Bestfriend to sexfriend
- 4 years ago
- 83
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After reading the ominous note, I didn't know what to think. Why was Cameron coming over at two? I hopped in the shower as I played out different scenarios in my head. Ideally, I hoped that she would come over, and the two of us would have a rational discussion. Cameron would realize that becoming a couple had been a mistake, and that we should go back to just being best friends.
Mental scenario two was that she would be upset with me, but she would decide to forgive me and give our relationship another shot. To me, that situation would be less than optimal, but it was better than dreaded scenario number three.
In my third scenario, I pictured Cameron being extremely upset and deciding that she wanted nothing to do with me. That's the situation that scared me the most. The only reason I had stuck with the romantic relationship for so long was because I feared ending it would also end our friendship.
Before I started dating Cameron, I felt almost as if I could read her mind, or predict her actions. When our relationship changed, I lost a bit of the clairvoyance. As I stood in the shower that morning, I realized I had no idea what to expect.
I finished my shower, got dressed, and went to tidy up my room. I picked up the previous night's rain soaked clothes, and felt a lump in the pants pocket. I reached in and found the panties I had taken from Cameron early in the evening. I was overwhelmed with emotion. I had never intended to cheat on her when I took those panties. Why did I have such a weak will? Why could I not turn Karen away? I couldn't decide if my behavior was caused by some subconscious fear of commitment, or if I was just a sexually compulsive asshole. As Karen had pointed out in her car, it wasn't the first time I'd been caught cheating, but I was certainly feeling worse than usual.
I cast the panties on my dresser, and went tried to find something to do while the minutes ticked by. Finally, at about ten minutes 'til one, I heard the doorbell ring.
Cameron looked spectacular, even though it wasn't her intention. She had on a white men's dress shirt and a pair of cutoff jeans. Her bleach blonde hair was pushed up in a messy bun, and from the bags under her eyes I could tell she hadn't got much sleep. I was simultaneously filled with guilt and arousal.
"Is anyone else home?" she asked. I told her we were alone. "Good, that will make this easier," she responded. "I just came by to get some stuff I left over here."
I reached for her hand. "Cammie, I'm so sorry," I said. She pulled away from my fingers as if they burned.
"I don't want to talk about this," she said as she headed towards my bedroom. "I can't stand to tell my parents what happened, so for the next two weeks, I'll act as if nothing has. After I go back to school, I'll just tell them we decided to go back to being friends. My mother thinks you're such a great guy. I don't want her to know the truth."
I don't think it was her intention, but her words still stung. She walked around my room, gathering some stuff she had left over and putting it in her backpack. She noticed the panties on the dresser, and picked them up.
"So what's really going to happen?" I asked. "I mean between us."
"What do you mean?" she asked. She was stretching the lavender panties back and forth in her hands. "I think you showed me last night that you don't really care about us. Apparently I'm not good enough to keep you away from slutty tramps."
"Cammie, that's not true," I said. "You know that isn't true. I care about you a lot."
"I 'know that isn't true'?" she asked rhetorically. "How the fuck do I know that?" she shouted. "You want to hear what I fucking know. I know that yesterday at this time, I was the happiest I'd ever been. I knew I had someone who cared about me and respected me, and that I could trust. Well, apparently I didn't know shit, because now I'm here having the worst fucking day in my life, and I can't stop recalling the look on that slut's face when she walked out of that bathroom and saw us together. So don't you fucking tell me what I 'know.' The only thing I know is how much this hurts."
Tears were running down her pretty face. Her whole body was trembling. Instinctively I put my arms around her and pulled her close. I walked her to the edge of the bed, and we sat down. Cameron pressed her head tightly against my shoulder, and her whole body shook as she cried. I just held her close.
Again, I was mixed with feelings of guilt, and arousal. I ran my fingers across her forehead pushing the hair out of her face. I was suddenly convinced, that if we could just make love then everything would be alright. She would still be upset, but it would be a step in the right direction. I kissed her forehead softly. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I never meant to hurt you, Cammie." I kissed her again, and worked my way down her face. I kissed her nose and cheeks.
