ReflectionsChapter 14 free porn video

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"My poor boy, I can see where you feel conflicted and confused. Torn between your love for your wife and the need to maintain your dignity and self respect."

"You know a cuckold relationship can be a beautiful thing. Let me tell you a story, but first there is coffee in the kitchen. Why don't you get us some. I'll take mine black. Fixings are next to the pot so you can do whatever you want to yours."

I got us coffee and Peggy continued her story.

"As I told you, my husband got injured during flight training and we couldn't have children because of that. After a number of years he also started to have some problems with getting erections which was very frustrating to both of us because we really liked, no loved hot and sweaty sex. You have to remember that there was no Viagra or any of the other ED drugs around."

"We tried any and all things, pumps, inserts, who knows what. Stuff that was advertised in the back pages of hunting magazines. Nothing really worked."

"It was hard because we were still very much in love. I sure didn't want to leave my darling. He got really good with oral sex – I hear whisper that you are too – (she chuckled at my embarrassment). But it was all very frustrating to both of us."

"One day he came home with a book from some porn shop describing how a wife openly had sex with others with full approval of her husband. I was shocked and upset and it took almost a week before I would talk to him. But in the end, we did talk and eventually came to an understanding that I would on occasion take a lover very quietly and discrete. That I would always be available for my husband on those rare good days when he could get an erection. No matter what I had planned. He got hard, I was his."

He did a lot of travelling for business and many times I went with him. So we came up with a plan. We would travel together, he would drop me off at some quiet discrete hotel and proceed to the big fancy one down town for his meetings and stuff. I would find a play partner for a couple of days and on Friday afternoons join him, pretending that I had just flown in to participate in social activities that were part of the conference or to just take in a show in New York, Chicago or wherever we were at the time."

"At night my husband would make oral love to me and I would cuddle and love him in return. If by chance he got hard, well than we went at it like bunny rabbits."

"It worked for us because I never lost my respect and my love for him"

I was stunned. In a way I wished Clarissa could have heard this but then I don't think it would have made much of an impression on her. She clearly is too much hung up on the Domme ideas turning me into a clone of Petey and I will never stand for that.

"Wait, it get better. One day his meeting got cancelled and he decide to come and see me at my hotel, maybe visit a museum together. He got a key because he wanted to surprise me." Well he got that. There I was with some stud, working on giving him a blow job as hubby quietly came into my room. He didn't say a word and I never noticed him. He quietly sat in a chair and watched. We don't know what caused him to open his pants but when I saw him, he sat there with a hard on like he used to have before his accident."

"First I screamed - 'oh no babe, I'm so sorry' - which freaked out the guy I was with and his erection wilted right there in my hand."

"I virtually kicked the guy out with some vague promise to make it up to him and grabbed hubby's cock and devoured it. That afternoon we did it three times. I'll never, ever forget it because it was the first time since his accident that he had multiple erections."

"From that point on we incorporated every so often having him watch me. If it worked, I kicked the guy out and gave myself to my darling. If he didn't get hard by the time I finished with the first blow job, he would quietly leave and I would show him my love the next day."

"That is a lovely story. I think that I could adjust to something like that if I was truly convinced that I was loved and respected the way you did your husband. I'm just afraid that it's not going to be the case."

"Well Sonny boy, I can't help you with that. That has to be your decision. I just thought I would tell you what it could be like."

You know over the years we expanded the cuckold theme and our marriage developed into a D/s relationship."

Now I was truly stunned.

"Yes dear, my husband became my cuckold slave. At first only once in a blue moon that I added some dominance to the cuckold scene. Mostly on days when his dick didn't get hard. Sometimes, that extra humiliation did the trick, other times not. But NO matter how bad I treated him, he trusted me that I would not hurt him beyond his limits, though I did push them at times. Also the same rules applied. If hubby got hard, he got ME 'til he couldn't get it up any more."

"By that time, we had developed some relationships with a number of regular 'players'. They all understood the rules. Hubby got hard, they had to leave. Some of them just stayed out of the way and waited 'til I was done with hubby especially in his later years where he really was a one shot kind of guy. It didn't matter, I loved him and he knew it and loved me for it."

"The girls tell me that you are bit kinky yourself. They also bragged about your skills as pussy eater. Ready to give an old broad a whirl?"

I got embarrassed by that and didn't answer. I must have looked to Peggy like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck.

She chuckled.

"Relax my dear boy. I had to ask. If you feel that you can't do it. That it would be cheating on your wife, I'll understand and respect you for that. I just thought since you played with the girls that..."

"Peggy, you are remarkable woman and one day I will be your toy – I'm pretty sure of that. Just not right now. Please don't hold that against me. See I feel that I have permission to service Julie and by extension Liza and stretching it really hard also Amanda. See it's my wife that made the bet with Julie that I could get her off with my mouth only, no touching. Julie was sure of herself that she accepted the bet but insisted that I wear a blindfold. So since my wife virtually forced me to serve Liza and even sent me out on a date with her while she met some fuck buddy in a hotel, I feel it's OK."

Peggy laughed.

"I hadn't heard about the bet. Julie sort of ignored that part of the story."

"Did she tell you how she made me suffer afterwards. Punished me for getting her off. Making me the substitute for some poor professional subbie who usually has to suffer when Liza has one of her flings out of town."

"No, she didn't. Where you OK with it?"

"Yes and no, and don't really blame Julie for that but my wife took away my ability to use a safe word. I got over the pain but lost some trust in my wife in the process."

"Julie was really sorry when later on she realized how much I had suffered and that I was supposed to have a safe word. I would have used it if could have."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I mean about the trust issues. That never came up with me and my darling. I made sure that he always had ways to communicate distress if it got too much."

