Sandras Family
- 5 years ago
- 51
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We chatted our way to Alpena, parked, and entered the restaurant. We reviewed the menus, and made our selections. I selected the Chicken Tetrazzini (almost like my mother used to make!), while Sandra went for the Chicken Parmesan. I liked The Atrium, so we lingered over our meal, and enjoyed our conversation. When Sandra excused herself to visit the restroom, I signaled the server, and asked for the check.
Once she returned, I took her arm, and led her to the door. Leaning over, I whispered in her ear, "Do you need a sweater? You look a little cold."
She looked puzzled for a moment, then blushed deeply red. "Really? Am I showing that obviously?"
"Yep. I bet the server knows to within a degree just how cold it was in that restaurant. I hope that he appreciated the display as much as I did!"
I left her there, standing beneath the canopy, and retrieved the truck. I stopped, assisted her into her seat (replacing the towel beneath her), and returned to my seat.
We wound our way through Alpena, got back on the state highway, and headed home. Once we were out of town, and away from the street lights, Sandra started to relax. I rested my hand upon her thigh, caressing her casually. As I occasionally moved higher with my touch, she would grasp my hand and redirect me closer to her knee. After the third or fourth redirection, she observed, "You are trying to make me into a swamp, aren't you?"
I protested, ineffectively. "No! I'm simply trying to keep you entertained on our drive!"
She had a rejoinder ready. "Entertained? I've got your entertainment right here!" With that, she maneuvered my seat belt and re arranged my pants, extracting my tool. She slid over towards the door, re seat-belting herself, and then began to caress my noodle into firmness. She glanced about, and satisfied that no one was about, leaned over and began to breathe upon me.
She murmured endearments to my johnston, stoking my length, and peppering my glans with soft kisses. I hardened with this treatment, and she commented. "You sure make a girl feel appreciated. When he's soft, your dick looks so small and harmless, helpless even. Now that you're standing up and taking notice, he looks more fierce. I love how hard he gets in my mouth, I love how he throbs on my tongue. When you get all googley eyed when I suck you, it's like the experienced, assertive man is clay in my hands. The reversal of roles, with me leading you towards your release, makes me all swampy."
She ceased her monolog at that point, taking me into her mouth, advancing and retreating until she worked her way down my length. Once her lips rested upon my base, she paused and hummed. The vibrations on my turgid length were quite distracting (likely comparing unfavorably to texting as a "safe driving practice"!), and I gently drew her off of me. She made a moue of complaint, and I explained, "As wonderful as that is, and as skillful as you are, all I need is one night traveling deer, or one not so sober driver, and we are in an awkward place. Let me pull, along one of these dirt roads coming up here, and I can enjoy this wonderful gift you are giving me, and give you my full appreciation."
She lay back down, now resting her cheek against my cock. She resumed her narration. "Once you lose all focus upon anything but what I'm doing to your dick, I really feel quite prideful. It's as if I'm so alluring, so exciting, that I can distract you from the entire outside world, and make you only pay attention to me, and what I am doing to your peter. It's a nice turnaround from you tying me, and making me display myself. It's like I'm the one in control, and you will react as I decide. I kinda like it!"
I slowed, finding a side road to pullover on. I drove a way, shut off the lights, and pulled her up for a leisurely kiss. Our tongues explored each other's mouth, and I fondled her breast. Her rigid nipple spoke to her excitement, and I worked my way into her dress, to savor it's warmth skin to skin.
I pulled away, and invited her to shed her dress. A moment's hesitation and she drew it over her head, laying it over the back of her seat. She pushed me hack into my seat, and presented my orders. "Alright, mister! Now it's time for my after dinner treat! You sit right there, and let Mistress Sandra rock your night! You have spent the weekend showing me a good time, now it's time I showed you how much I've appreciated all your efforts."
She kneeled upon the seat, and slid her mouth down my throbbing hardness. I rested my hands in her hair, more as petting than as pressure, and she purred. I threw my head back, enjoying her tongue spiraling down my prick, and back up again. Resting her weight on one hand, she slid the other up and down me, following her lips. Alternating pressure, she seemed to attempt to milk my essence from me. A few minutes of this pleasure, and she removed my unit from her mouth, and began to run her tongue along my scrotum. Accompanying this with firm stroking of my joystick, was a delight in a way that I was completely incapable of putting into words. She truly had my complete attention, as she worked her oral artistry upon me.
