My Master
- 4 years ago
- 18
- 0
Luck would have it that in her snit Clarissa forgot to lock the door. So I grabbed what I needed and got dressed. Note to self, move your stuff to the other closet.
I was out of the house before Clarissa got up.
Work was busy and I wound up staying late. I called the house and Clarissa's cell leaving a message telling her that I was working late and got a bite in town before coming home.
When I got home I walked into a virtual ice box. I tried to walk over to where Clarissa was sitting for our usual hello hug and kiss and she just held her hand up stopping me in my tracks. Not saying a word, went back to reading whatever she had on her lap.
OK, I can play that game too. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and went upstairs to move my clothes. Well someone had done it for me it was all in a big pile on the floor in the other room.
So I put it all away, sorting out stuff that needed to be ironed because of the treatment it had received. When I went into the master bath to get my shaving stuff I found it, my shampoo and toothbrush in the garbage.
I salvaged the shaving stuff and shampoo and found a new tooth brush, a present from our dentist in one of the drawers and moved all of it into the other bathroom.
When I was done, I went back downstairs, ignoring her rule about being naked and went into the office to check on e-mails hoping for an answer from a new potential customer on the west coast. Nothing there.
So I started to do some research on divorce law. Trying to figure out if I needed to do anything special to safe guard my financial future.
I will confirm it with my attorney but things looked pretty simple. The house we lived in was actually owned by my company and I paid rent. Clarissa held 20 percent of the company shares in her name, the rest were in mine and based on what I saw, I could be wrong, the way things were set up she could not touch that.
We had no kids, where making about the same amount of money based on the salary I received. The rest of the profits were reinvested into the company or held as cash reserves. We both had similar retirement packages. Hers was actually worth more at this point because she had been in it longer and I didn't have one at the beginning because the company couldn't afford it.
I sent an e-mail to my friend and company attorney and ask him to have his office call me to set up an appointment. That is was personal, not company related and probably needed an hour. There was no real urgency so some day next week would be fine.
I shut down the computer and went to bed.
Shit, I got myself into a pickle. I should have never hooked up with Julie. Big mistake. I knew she was a lezzy, so it never occurred to me that I might risk my relationship with Terry.
Well she sure is in the fuckin' driver seat. I was hooked on her power and the way she rekindled memories of my lesbian experiences during college that I actually offered her the damn key to his CB. Sure I still have one, she insisted for a medical emergency.
I really enjoyed torturing Terry on Wednesday night with her. It was hot and the way I managed to take his safe word away got my pussy flooded like nothing ever before. I guess they are right when they say that power corrupts. I want and need absolute power over Terry. Well if I have to through Julie and abide by her rules for a while so be it. She promised that she would keep Terry chaste, no wanking for him.
Maybe letting her play with him, will open him up to more submission. I mean in the final analysis he was fine with what happened. Hid didn't like it much, at least the pain from that spiked CB, but he accepted it in the end.
I'll have find a way to get around the safe word issue. I can't ignore it outright but I can try talking him out of it once he uses it. Hmm, that could work.
He really got pissed at me for not letting him hug and kiss me. I'm sure his fragile ego is telling him that I don't love him any longer. Maybe telling him he could not touch my breast without permission was a bit over the top at least at this point of our relationship.
I wish I knew what that nightmare was all about. If I knew I could probably use it to manipulate him. Use his fears to move him into the direction I want him too. Gonna have to work on trying to find out. Maybe if I get all tender and mushy with him, the super loving and caring wife, I can get him to spill the beans.
I'm sure I'll get my way eventually. It may take more work than I thought. I'm surprised that he's handling the chastity thing so well. That boy is always horny and it's been almost ten days since...
Maybe I shouldn't have dumped his stuff in the garbage and on the floor. Well too late. I'll think about apologizing about that. Maybe during dinner in sort of an offhanded way.
"By the way dear, sorry about your stuff. I was just a bit angry with you."
Yeah, that might work.
Better make nice with him after he gets home from the golf game. Why does the bitch have to like golf. Now she's going hang with him not only on Fridays – well maybe that will stop once her partner is back home. But the Saturday golf seems to be a sure thing. I should have tried harder but I just couldn't get into it.
Well, tomorrow is another day, a day I get fucked by some alpha guy. I wonder what it would be like with two of them? Maybe I should check into that. See what turns up tomorrow at the club.
Looks like Terry went off to bed without trying to say goodnight. That's OK, I'm going to take my toy to bed with me, leave the door open and give him a good "sound track" what tomorrow night could be like.
I was just dozing off when I heard her carrying on in her room. Sounded like she was double teamed by two guys. Must be playing with her dildo and the sound effects are for my benefit. Have fun dear.
But in reality my heart is aching for the loving caring Clarissa before she morphed into a raving bitch. I get more kindness from a dominant almost stranger who's a confirmed lesbian and will never let me make love to her the way I do with Clarissa. I'm still hoping that she get over this. Maybe one day some guy will go too far and scare the crap out of her so she'll forget about the cuckold scheme.
Probably not going to happen but one can hope. I do love the stupid girl. I thought we had the greatest loving relationship 'til she came up with this crap about needing a dominant alpha male to fuck her. That I was too soft. While she didn't actually say it, a wimp for giving in to all most of her whims.
I suddenly realized that it had gotten quiet in the other room. Maybe she ran out of steam. If she calls me to come and eat her dildo fucked pussy, am I going to refuse or play the wimp and obey?
Luckily I did not have to make that decision and fell asleep.
