Could It Happen?Chapter 1 free porn video

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General Hal Corbin had just finished putting on his dress green uniform when his landline phone rang.

“Sir, it’s Bob Nichols, we have secured the objectives and are awaiting your arrival.”

“Thanks Bob, good job. The head of the Secret Service phoned me about one half hour ago and wanted to confirm that we were serious in requesting the President and his family be evacuated to Camp David. I told him we were. I guess he confirmed our seriousness when he looked out the window and saw a company of the 82nd Airborne out on the front lawn of the White House. I am sure the Representatives and Senators will also have a lot of questions when they see another company surrounding the Capital building. I should be there in twenty minutes.”

Hal had told his current lover earlier before she left for work that this could be a busy news day. She said that there were no major announcements expected so she didn’t know why he would say something like that. While she had her own condo most of her nights were spent with Hal at his quarters. They were able to hide their relationship from the public. A few in the military were aware of this relationship but out of their deep respect for Hal they kept silent.

She was a television news reporter and had just been appointed as the White House reporter for a major television cable news network. It seemed that this network had a propensity for hiring good looking blond long haired women. There was almost a twenty year difference in their ages and without a doubt she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever met or had the pleasure of being intimate with. She was a sexual tigress in bed and all that he could want or handle. Being intimate with a woman that beautiful was something that most men could only dream about. He could only wonder what she saw in him that attracted her. He couldn’t say if he loved her or she loved him and only time would tell if their relationship would develope into something more.

Hal took one last look around the room and left his quarters to go outside where his vehicle and driver were waiting for him.

General Hal Corbin was the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was the youngest military man ever to achieve the rank of a four star general and be in his present position. Hal was one of the most highly decorated soldiers earning his awards both in Afghanistan and in the two Iraq wars. Among his many awards was the Medal of Honor. Being good looking with his sandy colored hair turning gray and having bright blue eyes had women swooning over him. His confident yet caring leadership style won him the respect of the men he commanded.

There had been some discussion among the Military Chiefs of Staff on where this country was heading. Record deficient spending and the socialistic governing agenda were the primary concerns. Another concern was a proposed drastic reduction in our nuclear weapons without a corresponding reduction from other nations which had put the ability to defend ourselves in a very precarious position. All of these men had taken an oath to defend the country from enemies both from outside and from within. It was the within enemies that had been bothering these men. They knew they weren’t alone in having these concerns since various polls showed the great majority of the country was also concerned about the uncontrolled spending that was being done.

The Military Chiefs of Staff came up with a plan they thought which would save and protect this country. The seizing of the White House and Capitol building were the first steps in implementing their plan.

Instead of being driven to the White House, Hal was driven to the helipad at the Pentagon. He entered a waiting helicopter and was flown to the White House front lawn. There he was greeted by Major General Robert Nichols.

“How is it going Bob?”

“So far so good sir. Some of the civilians are asking questions but there haven’t been any big problems. The President’s Chief of Staff isn’t here yet and he will be a sore point for you to handle when he does get here.”

“If you haven’t yet give notice that there will be a press conference in one hour. I am sure all of the major television news networks will want to televise this conference and will break into their regular programming if they haven’t done so already because of the troops surrounding the White House and Congress.”

They walked through the White House till they arrived at the oval office. Bob left to check on the press conference. Major Richard Reynolds, Hal’s aide-de-camp was there with a large cup of black coffee he handed to Hal.

“How is it going Dick?”

‘These are interesting times General.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Suddenly a door slammed open and into the Oval Office burst Bruce White, the President’s Chief of Staff. Hal had met him a few times before and Hal had to acknowledge that this man was knowledgeable as to the intricacies of Washington politics. He immediately gave you the impression that he was one tough cookie and someone you would never want to turn you back on.

Bruce White’s conversation started with him saying “What the fuck are you doing?” and went downhill from there with him spewing out a litany of expletives. When he ran out of swear words he looked to Hal for some response,

Hal coldly looked at Bruce and said to his aide. “Dick, will you see if you can find a storage box and see that this man is escorted to clean out his desk of his personal items and then removed from the White House premises.”

“You can’t do that! I am the President’s Chief of Staff!”

With a firm tone to his voice and his eyes burning into this man Hal said in a chilling voice, “You were... , let me repeat that, you were the Chief of Staff and you blew it. You helped promote this socialistic agenda with its never ending spending binge. You let the President trample on the Constitution with his appointment of Czars, recess appointments and his attempting to pass laws that only congress can do. These were things you should have stopped or controlled but you just didn’t care and now something needs to be done to end this madness.”

A wave of Hal’s hand had two husky MP’s entered the room who he told to forcibly escort the Chief of Staff out of the office.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Bob Nichols entered.

“Sir it is my understanding that the tape you and the other Chiefs of Staff made explaining your reasons as to what is happening has been shown to the key military men in all of the services. Their reported response has been positive. One of the commanders was reported to have said, “It’s about time.” I understand that they want to show this tape to the troops under their command. I told them it would be okay to do that but not until the press conference is over which is due to start in fifteen minutes.”

