MinervaChapter 9 free porn video

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For the rest of that day, nothing happened, well nothing of significance anyway. Except maybe, that I had apparently become, Lady Tanya's close companion. Or rather, being the only ... non-professionals around, we seemed to spend all of our time together. Lady T insisted that I escorted her almost everywhere. Walking stick in one hand, she hung onto my arm like grim death with the other.

Mind you, we were both worried about what had become of Minerva for personal, not professional reasons. I suppose that kinda pushed us together, everyone else had a job of some kind to do; even if it was just keeping Tanya and I safe. With Burgess on the loose, no one dared take any chances.

Not that I could see him bothering to come to do harm to either of us. I had it figured that he'd got the hell out of Dodge quickly and efficiently enough when things started to look as if they'd gone pear-shaped on him. Surely he must have had an 'escape from the country' plan in place.

Lady Tanya's tack – where I was concerned -- changed some, during that day. She -- like myself -- didn't voice any apprehension that Minerva might no longer be alive. Instead she kept talking about the future and what 'we' were going to do together in the future, when her niece was eventually found.

The 'we', clearly being, Lady Tanya, Minerva and myself, by the way.

Lady Tanya appeared to take it as read, that Minerva and I were going to get married pretty quickly once she was located. A little ... er, optimistically, I thought.

Christ yeah, I had been a lot more than taken with Kylie, when we'd met at the Cliff Head Hotel, but ... Well honestly, we'd only known each other a couple of days. A romance? Yes, I if I got my way, that was definitely on the cards. But talking about a wedding ... No, her ladyship was rushing things, more than a little. But then again, I suppose that it helped to keep her spirits up.

Around lunchtime the next day, members of Lady Tanya's extended family began to make brief appearances at the manor house. All, to tell her how relieved they were to hear that she was still alive.

Oh yeah, and I was going to believe any of that crap, I'd seen most of the buggers when they thought that a financial share-out, was in the offing.

But Lady Tanya would still not let me out of her sight, if she could get away with it. So I had to sit through and witness almost all of the – so called -- happy reunions.

None complained about the ruse of Tanya's feigned death; one would suppose they'd already been made aware of the previous attempts on her life by then. And none questioned outright who I was or why I was with Lady Tanya. But most of them threw me suspicious glances and dirty looks -- on the quiet -- when they thought Tanya wouldn't notice.

I do believe that a good many of them must have come to the conclusion that I really was Lady Tanya's toy-boy, or something anyway, by then.

Tanya herself thought that that assumption was hilarious. She didn't actually voice her thought's in words, but she made it clear to me that she was aware of their misconception. Actually I think, that the old-girl did more to reinforce their error, than correct it.

The next few days were much of the same. Lady Tanya insisting that I was her almost constant companion and John and Helen reporting very little to us. One assumes because there was little to report.

Several newspapers printed retractions of Lady Tanya's obituary. But to my utter confusion did not enlarge further than saying that her death had been reported in error. There were also stories and reports on the television – not that the TV was one of Lady T's favourite pastimes – that one 'William Burgess' was being urgently sort by the fraud squad. But once again no explanation was given and no connection was inferred between the two stories. Although a few pundits and analysts from the City were roped in, who hinted that Burgess's business empire might not be all that it appeared to be.

What surprised me was that there was no mention of what had occurred at Tarrent Hall, or that fact that Lady Minerva was missing.

"Simple Gilroy, the police are treating Minerva's disappearance as a kidnapping." John carpenter explained when I queried the point with him. "There's an agreement, no British news service, or TV channel will carry a report on anything about Minerva, until she is located. You never know, some accomplice who's been charged with detaining her, might panic and dispose of her, if they did.

"Burgess they've had to do a deal on workaround on. It's imperative that we lay our hands on him as soon as. But the press will keep the details about Minerva confidential for the time being."

It was very long two weeks before the Carpenters made their big breakthrough and from what I've learnt since, the information that led them there was not obtained legally.

It seems that some of Marco and Bernie's associates, don't have to bother about such legal niceties as search warrants etcetera. It was kinda inferred that straightforward house breaking, or burglary, can apparently be much more efficient, and quicker. I was asked not to enquire too closely on that subject.

Mind you, there had been a few false starts, or blind alleys. The police and/or the Carpenter's people, discovered that Burgess had money invested in several medical clinics in the UK, Europe and the USA. Police locally searched the establishments, but there was no sign of Minerva at any of them. Most were cosmetic surgery establishments anyway.

But a couple in France, one in Switzerland and one in the Western USA were ... substance abuse drying-out clinics, to put it bluntly. All were very thoroughly searched -- on more than one occasion, as I understand it – but no evidence of Minerva was found at any of them either.

