ReflectionsChapter 8 free porn video

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Luck would have it that in her snit Clarissa forgot to lock the door. So I grabbed what I needed and got dressed. Note to self, move your stuff to the other closet.

I was out of the house before Clarissa got up.

Work was busy and I wound up staying late. I called the house and Clarissa's cell leaving a message telling her that I was working late and got a bite in town before coming home.

When I got home I walked into a virtual ice box. I tried to walk over to where Clarissa was sitting for our usual hello hug and kiss and she just held her hand up stopping me in my tracks. Not saying a word, went back to reading whatever she had on her lap.

OK, I can play that game too. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and went upstairs to move my clothes. Well someone had done it for me it was all in a big pile on the floor in the other room.

So I put it all away, sorting out stuff that needed to be ironed because of the treatment it had received. When I went into the master bath to get my shaving stuff I found it, my shampoo and toothbrush in the garbage.


I salvaged the shaving stuff and shampoo and found a new tooth brush, a present from our dentist in one of the drawers and moved all of it into the other bathroom.

When I was done, I went back downstairs, ignoring her rule about being naked and went into the office to check on e-mails hoping for an answer from a new potential customer on the west coast. Nothing there.

So I started to do some research on divorce law. Trying to figure out if I needed to do anything special to safe guard my financial future.

I will confirm it with my attorney but things looked pretty simple. The house we lived in was actually owned by my company and I paid rent. Clarissa held 20 percent of the company shares in her name, the rest were in mine and based on what I saw, I could be wrong, the way things were set up she could not touch that.

We had no kids, where making about the same amount of money based on the salary I received. The rest of the profits were reinvested into the company or held as cash reserves. We both had similar retirement packages. Hers was actually worth more at this point because she had been in it longer and I didn't have one at the beginning because the company couldn't afford it.

I sent an e-mail to my friend and company attorney and ask him to have his office call me to set up an appointment. That is was personal, not company related and probably needed an hour. There was no real urgency so some day next week would be fine.

I shut down the computer and went to bed.


Shit, I got myself into a pickle. I should have never hooked up with Julie. Big mistake. I knew she was a lezzy, so it never occurred to me that I might risk my relationship with Terry.

Well she sure is in the fuckin' driver seat. I was hooked on her power and the way she rekindled memories of my lesbian experiences during college that I actually offered her the damn key to his CB. Sure I still have one, she insisted for a medical emergency.

I really enjoyed torturing Terry on Wednesday night with her. It was hot and the way I managed to take his safe word away got my pussy flooded like nothing ever before. I guess they are right when they say that power corrupts. I want and need absolute power over Terry. Well if I have to through Julie and abide by her rules for a while so be it. She promised that she would keep Terry chaste, no wanking for him.

Maybe letting her play with him, will open him up to more submission. I mean in the final analysis he was fine with what happened. Hid didn't like it much, at least the pain from that spiked CB, but he accepted it in the end.

I'll have find a way to get around the safe word issue. I can't ignore it outright but I can try talking him out of it once he uses it. Hmm, that could work.

He really got pissed at me for not letting him hug and kiss me. I'm sure his fragile ego is telling him that I don't love him any longer. Maybe telling him he could not touch my breast without permission was a bit over the top at least at this point of our relationship.

I wish I knew what that nightmare was all about. If I knew I could probably use it to manipulate him. Use his fears to move him into the direction I want him too. Gonna have to work on trying to find out. Maybe if I get all tender and mushy with him, the super loving and caring wife, I can get him to spill the beans.

I'm sure I'll get my way eventually. It may take more work than I thought. I'm surprised that he's handling the chastity thing so well. That boy is always horny and it's been almost ten days since...

Maybe I shouldn't have dumped his stuff in the garbage and on the floor. Well too late. I'll think about apologizing about that. Maybe during dinner in sort of an offhanded way.

"By the way dear, sorry about your stuff. I was just a bit angry with you."

Yeah, that might work.

Better make nice with him after he gets home from the golf game. Why does the bitch have to like golf. Now she's going hang with him not only on Fridays – well maybe that will stop once her partner is back home. But the Saturday golf seems to be a sure thing. I should have tried harder but I just couldn't get into it.

Well, tomorrow is another day, a day I get fucked by some alpha guy. I wonder what it would be like with two of them? Maybe I should check into that. See what turns up tomorrow at the club.

Looks like Terry went off to bed without trying to say goodnight. That's OK, I'm going to take my toy to bed with me, leave the door open and give him a good "sound track" what tomorrow night could be like.


I was just dozing off when I heard her carrying on in her room. Sounded like she was double teamed by two guys. Must be playing with her dildo and the sound effects are for my benefit. Have fun dear.

But in reality my heart is aching for the loving caring Clarissa before she morphed into a raving bitch. I get more kindness from a dominant almost stranger who's a confirmed lesbian and will never let me make love to her the way I do with Clarissa. I'm still hoping that she get over this. Maybe one day some guy will go too far and scare the crap out of her so she'll forget about the cuckold scheme.

Probably not going to happen but one can hope. I do love the stupid girl. I thought we had the greatest loving relationship 'til she came up with this crap about needing a dominant alpha male to fuck her. That I was too soft. While she didn't actually say it, a wimp for giving in to all most of her whims.

I suddenly realized that it had gotten quiet in the other room. Maybe she ran out of steam. If she calls me to come and eat her dildo fucked pussy, am I going to refuse or play the wimp and obey?

Luckily I did not have to make that decision and fell asleep.

Again I got up earlier to avoid Clarissa, however I made enough coffee so she could have some when she came down.

