Spreading Seeds Chapt 6 - Dinner With Mom free porn video

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Chapter 6 - Dinner with Mom

I entered the mess hall and looked around for Audrey. I didn’t see her but I saw Raule and Bob standing in the corner and I walked over to see them. “Hey,” I said as I came up to them.

“Hey, “Bob answered. “Sarge has been looking for you all afternoon. You need to talk to him.”

“What about?” I asked. I didn’t like the sound of it. Sarge had told me to take the day off, early that morning, and the get Astral to show me around. He had fixed it so she would be off today too. I looked around the room for him and saw the back of his head. I waved at Raule and Bob and drifted off to see him. I was constantly distracted however for wherever I went, behind my back I’d hear, “Oh Josh” and I’d turn and see nothing but laughing women.

Sarge saw me coming and had excused himself from the women he was talking to, kissing a couple before he waved me outside and we met at the door. He came up and shook my hand, “Josh glad to see you.”

I looked at him carefully, he looked sober. “Bob said you wanted to see me?” I asked.

He nodded motioned us outdoors where he threw his arm over my shoulder and said, “My boy you may have hit one over the fence last night. I’ve been talking to the Grandfathers and some of the women. Apparently you have hooked up with the right girl last night.”

“I did,” I asked.

“It was the luck of the draw but you pulled the long straw.” He said beaming at me.

“Sarge what are you talking about?” I asked and his arm came off my shoulders.

“Ok,” he said. “You tapped into the daughter of the head of the whole Administration.”

“Yeah, Audrey’s mom, I met her at lunch.”

“Well apparently you impressed the hell out of her and she asked Mercer if you could have dinner with them tonight.”

“I know, I was looking for them before you called me outside.”

“Well you won’t be eating here. They laid on a special dinner for the Cocksucker Corps tonight and someone will meet you and take you there. Don’t know who.”

“Cocksucker Corps?” I asked.

“Yeah, the women that had been collecting sperm samples.”

“Oh,” I said.

“Anyway they’re going to retire all of them but a couple tonight and Ms. Riley asked if you could come too.” He patted me on the back and said, “This is very important Josh. Do what ever she wants, be charming and polite and don’t worry about being late for duty tomorrow. But if you find yourself without a place to sleep, come to the Kiva. The beds are in and I had all our gear moved up there.

“Sure Sarge,” I said as we made our way back inside. I hung around the door, if someone was going to take me to dinner they wouldn’t have to look hard to find me.

I felt a touch on my arm and turned, a girl about 16 stepped back and saluted. I put out my hand and said, “Josh Perkins,” She looked around and then with a smile took my hand by the fingers and shook it lightly letting her hand slowly slid down to the fingertips. She stood up, “Sir, I have been sent to take you to dinner. If you would follow me.” She turned and I saw that out side four of the go-fer girls all in uniform and nightsticks were in formation. I came out and they formed up around me we went off into the twilight. Them marching, and me trying to keep step.

They led me to a doorway of a large rectilinear building and stopped, the lead girl knocked and the door opened. I thanked the girls and shook hands all around then went in.

Audrey met me at the door and took both my hands in hers. I thought she was going to kiss me but she reconsidered. She was dressed in a light blue dress that just covered her bosom but allowed a glimpse now and then of her breasts. Her hair was down and flowing she was radiant and smiling as she led me by the hand introducing me to people.

The entrance hallway was lit with gas jets and it seemed to be an office building. The crowd was called to dinner and Audrey led me thru the doors into a room that was large and high ceiling. A table set for 20 ringed the room. A few old Grandfathers and Ms. Riley sat at the head, Audrey led me to one of the side tables and we sat down while her mother tapped a glass with her knife to get our attention.

“Greetings Friends and,” she bowed to me and to Chief Mercer and Ginny who sat at the head table with the Grandfathers, “our new allies in the War against the Residual. We are gathered tonight to begin the transformation of our Community. Last year when we made contact and began the negotiations to begin this process, Grace Mercer promised us that she would bring in a team to help us in everyway she could.
Tonight, I wanted to say that so far her team has exceeded our expectations. She brings a very talented and capable team with her and I look forward to working with her to bring our plans to fruition.” Ms Riley bowed to Chief Mercer, and then turned back to the room saying, “I am especially pleased tonight to welcome Josh Perkins who was able to join us.”

Now I was pleased she mentioned me and acknowledged the polite and brief applause that followed by rising and bowing slightly to her. But I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

You know the one where you are suddenly selected, because of your natural ability and knowledge of animals, to castrate a grizzly bear with a flint blade. I knew in my heart that something was going to happen because of this and I feared I wouldn’t like it.

Ms. Reilly continued, “I have learned that despite his young good looks that Mr. Perkins is a fully qualified Agronomist and Transport specialist. With the trade that Grace and I anticipate to conduct we will need his skills.

Such is the future ladies and gentlemen. We, who are reaching the end of our brief lives, must inevitably yield the work over to younger hands. Such is the case with four of our Sisters,” she indicated the four toothless women on her right, “who tonight have been transferred to the Health Administration’s Nursery Division and soon will be hopefully fully employed,” she nodded at me, “with Mr. Perkin’s and the remainder of his team’s kind assistance.”

A laugh circulated around the room and Audrey kissed my cheek.

“Now as much as we appreciate Mr. Perkins I must say that he is not the most distinguished member of the Team even though he has sired 51 children as of last Christmas.”