"Since you don't want to ... No that's not fair to say. I suspect you want to but feel obliged to honor your marriage vows for the time being, I'm going to my bedroom and take care of my itch with my trusty toys."

"Why don't you take my cart back to the main house and relax for a bit or whatever. Be back here at seven to pick me up for dinner. You'll need to wear a jacket but no tie.

"Yes Ma'am, seven sharp it is."

We both stood up and I grabbed our dirty dishes and glasses, put them on a tray that CiCi had left and carried them to kitchen.

I was looking for the dishwasher.

"Just leave them on the counter. You really are a remarkable young well mannered man. Everyone else would have just left that stuff. Not that I can't take care of it but it was really nice to see you do it."

"If you ever get rid of your wife, I want you here for 24 hours as my slave. I'll test you but honor any safe word or taboo. Is that a deal?"

"Peggy, you got it. Twenty four hours of my undivided attention as your slave."

She stepped up to me grabbed my head pulling it down quite forcefully and planted a hot kiss on my lips.

"No run along before I lose control and force you do what you don't want to right now."

I escaped from her house, got into the golf cart and headed back to the main house. I still had a couple of hours, so after checking my e-mails, nothing that couldn't wait 'til I got back to the office, I went down to the pool and swam laps.

Dinner was fun. Peggy had some great stories to tell about her travels with her husband. It was clear that she truly loved and missed him. At some points of the story, her eyes would get moist. In a way I wished I could serve her but I would feel guilty after that and it would add another complication to my relationship with Clarissa.

After dinner I drove her back to her place. She offered to have someone come and pick me up but I declined. It was a beautiful summer evening, the path was well lit and I guessed just over a mile. The walk would do me good after that dinner.

So we hugged one last time and again she kissed me quite forcefully on the lips.

"I'm going to keep you to your promise Sonny Boy."

"Good night Peggy. I'll keep it if and when I'm single."

With that I took off, looking forward to one of the cigars in my room and a brandy before calling it a night.


So there I was with what virtually was an ultimatum from Terry to get my act together and come up with a plan to try to regain the trust that I had damaged with some of my stupid acts.

Trouble is that he was gone and I was horny. So I called Roger and talked to him for a bit. No big help there. He was in full support of Terry on this. Some bull. How can I train my cuckold if I don't get at least moral support from my lover.

So I called Marge and she invited me over for the weekend.

"Use Petey to work off some of your frustrations. Whip him and use him any way you need. I'll be there part of the time but I do have a date with some new guy for Saturday afternoon."

So that's where I went. Damn why can't Terry be a masochist like Petey. Saturday night he was happy as a clam as I caned his ass and whipped his back. I had a huge orgasm just from seeing some blood drops. I wiped my boobs in it and had him lick it off. I swear he came even with his CB locked tight.

Maybe the solution is to not only find the perfect bull but also a masochist like Petey to play with. Use Terry for the vanilla stuff in between. I have to think about that.

Petey fixed us brunch on Sunday and then I just watched as Marge tortured him some more before he sobbed a safe word of sort. She immediately stopped and cradled him into her big store bought boobs before unlocking him and letting him jerk off on them.

Naturally he had to lick them clean.

It was such a hot scene. I came several times from just watching. Well not just watching. I had that big dildo in my pussy.

Eventually she locked him back up and he served both of us for a couple of hours.

It felt weird with Terry not around. I missed the guy. Who knows what he was doing. Probably playing with the bitches. Can't really blame him. They sure treat him better than I have.

I need to concentrate, figure out what to do. How do I get him to trust me?

I just don't know. Maybe we are doomed.

No don't think that. Don't give up on this. You got part of it. You get to sleep around. Satisfy your inner slut. Get to do it even under Terry's roof.

Roger wouldn't play but I really, really needed a big cock so I called an escort service. Imagine me, sexy Clarissa having to pay for sex. What's the world coming to.

The guy was good, even kinky. Paid him an extra 100 and was able to beat his ass while he was eating my pussy. I really liked that.

If I ever get things worked out with Terry, I'm gonna have to ask him about that. It was a real turn-on for me.

So what do I tell Terry, damned if I know. Sure hope I can sweet talk him.

On Monday at work I spotted the e-mail about some stupid board meeting on my office computer. Friday night of all times. I have a date with Roger, actually not only Roger but the whole gang at our place. Screw the meeting. Terry will take care of things for me. He always has.

Tuesday I received a text from telling me he would be home after dinner and that was hoping that I had some answers for him.

Shortly after eight I heard the roar of the beast coming up our drive. I had gone in the afternoon for a complete spa treatment and bought a new sexy top with lots of cleavage and a short skirt. No undies for tonight. I wanted him to see my hard nipples barely hidden by the fabric of the top. I felt I was ready.

I waited for him by the door to the garage ready to hug and kiss him but something in his eyes told me to back off.

"Terry, babe, I am so glad to see you home. I've missed you. I sure hope that you're not too tired to play."

"Clarissa, I'm not here to play. I asked you a question, well maybe several and now it's time for you to answer them. Let's sit in the kitchen and talk."

He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer and sat down. He did not ask if I wanted something. This did not bode good. What happened to my Terry always looking to please me. Looking out for my needs.

I was getting angry, wanted to rip into him but barely managed to hold my temper. At the moment I was on the defensive. I had done some stupid things.

He just sat there, took a sip from his beer and waited for me to start.

"Terry my love first, of all I want to apologize for my stupidity. I seem to be doing this a lot these days. Not that a Goddess really should – you once told me that yourself."

I hoped to get a smile out of him but nothing.

"You told me to figure out what I wanted out of our marriage. How I thought it could proceed after the three months are over. Well my darling, just as you are confused about your submissive side, so am I about what I want."