“Good thinking and no problem with that Bob.”

Hal was sipping on his coffee thinking of what he was going to say to the press. He had made some notes on 3x5 cards. Teleprompters were crutches that he wouldn’t use and he thought those that did were good speech makers but never spoke from their heart. Hal also wondered if the teleprompter was being used by advisors to give hints back to the speaker on how to respond to questions that were being asked of him. Never in American history had something like this military takeover ever happened and he hoped it would never happen again.

There was a soft knock on the door and his aide entered saying, “Sir, it’s time.”

As Hal was approaching the room where the press conferences were held he could hear the loud talk that was going on in the room. In entering the room there was a hush and attention centered on him. In looking around the room he saw his current lover looking him. Hal could see the questioning look in her eyes of why he hadn’t tipped her as to what was going on. It looked like he was going to need to grovel a little with her later but he thought the make-up sex should be terrific.

Hal looked at the television camera and started off by saying, “For those of you, who do not know me, my name is Hal Corbin and I am presently the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I am holding this press conference to advise you of some action that has been taken and of some changes that are or will be occurring.”

It was very quite in the room as the attention was centered on Hal. He could sense or feel the television cameras that were transmitting his image across America and maybe the world.

“It has become quite apparent to the American public that our government in recent months has become dysfunctional. This is especially true of the executive branch and legislative branch. The recent passage of the Affordable Care Act will nationalize our healthcare system and increase our national debt substantially. Our national debt which presently is some sixteen trillion dollars and increasing will leave a legacy for generations to come to pay for and that just isn’t right. There are also provisions in this healthcare law some of which that are now just coming to light as mandatory birth control assistance which crosses the line in our Constitution separating Church and State.

Congress passed a law referred to as ‘Pay as you go.’ The law required that any new spending be accompanied by provisions on how this spending would be paid for. One Senator asked that this law be applied to a new spending bill and both sides of the aisle demeaned and chastised him for nothing more than asking that the law be applied. They then voted and pass the bill while disregarding the law that they passed!”

“The executive branch recently ruled that we are required to give a Miranda warning to enemy combatants we take prisoners. In other words we are required to tell someone who is not in uniform and is not an American citizen that we have captured in combat in a foreign land, that they don’t need to say anything about their plans to kill us. Further if they want we will give them a lawyer at our expense. Osama bin Laden had said and now his followers are continuing to vow to kill all American captives and we are giving Miranda warnings to non-American enemy combatants we capture in a foreign country? My comments on that ruling suffice to say is that the requirement is asinine. It seems we are more concern with the rights of our enemies than the rights and especially the lives of our soldiers and citizens. The recent trial of some of our military men and the continuing investigation into the CIA and its attorneys will attest to this. Our priorities excuse the expression, have gotten ass backwards.”

“Based on these actions, we in the military and judging by the polls, the majority of the American public feels that our present government is dysfunctional. To that end we have concluded that the only solution to this problem is to declare that martial law in effect.”

Now there was a large buzz in the room. Hal just stood by the podium and stared down people in attendance until there was silence in the room.

“Understand that while martial law exists it means that the military will be overseeing the operation of the government. We don’t intend martial law to be a permanent solution to this lack of an effective government. We are not extending martial law to individual states, at least not at the present time. We are requiring that national elections be held eight weeks from today to elect a President and Vice-President as well as a complete new slate of Representatives and Senators. Some may say that is not enough time to select the candidates but other countries limit their campaigning to six weeks so it can be done.

In addition to these elections we are also asking that the following issues be approved by the State Legislators and presented to the voters of their States to vote on as amendments to our constitution.”

“The first one deals with requiring the President to submit and Congress to pass a balance budget. If the American citizens are expected to live within their means so should the federal government. Will this requirement for a balanced budget mean cuts in services, programs, government salaries and increased taxes as well as increasing the number of people that actually do pay taxes? Probably, but that is to be expected. Everyone who has enjoyed this never ending spending binge will need to pull in their belts tighter until we can reduce our national debt and the size of this government.”

“Some of the problems we face are because our career elected officials are either running for re-election, raising funds for re-election or are trying to gain favor with the electorate through pork barrel spending. To that end we are proposing a constitutional amendment which will change the length of terms of Representatives and Senators as well as the President and impose term limits. The proposal is for one six year term for the President, two six year terms for a Senator and three four year terms for a Representative. Part of that amendment is that the voting ballot itself, now and in the future indicate who the incumbents for that office are if there are any. Let the voter see who presently is in office and if they should be retained rather than just see the name and the political party they represent.”

“There will also be a proposed amendment to eliminate the lifetime appointment of federal judges to include the Supreme Court. A ten year appointment of federal judges with an option to renew for another ten years by Congress is the proposal as Federal Judges should be subject to review. They are supposed to interpret law and not legislate from the bench. Some of their rulings as to invalidate propositions passed by the majority voters in a State are ludicrous and they should be answerable to these same voters through their Senators. These judges should also gracefully retire when it’s time.”

