Ex-Hubby AffairChapter 3A free porn video

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If he was correct that meant she had lied to him and that all he had done to learn how to pleasure her had been in vain.

He was correct. She had lied to him.

She had seen her ex six times since they came back from the anniversary trip. Twice they just talked. She liked reminiscing about the times when they were first married, it made her feel like she had when she was young.

The third time she ended up going over to his place for a while; they just talked some more. She had rebuffed his advances as she had the first two times. Sunny never explained why she was saying no now but Ronny acted patient and understanding. Later she met Ronny over at his place again and again they talked, chatting about friends and remembering some of the good times they had had.

The fifth time was different. They started out just talking about their honeymoon and one thing led to another. After she left she got down on herself, here she was almost thirty and yet she was feeling and acting like she was eighteen again.

The sixth time she had just gone over to his place. She couldn't understand why she was giving into Ronny like that.

She didn't know what was going on inside George and assumed that he had just finally gotten upset about her calling him Ronny. He shook her hand off of his arm and gave her a hurt, disappointed look.

"I really am sorry. It's not you. Maybe its just habit from when Ronny and I were married."

He just looked at her with an expression that seemed to say he couldn't believe she was saying that. She still didn't understand and tried to apologize again but he still was silent. Finally, not knowing what else to do she left him to sulk.

George was distracted and in a bad mood for the next few days. Sunny tried to talk to him but he ignored her and she soon stopped. She realized that whatever was bothering him must be more then just her calling him Ronny. She thought she knew what it was even though there was no way he could know about it.

Finally four days later he searched her out.

As soon as he saw her he said, "You may not know why you keep calling me Ronny but I do."

He paused and then said, "As you know I am going on a business trip. I was going to leave tomorrow but I will be leaving today instead. I am going alone and when I get back I expect that you will be out of the master bedroom."

She went "eep" and one hand went to her mouth as she stood there in shock. By his body language and tone she knew he was angry and she tried to steel herself for what he was going to say but that had taken her by surprise. Tears started to fall down her cheeks but George had already turned and left the room.

A while later she went to their room as he was finishing packing.

"Can't we talk about this, Please?"

He turned to her and in an emotionless tone said, "You lied to me."

She grimaced because she knew what he thought about people who lied to him. Soon after they were married he had found out a business associate had lied and George had gone to the man to say he would have nothing further to do with him. Even if it cost George's business some money he would never do business with that man again. He never lied to business associates, to employees, not even to competitors and he expected others he dealt with to show him the same respect. It usually worked out that way but this time he knew the guy had told him something other then the truth.

Sunny started to say "But I didn't..."

But her voice trailed off when George just looked at her. She lowered her head and looked at the floor for there was nothing she could say.

He finished what he was doing, closed and locked the suitcase.

She said, with tears running down her face, "Please, I can make this up, I can do something. Please let me explain... let me do something. I didn't mean to... I can..."

He said "Sunny" but she kept on babbling and so he said it once more sharply. "Sunny!"

She shut up and looked at him, "I have said what I wanted to say already. I spent time thinking about it and that is what I came up with. I will not say it again."

At that he was past her and out the door. She stood there frozen in shock but finally turned and ran down the stairs. He was already outside and about to get into a cab, she shouted his name but he just turned and said, "Remember what I said", got in, closed the door and the cab drove off.

She stood there with tears in her eyes for a moment, then turned around and went back into the house. She leaned against the wall next to the door, looking forlorn and depressed. It hit her that she usually drove him to the airport since he didn't like to leave his car there but this time he had called a cab. She finally remembered that she was supposed to go with him this trip. They had planned to arrive a day early for some sight seeing, he would take care of his business, and they would stay two days longer for more sight seeing or whatever. That explained the strong emphases on the word alone while he had been explaining his plans for the trip.

Oh what had she done? And why? She knew the what but not the why. She leaned there for a while then decided there was just one thing she could do. She would have to leave a note for George so he would know what happened to her and why.

George's trip didn't go very well. His room was not what he expected and he wasn't able to broker the deal he wanted since he was distracted by his thoughts. The flight back was delayed and the airport seemed to more crowded then usual.