"I do know that I want to continue to have lovers. I want you at times very subservient – not like Petey but also not like now. More like in some of our D/s games, just not for just a day or maybe a weekend. No more like maybe a week or two, even three. Then we take a break and have a vanilla life for a bit 'til either of us gets bored with it and the circle starts over."

"I really want to try to find out, that's why I have been pushing you. Hoping you would find your way to submit. Find that hidden subbie side and release it. Maybe even be a bit of a masochist. Not like Petey, he's extreme and while I really enjoyed myself this weekend causing him some serious pain and suffering I don't think that is what I want from our life. I don't think I could hurt you like that not the way Marge and I did. I love you too much for that to happen."

"You are afraid that if you submit to such a degree that I will lose respect for you and stop loving you. I honestly don't think so. I talked to Marge about that and she assured me that her respect and love for Petey grew in proportion as his submission increased. She is totally secure in his love and devotion to her and so is he in hers. Ask him if you don't belief me. I assume you're going to see him on Thursday for your poker game."

"I'm going to push and test you during the remain trial period. I see that as the only way for us and for me to prove to you that I can be trusted. I promise that I will never, ever again put you into a situation where you could not say your safe word or if gagged, I'll give you means of letting me know that you are in trouble or just plain have enough. You tell me that you hurt and I will stop and try to fix it immediately. I was really stupid when you asked me to unlock you and I ignored you. That will NEVER happen again."

"But like I said, I will push you and you will have to use your safe words if you don't like what's happening. I AM your GODDESS and don't you forget it."

"I'm going up to my room. You can put your stuff away and do whatever you need to get ready for the morning but after that I expect you in my doorway on your knees requesting permission to enter so you serve me orally like a proper cuckold."

I got up and left. He wanted to know what I wanted and now he knew.


I was stunned. That is not what I had expected but I had asked and like Clarissa said, I had my answer. Did I like it? Damn, but I wasn't sure.

Her "truth meter" as she calls my dick from time to time actually reacted a bit to her attitude when she said that last part and took off for our bedroom.

Part of me wanted to say "screw you" and part of me wanted to play this out and see where it would lead. So I unpacked my stuff, took a quick shower and shaved and went naked to our bedroom.

The door was partially open and I could just see her laying in the middle of the bed. She had taken her skirt off but kept the top on.

I one way it was a very lewd display and on the other there was something really special and sensual about that picture.

Her blond hair was loosely spread around her head, almost like a halo. Her eyes were closed but there as a certain soft smile on her face. One hand was slowly caressing her nipple that was pushing against the thin fabric of her top while the other played with her pussy. Again very slow and gentle.

Damn, she was beautiful and my heart ached at the thought this might all come to an end in a few weeks. I just wanted to storm in there and smother her with kisses. Bring her to several orgasms and then take that blasted CB off and make slow and gentle love to her.

Maybe I could soon.

I took a deep breath – she must have heard me because for a split second one eye opened and the smile on her face widened just a bit.

I got down on my knees and knocked.

"Princess, may I come in and serve you?"

Now that beautiful face frowned – she had fully expected to call her Goddess. I was not going to give her that satisfaction. I had some pride.

She turned to her side, propping her head up with one hand and looked at me with a stern face. That move, let her breast pop out from under the top and I could clearly see some traces of bit marks.

Her look turned challenging as we stared at each other. My guess she expected me to say something. So this whole thing was a calculated move on her part letting me know that she'd been "busy" while I was gone.

"You may approach for further instructions. Stay on your knees."

I complied.

"Eyes towards my feet. Do not look above My pussy. That is where you will concentrate your efforts. You have my permission to use your hands but do not touch above my hips. Let's call it the "Julie Rule" since you seem to care so much for her. If I catch you peeking, I'll put a blindfold on you. Got a new one and I don't think you'd like it. Petey was happy to wear it for me but that is another story."

"You may begin."

After an hour and only two orgasms I was coldly dismissed. It was clear that she had tried very, very hard not to even have these. Was this was part of a new mind game. Trying to make feel inadequate?

I guess we'll see.

I went back to my rooms, poured myself a small cognac and watched the end of the news, then went to bed.

I was just dozing off when a naked Clarissa crawled under the sheets with me and started to hug and kiss me.

"Babe, I love you so much. Thank you for playing my game tonight. I'm still horny. Let's play some more. I'm all yours. Do what you want with me but your cock stays locked up.

The old "hot" Clarissa was back in my bed and eventually the two of us fell completely exhausted asleep, our sweaty bodies spooned tightly together.

That's how I woke up when my internal alarm told me it was time. Clarissa was still there. She moaned when I stirred.

"Babe, it's too early. Let's take the day off."

But we both knew that was really not an option.

I turned towards her and kissed her.

"Princess I love you but I'm wondering who is in my bed with me – Clarissa Hyde or Clarissa Jekyll?

That earned me a punch in the arm.

"Stop it. Good thing I have to go and pee or you would be in trouble for waking me. Meet me in My shower. Since it's so bloody early you get wash your Goddess this morning. This place smells like a bordello on a Friday night."

She jumped out of bed.

"Now how would you know Princess?"

She just laughed and scampered off.

I went to the bathroom, peed and brushed my teeth and then headed off to our big shower in the master suite.

Clarissa was already inside shampooing her hair. So I grabbed mine and did the same.

Once rinsed, we started to wash each other. It was very tender and lots of kissing took place but when I put my mouth on her pussy she pushed me away.

"No dear, not today. I'm having a date tonight. New rule – NO sexual contact with me on days that I have a date. I just thought of that or I would not have let you shower with me."

The mood soured instantaneously and just got out and grabbed some towels and headed off dripping wet to my rooms.


I just ignored her.

Once dry, I went into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee, then went back up and got dressed.

Back down, I poured a cup into a travel mug, grabbed my brief case and I was off. Denny's would have another customer this morning.

My phone beeped as I pulled out of the drive way but I ignored it.

