Incredible ChangesChapter 218: Steela free porn video

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Does this guy ever leave the estate?

I soon got the impression that the butler was stalling for time, but not why. He was all excited to escort me to Toledo to see it from the eyes of someone who grew up there.

“Please pardon my needing to step away. That was someone I hadn’t seen in years. They were telling me about those in their family who had passed away who was close to my wife and her family. Talking to you had brought back memories as if I had made them days ago. Thank you for humoring me,” he explained before asking if I minded walking some more in the city. “I was so young then. With all our novice mistakes, Andy and I had to work much longer each day to produce three times the steel for the sword cores, so we had at least ten that the master felt he had met his requirements. We slowly got better to the point that each tested out correctly. Since we learned how to follow his directions to the letter, he began having us making the softer steel as well as the steel for the cores. Traditionally, he would have done each in a big crucible all at once, but it took much longer to cool that much to see if it met the requirements, or we had to start over again. Soon Andy and I were working around the clock with the man’s daughters bringing us meals. With what we learned, the softer steel took us less time to have it how he required and we moved onto the third formulation of the steel. To have enough for him, the two apprentices, and his three older brothers to craft, we had to stay on top of it. Even as young as we were, our bodies were developing quickly and we needed to get our rest. He hired some men to come in to take away some old equipment in the back corner of the shop. They built us a small bedroom and a shower so we didn’t have to lose time going upstairs. We both worked like dogs for over a year straight before things in the shop finally slowed down a bit. By then, we both had some serious muscles. Andy was a bit stronger than me then, but not by much. One day he told us that we had worked so hard that if we made any more steel, it would rust before anyone could use them. He gave us a week off. Andy and I slept for two days straight. We would have slept longer, but one of the man’s daughters told us we stunk so much that if we didn’t bathe and put on clean clothes, they would have some men do it for us.

The man grew silent as we walked, only waving to those who would say hello to him.

After a long sigh, he continued, “His daughter was right. We both smelled like a hot barn full of manure and rotting animal carcasses. Since we didn’t have to take a quick shower, so we could keep a close eye on the furnace, we should go upstairs to use the enormous claw-foot tub. We had water heated by the cooling metals, or from the pipes against the smelting furnace, so Andy said we had plenty of hot water for us to bathe for as long as we wanted. If I hadn’t worked with Andy and slept in the same bed with them, I would have suggested I go home to bathe while he bathed in his home. I knew we weren’t gay. I never had the energy to pleasure myself, much less play with each other. Upstairs, Andy had me fill the tub and get in while they went to get us towels and clean clothes. I was dozing when I felt Andy getting in the tub in front of me. Neither of us ever worried about getting our hair cut. Anytime it got in the way, we cut it off with a knife or sword. Not yet needing to worry about shaving, yet, meant no beards. After bathing with my siblings for years, I had Andy scoot forward to get their hair wet and then started automatically washing the many times it took to get it clean. We turned around so Andy could do the same for my hair as I scrubbed myself free of the built-up grime. I stood to get my front clean while Andy stood to scrub my back. I rinsed off and then turned to scrub Andy’s back. We drained and refilled the tub five times before it didn’t turn as soon as we filled it up again. By that point, the hot water wore us out. I woke later when one of the swordsmith’s daughters pushed on us to tell us to wake up because the water was cold. I drained and refilled it while Andy moved away from the spigot. Once it was hot again, I stretched out in the tub and had Andy sit between my legs to lay back against me. We had spooned up to each other’s backs so much over the last year that it just felt normal, instead of weird like it would otherwise. Working with hot steel all the time made the bedroom noticeably cooler, so we always slept in our clothes. I woke up finding I was rubbing Andy’s chest idly as I slept. That wasn’t anything new since we found ourselves doing that to the one sleeping in front from time to time. I went to pull my hands away, but Andy pulled them back to hold them in place, saying it felt very nice. We both had a lot of muscles everywhere, and my chest muscles would hurt from time to time. I could massage Andy’s chest to relax their muscles. Andy would do the same for me if I asked.”

Andy went off in his mind again. I tried to bring up things like the area where were walking, houses, and general chatter, but he wasn’t paying attention.