As the cab let him off and he paid the fare he noticed his wife's car was parked in the driveway. He thought good she was home, but as he went up to the door he found it bolted. They only did that when they both were gone. He went inside and no one seemed to be about. The air was still like the house had been closed up for a few days. He called Sunny's name but no answer. With a sinking feeling in his stomach he hurried upstairs and into their room. At first he thought he must be wrong since her cell phone as well as her car and house keys were misssing. Then he saw that they were on the little end table on his side of the bed. He rushed over to them and saw a note, as well as her credit cards under the phone.

The note said,

"I'm sorry I'm not the wife you expected or that you were used to. I'm not the wife I expected to be either. Maybe I deserve Ronny. I seem to be still stuck on him; he is like he was when he and I first got married. I know I did wrong and I knew it (was) wrong at the time but I couldn't help myself, I don't know why. This is the final goodbye and I hope you find someone you deserve.

Sunny Bachorian

PS I can't end this without saying I love you. Even though things didn't work out because of me I love you, God, I love you so much but obviously it wasn't enough, and obviously not as much as Marybeth. Please think of my love when I come to your mind."

She had signed it with her first and last name but then had crossed their last name out.

His first thought out loud was "I didn't mean that when I said for you not to be here when I get back. I just wanted you out of the bedroom not out the door"

He read it again and another more horrible idea came to mind. He let out an anguished "No!"

He dropped the note then made a through search of the house, checking the bathtubs, each bed and every high place in the house then ran out back to check the trees in the back yard. Nothing. He sighed in relief then thought about calling the Morgue and various hospitals around the city. Finally he decided to call her friends but as he searched for her address book he couldn't find it. As he searched he noticed that she had taken some of her clothes. Most of the outfits she had bought since being married to him she had left with the exception of two outfits he had given her and it looked like she had taken half of her underwear. One of the reasons he had come up with that dark idea was that her closet was open and as he glanced at it he thought he saw that all of her clothes were still there.

He decided he needed to call someone and the only number he knew was her parent's. Sunny didn't get along that great with them but at the same time she did call her mother on a regular basis and she had gone to see them now and then. The problem was to call them and to ask if they knew were their daughter was without revealing that he didn't know.

He called and at first chatted with her mom then asked if Sunny had visited them yet. She said no that they hadn't heard from her daughter for two or three weeks. He said thanks and that he would remind her of that.

Now what? He didn't know, she could be anywhere. As he recalled what she said on the note he thought he knew where she was. He didn't know where he lived. He did know his last name but a quick flip through the phone showed no listing for anyone with that name. So either no phone or it wasn't listed but that idea reminded him that there was one other phone number he could get. Sunny's best friend lived in a town only a forty-five minute drive from where they lived but according to the phone company it was long distance. One of those quirky situations where a call from that town was local but one to that town was long distance, therefore, it would be on their phone bill. He hurried to his den-office and rummaged through the old bills 'till he found the previous months. Sure enough her number was on it. He called, praying she would be home.

She answered and he said, "This is George Bajarian."

"Hello. Uh, Sunny isn't here."

He wasn't sure what to say but she was the one he had heard Sunny tell about her affair so George knew she knew the situation or enough anyway so that she might be able to help.

"I was hoping she was, I said something she misunderstood and now I don't know where she is."

"Uhm. I haven't heard from her for four or five days but what did you say?"

George went on to explain about figuring out that she still was involved with Ronny and what he had said to her and that she was now gone. He closed by reading the note to her.

He said, "For a moment I thought that sounded so final that I searched the house and backyard."

"Why did you... ? Oh. Um, You don't have to worry about her doing anything like that she is stronger then that."

"Normally I would agree but if she thought I wanted to end the marriage and she was blaming herself for that..."

"Yeah, she would feel disturbed, but not that much."

There was a pause then she said, "I don't know where she is, as I said we haven't talked for a few days."

"I think I know where she is, or more precise whom she is with. The note says she thinks she may deserve Ronny."

"You could be right, she might be with him. I do know where he is living right now. He very recently moved to a loft in an old warehouse. He thought it could be set up for two. I never thought it was for him and Sunny."

"For two? Was she planning on leaving me then?"