Not exactly a peace offering but what the heck, it was something.

As time got nearer to when I was supposed to pick up Julie, I kept thinking that I really did not want to have dinner with the two of them. Maybe Julie had some answers for me when I told her what had gone on.

I pulled up in front of Julie's building and James came out.

"Mr. Terry, good evening. I'll tell Ms Julie you are here. I'm sure she'll be down shortly. Just stay here. No need to move the car."

I did get some dirty looks from some resident who had to walk ten steps to the car that was picking him up because I was blocking the spot right in front of the door. I just smiled at him.

I had gotten out of the car and waited for Julie with the passenger side door open.

There she came, a true beauty and she knew it. She wore a just above knee length tight fire engine red dress with modest cleavage and what I guessed to be four inch heels. That made her almost equal to my six foot two.

Bending over her hand like had done when I dropped her off.

"Good evening Ms Julie, you look stunning this evening".

I saw that James had the biggest grin on his face. With the right kind of light you could have gone blind from the glare of his teeth.

Very quietly I said, "and good enough to eat".

"Down boy, maybe I'll let you and maybe not. Let's get rolling."

Then I floored her.

"Ms Julie would you like to drive?"

That smile turning into a wide grin melted my heart. I knew I had made a friend for life. Somehow I had guessed correctly that she wanted this but did not know if my subbie streak could accommodate a demand to let her drive the "beast".

"Are you sure Terry? And yes absolutely.

We walked around to the driver's side and I opened that door for her. Because of her size there was little need to adjust the setting of the chair.

James now had a stunned look on his face.

"Julie, look at James."

She saw, laughed and flipped him a bird which had him chuckle and retreat to his station inside the lobby.

I got her buckled in, walked around and got in on the passenger side.

"OK dear lady, take me any place you want but I really rather not go and have dinner with Clarissa."

"What happened, why not?"

"Better tell me in a hurry so I can decide if I should give in to your request or make you face the music."

So I gave her the short version of what happened since I left her on Wednesday afternoon.

"That bitch."

With that she pulled over, stopped the car and got her phone out.

A short text went out to Clarissa.

"Changed mind, dinner and dancing someplace else."

Then she made a phone call.

"Maurice, this is Ms Julie. Dinner for two in the Dolly Madison room. I'll be there in an hour."

"Thank you, you are a dear."

"OK my charming prince, you are in for a special treat and if you speak one word of this to anyone, I'll have no choice but to have you killed in a slow and very painful way."

With that Julie put the car back into gear and off we went never less than 15 miles above the speed limit. Looking at her face I knew she had a blast putting my Mustang through its paces. I'm gonna have to check the tires tomorrow. She's leaving plenty of rubber on the road but she seemed to know what she was doing. Really working that manual transmission extremely well.

"Terry relax I've had road racing training. I won't bang up your pretty toy."

I did relax a bit after that comment.

I had lost track of where we were after we pulled off the interstate. A number of turns on some back roads got us to a drive way and a gate but no clue about what was behind it. Julie pressed an APP on her phone and it opened. After maybe half a mile we pulled up in front of a three story building in the Greek revival style with columns rising up to the bottom of the third story that had been so popular on southern plantations.

Julie pulled into a parking slot right next to the entrance when some flunky in some uniform walked up in a huff. I guess he was going to tell her that she couldn't park there.

I had to smile, he virtually almost tripped over his feet and came to attention.

"Sorry, Ms Julie, I didn't expect you in a car like this."

This car belongs to my friend here, Mr. Terry. I expect you to take extreme care when you park it. Even better, tell Mr. Jones to have reserved spot for him by the pro shop. I expect to play golf with him.

"Yes Ma'am, I'll tell him first thing in the morning. I'll note down the plate number and make of the car."

"Sir, that is a very hot car."

"Thank you Mark."

"Come Terry, let's go inside and I'll tell you were you are."

The lobby had a reception desk like you would find in an upscale hotel as well as a presently unoccupied concierge desk. A grand stair case went up to the second floor but I suspect that behind it were some hidden elevators.

"This way Terry."

Julie pulled me towards a pair of French doors that opened as we tripped some sort of sensor.

"Good evening Ms Julie, Sir."

"Hello Maurice. How are you? How are the kids?"

"Very well, thank you. Karen will start college this year and Christine will next year."

"Maurice, you know about the special scholarships the foundation has available. Karen can apply at the end of her freshmen year. As I recall she has a partial scholar ship based on her performance in the science classes in high school and some advanced placement courses that she took. That is the kind of student we are looking for. But I'm starving, we can talk about that later."

"Ma'am, your dining room is ready. Please follow me"

Maurice led us to door off to the side from the main dining room. Over the door it did say "Dolly Madison".

He held the door open for us and we entered a room with a table able to accommodate eight people and off to one side was a sitting area with a couple of couches and a coffee table. It looked like a typical dining room living room combination in an upper middle class home.

Maurice pulled out a chair at the head of the dining table for Julie and then one for me to her right.

"Would you like a cocktail? Maybe some oysters for starters. I hear they are extra nice today."

"Maurice I'll have my usual but Mr. Terry will be driving later on. So he'll skip the cocktail and have just have a glass of wine with dinner."

"Sir, Ms Julie is going to have a Bloody Mary. Maybe you'll join her with a Virgin Mary?"

"That sounds fine Maurice. Thank you for suggesting that and yes please bring us two dozen oysters."

Julie clearly was in charge. I didn't mind at all. This was all very exciting. It was clear that this was a very special place.

"Oh and please tell the chef, whatever he thinks is good enough for us will be fine with us."