Again I got up earlier to avoid Clarissa, however I made enough coffee so she could have some when she came down.
Not exactly a peace offering but what the heck, it was something.
As time got nearer to when I was supposed to pick up Julie, I kept thinking that I really did not want to have dinner with the two of them. Maybe Julie had some answers for me when I told her what had gone on.
I pulled up in front of Julie's building and James came out.
"Mr. Terry, good evening. I'll tell Ms Julie you are here. I'm sure she'll be down shortly. Just stay here. No need to move the car."
I did get some dirty looks from some resident who had to walk ten steps to the car that was picking him up because I was blocking the spot right in front of the door. I just smiled at him.
I had gotten out of the car and waited for Julie with the passenger side door open.
There she came, a true beauty and she knew it. She wore a just above knee length tight fire engine red dress with modest cleavage and what I guessed to be four inch heels. That made her almost equal to my six foot two.
Bending over her hand like had done when I dropped her off.
"Good evening Ms Julie, you look stunning this evening".
I saw that James had the biggest grin on his face. With the right kind of light you could have gone blind from the glare of his teeth.
Very quietly I said, "and good enough to eat".
"Down boy, maybe I'll let you and maybe not. Let's get rolling."
Then I floored her.
"Ms Julie would you like to drive?"
That smile turning into a wide grin melted my heart. I knew I had made a friend for life. Somehow I had guessed correctly that she wanted this but did not know if my subbie streak could accommodate a demand to let her drive the "beast".
"Are you sure Terry? And yes absolutely.
We walked around to the driver's side and I opened that door for her. Because of her size there was little need to adjust the setting of the chair.
James now had a stunned look on his face.
"Julie, look at James."
She saw, laughed and flipped him a bird which had him chuckle and retreat to his station inside the lobby.
I got her buckled in, walked around and got in on the passenger side.
"OK dear lady, take me any place you want but I really rather not go and have dinner with Clarissa."
"What happened, why not?"
"Better tell me in a hurry so I can decide if I should give in to your request or make you face the music."
So I gave her the short version of what happened since I left her on Wednesday afternoon.
"That bitch."
With that she pulled over, stopped the car and got her phone out.
A short text went out to Clarissa.
"Changed mind, dinner and dancing someplace else."
Then she made a phone call.
"Maurice, this is Ms Julie. Dinner for two in the Dolly Madison room. I'll be there in an hour."
"Thank you, you are a dear."
"OK my charming prince, you are in for a special treat and if you speak one word of this to anyone, I'll have no choice but to have you killed in a slow and very painful way."
With that Julie put the car back into gear and off we went never less than 15 miles above the speed limit. Looking at her face I knew she had a blast putting my Mustang through its paces. I'm gonna have to check the tires tomorrow. She's leaving plenty of rubber on the road but she seemed to know what she was doing. Really working that manual transmission extremely well.
"Terry relax I've had road racing training. I won't bang up your pretty toy."
I did relax a bit after that comment.
I had lost track of where we were after we pulled off the interstate. A number of turns on some back roads got us to a drive way and a gate but no clue about what was behind it. Julie pressed an APP on her phone and it opened. After maybe half a mile we pulled up in front of a three story building in the Greek revival style with columns rising up to the bottom of the third story that had been so popular on southern plantations.
Julie pulled into a parking slot right next to the entrance when some flunky in some uniform walked up in a huff. I guess he was going to tell her that she couldn't park there.
I had to smile, he virtually almost tripped over his feet and came to attention.
"Sorry, Ms Julie, I didn't expect you in a car like this."
This car belongs to my friend here, Mr. Terry. I expect you to take extreme care when you park it. Even better, tell Mr. Jones to have reserved spot for him by the pro shop. I expect to play golf with him.
"Yes Ma'am, I'll tell him first thing in the morning. I'll note down the plate number and make of the car."
"Sir, that is a very hot car."
"Thank you Mark."
"Come Terry, let's go inside and I'll tell you were you are."
The lobby had a reception desk like you would find in an upscale hotel as well as a presently unoccupied concierge desk. A grand stair case went up to the second floor but I suspect that behind it were some hidden elevators.
"This way Terry."
Julie pulled me towards a pair of French doors that opened as we tripped some sort of sensor.
"Good evening Ms Julie, Sir."
"Hello Maurice. How are you? How are the kids?"
"Very well, thank you. Karen will start college this year and Christine will next year."
"Maurice, you know about the special scholarships the foundation has available. Karen can apply at the end of her freshmen year. As I recall she has a partial scholar ship based on her performance in the science classes in high school and some advanced placement courses that she took. That is the kind of student we are looking for. But I'm starving, we can talk about that later."
"Ma'am, your dining room is ready. Please follow me"
Maurice led us to door off to the side from the main dining room. Over the door it did say "Dolly Madison".
He held the door open for us and we entered a room with a table able to accommodate eight people and off to one side was a sitting area with a couple of couches and a coffee table. It looked like a typical dining room living room combination in an upper middle class home.
Maurice pulled out a chair at the head of the dining table for Julie and then one for me to her right.
"Would you like a cocktail? Maybe some oysters for starters. I hear they are extra nice today."
"Maurice I'll have my usual but Mr. Terry will be driving later on. So he'll skip the cocktail and have just have a glass of wine with dinner."
"Sir, Ms Julie is going to have a Bloody Mary. Maybe you'll join her with a Virgin Mary?"
"That sounds fine Maurice. Thank you for suggesting that and yes please bring us two dozen oysters."
Julie clearly was in charge. I didn't mind at all. This was all very exciting. It was clear that this was a very special place.