There was a pause but before she could respond he answered his own question, "No, that doesn't fit her guilt or the fact that she left everything... Unless of course she planned on leaving because she thought she deserved Ronny and not me as she said in the note."

Sunny's friend said, "I don't think she was planning on leaving for any reason. The last few times we talked she was very upbeat about your marriage. She bragged about how good a lover you had become. Much better then Ronny."

George turned red but said, "Then why did she keep having sex with him?!"

A pause then, "I don't know. She did say that being with him was almost like finding a youth serum. It always made her feel like she was eighteen again. And there was a couple of times that she said she almost wished she hadn't divorced Ronny. He was her first love and they had gotten together so well at the beginning."

"But you said she was happy with me."

"She was, it was before you were married that she said that. She said it twice afterwards but it had nothing to do with you."

"I'm not sure I follow that."

"I'm not sure if I do either, but it had to do more with her emotions then with what she thought."

"We can deal with that later but now do you know where this loft is?"

"Yes, he had a party there a couple of days ago and he bragged that he had gotten something back from a rich dude. Sunny wasn't there and at the time I didn't know what he meant but now after what you explained, I think he was talking about Sunny."

"Yes, it does sound like he was talking about her even though I don't have that much money,"

"You do compared to what he has."

"That could be true but I need to go see if Sunny is there."

"He doesn't like you and probably won't cooperate."

"I really don't care if he likes me, if she is there I will find her."

"Don't forget he probably set out to steal her from you, he wanted to find her that first day they had sex and he knew what to say to get her to want to go back to his place."

"He may be good at manipulating her but she will talk to me."

"Even if you can convince her to talk she still may not leave if she thinks she don't deserve you."

"I still want to talk to her."

"Yeah, you should, for her sake too. Good luck and I hope she comes home with you."

"We shall see about that but thank you for your help."

He hung up, thought about what he wanted. He wasn't sure but decided to go to to the warehouse where Ronny lived. He thought he knew that area of town. It took him over two hours to drive there and find the right building. He finally found it and parked. No one was around so except for a delivery truck now and then. He found a door and went in without knocking. It was a smaller warehouse that had been fixed up on the outside and inside. It was cleaner then the others around it with new paint and at one end were stairs going up. Up to what was originally an office but now the stairs were carpeted with Sunny's favorite color. The walls were another of her favorite colors. To George it looked like Ronny had been planning this for a while.

He thought he had heard somebody move as he entered but wasn't sure. As he neared the area that had been set up as living quarters he saw a young man with new style goatee come out of the shadows. So this is Ronny he thought. That beatnik type goatee would fit his ego, George thought.

He quickly glanced around and saw that there were two couches fairly new even though they didn't go together and a recliner with two other smaller chairs. Carpeting covered the floor in this area, again nice but still used. An older kitchen table sat to one side and there were accordion type walls that blocked off an area near the table. George thought it looked more like a bachelor pad then a home for two. He noticed there were boxes on the floor and a brown cloth or rag on the floor near a couch.

He spoke first, "Hello, I'm looking for Sunny Bajarian."

"There is no one here with that name."

"I believe you know where she is then."

"I don't know of any one with that name."

"You know Sunny."

"Doesn't matter, she is no longer looking for you. She is no longer yours. You stole her from me and now I got her back."

"Stole her from you?! We met a year after your divorce, after she divorced you."

"I could have gotten her back if you hadn't come along with your high and mighty ways, and your money."

"And you don't know what you are talking about."

"She'd still rather have me than you."

"I'm her husband."

"Not for long even with your money you couldn't keep her."

Sounding a little angry George said, "Are you saying that the only reason she married me was for my money?"

"It may have not been just for the money but it was your money and high ways that drew her your way so you could take her, but now I have something that used to belong to you."

"So all she is to you is a trophy?"

"That," and Ronny got a cat eating the bird smile on his face and said, "and that she is a good fuck and gives good blow jobs. Something you probably never experienced with your high and mighty old fashion ways."

"You won't be able to keep her long with that attitude."

"Long enough to get what I want. But if you still want her why did you kick her out?"

"She misunderstood something I said." George answered a little testily.