A round of smiles and tip of a few glasses followed.

“No, it is because his accomplishments rank him least of all the team Grace has brought us, that I brought him here tonight.” Ms Riley looked at Chief Mercer and said, “If he is the least you brought, with five more like him we might just break the chain and overcome the plague’s last terrible consequences.”
With that the room exploded with cheers and applause and laughter. Ms. Riley waited patently but the shear strength of her will seemed to get everyone in their seats quickly.

“Now we shall eat then I will present the awards with the brandy. Enjoy yourselves.” She sat down and a platoon of girls all dressed in the grey of the Security Administration began serving us.

I was seated between Audrey and an attractive woman about 30, she was medium sized but filled out her uniform well and had very white skin and red hair. She was in uniform but I didn’t ask what it was. She was polite and smiled at me, but I felt that I was not very interesting to her as she constantly scanned the room with her eyes and barely ate. It was easy to ignore her with the excited Audrey hanging on my elbow and seariptiosly rubbing my thigh.

“Josh this is Justine Black,” Audrey said introducing me to the woman on the other side of her. I nodded. “Pleased to meet you,” I said and reached across to take her hand. Audrey leaned back and I caught a glimpse of warm soft breast and I took my eyes off Justine for a second. When I looked back up at her she was smiling. She leaned in to Audrey and said, “I see what you mean.” And to me she said, “We are very happy to have you men here, and the women too.”

Audrey took my hand as I brought it back from Justine and held it in her lap. I sat there twisted around and looked at her smiling, waiting for her to say something, but when she just sat there smiling. I lifted my hand and caressed her cheek. She laid her head against it and pressed it to her face with her hand. “Your soup is getting cold,” I said.

She started, realizing she had completely lost track of everything but me. She smiled and said “You are a very distracting man Josh Perkins.” But she turned to her soup and I finally was about to taste mine when a go-fer girl whisked it away and left a bowl of stewed greens with lumps of yellow squash and crumbled goat cheese on my plate.

I’ll just say it tasted better than it looked and leave it at that. Audrey seemed to enjoy it and kept up conversation with Justine and the woman on her left as I looked around. Ms Reilly was in deep dissuasion with the three Grandfathers seated at the head table. Ginny sat on the other side of them and so their backs were to her.

Chief Mercer was standing now behind the Grandfathers and leaned over to make some point and there was a general nodding of heads. It looked good to me; we had discussed what might happen when we arrived here, all those long weeks on the trail. There were serious discussions about how we were to conduct ourselves if the Barneyites just seized us and the trade goods we brought. Or if we should be attacked on the trail. All that seemed silly now that we were here but things would be in flux as both sides accommodated each other in the trade.

The ever efficient go-fer girls recovered the greens and suddenly there was a steak and sliced potatoes in front of me. Audrey said, “My mother sent Andre’s Archers out and had them get it, do you like venison?”

I never took my eyes off the steak, I just picked up my knife and fork and said, “Yes I do, thank her for me won’t you,” while cutting off a bit and putting it in my mouth. As I dipped my head to eat a girl reached in a put a glass of beer next to my plate.

I wasn’t starving but I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten, really eaten since we got here and I’m afraid I let conversation lag a bit. Audrey seemed to understand and the woman on my right just smiled and nodded offering me some sort of sauce to put on the potatoes. I tried it and it wasn’t bad.

I became aware that others were watching me. I looked up as the go-fer girls put another steak in front of me and handed me another beer. I looked around and Ms Riley was smiling at me and Audrey was tittering to Justine. Chief Mercer was looking over the heads of the Grandfathers smiling and nodded at me. I nodded my head and chewed and dug into the next steak.

The go-fers bussed the tables and started pouring brandy for the head table when I finally had too much and sat back to polite applause from Justine. My place setting was quickly changed and they served something tan in a small glass bowl.

I looked at Audrey and she said “Flan” If she had said custard I would have known what she meant. She dipped her spoon in to her bowl and took out a small taste and put it to my lips. I tentatively took it and tasted it.

“Custard!” I said like a two year old who had just learned the word.

Audrey laughed and kissed me lightly, “Yes!”

“I like custard; it was my favorite dessert for many years.” “Well so much for the charming part,” I thought. I shifted to polite. “I want to thank who ever cooked this wonderful meal and your mother for inviting me. I haven’t eaten this well in many weeks. I’ve lost ten pounds and I guess I was trying to make it all up at once.”

Justine said “Josh we want you to keep up your strength. You’ve had a long hard trail to get to us and we are happy to have you.”

“Yes, We are, so happy to have you here Josh,” Audrey added and kissed me on the cheek.

I thanked them all again and ate my custard. Audrey explained that Flan had a layer of syrup under the custard and she was right.

Ms. Riley tapped on her glass and the room came to order.
She held out her hand and raised her glass, “Tonight we are pleased to honor four of our most dedicated citizens, Rachel Desoto, Marylyn Archer, Grace Meriwether and Alice Grant. These ladies have performed a vital and necessary service for our community and we all owe them a debt of gratitude.”

Applause broke out and even the Grandfathers seemed sincere about it. The four all resembled Marylyn who waved at me and whispered something to Rachel who looked over and raised her glass to me. I toasted her back with my beer and turned back to what Ms Riley was saying.

“So it is great pleasure that I announce that their positions have been eliminated now that Grace and her team are here. And to award them with a token of our appreciation, the Medal of Freedom.” Four girls came and placed a gaudy medal hanging from red, white and blue ribbons around each of their necks and kissed them on the cheeks.