To my mind, the trail had gone cold, unless the authorities could come up with William Burgess.

However eventually it appears that John's people had focused on a doctor ... a psychiatrist who had at one time worked in a French clinic that Burgess held a financial interest in. I have no idea of how John's people singled the bugger out or why; but they somehow discovered that Burgess had been in regular contact with the man even after he was no longer employed by the Clinic.

Then it came to light that not five years before, the good doctor had set up his own private residential psychiatric clinic in Kent. By curious coincidence, not all that far from Burgess's British residence. And -- by a further extraordinary coincidence -- in a Stately Home, that had been purchased from Soleburn Industries.

As he said the name of that company, John Carpenter looked across at me. He appeared to be aware that I might (or should) recognise the it.

Well, I had mentioned the company to Harcourt and Sandra that first day. So I immediately drew the conclusion that either Harcourt had briefed John very thoroughly on our conversation that day ... or he (or Sandra) had been wired, and John had either listened in, or to a recording of it.

I do not know for sure, why John Carpenter's people focussed on the guy in the first place; or how they came to know of his existence. But I do know that the information was kept from the police. John's explanation for that was that he feared that it would take too long to establish a sound enough legal footing to obtain a search warrant for the clinic.

"She's got to be there Gil, there's nowhere else left for us to look!" John had explained.

"But how are we going to get inside?" I asked. Kind-a wondering, how we were going to get in the front door of a mental hospital in the first place.

Oh yeah I was going with them; I'd dare anyone to try and stop me. But John appeared to have taken that fact as read.

"We just knock on the bugger. As of yesterday morning, Lady Tanya is trustee of Minerva's estate. In effect, she's Minerva's legal guardian, especially if ... anyway Tanya or her representatives can demand to see Minerva anytime she likes, and there's sod-all ... sorry milady ... that anyone can do to stop her seeing her. From there on in, it's all down to you Gil!. You're the only one here, except Lady Tanya, who would recognise Minerva for sure."

"When are we leaving?" Lady Tanya asked.

"Tanya, it might get a little..." John started to say, but her ladyship was having none of it.

"John, I'm getting on in years, but I'm not that old. I've lived in places that you'd turn your nose up at young man. There's nothing much I haven't seen or done during my life. Besides, I can look after myself if anyone cuts up rough with me." Tanya replied.

Then taking us all by complete surprise, she unsheathed a damned vicious looking sword, from the walking stick she habitually carried around with her, and waved at us very ... professionally.

"Do you want to try and take it from me?" she grinned, "I was a champion swordswoman in my younger days, you know. And I could cut you all down, before any of you got close enough to do me any harm. Mind, I doubt the police would be very happy about that sort of behaviour."

"Lady Tanya, those things are illegal."

"No they are not John ... well, not here anyway; only in a public place. This is an antique; part of the private collection from Tarrent Hall. Your people are very efficient young man, but I just thought it prudent to take my own precautions as well."

Then she deftly returned the sword to its hiding place inside her walking stick.

"Shit!" Bernie's voice said from behind me. "Looks like our boys would have to protect any idiot who tried to assault Tanya."

"Thank you Bernaaard. But watch your language young man, if you don't mind."

"Sorry milady." Bernie blurted out.

"Tanya, will do very nicely thank you, Bernie." She grinned back at him.

We all trooped out of the house together. Helen, Lady Tanya, Bernie, Marco and myself getting in the Rolls. John and several of his guys in his Range Rover. But before we pulled away Ronnie Mackintosh arrived at break neck speed and after exchanging a few quick words with John climbed into the Rolls with us.

Ronnie immediately started to say that Lady Tanya shouldn't be accompanying us on our excursion. But her ladyship promptly read him the riot act, and he went quiet for a while. I think that the old lady upset Ronnie for a moment of two. He looked pretty nonplussed, for a solicitor, anyway.

It took us nearly two hours to get to the clinic. Mind you, some of that time we were sat in a lay-by waiting for a private ambulance, paramedics and two doctors to join us; one of whom turned out to be a trick-cyclist. But they travelled in their own car, where Ronnie Mackintosh joined them.

As we pulled away, yet another car joined the convoy, the occupants of which were to take no part in what happened later. I do believe that they were there as observers. However I'm sure that Harcourt was sitting in the front passenger seat and I thought that I recognised Sandra sitting in the rear.

The clinic (actually the nameplate said 'Sanatorium') was in a house larger than the one Lady Tanya had been residing in, but nowhere near the size of Tarrent Hall. We swept into the drive without stopping for the guy who came running out of the gatehouse shouting.