I did look at it after I pulled into the Denny's parking lot. A text from Clarissa with just one word "SORRY".

It was better than nothing but I was not looking forward to the rest of the week at home other than the golf game with Julie and the guys on Saturday. Hopefully the weather would be good.

Once in the office and sure that Clarissa was also in, I called her.

"Hi Clarissa, please...

"Terry, I'm so sorry about this morning. I keep screwing up. Please, can you forgive me?"

"Yeah, yeah this time. You need to learn to think what effect your words have before you say them. Sometimes I wonder how you are so successful in your business."

"Speaking of business. I'm going to send over by messenger a proxy form for you to sign. You need to get someone in the office to notarize it for you. The messenger will wait for you to complete the form and sign it."

"It's very important. Please don't mess it up."

"Terry, what is going on? Why is this so special. You've had board meeting without me before?"

"Sorry can't get into that right now. I've got another call waiting. Please just do what I asked to. I can explain later tonight when we have dinner."

"You're on your own babe. I have a date. Same tomorrow, but you are playing poker with the boys. Remember to ask Petey."

"Friday I have a cuckold party at my, I mean our house."

"Well make sure, no one parks in the drive and I'll go up to my rooms from the garage after the meeting. You'll never know I'm there. Would be nice to find some of Petey's goodies in the fridge up there."

"But now I really have to go, bye."

I hung up – some home life. Since Roger is playing cards on Thursday, actually we are playing at his place, she must have another fuck toy besides him.

I guess I have to figure out what to do for the weekend after our golf. She won't be home 'til who knows what hour on Sunday.

I had my PA print out a proxy form for Clarissa and arrange for a messenger to take it over to her office with instructions to wait for it and bring the signed and notarized.

Just before five he came back with it. OK, now I was all set.

I was a bit down and lonely that night. I missed Clarissa, our pleasant evenings together. Right now I would gladly settle for sitting on the floor rubbing her feet while she watches some chick flick rather than know that she is acting like a slut for Roger or some other guy. It was hard to think about it. It hurt. It sure did not turn me on like guys claim on the various cuckold forums and story sites.

I was sound asleep when I woke up because Clarissa tried to snuggle up to me. I almost choked and threw up when I smelled her or I should say some guys cheap cologne and smoke.

I jumped out of bet and turned on the light.

"What the fuck is wrong with you girl? Get out. Don't ever try this again."

"Terry, what... ?"

"Don't you ever try this again. Go take a fucking shower and go to sleep in the other bed."


"Terry, nothing. This is a new TERRY rule. Don't ever come into my bed after having been with one of your fuck toys. I do mean NEVER."

"I was sitting here all night feeling sorry for myself, missing you but I'm not going to put up with you coming in here smelling like that guy."

"Do we understand each other?"

"Try this again and I'll call the whole bloody thing off. I'm very tempted to do it right now. Better get out and leave me be."

Muttering under her breath Clarissa left my rooms, slamming the door behind her.

I was too worked up to go back to sleep so I grabbed a snifter and the trusty cognac bottle. I was really tempted to get drunk but I knew from experience that I would feel worth in the morning than I did right now.

I turned on the TV, found some old western and eventually fell asleep in my chair.

I woke up at the regular time, no hangover but a bit stiff. Well a nice long hot shower took care of that.

I was having my breakfast when I felt naked boobs circling my neck. Clarissa had snuck up on me.

"Good morning babe, feeling less grumpy?"

I turned my head and was faced by a bruised boob.

"Clarissa, what happened, who did this to you? I'll kill the SOB. NO one abuses my wife like this."

"Easy there big boy. I admit it doesn't look pretty but I sort of enjoyed it while he was doing it."

"Clarissa, this is crazy. One day you're going to really get hurt. Why don't we just call the whole thing off. I love you and don't want anything bad happen to you. You're playing a dangerous game. Taking a big chance. I can see Roger. I've gotten to know him and feel that he can be trusted but you're sure playing with fire with these other guys. I don't even want to know where you found this clown."

"Terry, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was wrong. I respect your desire to not have me crowd you after a date."

"So the rule is no physical contact between the two of us on the day of a date, either before or after. You OK with that?"

"Yes Princess I can live with that. I don't like the before part one bit. If I understand the rule, I couldn't even kiss you good morning or good bye on a date day. As it has been these last days, there hasn't been enough kissing."

By this time Carissa was blowing into her coffee cup to cool it down a bit.

"I see your point. I would miss that too. Why don't we say no physical contact after ten in the morning. That covers all workdays and probably Sundays too. Neither one of us is a really late sleeper."

"I like that and I'll offer you a modification on my part. Take a really nice shower, wash your hair and all that stuff and you can come an snuggle. I won't eat your pussy or ass but snuggles would be OK with me."

"I like that babe. Yes let's do that."

She planted a kiss on me and off she was to get ready for work.


I was really pissed when Terry kicked me out of his bed and room last night. As proper cuckold he should be grateful for any form of physical contact. What's wrong with that guy? Oh yeah, I forget he's not a proper cuck.

I did like the way he reacted to seeing my bruises. He really would kill the guy if I told him were to find him. I lied to him. I really wasn't that much fun getting my boobs mauled and slapped around. They guy was a bit of a sadist and sure as hell will never see him again. I probably should limit my activities to the guys in the cuckold club. Haven't sampled them all.

Now how to train Terry to more like the other cucks? Do freeze him out and make him horny as hell by flaunting my body around but not let him touch me?

Yeah right, that's not going to work. for one, sooner or later I'm going to get horny and go crazy needing his tongue in my pussy. Maybe just not be around. Deny him that way.

Well I have a date tomorrow. Thursday he plays cards. I'll be asleep when gets home.