"Oh and please tell the chef, whatever he thinks is good enough for us will be fine with us."
"Terry, if it is red meat, what would be your preference in regards to doneness?
"I like my beef 'black and blue'. In other words rare."
Ma'am, Sir, I'll see to it immediately. Please enjoy your evening."
"So Julie, what is this place?"
"Terry, this is the Lady's equivalent to Augusta National minus a tournament. Only ladies can be members. Males can only play if invited and accompanied on the course by a member. Right now we have 283 members. At one point, as recently as this winter we talked about opening the course up to a LPGA tournament. To create something like the Masters for ladies. But at the end we decided by a vote of 279 to 4 to stay under the radar."
Julie chuckled.
"The votes in favor came from the four Pro Golfers who are members here."
"WOW. I had no clue this place existed."
"Well now you know why I threatened you with death of the very painful sort if you ever tell a soul about this. The land the course is on is still my property. The food and beverage operation as well as lodging is run by a company owned by the foundation."
I looked at her.
"Yes all but four members are not local so there are twenty suites in this building and there is another one with twenty more connected to the back of this one via breeze way."
At that point two servers entered the room, one with our drinks, the other with the oysters. An assortment of West Coast, Chesapeake Bay and Nova Scotia oysters.
We were in for a treat.
"So Terry, what are you going to do about your situation? I know that you love Clarissa very much or have 'til she started this BS.
"To be honest, I don't know. I'm so confused. My heart, while not yet broken is severely damaged and I'm rapidly losing my trust in her. That part, losing trust is harder than anything else she's put me through. I think she's been lying to me. I'm going to have her watched. Install sound and motion activated surveillance equipment in the house and a sound activated recorder in her car. It's in my name so I can do it legally as far as know but I'll check next week with my attorney. I think my assets are safe except for 20 percent of the stock from my company. That is in her name."
"Are you really thinking of pulling the plug?"
"No not yet, I just want to be prepared and if I have to take steps to safeguard my finances, I'll do it."
"What about the house, isn't it in both your names."
"No, the house is owned by the company. I pay rent."
"Sweet, so it is safe?"
"Yes, when we built it, I didn't qualify for a mortgage but the company had a credit line so we used that and set up the rental arrangement. Clarissa could have qualified on her own but then I would not have been on the deed and I didn't want that."
"Clever boy. I knew you were smart."
We stopped talking when the servers returned to remove the dishes and serve the salads.
"The house is special to me, I designed it and then of course it has that oversized three car garage so that I can work on my baby."
"So you are really attached to it? It's something special?"
"Yes, I gave it a lot of thought about traffic flow and stuff like that. The architect that I hired, just put in the final touches. Made some changes on window and appliance locations to keep the plumbing and wiring simple and efficient. So yea other than that it's all my ideas and concept."
"So how would you feel about it if you split with Clarissa? You had many happy years there. Could you live there alone or would it be too depressing?"
"To be honest, I don't know. I think I could do it. She had very little influence on the design. The landscaping is more hers. So to answer your question, I might need some help in that. You know getting over her but I don't think giving up the house would be helpful in that regard. That could change if I found a new love and she felt that Clarissa's 'ghost' got in the way."
The servers showed up at that point with the main course. I was surprised by it. A combo of bison and elk filets with a Shitake mushroom gravy and white asparagus. Yummy. Maurice came with an open bottle of wine and poured a taste for you Julie.
"It's fine Maurice. Thank you. Please pour a glass for my guest."
After he left I raised my glass.
"To a very extraordinary and beautiful lady and what I hope will be a long, long friendship."
"Thank you kind sir. I'll drink to the friendship part. You are something special. You are the first of the lowly male species (she smiled to take the sting out of her words) with whom I have a desire to develop a relationship beyond pure business. I do have some male friends but they are all gay."
I was stunned by that comment and didn't know what to say. So I took the easy way out.
"The wine is fantastic. I'm no expert but I do know what I like and this is great. But I don't see a label on the bottle."
"You won't and it's not available for purchase. There is a vineyard in California and another in Oregon that are part of the foundation. When their vintners come up with something extra ordinary, it gets reserved for my use. They ship it here for storage and I use it for special guests and at home."
We talked some more generalities while enjoying our meal. A few minutes after we were done, the staff showed up to clear the plates and Maurice was there offering after dinner drinks and dessert.
"No thank you Maurice. We are going dancing in a little while and I know what those desserts will do to me. I'll just have a cappuccino and another glass of wine."
"What about you Terry? Are you OK with another glass of wine? Can you handle the car? What about coffee?"
"Yes one more glass will be fine after this excellent meal and I would like a double espresso please."
"Yes sir, coming right up. Would you like to me to pour."
"Thank you Maurice. We are going to sit over on the couch Mr. Terry can take care of the pouring."
I looked at Julie.
"You are wondering about the timing of the service? No they are not spying on us even though the capabilities are here. No, I have a secret button under the table to summon them."
Come bring our glasses and the bottle. Let's sit over there. Sit next to me. I feel a bit lonely with Liza gone for almost three weeks. I was really getting down when Clarissa contacted me with her little scheme after the evening in the museum. It took care of my funk and need to hurt someone."
She took a sip of her wine. Put her hand on my knee and turned towards me, took a deep breath not only once but twice before,
"You know, you and me are not so different."
I stared at her.
