My Sex Experience With Nadeesha free porn video

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Last summer, that fantasy was fulfilled. We live in the place very near to Colombo called kolpetty and nadeesha and Sarath are
next-door neighbors, both in their mid twenties. Nadeesha is in
good physical shape, even though Nadeesha and Sarath have three young
children. She has blond hair, large breasts, a flat stomach,
fairly wide hips, and a lovely, heart-shaped ass. Believe me,
I've enjoyed the fact that my bathroom window gives a view of
their back yard, complete with Nadeesha laying out in a skimpy
bikini. Sarath is built solidly, with lots of muscle. Though I'm
only 20, I can't compare to him. However, Sarath flies for one of
the airlines and is often gone for a week or even more. That is
actually what my fantasy centered about. While a three-some
would certainly have been enjoyable, I had often thought about
Nadeesha and I having an encounter when Sarath was gone.

On the day it finally happened, I had the day off. My
sister, mom, and dad were all at work. It was hot, about 110,
but there was little humidity, as we were in Phoenix. I had gone
gym early that morning, returning at 7:00 to see Nadeesha looking
good in a knee-length robe. She whistled at me in my biking
shorts, the first indication I'd ever gotten that she was
flirtatious; uncharacteristically cocky, I flashed her a smile
and wiggled my rear at her, yelling out "You want it--come get
it!" She laughed and went back inside, her hips swaying from
side to side. I wheeled my bike in the garage and stretched
down, thinking of her.
Later that day, I was out in the back yard "painting" the
fence that hides the pool filtration stuff. Because I was
"painting" with a clothes-hostile mixture of linseed oil and
turpentine, and because of the heat, I had taken my shirt off,
leaving only my old, faded bathing suit on. The other advantage
to the bathing suit, of course, was that I could jump in the pool
whenever I got too hot (as, shortly, I was going to get).
Anyway, I heard the Nadeesha's door open and shut, followed by
the sounds of the chaise lounge scraping on concrete, which soon
quieted. I set down my brush and pot of goop and went over and
stood on the diving board, which gave me a view over the
cinderblock fence. Nadeesha was lying out about ten feet from me,
at an angle, facing towards me, her eyes closed. I felt
stirrings in my pants as I took in her long, tanned legs, the
string bikini covering her pubic region, her flat stomach, her
glorious breasts accented by the bikini top, and the cloud of
long, blond hair around her face. Rather than have her catch me
staring, I called out "Looking good," also unusually bold of me,
given how she and my mom talk together.
Nadeesha's eyes popped open and quickly found mine. She looked
a little startled, but also a little pleased. She got up and
came over to the fence, giving me a _great_ view of her breasts,
which were pressing together due to their confinement. I felt my
dick harden in response. Then, she mentioned that their pool
filter was acting up and that she didn't know how to fix it.
"Would you be willing to take a look at it?" was said with a
perfectly innocent look. I readily agreed, hard-on or no
After I hopped the fence, I followed her over to the filter,
adjusting my bathing suit in a completely futile attempt at
hiding my interest. As she bent over, it became difficult for me
to focus on the filter; the blue bikini bottom slipped a little
further into the crack of her cheeks. Gallantly, however, I
peered over her shoulder (ok, ok, occasionally I snuck a glance
at her impressive cleavage) and paid attention. After moving
around her, I looked at the pressure gauge, which was way too
high, and cleaned out the trap, which was clogged with bits of
leaves and grass. As I kneeled to screw the top back on the
trap, my dick, which had wilted enough to move around, slipped
down along my leg. Nadeesha, who had bent over (that cleavage
again!) to look at what I was doing, didn't seem to notice
anything. However, as I tried to shift my member around and it
hardened in reply, she seemed to catch on and smiled a bit. When
I stood up, my hard-on was quite evident.
Nadeesha just looked at it, smiled a bit wider, and offered me
a drink. I noticed that her nipples were a bit more evident
through the stretchy fabric of her bikini top. We went inside
and I commented on the lack of kids. She smiled again, and said
that they were farmed out at friends' houses, so that she could
run errands (I wondered if I was an "errand"). She opened a
cabinet and reached up to get a glass on a shelf that was just a
little bit too high. I reached around her and grabbed a glass
and set it on the counter. My cock pressed up against the side
of her hip. Then, I grabbed another glass, rubbing my cock
further up, around, and back down her hip. By this time, her
nipples were fully erect (or so I thought) and, in one place, the
faded blue of my suit was spotted dark blue by my oozing pre-cum.
Still playing like nothing was happening, Nadeesha went over to
the sink and filled our glasses with water. I stood behind her,
reached over her shoulder to get my glass, and pressed my hips
against her ass, nestling my dick between her ass cheeks. She
pressed her hips backwards and rotated them a bit as she filled
her glass.
Still playful, neither of us making a major move, though