Friday we have the big party at my house and the weekend I'm gone with Roger. We'll see what Monday brings.

I wonder what the big deal is with the board meeting. He never did tell me. Oh well, sooner or later I'll find out.

I did apologize in the morning and we came to sort of an agreement about physical contact before and after a date.

Same as Reflections
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I am 29 years old and my wife is 32 years old. We fell in love through at first sight. We were happily married for 2 years and settled in the US. My wife has a pretty innocent face and she actually is very innocent. After marriage I actually had to educate her on sex and things. She is slightly on the chubby side and looks round around the hips, buttocks and breasts. We had our first boy twins baby and my wife had trouble producing sufficient milk for the babies. My wife’s infant brother died...

1 year ago
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CherryPop Bailey Brooke Movie Coming Soon

Kyle Mason, is talking on the phone with his friend about his crazy neighbor. Bailey Brooke, a young and sexy nerd, is crazy in love with him. Since she was a kid, she’s been in love with Kyle. She tries very hard to make him love her too, but she’s just not Kyle’s type of girl. She always dresses with clothes that are too big for her. She’s always has a pony tail and her glass hide half of her face. She’s the typical nerd. Now Kyle knows she’s coming to...

2 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 16

I stood motionless in the doorway.  Mrs. Collins stared back at me.  Her eyelashes seemed to flutter, and she made a point of tossing her hair.I tried to gauge how much she’d had to drink.  This can’t be happening, I thought.  She’s Chad’s mom.  She can’t seriously be coming on to me.  Can she?“You work out, don’t you?” she asked.I cinched up my bathrobe.  I had to force myself not to answer the question.  “I-I should really go,” I said.  “It’s late.”“You’re a guest in my house.  You don’t want...

Gay Male
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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 13

“Oyez, oyez, oyez, all persons having anything to do with this court, the court of Nicholas, of House Durant, the First of His Name, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God-Emperor of Man, King of All Romany, Maker and Giver of Law and Justice, Father of the Homeland, Prince of Peace, Ruler and Autocrat of All Nations, First Citizen, Lord of Hosts, Master of Soldiers, Protector of the Realm, Guardian of Earth, Emperor of the Romans, Pontifex Maximus, and Supreme Judge of the World, come forward and...

4 years ago
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Ek Main Aur Ek Manu

Hello ma crazy reader my name z Siraz, siraz sidaqi. I was also a reader of ISS lyk you. Actually still I am while reading ol d stories on ISS. I used to thought about se fun in ma like and humesa hi mauke ki talash me rhta tha bt aisa lgta tha ki jaise upper wale ne ek mere hi liye koi mauka banaya hi nahin, isi tadap me aur us parwar digar se narajgi me meri jindagi bit rahi thi bt wo khte hai na, ki dhundho to khuda v mil Jata hai to baki ki kya majal bs usi tarz pe wakai wo din aa hi gaya...

4 years ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 15

4 Section 62 -- Beth on the table The Godwin women trailed in one at a time, mostly straight from the shower. Each one had to provide a blow-by-blow account of her recent fuck. There was much banter and laughter. Gibes and insults flew furiously, all in great fun. They also had to rave about each other's brand new bodies, to more laughter and joking. Rob sensed an approaching coffee klatch and steered himself and Jack to the living room. They worked with the AI so they could watch a ball...

1 year ago
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The perfect night with my boss

The perfect night with my boss Two days ago, I had the perfect night with my new boss. I changed jobs in April after a few weeks of personal turmoil (more on that in another story?). I t wasn’t the first time that my boss and I spend the night together, but it was the greatest one up to now. Call me a slut for sleeping with my boss, but I can’t help being attracted to older men. They are so gentle, careful and experienced. They treat me like a princess, so I can’t help treating them like a...

3 years ago
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Spanking by numbers

I was in bed with my husband Mike one Saturday morning, we sleep naked so were nicely entwined with each other. We are a very sexual couple and we were just gently fooling about and starting to turn each other on. Mike was stroking my tits with their long pierced nipples encouraging them to grow and get really hard and I was  doing the same to his prick. Mike asked me to turn over so that he could work on my back and bum. So over I turned and settled down for some fun.Mike pulled the duvet off...

2 years ago
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GPS and an unplanned trip

It was an early spring morning when the season’s first warm sun came out. I had nothing planned that day so I scanned the room and spotted my new GPS and I thought to try it out in the woods. An hour later, I arrived at a park that was popular for day hikers, mountain bikers, and family nature ventures. The morning chill had vanished and the season’s first warm sun felt erotic. I switched on the GPS and headed into the woods. Perhaps it was the erotic sun, who knows, I never planned nor have...

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My Uncle Edward Part 3

After many years of service  Edward's old jeep had finally given up the ghost. He'd had it for twenty-three years and went all over the estate in it. I was pleasantly surprised by his replacement mode of transport. A huge jet black stallion and he was quite magnificent. Edward called him Titan a most fitting name, I thought. We were moving steadily into the Autumn and the multitude of coloured leaves were falling from the trees. It was my favourite time of year.The decline in my mental health...

3 years ago
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Kinky Group Sex 8211 Part 1 Finding The Right People

Hello readers, I live in Pune and now regular in terms of writing stories on ISS. One of the readers on ISS (Smriti – name changed) read my story and provided her feedback over the mail. She liked the story very much, it was hot and erotic. Our conversations continued over mail and slowly we started discussing fantasies. She told me that she wants to be Chhaya and play this game with me. Also, she said that she has other fantasies like a threesome, group sex, etc. I also had a desire to do...

3 years ago
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Taking It for the Team Pt 02

If it's possible for a team to back into the playoffs, that's what my ice hockey team had been doing for the past couple weeks. With a berth in the postseason all but locked up, the team had now lost seven games in a row -- more losses in two weeks than we had in the previous two months! -- and the playoffs were suddenly no longer a sure thing.The losing streak was obviously weighing heavy on the guys, especially my buddies Jack, Howard, Gus and Moe, who had been the ones to form the team to...