Cameron resisted at first, but slowly she turned her face to me. Our lips met, and we kissed passionately. Quickly, my hands went to the buttons of her shirt. My nimble fingers started opening the baggy garment. I gazed upon the swell of her bosom, and a lacy white bra. I wrapped an arm tightly around her back and kissed her again. I slid my hands across her flat stomach, and started kneading her breasts. I could feel her nipples responding to my touch. Her body was responding, and for a second, I though she was going to let me love her, but then she suddenly pushed away.
"Stop it. Stop it!" she said. "What the hell am I doing? What am I letting you do to me?" She started buttoning her shirt again.
"Cameron," I pleaded. "Don't stop now?"
"Why?" she demanded. "If you fuck me, will that make everything all right? Will I be so amazed by your ability, that I'll forget all about what you did last night? Fuck you," she said.
She finished gathering her stuff and headed to the door. "I don't want to hear from you anymore," she said. She started down the stairs and then stopped. She was still holding the lavender panties. She turned and through them at me. "Why don't you keep these," she said. "Maybe they'll remind you of what you did." She wheeled around and ran down the stairs. I knew it was pointless to follow. I heard the front door slam, and from my bedroom window, I watched her drive off.
With only two weeks remaining in the summer, I took the same approach as Cameron with my parents. I just let them assume that nothing had happened between us. A few times a week I would leave the house without saying anything, and they would just assume I was with her. I spent most of that time down by the creek behind my house, thinking about how stupid I'd been.
The first few months back at school were rough. I was unable to shake my depression. I wasn't terribly upset about the relationship, but it was hard getting by without my best friend. Before we started dating, I had talked to Cameron at least 3 times a week, and shared almost every even in my life with her. Now, as the fall semester drug by, I had no one to talk to, and I felt incredibly lonely. During my freshman year, I had spent most of my time drinking, partying, and getting laid. In my sophomore year, I had only slept with two girls by Thanksgiving break, and for one of them I had been incredibly drunk. I didn't have Cameron's new phone number at school, but I e-mailed her occasionally. Sometimes she would write back, but it was usually only a few words that didn't amount to much.
By Thanksgiving, I was happy to go home for a few days. I spent Thursday with my family. On Friday, I went over to visit my old friend Trey. Growing up, he had been my best friend aside from Cameron. He had decided on an out of state college and had even taken summer classes after his first year, so it had been hard to keep in touch since high school. His parents were off visiting relatives, so we sat on the back porch drinking beer and smoking cheap cigars. We spent the first half hour or so just catching up on each other's lives. Finally, I asked the question I had been avoiding.
"So, do you talk to Cammie much?" I asked.
"I was wondering how long it would take to ask that," he said. "Yeah, I talk to her a lot more now. I guess ever since the end of the summer, she's been looking for someone to replace you. Not as a boyfriend, but in the way you two used to be. We talk a lot, but we'll never be as close as you two were. I think it's hard for her to trust me."
"How is she doing?" I asked.
"She's alright. She's acting a little strange sometimes, and I don't agree with everything she's doing, but she's alright. I hope you don't mind, but I don't really feel comfortable discussing this," he said. I told him I understood, and we changed the subject. After a few minutes he asked: "Are you planning on attending the party tomorrow?"
Apparently, for the long weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Jones had decided to vacation in Europe, and leave their sons behind. The infamous Jones boys had decided to pay their parents back by holding the biggest party ever in their house. Richie, Reggie, and Randy had each invited everyone they knew from high school, and any college friends in the area. It was going to be a huge blast. I definitely wanted to go, partly to take my mind off Cameron, and partly because I thought she might be there.
"Yeah, I'm going," I said as I opened a fresh beer.
"You have a date?" he asked. Even in my depressed state I had no intension of showing up stag to a party filled with old high school chums. I had arranged to take Haley Carson. She was a year younger than me, and had just started her freshman year at my college. In high school, she had been kind of skinny and homely. In college, she had broken out of her shell and was making a reputation for herself. By toning up her body she had significantly increased her popularity with the guys. Haley had been after me for a while, so I had accepted the date out of convenience. I told Trey I was taking her, and he told me he his girlfriend from college was coming down for the party. We decided to ride together and get dinner beforehand.
We continued to chat and finished our beers. As dusk approached, I got up to leave.