"Yes I'm quite serious. You are confused about this cuckolding thing and your submission to Clarissa. How far to take it. Well in some way I'm not very different except that I have come to terms with it because of my love for Liza. See, she is the dominant partner in our relationship and she does cuckold me with guys. Trust me I know how much it hurts when your loved one screws around."
I think you could have knocked me over with a feather and I just sat there shaking my head in disbelief.
"I'm sure that during her trip, if not every night but plenty of them, she had some guy in her bed giving her what I can't. I'm not proud of it and she keeps it away from me. Limits it to business trips. That's why I have these sadistic and violent urges towards the male population. It gives me an outlet to vent my anger and frustration."
So like I said, I've gone through every phase of emotions. From raging jealousy to total despair. I even tried to kill myself several years ago when I found out about her cheating on me. Liza with a help of a very special person managed to convince me that I could learn to live with it. That in some perverse way I needed to know how fragile a love relationship is. I learned to trust her when she says that it is only sex, not love and that she will always come back home to me."
"She once made a video of a session with some guy and forced me to watch it. At first I was disgusted. There was some, I don't know how to phrase it. It was just different. In the end after I watch Liza cum I was...
No, not quite turned on but content that the one and only love of my life seemed to be happy and fulfilled. That was good enough for me then and still is now."
"What is interesting and different compared to Clarissa, Liza was still very much in charge. Just like she is in our relationship. It wasn't a FemDomme thing but she was directing 'traffic' so to speak. The guy was playing by her rules and did what she wanted him to in order for her to get maximum enjoyment out of it. It also was very clear that there was no emotional involvement, at least not on the portion I saw. Sure they kissed an hugged but it wasn't a long drawn out make out session either before or after. Liza told me and I have no reason not to believe her that when she has enough they may rest for half an hour or so, then the guy either just gets dressed or takes a quick shower alone before leaving. They never stay the whole night."
"This has been going on for years and from time to time I have doubts especially during along separation like this trip. I'm still trying to get to grips with it. So I understand your confusion and distress. I think the difference between what Liza is doing and Clarissa is that she is really is determined to make you part of her fantasy. To stress the domination over you. She may still give you time and love but I don't know how much and for how long."
"So you really need to examine yourself – try your very best to determine how far and deep your need to please and submit to her goes."
"What I would like to suggest is that you go with the flow. See where she takes it and how far. Find out where your limits are. You have the safe words. Use them if it becomes too much. Then try to explain to her why. Hopefully she'll listen and try to modify her behavior. Maybe she'll get it and back off. I don't know. Look at it as your journey of discovery. See how much of a subbie you really are."
"I'll be here to help you. Call me any time – day or night if you are in distress. Please promise you will. I think you are great guy and worth knowing and having as a friend. I'll help you protect your assets if you need help. Try to hang in for the three months you guys agreed on and see how it goes."
"Wow Julie, I'm truly honored having you share your situation so openly. Thank you."
"Well my dear Terry I thought it might help you know that you are not alone, that you have a friend who understands because of her own situation. But then again maybe I also have an ulterior motive. Reasons to get you involved in my life. You don't really know what kind of 'game' I'm playing. Do you know?"
That got me wondering but Julie continued.
"So it comes down to who do you trust more based on their actions. Your wife and companion for many years or some almost stranger who got a kick out domination and torturing you and in 'payment' opened the door a crack to her secrets."
"But enough of this serious stuff. You my Prince Charming promised me dancing. So let's go."
"Any place special?"
"No, just not that stupid club where Clarissa is hanging out."
"That's what I was thinking. I know just the right place. Since my car does not have a GPS, you need to direct me back to the Interstate. After that I know where to go."
Julie directed me on to the Interstate and I took it from there. I was looking forward to this. This has to be way outside of her experience. Once on the interstate, it didn't take me long to where I wanted to go. The warehouse district and I parked in front of an old building. All the windows on the lower level were bricked over. There were just two doors, one on each end of the building. There were maybe thirty, forty cars in the parking lot.
"Roseland Ballroom South" was a big flashing neon sign over one of the doors.
"What is this place?
"This dear lady is the place where one dances, not just shuffle feet, shake booties and grind pelvises. It's the Mecca for ballroom dancing enthusiast in this city and the surrounding counties."
"How do you know about this?"
"My VP of finance and his wife are the principle owners. Some other folks have small stakes in it including little ol' me. The two of them paid maybe a third of their college tuition with prize money from dance contests they attended during all the breaks in school. The place is open to the public Thursday through Sunday. The rest of the time she gives dance classes."
"It is an old factory building with a beautiful hardwood floor after you scraped fifty years of accumulated grim of it. So there is also some sweat equity there because they and their friends did all the work fixing the place up inside."
"The problem is that we don't know how long we can hang on. Not because it's losing money, no but the city is giving them a hard time. Something about redevelopment and until they have a new cabaret license from the city they can't get an ABC license for beer and wine."
"So let's go in and join the crowd. I think you'll have a good time. While most these folks don't travel in the same social circles as you do, they won't hold your bucks against you."
Julie punched me.
"Watch it buster. I have ways to make you regret your smart assed comments."
"So very sorry Ma'am."
"Come on let's go."
I helped Julie out of the car and we walked over to the door.
There it was a miniature version of the famous Roseland Ballroom in New York City. I shoved a twenty through a small window and we were off to the races.
A kick ass sound system was cranking out a Waltz. I just grabbed Julie and off we went.
After a while,
"hey I need a break and something to drink. But you were right this is fun."
"OK, come along to the juice bar. I'll introduce you to my friends."
"Hey Walt, how's going. Please meet my friend Ms Julie. Where is your lovely bride?"