“You see, Darren, we had worked closely together for almost two years at that point. For a whole year, we didn’t leave the shop other than to visit our families for a few hours even now and then before returning to work. That day was the first time we had both been in the same place, at the same time, to be naked in front of each other. Sure, we would see each other changing when the door remained open, but we always respected each other’s privacy. I thought Andy’s soft moan was from my chest massage. Finally, Andy said we better get out and dress if we wanted to eat dinner before they stopped serving it for the night. I turned my back when Andy got out. Andy did the same for me. When I dried off, I went to dress in the clothes Andy brought us,” the butler said with a small laugh. “Andy was still drying off, so when I saw a bra, panties, camisole, and a dress in one pile, I teased Andy that I got first the pick of the clothes because they were so slow. When Andy came to dress, I was standing there completely naked, so was she. I got a hard punch in the arm, which left a big bruise when Andy told me to stop gawking, we had to hurry if we wanted to eat. She even joked that the dress would look better on her anyway since she had a bigger chest than I. All through dinner, I was in shock. I stayed that way when we returned to go into her room, strip, and go to sleep with her spooned up behind me. The next day we took a long walk around the city to talk.”

The butler confessed that no one had ever said, or even hinted, about Andy being a girl. She was just Andy, the person he apprenticed with at the forge. Girls didn’t do that sort of work, so he never even thought Andy was anything other than a guy. When waking up in Andrea’s bed the next morning, she told me that she wanted to see if things had changed. Oddly, nothing had for him. Sure, he found she had breast and a vagina, but she had that all along, and it didn’t seem to matter. Andrea was stronger than him, both had the same build, except for her breasts which weren’t all that big given her muscles, and she worked harder than him most of the time. He never even knew she got her first period a month before they started working around the clock for over a year. Andy explained how painful her periods were, and yet she toughed it out to prove to her father that she was as much of a man as I was, even if she happened to have a woman’s body.

They talked a lot about everything on that walk. It turned out that even the old apprentices seemed to have forgotten that Andrea was a girl when her father began calling her Andy right after she came down to start learning from her father.

What did change for them was that they showered before bed and didn’t sleep in their work clothes anymore. The master swordsmith noticed the changes. One day he took them both aside to speak to them about how they both had to work as hard going forward as they had before the butler finding out that Andy was a girl. Andy may look like a man in the shop, but she was a woman, and he wouldn’t allow her to continue working in the shop if she got pregnant. Andy and the butler both asked her father how Andy was going to get pregnant. Her father found out then that Andy knew about girls becoming women when they started to bleed each month and learned to take care of her period from the years of watching her older sisters take care of theirs. The two knew their bodies matured but had no idea why.”

“The orgasm I gave her from rubbing her breasts was the first for either of us. I never had a single wet dream,” the butler explained. “When her father didn’t answer us on how Andy would end up pregnant, we took a day off to go talk to my grandmother. After having seventeen children and twenty-nine grandchildren, I was sure that she could answer our question. I should have known we learned a lot more than the answer to our question. After asking Andy about her period, my grandmother went to her cupboard to get a box of sheepskin condoms. She had us undress, and then we got a hands-on sexual education. After we reviewed that lesson, repeatedly, she taught us that Andy could feel as great as I did when I climaxed, but Andy being a woman meant that she could do it repeatedly without having to wait to do it again like me. My grandmother was a dear old soul. I’ve had many in my family who have passed on, but I miss her the most. For two months, we slept at my grandmother’s house as she showed us both multiple ways to know when a woman would ovulate sometime in the next seven days, when she ovulated, and then how to know when the egg died. During the two days after her period and the ten days before her next one started, we had unprotected sex as often as we could. The other time we used rubbers, even we had gotten so in tune with the other’s body that each knew when I had to pull out before the first sperm left my balls. By the time we were seventeen, we were experts at making carbon steel swords from mixing different ratios of steel with various powders that gave it the desired qualities. Knowing how to create a sword doesn’t mean it isn’t just some shiny piece of polished metal in a sword-like shape. As we learned to make authentic Toledo swords, we had to learn to make the swords perfectly. It was one thing to make them look and feel like they were perfect, but it was another for them to be perfect. The master swordsmith taught us how to fight with a sword so we would know when we properly crafted a sword, for it would fail otherwise. I just turned nineteen when he told us it was time for a test. We each needed to make the best sword we possibly could. Once completed, we would use them every day to fight for real, as we wore armor that he had crafted for us, until one of our swords broke. Both swords were beaten to hell when mine finally broke off at the hilt.”

He pulled out the same hilt from his bag.

That is fucking amazing. The fine details that the butler accented with silver and gold.