both clearly wanted to, we went in to the living room and sat
down, Nadeesha on the couch, me on another couch facing her. Nadeesha
then got up and bent _way_ over to turn on the TV. Her bikini
bottom slipped further up her ass cheeks and, from my vantage
point, I could see the outline of her swelling pussy lips. She
stood back up and started the VCR. She had obviously been
watching the porno tape earlier, since it started in the middle
of scene. It was actually switching between two scenes, one of a
very vocal woman with long black hair and medium-sized breasts
being eaten by her husband, the other of a blonde with larger
breasts (supposedly their daughter, I guess) listening to the
couple and masturbating. When the movie first started up, the
blonde was running her hands over her breasts, milking them
upwards, tweaking and massaging her erect nipples. The other
woman's moans as she was given a tongue-lashing were clearly
evident. Then, the scene cut to the couple, as the man sucked on
the woman's clit and lightly tongued it back and forth. Then
woman's moans got louder and the scene cut back to the blonde.
The blonde still had one hand working on her breasts, but
was now also had a hand playing with her belly, pubic hair, and,
every once in a while, dipping down to rub along her downy-haired
slit. As this was going on, I had been sort of splitting my
attention between the TV and Nadeesha. My dick had gotten even
harder as Nadeesha spread her legs a bit, allowing me to see a
growing wet spot at her crotch. She also was lightly running her
fingers along the outline of her bikini top and sometimes over
and around her hard nipples. Her nipples, if possible, grew more
erect and pushed almost as hard against her bikini top as my cock
pushed against my swim trunks. When the black-haired woman
orgasmed from her husband's attention, the scene cut to the
daughter, who was approaching her orgasm as well, with two
fingers pumping in and out of her dripping pussy lips.
I got up, thinking I should have earlier, and sat down next
to Nadeesha. I reached my right hand around her shoulder into her
blond tresses and ran the other down to trace along the bottom of
one breast. I felt her lips vibrate with a muffled moan as I
covered them with mine. With my left hand, I traced over to the
other breast, spiralled in to the nipple, and gently pulled it
between two fingers. One of Nadeesha's hands slipped down to my
trunks and began to rub my cock through the short. Our tongues
were alternately entwined and probing.
As the blonde in the movie was moaning with her orgasm, I
slipped my right hand down from Nadeesha's hair to untie her bikini
top. As we broke our first kiss, Nadeesha arched her back, causing
her breasts to "present" themselves. As a result, the strings of
her bikini top came most of the way around from her back and
ended hanging loosely down her sides. When she relaxed and
hunched her shoulders a bit, the skimpy blue top fell completely
off. She tossed it to the floor and smiled a wicked grin as my
eyes popped.
Her breasts, fully revealed and unsupported, were at least a
'C' cup and most likely a 'D' cup. They hung ever so slightly
and met naturally at her sternum. Her aureoles were a medium-
sized and slightly darker pink than her large, erect nipples. We
moved closer and started another passionate kiss. With my left
hand, I traced an inward spiral over the smooth skin of her
breast, arousing a shiver, and took the nipple between the base
of my second and third finger. Then, cupping her breast but also
stimulating her nipple directly, I moved my hand in little
circles, sometimes pulling the nipple outwards.
During my play with her nipples, Nadeesha had started massaging
my dick again. Though it was still restrained by my swim trunks,
I felt it jump as Nadeesha squeezed it lightly, and gasped a bit
with the feeling. Nadeesha then broke our kiss and moved back
slightly. She got up and went over to the TV. I moved over to
the TV as well and pressed my hips forward against her ass as she
bent over and took the tape out. As she stood up, tape in hand,
I thrust my hips even further forward and reached both hands
around to cup her breasts and brush her nipples.
Nadeesha twisted around in my arms and nestled her hips against
mine. I could feel her breasts, tipped by erect nipples, press
against my chest. She kissed me lightly and mentioned that there
was a VCR in the bedroom. I was tempted to pick her up by her
hips, so that she would lock her legs around me, and carry her
into the bedroom. However, appropriate as that seemed, I also
knew I probably wasn't quite strong enough. Rather than upset
the mood by dropping her halfway there, I tilted my head towards
the hallway and followed her into the bedroom.
The room was fairly neat, but some clothes thrown on the
chair and the rumpled bed showed that someone actually lived
there. (I like a "lived in" look, provided it doesn't cross the
line to messy) A decent-sized TV screen sat on the dresser,
facing the queen-sized bed. Nadeesha popped the tape in the VCR and
started it. The sounds of sex came into being around us. Again,
I stood behind her, thrusting my hips forward and massaging her
breasts. She bent over a little bit, moving her hips backwards,
creating more pressure on my rock-hard dick, and reached around
behind her to pull me closer to her. I began running one hand up
and down, from breast to navel and back, gradually working lower.