"Hey boss, slumming tonight?"
"Haven't seen you around here for a while and where is Clarissa? I sure enjoy doing the Quick Step with her when she graces our lowly abode."
"Clarissa has something more important to do, so my dear friend here agreed to stand in for her. Based on what I learned the last few dances, I think she could keep up with you."
"Hey Terry, where is Clarissa and who is your guest?"
"Hi Alicia, this lovely lady is Julie and is standing in for Clarissa who seems to have something better to do."
"Trouble in paradise? Are you... ?"
"Nice to meet you both and no it's not Terry's fault."
"I'll tell you some other time parts of the story. We are here to have some fun."
"Julie, what would you like to drink? You did say that you were thirsty."
"How about some water please."
"I'll have the same."
I pulled out a five spot but Walt pushed it away.
"You are a partner, you don't pay. Now if we had that beer and wine license it would be a different story, I would make you pay."
"What is the problem? Terry said something about the city giving you trouble out in the car."
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Hi, my name is amit and i live in kolkata. Ekdin bada maja aya jab maine 9 aurto ko milke ek sath choda. wo din toh life time yaad rahega. hope you all enjoyed this story. this is a total real story. let apko bore na karte hue direct story pe ata hu. Mai pehle kolkata me rehta hai and ye story 2006 ki hai as 2006 me mai kolkata chodke apni padhai ke liye bangalore chala gaya tha leaving all my friends behild. uske sath after completing my studies i came back in 2009 and i went to meet my frnd...
Beth couldn't remember when she'd been more uptight, unless it was at her junior prom when her aunt had been chaperone-in- charge, and she'd dated a senior with a reputation of being the coolest, swingingest guy in school! He'd had to drive her home in his father's car with her aunt in the back seat, and the entire way Beth had breathlessly tried to restrain his hot, young hand secretly smoothing up and down her trembling inner thigh for fear Aunt Zelda would get wise and lay an egg...
After the meal, the men tried to stay to help with cleanup, but Diana shooed them out, whispering into her husband's ear, "We," meaning the women, "need this time together to assimilate the new women more fully into the group. Nothing like cooking and cleaning up after a big meal to get us all in harmony. And that would have applied even before the enhancement. Now, that 'harmony' is raised to a new level. You and the guys go play with your toys, or do something, Husband. We'll call...
Liz took another sip of her shaken beer and made a face. I figured that her attempt to fling it across the room had caused it to go flat. “I’ll get you another,” I said, standing. “I was thinking about having one since we’re in for the night.” “No,” she replied. “I’ll get you one.” She took my hand and led me to my favorite chair before looking around the room. “Don’t you have a sound system?” she asked. “No,” I admitted. “I listen to music off my tablet or through my phone. I can pull...
Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...
When Chloe entered the second building from the pool patio area she found herself in a fairly large room. Along the walls were long rectangular tables which contained all kinds of food & drinks. The members of the staff periodically and inconspicuously replenished the tables so that the guests need never be famished or thirsty. Drinks were both alcoholic & non-alcoholic. Chloe reached for a can of coke which was in a bowl filled with ice to keep the soft drinks cold. As she started sipping her...
1The Rescueby ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know)Why didn’t this one stop talking and get on with it, she thought to herself. If it were over she could go back into her shell. She had hardly emerged now - she barely could anymore - and she wanted back in.EMMS RUNNING FILE - DAY 1:From: Manager of Acquisitions To: Manager of MarketingBought this one at the latest auction - valuable acquisition, good price. I’ve always said it pays to talk to the merchandise...
*In the arc of this story, (which I consider to be a romance story overall, hence it’s category)there are, by necessity, a few darker portions. One cannot create a beautiful, realistic painting without using some pretty dark colors. This chapter contains some of those. They are not ‘real time’ with the characters, but are very dark nonetheless. Just a bit of forewarning. as to the why of it being ‘romance’, as I said, this story is an overall arc. In fact, the actual steamy bits are glossed...
© 1999, All Rights Reserved We touchie-feelie but we no bop, Een and me. Name Satin me. Only pair Een two months. One time before only, I bop. Een say two girls he. He eager me, ya. (Duh! He drool me.) I not so eager beaver. Look, no rashn not bop. All do, no harm. But me? One part ya, one part no. Een ok, ya, but no luv. Cute but low ceiling, yno? And no luv me, no matter mouth. He just like my nobs and fan, my style, my rank. Trophy girl, yno? He just want brag rights. I in Kitten Klan,...
SAD LAD & DAD After school the next day, Jeff goes straight to Sean’s house. “I thought you would be showing up soon.” “I see. You’re in your bikini already.” As they frolic in the pool Sean tells Jeff that Roxanne had called. “Oh, is she coming over to swim topless with us.” “Ha. Ha.” “Well, we’re topless too.” “Ha. Ha. Ha.” “So did she bare all at Black’s Beach?” “No. Jeff, when you saw her turn around, she went back to put her top back on.” “Why are you so...
Carly indeed got her gang-bang, and it was hard to say who enjoyed it more. On the one hand, the men certainly loved fucking her sweet pussy and ass in turns, but on the other, Carly herself derived no small benefit and delight from being taken that way. Robert certainly did his part to give himself better odds of impregnating her, as he didn’t want to give up hope of that. He had been plenty generous with Billy in terms of letting him fuck and impregnate his concubines, but he still wanted...