I began to climb to my pinnacle of pleasure, and she detected the trembling that heralded it. She stopped her caress, holding my tool in her hand, and soaking my balls in her hot mouth. Once she felt my arousal back away from its peak, she once again began to stroke me, and added a twisting motion to her handling of my schwantz. This again corkscrewed my libido into high gear, and she once again halted the festivities, until I could back away from the threatened cum explosion.
Again she resumed her work, and returned to fucking her throat upon my cum dispenser. Moaning, she threw herself into the task, and the effects upon me were overwhelming. I began to throb, and (I must confess) the pressure upon the back of her head shifted from "pet" to "Press" She moaned again, and she took her off hand, and pressed my hands upon her head, as if driving her throat down my cock with my hand. I took the suggestion, and began to press, and pull upon her head, as if to suggest pacing, and depth, to her fellatio. She moaned, louder, and released the base of my cock, joining both hands behind her back, as if bound.
The effect of this in the moonlight was inspiring. Sandra is pretty, smart, stylish, and sophisticated. Such a woman submitting to me, is such a dramatic fashion, really makes my world quite wonderful. I did not think my pecker could throb any more intensely, but she proved me wrong. I gazed upon her smooth flanks, admired her taut buttocks, loved her sucking, tongue laving, blowjob, and delighted in her moaning gobbling of my tool. This, this was the moment the evening peaked. There could be no improvement on my life, over this very experience. I was truly blessed. She seemed to be attuned to my thoughts, because she took me full length into her airway, and began to moan while wringing her head from side to side. I attempted to get out the words that would warn her of my looming explosion, but she had taken all power of speech from me. I vapor locked, time froze, I became unaware of anything but the tsunami of man juice pouring from me. My climax seemed to last for full minutes, jet after jet of scalding pleasure plasma erupting down her gullet. Time passed, and I dimly became aware of a tapping upon my legs. Focusing from a distant place, I realized two things: that Sandra was beating upon my leg, and that I had forced her down my entire length, likely completely blocking her airway. I drew her off me, and released her hair. She sat upright, leaned against me, and began to catch her breath.
Once her breathing slowed to a nearly normal rate, she began to lick her lips, and scoop up errant tendrils of jism from her chin, and suck her fingers clean. Glancing at me, she raised an eyebrow. "What? Didn't you ever get told to clean your plate? I simply don't think it's proper to waste any!"
Breathless myself, I took a second to answer. "No, you just surprised me. First with the wonderful blowjob you just gave me,"
She interrupted: "Do you mean throat fucking?"
"Perhaps, although we may have a disagreement regarding who administered the throat fucking! In either case, I loved the blowjob, you truly are an artist! Secondly, I did not think that it was possible for me to become aroused so soon after the explosive climax you coaxed from me, but your display of cleanliness—here, you missed a spot—brings a twitch suggesting there may still be life in the old boy, despite your best efforts!"
She swiped the offending drab of goo, and, licking her fingers, rebutted me. "After that mouth-to-cock resuscitation I administered, he'd better be raring to go! I worked hard enough to raise him from nearly dead!"
"That you did, except that geezers such as myself often react paradoxically to medications and therapy. It appears that this is one such case. Perhaps after some rehabilitation time, he will be back in the game."
She inspected her fingers, and, finding no remaining traces of my emission, reached for her dress. As she replaced it, she noted, "I certainly hope so! Now that my palate has been cleansed, I think I'm ready for some other evening pleasures!" She adjusted the fit, tucking her breasts into the dress just so, and shrugging to settle everything into place. "Think you are up to driving the rest of the way home, or have I rendered you a dried up husk of a man?"
"I think I can keep it together long enough to make it into the door, although if you plan on dishing out some more, from where that came from, I may not last too much longer than that!"
Primly, she observed, "Just so long as you can navigate safely home, once there you can ravish me, to my satisfaction."
I shakily turned around, and drove home. Fortunately, she was content with gazing at me smugly. Occasionally, we would drive beneath a street light, and she would lick her lips meaningfully. It turns out, my willy was not so worn out as he had initially thought.
