IncentiveChapter 3 free porn video

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Monday was a tense and apprehensive time for Sarah Stevens. The young, buxom teacher had told herself over and over that she had to be more professional with her students, but time after time, she seemed to wind up having sex with them. Sarah loved sex.

Sarah had been a slut all through high school and college, barely graduating from both institutions. She saw nothing wrong with being a slut, but did feel that she should maintain the proper teacher-student relationship. However, having long blond hair, a pretty face, rich lips, and a killer body with 36DD sized breasts, had most, if not all, the male students lusting for her, which did not help matters at all.

Sarah's current dilemma came about when Coach Hicks injured his back again. Sarah, as the only other physical education teacher, had to take his place as the football coach just before Westville High was to play in the Regional Championship. She provided the team an incentive to prevail over the other team.

Principal Schwartz had made a rash and impulsive bet with Principal Hopper, the principal of the other high school. The bet was that the principal of the losing team would become the sex slave to the other for twenty-four hours. Schwartz told her team that Sarah would have sex with all of them if they won. They did and Sarah fucked each member of the team after the game. Schwartz, having won her bet, was so repulsed by the chauvinistic, arrogant Hopper that she was going to cancel the bet. Nurse Cindy Brown, Sarah's best friend, came up with a solution. She and Sarah sucked and fucked the brains out of six male students for over eight hours in the school auditorium while Principal Hopper was forced to watch, He was handcuffed naked to a chair in such a way that he could not move. The man was literally crying at the end from the pain of his blue balls.

Sarah knew that Principal Schwartz did not like her and tried to get her fired by filming her having sex with a student. Fortunately, Sarah managed to turn the tables on Schwartz and got Schwartz on film also. After that, the two of them had settled into an uneasy truce. Sarah liked her job and did not want to jeopardize it.

Sarah had finished her morning classes and headed down to the infirmary to see her friend. Cindy had given Sarah assurances that Principal Schwartz would not care about what happened in the auditorium, but Sarah had her doubts. She walked into the infirmary to see Cindy helping a young man into the back examination room.

"Oh, Sarah, great!" said Cindy happily. "You're just in time to help. John took a tumble while playing soccer. Can you help me get him onto an examination table?"

"Of course," said Sarah, moving forward to get on the other side of the student, who was favoring his right leg.

John was in heaven despite his pain. He was being helped by two extremely sexy women and he could feel their large tits pressing into his sides as they helped him towards the exam table. Nurse Brown had the top three buttons of her white uniform undone and John swore he could look down her huge cleavage all the way to her belly button. His cock was beginning to stiffen up as he sat down on the table.

"Lie back on the table," ordered Cindy. She turned to Sarah and said, "If you take off his left shoe, I'll get his right one."

"I don't think I'm supposed to be here during an examination," stated Sarah.

"Don't be silly," scoffed Cindy. "If you help me, we'll be done in half the time and get to lunch that much sooner."

"Well, okay," said Sarah hesitantly.

Sarah eased off John's left shoe and sock as Cindy gingerly took off the right one. John gasped in pain as Cindy removed the sock off his foot. Cindy then examined his ankle while John gritted his teeth.

"I think you just sprained it," stated Cindy as she pulled an Ace bandage out of a drawer. She began wrapping John's ankle before saying to Sarah, "Can you please help John get his shirt off?"

"I suppose so," said Sarah, unsure of why John needed his shirt off.

Sarah helped John to sit up while Cindy finished wrapping his ankle. Sarah grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up over his head. As Sarah lifted her arms, John got a good eyeful of her bounteous boobs, which were held in place by her sports bra. John's cock needed no other encouragement and hardened up to its full length. John was happy that it was up against his stomach and saving him the embarrassment of tenting out his athletic shorts. With his shirt off, John laid back down.

"Okay," said Cindy, moving to the side of the table opposite Sarah. "Let's get his shorts off."

"Cindy, I don't think..." Sarah started to protest.

"John took a bad fall," interrupted Cindy. "I need to check him out thoroughly for other injuries. It's the sensible thing to do."

"Oh, okay," said Sarah.

"John, lift your hips," ordered Cindy as she gripped the waistband of his shorts.

"I ... um..." stammered John. embarrassed that these gorgeous women would laugh when they saw his hard-on.

"Hush! Lift your hips!" ordered Cindy. "Sarah, give me a hand."

Together, the two women pulled down John's shorts and jock strap. John's prick sprang free and snapped back against his stomach with a loud slap. Neither woman looked at it.

