Lyin' EyesChapter 4 free porn video

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I watched my soon to be ex-wife make her way into the dark paneled conference room. I was seated at the head of the long table near the windows. The bright sunshine kept my face in shadow and she had to squint to make sure it was me. I sat in a big executive chair, leaning back and affecting a relaxation I didn't truly feel. I knew I masked it well. I'd practiced often enough.

"I wanted to see you before all the lawyers got at me," Laura said hesitantly. She pulled out a chair a few paces away and sat down.

It had been nearly four months since she'd lost her job and gone home to live with her brother. Her brunette hair was almost shoulder length again. She'd cut it when she'd gone to work for the accounting company, thinking it looked smarter and projected an image of the professional woman. She was thinner and didn't move very well; she looked like she hadn't been eating or sleeping well. There were dark circles under her eyes.

My heart went out to her... but I refused to let any of that show. In something this intensely personal, I was wearing my Corporate CEO face, something I usually showed only to subordinates and business associates. It was often an implacably ruthless one.

"And now you are here," I said quietly to my wife. She nodded, looking anywhere but at me. Finally, she couldn't do anything except face me directly.

"Mark..." she said softly, "I want to start by saying I am SO sorry for what I've done to you and to my baby girl." I didn't say anything.

"I know that isn't... it isn't adequate... and it doesn't begin to make up for all the hurt I've put you through but they're the only words I have," she whispered. "I'm suffering too, Mark," she said. "I cannot figure out why I did what I did and it's driving me crazy." She didn't add anything more for a long while so I filled the silence with a comment.

"I beg to differ," I said matter-of-factly. You haven't begun to suffer, Laura, until you have to tell a 3 year old child that her mother might never come home to be with her." Laura broke down and began sobbing quietly.

"It's been four months since I had to tell her that, Laura, and she still cries herself to sleep most nights. It's only in the last few weeks that I've been able to coax a smile out of her once in a while." I paused and watched Laura double over in her chair as she cried.

"She screams and attacks anyone trying to hold her back from getting to me if I have to leave her somewhere for an unexpectedly long time," I said quietly. "She's terrified someday I won't come back to get her. Can you imagine what that fear must be like to a little girl not quite four years old, Laura? Can you?" I forced myself to settle back in my seat while Laura shuddered through another set of wracking sobs.

"She's in a new daycare center here at the corporate campus," I told her. "I had to build one so I'd never be more than a few minutes away. Any more than that and she goes into hysterics when she can't get to me." I watched Laura cry for a while longer.

"But, on the good side," I said a lot more cheerfully than I felt, "productivity is way up among the single parents who work here and it's almost already paid for itself." It made no impression on her. I let the silence build.

"Why?" I asked as gently as I could. "Why'd you do it, Laura? I loved you more than life itself... and you ripped the soul right out of me. There's a big empty place inside me now, Laura, and I can't even begin to fill it until I know why you did this... thing." She only shook her head and let a river of tears flow down her cheeks.

I saw she hadn't worn any makeup. She'd probably anticipated the tears. She was still beautiful, perhaps more beautiful as a mature 30 year old woman than the girl I'd married. My heart was breaking as I watched her cry. I wanted to give in and cry too.

I lost a younger brother in an automobile accident when I was a teenager. I was more miserable today than I was at that time and I didn't know how to fix things anymore than I had then. I didn't know if the ache inside me would ever heal this time.

"I don't know why," she said after a long time. "I think I might be insane or something." She was quiet.

"I can't undo what I've done, Mark," she said softly. "I don't deserve your forgiveness and I won't ask for it," she whispered. "I've hurt the only man I can ever love so terribly bad. I'll have to bear the pain of that for the rest of my life and I don't know what to do about it. I want to die when I look back over what all I've done to my sweet baby girl. When I listen to myself, replaying that night in my head and listening to me scream at you to take her to hell with you..."

She broke off and put her head back to stare unseeing at the ceiling. The tears flowed in a steady stream.

I almost used the remote beside my hand to bring up the DVD player in the corner. Without referring to the list of bookmarks on the disk, I knew which one was the scene of this woman, naked and drunk, damning her own daughter to hell. It seemed hardly necessary, so I didn't. She apparently knew it well enough already. After a while, her tears slowed and stopped. I thought she was probably too dehydrated to cry any more. I put the remote control in an upper drawer of the nearby credenza.

