SynergyChapter 3 free porn video

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Even though the trips to the farms and small hamlets surrounding Pigsford weren't anywhere near as onerous as he had expected them to be, Marlin still preferred being in town and not walking all day. For the most part he was lazy and unmotivated, knew it and while not exactly proud of it certainly did nothing to remedy the situation. While Pigsford was no capital city, it was clean, orderly and didn't smell anything like its name implied. The food was good, not overcooked and underspiced like it usually was in the city and the people were generally pleasant or at the worst merely reserved. All in all it wasn't a bad place to laze your life away. More money would be nice but with all the meals he'd been offered on the road he was actually a small coin or two ahead for the month.

He sat at one of the tables in the inn's outside dining area musing over the expected and yet wholly undesired visitor he'd received the evening before. He had been putting the finishing touches on another weekly report: an extensive, excruciatingly detailed report of some twenty-plus pages that recorded his travels, farms visited and people seen the previous week. In fact he spent a considerable amount of time doing his best to ensure it was the most flowery, verbose, boring and utterly useless document ever written. He was getting good at it and quite proud of just how many ways he could say absolutely nothing and yet make it seem like on the face of it he was enthusiastically performing his assigned task. Twenty-plus pages that could be summed up in two words: "Found nothing." The report containing the contact with Hampton had been two weeks gone by then and it had only reached nineteen pages; this one was a personal best so far. Unfortunately, his moment of self-satisfaction didn't last long and was interrupted by a knock on his door.

"Yes?" he asked as he opened the door. Standing before him was a nattily dressed man whose knowledge of self-importance could almost be seen hanging around his shoulders like a cloak. Marlin knew who he was even before the man pulled out the little bi-fold leather wallet and flipped it open to display the Talent Agency badge.

"I think you know why I'm here," the man said with assurance.

"Sure," Marlin grunted. "Come on in. I was going to make some tea. Do you want some?"

"No," the Agency operative said shortly. "I'd rather not spend any more time here than necessary. If we can get this done quickly, I can still catch the last coach out before dark. My God, they don't even have a train station here!"

"Very true," Marlin agreed as he motioned for the operative to take one of the two chairs in his small room while he turned around and set his tea in the hot water to steep. "So, I'm new at this. How do we go on? By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is of no concern of yours," the operative sniffed. "I will ask you questions and you will answer them. I will record your answers and send them in with my report. If you lie to me I will know it and I will report it!"

"Sure, no problem," Marlin said unruffled. "Go ahead."

There were a number of standard questions: Are you Marlin Cranson? Are you an Imperial Talent Agency Scout? What is your age? These Marlin answered with polite, short and to the point yes or no's.

"Have you discovered anyone with Talent?" he finally asked.


"Did you report all of them?"


"No?" the truth-teller said eyes widening in surprise. "Why not?"

"Because they didn't come up to the Agencies level of interest," Marlin said smugly.

"Did you report everybody that met the Agencies acceptance criteria?"


"Then why didn't you say so?" the truth-teller snapped crossly.

"Because that wasn't what you asked me," Marlin answered blandly. "You asked if I'd reported anybody with Talent. Almost everybody around here has at least a little bit of Talent but I haven't reported them, just the ones over the limit. Given what you asked I had to say no if I were to tell the truth."

"You're a smart ass and a troublemaker," the operative growled and when Marlin didn't respond he snapped, "Well?"

"Well, what?" Marlin shrugged. "That was a statement, not a question. Although I suppose opinion would be more accurate..."

"Enough!" the truth-teller hissed. "Stop wasting my time! I can fully understand why they dumped your insolent ass out here in the middle of nowhere and for all I care you can rot out here forever!"

"Well, not forever," Marlin smiled. "Someday my tour of servitude will be fulfilled and I'll be able to move to the middle of somewhere if I wish."

"I despise cretins like you," the truth-teller said as he stood obviously planning to leave. "You take the golden opportunity the Agency has given you and waste it!"

"True," Marlin said holding his arms out to encompass his surroundings. "Opportunities like this don't come around every day."

