BreakdownChapter 3 free porn video

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Henry gripped the steering wheel and thought--for the hundredth time--about what he wanted to say.

"Aly... ," he said at last.

She sent her text message, snapped her phone shut, and looked at him expectantly.

"Aly," he began again, "we need to talk."

"Oh," she mocked, "this sounds serious."

"It is."

"It's about this morning, isn't it?" He started to respond, but she cut him off. "Why are you so uptight about it, Dad? We're both consenting adults."

"It's still wrong," he said.


"It just is."

"But why? Why is it 'wrong' to have sex with someone who loves you?"

"Because you're my daughter, that's why."


"It's incest, Alyson. And it's wrong."

"Interracial marriage used to be 'wrong, '" she said. "In the Fifties."

"This is different."


"It just is," he said stubbornly.

"That's the best you can come up with?" she said. "'It just is'?" She huffed. "C'mon, Dad, you're smarter than that."

He didn't rise to her baiting.

"It's only 'wrong' if you say it is. But what's wrong about it?"

He didn't have a good answer, so he kept his mouth shut.

"In the first place, you can't get me pregnant, so we don't have to worry about birth defects."

"That's not the only thing to worry about," he said obstinately. She wasn't going to win the argument simply because he'd had a vasectomy.

She ignored his objection. "In the second place," she continued, "I'm totally legal, so you don't have to worry about statutory rape. In the third place, you're not taking advantage of me. I'm a grown woman. I can decide for myself who I want to sleep with. And finally, I wasn't planning to tell the whole world about our private lives. So we don't have to worry about some Republican DA trying to have us arrested."

"It's still wrong," he said.

"Why, Dad? Tell me why."

"It just is."

"So we're back to that again?" she said. "Didn't you teach me to think for myself? To 'use the brain God gave me'?" Her implication was obvious.

"This is different," he said. "I have thought about it, and it's wrong."

"So you've thought about us?"

He quickly backpedaled: "I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it, Dad?" She looked at him for a moment and then set her jaw defiantly. "Okay, I'll drop the whole thing... on one condition."

"What?" he asked warily.

"Can you honestly tell me that you don't wanna have sex with me?"

He looked at her and thought about lying. It would be a lie, too. He'd spent the last hundred miles daydreaming about her.

She let the silence drag out.

"It's wrong, Alyson," he said at last.

She must have sensed his crumbling resolve, because she unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned close. After a moment to let the tension mount, she put her hand on his thigh.

The contact sent a jolt of excitement through him, and his penis stirred. "Alyson," he said hoarsely, "we can't ever repeat what we did last night."

"Yes, we can."

He was acutely aware of her presence--the heat of her body, the swell of her breasts, and a dozen other things that made every fiber of his being cry out to agree.

"We can do that and more," she said. "I want to do everything with you."

Against his will, he darted a glance at her.

"Yes, everything," she said. "I want to suck you. I want you to eat me. I want to feel your cock inside me. I want to feel you come inside me."

"Aly," he croaked, "do you have to use language like that?"

"Would it sound better if I used the proper words?" she asked. Then she smirked. "I want to fellate you. I want you to perform cunnilingus on me. I want to feel your penis inside me. I want to feel you ejaculate in my vagina. Is that what you want to hear, Dad?"

He swallowed hard.

"I'll say it however you like," she said. "I'll say whatever you want, as long as you fuck me." She mocked him with a look. "Excuse me, as long as you have intercourse with me."

He glared.

"Hey, you wanted me to stop using 'language like that.'"

After a long pause, he said, "Aly, we can't..."

"Yes, we can," she whispered. "We can do it as often as we like." Her fingers slid up his leg and she brushed his trapped erection.

He wanted to pull her hand away, but he couldn't. It felt so good, so warm, so... right. He blinked in shock at the last thought and tried to clear his muddled brain. Fathers do not think of their daughters that way, he told himself sternly. Then he answered himself, But what if my daughter... ? He glanced at her.

"I want you," she said, her voice husky with desire. "Can you pull over at the next exit?"