As I did this, I was nibbling on an ear, planting little kisses
in her hair, on her neck, on her shoulders, doing my best to
drive her crazy.
Nadeesha had been moaning a little and trembling slightly
whenever I whispered wetly in her ear or seeded her hair with
kisses. After working slowly over the top of her bikini, working
slowly down the edges of the bikini, brushing her thighs with my
fingers, and returning to massage her breasts, I finally let my
hand brush down past her navel, over to top of her bikini, along
the edges of the bikini towards her inner thighs, along her upper
thighs. Finally, I let one finger extend from that hand, trace
lightly along the wet patch on the bikini, and apply pressure,
ever so slightly, from the back of her covered cleft to the
Nadeesha shuddered and moaned a bit, then stopped me and turned
around. Her breasts were red from my attention and her face was
getting flushed. Nadeesha kissed me once, quickly, and then tugged
my bathing suit down. My six-inch cock (it may have been seven
then) sprang free from its long confinement and stood out proudly
as I stepped out of my only clothing. As Nadeesha stood up, her
breasts brushed along my cock and gained a thin line of pre-cum.
She grabbed me by the cock, led me over to the bed, and left me
stretched out in the middle of the bed, watching her.
Nadeesha walked over to the dresser and leaned against its
edge, next to the TV, which still played, ignored. She spread
her legs to show the large wet spot at the crotch of her bikini
bottoms. Then, she closed her eyes and began massaging her
breasts, tugging on the nipples and pressing the smooth globes
together with the sides of her arms. Almost involuntarily, her
right hand crept in little circles down to her navel, down to the
top of her bikini bottoms, down the blue fabric to run along her
slit. She brought fingers to her face, inhaled the scent, and
then licked what moisture there was free. The next time her hand
crept down, it slipped underneath her bikini. She put one hand
on the dresser behind her and raised her hips enough to slide the
bottoms free. I was exerting all my willpower to keep in place
and not explode right there from the erotic influence Nadeesha was
having on me.
I must have made some noise, because Nadeesha seemed to come
back to what was going on. She stepped completely out of her
bikini and stood nude, glorious, and aroused before me. She then
turned around and bent over, giving me a _great_ view of her
gorgeous ass and puckered sphincter. Her breasts I saw only as
two globes hanging partially in view between her legs. I could
also see her pussy, puffy with arousal, surrounded by lightly
colored downy pubic hair. Many of the hairs had tiny droplets of
Nadeesha's juices hanging from them, a sight that turned me on even
more. She licked one finger and then placed it between her legs
and touching her sphincter. After lightly rubbing around the rim
of her asshole, Nadeesha pressed inwards briefly and then ran her
finger forward, bisecting her swollen lips. After licking her
finger clean, Nadeesha ran her finger along her swollen slit again,
this time pressing a bit deeper, a bit harder.
I couldn't stand watching her any longer and therefore got
up and pulled her to the bed. Nadeesha ran her fingers lightly over
the head of my cock, spreading the droplet of pre-cum that had
oozed out over my whole glans. I couldn't believe how good such
a simple action felt. After tugging on Nadeesha's nipples for a
minute, I moved my hands down to her dripping nether regions.
After pressing the tip of my finger against her clit, I moved it
further back and applied pressure to the length of her slit.
Nadeesha shuddered a bit, but moved away from my finger. At first,
I didn't know why, but her motive soon became apparent.
Nadeesha traced the fingertips of both hands down my chest and
stomach, leaning low enough that her nipples brushed a double
line as well. When she reached my navel, my dick slipped in
between her breasts and bumped along her sternum. I left a
slippery line of pre-cum along her sternum to match the earlier,
now dried line running over both of her breasts. I was reveling
in the sights and sounds of Nadeesha's actions when she began
intensifying them. Gently at first, but with gaining strength,
Nadeesha jacked my dick with both hands. After doing this for a
while and thoroughly coating the head of my dick with my pre-cum,
she leaned down and blow a hot, wet breath along the length of my
cock, ending by tickling the hair on my balls. When she gently
squeezed my balls, my cock jumped involuntarily.
Nadeesha smiled to see what she was doing to me, and took just
the tip of my cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue around the
opening at the tip of my cock and tasting the pre-cum there. As
she swirled her tongue around the rest of my cock head and
trilled around the sensitive ridge, my cock jumped again and my
hips involuntarily flexed slightly. Nadeesha then took the length
of my cock into her warm, wet mouth. I could tell already that