3 years ago
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Boot Camp

"Daddy, may I please skip boot camp tonight?" "No," he scoffed. "But it's cold and I'm tired and--" Daddy just looked up from his iPad at me. He wasn’t having any of it. I stomped upstairs and changed into my workout clothes. As I shimmied out of my jeans, I caught my reflection in the mirror. I faced away from the mirror and looked to see if the bruises on my ass were still vivid. Daddy had used the belt, the cane and the dreaded hairbrush on me last night after giving me an extended otk...

1 year ago
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Closer to Closure

Yes, this is yet another new story from me, the now-infamous author of the Marilyn stories. Don't worry, fair fans. She'll be back in due time. Meanwhile, try this story out for size, and let me know what you think. Also, I reserve all commercial and non-electronic rights to this story. If you're not legally permitted to read this in your neck of the woods, well, don't. CLOSER TO CLOSURE - By Brett Lynn Jenn Dyson slammed her apartment door shut, purse in hand. After...

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The Art of Seduction 2

Shannon thought lustfully about their visit to Bull Riders last week. She robotically went through the motions of another work week, high on the memory of Tads eyes mind fucking her as she sat and flirted from her barstool. It was a Thursday night after work when she decided to go through her closet in search of a sexy outfit that would make Tad proud. As she browsed through her closet she began to realize how few sexy outfits she actually had. Her pussy was tingling in anticipation of seeing...

3 years ago
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Me And My Brother Real Sex 8211 Part 2

Hi Once again! Thank you for you wonderful feedback and emails I really appreciate it. Now I will tell you the second part of the story! Its Christmas week on 28th Dec me and my son went to my mom’s home. We have an habit of celebrating new year together. My mom was always being overjoyed seeing me and her grandson. My dad greeted me and my son hugged my dad we are just standing in the living room and talking before my conversation ends with my mom. I saw Rohan (my brother) coming out if is...

2 years ago
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Last call Bar fun

Amanda pulled her pale yellow cami over her 34C tits and matching lacy bra. She combined that with a spring skirt and checked herself out in the mirror. By anyone’s standards, she was hot. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, big lips, perfect tits and ass, and long shapely legs. Wednesday nights working at the bar were pretty hit-or-miss. Some nights were good and some were really slow. She hoped that she would have a little fun at work, but wasn’t holding her breath.  The night was pretty...

Group Sex
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Maidens Fist A Romance of Ghosts

Maiden's Fist: A romance of Ghosts By Phillip DesJardins Chapter One: Waking and Breaking As the sun rises over Tokyo the sky is clear, promising a slow and hot day. Already the city is alive with the sounds of those who do not wait for sunrise to begin their business: Salary men boarding trains to work, postmen delivering mail, and the occasional criminal mugging people in an alley. However, let us turn away from the city itself to one of the suburbs. Here are orderly rows...

2 years ago
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my ssbbw wifes first time getting shared

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun. We started the hour long...

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I had never been in a sex cinema before, so I thought I would check one out. I went into the dingy neon lit doorway and up the stairs. I paid my $5 to the old man at the cash and headed to the door marked theatre.I went inside the dark theatre and as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I saw that there were 6 or 7 other guys in there, dotted about the place. I headed for the back row where there seemed to be a bit more legroom and sat down.A film was already playing, one young guy plowing...

1 year ago
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Screwing At A Bar In The UP With Kelly

It was April of 1988 on a Friday night in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. I had to spend a few days up there for work and Kelly decided to tag along to burn off some vacation. It was off-season and the hotel we were staying at had only a handful of guests. Kelly and I had met Steve while we were hanging out in the pool/hot tub/sauna area. Over the course of a couple of days, Steve and Kelly fucked about four times.The net effect was Kelly’s pussy was on fire and her twat was doing her thinking....

Straight Sex
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Trent was the best fuck she8217d ever had

Trent was in Santa Monica. He was at the beach strolling along the boardwalk. He found an outside diner and sat down to have lunch. He was waiting for Officer Cori McNamara to ride by. She was a member of the Pacific Blue bike squad. She was a brunette in her late twenties. She was gorgeous and had nice big tits. She was well built and had a firm round ass and a figure that any woman would k**l to have. Cori was a good cop. She operated by the book and tried to treat everyone fairly. She was...

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Sister and I have fun at public pool

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was during the summer around the end of July when my sister asks me if I wanna take a road trip for the weekend just to get out of the house. So I agree because a few of my good friends were on vacation with their families anyway and I was just really bored. We decided we would leave on Thursday instead just incase we found a good town with a good club we could atleast go out on Friday. So now its Thursday and we are all packed, said bye to the...

2 years ago
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the names have been changed

“Maria, all these men want to impregnate you. Are happy to let them try?"The big-titted brunette, already naked and laying on her back on the bed with her legs spread, nodded at her Hubby."Yes please," was all she managed to get out between her heavy breathing in anticipation of the first cock entering her cunt."So all 20 will be ejaculating inside your vagina-""You mean dumping cum loads in her cunt!" One of the men called out, followed by sniggers from a few others."All 20 will fuck you...

1 year ago
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The Model 2

The Model by Alyssa Davis At last! Summer vacation...At 16 years old, I'm finally working on my first real job earning my own money. OK, so I'm only working for my aunt who owns a small dressmaker shop. But, it is a full time job, for the summer, and I'll probably continue part-time after that. I had spent a lot of time here playing when I was younger; now she's given me the opportunity of earning some spending money. She's taken care of me since I was born...said I was...