Emotions warred within him. He felt guilty for even considering the suggestion, but he also felt a thrill of excitement. Her arguments had begun to make sense. She couldn't get pregnant, and she was a grown woman, able to make decisions for herself. Incest was probably illegal, but he had plenty of experience skirting the technicalities of the law. Besides, they weren't likely to tell anyone what they'd done.

Still, he felt a moment of guilt at the thought of having sex with his own daughter. He told himself that he was being irrational. He wanted to have sex with her, and she'd made some persuasive arguments. What could it hurt?

He made his decision.

When Aly saw his expression change, she made a sound of triumph. With practiced ease, she unfastened his chinos and extracted his hard-on. She stroked him gently. Her hand was warm and soft. With her free hand, she managed to pull off her panties. The scent of her arousal filled the truck's cab, and Henry's mouth began to water.

The next exit was a rest area, and Henry sped toward the truck and RV parking lot. The far corner was empty. Aly had her head in his lap before he even turned off the engine. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He wanted to fuck her, but he didn't want to do it in a truck cab. Aly seemed to have the same thought, because she didn't make a move to change positions. Instead, she played with her pussy while she sucked him.

She came before he did. He felt her tense up, and she groaned around his dick. Afterward, her nostrils bathed his shaft with cool air as she panted. When she caught her breath, she began sucking again.

He didn't last long. When she felt him swell in her mouth, she began stroking him. He clamped his eyes shut as the first spurt shot like a geyser from his shaft. She moaned and kept pumping. He spurted again and saw spots behind his closed eyes.

He eventually came to his senses and looked around, to make sure no one had seen them. The parking lot was just as it had been before. He stroked Aly's hair as he caught his breath.

She sucked him until he grew too soft. Then she sat up and wiped the corners of her mouth. She grinned. Her face was flushed and her hair had come undone, but she looked beautiful. She closed her eyes and moistened her lips, tasting him.

"Mmm," she breathed. "I like it when you come in my mouth." She opened her eyes, and they flashed with an intensity that almost scared him. "I can't wait to feel you come inside me."

He forced a smile and tried to suppress a wave of guilt. He wasn't successful, but the thought of fucking her was enough to run roughshod over any objections he might have left.

Henry turned into his driveway and pulled around the circle. He stretched the kinks from his muscles as he walked to the front door. Inside, the housekeeper emerged at the sound of the security system beep. She pulled up short when she saw him. Then she smiled, friendly but deferential. When she looked past him, her smile turned into genuine affection.

"Oh, Miss Aly, you home!"

"It's good to be home, Marisela," Aly said as they hugged.

Marisela clucked and eyed the girl critically. "You still so thin. They no feed you in Virginia?"

"Of course they do, Marisela, but I want to look good for men."

"Men? Is that why you no eat? Miss Aly, men no want skin and bones..."

Henry left the two women talking and headed toward his office suite. The majority of the house was Leanne's to decorate (and redecorate) as she saw fit, but the west wing was his private domain. It had been designed as a music studio--the idiot movie star had delusions of being a rock star, too--but Henry had it gutted when he bought the place.

He'd kept the studio's original soundproofing, but little else. Rich wood paneling and thick Persian carpets replaced the garish colors and cheesy shag carpeting. Leather couches and chairs supplanted the Seventies furniture. And the sound equipment was in a real recording studio in the Valley.

Now, the suite was wired with everything a modern executive needed, from phones to broadband to satellite TV. It also had the sophisticated security system, of course, with its cabinet of monitors and digital video recorders. It even had a full bath and kitchenette. Last but not least, it had a small bedroom, where Henry could spend the night when he worked late.

The suite had only one entrance, through the media room. Henry usually left the door open when he was working at home, but he kept it locked the rest of the time. Marisela had her own entry code, but she only entered to clean. Leanne didn't have a code, and Henry had made it clear to Marisela that he'd fire her if she ever gave her code to Leanne.