"Terry, if it is red meat, what would be your preference in regards to doneness?

"I like my beef 'black and blue'. In other words rare."

Ma'am, Sir, I'll see to it immediately. Please enjoy your evening."

"So Julie, what is this place?"

"Terry, this is the Lady's equivalent to Augusta National minus a tournament. Only ladies can be members. Males can only play if invited and accompanied on the course by a member. Right now we have 283 members. At one point, as recently as this winter we talked about opening the course up to a LPGA tournament. To create something like the Masters for ladies. But at the end we decided by a vote of 279 to 4 to stay under the radar."

Julie chuckled.

"The votes in favor came from the four Pro Golfers who are members here."

"WOW. I had no clue this place existed."

"Well now you know why I threatened you with death of the very painful sort if you ever tell a soul about this. The land the course is on is still my property. The food and beverage operation as well as lodging is run by a company owned by the foundation."

I looked at her.

"Yes all but four members are not local so there are twenty suites in this building and there is another one with twenty more connected to the back of this one via breeze way."

At that point two servers entered the room, one with our drinks, the other with the oysters. An assortment of West Coast, Chesapeake Bay and Nova Scotia oysters.

We were in for a treat.

"So Terry, what are you going to do about your situation? I know that you love Clarissa very much or have 'til she started this BS.

"To be honest, I don't know. I'm so confused. My heart, while not yet broken is severely damaged and I'm rapidly losing my trust in her. That part, losing trust is harder than anything else she's put me through. I think she's been lying to me. I'm going to have her watched. Install sound and motion activated surveillance equipment in the house and a sound activated recorder in her car. It's in my name so I can do it legally as far as know but I'll check next week with my attorney. I think my assets are safe except for 20 percent of the stock from my company. That is in her name."

"Are you really thinking of pulling the plug?"

"No not yet, I just want to be prepared and if I have to take steps to safeguard my finances, I'll do it."

"What about the house, isn't it in both your names."

"No, the house is owned by the company. I pay rent."

"Sweet, so it is safe?"

"Yes, when we built it, I didn't qualify for a mortgage but the company had a credit line so we used that and set up the rental arrangement. Clarissa could have qualified on her own but then I would not have been on the deed and I didn't want that."

"Clever boy. I knew you were smart."

We stopped talking when the servers returned to remove the dishes and serve the salads.

"The house is special to me, I designed it and then of course it has that oversized three car garage so that I can work on my baby."

"So you are really attached to it? It's something special?"

"Yes, I gave it a lot of thought about traffic flow and stuff like that. The architect that I hired, just put in the final touches. Made some changes on window and appliance locations to keep the plumbing and wiring simple and efficient. So yea other than that it's all my ideas and concept."

"So how would you feel about it if you split with Clarissa? You had many happy years there. Could you live there alone or would it be too depressing?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I think I could do it. She had very little influence on the design. The landscaping is more hers. So to answer your question, I might need some help in that. You know getting over her but I don't think giving up the house would be helpful in that regard. That could change if I found a new love and she felt that Clarissa's 'ghost' got in the way."

The servers showed up at that point with the main course. I was surprised by it. A combo of bison and elk filets with a Shitake mushroom gravy and white asparagus. Yummy. Maurice came with an open bottle of wine and poured a taste for you Julie.

"It's fine Maurice. Thank you. Please pour a glass for my guest."

After he left I raised my glass.

"To a very extraordinary and beautiful lady and what I hope will be a long, long friendship."

"Thank you kind sir. I'll drink to the friendship part. You are something special. You are the first of the lowly male species (she smiled to take the sting out of her words) with whom I have a desire to develop a relationship beyond pure business. I do have some male friends but they are all gay."

I was stunned by that comment and didn't know what to say. So I took the easy way out.

"The wine is fantastic. I'm no expert but I do know what I like and this is great. But I don't see a label on the bottle."

"You won't and it's not available for purchase. There is a vineyard in California and another in Oregon that are part of the foundation. When their vintners come up with something extra ordinary, it gets reserved for my use. They ship it here for storage and I use it for special guests and at home."

We talked some more generalities while enjoying our meal. A few minutes after we were done, the staff showed up to clear the plates and Maurice was there offering after dinner drinks and dessert.

"No thank you Maurice. We are going dancing in a little while and I know what those desserts will do to me. I'll just have a cappuccino and another glass of wine."

"What about you Terry? Are you OK with another glass of wine? Can you handle the car? What about coffee?"

"Yes one more glass will be fine after this excellent meal and I would like a double espresso please."

"Yes sir, coming right up. Would you like to me to pour."

"Thank you Maurice. We are going to sit over on the couch Mr. Terry can take care of the pouring."

I looked at Julie.

"You are wondering about the timing of the service? No they are not spying on us even though the capabilities are here. No, I have a secret button under the table to summon them."

Come bring our glasses and the bottle. Let's sit over there. Sit next to me. I feel a bit lonely with Liza gone for almost three weeks. I was really getting down when Clarissa contacted me with her little scheme after the evening in the museum. It took care of my funk and need to hurt someone."

She took a sip of her wine. Put her hand on my knee and turned towards me, took a deep breath not only once but twice before,

"You know, you and me are not so different."

I stared at her.

"Yes I'm quite serious. You are confused about this cuckolding thing and your submission to Clarissa. How far to take it. Well in some way I'm not very different except that I have come to terms with it because of my love for Liza. See, she is the dominant partner in our relationship and she does cuckold me with guys. Trust me I know how much it hurts when your loved one screws around."

I think you could have knocked me over with a feather and I just sat there shaking my head in disbelief.