"One last thing," Trey said. "If Cammie is at the party tomorrow, you should probably avoid her."
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Just trust me," he said. "It wouldn't be a good idea to talk to her."
The next night, I picked Haley up and brought her to my house, where Trey was meeting us. She looked spectacular. Haley was around 5 foot 2, and very outgoing with a ton of energy. She was evidence that dynamite comes in small packages. She had dirty blonde hair that came just past her shoulders and big brown eyes. She was wearing tight, low cut sweater. It was a white button down that was made of cashmere. Her pants were extremely tight black leather that showcased her perfect little ass. The contrast in the colors and materials was very sexy. It was totally like the nerdy, out of style clothes she had worn while in high school. I marveled at how much she had changed since leaving home. I introduced her to my parents and we hung out and waited for Trey. I couldn't help but notice my mother's disapproving glances at her pants.
Trey picked us up shortly with his girlfriend Terri. She was a pretty dark haired girl from Maryland. She was very polite and easy to get along with. I understood immediately why Trey had chosen to stay in school over the summer. I liked her instantly, and she also hit it off with Haley. The four of us went out to an uneventful dinner, and then headed to the big party.
When we arrived at the Jones house I was shocked. Their parties were always big, but this time there were twice as many cars as normal parked along the street. Reggie greeted us at the door, and told us they have given a large tip to the country club security in order to leave the party alone. The front hall of the mansion was filled with kegs, bottle of liquor, and an assortment of other party favors. The house itself was packed with people. It was unseasonably warm, so there were also a lot of people mulling around outside. My three companions and I decided to go out back and mingle.
The first part of the evening went well. I visited with old friends from school and spent time getting to know Trey's girlfriend. Haley and I were both drinking, and it was becoming obvious that she would be willing to have sex if I wanted. As I continued to drink, the prospect became more intriguing. Unlike the two girls I had slept with over the past few months, I was actually seeing Haley as a person, and not just a sexual object. The more time I spent with her, the more I enjoyed her personality.
After a while, the two girls wandered off to explore the big house, leaving Trey and I alone. We sat down by the pool to drink and chat. Only a few minutes had passed when I looked across the deck and saw Cameron. I was shocked just to see her, but when I noticed her date, I was even more upset. She was standing with a group of couples, and her arm was locked around the waist of Billy Bell, my old nemesis. Trey noticed me staring and followed my gaze.
"Oh fuck," he said. "I didn't think she would come. This is why I told you not to talk to her. I didn't want you to find out about him."
"You fucking knew about this?" I demanded.
"Yes," Trey confessed. "She's been dating him for about a month. You know they go to the same school, right?" I nodded. "He basically approached her and played up the sympathy angle about how you and Karen had cheated on the two of them. This is why I told you I don't agree with all her actions. I think he's just using her to get back at you. It's like Tupac said : Revenge is the sweetest thing next to getting pussy."
I watched as Billy rubbed Cameron's ass and kissed her cheek. "It looks like he wants to do both," I said to Trey. I started to get up and walk over to them. Before I went two steps, I felt Trey's hand on my elbow. "Don't do it," he said. "Don't give him the satisfaction." For a minute, I still wanted to go over to them, but finally I listened to Trey's wisdom. We picked up our drinks and headed inside to find our dates.
As I walked around with Haley, I couldn't get Cameron and Dipshit out of my mind. I kept picturing the way his hand looked on her ass. I put down a few more drinks, and I finally put the scene behind me. Trey took Terri upstairs to show her one of the bedrooms. Haley and I decided to go for a walk by the pool. We went outside and slipped into the shadows. I wrapped my arm around Haley, and leaned down to kiss her for the first time. Her lips were very receptive.
"I was beginning to think you would never do that," she said. "I'm not usually this forward, but I was wondering if you'd like to show me one of those bedrooms?"
For the first time in a while, I felt real desire for a woman. I took her hand and headed towards my old haunt, the pool house. I found the door open, and we went in. I got the shock of my life when I turned on the light. Across the room, I saw Billy and Cameron kissing. He had her pressed firmly against the wall. One hand was on her breast, and the other was under her skirt. They turned around and gasped. I noticed that Cameron looked spectacular in a short gray skirt and tight blue sweater. At first, I didn't know how to react.