"What did you come to see me about?" Cindy asked Sarah as she began her examination, starting with John's right foot.

"Well, I don't think we can talk about it here," stated Sarah as Cindy's fingers slid and caressed up John's calf. His cock twitched up and down in response.

"Nonsense," scoffed Cindy as her hands traveled up John's thigh causing him to gasp. "We're in a professional setting. John knows better than to say anything ... it's privileged."

"Right ... uh ... sure," gasped John as Cindy's hands stopped on his mid-thigh. " ... Uh ... nurse-patient privilege, right?"

"Exactly," said Cindy as she moved her hands down to his left foot and started to examine his other leg.

"Well, I guess this is a privileged conversation," said Sarah. "Cindy, I need to keep a more professional relationship with my students."

"Didn't you enjoy Saturday night?"

"Immensely," admitted Sarah, "but we could've been caught."

"It was for the good of the school," said Cindy as her fingers caressed John's thigh. John was panting slightly through his mouth and trying not to distract the two women. "Damn, I can't see. Sarah, grab a hold of his penis and point it straight up."

Without thinking about it, Sarah grasped John's cock with one hand. John inhaled sharply as her soft fingers encircled his shaft and pointed it towards the ceiling.

"Princ ... the guy that was going to welsh on the bet and disrespect our school," argued Cindy as her hands slid up and down John's thigh. "We couldn't let him get away with that."

"I remember you saying that," said Sarah. Her hand involuntarily began to pump up and down on John's hard cock. "I guess we did have to uphold the reputation of our school."

"That is correct," said Cindy. "Oh, you need to use both hands."

Sarah released John's cock and he groaned in disappointment. She then took a two-fisted grip on his throbbing meat and started to pump both hands up and down.

"I'm sure Principal Schwartz would approve if she had seen us," added Cindy. One of her hands slithered up to cup John's testicles. John was breathing heavily, trying desperately from cumming too soon. "You have the State Championship game this Saturday. Are you going to use the same incentive to motivate the team?"

"Cindy, I told you I need to have a more professional attitude with my students," said Sarah as her hands jacked up and down on John's hard, hot shaft. John was trembling as the sexual tension in his balls was approaching the breaking point. "Besides, that was Principal Schwartz who came up with it. I was shocked that she did it. You were also a part of her bet."

"Boy, was I!" exclaimed Cindy, remembering back to the Regional's where she sucked and fucked the entire opposing football team at halftime to drain their strength. Her fingers gently kneaded John's balls, causing him to groan in delight. "It may just be the incentive our team needs to win State."

"AUGH!!!" cried out John as his balls tightened and his cock pulsated in Sarah's hands.

Cindy was fast enough to scoop up a plastic cup just as John started spurting out rope after rope of white creamy cum. She caught most of his thick baby batter in the cup, but some splattered onto Sarah's fingers. John continued to shake as he continued to pump out wad after wad of his jism into the cup.

"Oh, thank goodness," said Cindy with a satisfied sigh. "There is no damage to his genitalia. Let's go to lunch."

Sarah washed the few splatters of sperm off her hands. John could only lay on the table gasping for breath from the throes of his climax. Cindy activated a cold pack and placed it on John's bandaged ankle. She than wetted down a washcloth with warm water and handed to John.

"Keep the cold pack on your ankle," Cindy told him. "I'll have the secretary call your parents about your sprain and find out what they would like to do. If your parents haven't come for you when I get back, I'll do another checkup after lunch."

John's eyes lit up in anticipation and he said, " Just tell them it's a minor sprain. My mom can come get me in a couple of hours. You know ... to let the swelling go down."

"It's always good to get the swelling down," stated Cindy. "Sometimes, it takes an hour or two."

Sarah and Cindy headed out of the infirmary and started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Do you think Principal Schwartz will use us again to win the State Championship?" asked Cindy.

"I don't know," stated Sarah as they continued to walk. "She's still the same ... uptight, stern, and with a strong dislike for the two of us. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was tricked into making that bet and was forced to come to us for help."

"Huh?" asked Cindy, confused.

"You know what I mean," said Sarah. "I'm hoping she won't do it again. You remember what I said about keeping my teacher-student boundaries?"

"Of course, I remember. You know, I feel like having a salad. I've got some sauce here I'm dying to taste," stated Cindy, holding up the plastic cup.