she was good at giving head. As I looked down past her blond-
crowned head, I could see from movement of her hips that she was
working on herself, too. I could also see the TV above her head,
but the TV didn't have much attraction now, even though the same
blonde as before was getting filled from behind by a strapping
tanned stud.
As Nadeesha ran her tongue along the underside of my cock and
increased her suction, I knew I wouldn't be able to last long.
Already, I could feel a hallmark pleasant tightening of my
stomach muscles. Between gasps of pleasure and involuntary
thrusts into Nadeesha's mouth, I told her I was getting ready to
come. Nadeesha responded by squeezing my balls and, if possible,
taking me further into her mouth, sucking even harder, and
trilling her tongue in still more delightful convolutions. I had
both hands on her head, running through her blond hair, helping
me actively thrust against her mouth. I was getting closer and
closer to the edge; I could feel my balls pulling in to my body
in anticipation of what wasn't far away.
Nadeesha finally pushed me over the edge when she ran her
tongue repeatedly around the sensitive ridge on my glans. I
thrust spasmodically against her mouth and held her head tightly
as I started spurting down her throat. Nadeesha didn't even try to
move away; she just kept sucking my cock, swallowing its load and
draining the last of the sperm that had boiled forth from my
balls. After I had collapsed back against the bed and was idly
caressing Nadeesha's hair, she let my softening cock slip out of her
mouth and moved up to kiss me.
As I found out, Nadeesha hadn't swallowed all of my load; I
tasted my sperm as our tongues entwined. No woman had ever given
me a blowjob even approaching hers; further, no woman had ever
kissed me with my sperm still in her mouth. I was determined to
give Nadeesha as massive an orgasm as I'd had.
So, after recovering for a minute, I turned Nadeesha over on
her back. Though I was pretty certain Nadeesha was already highly
aroused ;) I couldn't possibly skip over her lovely breasts. I
kissed her lips as my hands ran circles around her globes. As I
traced the tip of my tongue down her throat to a collarbone, I
started to squeeze each _very_ erect nipple between my fingers.
Then I ran my tongue along her collarbone out to her shoulder
and back. Once I reached her sternum again, I traced along her
sternum with my tongue and continued down the underside Nadeesha's
left breast. I could feel her shiver in anticipation and could
certainly see her arousal in her tightly erect nipples.
Unable to resist those nipples, I spiralled the tip of my
tongue inwards until I was licking broad, rough circles around
her nipple, enticing the nipple to new heights. Nadeesha pressed my
head roughly against her breasts and gasped. I started licking
the other breast and then alternated, doing my best to drive
Nadeesha crazy. When she began trying to push me downwards between
gasps and moans, I figured I was getting close. So, I traced my
fingers slowly downwards, just barely touching the skin.
Similarly, I had my tongue arc in lazy parabolas down to her
navel, down to her downy, blond pubic thatch.
Nadeesha's hips began to arch to meet my tongue and fingers; as
she forced her hips upwards, I moved my tongue and hands back,
prolonging her enjoyment. After arching her back to its fullest,
she collapsed back on the bed and awaited my touch. Her fingers
were slowly massaging her nipples and breasts, a small motion
that turned me on even more. I ran my fingers around the edges
of her pubic hair, then caressed her inner thighs, and finally
ran them along her swollen pussy lips. The light hairs between
her legs were slick with sweat and an occasional depending drop
of her nectar. As I moved my fingers around her pussy, Nadeesha's
legs spread wider, giving me better access.
When her legs were spread almost as far as they would go, I
spread her pussy lips and blew gently upon her wetness. I could
see the hard nubbin her clit made and blew against that until it
popped free of its sheath. As I blew each time, Nadeesha's stomach
muscles would contract and relax; her asshole would pucker and
unpucker also. When her clit popped free, I slowly ran a finger
around her pussy, applying light pressure at first, but
increasing the pressure gradually. When the finger was wet with
her juices, I slowly inserted it into Nadeesha's depths. Her breath
came as an abrupt whoosh, then a slow, excruciating inhale. I
moved my other hand back to her ass and caressed it, finally
pressing one finger against her brown hole.
She seemed to like that; I set up an alternating rhythm,
first pressing a finger on her hole while massaging her outer
lips, then tracing around her ass cheeks as I probed a finger far
into her warm, wet pussy. As Nadeesha's moans began to intensify, I
traced my tongue through her pubic hair and around Nadeesha's
engorged pussy lips. She jerked upright and pressed my head
against herself, clearly enjoying the sensations. I was too;
Nadeesha's juices were sweet and copious. I sucked on each lip,
drawing it out and letting it relax back, eliciting moans and
shudders. By now, Nadeesha's hips were rocking back and forth,
gradually picking up speed. When I fastened my lips to Nadeesha's
clit and hummed, her moans turned to a crescendoing yelp, and
subsided gradually. I could feel her approaching orgasm and
started moving two fingers inside of her in addition to my tongue
on her clit.
Nadeesha began pressing her hands down on my head, forcing more
pressure on her sensitive nerve endings. As my fingers moved
back and forth, probing up the third knuckle, her pussy made
sucking noises. Nadeesha began moaning even louder and bucking her
hips against my face. I lubricated a finger with Nadeesha's juices
and pressed it slowly against her asshole. As the finger circled
her rim and gradually moved inwards and I drove my tongue all the
way up her pussy, the sensations abruptly became too much for
her. Every muscle tensed (including her thighs, with squeezed
tightly around my head) and she began to quiver spasmodically,
still bucking wildly against my face. As she orgasmed, I
continued to tongue-lash her, extending her throes of pleasure.
Finally, after gushing pussy juice all over my face and hands,
Nadeesha's muscles relaxed and her breathing started to slow. I
moved up alongside her and kissed her deeply, sharing with her
the pussy juice I still held in my mouth.
My cock was again jutting out from my body, a detail Nadeesha
soon noticed. She told me to lay on my back and began rubbing
her hands between her legs and transferring the moisture to her
breasts and especially her cleavage. I helped her out by licking
between her breasts and on each nipple. By the time she lowered
her breasts around my cock, the nipples were standing erect
again. Nadeesha began moving slowly back and forth, fucking my cock
with her hanging breasts. As she was straddling my leg, I could
feel her growing heat as she ground her pussy against it. Soon,
she was breathing heavily and I was thrusting into her cleavage
and groaning a bit myself.
When Nadeesha positioned herself over my cock and started to
guide it in, I asked about protection. Luckily, as I sure didn't
want to stop, she had had her tubes tied after her third child.
As she lowered herself, the tip of my cock touched her folds. We
stopped there and moved in tiny but opposite circles, stimulating
each other. Then, Nadeesha slowly settled onto my cock.
I couldn't believe the sensations; her pussy was very tight,
though not the tightest I'd been in. Still, though, I could feel
her pussy walls contract with the sudden intake of breath
accompanying my full penetration. My cock jumped a bit, but
subsided as we rested for a minute, enjoying the feeling of being
joined. Then, Nadeesha began lifting herself up and down and I
began to thrust in time with her. Each time, my cock would pull
out until the head was barely inside her and then would penetrate
its full length. I was groaning and holding onto Nadeesha's hips as
she pulled on her nipples.
After doing this for a while, Nadeesha started to get tired.
Changing positions was good; I was starting to have a hard time
holding back. We moved to classic missionary position. Again, I
rubbed my cock head around her opening before thrusting slowly
into her. She raised her hips up to meet my thrust and wrapped
her legs around me until I was completely inside her. Reveling
in the sensation of her warm, wet pussy grasping my dick, I
started thrusting deeply and quickened the pace. Every once in a
while, I'd pump Nadeesha with a series of short, tight strokes that
built tension in my belly. Nadeesha started moaning loader as I
pumped her, and shrieked "YES!" when I slipped a finger down to
press on her clit from the top as my dick stimulated it from
I knew I wouldn't last much longer and slowed down to try to
prolong the ecstacy. Nadeesha was flushed and breathing heavily; we
were both covered with a sheen of sweat. As Nadeesha's legs locked
and unlocked around my hips, my ass was bucking with a life of
its own, striving to meet Nadeesha's thrusting hips and drive my
cock even further into her tightness. The sounds of our sex were
liquid as my cock stretched Nadeesha's pussy lips around its
circumference. The familiar tightening in my stomach told me
that I couldn't last much longer. Between groans of pleasure as
Nadeesha contracted her muscles, I got across to Nadeesha my impending
orgasm. She began bucking even harder against me, trying to
bring me to orgasm with her. She was pinching her nipples
roughly, pulling them away from her breasts. Nadeesha's pussy had
been squeezing against my cock in firm contractions; suddenly it
clamped down as her orgasm arrived, accompanied by Nadeesha's wails
of pleasure. With the added pressure and a last spasmodic
thrust, I began to feel my sperm boiling out of my balls and
shooting deep into Nadeesha's pussy. We were moaning and groaning
together as our orgasms further stimulated each other. I had
never come as long or as hard in my life. When my cock was
finally done pulsating, Nadeesha and I collapsed together and lay
there, cooling off.
After a few minutes we rolled apart and I happened to see
the clock. It was 4:00!!! My parents and sister would be home
in about forty-five minutes and I was halfway through a project
that had to be finished by the time they returned. I explained
to Nadeesha and kissed her, first on her pussy (tasting my sperm),
then on each nipple, and finally ending on her contented mouth.
She sucked the last come off my dick and I left with a hard-on,
thinking about my fantasy come true.