Looking back though, I saw that a couple of familiar looking men had appeared from somewhere and were ... keeping him occupied. It would seem that some of the Carpenter's ... operatives, must have been 'in place' before we arrived. Maybe the guy should have kept those bloody gates closed.

Our arrival on the forecourt of the clinic, brought a security guy out to ask what we wanted, I think. I can't say what happened to that guy really, after he came down the steps he just disappeared. The Carpenters' guys again, I believe.

Ronnie Mackintosh led our entourage into the entrance hall, where we found another guy sitting behind a long high desk or counter. He immediately demanded to know what we wanted at that time of night. It was just gone one a.m., by that time.

Ronnie informed him that Lady Tanya Simpson wished to see Lady Minerva Wisdom immediately. Ronnie also spelling out that he was both ladies legal representative.

The guy looked a little confused and explained, firstly, that it was outside visiting hours, and secondly, that there were no patients named Minerva Wisdom resident in clinic. He even opened a filing cabinet and waved his hand across a draw full of files, almost saying, "Look for yourself!" He then flicked through the files quickly, and said that no one call Wisdom had ever been a patient of the clinic. He then suggested that if we didn't leave promptly, he'd have to call the police.

"She must be in here." John Carpenter said.

But the guy assured him again that Minerva wasn't.

But then Marco -- taking everyone by complete surprise, I think, because he is a really big man -- said, "Shit this?" vaulted over the high counter and landed – rather daintily alongside the guy, who -- in shock -- turned to face the newly arrived mountain.

Marco gently placed one finger on the man's chest and kind of steered him into a chair.

"Sit there, keep quiet, and don't say another word dumb-nuts; unless you're spoken to first. And if you want to see the sun rise in the morning, you won't try to press any hidden alarm buttons or anything stupid like that!" Marco said to the – by then -- terrified looking man.

Then Marco went through the filing cabinet himself, file by file. I somehow got the feeling that Marco had done the same sort of thing before.

"He's right! No Lady Minerva!" Marco finally announced, but for some reason he was smiling.

Same as Minerva
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Ken came quickly. Sandra’s lips were tight around his cock as he gripped the back of her head and thrusted, using her mouth like a cunt. Her hand was also cupping his testicles and stroking him; it was something that she had learned from Samuel. As his cum began to spurt inside her mouth he groaned loudly, looking at Samuel as he did so. He felt special. This was something he rarely got from Sandra these days and never at weekends while Samuel was visiting. It was almost as if there was...

3 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 1 Beeder

As you may or may not recall, my name is Charity Jones; not my last name of course but one does have to keep their secrets. I am writing these memoirs as I reflect on the last 24 years of my life and how it has led me to my current lifestyle; church-going PTA mom by day, slut by night. It wasn’t an overnight transition to where I am now, happily married with kids and a sex life that would make porn stars blush; but a gradual transition. For those of you who have read my earlier...

3 years ago
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Virginity of a Vampire

Daniel felt lost as he sat on the train with his family, they were moving once again to another town as his father had just got offered a higher job. The train chugged its way through tunnel after tunnel as Daniel thought about the people he was leaving behind. The 3 best friends he'd had since primary who were Johnny, Liam and Nathan and his girlfriend Sarah who he had been seeing for two years now. The train stopped as more people entered from the station. Daniel got hold of his bag and took...

First Time
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Dental Nurse0

"Sorry about the wait, we're short staffed today." "Oh it wasn't so bad, I hope its not too crazy." "Well it was but your the one of the day so not for long." "Oh good, take your time," hating himself as soon as he said that. He wanted this cleaning done as soon as possible. She took a seat next to him, aiming the light and getting the tools prepared. As she leans over him he sees into the loose gaps between the buttons over her shirt. He is surprised to see a pair of rather...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Stella Cox Big Tit Slut Shows Her Love For America With A Deep Anal Diving Session

From the UK, these two big, glorious tits belong to Stella Cox – a hot, cream-skinned babe with a sexy accent and a filthy mouth. You cannot believe her body, wrapped in American pride and ready to get wet. You can stare at Stella all day, just moving her killer body around in that little bikini but the action obviously doesn’t stop there. She’s in for Sexual Athletics with Manuel and he works that body out in all forms. She sucks her own titties and gets throat fucked so deep...

2 years ago
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Galley of Pain

Rebecca, Amy and Amber laughed as they walked up the plank of the wooden ship. "No way!" Said Rebecca. "Check out the oars! This is a galley slave ship. I have to check it out." The other two rolled their eyes at their History Major friend as they stepped foot on the deck. A handsome shirtless man passed in front of them and Amy smiled. "I'll be checking him out." She said elbowing Amber. Amber giggled. "Wow. This is way more detailed than the brochure. Do you suppose we need to get tickets or...

