reception did you get from the team and the coaches?"

I saw Jim Hickey, the pitching coach, Shelton, the batting coach, and the bullpen coach, but I didn't see Joe. I had to get out of there since I'm not allowed on the field for any practice when it's time for the other team to show up. The team guys were all good, and even the expanded roster guys acted like they were happy I was working out."

Chet said, "Make an effort to see Joe and talk to him. Go in early and catch him in his office. See what he has to say. It's his attitude that will be the most important."

The doorbell rang. I saw Jeannie run toward the intercom to the outside door, talk for a second, then pushed the button to let someone in. The door opened and Andrew walked in. He was smiling all the way to the patio. Jeannie had gone to the kitchen and followed him out with a glass of what must have been the scotch we had.

I introduced Andrew to Chet, and the two shook hands as they had dealt with each other before. Andrew opened the conversation when he was settled and Jeannie had refreshed Chet's drink. "I heard you were in practicing today. I was told you worked out in the gym, used the batting cages, and even had a session with Hanigan. He told everyone you hadn't lost anything and were ready to throw a game. How does that make you feel?"

"Damn good, Andy. I know I have to wait until I get off the DL, but I wish you guys could have just put me down as unable to play for a few days."

Andrew said, "Hey, we didn't know whether you would even live in the beginning, and then we didn't know what you would be like if and when you came out of it."

"Now that I'm working out and should be able to play, can I come back for the last game of the season? The team has to keep the lead to guarantee getting into the playoffs, and I think we should make it with Joe pulling the strings."

Andy sighed, "I hope so. We were buried the first half of the season. We finally came back when we brought you up. We've maintained since you've been hurt, but we need your bat and I know I love to watch you pitch. Have you spoken to Joe?"

"Not yet; he wasn't anywhere to be found while I was there, but I'll go in and catch him in his office. That man has to be on pins and needles right now. We're only a half game up in first place, and we're finishing the season with Boston and Baltimore. I want to help us win out."

"I do too, Matt. You've added to the club since you came up in July." Andy took the conversation over and said, "We've been winning series since then, and you've given an unbelievable performance, Matt. I think your batting average is still near .400, and your ERA is still down around 1.00. What would be cool is if you could pitch in the playoffs and even the World Series, and pitch a no-hitter then. That would seal the deal. You're not eligible for the Cy Young since you didn't play all year but you would be a shoo-in if you had." Andrew was becoming animated.

"Thanks, Andy, you've been a friend since I came to the Rays, and I want to stay close to you. You probably know how I feel, but I want to win with the team and I'm willing to do what it takes."

Andy sat back with his drink and said, "You don't have anything to worry about, Matt. The front office loves you about the same as the fans. I don't think the rest of the world would allow us to get rid of you right now."

Chet asked the tough question, "So what's the deal with the unconditional release papers that were given to Matt up in Detroit?"

Andy squirmed around in his seat, and said, "One of the junior legal eagles approved the papers and never ran them by the senior legal people, so they never saw them. They're really sweating bullets right now, because we've been hung out to dry. Stu saw the papers and wanted to clean out the entire legal staff. Silverman convinced him that some were salvageable. The staff has been reduced by a few, and they are all trying to work something out that would be equitable for Matt. They are going to offer you a settlement of some kind to forget those four pieces of paper ever existed. Let them do their thing, Matt, and let your agent and attorney read them before you sign anything. I'm not supposed to even tell you about them, but we're buds, or as close to buds as we're allowed to be."

"Thanks, Andy; you've been a good man throughout this whole thing. Baltimore was stupid, and this was really off the wall. I hope your investigators get to the root of the problem. Whoever is responsible should have to suffer."

"Matt," Andy started, "That is exactly what we're trying to do right now. Stu said that the goal right now is to find out who would have done something like this. He's relentless, Matt, he'll find out."

Chet said, "This is the nicest meeting between a player and management that I've ever witnessed. Most everything with Matt has been off the wall so far, but also very good between management and him. You're a strange dude, Andrew, and I'm glad to know you."

As Andy stood up to leave, he said, "I hope we can share an open patio when I get my place built out. They should be done in a couple of weeks. The decorators will be doing their thing, and I should be able to move in within a month. We'll be neighbors and can shoot the shit the way neighbors are supposed to. I'll watch for you at the ballpark, Matt. Keep working out as everyone loves to see you there."