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Sexyaana Sithaalai Ookum Kothanaar

Naan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...

3 years ago
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Essex Girl

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...

4 years ago
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Sex Experience with Married Lady of Delhi

Hi everybody, I want to share my sex experience which happened in Delhi. I m regular reader of ISS. So I thought about sharing my sex experience with u all. It was a wonderful and memorable of my life. Let me tell u about my self, I m 28 male, Rohit from Delhi. It happens 2 years back. I was staying and working in Mumbai in a MNC company in a good position. I want to tell the lady name is Chavi, she was 25 years old with sexy, gorgeous looks and sexy figure of 34 26 36. Now I m going to tell...

2 years ago
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Bisexual Experience With Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS, this is Niki here. I am a regular reader of ISS. This site urges me to share my experience with my girlfriend and my bisexual gay friend. Please forgive me, if I have any grammatical mistakes. The story is kind of lengthy, so please cooperate. I am a normal average looking guy, with a height of 5.5 feet, and have an average body. I am not too fat, and not too muscular. My penis is 5.9 inches long. About my girlfriend Shrish, she is like a sex goddess to me. She has very nice pairs of...

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Sexing It Up

Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...

1 year ago
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Essex Hot Lovin

It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who 'd found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened and...

Straight Sex
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Sexting With A Foreigner

My stories are going to be different. Its going to be based on my different fantasies and experiences I had so far. Its only sexting no real sex. I am a 22 year old guy from Kolkata, just like any other but am filled with the constant desire of sex. I had my desires one being sexting. I tried sexting with an Indian girl but she did not know much about sex either. Well I got the idea of introducing her to the world of sex. She was innocent and straight forward enough to answers all my questions...

2 years ago
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Transsexual Experiences

Jason let out a soft despairing sigh. Swipe right. Swipe right. Swipe right. Swipe right. His co-worker and friend Paul had suggested to him that he try out Tinder and, to begin with at least, he’d loved the idea of it, see a girl, read her profile and if you felt compatible, swipe right, if not, swipe left, easy right? But as days had passed and conversation with matches led nowhere but the occasional hookup he had, as many did, grown to dislike the nature of the beast, no longer bothering to...

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Sexperience with sweety

Hi dear readers, here your madan, after a little gap….i want to share with you my recent sexperience with a mail- friend, which you can enjoy an send your feelings and views…..ok?………on that day i was usually checking my mails and i found a mail from a girl sweety, that she read one of my story and she was impressed. I sent reply as usual with thanx and asking her how she felt. Sweety has replied that while she read she was so hot that her panty was wet and sweet enjoyment she had. ….later in...

1 year ago
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Sex Experiences With My Crush At Her Home

Hello everyone, I hope you liked the last story of my first experience with my crush on our school classroom. I was overwhelmed by the emails I received, I made some really nice friends and got to know some very hot stories of others. As you know, my name is Rohan (name changed) and I am an unmarried boy from Guwahati, Assam. I don’t like stories which are not true and therefore I only narrate the real-life experiences of my life. This is my 2nd story. Today, I will tell you about my next...

2 years ago
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Sex Experiences With My Crush At Her Home

Hello everyone, I hope you liked the last story of my first experience with my crush on our school classroom. I was overwhelmed by the emails I received, I made some really nice friends and got to know some very hot stories of others. As you know, my name is Rohan (name changed) and I am an unmarried boy from Guwahati, Assam. I don’t like stories which are not true and therefore I only narrate the real-life experiences of my life. This is my 2nd story. Today, I will tell you about my next...

1 year ago
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Sexe avec mon coquine bellemegravere

OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...

4 years ago
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sexting my son

I gave birth to my son Daniel when I was 16, I know what that makes you think of me, it’s not true, at all. I was a horribly shy girl, still am. My son has been a bright light in my life but that is getting ahead of myself. This just explains how I ended up sexting with my son.I was an extremely shy introverted girl in school, my parents were very strict and overly religious. They did not make me shy, but they didn’t help much either. My looks didn’t help me much either. My hair is snow white...

3 years ago
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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

3 years ago
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Sexperience in train

Hi my name is jaiprakash 25 yrs from hyderabad.This is my first story in iss,im regular reader of iss,my school friend told me to write my 1st sexperience bcoz privacy is maintained here.when i was in 10 th class after my exams i wanted to go pune to my aunt’s place,bcoz my mom was busy she could not accompany me so my dad asked my cousin brother and his wife to accompany me,as they were going to bombay for some work i dint knew that one of my cousin sister(my uncle’s daughter) is also coming...

3 years ago
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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

1 year ago
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Essex Hot Lovin

It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who ‘d found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened...