At the thought, Henry grinned. Marisela didn't like Leanne--the housekeeper knew about Leanne's affairs--so he wasn't worried about the code. Leanne had wanted to fire Marisela at least a dozen times over the past years, but Henry had put his foot down. It was his house, and he paid the bills. Leanne had gotten used to the situation, but she still resented it. Henry didn't care anymore. Good housekeepers were hard to find, especially loyal ones, so Marisela would always have a job with Henry.

He punched his code into the keypad and entered the office suite. He checked his computer and then opened the security system cabinet. Aly and Marisela were still talking in the foyer. He watched them for a moment and then smiled. Aly had her mother's beauty, but nothing of her personality, thank God.

For a moment he wondered if he would've been as attracted to Aly if she were more like Leanne or Kacy. Somehow, he doubted it. He'd learned a lot since the pure lust of his early marriage. Leanne might be sexy and attractive--both then and now--but she was also a scheming, manipulative, unfaithful, shallow...

He balled his fists and willed himself to relax. Aly was none of those things. She might look like Leanne, but the similarities ended there. He watched Aly for a moment longer. His eyes were drawn to her breasts, braless under her tight T-shirt. She was too thin, but if she filled out like Leanne had... He smiled and shook off a fantasy.

Aly and Marisela were still talking when he returned to the foyer.

"Are we ready to unload?" he prompted.

"Sure," Aly said.

"You want dinner for when you done, Mr. Henry?" Marisela asked.

"Please. How about your famous pork empanadas?"

She frowned.

Aly gave him a hard look. "And what about your cholesterol?"

Marisela said, "I try to take good care of him, Miss Aly, but..." She shrugged helplessly.

"I thought we were on vacation?" Henry protested.

Aly's eyes flashed, and she smirked. "All right. Since tonight is special..."

He felt his face flush. Fortunately, Marisela couldn't know what Aly really meant.

"Okay, Mr. Henry," the housekeeper said, "I make you empanadas."

Henry rolled his eyes at Aly's audacity. "Come on," he said.

It took them an hour to unload the truck. Most of her things went to her bedroom, and she piled the rest in the upstairs rec room.

"Do we have time to get cleaned up before dinner?" Henry called to Marisela when they finished.

A mouth-watering aroma followed her out of the kitchen. "Thirty minutes," she said.

Henry nodded. Upstairs, he left his clothes in a trail on the bathroom floor. The hot shower stung his shoulders, but he simply stood under it for a minute or two. Then he heard the bathroom door open. For a moment he felt an irrational fear that Leanne had returned early. She was supposed to be in San Diego with Kacy, but...

Aly opened the steam-clouded shower door.

A wave of desire washed over him, but then he felt another stab of fear: what if Marisela came upstairs? He relaxed almost immediately. First, Marisela was busy in the kitchen. Second, she never came into the bedroom when he or Leanne were there.

Aly drew his mind back to the present. "I thought I'd join you," she said. She shut the door behind her and squirted soap in her palm. As she lathered his chest, he watched her steam-slick breasts move. His penis jerked and began to stiffen.

She teased him with a surprised look. "Is that for me?"

She ran soap-slick hands over his shaft and then washed his testicles. By the time she returned to his dick, he was completely hard. She stroked him for a moment, her eyes riveted to his erection. Then she gazed up at him. She closed her eyes and parted her lips. With a soapy hand, she drew him down for a kiss.

At first, he rebelled against the intimacy. A kiss was so... personal. But then he silently laughed at himself. He was willing to have sex with his own daughter, but he balked at a kiss? Instead of pushing her away, he pulled her closer. Her slippery body felt oh-so-good against his.

When she finally broke the kiss, she whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you."

She squeezed his dick. Then she gently pushed him under the steaming shower and rinsed the soap from his body. When she was done, she pulled his hands to her breasts. Her nipples grew stiff as he tweaked them.

"Oh, that's nice," she said. "I like your hands on me." She closed her eyes and stroked his erection. They stood like that for almost a minute. "Do you want to wash me?" she said at last.

He smiled in reply. She squirted soap into his hand, and he began to lather her. Her skin felt young and smooth, and he reeled with another wave of arousal. Aly turned and pressed her ass against his hard-on. She looked over her shoulder and bit her lip, playing the seductive vixen.