At the same time that Sarah and Cindy were administering aid to John, Principal Schwartz was meeting with an unexpected visitor. Schwartz was dressed in her severe gray business suit with her hair pulled back tightly into a bun. Her black horn-rimmed glasses gave her a stern, unfeminine look. Nothing she did, however, could disguise the size of her two large breasts or the hourglass shape of her body. Her visitor was well aware of her figure and also of her uncompromising principles.

"Principal Eversol, it is a pleasure to meet you," greeted Schwartz, shaking his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," said Eversol in a cultured voice. "I must apologize for arriving here unannounced. I was in the neighborhood and, since our respective teams are meeting on the football field of battle for the title of State Champion, I thought it might be nice to meet my opposite number."

"Am I who you thought I would be?" asked Schwartz.

"Ada Schwartz, magna cum laude from George Washington University, majored in teaching, minored in dance, completed your masters, a competent teacher, extremely capable administrator, and known as a disciplinarian. As for your personal life..." Eversol stopped and smiled. "That, my dear lady, is none of my business."

"Which means he knows about my philandering ex and the very messy divorce we had," thought Schwartz. She then said aloud, "Doctor Peter Eversol, summa cum laude from Harvard, majored in teaching and business administration, captain of the University football team for three years, PhD. in English Lit., author of four books ... I particularly liked the one on Chaucer ... a well-liked principal who is known to watch out for his people. I'm afraid I'm not privy to your personal life."

Eversol laughed and said, "That means you know I'm twice divorced and have a roving eye."

"I wouldn't know," stated Schwartz.

"Of course," said Eversol nonplussed. "I am still delighted to meet you. I wanted to wish you, Coach Hicks, and your team the best of luck this Saturday."

"I'm afraid Coach Hicks injured his back and will not be at the game on Saturday."

"I had heard he was not able to coach the team at the Regional's," stated Eversol. "Nothing serious, I hope?"

"No, he just manages to throw his back out every now and then," replied Schwartz. "Unfortunately, it lays him up for several weeks."

"I am sorry to hear that," said Eversol and Schwartz believed that he actually meant it. "I understand another teacher led the team during that game. Will she also lead the team this Saturday?"

"You seemed well informed."

"I try to be," said Eversol seriously. "Melvin Hopper and I have met several times when our teams have played against one another. I hope you don't mind my saying that I really don't care for the man. Anything that has happened to him, he deserves. I guess I am really here to ensure that, between the two of us, we have a safe and fair game on Saturday. Don't you agree?"

Schwartz could feel her neck turning red in embarrassment. She was sure that Eversol had a good idea of what she did to win the Regional game and also, maybe, about her bet with Hopper. Schwartz damped down her embarrassment and shored up her resolve.

"Nothing would please me more," she said. "Feelings will be running high. We both need to make sure that your people and my people stay on their respective side of the playing field."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Eversol. "I was sure we would be on the same sheet of music concerning the game. Is it possible to meet your temporary coach ... Miss... ?

"Sarah Stevens," supplied Schwartz, standing up and escorting Eversol to the door. "She is the woman's physical education teacher, She should be at lunch and we may be able to catch her at the teacher's dining room."

"I've never played against a female coach before," stated Eversol as they walked together down the hallway towards the cafeteria. "It will be interesting to see how she directs the team. Is she good at football?"

Schwartz almost broke out laughing and only maintained her composure by sheer will. She did chuckle as she said, "You'll have to wait till Saturday to find out."

"My apologies," said Eversol sincerely. "Miss Stevens is now an unknown quality. You'll forgive me if I am a little curious about her."

"Well, just don't expect me to divulge any information," stated Schwartz as they entered the teacher's dining room. "There she is ... over there."

"Schwartz!" hissed Sarah to Cindy, who immediately buttoned up the top three buttons of her nurse's uniform.

"Miss Stevens ... Nurse Brown, I would like you to meet Principal Eversol," said Schwartz. "He is the principal of Friendship High, the Wolverines."

Oh ... OH!" gasped Sarah as she stood up to greet the tall, fit man standing next to Principal Schwartz. "Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The honor is all mine," said Eversol, looking first at Sarah and then at Cindy. "I understand that you are taking over for the injured Coach Hicks. I would like to extend my congratulations on your win at the Regional's and offer you the best of luck for this Saturday."

"Thank you and the same to you," said Sarah nervously.

"I'm sorry to have interrupted your lunch," he said. "The chef salad looks delicious."

"Would you like to try some?" offered Cindy, which elicited a gasp from Sarah. " ... Principal Schwartz?"