1 year ago
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The Family Reunion

I was recently at a family reunion and after everyone had gone, my wife had left a bit earlier taking a cousin home. As I am getting ready to go home after taking out my mother in law’s trash, Out of the blue my mother in law said to me, "Danny, Your wife Paula sure has big boobs. She must have gotten them from her grandmother because I never had big boobs like that. “I’m shaking my head, where did that come from? My wife does have big tits, but…Mom is 86 now. Let me tell you, she did have big,...

2 years ago
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My life as a dog slave

My life as a dog slave My life as a dog slave  Part 1 Isabelle I am 30 years now. Since 4 years I live my new life now. My name is Anja. I grew up quite normal in a small town. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. In my hometown I could not find a job. So I decided to move to the big city.I started working as a office girl. I was happy at this time ? I get my own flat ? my own money ? I was free ? and lonely. In the evening I lost myself in strange new fantasy. I dreamed about use...

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Tmkoc Episode 8 Anjali Bhi Shamil

Hi friends this is Humraaj with back to back episodes of our fav series Tmkoc. So if you wanna get in touch with me mail me on Now let’s move to the episode. So jaisa ki aap sab jante hai Babita aur Roshan apna pehla lesbian ecounter karte hai aur dono bahut hi satisfy hote hai. Jaise shaam hoti hai dono ki chut mein khujali chalu hojati hai aur Babita control nahi kar pati aur Roshan bhabhi ko call karti hai. B: Hi Roshan meri jaan kya kar rahi ho? R: Babita darling tumhare bare mein sochte...

3 years ago
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Slowly Moving On Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Day AfterTossing and turning for hours after such a vivid dream, I eventually fell back asleep and slept late into the next morning.  When I finally lumbered out of bed, I started some coffee and stepped in to survey my office.  Did all that really happen?  Sure enough, there were Justine’s black panties on the floor with my cum stains on them along with her sports bra that was wedged in the side of the chair cushion.  I grabbed the camera and laptop and set them on the desk. ...

4 years ago
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Coppernicous Pt 02

Only once in the next few days did either of us get dressed, and that was just to go back to Johnnie Walker’s office to sign the contract for Deidra’s future bed and breakfast. Well, Deidra did put on an apron when she was cooking so she wouldn’t spatter herself and get burned, but even that was so sexy, with her bare ass showing out the back. We weren’t sexually active all of that time. After all, I am older than her parents, and I couldn’t keep it going, but we enjoyed the sight of each...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 333 Homing Runaways

I need to have my computer go through and break out what each corporation owns to let me see how many places I now hold. Do I have a lot in town from those taking their children to Steve’s clinic? The guy and gals in white coats didn’t question how I could settle down those they were transporting to rubber rooms for observation. I had a gift, they said, of knowing how to, temporarily, debilitate people without requiring sedatives. “Man, you are a lifesaver,” said one of the white coat guys....

3 years ago
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Black Corvette

I’ve always been a “tom boy” of sorts. I loved to work with my dad and do things most people consider to be masculine activities. While I do love to get dirty and shoot guns, nothing gets me hotter than doing distinctly feminine things, while engaged in typically male endeavors. This is a story about one such occasion. It was a warm spring day during spring break of my junior year in college. Growing up in Missouri these days were not unheard of, but still something to savor. I had a date with...

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Getting Stoned with Mandy

He checked out his sister’s sexy legs, from the hem of the short robe to a small golden anklet with several small charms dangling from it. He saw how the thin material of the robe molded to the crevice of her ass then answered, “I’m watching a movie about some people lost on an island. There are five guys and two women, things are getting tense because all the guys want to screw the women, but they won’t let any man fuck them.” “Smart girls,” Mandy said as she flopped down on one end of the...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 511

???????????????? Alphqwe continues, many thanks Dear Algebra, please stop asking where your Xbox is. I don’t know. I don’t know Y either. ???????????????? Irishblue has added a few more product descriptions. This reminded me of some famous PR mistakes in Product names: 1. Nissan Pajero (Pajero is Spanish for Wanker) 2. Opel Nova (Non Va means doesn’t go) (Opel was one of GM’s trade names 3. Irish Mist a liqueur (Mist is German for Damn, and Miste is German for Crap) 4. Ford Pinto (Pinto in Portuguese means...