We parked, and entered the cabin. Once inside, I paused, and, taking her hand, held her at arm's length. "You know, Sandy, you consistently impress me with how pretty you are. Tonight, in this dress, you are simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing yourself with me this weekend."
Sandra leaned into me. "Mark, thank you for leading me along this weekend. It's been wonderful."
She led me to the bedroom by the hand. Once there, she gazed into my eyes as she loosened her dress, and allowed it to pool at her feet. She removed my jacket, loosened my tie, and removed my shirt. Kneeling, she removed my belt, opened my pants, and drew them and my shorts down to my feet. Lifting my feet, she draped my clothes over a chair, and drew me to bed. We reclined face to face, and she held my gaze.
"Mark, this has been a wonderful weekend for me, but..." she paused, as if searching for words.
"Me, as well. Are you trying to find a gentle way to tell me that you don't see us having a long term thing? No white picket fence, rug rats, and minivan?"
She paused, again. I continued. "Sandra, I truly like you. You are a wonderful woman, and make me wish I was 20 years younger. You are looking for a family, and feel ready to settle down with the right guy. I've heard you talking to the other women about it."
"Mark, I don't want to seem ungrateful..."
"Really? If either of us should be grateful, it's me!"
She blushed. I continued. "Sandy, we're at different places in our lives. My oldest son is nearly your age. You're looking to settle down and start your own family. That is proper. While I hope you know I'll be here for you, I don't think either one of us believes that we're going to ride that minivan together, off into the sunset."
She hugged me tightly, silently. I caressed her back, patted her hair. Well, all that as well as reacted to firm young breasts pressed against me. After a few moments, she pulled back, looked between us, and observed, "Doesn't look like you are entirely on board with the 'no future for the two of us' thing. Part of you seems enthusiastic about our future together!"
She caught my eye again. "At least, for a little while!"
"You have that effect upon me. You've been the subject of my fantasies for quite some time. I've tried to hide it..."
"I had no idea!", she interjected.
" ... but, men just react in certain ways to attractive women. Like you."
"Thank you, sir!" She held my gaze for a moment, and appeared to reach a decision. "Mark? I'd like to be your slave girl again, for tonight."
That was a welcome invitation. "Did you think that I'd need to be convinced? Any particular thoughts?"
"No, nothing special. I just want you to tie me up, and take me. I didn't know I'd like it as much as I do, and it's especially exciting to submit to you."
"Delighted to accommodate you!"
I rolled out of bed, and retrieved my cord. I tied her wrists to her ankles, leaving her with her face pressed to the sheets. I paused to admire her from this perspective, her hair spread across the bed, her nipples erecting, her taut abdomen, her trim thighs folded against her calves. She looked back at me, a question in her eyes.
I gave her a guy response. "What?"
"Why are you looking at me that way? Nobody has ever looked at me like you are, right now."
"Well, I suppose that it's customary to admire pretty things, and I got to tell you, particularly naked, you are one pretty woman!"
"You're just saying that because you are about to do despicable things to me! I bet you say that to all your helpless slave girls!"
"Yep, every one! Do you want to know how many?"
"I'm not sure I want to know this!"
"I'll tell you the whole truth. You know you want to know how many women have fallen prey to my machinations!"
"OK, how many?"
"Including you?"
"I'm getting unsure about this slave girl thing! OK, including me. How many?"
"One. But she is my favorite!"
"So, I'm your favorite out of one slave girls? You really know how to make a girl swoon with your praises!"
"Simply telling the truth, ma'am!" I stepped up to the bed, and rolled her around so, now supine, her head lay over the edge, and waggled my tool over her face. "What would you say to a little sixty nine?"
She fell into character. "Oh, mister, a helpless girl couldn't say much of anything, could she? Once you have her naked and helpless, tied all up, you could do nearly anything you wanted to her, couldn't you?"
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Body Rentals - The Hidden Story Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by NightOwl005, reposted with permission. I My heart was pounding in my chest as I picked up the helmet from my sister's room. I was confused at first when I came in yesterday to see her fondling herself like that, but then I saw Sarah on the bed with this helmet on. I've heard of these before but never have I thought that Elle would be interested in this kind of thing. I looked at...