After looking at the hilt for a minute, or three, he said, “I made a novice mistake. I assumed I was smarter than all the old swordsmiths. Instead of fitting the blade in the hilt, I made the hilt from the last two layers of steel. Those were softer types of steel, so I tempered it as I made the sword. The outer layer of the hilt came from the steel we use to harden the cutting surface on the edge of the blade. I spent two weeks on the details before heating it to follow the same process we do for details on the blade itself. That was what Andy’s father told me was a big mistake. It was a sound idea, but the heating and cooling caused hairline cracks at the base of the blade where the hilt began. I’ve kept it with me for all these years.”

“So, did you end up marrying Andrea,” I asked.

“Hindsight being twenty-twenty, I know now that she would have been much happier if I had, but I was too young. We had sex like horny young teenagers, but for me to marry her, I would have needed to generate an income to raise a family. At that time, that would be around when I was thirty,” he told me. “Andy wanted me to marry her and tried hard to convince me that the only way her father would relent is if she got pregnant. We never learned if it was the work in the forge that made one, or both, of us infertile back then. No matter how often we had sex or when we had it every three days, she never conceived. She was heartbroken when her mother told her that she lived as a boy long enough. It was time for her to marry so she could have a few children of her own before her body was too old to have any. Andy was beyond furious, but she also wanted to have children. We weren’t getting the job done, so she went out with various men her mom considered acceptable to marry. The man she wed was an upstanding man who had been in his trade for a few years. It wasn’t much, but it kept a roof over her head, food on the table, and clothes on their backs. She became pregnant almost immediately. We wished hard to find that it was mine but found my grandmother’s lessons were a curse in disguise. Andy’s mom scheduled the wedding for the final day of Andy’s period. Her husband was so clueless about women that he bought everyone drinks at the bar that night, proclaiming how she still pure at twenty-one. When their first child was born, money became very tight for him, so he began working harder to provide for his family. Their next two children, twin boys, came just over a year after their sister. Having twins at twenty-three was a death sentence for the babies and mother back then. If not for her years of apprenticing to be a swordsmith, that would be her fate as well. She had her fourth child a year later. She and her husband were skipping meals to make sure the children had something to eat. When her mom found out what was happening, she came to watch the children so Andy could go work. Even after four children, Andy didn’t show any signs of baby weight. She had me look over her naked body the day she came to tell her father she was returning to work in the forge. Other than some fading stretch marks, I wouldn’t have known she gave birth to any children. Over the following weeks, I found out that her husband never managed to last longer than a minute before he was down for the count. She missed us having sex but was very set in honoring her vows. As you can imagine, soon our being around each other daily was too much for her to stand. She pulled me into the small bedroom intent on raping me, but you can’t rape the eager and willing. Only my deep sense of honor pulled her up into my arms to hold her as she cried. At the end of that day, I hugged her, took the hilt from my broken sword, handed her a note, and moved away.”

He reflected on other tidbits of his life after he left. It was his grandmother who arranged for him to live with some relatives living outside of Madrid. In that area, many wealthy families who had problems retaining quality staff. It didn’t take long to find a house where they needed help urgently. He wasn’t their butler. Instead, he supervised the gardeners, arranged for sewists, barbers, tailors, and any other trades the family required contacting to bring their craft to their home. Over time their butler aged, and he began taking on more of the aging man’s duties. When their butler died, he took over that position as well, without anyone telling him to do so. The master was extremely impressed by his doing both jobs without a complaint or request for increases to his pay.

While working for this family, one of their daughters fell in love with him long before her body began to change from a girl into a woman. He always listened to the man’s children and would offer suggestions of ways for them to consider resolving whatever problem they were having. Most of the wealthy families in that part of Madrid sent their daughters to schools focusing on teaching them how to be the wife of a wealthy man. The butler taught each of the man’s children how to read and do basic mathematics. While he was in tune with this entire family, it appears the butler was the last to find that the man’s daughter was going to be his lover, and by extension, his wife. Back when she was eight, she told her parents he was going to be her husband. One night he found her naked body spooned up in front of his. Only after he exhausted himself sexually pleasing them both did he come to realize that it wasn’t a dream about his times with Andy. He worried that when her father found that the butler took the girl’s virginity that he would cease breathing. The girl came into his bed every night for two months. By then, her period was six weeks late. When the girl confirmed she was pregnant, his master called him into his office.