"Thank you, but no," refused Eversol. as Schwartz took a small forkful and put it in her mouth. "I am meeting with friends for lunch and I am afraid that now I have to say goodbye to you ladies."

Schwartz had been watching Eversol the entire time. She knew that when he had looked at Nurse Brown he had stripped her down to her bare skin with his eyes in a flash. The look he had given Miss Stevens had nothing at all to do with sex and lust. It was a stark appraisal of the type of person she was. Schwartz could have sworn that she had detected a hint of worry behind his urbane demeanor. She chew and swallowed the bite of salad she had taken.

"I'll be glad to escort you to your car," offered Schwartz, looking at Eversol. She turned to face Sarah and Cindy. "Principal Eversol and I have agreed that, in regards to Saturday's game, we need to ensure that no hi-jinks occur. We both want a fair and safe game. Sarah, I know you've been a little overworked with a new coaching duties. I'm having Ms. Porter take over for the girl's cheerleading and volleyball practice until after the game."

"Principal Schwartz, she's a math teacher," protested Sarah.

"Ms. Porter is a capable teacher," countered Schwartz. "She can fill in for week."

Having said that, Schwartz and Eversol left the cafeteria and headed out to the parking lot. Eversol unlocked his car and said, " I'm glad we had this talk. I think we are going to have an exciting game on Saturday."

"I believe we will," agreed Schwartz. She then held her hand over her mouth as she gave a little burp. "Excuse me."

"The salad was not to your liking?" asked Eversol.

"The salad was delicious, but the sauce was a little salty."

As Eversol drove away, he opened his cellphone and punched a button on his speed dial.

"Mike Calricci," greeted a voice through the earpiece.

"Hello, Coach. It's Peter," said Eversol. "I'm on my way back. We may have a problem."

Natalie Porter was the newest faculty member at Westville high. A 21 year years old, she knew she was lucky to secure a teaching position even though she had a 4.0 GPA all through college. It was her lack of social skills said troubled her the most, along with her lack of fashion sense. She always wore big baggy clothing, with colors that invariably clashed. Her waist length black hair was always put up into a bun and her dark brown eyes were hidden by her black hornrim glasses.

In high school and college, Natalie knew she was a geek and a free spirit. She would never be a cool or popular girl and, therefore, was not a threat to anyone. She never felt the need to socialize beyond what was required to maintain her GPA. Of course, she never turned down anyone seeking her help with schoolwork.

What Natalie could not understand is why she of all people should be standing out in a practice field with a dozen cheerleaders staring at her. Principal Schwartz had told her it was only for a week to free up Miss Stevens to work with the football team. The problem was that Natalie had no clue about cheerleading.

"Hi, girls," said Natalie. "Principal Schwartz sent me to replace Miss Stevens for this week."

"Oh, okay, Miss. Porter," said Amanda, the cheerleading team captain, in understanding. "You're our substitute coach, right?"

"I guess," stated Natalie. "I don't know what I can do for you, though."

"No offense, Miss Porter, but our routines are already choreographed," stated Amanda. "Regulations require us to have a coach at all activities and it has to be a teacher. If it's all right with you, I can handle the practice."

"I understand, Amanda," said Natalie. "If it's all right with you, I'll stay over at the bleachers. I have some work that I need to catch up on."

"That would be fine, Miss Porter," said Amanda.

Natalie headed over to the bleachers, while the cheerleaders started their routines. She watched the girls for a little while before opening up her book bag to grade some math papers that she brought with her. The practice went by quickly, and, afterwards, the girls headed off to the locker room. Natalie started put her papers away when a gust of wind came by and blew one of her papers up to the top of the bleachers. Natalie scurried after it and managed to snag it just before it blew off into the fields. Coming back down, she put the errant paper into her bag and started to walk around behind the bleachers.

The rest of the week seemed to pass by quickly for Sarah. She went to the football practices, but had nothing to do as Tim and Joe, the team's captains, had things under control as they put the players through their paces. It was not until Thursday afternoon that practice went to Hell in a handbasket.

Sarah, from her seat in the bleachers, could see that the practice was not going well. Everyone's game was off. Receivers were missing easy passes. Linebackers zigged when they should have zagged. After a half-hour of this, Joe and Tim called a halt and gathered everyone in the center of the field. Sarah could not tell what they were talking about, but she guessed that the captains were trying to find out what the problem was.

It was only about five minutes later before Tim and Joe sent the rest of the team to run laps. They both then jogged over to where Sarah was sitting.

"Hi, Tim. Hi. Joe," called out Sarah. "What seems to be the problem?"