Cameron broke the silence. "Oh, hi," she said. "How are you?" It was a friendly enough question, but the chilly tone of her voice was unmistakable.
"Sorry," I said. "The door was unlocked." I took Haley's hand and turned to leave...
"Hey! Don't leave yet," Billy said. "We haven't had a chance to say hello yet. I believe you know my date, Cameron."
Haley didn't know the history between the rest of us, but she was picking up on the hostility. "Let's go," she whispered.
"You see," Billy continued, "Cameron and I have a lot in common. We were both cheated on by our significant others. I guess she decided she wanted someone who would treat her right."
"That's funny," I replied. "I just figured she was with you because she always liked the taste of pussy." I saw Cameron cringe and I knew she hadn't told Billy about her bisexual experiences. Meanwhile, his face had turned a bright shade of red.
I felt Haley tug at my arm. "Let's go," she repeated again. She pulled on my arm and went towards the door, and I reluctantly followed.
"I better go," I said to Billy. "I wouldn't want to have to kick your ass again." That remark got him going. He tried to charge me and Cameron pulled him back. Haley pulled me out the door and closed it. She frantically guided me away from the building, and we ended up out on the golf course. There were no lights, but it was a clear night, and we could see well enough.
"Can you fucking believe that?" I demanded. "What is she doing with him?"
"I don't know," Haley said. "She doesn't know what she's doing. That guy's an asshole. Why don't you just forget about it?"
"But how can someone go from me to him?" I asked.
"I don't know," she repeated. "I don't know why anyone would want to leave you." Haley stood on her tiptoes and kissed my neck. "I think you're great."
I calmed down a little bit. I looked at Haley and once again noticed how pretty she was.
"Why don't we walk over to my house?" she asked.
Haley's family also lived in the country club. They had a smaller house without a golf course view, but it wasn't a long walk. "I swear, I'll make you forget all about her," she said.
I let Haley lead my in the moonlight. We walked along the golf cart path, and then cut off through someone's yard and over a few blocks to her house. It was pretty late, and all the windows were dark. Haley led me around to the back, and we slipped into the basement.
Haley closed the door behind us and flicked on a light. The basement was set up as a small recreation room with a pool table and kitchenette. Haley sat on the edge of the green felt surface and I kissed her softly.
"You know," she said. "I've had a crush on you forever. Even in high school, when you didn't know I was alive."
I kissed her again. "I knew were alive," I said.
"Yeah, maybe," she said. "But I was such a nerd. You would never have talked to me I dressed like a fool, and I had bad hair. I acted like a total dork around boys. Plus, I never exercised. I was skinny, but not sexy."
I looked up and down her body. "Well, you're certainly sexy now," I said. I loved the way her leather pants showed off her toned legs, and the tight sweater accentuated her small shapely breasts.
"You know," she said. "I had never seriously kissed a boy before I started college in August. But since I started working out, guys hit on me all the time. I slept with a couple even, but when I saw you again at the student center, I knew it was you I wanted."
I was a little nervous about her obsession, but I was also very turned on by her kissing. Haley started rubbing my rigid cock.
"You know, girls used to talk about how good you were in high school," Haley said as she rubbed me.
"So I've been told," I responded, recalling the night Cameron had first told me about my infamous reputation as a ladies man.
"I used to dream about this," she whispered. Her hand was slowly opening my pants. "I'd here the stories, and I'd dream about experiencing it first hand. I never thought it would happen. It was just the pathetic fantasy of the little nerd girl, dreaming of the popular guy."
"Well, do you want to talk about your fantasy, or act it out?" I asked playfully.
Haley smiled, and pushed on my pants, sending them around my ankles. I kicked the aside, and my underwear followed. I through off my shirt, and stood there naked in front of her. Haley was starting to breath heavy. I stepped forward and kissed her again. I ran my hand along her sweater and fondled her breast roughly Suddenly, I remember the way that my nemesis had been fondling Cameron's breast. It made me a little angry, but I couldn't get it out of my head. I roughly squeezed her tit, and Haley moaned with delight. I could hardly contain my desire as I pulled her sweater out from the pants and unbuttoned it. She removed the sweater and cast is aside.