The truth-teller frowned and then smiled slyly. "There is one other thing I was asked to pass along to you. The idea of using the census as a cover was quite ingenious; in fact we are going to implement it Agency-wide. It will probably save the life of a good number of our Scouts. The Director wanted me to make sure I told you he was glad he thought of it."

"I'll bet that set your Talent tingling," Marlin laughed.

"It doesn't bother you he is taking credit for it?" the truth-teller asked curiously.

"Hmm," Marlin pondered a bit. "I suppose it does just a little. Everybody likes to get the credit they deserve. But then I can't say I'm all that surprised. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if most of his good ideas were stolen. Make sure you put that part in your report and you already know I'm speaking the truth." Marlin's eyes twinkled just a little as he said it.

"Just because you believe it doesn't make it the truth," the truth-teller growled and turning around stomped out of the room.

It didn't turn out too badly, Marlin thought as he sipped on a cool beer while idly perusing the menu wondering if he should eat cheep or blow his pitiful fortune all at once. Won't help me any but then not much would, so why not have some fun? He sensed more than saw a body pass by his table and head into the front door of the inn. Lifting the beer to his lips again he looked up curiously and almost dropped it in his lap as his brain ceased to pay attention to minor things like telling his fingers to hold onto the glass.

What he saw was the backside of a girl as she strode purposefully through the dining area and into the inn. The first thing he noticed was the damn near perfect ass encapsulated by the shortest and tightest pair of shorts he had ever seen that didn't qualify as underwear. The next thing he noticed was the long dark brown, almost black hair flowing over her shoulders and down to the small of her back. Lastly, there were the slender, tanned, bare legs rising up out of the tops of over the calf, skin-tight black boots to met with the oh so perfect posterior which of course started the cycle all over again. Unfortunately his eyes couldn't complete their third circuit before she disappeared into the darkened interior.

"Holy shit!" he hissed to himself. "If the front of her is half, no, a third a good as the back that is a girl I want to meet." Putting actions to words he scrambled to his feet and calmly walked into the inn himself.

"I'm sorry, Miss Melody, but you know the rule," the innkeeper shook his head as he stood behind the counter. "I don't hire no witches. I know you'd be a hard worker and I ain't got nothing against you personally but too many of my customers won't have any business with a witch. Ain't nothing I can do about it."

Marlin slid to one side of the doorway when he entered far enough away he couldn't overhear exactly what her reply was although it was obviously a plea of some kind. Marlin could see her profile as she adamantly made her case to seemingly no avail and he was pleased that not only was the front view equal to the rear it was quite possibly even better. From what he could see her face was delicate and expressive although he was still too far away to see much detail. She wasn't overly blessed in the breast department but neither was she shorted in that respect either. Very well proportioned is what he would have said if anybody asked him. He couldn't fully see her face but what he could see looked good; no huge hooked nose or obvious deformity anyway.

From the looks of it her pleas were having no effect on the innkeeper although he didn't look happy about it. After a few minutes the girl must have come to the same conclusion because her shoulders slumped and her head drooped. Without another word she turned and started slowly walking towards Marlin and the door.

As she passed by him Marlin spoke softly, "Having some problems?"

Startled she looked up at him and grimaced. "Go ahead," she growled at him in a voice equal parts resignation and outrage. "Ask, then I can tell you to go to hell and you can get out of my way."

"Oops, didn't mean to block you," he replied ignoring both her tone and the obvious question. He hadn't been blocking her path but took a half-step backwards anyway just to make sure she knew it.

"Well?" she asked practically tapping her foot. She crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Well, what?" he replied back. He was finally able to get a good look at her and even with the pursed lips drawn down in a frown, narrowed eyes and arms held tightly across her chest it was well worth the look. She had a wide oval shaped face with unblemished skin framed by that impossibly luxuriant long dark hair. She was a little bit shorter than he was, the top of her head coming up to about the same level as his own eyes. Without the heels he just might be able to rest his chin on it.

"Well, ask it!" she spat.

"Okay, I will," he answered raising his hands in surrender. "It's a little early for a real drink but I was wondering if you would like something to eat if you're hungry? If not then maybe just a sit in the shade with some iced tea or some fruit juice?"