“We are also asking for a constitutional amendment banning earmarks. A project or proposal for spending should be able to stand on its own merits and take an up or down vote. We are asking for the voters to agree to the banning of this practice of earmarks. Along with the banning of earmarks we are asking the voters to give the power of a line item veto to the President. Tacking spending items on to an important bill is a backdoor way around proper fiscal control and needs to end.”

“We are further requesting that all of the present members of the cabinet remain in office and administer their offices with our oversight until there are the new elections. We are however requiring that the present Attorney General be replaced by the head of the Army’s Judge Advocate Corps. While the present Attorney General appears to be an honorable man, his rulings on terrorism has shown that he does not understand we are at war with an enemy who has sworn to kill our citizens and eliminate our way of life. This is a military action we are engaged in and not some criminal violation of our laws.”

“Further it’s time for him as the Attorney General to accept responsibility for the botch operation of giving guns to dope smugglers. I don’t know if he knew about this operation but if he didn’t he should have and that ultimate responsibility comes with the job.”

“All of the unelected and appointed Czar positions are being immediately eliminated.”

“Finally I would like to address myself to those nations or countries that are not friendly to us. Please don’t misconstrue the problems we are having at home with a lack of resolve on our part to defend ourselves or our allies. Those countries that have or are developing nuclear weapons need to think long and hard about wanting to have that capability. Our stated policy of not using nuclear weapons on a first strike basis is being reconsidered. I will say that any attack upon this country, our armed forces or our allies with that type of material will be dealt with severely. No matter whom attacks, once it is determined where that nuclear material came from, that country will be dealt with to include our use of nuclear weapons. Please note that I did include our allies in that statement.”

“Executive order 11905 prohibiting the assassination of political leaders is being rescinded.”

That remark brought a somber silence to the room.

“Now I do have time for a few questions.”

Hal pointed to and took his first question from a very attractive newly appointed White House reporter, a person he was intimately familiar with. She rose and asked, “Where are the President and the Vice-President?”

“The President is presently at Camp David. The Vice-President is at his quarters. They are free to come and go as they wish but without the trappings and perks that come with the office. As I said, everyone needs to sacrifice during these difficult times.”

Another reporter asked, “What about a missile defense shield in Europe?”

“I think it’s a good idea and a defense our allies need. While Russia doesn’t care for it I haven’t seen where they have done anything to lessen the threat of radical nations having missiles. Countries unfriendly to us and to our allies are developing missiles that they say can hit our allies and us. We need to be able to defend against that possibility. To me it makes good sense that we have this ability but the final decision on this missile shield however is up to the next President.”

Asked by a reporter who appeared to be Hispanic, “Do you have any thoughts about our southern border?

“Yes I do. I will say that protecting our borders is fundamental to protecting the safety of our citizens. Mexico heavily protects its southern border but it doesn’t do as much about their northern border. While we want to be a good neighbor, it’s a two way street and I would like to see Mexico doing more to help solve this problem. I will have more to say on this next week.”

A major news network television reporter asked, “What about the Canadian pipeline that has been put on hold?”

“Again that’s a no-brainer, I will be issuing an executive order authorizing its construction. Further I will also entertain bids from companies that want to build refineries on government land close to the pipeline. Why the pipeline needs to go all the way to Texas is something that needs to be re-thought. This is something that should have been done long ago.”

“Won’t that anger the environmentalist?”

“I imagine that it will, but until they can tell me where we get the energy that heats their homes, powers their cars, fuels the planes that they fly in and comes with a price that all our citizens can afford, their anger will fall on deaf ears. There are other causes they have also championed that have hurt this country. Not all they do is bad but the reverse of that is also true.”

A liberal news network reporter rose to ask, “What about climate change legislation?”

“First of all there are two schools of thought as to if there is climate change and if man is causing it. The matter needs to be studied further. Also until China and India will agree to abide by environmental agreements it would do no good for us to agree to some environmental treaty that will drastically affect our economy. I will say though, that some people have made a lot of money by their advocacy of climate change. What bothers me is that those same people live a life style of having large multiple homes and fly around in private airplanes. It seems to be a do-as-I-say and not do-as-I-do message that they are giving.”

A long time White House reporter asked. “Will this martial law delay the trial of the 9/11 terrorists in New York?”

“I am glad you asked that question as I overlooked commenting on these trials. We will not give these terrorist a form for them to spew their anti-American venom for the entire world to see. They are military combatants and as such will receive justice at the hands of military tribunals. Their trials will be held at Guantanamo naval base and will start in thirty days. We will also make adjustments so that their treatment as prisoners is more in line with how we treat our civilian prisoners who are in our max security prisons and get away from the Club Fed atmosphere.

“What about energy independence?”

“I will have more to say on that next week but let me say this. Environmentalists were up in arms when the Alaskan pipeline was proposed many years ago. They said it would hurt the migrating caribou population and damage the environment. If we were to shut down this pipeline now they would once again be up in arms saying that it would hurt this now vastly increased caribou population. They have seen the pictures of the caribou huddling around this pipeline in the winter trying to warm themselves. We can and should do things that don’t hurt our environment in this mineral rich area.”