Haley was wearing a rather filmy sky blue bra that didn't do much to hide her perky little tits and stiff nipples. Again, I squeezed her breast roughly while I thought about Billy and Cameron. I pinched her nipple and pulled on it. She let loose a moan that was close to a scream. "Sorry," I said as I snapped out of my fantasy. "Did I hurt you?"
"No," she replied. "It was just the shock. If I tell you something, will you promise not to laugh?" I told her I wouldn't. "I kind of like it rough," she said. "I've never told anyone that, but it really turns me on."
Rough sex wasn't the norm for me, but as I though about Billy fucking Cameron, I was suddenly eager to take Haley up on her request.
"Do you want me to fuck you hard?" I asked.
"Yes," she said. I pulled her bra off exposing her sexy little breasts. I leaned forward and sucked on her hard nubs. Haley moaned softly again.
"Bite them," she whispered. I pulled on the nipples with my teeth, stretching them out, and Haley responded my squeezing my dick firmly. It hurt a little bit, but it also made me hotter. I continued to nibble on her tits. Which each nip she panted fiercely.
I thought about Cameron again, and I became enraged. I thought of the way she was letting Billy reach beneath her skirt and rub her pussy. The thought of my worst enemy fucking a girl that I still cared about made my blood boil. I responded by grabbing Haley and roughly rolling her onto her stomach on the pool table.
I fumbled with the belt and snaps on her tight leather pants, and then I jerked them down around her knees, revealing a gauzy pair of light blue panties. I jerked those down to her knees as well. I stuck my fingers against her pussy and realized it was drenched. Looking at her petite body I knew that my big cock would be a lot for her to handle. I lined up at her entrance and put it in forcefully, sinking the entire shaft.
Haley gasped with a mixture of pleasure and surprise. She tired to spread her legs more, but with her pants still around her knees, her movement was restricted. I placed my hands on her thighs and squeezed them together, letting her feel my staff inside her.
Haley's breath was coming rapidly now. I wondered if Billy was fucking Cameron at that moment, and again I was filled with rage. Haley placed her hands on the pool table for support as I started sliding my cock in and out. Almost instantly she was cumming, and I could feel her juices running down my shaft. I wrapped my hands in her pretty blonde hair and pulled her head back, firmly, but not painfully. Haley kept squealing with delight as I pounded her pussy. I started to worry that someone in the house might hear us. I took my hand out of her hair and covered her mouth. With my other hand, I reached around and fondled her nipples roughly. I expressed all the anger I was feeling with my cock. I slammed in and out intensely. Haley continued to moan into my cupped hand. The sound of our slapping flesh filled the room. Minutes later Haley was cumming again. Her entire body trembled as she let go. I felt myself responding and my cock spasmed, filling her with my hot semen. The two of us collapsed in a heap on the pool table. Ten minutes later Haley was sucking my cock and we ended up fucking again. This time, in the middle of the floor. By the time I left her house, the sun was coming up, and we both had carpet burns on our hands and knees. I had fucked her three times, and it seemed like my anger with Cameron had been spewed out with my cum.
I stumbled back across the golf course to the Jones house, where I found Trey and Terri asleep in a bedroom. They got dressed and we left together. As we drove off, I noticed Cameron's car was parked out front on the street. The three of us got breakfast, and then they dropped me off at home, where I quickly went to sleep.
This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
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My girlfriend lives alone, so whenever I am at her house by myself, while she's out clubbing or working, I always take the opportunity to go through all of her sexy clothes and lingerie and dress up like the slut that I crave to be.I undressed and put on a pair of white fishnet stockings, a black thong, mini skirt, black and white see through top and a sexy pair of silver high heels. I set my camera up at the end of the bed and set it to record myself in various poses. After a while doing this,...
CrossdressingHello everyone. Here Raj again from Bhubaneswar presenting my first ever story. Thank you all for the feedbacks received for my previous story. You may please contact me for feedback of this story too at Ladies, aunties and unsatisfied women are most welcome. You people can drop a mail to me if you want a secret relationship or some fun. Your secrecy is my guarantee. Now coming to the story. Who don’t know me previously, for them; I am Raj, from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Well-built with gym touch....