After I let Andy out and came back, Chet said, "You're lucky. Andrew really likes you and he knows you want what's best for the team. He knows you could take the easy way and sue the shit out of the club, but you've chosen the high road. You're a better man than me, Matt."

The agent and his family said goodnight and added that they were headed to Busch Gardens tomorrow. They told us they would talk to us sometime tomorrow, but not to plan on them for supper.

The girls and I spent a long time soaking most of the towels in the house. We made love all over the place, including drenching the pinball machine. Thank goodness it was sealed well and the juices that were squirting everywhere didn't get inside. The girls are really adventuresome, and enjoy being eaten or thumped on every piece of furniture in the house. The problem is that their juice squirts all over the place and they keep on squirting, not just once or twice. We finally fell asleep with me drenched from head to toe, but partially dried off with a towel and tucked under a dry sheet and blanket. I love these women.

I considered whether or not I should run when I awoke in the morning. My conscience finally won out and I got up to run. I ran to the far south end of Pass-a-grill beach and then back up past the condo about to the pink palace. I didn't see Julie this morning, but then she might have felt guilty about the way we parted the day before. She is a looker, but Chet isn't a bad looking guy either. Their kids were really neat, but I can imagine the problems of twins of opposite sexes. Julie was obviously doing a good job with the homeschooling, as the kids seemed very sharp.

I had a big breakfast, and was lounging out on the patio, when Sherry said, "How about we go get you a complete physical at a clinic that's supposed to be the very best. I'm worried that the drugs you were given might have a long-term effect on you. You need an independent opinion before you go back to the team."

My hugging Sherry after her pronouncement made her feel better. She knew that I might need another opinion, and had gone out to find the people to help me make a decision.

The morning was all poking, prodding, and needling. They took blood, massaged the prostate to get fluid, and checked my pee with several different dip strips. They had us sit in a conference room after a total body MRI. The images were being played over and over again.

The chief doctor sat at the table and said, "There are some tests that aren't finished yet, but the results will be available in a day or less. I think we have the information to give you the answers you need to know now. You're in great shape and generally in good health. The drugs you were given may have damaged your kidneys and liver, but it will be years before we know to what extent. We don't have a brain scan from before the incident, but we have one now. You appear to be totally normal head wise."

"What we don't know is what the long term effects of those drugs will have on you. You could be perfectly fine for a few years, and then your kidneys or liver will go bad or your brain functions head south. We can't predict that because we just don't have the research data to make that determination. My recommendation would be to get as far away from baseball as you can so that you would be enjoying rugby in Australia or New Zealand. I don't think you'll take that suggestion seriously, but you should. We've been allowed access to the tests and results of the lab analysis on what you were given. You're lucky to be alive considering the quantities you consumed. I want you to come to us semi-annually for a complete checkup if you decide to continue playing baseball,. Let us determine if there's anything going on inside you."

Sherry asked, "Did you check his sperm? Is he still fertile and can he still father babies?"

"We didn't, but we can do that right now. Come with me, Matt, and I'll milk your prostate again and we'll check the motility with a microscope and send some off for analysis."

I had to drop my pants and drawers, and bend over the exam table. The doc put a glove on, greased his finger up, and held out a glass slide. "Put that under the head of your penis and catch the juices that come out. I have a second slide that we'll gather a specimen with as well."

The man massaged my prostate to fill the first slide, and then did it again. He handed me a small box of tissues to wipe my butt. That was messy.

He came into the conference room and said, "Your sperm looks good and motile. You should be able to conceive without a problem if you want to begin having babies. We'll give you a specimen container, and the girls can help you get a specimen straight from the source next time."

I thanked the doctor and we paid the co-payment for the exam and tests. It was almost noon, so we went to our favorite lunch steak house. I ate a huge sirloin, along with a lot of veggies and a potato. Jeannie observed, "You really ate well yesterday and today. It's almost like you're back to being the Matt we know and love."

Sherry told me, "You haven't lost anything in bed either. You've been giving us the loving we love, and have been as juicy as we are. I think we're on our way to good health."