"I'm sure that during her trip, if not every night but plenty of them, she had some guy in her bed giving her what I can't. I'm not proud of it and she keeps it away from me. Limits it to business trips. That's why I have these sadistic and violent urges towards the male population. It gives me an outlet to vent my anger and frustration."

So like I said, I've gone through every phase of emotions. From raging jealousy to total despair. I even tried to kill myself several years ago when I found out about her cheating on me. Liza with a help of a very special person managed to convince me that I could learn to live with it. That in some perverse way I needed to know how fragile a love relationship is. I learned to trust her when she says that it is only sex, not love and that she will always come back home to me."

"She once made a video of a session with some guy and forced me to watch it. At first I was disgusted. There was some, I don't know how to phrase it. It was just different. In the end after I watch Liza cum I was...

No, not quite turned on but content that the one and only love of my life seemed to be happy and fulfilled. That was good enough for me then and still is now."

"What is interesting and different compared to Clarissa, Liza was still very much in charge. Just like she is in our relationship. It wasn't a FemDomme thing but she was directing 'traffic' so to speak. The guy was playing by her rules and did what she wanted him to in order for her to get maximum enjoyment out of it. It also was very clear that there was no emotional involvement, at least not on the portion I saw. Sure they kissed an hugged but it wasn't a long drawn out make out session either before or after. Liza told me and I have no reason not to believe her that when she has enough they may rest for half an hour or so, then the guy either just gets dressed or takes a quick shower alone before leaving. They never stay the whole night."

"This has been going on for years and from time to time I have doubts especially during along separation like this trip. I'm still trying to get to grips with it. So I understand your confusion and distress. I think the difference between what Liza is doing and Clarissa is that she is really is determined to make you part of her fantasy. To stress the domination over you. She may still give you time and love but I don't know how much and for how long."

"So you really need to examine yourself – try your very best to determine how far and deep your need to please and submit to her goes."

"What I would like to suggest is that you go with the flow. See where she takes it and how far. Find out where your limits are. You have the safe words. Use them if it becomes too much. Then try to explain to her why. Hopefully she'll listen and try to modify her behavior. Maybe she'll get it and back off. I don't know. Look at it as your journey of discovery. See how much of a subbie you really are."

"I'll be here to help you. Call me any time – day or night if you are in distress. Please promise you will. I think you are great guy and worth knowing and having as a friend. I'll help you protect your assets if you need help. Try to hang in for the three months you guys agreed on and see how it goes."

"Wow Julie, I'm truly honored having you share your situation so openly. Thank you."

"Well my dear Terry I thought it might help you know that you are not alone, that you have a friend who understands because of her own situation. But then again maybe I also have an ulterior motive. Reasons to get you involved in my life. You don't really know what kind of 'game' I'm playing. Do you know?"

That got me wondering but Julie continued.

"So it comes down to who do you trust more based on their actions. Your wife and companion for many years or some almost stranger who got a kick out domination and torturing you and in 'payment' opened the door a crack to her secrets."

"But enough of this serious stuff. You my Prince Charming promised me dancing. So let's go."

"Any place special?"

"No, just not that stupid club where Clarissa is hanging out."

"That's what I was thinking. I know just the right place. Since my car does not have a GPS, you need to direct me back to the Interstate. After that I know where to go."

Julie directed me on to the Interstate and I took it from there. I was looking forward to this. This has to be way outside of her experience. Once on the interstate, it didn't take me long to where I wanted to go. The warehouse district and I parked in front of an old building. All the windows on the lower level were bricked over. There were just two doors, one on each end of the building. There were maybe thirty, forty cars in the parking lot.

"Roseland Ballroom South" was a big flashing neon sign over one of the doors.

"What is this place?

"This dear lady is the place where one dances, not just shuffle feet, shake booties and grind pelvises. It's the Mecca for ballroom dancing enthusiast in this city and the surrounding counties."

"How do you know about this?"

"My VP of finance and his wife are the principle owners. Some other folks have small stakes in it including little ol' me. The two of them paid maybe a third of their college tuition with prize money from dance contests they attended during all the breaks in school. The place is open to the public Thursday through Sunday. The rest of the time she gives dance classes."

"It is an old factory building with a beautiful hardwood floor after you scraped fifty years of accumulated grim of it. So there is also some sweat equity there because they and their friends did all the work fixing the place up inside."

"The problem is that we don't know how long we can hang on. Not because it's losing money, no but the city is giving them a hard time. Something about redevelopment and until they have a new cabaret license from the city they can't get an ABC license for beer and wine."

"So let's go in and join the crowd. I think you'll have a good time. While most these folks don't travel in the same social circles as you do, they won't hold your bucks against you."

Julie punched me.

"Watch it buster. I have ways to make you regret your smart assed comments."

"So very sorry Ma'am."

"Come on let's go."

I helped Julie out of the car and we walked over to the door.

There it was a miniature version of the famous Roseland Ballroom in New York City. I shoved a twenty through a small window and we were off to the races.

A kick ass sound system was cranking out a Waltz. I just grabbed Julie and off we went.

After a while,

"hey I need a break and something to drink. But you were right this is fun."

"OK, come along to the juice bar. I'll introduce you to my friends."

"Hey Walt, how's going. Please meet my friend Ms Julie. Where is your lovely bride?"

"Hey boss, slumming tonight?"

"Haven't seen you around here for a while and where is Clarissa? I sure enjoy doing the Quick Step with her when she graces our lowly abode."

"Clarissa has something more important to do, so my dear friend here agreed to stand in for her. Based on what I learned the last few dances, I think she could keep up with you."