"I'm seeing a counselor--a psychologist," she said slowly. "I'm trying to find out why I destroyed our lives so completely and hurt so many other people too." Her fingers were twining around each other like so many serpents.

"I went to see Stacy Collier," she ventured. "I apologized for doing what I've done to her family. "She was nice to me," Laura mused. "I don't know why." She stared at the grain in the heavy table top directly in front of her for a time.

"Stacey told me Brian usually managed to find some woman wherever he worked. She said she got used to it, but this time she's had enough. She's divorcing Brian and she's already moving on. She's found a good man interested who loves her children and she says he's the best thing that ever happened to her."

I had known Stacy Collier was divorcing her husband and I knew about the new man in her life. I hadn't been aware Laura had gone to Stacy and apologized. That she'd done that implied remorse and a willingness to accept the responsibility for the things she'd done. Something deep inside me stirred. Something hopeful peeked out, wondering if there was a chance it could live and grow.

"What is the doctor telling you?" I asked. Laura glanced at me and quickly back to the surface of the table.

"We haven't made any progress," she admitted. "I'd give anything to tell you we had, but all I know now is that something happened when I got to drinking so heavy there for a while. It--"

"Were you drugged, Laura," I said, interrupting whatever she'd been about to say. She looked up at me and held my eyes with hers for the first time. I couldn't read the play of emotions that chased each other across her face.

"I don't know," she finally admitted. "Maybe the first time, I... maybe the first time I had--." She stopped, swallowing hard. "The first time I had... sex with Brian, I know I was awfully drunk." Her head dropped again.

"But I wasn't drugged... sometimes I wasn't even drunk... after that," she said. Her sobs began again and she visibly choked them off. "I wish I had that excuse," she said softly, "but I don't... I'm trying to find out what the real reasons are with my counselor." She stopped talking for a while, resuming only when I shifted my weight in the chair.

"Mark... ?" I lifted my chin and raised my eyebrows in question. "Would you go see her... she wants to talk to you... but not what you think... she just wants to ask you some questions... she wants to ask some questions and see if she can find anything I haven't been able to tell her... she..."

Laura's words tumbled over each other in a rushing stream. She was trying to get everything in before I started yelling, I suppose.

"When?" I said simply. Laura stared at me disbelievingly.

"You'll go?" she asked with her voice full of emotion. I shrugged.

"I'm still your husband," I told her somberly. "I'll do what I can to help you so long as it doesn't harm... our child." I'd almost said "my" child but I didn't. A sudden hope blossomed in her eyes and grew stronger. I started to say something cutting to make her realize there was no real chance... but I stopped.

I was willing to explore just about any avenue that would be in my little girl's best interests. I had loved Laura without reservation. I still loved her. Love isn't something one turns on and off like a spigot. Conversely, love couldn't conquer the sense of deep betrayal I felt either.

But... there was my daughter to think of and I could not set that aside. It was a card that trumped all others in the deck. I'd do almost anything if it would help her become whole again.

"Tomorrow afternoon?" Laura stammered. "Is that too soon? I can call and see if she can see you some other time if you want. Is 2:00 o'clock okay?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, and 2:00 o'clock, is fine," I said. "I'll be there." Laura started crying again, but her eyes were bright behind the tears.

"Thank you, ho--" she started. I thought she might have been about to call me "honey" but I wasn't certain.

"Thank you, Mark," she said. She began to rise. It was like watching an 80-year-old woman get to her feet.

"Before you go," I said, "I've had myself checked for sexually transmitted diseases and the tests have all come up negative. Have you... ?" She nodded.

"I always made him use a condom," she said bitterly. "If nothing else, I did that." I sat quietly for a long moment. Condoms weren't a hundred percent effective, but the tests had come back negative in all respects.

"Laura," I said as calmly as I knew how. "Do you have anything else you want to say about those long months of hell you put us through?" She flinched at the phrase I used but straightened to look steadily in my eyes.

"No," Laura said quietly. "I told you I was so very, very sorry for what I've done to you and Alyssa... and I've told you I didn't know why I did it... and I told you I can't even begin to ask for your forgiveness... those are the only things I came here to say... oh... and to ask you if you would talk with Doctor Jamison," she added. I waited for a few heartbeats for anything she might want to add. She had an air of having ticked off every item on a checklist.

"Laura, come sit with me, will you?" I asked. She sat and turned her body to face me with her hands folded in her lap and waiting for me to say something more.