2 years ago
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Sex Experience Of My Life 8211 Part 1

Hello all, My name is rajesh(name changed). I am 27 years old, very fair complexion, avg built, straight hair guy with 5.5? Penis. I am from bangalore. This is not a story it’s my real-life sex experience with guys and girls. I am straight but I am ok if a young guy is ready to give his ass & mouth to satisfy me. Lets begin with my first experience.. This was a time during my 12th standerd, my age would be around 17, I met a guys in my tuition avinash, who was staying near my place (I never...

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Experience with experienced woman

Like most of you I like married woman. Although it is difficult to seduce married wives coming from good homes, but once you did, they indeed make your efforts and waiting worthwhile. They fuck tirelessly, without the fuss of shown by young, inexperienced girls. I especially like the women, who even after fucking several times, show a lot of hesitation and feel shy before taking off their clothes before me and getting fuck another time. Kusuma was such an example and I would to share her,...

1 year ago
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Sex experience with my friends mother 3 with my little sister

Introduction: i recomend you to read my previous story named :Sex experience with my friends mother -2 for feeling more horny from this story Slowly, I left the house without being noticed by anyone to my hostel. That day, in the evening, avinash came to my hostel .he gave me a pendrive and asked me to play it in the pc. (I know that he brought the prone videos .he used to collect new prone videos every week and used to watch them at my room and I am in a plan to get out of hostel and rent a...

1 year ago
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Sexcapades of a travel agent

To all you sexy,amorous women and men. This is Shannon,(an alias)single and always ready to mingle in and around Pune. Well i am no Gods gift to women but must say have a pleasing personality,athletic body with a lot of hair oops how can i forget the main instrument of pleasure my boneless piece of meat well around 6 inches,come on gals it only takes around4/5 inches and thats the length to satisfy,another good attribute is my sexy voice with which i bet could make you cum, jokes apart....

3 years ago
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Bisexuality Training

At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...

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Sexing the Bridersquos Mom Ch 03

Thanks to all who provided great feedback, both supportive and critical, in support of this series. DkGyGuilt filled Vanessa's psyche and large tears welled up in her eyes. She, a middle-aged housewife and mother, had just fucked a young man who was one of her son's best friends and acted like a wanton slut while she did it. He had satisfied her by fucking her like no one ever had. She'd never felt such passion and lust in her life. She felt thoroughly satisfied physically, but that did nothing...

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Sexi maami ko choda

Hi all iss readers, first of all me Veenu Rana From punjab Near paki boarder. Ma apko apni ek sachi story btane ja rha hu jo ajj se 6 saal phele ki ghatna ha. Muje pta ha ke aap sabi ko meri yeh khani psand ayegi mera email id ha: is par aap apna response de sakte ha. Ab ma phele apne bare me btata hu meri umar 30 saal ki ha. Meri body fiting kafi gud ha. Ma ek sadhi sudha hu meri sadhi hue karib 5 saal ho gye ha. Ab ma apni khani ki taraf ata hu. Muje jab b free time milta ma apne mama ke...

3 years ago
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Sexting my son 1

My name is Samantha, I gave birth to my son Daniel when I was 16, I know what that makes you think of me, it's not true, at all. I was a horribly shy girl, still am. My son has been a bright light in my life but that is getting ahead of myself. This just explains how I ended up sexting with my son. I was an extremely shy introverted girl in school, my parents were very strict and overly religious. They did not make me shy, but they didn't help much either. My looks didn't help me much...

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Sexting My Mother 8211 Part 7

Hello, My Dear Readers. This is the final part of the story, and as much as I am excited to present it to you, I am also dejected to tell you the series is over. I had started writing it long before I submitted my well-received stories like ‘Sexting Meghna Aunty’, ‘Watching My Parents Have Sex’, and even the 4th Episode of ‘Mallu MILF Asha’. Back then, I had the vigor to dream about a plot like this. Still, I did not have enough experience writing erotic stories or even decent language skills...

4 years ago
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Sexting To Fucking

Hello, I am back with my new sex story. Those days I was very horny and it was very tough for me to find a sex partner. I used to masturbate thrice a week without any reason. Finally one day, I saw my friend sexting with her girlfriend. I got a naughty idea and created a new facebook id and added so many hotties. One of them was Miss Rashi Reddy from Hyderabad. She is just 20 years old (just 1 year younger to me;P), unknowingly added her phone number on Facebook. I just called her and acted...

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Sexting at its best

Desiree : So how was ur day checking my email now 12:43 AMMe if you didnt get it. its cool its not tha important 12:43 AMDesiree : Im looking now...i got it 12:44 AMDesiree : Omfg! Is t[/b]hat what u did to my picture 12:45 AMMe: yes i busted a good one 12:47 AMDesiree : Did it feel really good...did ur toes curl when u were thinking of my tight pink wet pussy 12:56 AMMe: yes it felt great but not as good as if i was in that tight wet pink pussy. fuck i got hard just texting this.but...

2 years ago
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Sex Experience With virgin classmate

Hello friends this is sri from vizag.I’m a frequent reader of ISS…I’m going to tell u my first real experience with my class mate siri that i have enjoyed in my life…First tell u about myself. My name is sri, 23 years old living in height is 5’5″ with broad shoulders. This happened when i was 21 years of age studing Engg 3rd year… I used to be very horny all the time but i don’t have any sex experience still… I have lot of friends(boys N girls) in my college N in my class also N i am...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Maid Susheela Real Life Experience

I want to describe my earliest experience with a maid. I am now 36 and this story goes back to when I was 21 years old and in my first job after post-graduation. Those days, we had a maid named Susheela and she must have been a little over 30. She was what I would call a voluptuous lady with a big chest and big butt and a rest of the body to match. She always wore her hair ina bun and she had quite a bit of grey hair.   Susheela also had a full-time day job in a small school in front of our...