My Girlfriend's Girl Friend Although this is fictional, many parts of this story actually happened. You, the reader can decide for yourself which are real and which are entirely a lifetime crossdresser's vivid imaginations. My name is Don. This story takes place in the late 60's when everyone had a little different or new view of their sexuality. From the time I was able to masturbate, I was in my mother's lingerie drawer trying on her silky panties and hose. I was probably 12...
It didn't take much to turn me on. Before I knew it, I was jerking off again for the third time that day. I was looking at a pic of Sarah and Rachel together. In my state of horniness, I texted Sarah."So I thought about it, I'm okay with you telling Rachel about me being your cuck," I typed.What I got back was a much longer response than I expected."Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel obligated. I really care about you and I don't want to ruin our friendship with this. I want to tell...
Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...
I was living at home right after I graduated from college and I was dating this girl Brittany at the time. She was a little wild though and I had a hard time dealing with her. This one time, my mom was out of town visiting her sister and Brittany came over to visit and have some beers. It was a hot summer day and we were drinking by the pool and my dad was in his lawn chair, reading the paper under a shady tree nearby.“It’s so nice out, I want to go swimming,” said Brittany stretching...
CuckoldMy Girlfriend's Gum (A Witchy Girlfriend) By: Boredsitting This story is heavily influenced by the story A Force Of Habit by Jessica Drew. I read the story a long time ago, and it is still one of my faves. There's also some other influences in here, as well. I just hope that it is as good a read as hers. Also, I tried to change the story about midway through to avoid copying her directly. The first half is a tribute to A Force Of Habit, but the rest needed to be my own. This...
Hi, this is my first story. Hope you enjoy it. My name is Chetan Sharma and in this story, I am going to tell you about how I had sex with my best friend. So, the story begins. My best friend’s name is Sneha. She is 5 ft 5 inches tall, fair colour, with normal boob size which is not so big and has a great perfect ass. Whenever she wears tight jeans, I just look at her ass as she walks and it gives me a hard-on. We both had a soft corner for each other. But I never accepted my feelings in front...
When I woke up I helped clean Rachel's a little bit so the whole place wasn't a complete mess. Eventually Sarah and Mark came out of the room. It was awkward with other people there, and no one really said anything. I felt like everyone kinda knew I was a cuck, even though Sarah and I weren't together. I knew I had been in love with her, but she just fucked one of my friends. My two best friends were fucking each other and I was stuck masturbating.Eventually Sarah asked me to drive her home....
I waited outside the door waiting for her to open the door. Soon I heard footsteps and the door opened. It was her mother. For a moment I was awestruck. This was the first time I had seen her mother and she was beautiful. She must have been around 40 but she had a very firm pair of breast. I could see that she was not wearing a bra or anything. So her tits were just bouncing around when she walked. I could even see her nipples. Suddenly I had an urge to touch them, but I contained my self and...
First TimeJack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...
?Well, what do you think?? Jay asked.?About Amy???No, about the chili fries. Of course about Amy!??I like her.? Greg watched the retreating form of Amy, his best friend Jay’s new girlfriend, as she weaved her way between the crowded tables to the bar to order them another round. She was tall, curvy, and (Jay was right) had a great ass. All positives as far as Greg was concerned. ?Yeah, I like her a lot.??You’re staring right at her ass. How about the rest of her? You know, the part they...
Zully and I had a habit of going over to each others house on Fridays and catch a movie and this particular Friday was not different, except for this time she was bringing over Adam, her boyfriend at the time. Usually my parents would never have allowed this but no one was home on this night and we didn't expect anyone anytime soon either. So we figured it wouldn't be a problem. So I think it was around six when my doorbell rang. I go to answer the door wearing just regular...
Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...
I have mostly good memories of my high school years. But there were some aspects, involving my best friend, Peter, that have bothered me right up until now, at the age of forty-five.My name is Evan, and I became best friends with Peter in the second grade. We came from very different backgrounds socially, with his father being a prominent attorney in the Atlanta area, and my father working a less gainful job as a warehouse manager. Peter made better grades than me, is more athletic, and he was...