"When your attorney asked if I would consent to a private meeting with you, Laura, I imagined all sorts of things. I wondered if you were going to scream and yell at me like you did that night you were in Vegas." I stopped as she bowed her head. I reminded myself of the shame that had spread across her face on the video almost immediately after she'd said those awful words.

"I tried to call you back," she said in a low voice. "Once I realized what I'd done, I felt so suddenly and completely guilty... about everything."

I knew that. It had been on the surveillance tape Carl had brought back. Brian hadn't gotten very much into fucking my slut of a wife before she'd broken away and scrambled to find her cell phone. Laura had been crying, drunk, and naked. Her vagina fluids had created a shimmering film down the inside of her thighs... but the tape showed immediate feelings of shame and remorse for what she'd done that couldn't have been faked. It was a day late and a dollar short, as they say. Still, it had been genuine.

"I know," I said softly. "When I heard yesterday you wanted to tell me you were sorry... I thought you would try and tell me "it just happened" or "it didn't mean anything" like I see on those reality shows about cheating husbands and wives.

"If you'd said those things or you'd tried to say the whole damned, cheap, crude thing had nothing to do with me... or if you'd tried to say that you love me and you'll make it all up to me... if you'd said any of that, I'd already had you escorted of the grounds by a couple of security guards."

Laura was shaking her head from side to side, tears again falling. I poured a glass of ice water for her from an insulated carafe and pushed it across the table to her. She thanked me with her eyes.

"You didn't do any of those things... and your mother tells me you never said a word to your family against me. She says you took full responsibility right from the day you moved back home." Laura lifted her hands helplessly without saying anything.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was almost certain I was about to make a bad mistake. It was a retreat, if nothing else, from a strong negotiating position. But... I had a daughter who couldn't get over her nightmares and it had been so long since I'd heard her gurgling laughter. If there was the slightest chance I could make her whole once more, I had to take it. And... it was for me too. The huge ache in the middle of my being was slowly killing me.

"Laura," I said lightly, "there's a small restroom through there," I said, pointing the way to a small door off to the side. "Why don't you go... freshen up a little," I suggested. She nodded, grateful she wouldn't have to show her tear stained features to the rest of the world without a chance to at least splash a little water on her face. Before she got very far, I got a vial of eye drops from a drawer in the credenza and reached across the table to place it near to her hand.

"Here," I said as she got up. "Use a little of this. It should help get some of the red veins out of your eyes." She nodded her thanks again. I picked up the phone and touched the intercom button for my secretary downstairs.

"Maggie?" I said when she answered. "Maggie, would you get Alyssa from the day care center and bring her up to Conference Room C, please... yes... thank you, Maggie." I put the phone back down.

Laura was half way to the little half-bath. I watched as she stopped dead and whirled around to look at me. She was incredulous; she didn't dare hope I'd actually said what she'd heard. For a long moment, she stared at me, afraid to believe I meant...

"Laura," I said gently, I'd have let you see her any time you asked. I would never have kept you apart, don't you know that?" She hung her head again.

"I felt too guilty about the things I'd said... and the way I had been treating her, too," she admitted. "I was afraid I'd just start crying and not be able to stop. That wouldn't have done her any good at all." She stood for a moment without speaking. "Are you sure it's all right?" she asked me softly.

I looked in her eyes, trying to find something to tell me if it was all right or not before time ran out and Alyssa was ushered into the room. I made a decision, doing it abruptly and using my instincts in the same fashion that I made business decisions.

"She'll be up here in a few minutes. Don't you think you should get ready to see her?" I said quietly.

Laura burst out in new tears, but she was smiling as they flowed. She turned and fled into the restroom, trying to blot the salty fluid out on a tissue as she walked. I turned to look out the big picture window into the bright sunshine while I waited for my daughter to be escorted upstairs.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Archer," said the well groomed, rather severely dressed but attractive older woman. "May I call you Mark?" she asked. I shrugged.

"May I call you Janice?" I asked. I'd seen her full name on the office door outside. Surprised, she glanced up and looked me in the eyes for the first time. Up until this point, she'd been looking somewhere over my right shoulder.

"I think I need to keep a good, professional distance," she said, "so I'll have to ask that you call me "Doctor," if you don't mind." Her voice was calm and... professional... so there was no offense given. I nodded my concurrence.

"Professional sounds good... for both of us," I said. She looked at me for a long moment, tapping her pen on the pad of paper in front of her on the desk. I looked back.