"You noticed, huh?" said Tim, shaking his head. "Our problem is that none of the guys seem to be able to concentrate on the game and it's getting progressively worse. Their feeble minds can only think about one thing."

" ... and that is?" asked Sarah.

"Well, um ... it's..." stammered Tim.

"To put it bluntly, Miss Stevens, the team wants to know if you ... uh ... if there will be a ... er ... morale booster like last time," blurted out Joe.

"Oh! I ... uh..." Sarah was at a loss for words.

"Look, Miss Stevens," stated Tim quickly. "At the Regional's, you gave us the strength to persevere and the will to win. I think every guy on the team is abstaining from sex on the chance that you'll go for it again."

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College GirlChapter 2

Wednesday, of course, meant lunch with my older sister. A sorority has a Big Sister-Little Sister relationship. When you first join there's an older girl who mentors you, gives you someone to talk to, and generally helps with the transition to college life. Believe me, you need it. Even though Krystal belonged to the sorority, tradition prevented her from being my Big Sister, hence the distinction. In a way that was a plus; I had two people I could go to with problems. I'd been at college...

2 years ago
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He walked up the stairs on his way to bed. It had been another long day. As he entered the bedroom, he saw her, seated at the mirror, brushing her long dark hair. His breath caught in his throat, even after all this time the mere sight of her still left him dizzy. He watched for a few moments, with a slight grin on his face, before she looked up and their eyes met in the mirror. She smiled at him, and his grin remained. "What?" she asked. He slowly shook his head, the grin never leaving his...

2 years ago
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Became My ExBoyfriend8217s Slut 8211 Part 4

Hello, there this is Ridaa again with the next part of my story. In the last part, you saw how Hardik had made me a whore and how we fucked like rabbits all the way. Now we had landed in Mumbai, and I did not feel like leaving Hardik and going home. As such, my mother was not bothered about my whereabouts. Hardik took me to his car. Hardik: “I will drop you home.” Me: “Main soch rahi thi, ab randi tune bana hi diya hai, toh kyu na tere ghar chalke chudai kare? Teri maa ko bhi toh patau, use...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 130

By the time we got back to the room, I was ready to fuck. The Angels, Cutie, and Creamy were all very nicely pre-loaded and I was able to fuck Creamy, get fucked by Cutie and get fed by the Angels. The Angels had a new trick - they'd figured out how to share a load, ass-to-ass. I could have watched that for hours. I loaded each Angel and they taught the trick to Creamy and Cutie. "That's hot," Creamy agreed. "But I prefer the old fashioned way."

3 years ago
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A Timely Introduction Ch 3 Little Willie and the Exhibitionist

About a week after our evening with Mark, Alicia got a call from her sister in St Louis. I was watching the baseball game when the call came and knew something was wrong by the sound of my wife’s replies. After a few moments she retreated to the bedroom with the phone and left me to watch the game. It was almost two hours later when she emerged from the bedroom and came to sit by me. “Jim left Marcie,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Why”, I asked, surprised. Alicia shrugged. “He has some bimbo...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mera Pehla Pehla Pyar Ya Sex

Hi friends, i am heart hacker rajput from jammu. Toh dosto yeh meri pehli story hai toh galti ho jaye toh uske liye sorry. Agar story achi lage toh comment zaroor kijyie. Specially girls agar koi ladki mujse chat karna ya milna chahe toh woh mujhe iss id par contact kar sakti hai aur agar koi girl,bhabhi ya aunty mujse sex karna chahe toh woh mujhe iss id par contact kar sakti hai meri id hai Toh friends ab mein story par aata hoon yeh kahani aaj se 5 saal pehle shuru hui jab mein 10th ke exam...

4 years ago
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Last patient of the day

It’s been one week since I called to make the appointment. Now here I am, sitting in the waiting room. It’s a quite late in the evening and I’m the last patient of the day. This was the only free slot that the girl on the phone could offer me. She told me that Dr. Linehan was really busy this week, so I gladly accepted it. This was an emergency as far as I was concerned and I had heard that this doctor was the best in their field for this kind of thing. The surgery is a typical for a private...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 17

Between feeling awful about kissing Uncle Bob and wild wet dreams, I hardly got any sleep on Saturday night; and I almost went to sleep in church several times. Thanks to George nudging me, though, I didn't embarrass myself and start snoring in the middle of anything. I could tell by his expression that he was concerned about me, but I couldn't explain what was going on in church or even when we got back to the house, where all of my family that could, would be arriving for the Sunday...