There was a round of hugs and kisses and Ms Riley continued.
“From now on we will adhere to natural insemination except for special circumstances.
Our men will join the members of the Davis reconstruction team in our bath house and have agreed to service all who indicate their willingness to be impregnated. There will be a roster kept to track those who are most likely to conceive. Ginny Masters and Alice have established a roster of our cycles and will select the candidates and will provide a list every day to Sarge Thompson. The list will be published on the bath house bulletin board at five o’clock and the women will present themselves at the bathhouse by seven o’clock each evening.

Now we have printed up the proclamation and you’ll each get a copy before you leave and we will post it on the Dining hall bulletin board in the morning. The Men’s Council says that they will have six men and Grace says she will provide two tomorrow night so Ginny and Alice have to pick eight to no more than sixteen names of women who are in the correct part of their cycle. Ginny how many do you think are in season?”
Ginny looked at Alice and said, “No more than twelve, I’d say.” Alice agreed.

“Good,” said Ms Riley, “Can you pick the names tonight?”

“Yes I’ll write it up and have it to you within the hour.” Ginny said.

“Then we will publish the names in the morning along with the Proclamation and see what the Future Holds.” She said raising her glass.
“The Future,” “To what it holds” voices rang out

The occasion ended and Audrey helped me make my way to her mother. She looked up from Chief Mercer and smiled at me. I said, “Ma’am, I wanted to thank you again for inviting me, if only to make your point. I hope that I will justify the confidence you expressed in me. I wanted to thank you for the marvelous meal. I haven’t eaten this well in months.”

She came to me and put her hand on my face and said, “My son, I felt the hollowness of your cheeks at lunch and realized just how much you have already expended in this effort. She leaned in and said softly, “But I invited you after seeing the change you made in my daughter.” She stood up and said, “Josh allow me to introduce you to Colonel Irene Black, I have asked her to escort you, and Audrey this evening. No doubt you youngsters need to take a walk after that dinner.” I turned and Irene was the redhead who sat next to me

“And Josh,” Ms. Riley said over her shoulder, “I have no doubt that you will meet my expectations. You just do what you do best and we can conquer the world.”

Audrey led me out into the open air. She had picked up a shawl on the way out and hid her jewels. I must admit I liked her more and more. Even with her clothes on.

Irene followed us until we sat at a stone bench under a pepper tree, the she came up and said to me, “Josh it was a pleasure to meet you if you need anything just raise your hand.” She nodded, "I’ll give you some privacy." Then she said quickly to Audrey, “We must hurry,” and walked into the shadows.

Audrey held my hands and smiled at me. “Josh I wanted to thank you for the courtesy and gentleness you showed me last night. You gave me a wonderful experience and I’ll always be grateful to you.”

“I was more than happy to be of service.” I said as I took her face in my hands and kissed her.
“Why did Irene say we had to hurry?” I asked.

“Oh she has it all timed out to the last minute. She only gave me three minutes to thank you and…”

“Timed what out to the last minute,” I interrupted

“Our evening, oh she had it all planned with little diagrams and I told her it was silly. She says that with in 12 to 24 minutes after eating a big meal a man will have to, you know evacuate and…” She stopped and looked at me, “Do you, I mean, need a rest room?”

“No, but it might be a good idea to humor her.” I said and lifted Audrey off the bench.

She smiled and she put her arms around me and lay her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and she pulled me tight to her and said, “Thank you Josh.”

She took me by the arm and we walked in the moonlight. She explained that Bahia was about more than a fertility rite, it was a dedication to the community, “In the old days only ten percent of the girls could join. Nowadays almost everybody applies but not everyone is accepted.”

“No?” I asked

“No, we didn’t have one drop out this year but last year there were three.” The way she said it made it sound dreadful.

We stopped in front of a dome that had sprouted more domes and even had a balcony up on top. “This is Irene’s place she said we could use it tonight,” Audrey said, “Come on” and led me thru the door. The entry dome was small and a wall separated the space and made a hard turn before opening to a desk where two women were engaged with something under candle light. They waved at Audrey and I and she led me through a door into the main dome.

The central room was large and mostly empty, weak moonlight came from a skylight illuminating the emptiness. Audrey led me through the darken room to where two candles glowed in the back. She took one of the candles and opened a door. Inside she showed me how to use the flush toilet; they are very up to date in Barny.

“And this is the bidet. You use it to wash your,” She hesitated and look up at me. “Well you’re ... your parts.” She hurried on, “This valve here gives you water, but,” she said, “its cold.” She dipped her hand in the bucket that sat next to the bidet and shook it dry. “This is warm water.” She stood up and handed me the candle, “There are towels in the basket and a basket for used towels next to it. I’ll be next door. Meet me outside when you’re finished and we can go upstairs.”

“Feel better?” Audrey asked as I came out of the bathroom.

“Much better, tell Irene she has my thanks for being so far sighted.” I said, setting my candle down at the table outside the door.

Audrey took my hand and said,”You can thank her yourself. She is waiting for us upstairs.” She led me across the room and up a set of stairs.

She stopped about half way up and turned to me. I stopped behind her and she leaned against the wall listening.

I was one stair below her and asked, “What are we waiting for.” Audrey looked down at me and leaned over and kissed me. “We are a little early. I told you that Irene had planned it all out. She said to distract you for a minute if we were early.”

“How were you to do that?” I asked.