“What are your thoughts on the Affordable Healthcare Act?”

“There is time before that goes into effect for adjustments made to it so I will leave that concern up to the voters, Congress and the new President to handle.”

From white hair liberal cable news commentator who would praise the President at every opportunity and happened to be in attendance Hal received the question, “What qualifies you to run the country?”

Looking directly at this former political assistant then news reporter now turned news commentator Hal said, “While I don’t think me being the temporary acting President will give you tingles up and down your legs I am probably more qualified to run the country than you are to be a news commentator.”

That was a verbal slap in the face and one that the members of the press corps were not use to receiving.

“It’s a job that I didn’t seek and it’s a job that I hoped I would never have. But I do now have it and I hope the administrative and leadership skills I have learned in the military as well as my MBA and PhD will enable me to handle this position for the short time I intend to be in this position. I do think that my back ground gives me more fiscal and managerial experience than that of a community organizer.”

Again the press corps was not used to being addressed in this manner and weren’t quite sure on how to react to Hal.

“I would like to say that I respect the rights of an open and free press. Freedom of speech is one of our basic freedoms and one that I have sworn to uphold. With our actions today I am sure I will receive some negative coverage and hopefully some positive coverage as stories are reported. You as usual are free to write and spin this news to your liking. I will say this, what you sow you will reap. If you are completely negative in your reporting and not fair and balanced, your access to the White House and the government may not be what you expect it to be. I have seen some reporters whose bias was evident and did not care for the politician or person they were interviewing. In one instance with eye glasses on the tip of the interviewer’s nose, the questions being asked were geared to embarrass this politician being interviewed. The interview was conducted like an old television program called, ‘Stump the Stars.’ That is something I will not tolerate and will call the reporter, network or newspaper on it when I see it being done. Why someone would want to enter public service facing all of this scrutiny on them and their family that none of you would want to have imposed on yourselves is something I don’t understand. I do like to see a level playing field and bias eliminated in news reporting.”

“And while I am on the subject of bias another example that comes to mind had to do with this same prominent politician who wrote a book. A news service assigned five people to fact check her book. But when a prominent member of the opposing party had written his two books no one was assigned to fact check what he had written. There was even a question as to who had written those two books that was never explored. Based on that action do you expect me and the public to believe there is no bias in your reporting?”

That comment brought a temporary lull in the reporters asking questions.

“Thank you for your attention and I hope to have more press conferences in the future.”

He turned his back to the press corps and left the room with questions being shouted at him.

Hal was a little surprised to see the Secretary of Defense waiting for him and they walked back to the oval office together. Hal had a good working relationship with this man and respected and valued his opinions.

“Well Sir, give me your honest opinion. How do you think it went?”

“As good as can be expected with a press corps that has an inflated opinion about themselves, some of which who fancy themselves as celebrities. I think the American public will see and appreciate what you are trying to do and the great majority of them will be completely behind you. When it was reported that our troops where surrounding the White House the stock market opened lower but at the end of your press conference the market was recovering. It is too early to expect comments from our allies but I would expect they will be cautiously favorable. I wouldn’t be surprised to see favorable comments from China and Japan on our reducing the national debt since they hold so much of our paper. Of course you realize my official position will be to be against the imposition of martial law but unofficially something needed to be done to straighten out this mess. I’ll be in touch with you and don’t let your guard down.”

In entering the oval office Hal’s aide said, “Sir, the commanders have reported that Army, Marine and Reserve units per your orders are assembled and are on alert for immediate deployment if assisting in crowd control becomes necessary.”

“Thanks Dick.”

The remainder of the day was busy but manageable. A number of Senators and Representatives wanted to see Hal. He told his aide to make appointments for them for tomorrow. When he heard that some politicians were holding anti-martial law press conferences inside the Capitol, Hal asked his aide to have the MP’s afford them the same treatment they had afforded the President’s Chief of Staff. They were major players who had contributed heavily to the current problems and they could hold their press conferences elsewhere. Maybe they would be re-elected, Hal didn’t know. He hoped that some of them wouldn’t be but that was not for him to decide.

Where to spend the night presented a minor problem. If he went back to his quarters, security and communications because of his new position would be a challenge and his relationship with his companion would eventually be revealed to the public. By default the White House was the best place for him to be. He phoned his lover on her cell phone to tell her where he was going to be.

Her caller ID told her who was calling. In a sexy voice that showed she considered herself to be his equal she said, “Well, you have been a busy little boy.”

“I did tell you today was going to be an interesting news day.”

“Yes you did, but you could have given me a heads up on what was going down. If I could have broken the news first it would have shown my boss that he didn’t make a mistake when he gave me the White House assignment. I understand there is a tape which is being shown to the military explaining why you are doing what you are doing. Can I get a copy?”