The girls took me to the ballpark and ran the treadmills while I lifted weights. I used the machines to hit for almost an hour, and then went to look for Scott. I didn't find him, but found Hanigan, who caught for me and critiqued my pitches for almost an hour. He said my fastball was coming up in speed and almost felt like it had before I was drugged. I was getting ready to leave when Joe Maddon came to me. "I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you, but the legal guys said I should avoid you. Andy told me to be sure to talk to you today, so here I am. You're always a problem, Matt. Damn we miss you and your bat, as well as your arm. I've already penciled you in to pitch that last game. I'll be ready if you tire, but just knowing that you're going to be with us again is comforting." The man gave me a man hug and slapped me on the back. He walked away nodding and smiling.

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THE TEMPLAR BOOK By GENEVA In early 14th century France, as part of his plan for revenge on a rival family for the destruction of his own family, a young man tries to use a magic book saved from the destruction of the Knights Templar. There are some unexpected results. START The time is the early 1300's. I remember that afternoon when I met my uncle and this started. I was practicing close quarter fighting with my friend Jean. Both of us were armed with wooden swords, and...

2 years ago
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Petticoats and Boyfriends

Petticoats and boyfriends Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I saw the clothes I tried to move away, but my dad stood there with his hand firmly grasping my arm, so I was unable to do anything but moan. My mother stood next to the bed, grim faced but determined. I was told to strip, and looking at my dad I knew I didn't have a choice, so I undressed to my shorts. "Those too," mom said, "then I want you to put these on." "Do I have to? I'll never do it again! I...

4 years ago
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Exwife Prick Teasing in Mid 70s

Prick teasing in the Mid-70’s. Back in the mid 70's my Ex-wife liked to prick tease a lot. She had a nice rack 36c with long brown hair and nicely trimmed bush. She always dressed to please and certainly to tease. When we had friends over and the d**gs and booze started flowing the boys would always get more daring around my Ex-wife. When they would get next to her alone and think no one might see they would rub up on her or cop a feel. She sometimes wouldn't have a bra on and wore loose tops...

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The beginnings of a new little slut

So this is my first story/ post i hope you enjoy it and i cant wait to write more .. I was sitting at my desk finalising a deal I had with my fellow managers over Skype ok then is it all settled? I ask them They reply with their yess just as my 9 year old daughter walks into my office. My face hardens along with another body part as I take in what shes wearing Fuck I think and try to rid the thoughts from my head Finn … Finn Dude whats up man? Nothing guys I gotta go I will see you at work in...

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Varsha Mami Ki Chikani Choot

Hi friends, thanks for your response to my varsha mami series. Main apke sath varsha mami ke sath mera indian sex experience share krne jaa raha hoon. Mere mama ki shadi hoke 5 saal ho gaye the. Jada tar mama foreign tour par hi rahte the. Unki wife varsha sach me ek real life slut hai. Ab me meri mami ke figure ke bare me batata hoon. Varsha ki figure 40-28-38 ke aas pas hai. Uske breasts ke samne to mia khalifa bhi pani kam chai hai. Jada tar mami saree hi pahanati hai. Me hamesha se hi...

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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 6

Before beginning this chapter, some background info. Most of the content of the first five chapters is fiction - born of my fantasy riddled creative mind. Chrissy, however, is real. I married her 43 years ago when she was 19 and been blissfully happy ever since. In our late twenties through to mid thirties we were into the swinging scene. Not parties or orgies or stuff like that. Just threesomes and foursomes with couples, single males and females or two males. This was well before internet...

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Christina Looks for a College Chapter 1

Chris is an 18 year old, red head. She grew up in a small farming community in Idaho. This town was very secluded from the rest of the world and outside of trips to the city with her family she never saw other parts of our great nation. She also did not really know anyone outside of her small town and relatives. The only experience she had ever had with males was kissing them and letting them touch her 40-D breasts underneath her shirt. They never saw more clothes off of her than when she was...

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This day was different from most others, as when I was about half-way done with the painting, I heard someone giggling behind me. When I turned around, I met the eyes of a young beauty. She was watching me work on the picture, and was delighted to see it being done. She stayed for the next hour watching me paint, and we got to talking. Her name was Kimber, she was 19, and she was fascinated by my work. Nothing is more flattering to an artist than having a beautiful girl who admires your work...