Audrey smiled at me and opened her shawl and her dress exposing her breasts, “Are you distracted now.”
I looked up at her and laughed and cupped the left one while planting a soft kiss on right nipple.

That started her up, she stroked my hair and leaned back against the wall allowing me to fondle and kiss her nipples. I moved up and kissed her mouth and distracted her.

Shortly a guitar started playing above us. Audrey kept kissing me for while then she took my hands off her breasts, closed her dress over them and said, “She’s ready.” And led me up the stairs.

She opened the door at the top of the stairs and went in. I followed her and found Irene sitting on a chair, with music stand in front of her. I could just see her head behind the music she had spread on the stand. She nodded to us but kept playing her face concentrating on the music. Her red hair was down now and spread across her shoulders, she had gotten out of her uniform and I was now able to see that she had on a robe of green that didn’t cover all her legs.

Audrey led me to a small couch across the table from Irene and we listened for a moment until Irene had finished. We both applauded her. She smiled and stood the guitar on a stand and moved the music off to the side. “Have you two been behaving yourselves?” she asked and began pouring out three small glasses of amber liquid from a decanter on the table.

Audrey laughed and looked at me. I grinned at her and took the small glass smelling it. It smelled of apricots and had lots of alcohol. I sipped it and found it sweet. Audrey sipped hers as Irene settled back in her chair and folded her legs under her.

“You play very well.” I said.

Irene smiled and said, “And you are very loose with your flattery. I don’t practice much these days, no time. Audrey plays wonderfully, she is quite gifted.”

Audrey blushed and looked down but didn’t refute her. I turned to Audrey and asked, “Do you play guitar as well.”

Audrey looked at me and said, “No I play viola and cello. I pick on the guitar but I don’t know how to play it.

Irene said, “Don’t let her fool you she plays very well but her gift is the viola. She and Astral De Soto play for my dance classes and the two of them are wonderful together.” Audrey just blushed and smiled looking up at me with her eyes flashing.

I finished my drink and sat the glass down. Irene leaned forward and asked, “Would you like another.” Picking up the decanter and offering it to me.

“No, No thank you.” I said. “I’m still feeling the effects of the beer I had at dinner.”

Irene smiled and poured another for herself. I watched her, mostly because her robe had opened a little and I saw that her breast was milky white. She sat back and unselfconsciously closed her robe.

It was warm in the room. Irene had a stone stove and it gave off a good amount of heat. I began to sweat a little,

Irene looked up at me, “Too hot?” she asked.

“A little,” I said unbuttoning the top button of my shirt. “I guess I got used to the trail and the cold night air coming here.”

“Can you stay awhile?” Irene asked.

“Sure,” I said. “Sarge said I don’t have duty until the morning.”

“Shall I get you a robe, you’ll be more comfortable.” Irene said getting up.

Audrey was already unbuttoning my shirt and smiling at me as she scooted closer. “That would be lovely.” I said

“Audrey make him comfortable and take off his boots, dear. I’ll go get a robe.”
Irene left us and went into another room, closing the door behind her.

Audrey opened my shirt and kissed my chest then my mouth. We dallied for a while then Audrey helped me off with my boots and socks. ‘Stand up,” she said.

I stood and she unbuttoned my pants and took my belt loose and pulled my pants down around my knees. My penis was right at her face. She looked up at me and took it in her hand squeezing it softly and smiling at me.

Irene came in just then and said, “Audrey unhand him dear. There will be time for that later.”

I was a little surprised but Audrey dropped my penis and finished taking my pants off. Irene helped me into a dark grey robe and turned me around to close it and tie it with a sash.

“Oh it fits,” Audrey said

I felt a little like a dress up doll as the women felt the shoulders and pulled it down in back and I felt Irene slip her hand under it and feel my buttocks. Her hand was swift and soft and I didn’t move away from her hand. I turned and faced them. Irene handed Audrey a dark red robe and said, “Take off your dress dear it will get all wrinkled.”

Audrey fumbled at the back of her neck, and then Irene helped her take off the dress, handing me the robe. Audrey was wearing pantaloons and she untied the string that held them and slipped out of them too. She faced me and Irene helped her slide into the robe. Audrey held it open allowing me to see her full glory and then wrapped it around her smiling at me as I watched.

Irene took the dress and draped it over her chair then picked up my boots and clothes and draped them over a chair by the door. Audrey was in my arms when she returned. I saw Irene smile and she put her hands on Audrey’s back and rubbed her, looking at me over Audrey’s shoulder. I kissed Audrey softly and glanced at Irene. She was smiling, “Why don’t we get more comfortable?” She said.

Irene led us over to a broad window seat that was inside one of the smaller domed windows. The seat was covered in rugs and pillows and there was enough room for all three of us.

There was a nice view out to the east; the moon was still high and just waning from full. We enjoyed the view Audrey slipped her hand in my robe and fondled my chest laying her head on my shoulder. Irene put her arm around me and pointed out the mountain peaks in the range to the east, “There is one we call Bear Mountain. Legend has it that a shepherdess ran off a grizzly bear up there with just her sling.”

Now I was extremely interested in the countryside, after all I had to plant at least 40 hectares of oats, to feed the mule trains we expected to service the City of Barney. And I had to devise a way to keep the deer and elk out of it until harvest, however Irene’s robe “just happened to become very loose” about then and the sight of her white breast in the moonlight struck my fancy. She pointed to other peaks and one tight little nipple finally made it way out into the silvery moonlight.