"That may be true but I still got something you used to have."

George started to say, "I just want to talk to Sunny," but Ronny spoke again, "You invaded my house and now want to take back what I won from you."

"Won or tricked," George said getting angry and exasperated.

"Either way I got her. She believed me when I acted like when we first married but I still won her from you, rich man."

George started to say, "I'm not rich and you didn't..."

When Ronny stepped forward and rabbit punched him in the side. The very hard and sudden blow came as a shock sending George stumbling sideways. Ronny followed him for another hit but George backhanded him hard enough to send him reeling backwards.

George immediately backed away trying to get some space in-between them as he recovered from the sneaky hit. He slipped on the brown cloth.

Ronny came up to him with a long pipe, and said, "You lost her because of your old fashioned ideas about sex. She wanted a lover, a good lover so she came to me... You're not even man enough to know how to fuck a woman."

George again started to say something but Ronny continued, "You invaded my home and now get out."

"I didn't invade, your door was unlocked allowing people to come in and I will leave as soon as I can get up."

Ronny raised the pipe and said he better hurry.

Suddenly both heard a pounding down the stairs. George turned his head to see Sunny run up to them. She was dressed in light brown pants with nothing on top. It was obvious what he had interrupted, no wonder Ronny was upset.

She ran in front of Ronny and said, "You bastard!"

Ronny looked at her in surprise and said, "He's not going to steal you back."

"You Bastard! You were going to hit him when he was down. You haven't changed. And to say those things about him, he's a better man then you. You, jackass, jerk... bastard... I'd call you a son of a bitch but your mother is better then that."

She spurted for a moment then said, "You never won me back. I didn't leave him to come to you. I came to you because I lost him. I blew it not him. You were better then nothing, or so I thought. You know he didn't take me from you originally and I didn't date him because he had money. "

"I just want us to be able to be together and to love each other."

"You lying mother fucking... ass. You just want a trophy; well I'm not going to be yours."

"But we had something going there."

"Bull... whatever we had its now over. You hear me. Any thing we had is gone, finish, over. We have nothing, zero, nada. Its totally OVER!"

"But we had a good thing going, look around," he indicated the carpeting and walls with a wave, "Look what I did for you."

"Jackass, what you did for yourself you mean, we had something when we first married but you lost it. This is to show off what you think you got from someone else. I only came here because I didn't think I had anywhere else to go."

She turned and started to help her husband up.

She said to him, "Come on lets get out of here."

As they turned to leave George stopped and said "wait a minute."

He reached down and picked up the brown bundle he had noticed earlier. He gave it to her and said, "I thought this looked familiar, you better put it on before we go outside."

He said it in an almost toneless voice but Sunny could hear emotional pain in his voice. She winced but didn't say anything. Just before they reached the door she stopped, made sure he could stand then donned the blouse.

She quickly buttoned it but before she they went through the door he said, "You better go get your purse and anything else you want."

She looked at him for a moment then said, "There's not much in the purse: no credit cards or cell phone just some cash and my address book as well as make up."

He said, "He might throw it out or destroy what's in it once he gets over his shock."

She nodded and ran back to the other side of the warehouse and up the stairs. Thirty seconds later she came back down with the purse and a couple of other items and ran back to George.

As Sunny passed Ronny who was standing there in shock she said, "And George is a way better lover then you. He really knows how to please a girl; you should take lessons from him."

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Hubby Ripped Me Apart

I walked in to our room shaking with anger. I had a fight with my mother in law and as usual my husband Raj had taken her side. I sat on bed and fumed.Raj walked in and closed the door behind me.”I don;t want to talk to you Raj, you are gutless….” I said and tried to walk away from him.Raj angry too held my wrist and pulled me towards him. Since the movement was sudden I was surprised at his strength. He pushed me against the wall and said” when I am talking don;t you dare yto walk away like...

3 years ago
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Usually on a Friday night my man invites two or three of his friends over for beers and cards, and then there's the sex after they get bored. I get a good pounding from the guys and that wraps things up. I love sucking dick too, and his buddies can get a blow job from me anytime. I feel great after I make a man cum in my throat. I guess I'm submissive in general, but making men cum is my goal, and my man, being very dominant, makes sure that I pleasure his friends correctly as well as him,...