He feared for his very life. He felt his heart once again torn from his chest when the man told him his services as the family’s butler were complete. That pain only lasted long enough for his former boss to tell him the butler that his new employer owned the estate I bought. The butler was to leave immediately and take his wife with him.

“Unlike most men of the time, I found I never had any choice regarding who I wed. The night I made his daughter a non-virgin was my honeymoon. His wife was very set about marrying him, but her mother said for the girl to have her wish, she still had to go on the dates her mother arranged. Once the girl turned sixteen, if she hadn’t found anyone else, she could come to my bed the day she finished her next period. Her conceiving in that first week proved to her parents that I was as capable in bed as I was at being their butler,” he told me. “I lost her a long time ago, and I’ve had a hard time dealing with the loss. My daughter became a very resourceful young woman out of necessity. I’m very proud of what she has done so far in her life. Few people at my age can say they had a million Euros in the bank.”

Like he didn’t plan to finish telling me his story right as we came to the car.

He gave me directions on where to park. It didn’t take all that long for him to give me the nickel tour of Toledo that the tourists got daily. We slowly made a loop around the city as he told me of the significant places before showing me some of the sword shops, where only two sold swords made in Toledo. All the rest sold swords stamped from cheap steel in China or Taiwan. They weighted down each to give the appearance of being real since tourists expected swords to have some mass to them. Each had a thin layer of chrome plating with brass etchings highlighted with red details. He joked that I could break the sword by hitting it with a broom handle if the sword didn’t shatter the first time it hit the floor. The cheap wood scabbards had stenciled on artwork that barely looked like that on the sword inside.

“You can get them in lots of a thousand for two to three thousand Euros. The shops will sell them for between fifty and two-hundred Euros, depending on how detailed the artwork appears,” he told me when we went into one of the tourist trap shops. “The swords they have in display cases are real, but priced so outrageously that only a fool would purchase one.”

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Incredible Wife

Introduction: Wife and I have our first non-family threesome with my best friend I just experienced the most amazing week of my life! My best friend, Eric, came to visit me for four days. He looks very similar to me, and was mistaken as my brother by those who didnt know. My wife, the one who has bore two of her fathers children, has always been reserved about sex with anyone else outside the family, but this past week was a major step away from that trend. Eric wasnt used to all the walking...

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Incredible Sex With A Nun

Hi dear ISS voracious readers, This is my first sex story I am gonna present u, not my first sex…lol… I am a doctor, my name is shoban babu, 29 years, well built, muscular, fair complexion boy, I am from Tamilnadu, Salem district, this Is a real story, while I was pursuing a job in Bangalore private hospital, it is a Christian institution… I worked in medicine department, on the first day of joining I visited the medical department HOD, asst professors and staffs in the ward and finally went...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 9 Hospital Candy Striping

She answered so fast that it took a second before I said, “I don’t need help, but Emily is sounding like she is going to barf all over the place any second now.” I hope they make it time. They made it in time to make sure she didn’t suffocate in her vomit, but that did nothing to stop me from almost puking myself as I heard her from just a few feet away. Man, she is throwing up a lot. How can she have that much in her stomach? Emily had finally stopped the dry heaves and then told the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 23 Mission 1 What the hell happened

The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 35 Clinic Day 8 9

When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 62 Field Trip Night 1

"So are you going to swim some more or do you want to go hang out together in the teen lounge," I asked a girl that I just remembered had been there with me a lot when I was off in one of my hiding places. She had pulled me down to the girl's locker rooms at least twice a week after gym class to shower near her. I think it was more to give her comfort to have someone else not showing any development there when the other girls teased her still having a little girl's body. She blushed and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 105 Spring Break Mission Rolling Rolling Rolling Get this Mission Rolling

Polly was leading me quickly from the restaurant where I had eaten her as well as an omelet made to appear as a portrait of myself arriving at the resort. “Spectacular performance in handling that volatile situation with Ruth. It was about to end badly. She is an exceptionally good agent, but still way too green to pull off a mission such as this. The CIA really needs to spend more time finding young looking agents that can properly get into their cover identities. She just blew seven years...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 113 I Can See Clearly Now

As the girl with the huge tits tapped her way out of my room, I headed off to get something to eat. In the cafeteria I could hear a few kids in here eating, but it wasn’t as many I would have suspected if my floor had a group counselling session soon. I stuffed myself again and still no one had come to tell me to come back to the go to the session. When I was almost back to where I would have to surrender my pajamas, if I got them dirty, a nurse came to get me to take me to see a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 118 Coasting Until Summer Break