"Hey Terry, where is Clarissa and who is your guest?"

"Hi Alicia, this lovely lady is Julie and is standing in for Clarissa who seems to have something better to do."

"Trouble in paradise? Are you... ?"

"Nice to meet you both and no it's not Terry's fault."


"I'll tell you some other time parts of the story. We are here to have some fun."

"Julie, what would you like to drink? You did say that you were thirsty."

"How about some water please."

"I'll have the same."

I pulled out a five spot but Walt pushed it away.

"You are a partner, you don't pay. Now if we had that beer and wine license it would be a different story, I would make you pay."

"What is the problem? Terry said something about the city giving you trouble out in the car."

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REFLECTIONS by CutePatti (3/2018) I have written and posted 31 stories on Fictionmania since the year 2008. I've also had a break from writing for several years, suppose it's maybe writer's block...but in actuality it's been more of a 'reflection' on myself as an author. Pausing to give myself a break and to consider other more important things in my life. And there have been many including a new marriage and health issues. So maybe it's time for me to share with all of you how I see...

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The Trial

It is the year 2311 and recent advances in technology mean that a human mind can be upload to a mechanical or "mech" body. Those bodies are immune to the ravages of aging but only available to the super rich.

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A Southern WarmingChapter 25

There is nothing quite as beautiful as a fresh snowfall. In a matter of a few hours, the fall landscape of barren trees and predominate browns, can been transformed into a breathtaking winter wonderland. Objects that you really don't want to see are hidden under the cover of the white winter blanket. Pine braches sag under the weight of the heavy snow. Tiny sparkles emanate from the gentle covering that softens the harshness of the dormant landscape. I had risen early to make some coffee...

3 years ago
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The Maestro

Kyle and Kristine were sitting at a table in the college music lab folding the programs for that night's Spring choral performance. The concert choir was performing Carl Orff's Carmina Burana and the music department was buzzing with excitement. Kristine was dressed in her standard performance black: a long black skirt and black top that fit her hourglass form enough to accentuate her curves, a perfect balance of sexy and professional. She loves performance nights, but that night she...

2 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 7

Sammi got to the venue for tennis a little late. There were crowds everywhere. She showed her badge and was waved through the turnstiles. Deciding she'd better go to the bathroom before settling down to watch some tennis she followed the signs to the restrooms. There she had to consciously avoid the first one she saw; there was a prominent sign saying 'Men' over the door. She sighed at these people, there was no line for the men but the line at the door marked 'Women' stretched around...

3 years ago
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ZombieKiller Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend "Nice kill, Leon!" "Thanks. Look out, Lilly!" "Got 'em!" "Yah! High five!" "Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat," I said as I came into the living room. My son Leon looked up at me, and said, "Give us a couple of minutes, mom." "Yah, Mrs. Jay, we're about to hit the boss zombie," his girlfriend Lilly added. "Fine," I said. I became silent, so I could watch them play without embarrassing them, and smiled. I watched the subtle cures, and...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 5

Darcy and Lilly came strolling in after the jet had dropped Beth in Orlando. I was happy to see her and she looked great. "Baby, the place in Bermuda is beautiful. From everything that I saw, the wedding will be nice." "I'm looking forward to it. Is there anything that I need to do?" "Not much. It will be casual so no suit or tux. You'll wear some linen white slacks and a black short-sleeved shirt. Doug will be in black linen pants and a white shirt. We'll be married on the lawn...

3 years ago
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The Selection

In the beginning, of the 1990’s, I was a night supervisor at the third largest security firm in the capital city. The company I was working for was very conservative, owned by a family with old ties in the industry. Their business strategy was based on large stationary contracts, such as receptions at large banks, corporations and authorities. It was successful, it suited the whole structure of the company and, furthermore, created quite a character of their own head office and staff. It wasn’t...

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Sometimes in life we become so lonely that we are willing to do most anything to fill the void. Frequently we do things that are risky and foolish. Often our high risk actions come with unexpected consequences. Clair Davis woke late that Saturday morning. As she sat up she looked at the digital clock sitting on her nightstand. The red numbers displayed ten thirty."Richard?" She called out.There was no response.Clair remembered that her husband of fifteen years had left the evening before to...

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Alexa Chapter 4 A Night Downtown

Alexa Chapter 4: A Night Downtown We made our way back downtown so we could drop Katie off at her waitressing job at AJ Dunham's. Wishing her good tips, we make our way back to our apartments. As we walk into Jenny and Katie's apartment I realize that I have not been into my own apartment since the infamous Chicken incident almost 24 hours prior. It seems like it was weeks ago. Who would have thought that my life would change so much in the last 24 hours? While it was exciting, I...

2 years ago
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Magic City

Magic City By Mouse Standard disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction. This story uses the actual names of a couple of places and locations, but the resemblance ends with the name. Any other similarities between people and places are entirely coincidental. This story contains adult themes and attempts to describe acts of a sexual nature. If you shouldn't be reading this sort of material, please stop reading now. * Ebony swayed rhythmically between Jeff's legs. In...

4 years ago
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The Internship

„And this will be your desk for the next three months.“ says Tom, the employee, who shows Mike around in the company, where he just started an internship. Mike sits down at his desk and hopes, that Tom would now explain him, what he has to do. „What are you doing? There's coffee to be made! The kitchen's over there.“ Mike starts going towards the door, Tom is pointing at. 'Great! First day as an intern and I'm already the coffee guy.' he thinks. In the kitchen, the annoyed intern starts making...