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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 9

She lay beside him that night, staring thoughtfully at the curve of his back as he faced away from her. There hadn't been any talk of separate rooms, both of them feeling the bubble of fear that surrounded them. Kaylee had tried to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she saw the knife and his eyes, those strange blue eyes that looked so normal but hinted at the dark evil that lived inside of him. Maybe it was the way she saw the knife, the reflection of his eyes in the silvery shine...

3 years ago
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The Secret Life of Millicent Shakspeare

The Secret Life of Millicent Shakspeare by Bryony Marsh If anybody had seen the youth as he scaled the stile and cut across the fields, they wouldn't have thought much of it. Few would have recognised him: he wasn't a native of Shottery, and only an occasional visitor. He left clear footprints in the soft earth, the overnight frost having been light: not enough to firm up the ground. A dog barked half-heartedly when he reached the Hathaway farmhouse. Once the boy saw that it was...

2 years ago
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A Combination of Events

A Combination of Events My name is Kelly and that in fact is the first in a series of coincidences that led to my current predicament. I live in a small city in the south of England. Technically it is a city but really it is more town sized if we are being honest. The town centre is genuinely very historic though. It is full of old Edwardian, Victorian, Jacobean and even Tudor and other old buildings. It still has the old stocks used for humiliating people who had committed...

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NubileFilms Francys Belle Let Yourself In

Francys Belle is ready and waiting for her date with Raul Costa. Decked out in a bra that hides nothing and a matching robe and panties, she keeps herself hot and ready with light caresses. Raul knows to just walk in without knocking, and when he does, Francys is ready and willing. Raul makes it across the room in record time as Francys teases him with her lovely body lines. Kneeling on the bed, she is the perfect height to prop up her titties and give Raul one hell of a show. When Raul leans...

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My name is Jack and my best friends name is Rick. I'm just your average 19 year old with a body of a god (so i've been told anyway) and Rick was the definition of a god. Me and Rick have been friends since freshman year of high school. I was the nerdy one and him the athletic one. He forced me into sports and working out that's how I got a body. I noticed I was starting to grow feelings for him during our jr year of highschool and he confirmed my feelings when I got to see him naked in the...

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HOME ALONE WITH BIG brother part 2

The evening was far from over for me, Nick, and Holly. Nick went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Holly and I remained in the bedroom together whispering and giggling. "I want him to pop my cherry," Holly said and covered her face with her hands as if she was ashamed of what she had just said. "Really?" I said. "Are you sure you're ready. You don't want to start on a smaller cock? Nick's is pretty big. It's gonna hurt." "I know. Do you think he'd do it?" "Go into the shower with...

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Magicians MergerChapter 7

The precedent being set, Mary, Sean, and I rode our bikes to school again on Friday, even though the day wasn't nearly as nice. When Sean and I went to stand by the grade-six door, Al moved away from us. That is, moved away from me, most likely. "Hey, Sean, go see if Al is OK." Al didn't move away from Sean, hypothesis proved. Kirsten, talking to Pam, was in the crowd waiting for the door to open. Go say hello to her, prompted Ursus. I didn't see how I could make the situation any...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 5

Our stay at the sisters house lasted for two days. The second day we loaded up and went to a Beach Resort. Now in the PI a Beach Resort is a place that you pay to go to a beach that is fenced in and the beach is maintained. There is also food and beer you can buy and small huts for changing and larger cabins for overnight stay. It was decided after much excited conversation that we would rent a cabin for the day to allow for changing and a place for the two small c***dren in our group to nap....

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Lost My Virginity To Cousin 8211 Part I

Hi everyone! I am Aravind, 19 years old 5’9 feet tall and I live in Chennai. I have been a reader of this site for quite some time and now I would like to share my own experience. I was a football player in my school and I regularly hit the gym. I usually watch porn videos and always liked to try it but I never had a chance. . Of course I have had oral sex with my gf during school days but never really tried the real game. It happened during March. I have a cousin named Shruthi who was going to...

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It was Brian Grayson's first day at university: he'd had to work hard to get there and he was looking forward to the chall­enge ahead. He wasn't a bad looking guy, so he was used to the admiring looks that the girls gave him sometimes: but then he spotted a girl whose gaze was far from admiring. He had seen that look before and it made him shake his head slightly and sigh. Now there came the dilemma: say something or say nothing; he would rather say nothing and hope that it ended there; but...