"I am not a..." she started and then stopped short; obviously she was answering a question he hadn't asked. "Ah, what did you say?"

"I was trying to ask you to dinner," he grinned. "Or failing that maybe just to sit with a cool drink and talk awhile."

"Why?" she looked at him suspiciously.

"A man needs a reason to ask a pretty girl to dinner or for a drink?" he came back with his own question.

"Well..." she hesitated.

"Tell you what," he said gesturing with his arm towards the outside tables. "Why don't we sit down and have something cool to drink and you can decide whether or not you wish to dine with me afterwards. I assure you there is nothing more implied than just a request for company while I sup."

"I suppose..." she began again.

"Please, allow me," he said bringing his hand around her back and just barely touching her with his fingertips. "I already have a table."

"Okay," she agreed moving away from his touch in the direction of the tables. "But just for a glass of juice."

"Of course," he said jovially. When they reached his table he pulled her chair out for her and, after looking at the chair and then him, sat down still looking at him slightly askew. After pushing her chair in for her he sat himself and waved to the server looking at him from the doorway.

"Fruit juice, right?" he asked and she nodded. "Carla, two fruit juices please."

"Anything else?" Carla asked sharply pointedly ignoring the girl sitting across from him.

"Not just yet I think," Marlin said overlooking the server's deliberate rudeness.

"Carla's in a bit of a foul mood today," he mused as he stared at her retreating back.

"It's because of me," the girl admitted crossly. "I'd better go if you ever want to be fed here again," she said and started to rise.

"Please don't," Marlin said reaching out to lightly grasp her hand. "I'd rather have your company now than eat here in the future if that's the alternative."

"I doubt that," she snorted but sat down anyway.

"So, why would having you at my table bring on such a remarkable reaction?" he asked. "Are you married? Maybe being seen in the company of an unmarried man would blemish your virtue and standing in the community. Or maybe you're too young to be seen with me. Is that it? If that's the case then I'll have to assure you and your father, assuming he's as large as most of the men around here seem to be, that my intentions are totally honorable."

"No I'm not married and no I'm not too young," she replied with just a hint of a smile on her lips.

"That's a relief," he said pretending to wipe the sweat from his brow. "Although I must admit I don't think I've ever had this much trouble just getting a girl to sit down with me for a drink."

"Some kind of super stud, huh?" she snarled and pushed back her chair preparing to stand up.

"Don't I wish," he said with an exaggerated sigh while making no move to stop her. His lack of aggression caused her to pause for a moment, ready to stand and leave but not doing it quite yet. "No, while my overly sensitive male ego would love to tell you I have conquered every woman who's caught my eye, honesty ― and reality ― demands that I admit somewhat less than one-hundred percent have fallen victim to my evil ways."

"Somewhat less than one-hundred percent, huh?" she said with raised eyebrows. "And just how much less are we talking about?"

"Well that's not fair," he protested. "If I'm ever going to have a chance to seduce you, how can I possibly do that if I tell you just how inept I am?"

"Seduce me?" she growled, her face hardening again. "I knew that's all you wanted."

"Well, I have to admit it wasn't your bubbly personality that caught my eye as it wiggled past my table," he grinned and settled back in his chair. "I am a man and carry all the baggage that entails. I see a beautiful woman and naturally I evaluate her as a potential mate. You are an extraordinarily beautiful girl and the crass animal part of my brain naturally did it's best to ensure the rest of me knew what it was thinking." He leaned forward still grinning and propped his elbows on the table, "But I think I can restrain myself. At least long enough for you to safely finish your fruit juice."

"Oh you can, can you?" she visibly relaxed a little and as if daring him, reached out and took a sip of the juice. He laughed and sat back in his seat again.

"I think so," he said still chuckling. "But now that it appears you aren't going to run away like a frightened doe being chased by a hungry wolf I have to say something other than your beauty has tickled my interest. I am intrigued by the thought that I shall now become a starved, skeletal scarecrow for having the audacity to sit in a public establishment with a pretty girl. Would you mind elaborating on that?"