3 years ago
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I See You

It was six o 'clock in the evening, and the sun was setting slowly out of the sky leaving the town in a premature darkness. I had logged on to a chat site to cure my boredom while my mom was downstairs curing her depression by drinking. I was looking through the list of people who were online when a pop up appeared on my screen. Derek26: Hey XxEmoHeartxX: Hey Derek26: A/S/L? XxEmoHeartxX: 16/f/usa I didn't even think twice about giving some random person my information. Derek26: Wow!...

3 years ago
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Angie was beginning to get worried, while she had lost all sense of time, she did know that it had been an awfully long time since the last time John had done anything to her. It had all started innocently enough, at a party of course. John had pulled out a pair of handcuffs and put them on her, as a way of getting her attention. Well, it had worked, she splashed her drink in his face and demanded that he take them off. He ran off shouting something about his eyes, leaving her screaming at him...

1 year ago
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Friday is the wifes date night

On Friday after work I normally go to one of the restaurants and have a few drinks and to eat before going home. You see Friday night my wife usually has a date so I must fend for myself. But last Friday I got a call from my wife to come straight home, she said she would explain why when I get home.As I entered my house I was met by my and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was wearing her long bath robe but I could see her legs where encased in black nylon and she had on her fuzzy...

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Mechanics Pay

I know this couple and have been good friends with them for many, many years. The husband, Frank is a couple of years older than me. He’s pretty rough around the edges and at times is downright crude. He’s not exactly the type of person that I hang out with. He does play guitar and sing pretty well though. The wife, Judy, I’ve know for almost all of my life. I had been friends with one of her older brothers. I’ve had a thing for her ever since she was about 16 and was developing into one hot...

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Vics Education

Jill regretted letting Beth talk her into going for a drink with her after work. Now, she was stuck in a basement wine bar of a nearby hotel pouring her heart out. Feeling very drunk, Jill was on her fourth glass of wine as her secretary, Beth, continued to grill her, "What is wrong with you? You have been so distracted today.""Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat worrying about my son. Earlier in he evening, his father had called to belittle me because of how poorly I had raised Vic. After 18...

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The first time a meeting

This is a true - ish story, but the names have been changed to protect the individuals.His wife didn't understand him, she was too vanilla and he hated it. He wanted more passion, more excitement and he knew he was never going to get that at home. John had found something to keep himself, or his hands occupied too. I'm not sure, maybe he wanted to feel more wanted.The sex site he had found had great video's on it, plenty of choice, and a world away from anything he had ever experienced...

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The HummingbirdChapter 7 A Death Before Sun Set

A Death Before Sun Set For two days Sara, Angie's friend from Lubbock, had called the number that Angie had left her. The problem was that number belonged to Stan Willus. Until Silvia came along Stan had neither an answering machine or a cell phone nor a reason to have either one. It didn't take Silvia long to get frustrated trying to hunt him down when she needed him and insisted that he catch up with the times. Stan still wasn't used to the - as he called them - electronic leashes. He...

3 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book I The VengeanceChapter 5

The following morning I woke up hungry, and my whole body hurt. ‘Woke up’ was probably the wrong term, since I hadn’t really slept that well in the first place. My arm hurt whenever I moved. My left leg hurt and my back hurt. I should have been angry, but when I remembered what had happened, I just had to smile. The only drawback was that I had no food in my apartment. An hour later, I was inside my office. Only then did I realize that there was no way in hell I could get any breakfast from...

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The Taxi Cab Driver

I had been driving my big yellow and black checkered taxi most of the day. It was starting to get more crowded downtown. I honked a few times to make room. I pulled over to take a break. I was parked outside this very upscale restaurant. I looked out the rear of the parking lot. There was a taco truck selling some Korean barbecue. I got a few tacos to go. I drank a cold beer as I waited in the back seat of my cab. The restaurant was very busy. A few limos pulled up and dropped off some rich...

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Saturday morning, a warm spring day in San Jose. Ann rolled over and rubbed her warm naked body against her husband's back. Her nipples were hard and he pushed back against them as his cock stiffened. He rolled over, kissed her and pushed her back."Annie, I think we should get up now and get on the road. Remember, you're the one that doesn't like travelling at night."That was true. Still, she couldn't resist wrapping her arms and legs around him and kissing him. She played her tongue around his...

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Residing in Atlanta, Georgia, a young 26 year old upstart of a woman by the name of Jayla Williams has been hustling well in the seedier side of the Atlanta life. Jayla's ebony body was a sight to see when Jayla quit high school to become a dancer. Using her juicy ass and her 40DDD tits, this 5'7" beauty learned quickly how to manipulate men to meet her own personal agendas. At around that same time, she also learned something was different about her. Though Jayla wasn't ripped by any stretch...

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The Crusader Chapters 1 2 The ManhuntChapter 2

Detective Rollie Chambers knocked on the condo door and waited. He could see someone looking out the peep hole and he held up his badge. There was a sound Rollie didn't recognize then he heard the dead bolt being opened and the noise that a security chain makes as it's unhooked. The door finally opened. "Hi Miss Collins. Remember me?" Rollie asked. "I'm Detective Chambers." The last time he'd seen Sarah Collins her nose and eyes were swollen and discolored with bruises. The injuries...

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Your first holiday together

You are on your first real foreign sun holiday with your wife, the place you have picked is everything you thought it would be. The scenery, the restaurants, the pool, the beach, the only thing your wife has found to complain about is that her bikinis are a bit out of date and she needed to buy some new ones. Shopping for new bikinis wasn't your thing but you could go and find a good place ot eat and meet back with your wife back at the square in a half hour or so.Your wife was a little lat,...