“Beautiful isn’t she?” Audrey said.

I looked down at Audrey who was watching Irene. I looked back at Irene and she was tucking herself in then she looked up and smiled and said “She is just saying that.”

“No, you are beautiful in the moonlight.” I said. “And I dare say that you are beautiful in the daylight as well. I like your hair down.” I said.

Irene smiled at me and stroked my cheek, “Flattery will get you everywhere.” And she leaned in and kissed me.

Audrey said, “It’s true, Josh told me last night that all women are Goddesses, you just have to let her out.”
Irene looked at me and stroked my cheek again. Her face was wistful balanced and she rose upon her knees and opened her robe. “Do you mind, Josh, if I let my Goddess out?”

I just looked at her, my mouth open, then I quickly said, “My dear Irene no, but...” I started to add the bit about the Kiva restrictions and thought better of it. “But, you caught me unawares.” I pushed the robe off her shoulders and gently pushed her down so she was kneeling on her heels. I kissed her very lightly on smooth dark lips and said, “Sit in the moonlight and let me worship your beauty for a while.”

I sat back and was watching the play of the light and shadows on her, when Audrey moved around and took her robe down over one shoulder and allowed her pert firm breast to bask in the moonlight as well. “And you will you allow us to see you in the moonlight?” she asked.

Irene leaned over and smiled inquiringly so I slipped my robe off and let go of the first control. “We shall all take moon baths and worship together, is that all right with you both.” I said seriously looking each of them in the eye for consent. “I accept this robe in trade and have only moonlight to wash you? Do you both consent?”

Irene nodded and Audrey kissed me

I kissed them both and lay my head down in Audrey smooth lap and worshiped Irene with my eyes. We talked for a while and I watched Irene’s white skin shining in the moon light.

It lasted just a moment but I’ll carry the memory the rest of my life. Irene’s hair was a halo of red, her skin below the neck was milky white. Her nipples were perched upon snowy peaks full but not sagging. She was fit and strong and didn’t have a lot of fat. Her legs were firm and below her knee she was decorated with downy red hair. The moonlight caught in her hair as she flicked it back over her shoulder, her elbow was up and her breast a snowy pyramid with a tiny hard nipple of pink. Her dark eyes were shining her mouth laughing at something. It was a picture I strained to capture in my memory.

Audrey broke the moment when she slid around and kissed me. “Worship me for a while,” she whispered in my ear. I kissed her and turned to Irene. She bent and kissed me and said, “Worship her, I’ll just watch and learn.”

I kissed Audrey and fondled her. I knew that even though I did her first last night she had been a little jealous of Astral. I concentrated on her completely now and when I finally reached down to stroke between her legs I found her wet. She spread her legs to allow my hand to cup her pubis. I rubbed her gently and she responded by pressing ever harder on my hand. I split her lips with my middle finger and allowed my finger to stroke her. Not penetrating her just rubbing her warm and juicy slit. Finally slipping my finger into her to the first knuckle and waving it about.

Audrey reacted more strongly than I had expected. She bucked and pushed my hand, so I pushed my whole finger into her, felt her stiffen and she choked a little and pushed my hand away breathing deeply. “Oh Josh,” she said, “That was ...” She left the sentence unfinished and just lay with her face on my chest catching her breath.

Irene’s hand came in and stroked Audrey’s cheek then mine. The she kissed me and then Audrey. “That was so beautiful.” She said.

I clutched Audrey to me and reached out to stroke Irene’s hand on her knee. She turned and lay beside me and stroked my chest, one leg eased up on my hip as she kissed me. Now she had trapped my left arm between us and had positioned herself so that my fingers just touched her between the legs. I returned the kisses and touched her lightly on her bush. She moved her hips in a little and I got my hand on her pubis. She was wet as well but she was one of those women whose labia were small and tight in her cunt. I stroked her gently until she opened and then slipped my finger into her slowly feeling her opening and rubbing her slowly. She moaned a little and was reaching with her hips for more of my finger. I turned her on her back and Audrey released me to devote my attention on Irene.

I kissed her lips and stroked her cheek. My hand slid down to her breast where I pinched her tiny nipple and teased it. She responded well to that so I snuck down to kiss her tiny rosebuds. She really enjoyed that so I spent some time on each one, sucking and nipping them with my lips.

Audrey tried to worm her way between Irene and the window, so we moved over to allow her to lie next to Irene. She put her elbow under her head and looked at me and smiled. “Isn’t she beautiful?” and took Irene’s breast in her hand squeezed it sharply and kissed her nipple. Not a quick kiss but a long and sucking kiss. Audrey came up looking at me, and said, “She likes to have them sucked.”

I smiled at Audrey and leaned over and kissed Irene’s nipple and sucked lightly on it. “Like that?” I said to Audrey

“No, Watch me,” Audrey said and repeated squeezing the breast until the nipple was forced up and then she took it in her mouth and sucking the nipple while lifting her head to pull Irene’s whole breast up until she lost suction and Irene moaned, “Oh, Oh, Oh.”