"Laura told me you let her see her daughter yesterday," she remarked. "I don't know if you realize how much that meant to your wife." I snorted.

"Doctor, please don't treat me like the village idiot," I said angrily. I didn't wait for a reply. "Of course I know how much it meant to her... and I know how much it meant to our daughter too," I added. The good doctor looked at me with an unsettled look in her eyes.

"Yes," she said, stalling for time. "It was a good visit for them both... I hope you intend to keep letting them see each other from time to time?" I nodded.

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The pressure of the day at work and the emotional turmoil I was under had subjected me to many nights of restless sleep. I sat in bed reading a collection of erotica that I had picked up at my last visit to the bookstore. I bought the book on a whim, simply because I liked the way the cover looked, snuggled in my bed I started reading the first story and when that was finished moved onto the second. Before long my breathing quickened, and I could feel a dampness between my legs. I hadn’t...

3 years ago
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Flying High

One of my favorites!Flying High By TiffanyRight after my honeymoon, I left Frank to visit with my family who had missed our impulsive Las Vegas wedding. I boarded a plane in Denver to fly to Dallas where they'd meet me. I expected everyone to be at the airport, their usual habit. Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Charles, two brothers and two sisters. I hadn't seen them in over a year since going off to college.The flight was uneventful except for a brat, two rows ahead and across on the left...

3 years ago
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Flying the Friendly Skies

I had an hour to kill before my flight, so I decided to see what kind of trouble I could get in at the airport lounge. I saw him watching me as I walked in. He was tall and slender, with brown hair starting to go gray and sparkling blue eyes that took me all in as I approached his corner of the bar. He was tan and smooth, his teeth white as he gave me a crooked smile that made my pussy tingle. “Well, hello there! Can a girl get a drink in this bar?” I asked, giving him my best flirtatious...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Flying High

The overhead bins on the plane were already getting full, including the one over her row. Errgghhh… fuckin’ frustrating. She opened a bin across from her row and there was space for her suitcase. That’s when she noticed him. He was sitting in the aisle across from her row. He looked up at her as she was re-organizing the overhead to make room to store her roller-board. Their eyes briefly met and she smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach. He quickly stood up and grabbed her suitcase. She...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Flying Ranee Train Main Mulakat

Hi! Welcome once again. I am Ashish from Silk city Surat. Hello to all horny readers of erotic stories. Thanks for giving me such a nice responce of stories. This is my recent incedent of sex with another married woman. As usual style my story will be in Higlish (Combination of Hindi & English). As usual due to my business I was travelling through a train named “Flying Ranee”. Its a train between Surat & Mumbai Central. I was suppost to go to Mumbai central & I have my reservation so I reached...

3 years ago
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Flying Nun Decameron Minus 99

Introduction: Carlo sees an angel descending from the skies; upon alighting, the angel becomes a nun; Carlo tells the sister of the demon that besets him and she helps him fight it; another day, the nun returns and they do battle with his demon again; at last Carlo can take the battles no more and sends the nun off to find other demons. Know, then, that in the woods outside our city lived a poor man, Carlo, some fifty years of age, who eked out a bare existence farming the poor soil in a...

1 year ago
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Flying with Katie

As we lay there in the early morning sunshine closely together, intertwined on our sides facing each other, Katie roused from her light slumber raised her face and lips to mine - and we shared a deep kiss as I continued to slowly, gently and smoothly fuck her as I had most of the night. She wiggled, changed position slightly, moving a bit more tightly against me, wrapping her upper leg a bit more tightly around mine, and gave a few small playful thrusts back against my dick with her hips -...

3 years ago
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Flying High1

I smiled at this, but we carried on chatting about the flight ahead, you slipped under my arm for a little bit of warmth since you are used to the temperature outside now. You suddenly look up at me and I bend down and give you a quick kiss before we join the check-in queue. We chat merrily away together as the 2 people in front of us move forwards in their turn and then it’s our turn. “Hi there, how are you today?” The check-in girl asks, with her sweetest I really don’t care smiles...

3 years ago
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Flying High Part 2

I felt a hand go over mine and I realized I had woke Bruce up. He took two finger and began to finger-fuck me. Oh my God, it felt good and I was moaning and my hips were reaching up towards the ceiling. "Ohhhhhh, my god, Bruce I want you so much...PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T STOP.........AWGH!!!' I couldn't stop moaning and my body was shaking. I was massaging my big beautiful globes with my hands when I felt his head going between my legs. Slowly, he began to kiss my inner thights while...