"It's because I'm a witch," she answered harshly. She peered at him waiting for the expected reaction. Needless to say she was surprised by what did come.

"If you mean you have some measurable amount of Talent, so what? Who doesn't?"

"What?" she asked totally taken aback.

"I said, so what?" he repeated. "I don't want to sound like some jerk from the city crying over how backward you country folk are but Talent is fairly common. In fact I have it on good authority that most people have at least a touch of it. Why, I'd be willing to bet my meager salary that our good innkeeper inside has a bit of it himself. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"They tolerate witches where you come from?" she leaned towards him and whispered.

"Hmm, tolerate is probably a good word to use," he answered thoughtfully. "I'm not saying anyone who has enough to be in the Emperor's Talent Agency is particularly well liked but I have to believe that's mostly because of the amount of Talent they have as opposed to having any at all."

"It doesn't bother you I'm a witch?" she asked confused.

"I don't know why it would," Marlin answered. "I have a little bit myself." Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped in shock.

"You shouldn't say that!" she hissed. "Besides, how would you know?"

"Remember that 'good authority' I mentioned? Let's just say he's in the Talent Agency and I found out through him." Unlike some people Marlin enjoyed the game of having everything he said be the absolute truth while still being able to hide what he wanted to behind it.

"A friend of yours?' she asked.

"We're very close," he nodded.

"But before we engage in conversation about such weighty subjects I think we should at least be introduced," he stretched his hand out to her. "I'm Marlin Cranson and I am very pleased to meet you."

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“I told you to drop that inquiry, Detective!” “But Lieutenant, There’s definitely something going on there.” Lieutenant Walker sighed. Claire was an excellent Detective, but she was sometimes too keen to dig into things, especially when she thought women were being exploited. “What have you got now?” “I parked my car near the club shortly before closing. I left the dash-cam running overnight. Nobody left. None of the doormen, none of the women. Nobody. They all stayed inside all night....

3 years ago
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my first gay experiance

My first time with another man was when I was only 16. I had always been shy round girls and still am. One day when I was in town I went in to the toilets and sat down in one of the cubicles and I was in there for a few minutes before I hered someone go into the next cubicle, I did not think much of it and just carried on looking through some of my school work when I looked over to the wall that seperated the 2 of us to see his 9inch cock sticking through a hole. At first I did not know what...

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Being Rowan

My name is, well, was, John. I always thought of myself as just one of Rowan Morrison's many fans and nothing more then that. Not a stalker- certainly not a stalker, although I'm sure many would have thought of me as obsessive. I had all her CD's at home; every possible magazine article about her, and my bedroom was covered in her pictures. I even wrote fan fiction about her - nice ones, not horrible rape and torture type fics. I often compared her life to mine and wished that I...

2 years ago
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Kerrie ch 01 First Tattoos and the Biker Bar

Introduction: Mark returns from 6 months in Thailand and begins turning his wife into his sex toy. Tattoos and piercings are a big part of his new fetish, Chapter 01 – First Tattoos and The Biker Bar Kerrie tugged at the bottom of her tiny white half-top, trying to keep it from riding up any higher than it had to. It was no use. Mark insisted she buy it two sizes too small and she was lucky it covered as much of her as it did. Mark opened the front door of the bar. The loud music and...

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sex with strangers in public bathroom

I always had a sexual fantasy of dressing up as a chunky sexy slut tranny and visiting a known public mens bathroom close to my house and giving oral sex and what ever they wanted me to do for them sexually.Well I finally got up the courage to do it and before I go into my true first time experience,I must say it was everything I imagine it would be and more.I realized after my first time it was like crossing an invisible line that I did not and could not return back.Well it was about a year...

1 year ago
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After my first dick

This is a story kinda of after my first dick.  My friend John wanted to meet me after this  girl bikini show, and he knew now i was not going to go.  So I met him at the bridge when it was over, and we were talking.  He said seeing all those girls made me hard...and knew what he wanted, and I really wanted to suck it, so I offered.  Then we went under the bridge, were we first started smoking cigs...and I went on my knees...looked up, and said "I am really glad you know I dont like pussy, and...