‘I’ll have a copy sent to you right away. I did call on you for the first question in trying to make up from not telling you about this event. I thought every woman in the room was jealous when you stood up to ask your question. I know every man had his eyes on you. They all were mesmerized by your beauty. My thoughts in looking at you besides acknowledging your beauty was of knowing of your habit of not wearing panties. There is something erotic in knowing that when I look at you. Putting that thought aside what has been the reaction to what has happen?”

“I want you to save that thought. It does something to me when I know someone is looking at me and knows what I am not wearing. In answer to your question, the conservative news media is solidly behind you. The liberal news media hasn’t come down on you as hard as might have been expected. I think your parting shot to them about access and bias has tempered their approach. When am I going to see you? You know that power is a very strong aphrodisiac and Hal you do have the power now.”

“You know I do miss you. I don’t know what you see in an old fart like me but I do have dreams about you. That next to nothing teddy you wear gives my heart palpitations. It wouldn’t do us any good if our relationship were to become public knowledge. You then would become the story. I am going to be staying here at the White House, so any plans of us meeting at my quarters are out. Perhaps your network might want to do a little interview with me by a newly appointed White House reporter. Some of that interview could be as they say, “exploring the matter in depth.”

Hal heard a giggle on the phone and then, “You have such away of phrasing things that are right on point. I think something like that can be arranged. Perhaps you could give me a tour of the White House. I have never seen the Lincoln bedroom. Should I bring my teddy?”

“You won’t need it. When I give you the tour I am sure you will appreciate seeing the Lincoln bedroom ceiling.”

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I realized Allison McGruder had a lot of baggage, but I also realized that she had been as honest as she possibly could be with me. In her circumstance I could not ask for anything more. She had proved to a great companion for dinner, talk, and travel. We laughed at the same things, and were sad at the same things. We were both career driven and both knew that little would stand in the way of achieving success on our careers. Besides the fact she was an incredible pretty green eyed woman with...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 24

After explaining the details to Allie that she hadn't gleaned over the speakerphone I paced the floor of the townhouse for a few minutes running the ramifications of all of it over and over in my head. I was satisfied that when she left the re-hab we could handle her at her own place. I would confiscate her keys from her personal effects the hospital had given me and have Allie drive it home on Monday and park it at her townhouse. Then when she came home she would still depend on others for...

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Could It HappenChapter 3

In the two years that passed since Hal had proposed marriage a number of things had happened. The President wished him well and said that if he was to receive an invitation to the wedding he would do his best to attend. His now fiancée received a large number of congratulations from fellow news people, friends and people she worked with. The women who congratulated her made comments on what a lucky girl she was to be marrying Hal. Men like him they said, didn’t fall out of a tree. They also...

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Could it Happen

Could it happen?Spending most of the year away from your Wife is trying, but knowing when you will be seeing her again is welcome.  I enjoy BDSM and my Wife occasionally indulges me. This is a fantasy I have started having, Enjoy.Two months before my next trip to my Wife’s  she calls. We update on all the little things that have happened and then she asks do you want a spanking when you get here?  My response was a definite always. How do you want it? I replied naked, bound and totally exposed....

1 year ago
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Couldnt help myself0

Lena was stroking his cock. He pressed her to him and kissed her lips passionately. He turned her on her back getting ready to satisfy his lust and … woke up. Yes, it was just a dream… A sweet pleasant dream… The sun was bright and shining through the window. Anthony could hear some remote noise from outside. He stretched himself. Getting up in the morning was so difficult… It was so nice and comfortable lying under the warm blanket. But the interrupted dream still tortured the man – his cock...

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Couldnt wait

My wife and I have been married for a few years now, but we have known each other since high school. This was a time before beepers texts messages and emails. When you didnt hear from someone you just didn't hear from them. I have known my her since she was 18, I was 22 at the time. Back then we only saw each other off and on, but the times we did spend together we were definitly in love. I was off to college and she still had her senior year of high school left. So that summer we went out at...

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Could You Help Me

Could You Help Me? I was the high school boy that they hired to clean up the bar after it closed at two in the morning. I wasn’t twenty-one years old and I couldn’t drink legally but the bartender always left me two beers to take home and drink after school. Anyway I let myself in at five o’clock so I could clean up and get to school on time. I had washed the tables, placed all of the chairs on top of them, and swept the floor. I knew that the bar got washed a hundred times a night...

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Could It Be true

It seemed like months had passed by while I was looking for a roommate. Time and time again people would respond to my ad in the paper, call, come by, and leave me with the feeling of desperation.After 20 or so people came and went I got a call from a woman by then name of Felicia. She arrived and we clicked instantly. Her views and thoughts on being roommates were so similar to mine.She moved in a week later and we rearranged the furniture to accommodate some of her own. We then ordered in...