2 years ago
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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, Mera naam rutuja hai, mai pune ki rahne wali hu. Meri age 28 saal hai, rang gora. Ye meri sachi kahani hai. Ye baat karib 3 mahine pahle ki hai, mere pati it company mai kaam karte hai, unka naam sameer hai, aur unko company ke kaam ke liye onsite jana pada. Mai ghar mai akeli boar hone lagi. Ek din raat ko hum dono phone par baat kar rahe the, fir maine aise hi kaha mujhe shopping karni hai. To wo bole chali jao central mai, pass mai hi hai. Maine kaha mai...

1 year ago
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Hubby gives me a business trip surprise

My husband and I have been into the swinger’s life style for a little over three years now, and since we began we have has several threesomes. However, with each new experience over the past few years I have also learned that my husband is a very kinky man. He enjoys chatting and watching individuals have sex both online and in person, and he also enjoys sitting in his recliner watching and taking pictures, and videos of me being pleased by other man and women before he final joins in to...

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Hubby Massage By Wife Along With Masseur

Hi ISS readers!!! Though i have been reading stories on this site for close to a decade, this is the first time trying to post my own experience. Bear with me and request to provide me with feedback to improve so that i can keep sharing my experiences in an interesting manner!!.. Little brief about me, For the purpose of reference – call me Sathish !!!.. I am 32 yrs old and work in an IT MNC domiciled in Chennai. I Love Sex and hardly i remember a day where i have spent with watching something...

1 year ago
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Hubby Ko Sagi Behan Se Sex Karne Kaha

Hi, mera naam pallavi hain aur mere age hain 28 married hu main.mera husband sagar unki age 30 hain. hum mumbai me rehate hain hamare shadi ko 3 saal hue hain hamari shadi shuda life bahoot achhe se chal rahe hain. sagar sex me bahoot achha hain . sagar ki sabse achhi baat hain usaka lund. sagar ka lund sach me 9 inch bada aur mota hain pehali raat me usane muje aisa choda tha ki mera khun nikal aaya tha chut me se. sagar ka stamina bhi achha hain 40/50 min tak paani nahi nikalta usaka. sex me...

3 years ago
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hubby loves to be sodomized

First I’m 5’5′ and i weigh 108lbs, Nice tits and a lovely bubble butt , I have long dark brown hair and hazel eyes, I dress very feminine and wear high heels. He’s 5’9′ 200lbs chestnut hair and hazel eyes. I enjoy fucking my man’s ass! Each time we have sex, i fuck his ass! He’s a real anal whore! I started this 2 years ago because he was always asking to fuck MY ass! So i turned the table around… I bought a normal sized strapon and i surprised him. time passed by and now he’s totally analy...

3 years ago
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Hubby snoring cabbie snorting

Victor and I had had danced for hours at this joyful party.We had met old friends there and had spent a very good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar and I suggested that it was time to go.No way was he driving us home. We had to leave our car overnight, because I had taken...

2 years ago
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Hubby faces a wild awakening

Lazy Saturday morning, Victor and I were snuggling in bed. Back to back. Butt to butt. I woke up first and watched my beloved hubby still relaxing for the past hours. We had been fucking all night long like crazy. We had sucked on and licked each other; I had been tied to the bed as my wild man had fucked me in the ass…I turned around and leaned over, kissing Victor on the neck in way to show him my satisfaction. I looked down and laughed to myself. When I kissed him, the last cum drops from...

1 year ago
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Hubbys First Chastity Device

The first time I ever saw a guy's dick locked in a cage, the idea of that control was such a complete turn on, and I just knew we had to try it. Last summer, at a 4th of July BBQ, a friend of ours had suggested we download Reddit as a new form of social media, bragging about it's functionality and NSFW content. Skeptical, I downloaded the app and was surprised by the amount of new, orginal content pertaining to my interests. I was hooked. As weeks went by, I began to grow tired of my usual feed...