1 year ago
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My first 3sum

I was in college finishing senior year, and I was boring one night so I went online to a chat room. Usually nothing interesting happens because girls over there mostly want relationship type of guys and not only sex. As I was chatting and teasing different girls around I start talking to a woman around 35 (I was 25 at that time), and conversation got interesting after start talking about sex stories and fantasies mine was a 3sum and my, I got exited when she told me her and hubby were into...

2 years ago
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Gaining Mary

Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...

3 years ago
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The Weekend

Tilda was sleeping, her hair spread luxuriantly across her pillow. I sat up and in the half light looked at her. I had only once had sex with a woman on the first occasion that I met her. That was when I was travelling in Asia and met an Australian woman about my age. We were staying in the same hotel and met in the bar. She said she was alone, as I was, and asked if I would like to have dinner with her. I agreed and we went out into the humid evening air to find a restaurant. Not that it was...

2 years ago
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Jock TalesSenior YearOn the Road With DadEl

Jock Tales—Senior Year—On the Road With Dad—El PasoOk first—if you read my last chapter, Spring Break, you may have noticed a time period conflict. Ya—it's Jr Year, and then I stated I had been out of school for two years, lol. So—just ignore the first paragraph. So—it's summer now, school was finally out. One more year to go. There really wasn't a whole lot of stuff going on after spring break. Mostly ACT tests and shit like that. I snuck over to moms a few times late night to fuck the baby...

2 years ago
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The mile high club

This is a true story it happened in 1978 on a red eye flight to Los Angeles, Ca. from new York City, NY. I met a young lady who had two c***dren with her so she had seats at the back of the plane. I was on stand by so I had to take what ever the airline gave me so I ended up in the tail of the airplane with this young lady and her two (2) c***dren. She was a very good looking lady with very fine legs beautiful hips (36") a very small waist (24") and a pair of great tits (36C) she was dressed in...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 10

I stood first then Charlene, facing each other at the same time we came together to kiss, it was a loving caring, gentle sexy hot French kiss. We broke it as he heard Harry again only this time he was in the men's room watching us through one of the holes in the walls. He said, "Come on girls lets go." I grabbed some tissue and wiped my dripping ass, the paper was a milky brown. I checked my stockings to make sure they had not gotten dirty or that I had a run in them. I finished and I...

1 year ago
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FILF Keilani Kita Messy Teen Keilani Kita Cleans Off Her Father8217s Friend Big Cock

Starring Keilani Kita; Doing the dishes, cleaning your room. Those are things that you’ve learned to do from a young age, but not for Keilani. She’s a messy young adult who’s cleanliness is far from optimal. Yet her round small tits, big ass, and slender body tell a different story. She’s a beautiful mix of half American, half Filipino and from her 5 feet height, you’re sure to see her gobble on your knob from the perfect angle. Keilani called down by her older...

2 years ago
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Women Who Perform With AnimalsChapter 4

Lyle Montagne stared across the table at Boss Carl. "When do you think she'll wake up, Carl?" he said in a concerned tone. "Take it easy, baby," the big kink-magnate said with a crooked grin. "It won't be long now, and we found out everything we need to know. She's a prime candidate for the xylotrope plot." "It's going to be rough," the movie star said in a grave manner, "don't you think we ought to tell her what it's going to involve?" "We will, baby--we will--but first...

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My Cousin

We moved to Phnom Penh together, to rend a room in the 3rd apartment, we shared the room two bed but linked together to shared the mosquito net. At the 1st year we spend on the part-time classes. Free time we went to riverbank at Chaktomuk and visited the skating room, and returned. We are poor a bit money but it is very happy all days long. Went we are at apartment he always in only a football shorts, either I with a T-shirt.One day we climb up the apartment rooftop to see the fireworks in the...

3 years ago
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The House of pleasure Part 1

“Out with it!”“No!”“I am not playing around, Jessi!” Jason grabbed her ass and squeezed it.Jessi yelped but she didn’t say anything else.Jason smirked, “Oh? Acting tough, eh?”He pushed Jessi on to the bed and got on top of her. With one fluid movement, he pulled up her top revealing two of the most breath-taking breasts he had seen his entire life. They were so big even his gorilla hands couldn’t hold them in completely. He grabbed both melons and started rolling the tips.Jessi let out a moan...

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Rachel gets to ride

She woke up and suddenly realized she was not in her own bed and then she remembered last night. Oh last night as she sighed. It had been some time and it felt so good to be with a man again and what a man. He had been sweet and tender to the point she felt like crying and then he had kissed the tears. There was happiness in her, a feeling she could not explain, but she enjoyed it. He was not in bed but she could hear him in the other room doing something. She looked under the covers and...

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