I dipped my head fondling her full and snowy breast squeezing it and licked her nipple before sucking and lifting. Irene moaned and put her hand on my hair and I let her down but kept my lips on her then I sucked and lifted holding her up for a moment until she cried out, “Oh Josh” before letting her slip out of my mouth. “Like that?” I said and Audrey came across to kiss me but Irene pulled me to her mouth and kissed me hard. I snaked my hand down her abdomen and stroked her bush softly then slid my hand up her belly feeling the soft golden fur that lay close to her milky skin. I reached down and pulled her near leg up and out and slid my hand down the inside of her leg, my hand smoothing out her pubis and then retracting back up her leg

She kissed me hard and held my head while I stroked her belly and bush. I broke away from her and kissed my way down her throat and across her breast, using the Audrey approved method I sucked her nipples again and then moved lower my tongue making curlicues on the center of her abdomen until I reached her navel where I nibbled at the hair that surrounded it. Then my lips went lower and skimmed the hair of her bush. She had trimmed it. I don’t know whether she always kept it trimmed but tonight she was. I moved around where I could get between her legs, both women accommodated me by moving in the tight window seat until I was face first in Irene’s crotch. I licked her clit and went lower. She lifted her hips and allowed me to lick her “from taint to tickle” as Sarge calls the move.

I had decided on the Graphenburg Solution and lifted her knees making a Full Butterfly. Her white skin was glowing; golden down shimmered in the moonlight as I bent to worship her. I took the time to enjoy the scene as Irene and Audrey kissed then I bent to my task.

I kissed the smooth insides of her legs and kissed her above the pubis before settling to worship and draw out the Goddess that lurked; it appeared not too far from the surface of these women.

I licked and sucked her tiny inner lips, so soft, warm and pink. I teased her clit out from its hood. While I was doing this, I had slipped a finger in and slowly worked it to spread her lubrication. I teased her clit and got moans and jerks in response so I sucked her clit and rubbed it with my tongue while Irene squirmed and Audrey stifled Irene’s moans with her lips, while stroking Irene’s breasts.

All moments seem to pass too quickly to capture them firmly in our minds. Particularly a multi-sensory experience such as licking the cunt of a gorgeous redhead with milky skin while being assisted by a lovely 18 year old blond who wanted nothing more than my affection and my child in her womb. It was times like these that made 18 hours in the saddle, or digging trenches for the Corps worth it. I appreciated it and applied myself to the service of the Goddess.

I slipped two fingers into her easily and curled them around so they were stroking the foreword wall of her vagina, trying to stimulate the “G” spot to form. Irene was helping me and it made licking her clit difficult so I backed off and worked her with my fingers and soon found the nub hardening under the soft lining of the vagina. She had clutched Audrey’s head to her chest and began to moan and grunt. Audrey was running her hand down Irene's belly pushing in hard and stroking her down into the searing ecstasy. I bent once more to summon the Goddess that lurked in Irene’s fiery core.

She broke finally and jerked and gasped her way through an orgasm that seemed to last a full minute. She finally let go of Audrey’s head, who lay down beside Irene, kissing her breasts softly.
I slid up on the other side of Irene and kissed her and held her nursing her slowly down off the Mountain.
We lay like that until Irene said, “I’m being selfish.”

I pulled back and said,”What do you mean, all women have the right to bask with her Goddess for as long as she likes. Besides I haven’t even penetrated you yet.”

Irene’s eyes got very wide, “You mean...”

“Yes, if you want to. I’m flexible that way. Now don’t ever tell the Kiva that I let you off. I’d kind of get in trouble for that.”

Audrey looked quizzically at me, “What do you mean you’d get in trouble?”

I looked at her and realized she couldn’t know of the convoluted rules of the Kiva, Hell she had never heard of the Kiva until we got here two days ago. I explained, “according the rules of the Kiva once a trade is agreed and the woman is washed and has been worshiped she can not refuse implantation. However,” I said sitting up, “since we only washed in moonlight and imagination and, since you didn’t really know the rules, I’m reluctantly willing to let you off with a warning.” I said with mock seriousness.

Audrey asked, “Does that apply to me as well?”

“No, I said slowly, “You knew what you were doing, you agreed to the trade didn’t you?”


“You agreed to be bathed in moonlight?”


“You touched your Goddess at least once?”

“Just a little one.” Audrey said.

I sighed and I watched her face. She was faintly smiling she anticipated it, leaning towards me.
“No I will not allow you to breach our trade.”

“Yes!” She said, her head back, pumping her fist.

Irene started to get up between us but I pushed her back and kissed her. “I have yet to finish with you however.” Audrey looked a little disappointed but lay down looking at me. I kissed Irene again and said,” You must grant me a boon for refusing to consummate.” My hand cupped her breast and I gave it the Audrey Riley treatment. Irene twisted and moaned. “Anything” she said.

“Play guitar and watch us.” I said.

Irene looked back at me and started to shake her head but I stopped her with a kiss and stroked her hair back, “Please?”

Audrey touched her lightly, “Please, I would like that, if it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”

Irene pulled Audrey to her and kissed her firmly. She pulled back smiling and fell back on the pillow and extended her arms, “Come,” she said, “Give me a hug,” We formed a three way hug with Irene on the bottom and I fondled both Irene’s warm pussy as well as Audrey’s firm ass before Irene said, “Let me up” and we allowed her to climb over me out of the window.

She was in shadow yet silhouetted by candle light. Her hair and reddish fur glowed and where the moonlight struck her hips it glistened. I leaned back on my elbows as she reached for her guitar, when Audrey pounced on me and kissed me.

“You said you would give me your complete attention.”

I grabbed her, falling back on the pillows, “All my attention? Can you really take all my attention,” I teased
She pulled her hair back over her ears and smiled at me. “I’ll take all I can get.”