BisexualOne day Lisa & I were shopping and in the fitting room trying on clothes. Because we were together so much we changed in the same room together. We had seen each other nude several times and weren't shy around each other. This particular day we were looking for bikinis to wear for the summer swimming season. Lisa had chosen several cute bikinis but and was trying them on; she would always ask me to help her fasten the tops. This particular one was bright pink and barely covered her huge...
His hands travelled around my body, feeing every inch of me. As I lie there, naked and exposed, ready for him to please me in any way he desired, someone knocked on the door. Panicking, I got to my feet and hurried off to get dressed. I waited anxiously, praying that he would hurry up and finish talking to who ever was at the door. Footsteps starting coming close to me and their voices were now crystal clear outside the door. “Come out babe” my boyfriend said, “Meet a friend of mine”. I...
Group SexIt's the start of your senior year, and things are going great. School is a breeze, and you're lucky enough to have been with your girlfriend Jane for almost a year now. You two are in love, and you've never been happier. Jane is what most guys would call "cute" -- not particularly curvy or anything, but on the smaller side with a pretty face framed by her brownish-blondish hair. She has smallish B cups and a nice ass -- plenty to keep you happy, but it does leave you wanting more... She's...
Well that night made a bit of an impression on me; I'd always been quite reserved. For example, if we ever went on holiday, even with the girls, I always stayed covered up. But after that night with our friend, I developed a bit of an exhibitionist side. We spoke the following morning, as I'd said, and agreed that we would never mention it in case someone picked up on our conversation. Although he did remind me of the promise. And true to his word, whenever we were out, if there was anyone...
ExhibitionismI walk up to the door of my girlfriend’s apartment. As I start to slide the key into the lock, I can hear slight muffled noises from inside. As the door slowly opens, I am met by the sight of my girlfriend laying with her legs spread wide open on the couch and her super sexy friend Shayla, who I’ve always wanted to see naked, on her knees eating my girlfriend out. Shayla’s tight ass looks so incredibly sexy with that hot pink thong on.I shut the door behind me and walk up to the couch as I get...
Rachel jumped into the pool, feeling the cold water wrap around her body. Mark followed her in, diving deep into the water. He rose up to the top of the water, just as the volley ball flew into his head. Rachel sat there laughing, until Mark swam over to the ball, grabbing it, and flung it back at Rachel. She ducked out of the way and quickly swam for the ball to send it back at Mark. She grabbed the ball, turned to Mark, and began arch back to throw it. Mark paused. His eyes were fixated on...
First TimeIt was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...
It was another boring day at college. Drawing the objects kept on the table seemed FINE ART to the faculties here. Why don’t they understand I have taken FINE ARTS to make FINE PAINTINGS not to waste my time on basics which I have learned in the past. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Ravi, a fine arts student in a reputed art college in my region. I always had a passion for art and paintings. I lived far away from my home in the college hostel. I went against my family’s wishes and chose...
This story is true. Its been many years and so the conversations are what I recall and not verbatim. I had never thought of myself as gay or anything other than straight. In my youth the word gay only meant happy. There were only two ways of describing a man’s sexuality that I was aware of, straight and fagot or queer. I am sure bisexual was used then but that was a word I was not aware of when in high school. I had done things sexually I knew where frowned upon but never considered them...
This story is true. Its been many years and so the conversations are what I recall and not verbatim.I had never thought of myself as gay or anything other than straight. In my youth the word gay only meant happy. There were only two ways of describing a man's sexuality that I was aware of, straight and fagot or queer. I am sure bisexual was used then but that was a word I was not aware of when in high school. I had done things sexually I knew where frowned upon but never considered them...
Growing up wasn't too hard. You see, I was raised in a pretty decent sized town. I was an only child so I didn't have any siblings. I found out when I was 14 that I was adopted from a family that lived in the Polynesian islands. My biological parents were both native to the area they lived in, but they were hooked on Ice which seemed to be the drug if choice in that area. According to my adoptive parents I was adopted when I was born. My biological mother had given birth to me while she was...