“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 137 Happy Birthday to Me

Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 149 Late Night Stroll

Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 157 Take the Long Long Long Way Home

Is there a plan here? What exactly are we doing with Ariel anyway? After double-checking that Molly was buckled well into her five point harness I got on the I-95. We had about an hour before sunrise and Molly shot me a message that there were no police scheduled to be on the interstate between here and Fayetteville due to shift change. We have about three hours before we would see any cops. We should put as much distance behind us as we could in that time. I started wondering if there was...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 160 On the Road Again

I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 164 Touristy Things

So, with this herbal pill Molly gave me I will feel good, but I won’t cum or get hard. Will that actually still stop me from attracting girls who might be interested in having sex with me? After packing up we checked out before hearing from the airbase toward the Budweiser Brewery. Molly wanted to do the tour before we got back on the road. I was surprised when they didn’t bat an eye at us taking the tour without any adults chaperoning us. They even offered us small samples of the various...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 169 Bed and Breakfast and Lunch

Jon and Jan? Steve let them out into a storm like this already? Was it a test to see if they could handle it? Maybe control the storm? I didn’t remember going to sleep but I woke up to a pair of little hands around my morning wood. I noticed Cassie was sitting on my bladder holding my boner in her little hands. All the kids that had come in the room last night were sitting on the bed looking at the monster in the little girl’s hand. “Hey Cassie, can you let me get up to go pee so it will...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 185 Nanny Candy

Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 228

I think she liked me barging in on her. These beds are even better than I had imagined. Sara got permission to stay the night with Yui, so to hang out in the bunk bed together, so I headed back to Hinata’s house. When I started to head to the room where I slept, I got a good look at the adults that were here. Hinata’s mom glowed and would soon find she conceived last night. The aunts and uncles were equally showing they had quite enjoyed their time not having their older children hanging...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 256 Stalemate

Yeah, I threw her under the bus. I did need to get back home. Dad texted to say we had a meeting with the school board in three days. While everyone was distracted, I went to get my clothes from downstairs and quickly got everything out into the car. I gave everyone, even the girls that were visiting and still naked, a big hug before getting on the road without them delaying me leaving. By not needing to stop for sleep and using a new navigation app, which marked every form of law...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 281 Going Our Separate Ways

I wouldn’t have thought about going to such great lengths, but I’m also not an adult whose consciousness transferred into a mainframe. After Elena, Molly, and “David” departed, and Mr. Smith just vanished without anyone seeing him leave, the elder requested I come to his quarters for a private meeting. “Darren, I see you have met some powerful allies. How it is that you, Mr. Smith, and that child David all have a similar appearance is beyond me. Your parents would be proud of you,” the...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 289 Career Counseling

It is time to see what mess that Amelia got herself into now. In the woman’s outer office, before we went into her private office for the briefing, she said, “That was interesting. I knew you were very skilled and fast, but I didn’t understand how fast. You taking down one of our elite security teams, there to be the first line of defense against intruders, without harming them, is incredible. I am going to thoroughly enjoy my colleagues questioning your value to our agency as a resource....

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Incredible ChangesChapter 316 Daddy Daughter Day

You don’t even know that I sense them now, and I’m not going to tell you. I knew now why Elena decided we needed to take the long walk around the perimeter now. All three sets of triplets were together in the big nursery with the other toddlers and young children. Paula was here too, playing with the children in the play area like a child without any siblings. When we finally made it to the resort building with the nursery, Elena didn’t get to tell me that my nonuplets were here. April beat...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 317 Old Acquaintances

I liked the food and services here, but it is less stressful at home. After running the bionic twins around the perimeter of the resort, until they were on their backup batteries, I speed fucked their pussies raw, got a shower, grabbed my bags, and went to get April and my siblings. All three conked out before I made it onto the main road going to the interstate. When we got home, they were well-rested. After lunch and a change, Molly, Dolly, and Chrissie took them into the pool to swim. I...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 350 Evaluations

It looks like you got it wrong. Can we afford to have mental health staff that assumes something a patient said, no matter how incredible or unbelievable, didn’t happen? The person “talking” with Molly came out and asked me to speak with him privately. “Use the app. It is on my phone, and I will be in your contacts on your device. I’m sure Molly put me there the first time she sent you a message over her app,” I told him. I see that answers one question you have. “I saw the popup message...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 375 No You Arenrsquot Doing That