Hello to all iss reader, I am Kabir Kapoor from Mumbai, my height is 5,11. color fair, age 26. My email id is- wese to mai bhut decent aor cool guy hu but sex ke time mai bhut hot and vulgar ho jata hu bcoz I like sex aor mujhe sex ke sare poz pasand hai specially 69,doggy style & hard fuck. Ab mai seedhe story par aata hu mai besecilly delhi se belong karta hu but abhi ek week pahle hi mai mumbai aaya hu actor banane mumbai aate hi mujhe bhut achha laga but 2-3 din baad thoda boaring feel...
One weekend Claude invited me over. I was surprised when I got there to find I was the only one there. We talked and I actually had a few drinks. Claude started to wrestle with me a little. I was a little nervous because I'd never been touched by a grown man before. Claude Part-1-of-1 This happened maybe a week after I turned 18. My father had died when I was young and my cousin Alex and I became nearly inseparable. It was more like we were brothers than cousins. Because he was a year older he...
First TimeContinuation of my story With my hot sister Part – 6. Finally she came out wearing the black transparent saree which I have presented to her. Madan exclaimed loudly “what a gorgeous babe”. Bindu become angered and started scolding madan for commenting her in such a way. (She was happy inside for his comment but she pretended to show anger as i may take her wrong if she showed positive reply). I was taken aback as my plan may fail because of her resistance. I called Bindu inside the room and...
IncestThe next week, after paying for a movie I would never remember—although there was a nude scene in which Myra leaned over and whispered in my ear that she’d like to see my big cock fucking the actress--there I was again, nude, cock hard, my hands tightly gripping the sink, determined that I wouldn’t let go this time.While I stood there watching, Myra and Nicki took a bubble bath in their big tub. It took a long time, and I half enjoyed it, half wanted the waiting to be over. This was the first...
SpankingI discovered this story while using my friend’s computer. He’d been a student at kota during his 11th-12th days and currently we’re studying engineering in Mumbai. I don’t know how much of this is true and my friend won’t tell me. I found the tale really erotic and asked him to let me post it over here. He said yes, fortunately. So, here it goes. I hope people aren’t intimidated by the length of this piece as breaking it into chunks seemed like doing it injustice. Do provide feedback if you...
IncestI had met this wild woman during that boring conference at Chicago.Mona was a real slutty divorced bitch; a sensual brunette in her late forties, but she was still in the mood for wild sex. An insatiable bitch…I woke up Saturday morning in Mona’s hotel room and I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. I wanted to keep fucking her all morning long; but the pressure in my bladder was extreme. This sexy divorced lady and I had taken many glasses of red wine the night before.I came out of the...
"Hey, dude, you've got a groupie." I turned to see what Lightspeed was talking about. He was pointing to a small group of coeds sitting in the bleachers, watching our practice. "Groupie? I don't think so," I said, peering at the girls. I had seen some of them around campus for the past couple of days. I didn't recognize any of them, but it was a little curious they seemed to be around me, either during practice or popping up in odd places. "Sure," said Lightspeed. "See that one...
Debbie dashed through the door straight into Mom’s waiting arms. Mom and Daddy had graduated from the training center together but the less I know about their time there the better! I had created the door Daddy had gone through at 4pm each day to check on Peter O’Reilly’s progress, it had taken a full week but now they were done with Earth. And so were we, Uncle Peter and Aunt Franscesca had each told us there was nobody else they were interested in bringing on this adventure. I had attended...
I lost touch with Em very early on after leaving for university, we bumped into each other once or twice in the holidays perhaps, but always when we were in the middle of shopping or something else, and with no time. These were the days before Facebook or even mobile technology, so it’s not just that we had no particular reason to keep in touch – we didn’t really have the means to do so either. Beyond the age of writing letters, but not yet the age of the text message – we were quite a sad...
The Girlfriend Chapter ThreeI ran up the stairs to my flat, taking them two at a time, my face burning. Inside I leant against the wall, furious at myself for the way I had reacted. I needed a drink. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I sat down and tried to understand what had just happened. Sam’s words kept coming back to me, but why had I reacted so strongly? It didn’t make sense because I wasn’t attracted to him in any way. I decided he was just trying to wind me up.“Fuck you, Sam.” I said...
There wasn't time for them to do anymore fucking or fuck- planning that day. They had to get back to town for the dinner. But after the family dinner, Nell told her brother all about what had happened with their grandfather out there in the woods. "So you see," she said, "I think you really might be able to get some cunt off of Grandma, if you played your cards right. She's never done any incestuous screwing, but I think she's hot for your prick." "Yeah," Ned said, "well if I...
Hi, this is Akash here with my second story. Thanks for the response for my first story. This is with my best friend Swetha. 12 long years of friendship led to having friends with benefits. Swetha measures 32-28-32. My first story was . She was in a relationship with a guy in graduation and it was her 3rd relationship. They both had come to my flat a couple of times to spend time. They.had smooched when I was asleep which she told me later. After a few days, she was having a tough time with her...
It was a nice walk, I thought as we strolled back up the hill to our hotel, which was in fact an old historic Victorian with a sweeping view of the Puget Sound. We could still hear the slightly drunken chatter of the wedding we’d just left and while it was fun and your old college friends seemed nice enough, I was filled with darker aspirations. The key turned in the door to the entry room at the top of the stairs and we were greeted with the stale must only antiques and really old...