*** Please read parts 1 - 6 leading up to this point in the story about Noah and Sean whose mentors in the evening are Reese and Sanford. Sean and Noah put their clothes on and hurry out the dorm leaving Deavon and Jonathon warm and satisfied. Deavon just pumped Noah full with his warm cum, and Noah's sensations are elevated with the stimulus. He can't wait to see Todd. Sean is equally aroused after sucking Jonathon and feeling the hot cum bang against the top of his mouth. It is Sunday night....
GayMy step-dad to be; unclipped my bra; let it fall to the ground and eased down my wet cottontails. He didn’t touch me. 'Well screw you, Stan;' I thought; 'aren’t I woman enough for you.' I was glad the altogether bit of the picnic was over. The heat was in the afternoon but more urgent was my need to get away from Stan. My soon to be new step dad Stanley was too much to watch, along with my mum Patricia. You know; the mature, rekindled, flirty, lovey dovey, doey eyed; nearly childishly playful...
TabooSandra, a very nice looking 23yr old girl, wasn't sure why she was going to see Vera today, other than because Vera told her she should come back. She certainly didn't look forward to these "appointments", if that's what you could even call them at this point, and her back was feeling much better. Yet here she was, walking slowly towards Vera's house for another treatment that she didn't really need or want. Sandra wondered if perhaps she did like the treatments, but simply wasn't willing to...
by Vanessa Evans Part 3 After checking out of the hotel we went to the Moke and George locked my case and his bag in a metal box that took up a fair chunk of the space at the back. The drive to the Ferry Terminal in Palma didn’t take that long and after George organised another passenger ticket for me we were soon driving up the ramp onto the boat. Of course the cars were stored on the lower decks and the occupants had to go up to the upper decks for the journey We were one of the first...
I pulled out of the parking lot at the office in the dark. It was getting dark quickly as December began to take hold. I made my way to the tavern. It was time for Happy Hour that cold Wednesday evening. My cell phone rang as I pulled into the tavern’s parking lot.I hit the speaker on the phone without looking at the number and immediately, Jennifer asked, “Where are you?”I couldn’t help but laugh out loud before responding to her. “You have the most uncanny timing. I’m pulling into the parking...
BisexualSandra By A Happy Wife I met her at a seminar sponsored by a metaphysical church. We started to go out, just in afternoons to a movie or for lunch. I never thought I could have a relationship with her. She was too young, too smart, too successful and way too gorgeous to ever be interested in me. Sandra had been married once a long time ago. She had been single for over ten years; she had started her own business and had been quite successful. I on the other hand had been married for...
by Vanessa Evans Part 3 My alarm woke me and after quickly rubbing one out I went to the bathroom and did my thing before putting on a dress and shoes and leaving to go to work. After a quick stop at a coffee shop I was soon walking into the shop with half a cup of coffee in my hand. “Morning Sandra.” Lisa said. “Morning Lisa.” I replied. “You look a little tired Sandra, good night was it?” “Yes it was actually, I went to a party and got fucked by 3 guys.” “Lucky you, I just had one...
5 levels of punishmentSandra knew she was in trouble. The minute she received her graded paper with the "B-" in dark red ink. She knew her father would be mad.Her father arrived home from work. She had been working hard on dinner, hoping to ease his mood. Sandra knew things were not going to go well, her father was already in a bad mood, it seems he had just lost another client.He was in his study, going over some paperwork when she approached him. Meekly, she set her graded report on his...
by Vanessa Evans Part 2 So, bathroom routine finished I went to the drawers to get something to wear in the workout room. What I haven’t mentioned so far is that good old Lisa had got some new leotards into her shop that are even more revealing that the ones that I described in my original story. These ones consist of not much more than strings that start looped round my neck then go down my front where there is a bit of the mesh fabric that covers very little more than my dark areolae...
by Vanessa Evans Sandra has earned enough money to take a year out. Author’s Note This story is a continuation of my story ‘Sandra is Different’. Although this story could stand independently it will make more sense if you read ‘Sandra is Different’ first. V Introduction After 3 amazing years at university where I made a shed load of money letting men spank me, letting men fuck me whilst I was unconscious and demonstrating fucking machines at erotic equipment conventions, I decided that...