4 years ago
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An Experience Reexperienced

Hello all. It has been a while since I have posted my experience here. Yeah, lovers and haters are always there, but many thanks to ISS for helping me to connect to some broadminded and genuine people. For those who think, this is a fantasy/fake/true, you are most welcome to think the way you want to, cannot help or force anybody to think positive always. A little about me, I am Nishant, aged 30, from Bengaluru, offering massages to females and couples for nearly four years now. I have posted...

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Sex experience with step mother

One of my close friend who is very open and free with me and shares every thing of his life forwards sex stories ,which r very interested and excites me .I end up in masturbation in the end. Inspired by these true sex stories, I am prompted to share my first sex experience with my step mother, who is younger sister of my mom and divorcee. She is 37 and 15 years younger to my father and 12 years elder to me. She looks young at thirty as she has maintained her sexy figure and she is childless so...

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Sex Experience With My Fua Naina

By : Rahulrp Hello ISS readers I am an ardent fan of ISS and my name is Rahul and I am from Bengaluru. I have been reading the hot sex stories on ISS for more than 4 years now. And here I am to post my first sex story.. It happened when I had gone to visit my native place in UP. I am a native of a small village in UP. It happened when around 20 years old. We used to live in an old big house where there is no elctricity and all. Talking about my family members, I’m a lone son of my parents...

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Sex with Doctor real life real experience Hash X

contact me thru Skype (My skype ID - Hash X )Today I would like to share an awesome experience which happened a couple of months ago. It was 31st December a day before a new year, when Rita pinged me after reading my sex story and it was 6 in the morning when my phone buzzed and it was Rita’s message. I was genuinely happy as someone love my story and she provided me with few more tips to improve my story, so I thanked her for her valuable feedback. It was as usual Sunday that is holiday and I...

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Sexperience with Mom

Hi! I am Rahul, 23 aged and live with mom aged 43 years. I am only son and hence share very close emotional relationship with mom. I work with an It company.Once mom urged me to marry since she felt lonely. Then she can have company, once I was married. It was logical and I agreed. After a couple of days, we received a proposal from a family staying in different town. Both of us were required to go to Delhi for having a look at the girl. Since we have no relations in Delhi, we decided to stay...

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Sexperience With My Cousin

My name is Sid and I live at E-City Bangalore. I had a splendid sexperience a few years back with my Cousin Divya – 32 yrs old Married with a 5yr Old Kid. She is a housewife and her husband is more interested in making money than spending time with my sister.She has a perfect figure, lovely lips, sexy structure and long hairs and overall round boobs which still makes me more passionate about making love with her. So once her husband had to go to Calcutta regarding his office work. And I was...

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Sexperience With Horny Aunty

Hi friends. Today I want to share my first hot experience with my neighbor aunty. Before diving into the pool of sexual pleasure, let me introduce you my fucking awesome auntie’s figure. She is of 5’6” height, nice round ass which directly stimulates any man’s rod to point to sky. Her boobs are 34 in size with pretty sharp nipples which you can suck like hell. The navel is soft and a perfect place to land a romantic kiss. The squeeze of the navel itself makes you cum out. OK by now you must...

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Sex experience with my servant

Hello everybody, I am Dr. Sheetal back again with my new story. Dear girls and ladies I know that we women’s also have feelings on sex but we hide our feelings because of our society. For that reason I made a good things for all of our gender, I made a group of boys who can satisfy us, safely and secretly. So whoever interested in sex they can mail me, and be free with me, and I am sure that you won’t get disappoint, its guaranteed, here is my mail id: Here is my story, it happened when I am...

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Sex experience with a mistress

ll right i'll start this one with a famous line:'Once upon a time' i was on chat with a lady on rediff chat. Our chat got diverted to hot chat She got really excited and asked whether I can meet her. I understood her needs and we spoke through the phone before we can meet. On the phone conversation, I came to know that she is Miss Neha, a lady alone at home after her c***dren go to school. Her husband is a business man who often travels abroad for long days.After the c***dren leave to school...

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Sex Experience With Rani

Hi.. This is Prasad from Chennai. Nice to meet you all here. I am a regular visitor of this site and many of the stories reflect my life which inspires me to share my experience with you. If the maid in our house is sexier in your view, it will always reduce your sleeping time and increases your dreaming time. It is true in my life. I have been enjoying the sexy smell of maid’s right from my 9th standard. This is a story about our maid Rani. During my 1st year vocation, I went to my aunt’s...

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Cybersex done wonderfully

I couldn’t really face a night of strenuous fucking, so I decided a bout of cybersex would hit the spot. After all, with all my escapades, I had enough material to recall and keep the conversation quite hot. I booted my PC, as it ran the start up procedure I walked into the kitchen, selecting a bottle of chardonnay, a wine glass, my cigarettes and ashtray. When I returned to the PC my home page was already up. Selecting MSN I scoured through my contacts to see who was on line that would...

2 years ago
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Introduction This is a transcript of an actual cybersex interaction between an older man and his young lover, who is on assignment five time zones away. Only light editing has been done, to correct obvious typos; otherwise this is exactly what was written by the two lovers. I don’t know how erotic this is, or even whether it can be considered a story. But it brought satisfaction and release to the two participants. I’m with you and totally focused on you are you ready? Yeah I want to hold...