"Mack." The woman who answered the door looked ... hard. She wasn't a bodybuilder or anything, just lean. Her face said, 'I've been around' without hearing it come out of her mouth; the nose looked like it had been broken -- maybe more than once She had that biker chick look to her. The hair was bleached blonde -- and looked ragged, damaged. She backed up to let us in without saying anything else. Somehow, I didn't get past her face until we were inside; she could have been holding a...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The weight of my promise to the Goddess pressed on my shoulder as I held my sister against me, her body naked, her arms tight around my torso. A door opened and several priests and priestesses of Rithi vanished out of the room. Kora’s lips kissed at my cheeks, so hot and warm, so giddy with delight. We were healed. And ... and ... I had to give her up. I had to let her go. My...
Feme Fun? I get it. Regular porn doesn’t do it for you anymore. Your dick probably doesn’t even twitch when you look at mainstream porn. You’ve seen sluts masturbate, get fucked, and do all kinds of kinky shit and yet it still isn’t enough. You need something more. More than what the regular fetish or BDSM pages on the popular sites can give you. Well, step into the dark world I have for you today. Shit that you could never let see the light of day. Things you could never ever tell your wife or...
Fetish Porn SitesI felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out and flipped it open. "Yeah?" I didn't check who it was I can't be bothered to look at the caller ID before I answer."Jack, I'm in the hotel lobby. You gonna get me?" The sweet voice jolted my memory, Hannah was in town and was going to stay with me. I almost leaped out of my chair when I knew she was here."Yeah, coming." I walked out of my room and got into the elevator, still on the phone with her."So I'm gonna be staying for a few weeks."...
I just adore England in the spring; it's the most perfect time of the year. The trees are starting to leaf, the hedgerows are filling out and different hues of red, white and pink blossom seem to adorn every other tree you can see. Spring was the time Allison had first picked for her visit to see me in England, and I couldn't wait to see her again. We'd fallen in love online some six months earlier. Neither of us had been looking for love or had even remotely expected to have found it in the...
Lesbian"Sebastien , Sebastien ....bitte versuche dich zu konzentrieren." "Was soll ich denn dazu sagen? Ich bin nunmal ein Idiot. Ich kann mir einfach nicht Leid tun nur weil ich das Kind reicher Eltern bin." "Du kannst doch nichts dafür. Nichts ist schwieriger als Erwachsen zu werden. Und ohne elterliche Fürsorge kann so vieles schiefgehen. Du musst die Fehler deiner Eltern einfach überwinden. Hier das wird dir sicher helfen können..." Dr. Regina Greenbaum übergibt Sebastien ihr aktuelles Buch über...
I cuddled against Sarah, feeling her breasts against my chest. It was our first time, my first time. I was twenty-five and I couldn’t believe my luck at finding someone so beautiful and caring, but I still felt inadequate. Why had it taken me so long to find someone, and why did I still feel so worthless? Why was such an awesome girl giving me a chance? My cock hung limp in my jeans, I hoped she couldn’t feel it. She didn’t seem to notice, but I was sure she could. I shifted my position, and...
Terri’s turn: I’m telling this. It’s noon on a hot July Saturday and I’m standing in front of a roomful of people looking at me. I’ve done the ‘roomful of people looking at me’ thing many times. I guess the first couple of times I was nervous, but now I’ve done it in front of Google’s R&D and Raytheon’s R&D and a team from DoD. None of those was as impactful on my young life as this. I’m wearing a simple-lined linen dress, one that’s been worn by wives before me – Kimberly, Kara,...
When we were all settled we looked around and gawked until we got our briefing. "This is your captain speaking. I'd like all passengers to stay seated until we are clear of the Moon and are in free flight. Our flight to Jupiter is expected to take 22 hours. This flight is self-service; we have no customer support staff onboard. In case of accident, each of you is wearing a space-suit that will keep you alive for several hours. This is a good thing. Trust me, we only got the suits yesterday...
Hi readers, I have a little story to share with you, this happened three weeks ago when two of my best friends and I went to a town on the shore line to another state, the trip took four hours, we had rented a big house with plenty of room, actually the house has five bedrooms and we took the rooms that were farther apart from one another we were at the patio around the fire pit, the three wives went to bed at the same time, because they had to take a shower and all the nine yards, we the...
There we were two people on a subway train, no other person around. I looked him up and down and I knew that I wanted him with his tired face and a scruff of beard coming in his curly hair tossed upon his head in disarray from running his finger through it. I wanted to run my fingers through his dark brown locks.His eyes droop with weariness and it makes me want him more. His soft brown eyes slowly shut and his head drops to his chest. I rise from my seat and walk towards him I lick my lips in...
Tina's shut the door and reentered her old, now seemingly unremarkable life. Her mother did not call, and as soon as the bell rang the end of the day she rushed out of school and headed home. Her jump start was halted at the school grounds' fence when she suddenly ran into Herbert. "Hi Tina, I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up yesterday. Band practice held over too long. By the time they quit y-you had left. Are you mad?" "What?" Tina said interrupted from her direct journey home....
Meet Kylie, a 20-year-old girl who loves giving head & it’s this miniature big boobed sexpots favorite thing to do and Tyler agrees. He also gets a taste of Kylie’s BJ skills in the bathroom before things even get started for some awesome BTS and you just know today’s going to be something special. “So do you want to see my tits,” is what this 4’10” walking hormone asked of Tyler as he followed her into the bathroom. Ummmmm, is that a trick question? Of course we want to see your tits, and...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Birthday Surprise! Blast from the past part 2: Birthday Surprise! This part of the story isnt true, although I wish some parts were&hellip,happy reading. It was Saturday November 3rd, the day before Doms birthday. I havent heard much from him since I met his mom. He said Katie (the girlfriend) didnt suspect anything, but she was still pretty pissed about it. I couldnt believe that she wasnt blowing up my phone. I know if the situation was reversed that is probably what I would...