3 years ago
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Could He

Dan was startled by the instant message on his computer. He had been online for hours and it was unexpected, especially when he checked the profile and it was guy. They chit chatted a little until the guy finally popped the question, "Ever had your cock sucked by another man?" The question had caught him at a depraved moment. Dan hadn't had sex in a couple of months and his cock was well overdue for a good orgasm and began to stir as he typed the answer, "No." His cock continued to grow as...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 8

Her proposal to masturbate for each other was an interesting one. Supposing all she had told me was true, she was going to see her first live penis, and see it in action. She was going to discover if the thought of it made her excited or not. I was going to see her lithe shapely body that I was sure held treasures a man could discover. "OK," I said, but if it gets to a point where we've defeated my reasons for being conservative, we stop and that's it." "I understand. Using that word...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 15

The biggest change in routine on Monday morning was Allie getting in the car and kissing me when I rode her to work. I asked she not use any PDA's in the building and right away she feared I was trying to hide our relationship from Mary. I assured her that I was going to tell her that day. In exchange for that I made Allie promise to call her therapist and tell her about her dream and her telling me the dirty details of the worst part of her 6 year affair with Simone. We were both in our...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 23

In Room 4602 in the CCU Mary Belanger looked puffy and bruised. A nurse close by came over and said the swelling had went down considerable in the last 12 hours or so, and then added, "She had a brain scan and MRI's and there is no obvious damage, but with the brain you don't know. She is no longer under an induced comatose state. Talk to her, rub her hand, touch her cheek. I think she should come around soon." I sat down beside the bed and began to tell her about our weekend. Allie had...

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“That really was something, just what I needed,” she confides in the afterglow forty-minutes later. “I really would love you to watch two naked, hung toy boys licking and kissing my ass, then my cunt. Could you handle that baby?” “Tell me more,” I ask with a smile, aroused at the idea. We do look to stretch the boundaries. “Do you have any particular boys in mind? Or would you like me to find some for you? Or is it us?” “Could you really handle that baby?,” she asks again with a teasing...

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Could I be a Stripper

I've fantasised about being a sexy raunchy stripper and I even wrote a little story about a stripper, but now here I was getting the opportunity to be an actual stripper. My old fuck buddy, Taxi boy, approached me recently with a little request. The rugby club he frequented were having a gentleman’s evening and needed a stripper. Most of the strippers they had seen recently were all a bit skanky and they wanted a stripper with proper curves who looked and moved sexy. Taxi boy said I was...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 11

At the end of our dinner I helped her on with her wrap and she took my arm as we walked out and you seem to know when a whole room is watching you. I'd like to think I looked pretty dapper in my suit and coordinated tie, but I know I could have been in a t-shirt and shorts and no one would have noticed me. I only wished I was getting the look from behind that the other men were getting. At the car I opened her door and she turned to me while I held the door and placed her lips on mine for a...

3 years ago
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Could the past really be her future

Her father, a wealthy politician, very controlling, always ran the show at home, demanded a lot from her and her mother who enjoyed spending her Dads money, and living a certain lifestyle. She had left him more times than Amber could remember, but always come back. Living life in the public eye has always driven Amber nuts, whereas her mother thrived on it. Amber has always been very studious, not what people expect when they look at her. Assuming shes a ditzy blonde, she always got great...

2 years ago
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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future

Amber is 23 years old. Her whole life feels like its been a lie. A world of acting a certain way, being who her family wants her to be. Shes a stunner, 5’10’, blonde, tanned, long silky legs, big sexy breasts, always making guys stare, and gorgeous blue eyes. She modelled as a teenager, but gave it up when her Dad said it was ruining his image. She was also very prissy, and never wanted to show off her body at all. Her father, a wealthy politician, very controlling, always ran the show at...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 12

Allie begged me to stay the night, hoping I might succumb to a tearful "Puh-LEEZE", but I convinced her that we both needed some time to put the evening in proper perspective. It would be hard to wake up together and still not be over the top. Instead if we both slept on it and thought about what happened we might get a truer picture of our feelings. "Do you doubt our feelings are real and maybe just a product of lust?" She asked. "No, of course not. But waking together would probably...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 13

When we got back into town Allie seemed to get nervous and fidgety and I knew she wanted to ask me a question. "Allie, what did I tell you about honesty, walking on egg shells, and fear of the answer you don't want to hear? There will be no relationship without honesty, there can't be. I read you like a book." She sighed and looked to me saying, "I'm afraid you'll say it's too soon, or not appropriate." "How the FUCK can I give my opinion if you don't tell me what it is? Ask me...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 17

While Allie and I vowed to keep it slow, it hardly seemed that way when I thought of the hot oral sex sessions, but they were keeping the rest of our passions at bay. She had taken to giving head like a pussy cat to sweet cream. She loved the control and the look on my face when she looked to me while doing it. When I ate her she seemed to be on the verge of a stroke and I get the impression her "friend" was not as talented as me, although they say women know best. She had offered me her...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 20

Going out to my car and getting in for her ride in to work Allie wore a smile a mile wide. She knew this was something that we would eventually do every day. We had a weekend of escalating commitments to each other and we were on the right track to reaching our goal, to make our lives for each other forever. "Why are you so happy?" I asked, knowing it was a Monday. "I'm with you and we don't care who see's us. Wait until you see the smile on my face when I come home with you on...