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Sharon Gets Her Way

Francis threw open the door and said sternly to Daniel “it is unacceptable, you just forgot, so you are so going to get a spanking.”   Daniel looked up and immediately knew what she meant. Francis, his fiancé, asked him to take her library book back whilst she was at the shop. It was the last day so now she gets a fine and had made it clear, like very clear indeed, that she would put him across her lap if he forgot. Well, he did forget as he got engrossed in a game of cards with Francis’s...

3 years ago
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Chrissy lsquos CBT Adventure Climaxes

Chrissy sobbed as he lay across Michael’s lap as his upturned bottom was mercilessly beaten, first turning red then purple as the blows rained down from the paddle which Michael had selected from the range of implements laid on the table next to the chair he was sat on. Chrissy didn’t know if the pain from his balls was fading or the pain from his bottom was just overpowering it. At last Michael was happy the colour his cheeks had turned and ceased his beating, he instructed Chrissy to stand...

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Prison Sex

When I was young I made a huge mistake that I regret to this day, however I have made the best of my situation then and now. I was faced with ten years, it was the best deal I can take when I went to court and I didn't hesitate. When I was handed my sentence I couldn't imagine the day I would be finally free because it was so far away. Nonetheless I had to face life as it came and man it was certainly hard specially no pussy for that long. When I first started my time I had a few fuck buddies...

1 year ago
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Girl Swallowed! I don’t know about you bastards, but there is nothing that feels better than feeling my jizz get drank by a hot mouth! A satisfying blowjob is one thing. But knowing that part of me is inside of them makes that shit all the sexier!If you love watching beautiful women suck cock then drink the jizz and that is all you fucking want to watch, then I urge you to take a look at everything that is available on GirlSwallowed. Here, you will find a variety of amazing content that will...

Blowjob Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Karen Naked In SchoolChapter 4 Thursday

Preceding story: In Karen naked in school -- Monday and Tuesday, I'm surprised to find I'm required to attend high school in the nude for a whole week, and I do so very reluctantly. In Karen naked in school -- Wednesday, part 1 I tell about how I had to pose for Harold, a geeky photographer, before school. My history teacher explains some of the changes in recent history which led to my unusual week in school. In part 2, I pose again after school for Harold, then later experiment with...

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Mylfed Christie Stevens Daisy Stone Pink From The Shrink

Christie Stevens may be a trained psychological professional, but it does not take a PHD to be able to see the inner slut in petite Daisy Stone. Christie knows Daisy has been caught kissing a girl at school, so to help the young lady discover her inner sexuality, she wants to do some exercises with her. She starts by running her experienced hands over her patients cute tits, getting her all flushed with sexual energy. Then she pulls her panties down and pleasures her curious cunt, giving the...

2 years ago
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Sali Ke Sath Ak Sam

Hallo dosto aap ne meri pichli kahani ko saraha! Kai dosto ke reply mile sabi ko thanks.meri shadi ko 7 sal ho gae h. Ar meri wife ki cosin ko le kar mai bahut utsahit rahta hu wo medical final year me h.badi hi khubsurat ,hight 5ft 5 inch h dekhne wale gash kha ke gir jae, ya yu kahe buddhe ka lund bi dekh kar khada ho jae. Uske mumme bade bade aur sexy hai .ar uske hips kahar barsate.Meri ar uski bahut patti h pahle pahal non veg joke se suruat hu ar ab to bat age tak pahucha gai. Mai uske...

3 years ago
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I Seduce my Neighborpart IV

Vanessa, Sherry and I were now the regular members of our very own club: Le Club Taboo! What fun…all of us had taboos in our lives but once they were shattered it was full steam ahead. It was like our much treasured virginity: approached with awe and suspense and curiosity…some of us giving it greater or lesser importance in our youth. Then, once “lost,” or was it not lost at all but “won?” I mean “losing” virginity as attached as is that verb to a hymen that, once gone, returns no more. ...

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Cleaning Up

We were on holiday some years ago and having a really sexy time fucking regularly on quiet and not so quiet beaches on the balcony at night and several daytime fucks, one evening prior to going out were having some oral fun when my wife asked me to cum in her then lick her clean, so I said I would prefer it if you went out and fuck and bring back a load to me. You wouldn't like it if I was fucked by someone else without being there, try me I replied. I wouldn't know where to pick anyone up or...

3 years ago
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Caught My Wife Cheating Pt 1

WATCHING MY WIFEI came home from work unusually early, made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink. I heard some noise coming from up stairs on the second floor where the bedrooms are and decided to go up and find out what it was. When I reached the top of the stairs I could hear sounds coming from our bedroom. Quietly I approached our bedroom door that was left slightly open and peeked inside to see what was going on. I was totally taken off guard when low and behold I saw my wife on...

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MaquisChapter 36

Rural Oxfordshire. Halloween With an area of fifteen and a half square miles and, due to the very strange shape of that area, a perimeter of almost twenty one miles, the whole estate would be impossible to protect. There were nineteen gates onto the estate. Most were just tractor access to one or two fields, but there were also seven gates of various sizes that led, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, onto the estate as a whole. The boundary itself had nearly a mile and a half of...

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Tales of Arkham More Dreams in the WitchHouse

Author's note: For those of you wondering where Arkham is, it sprang from the imagination of H.P.Lovecraft, one of the greatest horror writers. The characters in this story were borrowed mainly from Dreams in the Witch-House, written by Lovecraft and published in 1932. I apologize for borrowing Lovecraft's characters without being able to borrow his talent, but we work with the talents we're given. That said - I hope you enjoy! Kate Baptista Walter Gilman awoke screaming...

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My Niece Debbie

I shook, from both anticipation and fear, as the head of my cock slipped gently across her pussy lips. Should I try and penetrate her or just be satisfied with the skin to skin contact? God, I had wanted this for so long, and was starting to lose control and common sense. I knew that she was semi conscious, from drinking too much, but she had teased me mercilessly in front of everyone. How could I know that she would crawl into my bed as I lay naked beside my sleeping wife? She must have gone...