4 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 22

Geoff looked out of the rear window of the taxi as it pulled back out into the traffic. He saw Drew enter the tall apartment block before he and the cab driver were swallowed up in the city bustle. "You guys from the country?" asked the driver. "Yes. We are just in town for the weekend," Geoff answered. "I can set you up with anything you want while you're here. I know all of the places single guys like to visit," said the driver in a sleazy sort of voice. "I'm okay, thanks. Just take me to the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A Family Possessed Part 2

She stood there for a few minutes, her body felt as if it was tingling all over, she had never felt like this before and her mind seemed full of mush, all she could think of was his touch and her own sexual arousal. She glanced around the empty room hardly believing that he had gone, then in a moments decision she turned and headed upstairs to her bedroom where she undressed quickly before collapsing naked on the bed. Her fingers were between her legs almost before she lay down and...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome

My wife has become more conservative since we had kids but there are some experiences that still turn me on.  I will call her M but otherwise these are as they happened.          Our first threesome was when M was early 20s and I was mid 20s.  We were at an island getaway at a friend's house.  Our friends had all gone out to the local hotel.  We had organised dinner and drinks and had settled in to watch some TV.  There was another guy with us who we didn't know. Well, the TV was boring so we...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Jessie Lee Evil Oil

Jessie Lee shakes her wet ass and bouncing, glistening tits. This fishnet-wearing, tatted-up beauty is all oiled-up and waiting for something stiff and sticky to fill her in. And Jessy Jones has JUST the right rock-hard cock that her dick-starved slit’s been waiting for. Jessy’s going to use that massive and throbbing fuck-stick to blast Jessie’s oily holes, and Jessie’s going to use her dripping tongue and tight snatch to milk his fat balls. Together, they’re...

4 years ago
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Behan Ki Nanand SIL Ki Chudai

Hello Friends, Myself Rashid from Lucknow and currently residing in Delhi as I have a job here in Noida. I have visited ISS as a reader many times but this is my first time to write my experience which is totally real however i have added some spice to make it interesting for readers. I am sure you are going to love it and i will wait for your feedback so that i can get motivation to share few more experiences of mine with you all. My email id is Before i go ahead and share my sex encounter...

2 years ago
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QueenChapter 6

Several days passed in which Cassi and Larry had made virtually no progress on the case. The mysterious tipster had not called back and their usual street sources were of no help. Cassi lay back in Linda's arms the tears of her latest orgasm still wet on her cheeks. "Are you sure?" asked Linda. "I mean you said that Leonora woman threatened you. I could postpone..." "No, we both know this showing is important to your career. I won't have you miss it on my account. Besides, we've...

4 years ago
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My First Panties

Hi All, here's a story I wrote about my first time buying clothes. Any feedback to my mailbox please. Thanks! My First Panties (A True Story) By Jenifer. 19/05/97 INTRODUCTION About seven years ago I was trapped in a job that I really hated, in a finance office with the Bitch from hell as a boss. To begin with she was nice and kind, but as the weeks slowly turned into Months she started picking me up on little things I did. She would critise my attire (notice I...

2 years ago
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[ Once again---for Megan, AND her BBC loving mom! ]Cindy had never, in her entire life, single, or married, found herself saying "Oh! My! GOD!" So many, many times in one amazing afternoon of fucking; but she didn't really care. The only salient thing that actually mattered, was that she'd had that enormous, and beautiful black cock of Willis', deep inside both her pussy, as well as her ass!She wasn't really religious, but as Willis' cock had plunged in and out, in and out of her hungry pussy,...

1 year ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 27

We went about the business of living. We had been working on projects around the cave area all morning. The women had been busy while I was absent. They had made the noon meal and were serving it up. Now that the Shira was safe, the normality of life resumed. I was hungry, in fact, ravenous. I asked for seconds, twice! Shamona was bringing me food today, and she commented on the quantity I was eating. As she drew near, I watched as she looked me in the eyes, lowered her head to my level and...

3 years ago
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After humanity faced possible extinction, a different threat appearing before them each time they triumphed, they realised that a future on Earth would never be possible, and if they didn't die from a virus, sooner or later, the environment would produce mutants or volcanoes would erupt simultaneously, or a black hole would destroy them all. Point is, they needed to leave. On the year 2222, the Stanchion Research Facility created the Sirius Starship, a spaceship with a mission to carry one...