2 years ago
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Hubby loves a good pegging

I came out of the bathroom with this huge dildo strap on dangling between my thighs. I saw my beloved hubby onto our marital bed, naked and lying on his back, showing me his huge erection.I hissed I loved his dick, as I approached him. Victor smiled at me.I propped his ass up on some pillows. Now I had him at an angle that allowed me to easily plow my fake rubber cock into his ass making direct contact with his prostate on every plunge. It also allowed me to grab his cock and jack it towards...

2 years ago
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Hubby Dans Head Got totally Mind fucked seei

Well, its been four days and Dan is still really fucked up. I mean his head is really fucked up bad. Last night I said he could have sex with me but in the end his little cock couldn’t even begin to get hard. It started about a week ago. We walked one night in the hood of Newark until we saw some hookers. We went over and talked with two of them. Dan explained how my fantasy was to be prostitute on the street and be the property of a really demanding black pimp. We’ll in no time this one...

3 years ago
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Hubby Brings Home Visitors

It was Monday, November 15th when I decided to do something very special for my husband Joe to celebrate his new promotion at his job. Joe had been working toward this promotion for over two years and he had put his heart and soul into his job so that he could climb the corporate ladder so we could be a little better off. We have a very good relationship and a happy marriage. Our sex life was also very healthy. Joe had a strong fetish for silk and satin clothing and lingerie which I had...

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Hubbys Wish

It was after dinner while we were out of town at a ski resort. After several bottles of wine and plenty of sex themed chit chat, Tommy confessed to me that he had always wanted to experiment with tasting and eating his own cum. Initially I was speechless, I always considered myself a very open minded person but the thought of my strong manly husband tasting his own seed seemed somehow gay or weird to me.As my Tommy's thirty third birthday approached, I decided to use that night to implement my...

4 years ago
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hubby loves to be sodomized

First I'm 5'5" and i weigh 108lbs, Nice tits and a lovely bubble butt , I have long dark brown hair and hazel eyes, I dress very feminine and wear high heels. He's 5'9" 200lbs chestnut hair and hazel eyes. I enjoy fucking my man's ass! Each time we have sex, i fuck his ass! He's a real anal whore! I started this 2 years ago because he was always asking to fuck MY ass! So i turned the table around... I bought a normal sized strapon and i surprised him. time passed by and now he's totally...

2 years ago
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Hubby Impregnates My CoWorker with My Blessings

Hubby Impregnates My Co-Worker with My BlessingsThis is a true story written by a dear friend of mine. She asked me if I would posted it here to share with all of you:My name is Molly and I’m married to a wonderful man named Sean. We are very happily married. This story is about how my husband Sean fathered two c***dren with a co-worker of mine and he did it with my and her husband’s blessings.About a year ago, a co-worker named Jennifer came into work with reddened eyes that showed that she...

3 years ago
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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang Part 8211 2

Hi, aap ne meri kamukta story padhi aur like/comments kiya, thanks to all. Sochte sochte mujhe kab nind aayi pata hi nahi chala aur mai sofe pe hi so gayi. Itne din baad sex karne se mai bahut thak gayi thi, raat ko karib 9 baje mere hubby ka call aaya, to meri neend khul gayi. Maine phone uthaya aur baat karne lagi, to usne mujhe pucha kaisi rahi shopping? Maine bataya achi rahi, fir hamne thodi der baat ki aur phone cut kiya aur khane ke liye kuch dekhne lagi, tabhi mera phone wapas ring...

4 years ago
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Hubby Catches Wife Being Naughty With The Cableman

Stacy stopped unpacking the box when she heard the doorbell ring. She adjusted her robe before opening the door. A uniformed cable man with a clipboard in his hand, stood there. His eyes roamed down her body, lingering on her chest for several moments. The way he looked at her, made her blush. He said, "Mrs. Hill?" She nodded her head. "I'm here to install your cable." He said, continuing to undress her with his eyes.She involuntarily began to look him over too, even though she kept telling...

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Hubby became the pimp of her wife

Hi, i am back with a real incident, those who are reading me for the first time i am 28yr old single guy from Delhi, good looking and well educated and loves to live life to the fullest. The incident i am sharing with you all today is my Bhabhi (she is my friend’s wife), it’s an incident which completely changed her life and her hubby had made a real slut which she is enjoying. This is a true incident of a middle class family couple who are trying new things to enjoy their sex lives. I hope you...