4 years ago
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Majhya Shejarchi Kaki

Namskar Mitranno majhe nav ahe tejas Pratham mi majhya landanana ani pucchina salam karto. Mitrano hi majhi pahilich story ahe asha karto ki tumhala pasand yeil ani ho mitranno hi ek satya ghatna ahe ji majhya ani Majhya shejarchya kaki madhe ghadali hoti.tar ata mi tya shejarchya kakichi olakh karun deto tichi unchi 5.6″, mast bodyne jadjud agdi bharleli tiche ball tar ahhh vicharu naka ase tokeri mast paiki, jara asa ticha padar bajula jhala Na ki ase tokeri disayche as vataych ki jav ani...

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Piss Slut

I wanted the slutty look that night. I had to look how I felt and how I wanted to be treated. Showered, hair done, make up done. Big black false eyelashes, heavy dark eye shadow that would run and make a mess through tears or anything else wet. Bright red lipstick adorned lips. Pasting it on I tasted my lips on my tongue, blowing myself a kiss in the mirror. Checking the corner of my mouth using the tip of a bright red false nail which I had spent a fortune on this morning. I had to have the...

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Timestop The Train Ride Chapter 1

In this story, I'm not too worried about realism. My time stop mechanic is basically where the narrator can freeze/paralyze anyone and anything he wants. Everyone mostly just goes limp/unconscious. Gravity still works, bodies still react slightly. How can he do this? I didn't care, I just started writing. It makes no sense, I know. But let me know if you'd like more! ---------------------------- Chapter 1 This bitch sitting in front of me will not shut up. My wife's upset next to me in...

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I Told You So Ch 16

This is the final chapter of Ben, Chelsea, and Joe’s story. What started as a flicker of an idea – two friends sharing a woman – somehow became, when I listened to my characters, a love story. I expect / fear this story took a surprising path for my readers, one that was possibly unwelcome. If you are disappointed, I am sorry, really. When I began I expected it to go a different way, so I get it. I don’t know if the characters followed my lead or if I followed theirs, but ultimately it came...

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Son Gives His Mother A Massage

My name is Raj. I’m 20 years old still in college. Well, I’m a virgin but I relieve off myself sexually​ by watching Porn and masturbating. It is actually with Porn movies when I came across with Incest. I belong to a conservative family background, so initially, the thought of having sex with my mother freaked me out. However being a sex-craving guy I fell into its trap and started enjoying watching incest porn movies. As mentioned I’m a virgin but it doesn’t mean that I’ve not had...

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I love Shopping

I’d often come online to watch porn and look at photos of big bouncy tits. I couldn’t get enough and know I was becoming obsessed with them. I’d sit in my office chair and stare at the woman who sat opposite me. She used to wear the most figure hugging tops imaginable. When it got a little chilly her nipples would stand so hard I had to stop myself from reaching over and stroking them. This desire to touch, caress and suck on some gorgeous nipples was becoming too much. I decided I had to put...

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The Mailman Delivers

The Mailman Delivers It was on a typical Monday morning and I had just gotten off of work. I went straight to the gym, stopped by the grocery store and then home. It was a little chilly in the morning but you could feel the stickiness and dampness creeping in the air. I knew it was going to be muggy by 10 o’clock. As soon as I walked thru the door I dropped my bags and collected my rag and soap. Feeling sweaty and sticky, I jumped in the shower and stayed in for about a half hour. I didn’t...

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Babysitting Alex Part 5

-=Hey guys, I had some small things I had to take care of, have fun reading part 5!=- After I got the call from Mark's mother, I passed out on the sofa and only woke up around 6PM, I gave both Aky and Mark the news and got them a snack so we could go to Mark's house to grab some clothes for him, I could tell that he was totally excited, I didn't plan much nor did I think that we'd end up having sex, but now, things had already happened. Thursday I woke up and both were already...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 40

It was Fretail and Marlet’s turn to stay with me this morning and I proceeded to eat out Fretail and I pounded Marlit into the mattress for some time before I gave her my essence. Fretail immediately swooped in once I pulled out of Marlit and sucked most of my cum out of her sloppy pussy. I said, “Shower time ladies, we need to be clean and fresh for breakfast.” Just as we were drying off Bertet came in and said that breakfast was ready, I grabbed her and gave her a long slow kiss good...

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IITians8217 Group Sex Story In Goa Places 8211 Part 3

Hello friends! This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) here to share my new life experience. Please read my previous stories to know more about my sexual experiences. I had said in the previous part that this is the last part of the story ‘IITians’ Group Sex Story.’ But I got many questions about what happened next? Did you guys still together? So I decided to write more about Goa places. The last part had ended on we all having group sex together. That was really tiring. So we decided that...

4 years ago
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One Evening In The Attic

In the shafts of light coming in between the curtains I see her, lying asleep, and what I see are spheres and slopes and sweeps of skin. The streetlight's glow outlines suggestions of hills and mounds, tied together by shadow-cloaked valleys. She had been my land of dreams and now I float offshore, as it were, gazing at my dreams made real. I am home. Karla is a large girl, pleasingly rubenesque, lush in her proportions. I used to think as society had programmed me to, that anorexia, bulimia...

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Post Amateur Dramatics

Even though she’s married, Viv was always going to be promiscuous and Ted her husband knew that from the start, but he loved that. Soon after they got married she told me he liked to watch her with other men, I was more than shocked about that at the time; of course now I know it’s a common desire for lots of men. Of course at the time I had no idea that after my sister, Viv was my own husband’s most frequent fuck buddy. At school Viv was in the drama club, mostly Shakespeare and more at...