1 year ago
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Sandras 4 levels of punishment

5 levels of punishmentSandra knew she was in trouble. The minute she received her graded paper with the "B-" in dark red ink. She knew her father would be mad.Her father arrived home from work. She had been working hard on dinner, hoping to ease his mood. Sandra knew things were not going to go well, her father was already in a bad mood, it seems he had just lost another client.He was in his study, going over some paperwork when she approached him. Meekly, she set her graded report on his...

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Woman Partner Chapter 27 An Unexpected Turn of Events

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 27, An Unexpected Turn of Events) ******************************************************************** This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 19

Chapter 19 When Alexis entered their apartment she was surprised to find Demetri sitting naked in the living room, staring into the darkness. She sat to his right taking his hand in hers without speaking, leaning her head against his shoulder. Their closeness was all that mattered to them at the time. They had their own thoughts and feelings to resolve, as a result, neither of them felt the need to speak. In time he told her about his dream and how it made him feel when he hated humans. ‘I...

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Emmas Painal Journey 01

“Honey! The new neighbours are here!” she called to her 32 year old husband. John emerged from his office where he had been putting a few more things to rights, moving over to the window to see. A tall blonde strapping man with very muscular arms dressed in a white polo shirt and khakis unfolded himself from the driver’s seat and went around to the other side of the car and opened the door. He unbuckled the seatbelt and helped the young blonde woman there to stand up. The young woman...

3 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 03

Bill lugged his overnight bag and two suitcases down the short hallway and into the bedroom. Rumpled sheets on the bed and bath towels strewn on the floor greeted the tired and grubby guest. ‘Bev must be a little behind schedule today.’ A search of the premises turned up nothing resembling clean linen, so he decided to at least change clothes before lunch. Sweatpants and a sweatshirt, worn under a fleece pullover, were barely sufficient to obstruct the brisk wind and dropping temperature as...

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Smitten By Smita

“How do you like my wife’s cunt, boy?” Patrick growled in Ben’s ear, giving his left buttock a fifth spank. His hips thrust forward, with nowhere for the shockwave to go other than into Smita since Ben’s cock was still buried in her pussy, being milked of the last drops of his young seed.“Answer!” SMACK! “Did you enjoy fucking my wife?”To Ben’s great credit, his first thought was of the older woman beneath him rather than of himself — and not just of the jiggle of her brown breasts with each...

2 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 21

I look back in retrospect now and realize that I was lucky my Aunt Willie and her nympho daughter left for an extended trip to Europe. It allowed me to recuperate my precious bodily fluids and re-invigorated my libido with devious thoughts about my delectable sisters all in their nubile glory searching for suitable husbands. My only true sisterly love was my sister Princess and she had made it perfectly clear that I was just a matter of convenience when she was unable to lasso a tall, dark...

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"Pete, I do trust you. That's why it's silly to tie me up." "I trust you. I don't trust all your reactions, and neither should you. Now, give me your left hand." "I'm not sure I should trust you if you have to tie me up. That leg's awfully far over there." "It's simple. If this doesn't work for you, then you don't let me tie you up again. I'm not going to sneak up on you in your sleep." "I'm such a sucker, you don't need to." "Now, the other leg." "That's a wide...

3 years ago
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Welcome home

I had graduated college and moved in with my parents after being gone for several years. I was only going to stay until I found a place of my own. Even before I graduated I had a job secured in my hometown, this is why I ended up moving back with my parents. They had a large home and often had big parties. Of course, since I had graduated and found a job, they found that a reason to have another party. I invited some of my old friends from my c***dhood, but none of my college friends could...

4 years ago
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Teshandas Face Fucking Obsession

I was 17 and my boyfriend John and I were able to get fake i.d.s thru the mail. The first adult movie we saw was DEEPTHROAT and from that moment on all he could think about was getting all of his 11.5 inches (More than Peter North! He could only get about 8 inches in my pussy and less in my ass) down my throat!I loved to suck cock and sucked him off just about every day for the last 3 years, even swallowing his cum when he didnt plaster my face with it. But the idea just didnt seem possible! It...

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The Belt

The flowering of our S&M fantasies has been one of the highlights of our sex life for Kathy and me. We began by using the telephone. I would call her at work and describe in vivid detail what I planned to do to her sexually that night. To my delight, I discovered that this excited her and she walked around at work all day with a wet pussy. Knowing this turned me on. Gradually I began to smack her ass during sex play, as she sat on top of me or as she lay on her stomach sucking my cock. I...

1 year ago
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The fraternity

The campus at State U. was so big, and Pete couldn't get over that fact as he walked across the Quad on this first day of class. As a freshman he had so much to learn about life at a big college like State U. Worries about new classes, being away from home for the first time, and of course tonight the initiation into the fraternity he was pledged to last week. He was a little worried about that, because he had heard horror stories about frat hazing that had turned out tragically, and while he...

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Their Waxed Pussies

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a normal friday afternoon James was walking home from college just thinking about what lie ahead for the weekend. As he opened his front door he saw his mum in nothing but a , it wasnt the first time so he didnt take any notice except for the fact that his 8 incher was growing in his trousers. Just as he turned around from closing the door his mum saw the buldge in his trousers, she knew that she was an attractive woman but hadnt thought that...

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Teresas Torture The Epilogue

"Teresa's Torture - Epilogue!"Some time after I finally saw the film in 2001, the infamous film of my Stepmum's prostitution to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and bankruptcy, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the South.Minding my own business, perusing the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the sequel to Teresa's Torture! Initially I thought somebody had recognised who I was and was taking the mickey. No, they were serious. Looking toward the counter,...

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