2 years ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Eighteen The Last Act

Time Stands Still Chapter Eighteen: The Last Act By 10:00 p.m. I did everything I was told. I went home and got a change of clothes and took a shower. Then the girls and I drove my truck and the Hummer back to Georgina's. There I met with Sanchez and two of his technicians fitted me with a transmitter and a microphone. I was going to be the bait for the rats. After getting hooked up, I drove out in my truck and started going door-to-door looking for clues in...

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Betsys Bad Intentions

A truth that's told with bad intent, Beats all the lies you can invent William Blake Once upon a time in a land far, far away from where you are probably; when I was really bored and in sort of a good mood, I decided to write down the following account of a girl I once knew, and how she and her brother fell hopelessly in love... ~Chapter Only~ "Do you have homework?" mom asked us, just like she had a hundred million times before. "Hi mom!" I smiled, ignoring her question cause I...

4 years ago
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Send me an Angel

There she is, the girl of your dreams, Mary Warren. She is a few inches shorter than you are. She has golden blonde hair that flows down to her mid-back. Her breasts are a tad small for your tastes, but nonetheless still perfect. The only problem is that she will never be yours. You had just gone up to her at her locker and asked her to go on a date with you. She declined, saying “Really? You? Ha, yeah right.” Nearly every day when you arrive at your high school, of which you and Mary are...

Mind Control
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Train Three Sexy Slaves 19 Tika1

I tie your wrists behind your back to the back legs of the simple wooden café chair style ThonetI tie your ankles to the front legs so your legs spread wide for me and those tiny tits stick outI look at you and tease you "I wonder where I will begin to kiss, lick or bite you, my bride?"I look at you from top to toes - all available to my caresses and touch - I lick your ear-lobeI whisper "You are now all mine baby, I can do what I want with you - I can take you very often I like it to see you...

2 years ago
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Prison School Ch 01

Chapter 1 – Week1 – Monday Morning - Arrival and OrientationARRIVALThe four boys were getting pretty restless after the three hour long ride from the state penitentiary to the prison school, as it was called. The state had contracted with the training school to take minimum security inmates that had at least  one year to serve and train them under an apprenticeship program to become employable and certified skilled construction workers.They were all fitted with special bracelets that were not...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sharing Kim

Kim and I had discussed almost everything since we started dating. We hadn't discussed Dave yet. Dave was my best friend, my very best friend. He always had been; he always would be. I expected Kim to be faithful to me. Except for Dave. I expected her to fuck Dave anytime he asked. I don't mean lie there. I mean happily and enthusiastically fuck his eyes out. That wouldn't be easy for Kim, but it was very important to me. Now that we'd agreed to marry, we had to discuss it. Fortunately,...

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Fallen Angel0

The game apparently ends with Your team winning, which brings a smile to Your face, "At last, that's the first one they've won all season". With that, You pull me into a sitting position and say, "Now, we're going out in a little while. I'm going to be punishing you, you know why, and if you embarrass me at all, in any way, you will regret it? Understand?" "Uh, yeah, sure Sir, whatever You say" I reply, a little unsure of what I'm agreeing to here, "What are You planning on...

3 years ago
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Daddys Slut Girl1

DADDY'S SLUT GIRL by Norma Egan FOREWORD The runaway girl -- a label for thousands of girls in a hundred cities who have left home for one reason -- unhappiness. They may be motherless, friendless, or lonely; they may be the daughters of the rich, the poor, the middle class; yet, their common bond is a search for tomorrow's joy and the end to today's misery. The question herein is not the reasons why they left, but where they go. What destiny is in store for the Levi's-clad...

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Finding JessicaChapter 6

November 23, 2004 Dear Jessica, I was surprised ... no astonished to get your letter after all this time. I really never expected to hear from you again. I'm sorry this letter was so long in coming but it took at least a month to catch up to me and then before I got a chance to respond, I was called away for a couple of weeks. I hope you are doing well. And now to the hard part... I was equally astonished when you told me that you had never stopped loving me and that you missed me every...

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Southern Boy

When I was 16 my best friend , James and I would slip into a private lake and go swimming. James was more worldly than I and had been dating girls for over a year or two. To hear him tell it he got into most of their pants. I don't know if it was true or not.... I just liked to hear the stories. He was already 17 and was stoutly built and had the gift of gab when it came to the fairer sex. I on the other hand was skinny and short almost 5' 6'' I was also shy when it came to one on...