1 year ago
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Hubby and Masters Surprise

Hubby and Masters Surprise I’ve been with my Husband and Master for 10 years nowWe’ve been into bondage for most of that time, he introduced me to it and I have loved every minutes of itA couple of weeks ago we were talking about our fantasies after a couple of glasses of wine he asked me what are my main fantasies.I was a little tipsy so I told him in detail lots of my fantasies Several weeks later he told me he was going to make several of my fantasies come true. I said which ones but he...

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Hubby gets his wish

I went down to our basement where my hubby mark and his best friend Steve were watching a movie. I walked straight over to Steve and straddled his lap, I leaned over and asked him if he wanted to give me a hand. He had a very confused look on his face. I asked Mark to go get us some more drinks. As he did I looked back at Steve and told him that Mark’s fantasy was to watch me with another man. I then told him that I decided to make it happen for him and if he was interested. Just then mark came...

2 years ago
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Hubbys in Prison So Im Now A Whore

Introduction: An introduction to what should be a series of my true experiences with men, especially after my husband became incarcerated and I became a nasty slut. What is a married woman to do when her husband goes to prison for a long time? Well, I know that Ive been doing what Ive needed to since my hubby was sent away a year and a half ago (and he has another 10 to go). After all, before that happened, we fucked constantly. It was part of the agreement of our relationship to begin with, he...

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Hubby gives me completely to BBC

Finally have sometime to post an update to what happened after my surprise GB.Earlier this year I setup a meeting and ended up being the sex toy of seven guys. I did this for my hubbies B-Day and he was surprised when he got the link with the party pictures and video over a text I sent to him prior to getting back home.Once I got home he was waiting for me in bed, I took off my clothes and got on top of him and rode him like a wild cowgirl. I was so exhausted, that I went to sleep right after...

1 year ago
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Hubbys Special Present

The following story is a fantasy but with a cast of real characters. Though my husband is a wonderful lover who makes me cum like no other I’m a woman with an occasional dominate streak that needs to be satisfied. I decided to find satisfaction for my inner Mistress on the internet. After having several dominance and submission cyber sex sessions with potential slaves one certain candidate stood out from all the rest. Stephen was convenient as our time schedules were similar and he was always...

3 years ago
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Hubbys Away We Play

Introduction: . . . and so the fuckfest begins. As soon as her husband hopped into the cab, Lisa was on her phone. Hes gone, she texted. Come over. Her phone buzzed a moment later. Ill cum where I want. Dress up for my cock. She hurried up the stairs to change. She had spent the last week getting ready for Richards visit. Her whole body was waxed and tanned a rich olive tone. Her dark hair was freshly styled into lavish curls. A thousand dollars of the most salacious and slutty lingerie hid...

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Hubbys birthday gift

It was my husband’s 40th birthday today and I had been planning his surprise for months now. I had taken the day off to make sure everything was perfect. I had showered, taking special care to make sure all of his favorite areas were silky smooth and that my hair was clean and soft. I had bought a new dress that was black with a slight shimmer, it was short and made my boobs and my curves look fantastic. I fixed my hair with mousse and hair spray until with was crazy big and curly just the way...

2 years ago
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Hubbys Away We Play Ch 02

Introduction: . . . and so the fuckfest continues. When Richard came downstairs, Lisa was at the stove wearing nothing but her black sheer robe, matching heels and diamond-studded choker. She was putting the finishing touches on a plate of steak and potatoes at the counter. He swaggered toward her, the air cool on his hot naked flesh. His spent cock swayed between his thighs like a slumbering serpent. Sex and seasoned meat hung in the air like smoke. I made you a drink, stud. She nodded at a...

3 years ago
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hubbys bet my surprise mom becomes a slut

hello my name is jill and in order to write this story i have to put in my part of the story to let you know how i came to be his wife and let him fuck any woman he desires all with my apovall and blessings when paul and i were still dating i was so in love with him that i would do anything he asked of me but when he said he made me love him and could have an woman he wanted i thought i would make him eat crow and asked him what he would put up as a weager he said anything i wanted and when he...