"Do you want to fuck me here?" she said.

He almost snorted at her audacity. Then he felt a moment of uncertainty. A blowjob was one thing, but sex was another thing entirely. Could he actually go through with it? He wanted to, but still...

Aly sensed his hesitation. "Don't worry, Dad," she said, "we have all the time in the world. Mom won't be home till Wednesday, right?"

He nodded.

"So that gives us two days."

He nodded again.

"You can give Marisela a couple of days off, and we can do whatever we want." She waggled her eyebrows. "I have some totally hot fantasies about where I want to do it."

He didn't argue--not with her nubile body pressed against him. He felt a flicker of guilt at what he wanted to do, but he quickly suppressed it. He'd already made his decision, and he was willing to live with it. Incest might be worse than adultery, but Leanne had broken their wedding vows long ago. He had a lot of catching up to do.

Aly sensed his distraction. "Come on," she said, "Marisela should have dinner about ready." She turned off the water and opened the shower door. Steam billowed out as she reached for the towels.

Henry watched Aly dry herself, and his erection returned. She reached for him with a grin. He closed his eyes as she began sucking him. She pulled back after only a minute. Her eyes sparkled.

"Later," she said. She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. Then she giggled and dropped her towel.

He watched her bare ass as she sauntered from the room. When she was gone, he stared into space, reliving the last few minutes. Eventually, he turned away and blinked to clear his head. His erection softened as he shaved, so he donned a loose warm-up suit and headed downstairs.

He found Aly in the kitchen. She was bent over the island, speaking Spanish with Marisela. The housekeeper stood at the stove, with her back to the room. Aly looked over her shoulder when she heard him. Her eyes flashed and she casually lifted her skirt. She wasn't wearing panties.

Henry let his gaze roam over her narrow hips and smooth ass, but his eyes were drawn to her pussy. She reached between her legs and ran a finger along her slit. He was hard in an instant, and he regretted wearing something so loose that it showed.

"Almost ready, Mr. Henry," Marisela said over her shoulder.

Aly grinned at him and then returned to her conversation with the housekeeper. Henry spoke a few words of Spanish, but he couldn't follow their conversation. Besides, he was distracted by Aly--her pussy flashed pink as she spread her moisture.

"Okay, ready," Marisela said at last, startling Henry out of his erotic stupor.

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NBWO Blackedmerica A Love Story Ch 01

It was the afternoon at the Hollyweather high school.Joana Simmons, a senior, stood in front of her history class. The blonde and somewhat chubby girl held up her notes in front of her huge chest. Her summer dress that her mother had helped her pick out, showed off a healthy amount of her cleavage. "And that is why Charles Jackson was such an important founding father." Joana finished her assignment on one of the few black founding fathers. She then looked out at her classmates and over at...

1 year ago
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Belindas Last Adventure Continued

Please Read Belinda’s last Adventure before reading this part in order to catch up. ‘yes honey! I know I told you I would be home tonight but these guys I met at the convention are hanging out for a few days to play golf and chill out and i really never get away so i thought you wouldn’t mind.’ As I worked on convincing my wife to let me stay in Vegas for a few more days, my cock was getting hard at the sight of Belinda laying naked on the bed smiling at me. ‘ I know sweet heart, I miss you...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Discovers The Temple of The Vestal Virgins Chapter 2

On three separate occasions that day, Rebecca did her best to ask Rudy if he would be so kind as to remove the stigma of the pitiful unbroken hymen from her vaginal channel. She was far too ladylike and reserved to brace the question directly, but it seemed to her any red-blooded man would get the point when she said in a stage whisper, “Did you ever wonder what it would be like if we both were at a Roman orgy and had to 'do it' just to keep our hostess happy?” Her very last effort was to...

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Within Closed Doors

Usually a normal family is a picture of smiles and laughter but sometimes things aren't what it should be. But things can be done to mend things. The Doe Family is a rather by the books family. Too much ado about discipline and obedience. Their father Leo is rather black and white about it, too bad their mother Eunice is too lenient about it.