For those that have been following the story, you now know about my exhibitionist side. For newcomers I could re-cap but it would be easier and hopefully better for you if you read my previous stories. However, I shall bring you all up to speed with what happened in between the last story and this one. After the holiday things went back to normal for a while. Then out of the blue, my boyfriend and his friend both moved away with their jobs. They weren't connected, it was just bad timing (for me...
MasturbationHi reader, this is my fantasy story of getting cuckold by my huge dick friend and my wife willingly taking it! My name is Morgan. I am 27 years old. I am an average-built guy with a slim and tall body. I got married recently. About my wife, her name is Katy. She is a little dominant type but she is not used to doing it with me as I am the leader of the family. My wife is short and slim with a perfect body. Her tits and ass are round and perfect for her short height. No guys will leave a chance...
It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...
Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...
-*- I had gone to bed by myself and woke with Lisa in my arms - her eyes were open and she looked so innocent, so delicious. I kissed her. "Good morning brother-dear." "Good morning Lisa." At that moment I recalled the day before - the long torturous and very sexy lesbian shows choreographed by Gerald. I had ordered Amy to see to mother, as she was in great pain from the spanking as well as the general abuse, dildo's and butt plugs the night before. Lisa had been...
Best Girlfriends Forever Chris falls in love with his new roommate Shannon, who is transgender. Shannon falls in love with Chris too, but she already has a boyfriend and instead wants to be 'best girlfriends forever'... * * * Chapter 1: "Just two more questions." "Sure," I responded cheerfully. It seemed like Shannon and I were connecting which was great because I desperately needed a cheap place to stay. And besides, who wouldn't want someone as cute and beautiful...
It was a Tuesday, sunny and warm. School passed by quickly, luckily, and I grabbed my bag from my locker. Adam met me halfway down the hall, and we walked side-by-side to the exit. I saw a girl from my grade, Jessica, walking up to me and I stopped. “Hi, Cody!” she said softly. She didn’t try to talk quietly, it was just the way her voice was. “Whats goin on, Jess?” she smiled up at me and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. “Well..I was wondering. Did you maybe want to go to The...
I've known him for a couple years now. We had become fast friends, and the best kinds of friends. We shared everything with one another; our hopes, dreams, and even our sexual fetishes. He often hinted at the fact we should hook up, or that he found me attractive enough that he wanted to get together with me. We were friends, so I pushed him off. I never wanted to make our friendship muddled with sex. One sunny Spring morning, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Grant. "Hi honey!"...
I've known him for a couple years now. We had become fast friends, and the best kinds of friends. We shared everything with one another; our hopes, dreams, and even our sexual fetishes. He often hinted at the fact we should hook up, or that he found me attractive enough that he wanted to get together with me. We were friends, so I pushed him off. I never wanted to make our friendship muddled with sex. One sunny Spring morning, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Grant. "Hi honey!"...
Hi friends, this is Rani from Tamilnadu. I have read many stories on ISS, so thought to share few my own personal experiences with my boyfriend and our friends. My boyfriend and I enjoy a great sex life. To start with I will tell you how I lost my virginity. My boyfriend Rohit and I both were studying in same college. He is a perfect definition of tall dark and handsome with gym body and nicely built up chest n biceps and abs. I am 34 28 34, ht 5.3″ fair, black eyes, long hair, boobs round n...
Amar girlfriend onek sexy shob chelera pagol oer jonno oer dudh onek boro r shundor ..oer ass o onek sexy oer body shape 36-24-36 ...oke dekhle emon kono chele nai je pagol hobe na..ekdin ami amar girlfriend ke nia amar best friend er bashai gesi friend er basha khali chillo er jonno girlfriend ke nia gesi chudte ...amar girlfriend ke sheidin onek sexy lagtisilo ekta tight sleeveless kameez porsilo oer dudh mone hoitesilo je jama chire baire ashbe....r kameez er gola onek boro chillo...
Dear readers, this is my true story. My name is Santosh. I am working in private limited company. My friend’s name is Nitin, he is my best friend. We are friends from childhood. We were living together as a roommate during our college period. We know each other’s each and every secret, all affairs etc. there was nothing hidden thing between us. Since we were best friends, we took our new flats in same society and on same floor. We got possession of our new flats in June 2010. We both started...
Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...
Introduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...