4 years ago
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Hubbys Friend

I was laying on the couch, waiting for my husband to get home, extremely horny and dressed like a slut. He finally called, around 11:30pm,saying that his friend was going to give him a lift back to the house. I got up, looking in the big mirror, down the the hallway, making sure my curvy plump body, looked good in my outfit. My lacy top was cutout so my 42D tits were hanging out, along with a thong, and a pair of fishnet stockings with heels. I stood at the kitchen entrance, so when he walked...

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Hubbys birthday gift

It was my husband's 40th birthday today and I had been planning his surprise for months now. I had taken the day off to make sure everything was perfect. I had showered, taking special care to make sure all of his favorite areas were silky smooth and that my hair was clean and soft. I had bought a new dress that was black with a slight shimmer, it was short and made my boobs and my curves look fantastic. I fixed my hair with mousse and hair spray until with was crazy big and curly just the way...

Group Sex
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Hubby Fantasy

My husband and I were sitting around on a Friday night having a few drinks and talking. I have always known my husband, like most men, was a voyeur and enjoyed watching other people have sex. It wasn’t until this night that I learned that he wanted to secretly watch me with another man. Not really sure how to respond, I just let it fall by the wayside and didn’t think much more of it. The following afternoon my husband said he needed to run some errands and said he would be back in a couple of...

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hubby sucing cock

We are a married couple of six years. I am 5’4′, 34C pert breasts and wear a bikini well. My husband is 5’10’ with a well toned build. We have always been pretty open and honest with each other when it came to sex. One night, while making love, my husband expressed his desire to watch me fuck another man, one with a large cock. I told him that I indeed was intrigued with the idea and that it turned me on. As I wondered why he wanted this man to have a big cock, I asked him if he was more than...

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Hubby Leaves Shes Forced

Lisa was dressed conservatively, a long black skirt, red satin blouse with a black scarf. She wore red hi heels, she loved the way they made her legs look, and her hair was pulled back in a bun. As she watched John leave, she quietly wondered to herself, what had gone wrong. She was a woman with an incredbibly high libido, and John was as well all through their courtship. With his new promotion at work, suddenly he didn’t have time to satisfy her needs, and although she would never dream of...

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Hubby discovers his Bi side and gets turned on by Humiliation

Back in the 70’s my wife who was 22yrs, slim with firm small breasts and long black hair and gorgeous sexy legs, wanted to go and see her favourite rock star at a local concert hall. Outside the place was swarming with people. Fans, ticket touts, just about everybody. A jumble of people pushing and shoving. We eventually found our way to the back of the queue that was right outside the stage door. We where waiting patiently in line when the stage door opened and out came a...

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Hubby secretly follows and watches his slut wife Interracially gangbanged

My wife Elaine is 19, petite with long black hair, small but very firm tits and keeps her pussy shaved. She likes to have sex with strangers in strange places and in public. She gets her excitement from being used, abused and humiliated in front of people The more people who see her, the more she likes it. We had been married for a little under a year before I found out about her eccentricities. We where very happy (or so I thought) and I had no reason to suspect her of any infidelities. That...

2 years ago
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Hubby gets a sexual boost while watching wife doing it with young boys

My own particular kink is to watch my wife, who is 36, being fucked by young boys of about 16. I travel into London each day for work and therefore have ample opportunity to contact many young boys kicking around the streets. They are only too pleased to sink their rampant young pricks between the warm, fleshy white thighs of an attractive, middle-aged woman. This invariably takes place in the car on a common or some other lonely open space. After being dubious at the beginning, my wife...

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Hubby watching his wife being filled to overflowing with other men8217s cocks

I guess the best place to start any story is at the beginning. I meet my wife Jan when I was only sixteen and still a virgin. She was a year younger than me but despite her tender age she was already well experienced sexually, having lost her cherry two years before while only aged fourteen. So by the time we meet she had already had taken quite a few cocks up her In the early days I used to be very jealous of these earlier lovers… later I was to learn to love hearing all the juicy...

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Hubby allows other men to use his drunken wife

At 30 years old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and want ‘friends’ of her own age. Well that didn’t happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like...

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