by Vanessa Evans Part 4 I woke just as the sun was coming up and started to remember the night before. I touched my butt and it hurt a little so I looked in a mirror and saw that it was red. Then I remembered my ‘dress’ and knew that I had to go and hopefully retrieve it. As it was very early and very quiet, I decided to go and look for it as I was, totally naked. As I walked into the communal area I was surprised to see Geoff, Emily and Andy sat on the sofas quietly talking. I also saw a...
by Vanessa Evans Part 6 Fifteen minutes later we were walking into the gym, George standing up and welcoming us back and asking us how it went. “Good, very good.” I replied, “Catalina here is thinking of joining me for my workout.” “Good,” George said, “but no pressure Catalina, If you don’t want to it’s okay, your job is safe, in fact I’ve been so pleased with you recently and takings are up so I was thinking of giving you a pay rise.” “Thank you boss, can I go and have a shower...
My roommate Shelley had given me two big orgasms. As I was recovering, she said, "Now about this Sandra..." She was referring to the note that someone had passed under our door after seeing us together.The note read, "You two were so hot. I didn't mean to perv, but I couldn't resist once I had a peek. We should have a threesome sometime. Sandra 205""I wonder who she is. I mean, we've probably seen her around," Shelley mused.I roused myself and took the note from her and read it. "I...
Lesbianby Vanessa Evans Part 5 I arrived at the university’s gym at the time agreed with Isla which was 30 minutes later than the previous week, and I had to wait a few minutes outside for her. I saw one guy come out carrying his kit bag and when he saw me he turned around and went back in. I wondered if he’d gone earlier hoping to see me and then left when I didn’t appear at the same time as the previous week only to see me outside and decide to have another workout. When Isla arrived I turned...
One Tuesday night during the week of mid-terms, my girlfriend, Rena, and I were taking advantage of my roommate being stuck in a long evening lab session to enjoy a nice, leisurely fuck. Rena was on her hands and knees on my bed, her head down in my pillow, while I moved in and out of her from behind in a slow doggy-style. I was getting close to coming, and had just started to pick up my pace, when someone knocked on my door. I froze for a moment, but Rena reached back for me and moaned into...
Sandra's Submission Chapter 01: Sandra's Problem"I get hit on plenty, it's just not by the right kind of guys." Sandra shifted in her chair, adjusting her sandy blonde hair as she spoke. Her friend, Laura, stared at her intently through dark-rimmed, rectangular glasses."What kind of guy are you looking for?" she asked."Oh, I don't know. Not what I find. The kind of men I attract are all weak, wussy dopes. They want me to make all the moves.""I figured you'd like that.""Just because I'm...
by Vanessa Evans Part 5 I decided to walk the short distance from where I’d parked the Moke to the gym dressed as I was and the 2 guys who were finishing painting the new signage above the gym seemed quite pleased to see me standing watching them. George saw me standing there and came out to greet me and we stood in the street looking at the new signage, both of us pleased with what had been done. “Have you got any clothes with you Sandra?” George finally asked. “Yes, there’s a skirt in...
by Vanessa Evans Part 4 Back at the villa I dropped off Tony and Angela then saw that the gate to George’s villa was open. I guessed that George was back even though he said that he’d see me at the gym. So I got out of the Moke and walked to the door only to be confronted by what turned out to be the cleaning lady. “Hola señorita.” The Spanish lady said. “Hola,” I replied using up a large percentage of my Spanish, “do I take it that you are the cleaning lady?” “Si señorita, Yes I...
Nachdem Katrin hier mit ihren Geschichten über Vera so viel Erfolg hat, versuche ich‘s mal mit Sandra. Diese Geschichte ist wahr, nur ein paar Details, Orte und Namen habe ich verändert. Sinngemäß ist aber alles erhalten geblieben.Vera macht übrigens gerade eine kleine Pause, und das hat einen guten Grund: Katrin und ich schreiben an einer längeren Geschichte, die wir zu Weihnachten fertig haben wollen. Unsere erste reine Fantasy-Geschichte. Aber um Euch die Wartezeit zu verkürzen - hier kommt...