2 years ago
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Repopulating the WorldThe Final Chapter

It had been 4 months since we last met our survivors, Allie, Tina, Rich and John, oh and of course Adam the first achievement in repopulating the world. Since our last visit, tragedy struck the survivors. Allie, who had been pregnant with her second child, had miscarried. The loss of the child had allowed depression to move in on her. She lost all sexual interests in the guys and even Tina. Tina had stepped up in Allie’s absence and had pleasured the guys, but recently she had missed her time...

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Brandy Ch 0708

Chapter 7 THE DRESSERS It’s amazing how many men there are with a thing about clothing of one sort or another, either for themselves or for their partner and, sometimes both. Of course, as I’ve said before, most men are more likely to be turned-on by something visual than the average woman is. For instance, there have been several attempts at launching magazines for women that include naked or semi-naked men, none have really been successful – compare that with the constant flood of ‘girlie’...

4 years ago
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Paiso Ke Liye Ladki Bana Aur Chudwaya 8211 Part II

Hi friends I’m Sanjay come back with new real story of my life agar aap log muje sexy chat ya contact karna hai to plz muje mail kijiye aur Friends meri pichli story paiso ke liye ladki bana aur gand marviyi ka aap sab ke kafi mails aye aur kafi frinds ban gaye mere main aap sab ka anhari hu. Meri wo story padhke ek NRI man Samir ne muje contact kiya usne kaha Uski wife ab is duniya main nahi hai aur wo muje 3 din ke liye baroda aa raha hai waha uska gar hai to wo mujse romance aur sab kuch...

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Young Rounded Fuck With SisterInLaw 8211 Part 3

Hi ISS readers… Hope everyone enjoying their sexual passions… I have received fantastic response from readers and here is my other experience with my sister-in-law (cousin of my wife). We live in Bangalore and very good whether here… I passionate about my sexual desire… this was happened few days back when my wife’s cousin came for an interview in Bangalore from Hyderabad… I did not had any intention towards her and it happened in a nice way… she looks pretty cool and homely with good...

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The Dog Park

They had walked their respective pups together at the local dog park at least five days a week at the same time for almost a month. The pups all got along well and pleasant company made the time fly. There weren’t many people who frequented the park with whom he socialized. Some had dogs that his canines didn’t get along with. Others were overly controlling owners who seemed bound and determined to make the visit to the park unpleasant for their own dogs and the other humans. Some were just...

1 year ago
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Real Estate

Karen is a successful real estate agent in California. Standing at 5-2 and about 110 lbs, she's a very attractive married woman of 42. Her all natural 34D curves significantly add to her beauty. Karen frequently shows property to clients from all walks of life and nationalities. A man named Bruce whom was looking to see a couple of homes over the coming weekend had recently contacted her. Karen said she would do her due diligence on the properties and get back to him. Karen researched the three...

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Young Jennifer in old Amsterdam 1

Love at first sightAfter her first completely unexpected sexy spanking ever, Jennifer of only just 18and freshly arrived, and lost, in old Amsterdam, fell in love with an elder man.I was astonished by her immediate trust and complete calmth under my hot hands.I have had many women of all kinds of beauty volunteer for a tasty treatment bent over my knees, but Jennifer was by far the best, and even a real virgin spankee.I got so aroused by both her beauty and grace, as well as her screams...

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Training a Lover

AN ENDING “My life is over!” I yelled to my aunt the day she came to discharge me from the convalescent center. With my parents being claimed by a car crash almost eight years ago, I had striven to be a careful driver since then — despite my having bought a silver BMW convertible thanks to my folks’ insurance proceeds and estate. But I almost bought the farm, too. My fiancée wasn’t so lucky. It was evening on a quiet stretch the coast highway northwest of Los Angeles, next to the ocean....

Love Stories
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Dont Be Too Familiar II

DON'T BE TOO FAMILIAR 2 CHAPTER THREE Jacob's dad wants to know why the grass is not cut. It is Sunday, and Fred Whitaker is home for a spell. Jacob's mother was a fine woman, but she went by way of lung cancer three years gone past. "Gone the past two days exploring is all," Jacob informed his father. "Anything interesting?" He asked. Jacob informed him that the waters brought him North. Places he had not been to before, but nothing extraordinary, but that was still...