4 years ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 21

After bidding a good night to her parents we went to her room while her Mom and Dad locked doors, turned off lights and did their nightly routine. They were pretty well convinced that they didn't have to worry about their Allison who seemed to have proved to them that she had grown up and made some good decisions on life. If they had seen her 2 minutes later in the bedroom she grew up in sitting on her bed taking my cock out of my pants so she could suck it, they might have had a different...

1 year ago
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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 22

The circumstance of our leaving early put a damper on the weekend but I think I made the point that I was committed to her and if a relationship with her family sealed that commitment in her mind, it was well worth it. Plus if her parents thought she might be a lesbian, or even if they thought she had been a lesbian, or at least lived in that relationship, she wasn't now. Cynthia had been sketchy on the condition of Mary after her attack, but she had been told her life was in no danger. I...

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Could It HappenChapter 6

The talk at the United Nations did result in most countries realizing the importance America meant to their countries and to world peace. There still were exceptions to this but those countries were now receiving a cold shoulder from the countries that were previously friendly to their cause and now were re-thinking their support. If this would last no one knew but while it did there were no major political problems to handle. True to his word and one year since the day of Hal’s inauguration...

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Could the past really be her future Part Two

Amber was completely overwhelmed, and caught off guard, guys at a table across from John yelling out at her for more drinks, bass thumping as the DJ played music in between stage shows, and the man who had her heart, sitting in front of her, clearly showing he wasn't ready to let her go. She was unable to speak, her gaze wouldn't leave his, she knew she had let him down, ran away and done everything she shouldn't have. Always so outspoken and forthright with John, making for some...

2 years ago
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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future Ch 02

She stood there….her heart thumping in her chest, as he watched her, his eyes looking straight into hers. He wanted so badly to be strong, to not melt and tell her how much he missed her. And at the same time, he was so angry with her, for giving up on what they had. Amber was completely overwhelmed, and caught off guard, guys at a table across from John yelling out at her for more drinks, bass thumping as the DJ played music in between stage shows, and the man who had her heart, sitting in...

4 years ago
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Could this be called dogging

I had been searching for quite a while for someplace to meet guys for pleasure when I decided to head off to Little Rock to the ABS where I knew there would be a good supply of cocks to suck. On my way I remembered that I had read about a meeting place near a small lake on my way and decided to stop and check it out. After driving around and checking it out I saw that there were several parking places and pulled into a large lot wondering if anybody would show up.I was wearing a pair of extreme...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 6

When I got home after my "date" with Allison I truly did not know what to think. This girl was not stupid, or a dummy of any kind, yet she was taken in by this woman who stalked her, brought her into her lair, and manipulated her. There almost HAD to be drugs involved for her to be taken in so deeply, so long. I also wondered if there were others before her and who she might have on the line now. If Allie finds that she might have been drugged all of that time should she press charges, thus...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 9

By the time I got my mail and dropped my keys and headed to the bathroom Mary was coming out of my bedroom naked. If I've ever given the impression that she was anything less than a very attractive woman, let me school you. She might wear 5 or 10 extra pounds, but until you bend her into some wild position, or if you watched from the side when we were doing doggie, you don't notice it. Her breasts have the perfect hang to them, just up enough to know she's never had kids and just bottom...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 1

It was there I first saw Allison in her hurried state of confusion. I was sitting at a bistro style tall table eating my chicken nuggets when I saw her studying the floor and service index and getting on the elevator and then come down and jump on the other elevator in a red faced rush. In a few moments she was back on the second floor again seeming very flustered and fumbling with a cell phone. It was then I walked over to her and asked, "Do you have ATT phone service?" "No, and I...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 3

I drove shaking my head at Mary's reaction to me all the way home. When I pulled into my lot her car was parked in my "guest" spot. She got out of the car when she saw me and she had obviously been crying. She came right over to my car door with a pouty lip, waiting for me to get out. "I'm sorry. I was way out of line in every way. I want to have my cake and eat it too, I guess. Whenever I take up with a guy I guess I always compare him to you, and the one thing you have going for you...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 18

Our shower before we left was spent very quietly as we both thought of the ramifications of beginning to live together. She had about 3 months left on her lease, which had an option to buy with her payments counting as part of the down payment if she chose. She knew that if she gave that up and then we didn't work out she would lose over 10K and with her just getting on stable ground financially and within a few months of making an offer as planned to become a financial partner with Mary,...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 19

"Can I do a few things to make this feel like our home, and not just yours?" She asked after she put her things away. "Like... ?" I asked. "Umm, pictures? A few scents, some kitchen spices, a few things on the wall in the living room and the kitchen. Just things that if you threw me out tomorrow you would still appreciate." She said cutely, sort of expecting some resistance. "That would be fine. Do you want to make a list and we'll go out? Maybe we can catch that little Tapas Bar...