I pulled her onto my chest and kissed her, while running my hands down her ribs and up her back pressing her to me.

She kissed me back hard and put her hands in my hair.

Iren began to play, then changed her mind and started again. Romantic cord changes and a slow melody she picked with her fingers and Audrey slowed down and gentled her touch.

I slowly turned Audrey so that we were fully in the waning moonlight, only our feet in shadow. I lay Audrey on her back and in the silvery light let the music and Audrey’s reactions command me. It was warm in the window seat and Audrey was hot, condensation started to form on the window and Irene played a particularly lush piece. Audrey reacted to the music by pulling my hand to her bush.

I rubbed in counter point to the music and cupped her, then kissed my way to her belly and kissed her there feeling the soft skin over firm muscles then to the short muff of her. I smelled her and kissed her softly while moving between her legs.

I didn’t really need to eat her, she was ready but I like pink pussy on my tongue. In fact I slowed her down a little and sucked her labia the way she seemed to like it last night. She twisted in the moonlight and the music changed to a slower tempo then faster. I licked her clit and all her slit even dipping my tongue into the cup that formed as I spread her legs into a full butterfly.

She moaned and whimpered as I changed patterns and I tried to keep her just on the edge. I put my hand on her pubis and patted it then licked my hand and lubed up before crawling up and kissing her. She kissed me hard and when I reached down to guide my penis into her, she tightened up for just a second but relaxed and I slipped it in slowly stroking, probing and finally had it fully in her. She squirmed a little as I pinned her to the window seat, her knees drawn up beside me.

I held that position letting her get used to the feel of me and then started to stroke deeply almost fully withdrawing. Irene changed tempo and I started to match her beat. Audrey was moaning “Yes Josh, Yes” and I was about to release the demons.

I urged them on with great effort. Audrey was fully accepting and she was ready to climax again. I couldn’t hold them back any longer and I hammered Audrey hard several times grunting as each surge spewed into Audrey’s eager cunt. I was just making my last desperate thrust when she climaxed and her pussy spasmed and she shuddered into a heap of hot sobbing boneless custard.

Irene stopped playing and left the room. I was on my hands and knees still firm when Irene came back with a towel and some blankets. I executed a classic drip less withdrawal and “missed it by that much”.

Audrey gasped as her pussy squirted and it ran all down her belly. Irene went to get another towel and Audrey and I laughed as I wiped myself the then dried her off. I bent low to kiss her navel and she laughed. Still in a full butterfly my shadow was over her crotch but moonlight illuminated her face and breasts. She glowed, smiled dreamily and when I rubbed her tummy, she purred.

Irene came back with the towel and I draped it over Audrey, tucking it in under her butt and then put her legs together and stretched her out. I lay down beside her on my side and kissed her. Irene threw a blanket over us and said good night.

I was content and Audrey was warm and soft and the moon finally passed down enough that it finally put all the window seat in shadow.


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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend Final Chapt

Lori and I went into the bathroom to wash up after having intercourse. Cum was leaking out of her pussy, down her leg. She started to walk faster, almost trotting into the bathroom. She sat on the toilet, taking a piss, as I washed the globs of pussy juice from my cock and pubes. "Dad, I know you didn't mean to cum in me, but you now know that she's going to want you to do that to her." "I can't do that baby. If I get her pregnant, all hell is going to break loose." "Dad, she loves you. I mean,...

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Mistress Flavia and Ophelia Flagellate Me Chapt

Chapter Three As I stood, bound naked to the crossbar, I saw my savagely beautiful tormentor standing in front of me. My back was dripping with sweat and blood. With the metal-tipped flagellum still in her hand, Mistress Flavia, glowed with the pride of a hunter who had stalked and killed her prey. She looked like a victorious goddess in a Renaissance painting. Looking like a Roman huntress, her breasts were fully visible above her exquisitely designed white corset with the red trim. Her...

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Mistress Flavia and Ophelia Flagellate Me Chapt

Chapter TwoWhile Mistress Flavia was out of the dungeon, Ophelia quickly secured my hands to the metal bar above my head. Kneeling at my feet, she attached a heavy steel spreader bar between my ankles. When she was finished, she stood up and looked at me. She placed her hands on my chest and dug her bright red fingernails into my nipples. Then, she slapped my face several times with each hand.“I can’t wait to start beating you. I love all these words we are using to describe your flagellation....

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Trans NOT sisters VS zombie apocalypse FINAL CHAPT

All characters are over 18Béa was sexy a femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together they grew up into beautiful transvestites. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. They just rescued the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns so he can tell the whole world how to cure zombies. One last thing remains to be...

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Mommy the neighborhood slut getting punished Chapt

Tanya was preparing dinner. It was a hot summer day and she was only wearing a bikini, as she had been tanning topless in the sun all afternoon. In between she took a stroll in the garden and did a little weeding, bending over to present her beautiful ass as a prominent sight for her neighbors. Tanya was 42 years of age and possessed a voluptuous body that looked at least 10 years younger. She always had the full attention of her neighbors and their sons whenever she was in the garden, whether...

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The Hostage Chapt 5 end

Trevor and Martin started their jobs, and Janina resumed her role of beinga stay at home mom. For a month it seemed that they could lead a normal,peaceful life. The black car still cruised the neighborhood, and stillparked discreetly a short distance from their house. The men even began toventure out in the evenings, and they made some friends in the gaycommunity. They had their favorite watering holes, but never stayed outlate. They still feared for Janina's safety.One day the inevitable...