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Ambers Sex Day Chapter Two

When Matt saw Amber in her sexy black dress, he could image how things might go with her out alone, with her mind set on one thing, finding men to fuck. Matt knew it would be easy for that to happen, but maybe not so easy for her to find a guy she wanted to have. Matt knew her favorite type of look. Dark hair, and perhaps with a dark five o’clock shadow. If she ran across that, and he had a winning personality, then it would most certainly be a night to remember. Matt also knew Amber had an eye...

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The GiftedChapter 24 Arizona

Davy pulled the RV to a stop in the RV lot near the Grand Canyon. It had been an hour's drive just to get to the park. Pulling into their assigned parking spot, they climbed out and looked out over the canyon rim, as the sun slowly set. Unimpressed, Ruby and Buster had found a cactus to water as the sky turned bright red and yellow. "It's beautiful," Amber said as she leaned against Davy. "Yes it is," Davy replied as Samantha and Cindy walked up with the two dogs. "I am going to go...

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Caressing Caitlyn

Heavy gray clouds covered the sky and rain kept threatening to fall. It’d been a long flight and Alex had one too many cheap drinks, but the nervousness in meeting her finally settled when he got off the airplane and stepped into the frigidness of Michigan’s Tri City International. Gasoline and pepper scents hung on the breeze between the plane and boarding ramp mixed with the various perfumes and colognes many of the business travelers wore. Alex slung his laptop over his shoulders, adjusted...

2 years ago
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I Always Want Her

Hello there, Thank you for your heartwarming response to my previous story “Beautiful Lady I Met In A Flight”. I have been away from ISS for quite a while now and some things have happened in between. I’d share one of the experiences with you guys again here. Just to refresh, I am a 30 years old, healthy and reasonably good looking man from Mumbai. And I do keep travelling to Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Baroda, and Kolkata on work.This incident of mine refers to the wife of one of my “hanging...

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The Heart of a Child

I slammed out of the flat and without waiting for the lift, hurtled down the stairs to emerge into a back alley. Leaning against a wall, I vomited. She had not been expecting me as I was supposed to be away for a couple of days on a job. The trip had been cancelled and I thought to give her a pleasant surprise. It was a surprise all right. Letting myself into the flat at around 10.15 p.m. with the key she had given me nine months before, I found the place seemingly empty. She normally went to...

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The Worlds First Futa 09 Futas Naughty Jobs Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Reality Show

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Reality Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “You don't make it sound like your time on Living with the Futa was all that much fun,” Adelia said as she interviewed me. It was a long one. We had been going for a few hours as I relived the roller-coaster fun of my life as the world's first futa. “I thought it would be,” I said. “I really did. Me living in a house with four girls, getting to know them, making love to the same women over...

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Summer CampEpisode 34 BirthdayNegotiations

It was the second week of September; the leaves had not yet started to turn color but there was a feel to the air that said 'Okay ... that's it – summer is over'. The weather office had promised a scorcher of a week-end, however. Tom's thirteenth birthday was coming up and Bobbie had asked him, since at thirteen, he would "officially' become a 'teenager', whether he wanted anything special as a birthday party. Tom thought about it. "Yeah ... I know it's impossible since we don't...

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Wife turns Slut at Football Game

It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watchsome football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all myfriends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giantswere playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony thatbefore half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packingour shorts.The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was theleast they could do, since I was providing the TV. I...

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mutual wank

I met a guy when he was over here in Ireland working on similar projects to mine. We got on well without being overly friendly. I could see he had similar interests and was a discreet type, most definitely not the sort to gossip or blabbermouth. Not that there was anything to blabbermouth about. The way he mentioned jacking off gave me an idea that we were of the same mind. He met Helen once and was greatly taken by her. Why not? Helen is a real beauty, though now in her forties. She still...

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JulesJordan Cherie DeVille MILF Super Slut Needs Manuel8217s French Cock To Fill All Of Her Holes

Cherie DeVille is back at JJV for another round of hardcore anal with Manuel Ferrara. Cherie teases us with her tight, toned body in sexy pink lingerie with black stockings, she knows she’s getting a big dick today and can barely contain her excitement. She pulls out a double-ended dildo and DP’s herself, getting her holes nice and wet, ready to get pounded. Manuel shows up and helps toy her holes before Cherie drops to her knees and starts sucking on his massive cock. This is some...


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