2 years ago
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Flying the Friendly Skies

I had an hour to kill before my flight, so I decided to see what kind of trouble I could get in at the airport lounge. I saw him watching me as I walked in. He was tall and slender, with brown hair starting to go gray and sparkling blue eyes that took me all in as I approached his corner of the bar. He was tan and smooth, his teeth white as he gave me a crooked smile that made my pussy tingle. “Well, hello there! Can a girl get a drink in this bar?” I asked, giving him my best flirtatious grin.

3 years ago
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Flying high

Reaching around his body, I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to stay there all day but I couldn’t. I had to work in a matter of hours. Staring out of the hotel window at the waves lapping at the sandy beach made it seem so unreal. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for a guy just by talking for a few months on the phone. It had been every night for three or four hours for those few months, but still it wasn’t like me to fall for someone so easy. I had been with James for 8 months and not felt this...

5 years ago
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Flying Isnt So Bad After All

Finally, the day had come.Our long awaited trip to Italy was here, and all that was standing in the way of me and my vacation was a lengthy overnight flight. I sighed, wishing we could snap our fingers and just be there. “Are you okay?” David asked, grabbing my hand. “I’m fine.” I stared out the window of his truck and tried to imagine how I was going to entertain myself for hours. I can barely sit still for one hour, much less multiple. We made it to the airport and through security, and...

4 years ago
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Flying Together

We are on the plane together — it’s a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets.   At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...

3 years ago
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Flying High

The overhead bins on the plane were already getting full, including the one over her row. Errgghhh… fuckin’ frustrating. She opened a bin across from her row and there was space for her suitcase. That’s when she noticed him. He was sitting in the aisle across from her row. He looked up at her as she was re-organizing the overhead to make room to store her roller-board. Their eyes briefly met and she smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach. He quickly stood up and grabbed her suitcase. She...

2 years ago
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Flying the Friendly Skies

I met the girl on a long business flight I wasn't at all looking forward to. My company had told me that I needed to go to our Tokyo field office to make sure the plans were finalized on a new hotel our company had been building. I guess the company thought I was familiar enough with the project that I was the "go-to guy" and so, lucky me - I was tasked with bringing this whole thing together!I had been there before not more than a couple months previously for the same reason. And frankly, I...

2 years ago
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Flying the friendly skies

The first time I saw the harried husband, he was trying to stop two squealing children from running in circles around their red faced mother who was already struggling to subdue a toddler in the throes of an epic tantrum in the crowded airport terminal. "You just never wanted to come with us anyway," the wife barked, hauling the screaming toddler off, with a glance back to shout, "You two! Get over here!" The harried husband intercepted and scooped up one laughing child, rather efficiently I...

4 years ago
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Flying solo

So my wife and I love to include a 3rd person in our sex lives from time to time and its normally another guy mostly because I love watching her get fucked!! But I have always wanted her to fly solo and one day when we're getting in on she has a naughty confession to tell me. I thought this would never happen. However I'm pleased to say that on Saturday night having the house to our selfs my wife said I have something I need to tell you. She said it in such a way that made my cock twitch. Do...

4 years ago
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Flying the REDEYE

“Welcome to Boston. The current time is approx. 7:00am, and the temperature is a cool 45 degrees. We will be taxiing a few more minutes, so please stay seated until the Captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign. Have a nice day in Boston.” came over the airplane speakers.As I was standing at the baggage carousel waiting for my suitcase, Ylena secretly blew me a kiss from across the carousel, mouthing thank you as her boyfriend was pulling her bag off the line.I winked at her and couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Flying without wings

A smile appears on Anna’s face when I ask her about last night.“It was great, that’s all I can say about it.”I’m not satisfied with that answer. “Come on tell me more about it!”Her eyes start to twinkle. “It was just so romantic, candles everywhere, red wine and red roses, it was like a movie.” I’m glad Anna finally found herself a boyfriend, she has been betrayed in the past and she deserves a sweet boy. I smile at her. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”She stands next to me and looks at me in the...