Gay Male
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Dorasani dengulata3

Hi, im priya,chalarojulataruvata kalusukovadam o.k storyloki velite, nannu chakalodu, maa palerodu modatisari dengaru, gammattemitante naku teleekunda,chakalodu choostundaga,palerodu vadi gatti moddato kasideera dengadu, taruvata nenu vaddu ee roju kidi chalu ante chakalodu, na modda chhoodu, dorasani pooku kosam tahataha ladutondi ani choopettadu, palerodu vadi modda to na mokam daggariki vachadu, vadidi inka gatti padalesdu kani choostunte iddari moddalu bale gammattuga undi,nannu...

2 years ago
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Sold subbie gets to play

She inquired at the desk for the directions to the room and was soon opening the door, softly calling "Master?" as she entered. Noone was there. She shrugged and went in, hanging her coat from one of the coat hangers, she set her purse on the small suitcase rack and proceeded further into the room. Another envelope was propped against the TV. Inside the note read "You will find a surprise in the drawer below. Put them on. No clothing." She pulled open the drawer and found a box wrapped in...

2 years ago
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Noelles first time

I was 22 the first time I ventured out as Noelle. I had put the wig and some items of clothing on before in the bedroom or bathroom, but nobody had ever seen me before. I had been chatting online with a beautiful blonde 23 year old named Jenny. She lived about an hour away and invited me over to help with a full make over.At the time, my wardrobe was skimpy and makeup non-existent, but I packed everything I had into a large tupperware bin and made the trip. I was so nervous I sat in my new...

2 years ago
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How High a Price Another View Part 2

Early Conroy was in a deep sleep, the kind where the mind whirls but the body can't move. He was hot and breathing was difficult. He struggled, feeling bound and helpless. He heard a knock. He tried to crawl toward it. The knock became more insistent. He yanked at his bonds, twisting and turning. The knock became louder. Suddenly, he yanked, twisted his body, and rolled off the bed onto the floor with a loud thunk, but the bed covers flew off him. He sat upright, unable, for a moment, to...

2 years ago
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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapists BabyPt 2 Wedding Bell Blues

Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...

2 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 18

As the men prepared the ship to leave port, Therese looked for a guard or soldier to give her last letter to. She spotted a soldier on patrol, coming up the pier and called out to him. The soldier recognized who she was and made haste to the gangway, before it was raised. He stood in front of her at attention and waited for her direction. ‘I want you to give this letter to the Earl, no one else. Make sure that he gets it, after, I have left.’ Her emphasis on after, being stressed to him. The...

2 years ago
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Teases and Touches FMLong

If there was one thing Eric and Clara had in common it was their ability to play with fire without getting burned. In every other possible regard they differed, positioned firmly on opposing sides of their social circle and often enough on opposite sides of the room. It was a gap love could not bridge, and neither of them fell victim to any illusion in that regard.But the bridge they had found was much more powerful, dangerous even in that they shared their love for destructive relationships....

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbor Continued

I slid my tongue slowly up a and around her pussy, making sure to get her beautiful clit ultimate desire. I placed kisses passionately on her pussy. She grabed the back of my neck and moaned,i placed my hands on her pussy and went deeper, she put her leg around my back and pressed hard with her foot as I worked my tongue and fingers , orchestrating her into a much deserved orgasm. Mary continued to moan in exstacy as she gripped the my back with her long toes. Her pussy was dripping, I rose up...

3 years ago
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Being a Bride

The alarm went off and I turned over in bed, I could not believe the day had finally come. I slipped out of bed and adjusted my satin night dress, fixed one of the spaghetti straps on my shoulder and covered one of my breasts that was exposed.In the kitchen I got myself a juice and croissant and sat at the table.My thoughts went back several months to my first meeting with Steve, I had signed up to a website that helped crossdressers like me hook up with men who wanted to be with people like...