Landenberg is just over the Line. My old commander Michael Cresap, may the Lord have mercy on his roisterous soul, would have sworn that it was in Maryland, but then he famously considered Philadelphia one of his state's prettiest towns. I am not sure whether it is Quaker or Lutheran, Tory or Patriot, but it was a fine and hospitable crossroads in September of 1777. The jovial landlord at the inn assured me that Philadelphia was still some twenty-five miles to the east and that Lancaster and...
October 2007 - December 2007 Mid-October, about when it became obvious that I was going to stick it out and go to the academy, Tim Hungerford showed up at the rickety-bench-with-delusions-of-grandeur that I called my desk. He had a packet of paperwork with him. “Take a break,” he ordered. “You need to look this stuff over.” I looked at him. “Why? What is it?” “It’s the packet from the academy.” “Ah!” I nodded at that. “Let’s take a look. You’ve been through this, right?” Tim nodded....
Wife cheats with neighbor who's like my own son 5There I was sitting on the bed looking at the hotel videos Heather had on her phone meant for Connie to see. My pants down, cock in hand as I watched several of my beautiful wife, her fulfilling my fantasies with several young guys getting it from both ends and even both holes at the same time. I am sure they were Jason’s football friends while I cant say who was holding the phone getting it all. There was oral, plenty of anal even a submissive...
The professor called me just as I was coming out of the workout room on Monday morning. “Good morning to you, Grasshopper,” he said. I looked at the time on my phone. It was a little past six in the morning in San Diego. “What in the hell are you doing awake?” I asked. “Didn’t you get the memo that you’re on vacation in the summer?” My normal entourage, minus Conny and Melissa, gave me a strange look but I shook my head. I made sure to watch Jill, Skye, Liz and Bobbi as they headed off to...
Having so lovingly worshipped the ground my delightfully twisted and red hot 18 year old kid sister walked on (see Part1) we retired to the bathroom for a quick shower together! Mom would be home soon, so we had to restrain ourselves from further escapades! We dressed. Sis had me put on a pair of her panties as a symbol of my devotion! She said she was big into girls and that I was the only boy she ever had sexual feelings for! She was still a virgin! She said she was saving herself for me! And...
IncestAfter a successful project, it usually took a couple of weeks for me to sink into a deep dark funk. I was about halfway though my cooling off period after the case of the slightly special tech thief. It was a nice payday. I didn’t need the money, but as my not really friend, Mason had said recently, “In life money is one way of keeping score.” I didn’t like Mason at all, but he was right about that. Of course, not only did I have it piling up in my bank, I had even more uncut diamonds...
Jane had no desire whatsoever to return to work the next morning. Her foot ached. Well, all of her ached, she realized, smiling and stretching—carefully—as she lay in bed. Plus she had rug burns on her back and behind. Peter had kept her up very late last night and had made it obvious that he had taken her instruction about not touching himself while she’d been away very seriously. He had been insatiable, making love to her not only on the rug, but bent over the counter next to the cash...
We were laying in bed one night and my GirlFriend told me it had been a while since she had seen me suck a cock. I didn't say much. We had gone to a glory hole a few weeks back and found out they wouldn't let women in the back so we had not gone in. She was frustrated and looking for another solution."I want you to put an ad on craigslist." She commanded. "Similar to the ones in the past. Tell them I want to watch you suck lots of cocks. And this time, I want you to respond to anyone who...
Wedding Night Ch. 01by Gaia_Lorraine©Perfectly balancing the beer cans and the bottle of wine upon the tray Sandy used her shoulder to balance herself on the doorframe. Luckily she managed to stop herself from falling over as she walked back into the lounge from the kitchen."There you go guys," she said as she carefully laid the tray upon the coffee table before she fell back onto the sofa by the side of her husband with a thud."Cheers!" said Mike, leaning forwards and picking up his can before...
Hi first of all I have to tell u tat this site is really awesome. I had been a regular reader of this site for more than 2 years. This incident which I’m gonna narrate is a real life experience of mine. To tell you about myself, I’m a 22 yr old guy doing college. I’m average built and of good height. The people who’re close with me say tat my smile is so attractive. I’m living in Chennai along with my parents in an apartment. It’s a new apartment we have moved in. We live in the 4’Th floor....
I like the heat. Not the mosquito-ridden heat of a humid Minnesota summer. Not the dead dry heat of the Mojave. Not the figurative heat of scholastic demands. Not the adrenalin-inducing heat of walking the beams a hundred feet above the ground. I know heat. I like the heat of the forge. The heat of iron lying on the anvil awaiting the hammer's kiss. The heat of a welding torch in gloved hands running a smooth bead down an undetectable join. I like the heat that makes sweat run down my...
"Tim, I'm so glad to see you again, I've been thinking, and I really don't think I can go out with you." Kathy and Tim were at the bus stop again, waiting for Julie. "I just love your accent." "Didn't you hear what I said?" "Of course I heard. But your lips say one thing and your eyes say another." Ken smiled despite himself. "Are you always such a charmer? Oh Bollocks. Please, Tim, it just doesn't make sense." "Why not?" "Well..." Ken had rehearsed this the night...
Chapter 16: The Bachelor Party (pt2) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. Warning: This chapter of the Barbara series involves more sexual humiliation and degradation of two girls. These parts include graphic depiction of group anal & oral sex, fisting, excessive participation in watersports, scat sex, and bestiality. If...