3 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 38

I wake the same way I feel sleep, in Nicks arms. I was so tried that I don't think I moved a bit last night. I lay waiting for the alarm to go off. I think about Nick tying me and taking me the same way that Pete takes Amber. I want him to do the things to me that Amber feels. But how do you tell someone about it? The alarm finally sounds and Nick starts to move around. He pulls himself out of the bed. He looks over at me and puts his hand out. I follow him to the shower. I slowly take my...

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A Warm Summers Night

Her shift was nearly over and she was glad to be finishing. She had made the rash decision to go commando and worn a short dress; remembering not to bend over, so denying all and sundry in the bar a view of the crack of her arse and shaven pussy, was a mission in itself. But she did feel sexy and it was a lot of fun, him not quite knowing whether or not she was knickerless. The quick glances and looks told her that they would not be staying for a drink and she felt the usual twinge of...

Oral Sex
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Double TimeChapter 54

“I am in short, a witch of the quantumverse.” —Philip Palmer, Artemis MONDAY AFTERNOON found the five of us at Joan’s house, waiting to hear that Beca was home. I swear we looked like a bunch of expectant fathers in a maternity waiting room. Except that every so often, someone would hug someone else and end up in a nice intense kiss for a while. Then we’d go back to mindlessly wandering around or pretending to pay attention to the TV. Joan’s phone chirped and she thumbed open a...

2 years ago
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The party barge pontoon boat was pretty close to overloaded when it passed me. It was tossing a large roostertail of foam from an overworked and improperly adjusted outboard motor, and it was loaded with what appeared to be a mixed crowd of college-age students, the male contingent clad in trunks, the female counterpart in bikinis, most of them waving beers as they passed. I don't know where they got the power for it, but a rock-crushing level of hip-hop music blared over the straining...

1 year ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 7A Making New Friends

Saturday: Sushi woke me with a steaming cup of mocha! What a way to wake up. We drank our mochas. It was still foggy outside. I checked the WE clock. It was 0615. Sushi and I packed and stowed our tent and bedding, then went and helped James and his set with their things. We soon had the camp clean and ready for the next campers. Joe took all of the extra fire wood and built a large pile in the fire circle so it too would be ready for the next camper to use. We were on the road by 0715. We...

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Chronicles of a Male Dancer Chapter 1 Show time

The characters, locations and events in this story are entirely fictitious and any likeness to the real world is merely coincidental. ‘Oliver Perry, this is your five minute call, please make your way to the side stage immediately,’ called the cold, metallic voice of the speaker in my dressing room. I wrung my hands nervously as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before I rose from the rickety wooden chair and departed the room. My heart was pounding, I could feel my pulse...

1 year ago
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Fucked A Horny Wild Reader

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share another experience. Thank you for all your response and support for my last one. This incident is about the sex I had with a horny lady. The name of that horny queen is Reshma. Let me explain about Reshma she is in her mid thirties years old and they have been married and have 2 kids and her husband was a rich business man who always stays at abroad were she have sex rarely with him. Reshma is tall and have a very juicy lip her size is 38-28-35....

4 years ago
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This is my first story, I hope you like it- I certainly got pretty wet writing it! I havent given the girl or the man an age because I figure it can be up to the reader. Let me know what you think! She screams as he hits her again and again. Im sorry! Ill do it this time, I promise! Her little voice cracking with fear and exhaustion. After a few more swings, he drops the book down with a loud thud. The girl flinches and shrinks away from the sound. Damn right youll do it this time you little...

2 years ago
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Fucking Virgin Of Ameerpet

Hi guys I’m Srikanth Varma of 22 years age 6 feet height and 7 inches cock. I am a regular reader of ISS and now I am going to narrate a story which was happened one month back. I used to live in sr Nagar near to Ameerpet and at one day I went to walking for one mnc and there one beautiful girl named Lakshmi aged 22 with round boobs and perfect sized body. I didn’t even spoke to that girl on that day but every time. I got a chance I used to stare at her big boobs and her beautiful ass and...