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InterRelationship Training Meeting Chapt 4

"God man, ---what in the hell is going on here?" Tom emphaticallyasked as he checked out the scene of Jay, Stan and Darrell, ---all standingthere fully bare assed and naked! "Tom, when in the hell did you come in? Hey man, let me explainhere!" Jay rattlingly asked, and stated, almost all at the same time,"Tom, let me explain, let me explain!" "Hey Jay, I don't think you need to explain anything, but I am realconfused about you being here too Darrell!" Tom stated quite matter offactly, as he...

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A Family Reunion Chapt 2 Danville here we come

NOTE: Please read Chapter 1 if you have not already done so...otherwise, this story will not make as much sense...Thanks...and sorry for the delay...I had thought about it long and hard before I picked up the phone and called my cousin Nick back. If you recall, he had spoke to Marcy while I was out, about me being in his upcoming wedding. That would entail Marcy and I taking a trip out to Danville, Pennsylvania for a long weekend. That was not a real big deal as it was easy enough for me to get...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 5 and 6

Chapter 5 Next day we woke up , as if the previous night was a dream. We didn’t speak a word about it with each other, but went on with our daily routine. We left for our offices and Nikhil went to his school. But the whole day I couldn’t stop thinking of what was happening. I was having an eternal hard-on. By 7 pm, I returned home to find Jyoti watching TV. She usually returns an hour earlier than me. She was looking very cheerful and had done up her hair in a very fashionable way. “You are...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 3 and 4

Chapter 3 I created a new yahoo id for myself : youngbom I knew mostly after 9 pm Nikhil would get online. So did I from my room. I searched for his hotboy and found him easily. “hi” I wrote to him “hi” came the reply “Whats you’re a/s/l” he asked me I was puzzled. “whats a/s/l” I asked “Are you new to chatting” he asked “ASL is age, sex and location” “okay I am 19 year old male from Mumbai” I wrote falsely “What about you” “18 m mumbai” came an equally false reply from my son I thought I...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 1 and 2

Chapter 1 I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

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Fantasy Girl Laura Vandervoort 55 final chapt

Chapter 5 Finally Laura relented and uncuffed my aching arms. Success! As soon as my hands were free, I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her towards me in a sticky hug. “I’ve missed you,” I whispered, kissing her hair. “I missed you too, Jan,” she whispered. “I can really be myself when I’m with you.” I leaned back and smiled at her. “What took you so long to come back to me?” “I wanted to be sure,” she said simply. “And now I am.” I smiled. “I’m so glad. I yearned for you every night...

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The Full Photo Shoot Gallagher White Chapt

(Author's note: if you've read my short story "The Photo Shoot", this story might be similar. "The Photo Shoot" is a heavily edited version, done to meet the word count for a magazine submission. This is the un-edited version, the first chapter of a much longer erotic novel. If you liked the edited version, then hopefully you'll really like the full version!)The theft was reported at around nine fifteen, when someone investigated the cause of the draught in the stockroom. Lord Gallagher, the...

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A Family Reunion Chapt 4 The wedding

NOTE: You know the deal by now...if you have not read the previous three chapters...well, what are you waiting for?It was morning back at the Red Roof Inn in Danville, Pennsylvania the day after my cousin Nick's wedding rehearsal. Once again, I was sitting in a chair pondering my situation. Here I was back in the town where I was born for my cousin Nick's wedding. I came here with my step-sister Marcy with whom I was living with as a couple. I had just met my sister Laura the day before. It...

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Chronicles of A Deviant Arab Girl Chapt 1

Yallah=let’s go, baba=dad but can also be used as a father calling any of his kids and vice versa, abaya=modest islamic dress basically non form fitting, and hijab=Islamic head covering for women. Chapter 1 “I need to get laid this is just bullshit.” Amina thought to herself as her fingers rubbed on your clit. Her nightly ritual was starting to take a toll on her. Edging herself for hours sometimes to the brink of an intense orgasm. Occasionally adding either her hair brush or her dove...

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Chronicles Of A Deviant Arab Girl Chapt 2

Yallah=let’s go, baba=dad but can also be used as a father calling any of his kids and vice versa, hijab=Islamic head covering for women, khaly=Arabic way of saying uncle from moms side Chapter 2 “Oh fuck Noah. Good God yes. No don’t stop please don’t stop no no leave it in daddy Keep your big dick burried deep inside my virgin Muslim Arab pussy. Yes baby. Mhmm fuck me Push your dick as deep as you can. Oh fuck you’re in. Yuppp that’s innnn reaalllll deep. Omg you’re so deep. Your cock is...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 13 Casting Seeds on Untilled Soil

"OK, folks, listen up. We've had a couple unfortunate incidents where my girls have disappeared without a trace. We've completely lost touch with both Monique in Charlotte and Debbie in Raleigh, both in North Carolina. Let me remind you, if our people are injured, it means entire regions of the country won't get treated. Thousands who we could save will die needlessly. We realize how dangerous things are now. We've also lost touch with our contacts in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Palm...

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Seeds of Evolution

For those who are familiar with my previous stories, the universe in this one may seem to be something of a cross between my Twisted and Burke's universes. This is no coincidence since all three universes originated years ago from a single story idea, which split and went into several different directions. I've been sitting on this particular variation for a few years now and decided to finally play around with this one as well. Seeds of Evolution By Morpheus Spring had...

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