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my wife doesnt mind chapter 5

While Claire was able to work on my wife with her fingers I held her legs wide. With her soft touch and patience she was able to get some juices flowing. It seemed that Cindy was starting to come around and was getting quite comfortable with a few light kisses. When Claire suggested taking Cindy into the bedroom she without more than a yes followed her. I tagged along behind them almost drooling over seeing them walking naked and holding hands.I was hoping that Claire will get...

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A Nightmare in Silk and Lace 4

A NIGHTMARE IN SILK AND LACE 4 By Cordellian With editing and additional loveliness by Rhonda Wagram Gemma Layton gazed around her new office with a deep and glowing sense of satisfaction. A traditional girl at heart, she had modelled the d?cor and layout on Don Draper's office in the TV series "Mad Men". There was a big desk with photos of her family displayed prominently, and an executive leather swivel chair with head rest and arm rests....

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JulesJordan Megan Rain Dpd She Takes Two Loads In Her Asshole

The always stunning Megan Rain returns for some unbelievable DP action. This filthy sluts teases in her neon green bodysuit and leg warmers as she shows off her for the camera. Steve and John show up with their cocks out and like the good whore she is Megan immediately starts sucking away. They share her mouth and pussy until she begs for a big cock in her ass, and who can say no to that. Lots of hardcore DP action leads to a double anal creampie that fills Megan’s tiny asshole until...

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Bare Bottom

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, ‘Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn’t be too long!’ She entered the Principal Solon’s office and said to his secretary, ‘Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!’ A slight smirk spread over the secretary’s face as she replied, ‘Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I’ll find out!!!’...

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Brother Gets Anal Pleasure 8211 Part I

Hi to all the juicy butts and nipples of all the bottoms. I lust for you and hi to all the hard cocks. I hope that you get juicy butts to screw, as well. This story is based on a true incident, but it has some added ‘spice’ to make it nice and cock stirring! I suddenly woke up in the night. I was very thirsty and it was very hot. Power cut! After remembering the electricity board with MCs and BCs, I got up to drink some water. I was sweating all over. I opened the door to my room and started...

Gay Male
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Sex With A Handsome Stranger

I had just spent a very frustrating six months with a man that was not a good fit for me. By the time I was ready to start dating again, I was so sexually frustrated that I didn't feel I was able to be disciplined enough to date someone without hopping in bed with them before I knew if we were a good fit. I also felt like my youth was running out and I wanted to have fun while I can.So, I decided to go against my character and just have a fling while I was looking for Mr. Right. After only a...

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FemSub Boarding School For Girls

Blond girl Emily was nervous, she felt that the chastity belt that had been placed between her legs by the boarding school officials was too tight. She also felt that the uniform was too short. At first she thought it would be strange at first but after seeing how other girls were dressed in the academy, she realized that it made sense for them to wear their uniforms like this. The place was meant to teach girls their place in society. Their white blouses left their stomachs out and their red...

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My First EverythingChapter 2

It seemed to me that my birthday party had just as much of an effect on the other people attending the party as it did on me. Three weeks later, when Ed Nulty had his fourteenth birthday party, his mother rented out my mom's dance studio for it. There were about twenty of us invited to the party, with Ed inviting the guys he wanted to have attend, and my mother and Mrs. Nulty inviting the girls. It was a sock hop themed party, where dancing was expected and encouraged. I had made sure that...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 43 Lucifers Love

awake and listen all of god's children for the fleeting rapture of joy and the heavens confess to joy and of bliss but the moment of truth lies hidden in shadow for true evil it seems is not just a dream called forth from the ether of dusk but molded to man ever wan and unplanned embroidered in his tarnished husk now bring out hell's choir to chant to the pyre of depravity spiraling ever higher beware of this night and stay hidden from sight for lucifer's love burns bright with desire as...

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Louisiana Lessons Part 1

100% fiction! It had been a long bus ride but I was now in Louisiana. The Greyhound bus was slowing at it approached my destination bus station. Looking out of the window I could see Cousin Lee Anne waiting for. My word she had grown since I had last seen her. She was a girl then and now a well endowed young teen girl with tits that were just bursting to escape the confines of her low cut blouse. She had long black hair that hung loose to her almighty breasts. As I stepped down from the bus she...

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When a stranger cums

This was my first time ever being with a man. It all started when I started working at the bank. Me and my wife called ourselves bi-curious she had been with a female but I had yet to be with a man. Anyway I had been working at the bank for about a month or so and I had noticed that the president was always looking for a reason to talk to me, to touch me, or come into the bathroom when I was in there. I ask one of the tellers was he straight or bi or gay. She said as far as she knew he was...

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A Kind Of Freedom

“Goodnight, darlin’,’’ said the old man as he strolled past, admiring the shape of a woman in a crouch, her bottom extended and her crotch stretched invitingly. What fun they could have if she were doing this naked, in the splendid privacy of his little flat.Life is so tedious, Jackie thought to herself as she stooped to put the padlock on the bottom of the rolling shutter. Why did they even have this shutter? Although this was a betting shop and therefore money did change hands a lot, surely...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 26 Sid Ellis

You just have to know how the two guys sharing one room worked. At 11:30 I was set to “entertain” Sid Ellis. I knocked. He opened the door. I entered the room carrying a JC’s shopping bag and my 22 cm high plastic step stool. The stool was for later. I set it down near the door. The shopping bag was to carry a classy top to be worn at dinner and my “get comfortable” silk blouse. But this was lunch. I wore that skirt from JC’s. It looked good although it covered my legs. Just so you know I...

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