1 year ago
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One Night In Singapore

When I first noticed her she was sitting at a table across the Club with three other ladies.  She was well dressed with what looked to be expensive jewelry, in short she was a beauty.  Her friends seemed to be sucking down drinks akin to the amounts our sponsors were. I'd talked to the waitress and she supplied me with non-alcoholic beverages that would pass muster while my companions sucked down toast after toast.  Occasionally my eyes wandered to the lady, she on one occasion was looking in...

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Sir Philip Rebecca Chapter 5

Sir Philip has Rebecca in his house, he really tests her now... Chapter 5 If the warm, coarse feeling of rope bound round her wrists left her feeling slightly submissive, the cold metal clasps round her ankles, stretching her legs wide left her under no illusion that she was completely at the mercy of her master. Light crept in at the lower edge of the blindfold he’d now strapped to her face. She could barely make out the blurry outline of her boobs and rock hard nipples. . She was still...

4 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 79

Unlike Tyrell’s rocky shoals, the main port at Narcine permitted nighttime landings – if the tide and weather cooperated. Neither were in the favor of the Grunveld sailors as they neared Nadia’s home country. The king had tasked Celestine and Clementine with getting Nadia safely to King Olaf’s castle. Celestine had hoped to make land in the darkness. If the weather was poor, all the better. Neither woman had any qualms about sneaking about in the gloom. But both were smart enough to know...

1 year ago
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House of Maryse chapter 1

A young woman joins a sex house and experiences more than she ever thought she would. Brie Garcia stood in a room. The room was empty apart from a mirrored wall and a metal table in the center along with the door she’d entered. Brie swallowed hard as she didn’t know what to expect. She’d signed a contract for a job that was advertising for a domestic servant. The job seemed perfect it offered a good wage and surprisingly it included room and board. Brie was only nineteen and...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 35

Andy was in an extremely good mood on the way to church. I asked, "What's up with you?" Andy held a rectangular piece of plastic in front of my face. It was white with a blue stripe on the left and a yellow stripe on the right. It had a really ugly picture of Andy on the front. "You got your license!" I declared. "Yep. Dad took me for my test yesterday morning. I passed!" "Congratulations." I was happy for Andy, mostly because I wouldn't need to haul him around so much. Tuesday...

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Finding a Soul Mate

I was drunk, I knew it and I really didn't care, I'd wanted this ever since his father died, no, correction, I'd needed it! It had affected him quite badly for some time afterwards, he became very touchy feely and clung to me whenever he came home from school. He wet the bed too and my excitement was hard to contain when I allowed him to share my bed, I told him, "So what? It's no big deal, they're only sheets and they'll wash" He loved me to sleep facing him with my arms around him...

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Two years as a compliant fetish partner

A training period was to establish my unquestioning resignation to the fact that My Lady (as I was to always refer to her) owned me absolutely. I was to be naked, obedient and compliant at all times with her. This training was to prepare me to entertain a series of "guests" that she would access. These guests would be able to make use of my sexual permissiveness in ways agreed with My Lady. We met most Fridays, except when either of us were out of town on business.  Initially I had played along...

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The reward of total submission

I smile seductively, quickly sitting down in front of you and I act all innocent, "I don't know why I'm so bad baby! I think I need to be punished right now! I need you to show me exactly what you do to a slut who makes you angry on purpose!" You laugh, your eyes darkening with lust. You groan between gritted teeth whispering huskily, "Come here you little bitch! I need you to stand right in front of me now!" I obediently obey and stand in front of you, lowering my gaze and staring at...

1 year ago
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The Assignment The day before Chapter I

The Assignment: The day before. Chapter I I am a black male in my thirties. I make my living as a freelance photographer. I work with two reporters, Susan and Janie who are both white females in there thirties also. Susan is sandy blonde, well built, with an open outlook on her life. Janie is a brunette, intelligent, shapely, and daring. We take any assignment and enjoy the thrill of adventure. My stories are for your pleasure and I hope you enjoy them. I own an old warehouse in DC. My living...