4 years ago
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Flying the more than Friendly Skies Part I

It's been ages since I've posted an experience on the site. I love to share my adventures from travel from location to location.Yesterday, I caught a commuter flight from SD to CO. I was immediately struck by the appearance and demeanor of the Purser of the flight. She was fair-skined, lovely, stunning smile, and only slightly taller than I (my height is 5'9"). Her greeting was overwhelming and I felt more welcome than on any previous flight (I'm a 'road warrior').During out relatively brief...

2 years ago
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Flying High Short Story

Mona Lindley, 29, single, international sales manager, travels a lot. She doesn't like men too much, despises kissing, is disgusted by touching dicks and hates warm sperm trickling down her thighs. But she uses men for her sexual satisfaction, and should there be none around her at the moment, she endulges always in her own erotic fantasies! The golden sun sinks tired into the soft bed of clouds and the veil of the night draws over it to keep him warm. The contant vibration and the numbing hum...

3 years ago
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Flying Together

We are on the plane together -- it's a red-eye flight and the plane is silent, and all the passengers are asleep. Amazingly, we are alone in our row. You and I are cuddled under two blankets.  At first, we converse and exchange simple small kisses. You nip my lower lip, and I catch my breath. You ask me my thoughts on your last presentation. Whenever I make an astute comment, you kiss me a little deeper, your tongue piercing my mouth and rubbing against me. As you slide your tongue out, I lick...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Flying first class lesbian

Hi i m reeta, i was traveling from mumbai to dubai in 1st class. The flight it was boring bcz i m all alone, the person sit next to me old over aged 50, looks like a business man, i think he was dreaming about her wife, i asked for coffee to the airhostess, then another women came back with a cup of coffee, when she turn back the thing that caught my attention was her ass. And the tight uniform she wore showed it off. So it must have been that woman’s ass, not uniform. I had a great view from...

3 years ago
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Flying the redeye

As I was waiting for my bag to arrive, Ylena secretly blew me a kiss from across the carousel, mouthing thank you as her boyfriend was pulling her bag off the line. I winked at her and couldn’t help reminiscing about what happened on my “Redeye” flight…. I arrived at PDX for my late-night flight to Boston the customary “two” hours before the flight departed. The airport was empty at 8:00pm on a Tuesday night in July. After passing through security, I headed for my gate. I arrived at the...

4 years ago
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Flying Cat

The invasion of the Deviants was going badly for them but we had learned a hard lesson too. While our warships were stronger, larger and more than capable to face theirs it was the damn drone fighters that did the most damage. They sent them out in the hundreds and those could get close. So I had been sent to this empire to see a human about fighters. I had been at a nearby system as a shuttle pilot for a clan ship. I came straight from the starport to the palace. It was early morning and I...

3 years ago
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Flying HighChapter 3

I pushed my hips forward and felt myself slip between her pussy lips, all nicely moist from my licking her and I just pushed right up into her all the way. It was that moment when I realized just how wonderfully the female body was constructed to receive the male to the absolute joy of both. Nothing equals it. "Mmm, nice, David, you like it so far?" "Oh, I ... I ... you feel incredible inside, it's just wonderful," I stammered as I began moving back and forth. Oh, that was simply the...

2 years ago
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Flying HighChapter 4

"I can't quite believe this is happening but, well, this girl is horny and what I see in front of me looks awfully good. My little brother has grown up quite nicely. And you say he uses that pretty good?" my sister asked Brenda as she reached over to take my dick in her hand. "I guess we need to go to my room with this," she said, tugging me toward her bedroom door by the cock. "Wanna watch me do my little brother?" she asked Brenda who followed us in to my sister's room and sat on...

2 years ago
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Lying in Wait

He heard the phone ringing but he ignored the sound. He had too many things that were more important than worrying about who was calling at this moment. His roommate was out of town for the last two weeks and it would be several more before he returned. Something about a "road trip of a lifetime" that he was embarking on. He was glad that the dumbass was gone and out of his hair for awhile. "Damn, that phone won't quit ringing," he thought to himself. He picked up the receiver and saw...

3 years ago
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Lying Cheating Slut Wife

They had been married for eight years, had two great k**s, A 2 year old daugther Lara and an 8 month baby boy Dennis. They had a wonderful marrage by all appearances. Jeff was 32, 6’ tall, 160 lbs. and a well-developed body from working out every day, with an average 6” cock. Jill 30, 5’3” tall 102 lbs. long blond hair 36 D tits, and she works out in the gym several days a week , plus jogging most mornings and some evenings. They both work at the same factory in different divisions, they have...

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