2 years ago
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Could it ever happen

He was a quiet, and very fit black man, late 20s maybe... tall, small head with very short hair... and his eyes spoke more than his mouth.He had something about him, she thought... something very appealing about his silence... some sort of hidden passion, manifested not only by the semi-permanent bulge in his pants, but also by his delicate mannerism in which he touched her and the way he breathed when he fucked her... it always seemed as if he was holding back something more than words... and...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 5

The next morning was like any other Friday, or any weekday for that matter. Around 8:00 Allie stood on the bus corner waiting for me to come by and she got in with a smile and a "Good Morning" She no more than sat in the seat and she looked at me and said, you were with Mary last night. I can smell her cologne, Vanilla Fields." "Yes, we played tennis last night and we both showered at the club, so she probably put on fresh cologne, maybe even here in the car while she waited for me, I...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 7

"She came out from her townhouse to my car a few minutes later and it was apparent she had been crying again. She got in and said little on the way to my townhouse. I went the back way through the area so I didn't have to drive by Mary's place. Just my luck she would stalk me tonight. I doubted it because it was a humid night, a good night to stay in the AC. I had changed into just a tee shirt and sweat shorts. I offered Allie my bed, but she insisted that the guestroom single bed would...

1 year ago
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Could the past really be her future Part Three

Amber exits the room, taking the money as she leaves, not even making contact with Charlotte, her co-worker, she knew she had to work the rest of her shift, she needed this job badly, even if she had just made more cash than she's seen in one night ever. The Bouncer sees shes out of sorts as she doesnt even make eye contact, and heads straight to the bar to get more drink orders that are up for her tables. The night seems to go forever, as she stays in a daze, making smalltalk with...

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Could The Past Truly Be Her Future Ch 03

She stood there for what seemed like hours, unable to move, like her legs were concrete, sad and alone. The door open, the Bouncer waiting patiently outside, giving her privacy, as one of the other girls comes in, oblivious to Ambers current emotional state, with a client, eager to take over the room. Amber exits the room, taking the money as she leaves, not even making contact with Charlotte, her co-worker, she knew she had to work the rest of her shift, she needed this job badly, even if she...

4 years ago
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Could not have been better

Hello people. How have you been? It’s been a dull period for me until it happened. Well, it’s Rakesh. 21yr old lad, in my final year graduation and its something, happened 3 weeks before. Been with a lot of women. Honestly, I have noticed women do like my company, the ones I have been with. I do prefer all women, but 40+ angels are yummy. Feel free to contact. You can show appreciation, if you like the narration, on Now let’s jump to the narration. I broke up with my girlfriend few month...

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Could it happen like this

As you may or may not know, I have a fantasy on my "Bucket List". I would really like to have a chance to suck a large cock. If it does eventually happen, I often wonder how it would go. So after giving it some thought, this is what I have come up with.I really don't care if you are white, black or brown as long as you are discreet, clean and above all .... well hung. I don't care if you are married or not, have a girl friend or not unless she wants to join us so that she can teach me the...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 2

The morning after that tryst at her apartment I'm driving downtown and stop to get a Wall Street Journal and a coffee. As I walking back to my car I hear horn beep and I look up to see Mary wave to me as if I were her gardener or something. We have the "no strings" part of this relationship down pat. Over the next two weeks I see Mary for a few fleeting moments in the hall or grabbing a coffee downstairs. We're both absorbed in our business's and it's like a speeding train of life is...

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Could I Interest You in a Short PumpChapter 4

While driving to work one morning almost 3 weeks from my spat with Mary I thought I saw Allison walking near The University (WPI) as I turned to get downtown. I meant to go over to Maribel Designs and ask if that were her and if she had moved to that area, but never got the break in the day. Two days later I saw the same girl and went around the block and saw that it was Allison, apparently walking to work. "Hey Allison, can I give you a lift?" I hollered from the window and after doing a...

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My Asian Wife watches BBC porn part 1

I am married to a beautiful Asian woman. I love interracial sex, and my favorite is Asian women fucking BBC. One day I picked up an interracial dvd, and asked my wife if she would like to watch. I didn't tell her what kind of porn it was, but was still surprised when she answered, "ok."I popped the dvd in, and my wife and I got naked as it loaded. The title was "Biggz and the Beauties", and if you haven't seen it, Biggz is a black dude with a BIG cock. In this dvd he fucks several different...

1 year ago
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Photography and Fashion

Special thanks to ‘larryinseattle’ for his editing and patience. ***** Gavin had always loved photography. He got his first camera, an old Browning ‘Fold-out’ model, from an aunt when he was six years old. After that, everywhere he went, people heard ‘snap, snap, snap’ as roll after roll of film poured from it. When he was in high school, he even became the school newspaper’s photographer. So it was no surprise when he decide to pursue professional photography as a career. The best...

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Jack and JillChapter 10

Mom was on the phone in the living room when I got home. I looked at the grandfather clock and saw that I was ten minutes late. She just smiled and held out her hand for her keys. I gave them to her and started to walk away. She put the keys on the table in front of her and snapped her fingers, then held her hand out again, making a "gimme" motion with her fingers. I couldn't figure it out, then it dawned on me and I got the twenty I took for ice cream and gave it to her. "I haven't...

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