4 years ago
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UnbrokenPart 3 Absolution

“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner who needed it most?“ - Mark Twain The train pulled into Gloucester at nearly 10:30 pm. Naturally it was fucking snowing. I grew up in the Northeast, I knew winters were bad here. But for some reason I always hated the snow. It was never because of the cold, or the inconvenience it created. It was because that pristine blanket of white hid the ugliness, the dirt, the rotted blight that...

3 years ago
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PeekaBoo ISeeYou

As I walked towards the coffee shop, I felt the breeze blowing up my short, flimsy skirt, feeling pert, all alert. It felt good on my naked pussy. It was my kind duty to spread myself around as much as possible. And when I say spread, I mean it literally. I did that by flashing my little triangular hair pie to all those men who struck my fancy on a fine summer day, when I wanted to play. I giggled in anticipation, an-ti-ci-pa-tion, it’s making me late, keeping them waiting. I sat in a corner...

2 years ago
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A sexy Massage with Kyla

First time naked.A few weeks after my last private massage woth Kyla I decided to message her on a Friday morning to book a private session with her on the Monday. She replied back soon asking if 10h00 would be ok. I said that would be perfect and that I'm looking forward to having her touching my body. She replied saying sounds real good and that she is looking forward to it.The next few days went by and then Sunday evening after dinner with my husband and daughter I received a message from...

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Hunting the OrlanChapter 7

The Marinkos spent almost four months training their infantry in the proper use of the machine pistols. They did have a small problem with finding men strong enough to handle the recoil of the machine pistols, but that problem was solved and they moved in on Illin to wipe out the last of the wolves. Meanwhile, the people of the city had been moved away to other cities to make room for the upcoming fight. Surprise, surprise! The dire wolves had moved on to other locals in search of food....

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The SuckOff

“Let’s have a Suck-Off”, the best man said. We were impatiently waiting for the stripper to arrive at the bachelor party, and the half-dozen or so horny guys were about to burst. “A suck-off?”, I asked. “Yeah. I bet I can make a guy cum faster than you.” I had never wanted to flaunt it, but I gave amazing head and did take issue with this challenge. I said, “Name the cock, and I’ll suck it to high heaven”. At this point, the room was getting riled up with sexuality. Four of us threw our...

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Glory hole tax The Mall Part 2

My clothes are still in a pile on the floor of Jim’s stall. I walk in to get them when Jim pushes me against the wall and kisses me. My mouth opens in surprise and his tongue slides inside my mouth. After a moment of shock I responded by sliding my tongue over his. He pulls back and looks down at my hard cock. He steps back, pulls down his shorts and pulls me to him tight. He kisses me again deeper and harder while his hands pull my ass checks wide. I feel his finger slide inside me and love...

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Could That Have Been Her

Cindy and I love our house, our lifestyle, our common interests, just about everything about our life together. We just don't love each other. The only way we seem to be completely happy is if we're sharing another woman. Cindy insists she's bi, not gay, but she only seems to glow if we have a woman in our lives. Not just in bed, either. She develops a real closeness with these women, almost seems to fall in love with them. But then she loses interest. After twelve years of...

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Sex and Seinfeld

Chapter 1 Okay, you read the title and thought, 'What the hell can this be about Jerry Seinfeld and sex?' Right?' Well, it does and I'll get to that in a minute. It all is about Jack and me so let me start with us. My name is Marisa and I'm fourteen. I have long, shiny, light brown hair almost to my waist, brown eyes, I'm nicely-shaped, slender but in the last two years my boobs have developed really nicely. When I was younger I looked like a stick in a two-piece swimsuit, now I look...

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How Lucas Lost ItPart II

Lucas stepped into his room from showering, a towel around his waist. Gary was sitting at his desk, poking the keyboard on his laptop. "What the fuck?" he muttered as his browser displayed access errors. "The network's down," Lucas replied. "It went down sometime late last night. I called support. They said a router or switch is out. They're working on it." "Jeezus, the last time it was down it took a week to get it fixed." "You can do without your porn for a few days," Lucas...

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