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Sex experiences of a slutty shemale

« Bhopal girl fingered by boyfriend in hotel room mms | main | middle east lady Officer dressing up after fuck mms » Sex experiences of a slutty shemale Posted on december 15, 2008 12:00 pm, filed under straight couples Hi! This is priya, 21 years and i am a shemale. Hope you know what’s a shemale. I was born as a boy; but i always wanted to be a girl right from my childhood And so, i had medical intervention to change my sex. Since my parents are rich And supportive, I could well afford for...

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Sex Experience In A Bus With Riya

Hi, readers, my name is Jai, now 45 yrs old and working in north India. The incident of this story, even though it was not my first experience, happened three years back. It was in the month of December. This was my first sex experience in public with a girl, half of my age. At that time she was 26 years old. This incident happened while I was working in Tamilnadu. Her name is Riya (name changed for security reasons), 26 years then, five feet, slim, having small boobs and average bottom. She is...

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Sexting With Aunt Meg

Aunt Meg is my fathers divorced older sister. My father is 43 so that would make my Aunt about 48. I would not say that we are real close but she does not sugar coat anything and calls things as she see them. She lives near by and was over one day. It was just she and I in the kitchen together and the radio was on. They had a report of some school teacher that had been fired for sexting to his students, you know, sending nude photos back and forth and sex talk. "That has always sounded like fun...

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Sexting With A Stranger

It was a night pub. There I met a beautiful lady may be she is in her mid-30s. She was there in the pub with her colleagues. Let me tell you about her structure. I was guessing maybe she is 34D, 30, 34. It was an amazing body. She was in her formals. I could see her panty strings on her pant. Her shirt was so tight that the button was stretched to its maximum. She is about 5.5 height and on heals. I was sitting at near the bar table having a beer and looking at her. She was on the dance floor...

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Sex 8211 My First Experience

Hey guys and girls.. I’m Pooja. You can call me Pooh.. I live in Bangalore.. I’m a sex addict and I’m very very proud of it… Till now I’ve slept with 2 women and 4 men which includes my sweet daddy too.. ;) Now coming to my stats, my height is 5’5″ and I’m fair in colour.. my size is 32-26-32… I keep myself fit so that I can get more and more sex and more and more often.. ;) well , I’m just 19 and I love to flirt.. my pride are my firm boobs and I’ve been able satify all the people completely...

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sex experience with my friends mother 2

Sex experience with my friend’s mother -2 “If there are more than one, there is a way which you have to do in order to divert them completely so that I can have a chance to destroy the data. “I told her. She replied “what is that I have to do?” “You have to provoke them for multiple penetration, so that they are busy in fucking you without knowing what is happening around them” “ooooooh! No. I can’t do that, I can’t resist their fucking dicks entering me at a time” she replied in...

2 years ago
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Sex Experience With Playboy

Hi mera naam Kanika hai.main Jamshedpur k ek posh colony main rahti hoon aaj main aap ko apne ek sex experience ke bare main batate hoon.meri hight 5foot 6’ hai meri shadi hue 2 saal ho chuke hain lekin maine abhi tak kabhi sex ka maja nahi le payi hai.kyon meri pati mujhse pyar nahi karte.suhag raat wale din unhone mujse baat tak nahi ki.wo dubai main job karte hain. meri boobs us time 32 the meri kamar 28 thi.main dekhne main bahut hi sexy lagti thi.meri saheliyan muje apne boy friends or sex...

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My Experience With An Experienced Aunty

Let me introduce myself,l am Faris completed my engineering course last year.Presently working in an MNC in Bangalore. I am 5.10 ft in height , athletic , 26 yrs old. It happened just 1 week before. I came home on Friday night for two day holidays.On Saturday my mom and dad went to attend a function at my uncles home .I was not interested to go and I told to mom that I am not feeling well as I traveled last night which was very cold and they went.My brother and sister went to college.Now I am...

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Sex experience with my friends mother 3 with my little sister

That day, in the evening, avinash came to my hostel .he gave me a pendrive and asked me to play it in the pc. (I know that he brought the prone videos .he used to collect new prone videos every week and used to watch them at my room and I am in a plan to get out of hostel and rent a house for myself.) I have noticed that most of the videos of his collection are of incest sex. So, I asked him if he had crush on his sister hasmika. He told me that he was controlling his crush over my sister...

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Sexperience In Chennai 8211 Part II

Hi my dear ISS Friends, Hope you have enjoyed my last story “Sexperience in Chennai”. I am going to narrate what had happened after myself and Nandini came out of my bedroom into the hall.Those of you who are reading this story for the first time, please read the previous story for the continuation. As mentioned before only I was aware that Raagini and Abhirami were watching us copulating and after we came back from the shower the door was closed like normal and Nandini was not aware of the...

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Sex 1st Experience with 3 girls

Hi friends this is vicky again from lucknow age 30 ye baat aaj se 12 saal pehlay ki hai jab mai 18 yrs ka tha mere bagal me ek Punjabi family rehti thi unki family me uncle unki Mrs aur unki ek beti rehti thi jiska name tha Preeti us time uski age kareeb 21 saal ki thi unke ghar me koi larka nahi tha isliye agar unko koi bazar se saman mangwana hota tha to vo mujhko bula leti thi aur mai le ata tha waise to unke ghar jyada nahi jata tha lakin saman dene chala jata tha unki larki preeti mujhse...

2 years ago
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Sexcapades with my Girlfriends Mother 1

I was studying in Milan and having a great time. Beautiful city, great food, lot of foreign students. Parties, dating, sex was a part of life here. For last 3 months I was dating a beautiful Swedish girl named Jacqueline. She was staying with her mother in small villa just on the outskirts of the city. So as it happened, it was Friday night. Jacqueline, me and few other friends were out bar hopping, drinking. She had to leave for an exhibition the next afternoon to Paris. She would be back...

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