That was a cold shower for him. I need to go find Bart anyway. This guy’s sister got off his lap, and I saw him being dragged from the restaurant by a group of girls that looked like they were sisters or cousins. More than one of his brothers and cousins sighed in relief. “David,” one of the boys in his family whispered to me. “If only you would let me, I would suck your dick. I think most of the boys and men in my large family would too. Girls in our family don’t get raped, but the guys...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 378 Being the Boss

Staff meeting. “April, sweety, go on over to one of the other pools. Don’t take your suit off unless you need to potty or aren’t going to swim anymore today. Go swimming at the pool in front of my building with Bart, his new girlfriend, Bambi, Tee, and Dee. I’m busy right now, ok,” I told her. April said, “Bye, Day-id. Tee and Dee want to play with me.” I went to the side of the pool to tell the women, “Get what used to be your suits, wrap up in a towel, and come back over where everyone...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 395 After the Explosion

Who is this arriving like they are looking to make a quick deal and flee before I notice I’ve gotten screwed? A Mercedes SUV pulled up like they owned the place. Out came a woman and man in their thirties. It took a few tries for them to get directed to me. Paula figured out who they were, so she stepped back off to the side with Molly. “Mr. Jones,” the woman said. “We are adjusters sent on behalf of your insurance company. If you permit us to enter, we will survey the damage and cut you a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 397 Swapping Slum and Scum

“Good afternoon, David. I hear that you want to save the city the trouble of placing a lien on your property to cover our costs to find the skeletons in your closet,” an older, soft-spoken man said. “A transaction of this nature is highly unusual, which is why Janet got us involved. You not being eighteen drastically complicates matters. One block from your property, we have a three-story building that the city took possession of when they failed to pay three years of back taxes. By state...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 432 Janeyrsquos Surprise

Time for a surprise party. Janey had given me a key to her house, so when I went up to her room, I saw her trying on different outfits plus some mix and match. If I let her keep doing this, we are going to be late for dinner. “Well, put something casual, but not school or hang around the house, on. We have dinner reservations. I’m driving your car. I want to see how it handles compared to the Lotus,” I told her. She didn’t mind that I fixed her hair up to highlight the earrings and...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 437 How Can This Be Because He Is the

This just can’t be. It can’t, can it? I got a surge of information from my implant that was too damn incredible to believe. Records the man-in-the-machine had buried deep in archives were accessed and pulled back into his hot data stores. He didn’t do it. I did. Oh, piss off! You are the one that let me interface to your network without filters or restrictions when I was learning how to recreate Paula. Jude didn’t seem to mind me driving in silence because she couldn’t stop watching...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 446 Bumps Bruised Abrasions

Bumpy doesn’t bother me, but the two kids next to me are finding it bothering them. The first few bumps jostled the boy and girl enough that they both moaned out in pain. I looked at the girl’s face as she started squeezing my hand as the bumps rocked the transport around. I could see her body tensing up and then watched her eyes roll back in her head. I would have gotten worried if I hadn’t seen her butt jiggling away in a way that didn’t follow the bouncing caused by the road. I heard her...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 477 Birthday Cake

When I got out of the Rolls Royce, they ignored me. When I came onto the porch, the boy’s eyes looked at me like a piece of meat. Two of the three blew their wads in their pants when I flexed my muscles. “David,” Trudy said. “You have a go-bag in the trunk of the Rolls Royce. I know you don’t care if you ruin your new clothes, but you should change anyway.” Tate invited me inside and showed me where I could change clothes. I found a pair of biking shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and socks. It...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 492 Time To Get Off This Trip

Is that such a bad thing? Would these elite kids keep caring about their partner being ready to fuck and ensuring both get to cum at least once? Faith worked it out with April. In exchange for letting April put herself into a sugar coma, Faith could babysit her. Ellen wanted to go to the kid’s dinner and dance. Dee and Tee were going too. On the other hand, I went to the dinner and dance for sixteen to twenty-one-year-olds. Both dances were like the ones I remembered from previous years. As...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 493 Screw Science

Fucking for science, that is a new one. I moved behind the first of the girls and gently placed my hands on her tits. Her nipples were already rock hard. Over the heavily padded thing there, she bent forward and reached between my leg to put my dick in her mini volcano. A backward push slid two inches inside her. She started rocking her hips to get more of me in her. When she started doing all the work, to fuck her pussy with my dick, I got a good hold on her hips, and then we got into the...

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