2 years ago
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I wonder what it is that makes some men get the hots for pregnant women. The opposite side of the coin is what is it about being pregnant that turns some women into cock hungry sluts. It's a question that I have asking myself for about a month now; ever since I found out my wife of three years, who is seven months pregnant, has been getting fucked by other men. Not just a lover, but by a lot of other men. Loretta was by no means a virgin when we took our wedding vows. She'd had other lovers...

3 years ago
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chudai heen chudai part1

Pyaare doston mera naam bhuvan hai aur main ek chhote se sheher ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh baat thodi purani hai. School mein mera ek dost hua karta tha abhi. Meri sex ki jitni bhi jankari hai usi ne di hai. Pata nahi use kahan se pata chala yeh sab? Mere khayal se main tab class 4 mein tha jab usne mujhe mastram ki kitaben di thi padhne ke liye. Us samay bhai-behen ki chudai, devar-bhabhi ki chudai ajeeb lagta tha aur lagta tha ki sab ghalat hai.mera dost jo tha who ekdum expert tha insab baton...

2 years ago
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After Party Truth or Dare

You and your friends just spent the last couple hours at a party that turned out to be pretty lame. It's a Friday night and you've all had a couple drinks and want to have a good time so you all head back to the house several of you share to keep the party going.

Group Sex
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Pahelvan Se Chudai

Ye kahani ek garib ladaki ki hai. Pushpa ek garib ghar ki ladki thi jiske maa baap kaam karne wale the. Pushpa ko do bahane thi . Ek nanda aur dusri ka nam mamta tha. Dono bahane dhikhne me smart dikhati thi kafi handsam bhi thi.Parantu pushpa dikhne me jada sundar nahi thi. Gali ke ladke bhi pushpa ke taraf jada nahi dekhate the. Pushpa sabse chhoti thi. Puahpa bahut hi chhote kad ki aur dubli patli aur barik ladki thi. Bechari 25 saal ki hoker bhi 2o saal ki lagati thi. Uski dono bahane smart...

4 years ago
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Changing the Rules

This happened a few years ago, in fact it was this day that made me re-evaluate having sex with anyone but my husband. I went off birth control a few months ago. I hadn’t realized until recently how much it had been suppressing my natural sex drive but let me tell you I am walking around so horny right now it’s ridiculous. Anyway we went up to Sacramento for the weekend and I had arranged to meet Sean for coffee and to discuss some business. On our way back to his house after the meeting I...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 334

Send a smile to Yoes for this one... This is one is from my childhood. Problem is that the punchline is telegraphed from the middle of the joke. Here goes: A couple marry and the husband announces that the only food he likes is pumpkin stew. Not any old pumpkin stew, but the way his now deceased mother made it. Since her death, no-one has ever been able to replicate her recipe. So when she presented the dish to him that evening, he took one bite of it and pushed it away from him in disgust...

2 years ago
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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...

1 year ago
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Evil Fist! If you’re a person who is into some extreme shit, and I mean that both in a metaphorical, but quite honestly in a very literal sense too, then I think that you’re going to really love what I found for you guys today. It’s a site called, and it’s pretty much everything you have ever wanted when it comes to a platform that concentrates on fisting videos that really shape the bounds of what is insane and what can be done. Okay, so that’s a lot of talk for a site that seems...

Free Porn Download Sites
2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 5 Mels Evening Continues

After Mel's formal presentation, and with the last barrier to my entrance removed, she slowly and deliberately moved her legs apart for me allowing my eyes to feast, for the first time, on her very center. I could see the look of apprehension on her face being fearful that I wouldn't like or appreciate the view she was giving me. It seems to be as natural with women, as it is with men. Men are always scared to death that "what they have" isn't adequate to satisfy the beautiful woman...

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My first gay experience

I was in the changing rooms of my local gym. I'd just finished a pretty heavy workout, and was about to head for the showers when I saw a sign for a sauna. I figured what the hell, might as well try it out. When I entered I could barely see through all the steam, but made out a figure vaguely at the back. I sat down and just as I started to relax I heard the door open and close. The guy had left. After a few minutes I lied back and figured I'd jack off. The heat was getting me in the mood, and...

1 year ago
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Reddit Thick, aka r/Thick! There is a silky, fine line between thick and fat gentlemen, we’re looking at the r/thick subreddit today and if there’s anywhere online that straddles that line this place is it.Thick and ThinAs you and I both know there is just something to be said about them slim girls with tiny asses you can just hold in your hand or lift up off the floor when you’re fucking her. You’re not gonna be getting any kind of workout cause these tiny girls are just that easy to put the...

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