1 year ago
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Endless DesertChapter 8

Big Wolf and I headed back to Mexico to try to buy some more sheep and the dogs we needed to look after them. Meanwhile, White Buck and four more men followed the Comanches to see where they were going. We were all determined to punish them for what they had done to us. It looks like, no matter where you live, you have to treat bullies the same way. Once White Buck and his party had found out where the Comanches lived, they would return to the village and help in the rebuilding at least until...

1 year ago
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Saas Aur Bahuu 8211 Part 4

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab……….? Aap sabko diwali aur eid ki dil se mubaraqbaad aasa karti hoon ki aap sab log diwali par bahut saawdhaani se padaake chutaayenge aur bachhon ko bhi bahut ehtiyat se sambhaalenge kyonki jab koi padaakon se jalta hai to achanak khusi ke mauke par dukh haavi ho jaata hai. Khair chode bhi ye sab baatey main bhi kahaan aap sab ko updes dene laga haan to aap log itni der me bor ho gaye honge aur ye lo kisi ne mujhe gaali bhi di ki baaaaaaap kyon paka re la hai...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 23 Girl Talk

Barbara didn't hint to Cheryl that day. In fact it was five days before she did. She seemed to have picked up the same virus as her sister and she found herself being sick every day, mostly in the morning. In fact they had truly both caught the same virus but they didn't catch on very quickly. It was a sperm virus that would make Barbara very happy and Cheryl less so. John phoned on Wednesday afternoon to say that he was working late... going on a stakeout on the hooker case. Cheryl took...

2 years ago
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Nicole and her mothers Boyfriends Pt2

This is part two to “Nicole and her mother’s Boyfriends”. I suggest you read the first story to find out how Nicole and John first met up, and there’s the character description also, so if you’d like to know what they look like, that’s also in part one. Thank you for all of your nice comments and good ratings!!! Please continue to rate, and enjoy the...

1 year ago
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A Fresh Start EpilogueAcknowledgements

The list of people who have helped with this story is almost too great to list. However, it would be churlish in the extreme to not at least try. I am using their screen names and could never have done this without them! So, thank you, thank you, thank you to: Rotorhead, N12614, wino, stjoe56, ednelson, wd40, TeotwawkiTommy, HJ, ProxyAccount, and pharang. Any errors are mine, not theirs!

1 year ago
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Feels So Right It Cant Be Wrong chapter 3

Kelly woke in her brother’s bed cuddled next to his nude body. The sheet barely covered his morning erection. She thought about teasing him awake, it struck her as the big-sisterly thing to do, but then rolled onto her back, stretched, and immediately dozed off and slipped into yet another rerun of her dreams. Like most of those she’d had recently, they involved sex. Unlike the usual panoply of unfulfilled fantasies, however, these featured the sex she’d had the night before with...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Dads Story 1

After a couple of weeks of chatting I mentioned about my Daughter sitting on the sofa whilst I was on the laptop at the table. Kate is 20 and has a very large pair of tits. She usually just sat there in her night shirt and knickers watching TV. Robertbi asked if he could speak to Kate, so I mentioned it to her never thinking that she would want to chat to a stranger on a sex forum. However, she was well up for it. I removed the previous chat so that Kate knew nothing about my gay adventures...

2 years ago
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Interview With a Sissy

The room was semi-dark when I entered it, spacious and well-furnished. For a home office, it was elegant, with a rich mahogany desk in the center and and a thick rule in the middle. It would have been hard to clean that rug, I thought. I was in a full maid's outfit. Mistress had insisted upon it. I had a black satin dress on, ridiculously short and puffed up by the lace petticoats. I had on fishnets and heels. My lipstick was red. My mop hat was on top of my hair, which was put up for...

1 year ago
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Birthday surprise

Suzie came over for the regular BBQ a bit early last Saturday. Arnie was at a high school football game that she wanted to see too, but she had other things on her mind that had to be taken care of. The day was starting to look a bit like dinner was going to be indoors, with thunderheads growing fast, so that’s where we were already. “Do you know what the turkey did to me?” Suzie opened, “I had his birthday present all bought and wrapped and ready, then he went out and bought practically the...

4 years ago
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Sharing Jacks Bed Part 3

Introduction: There is a lot of build up and establishing of relationships in this story, to fully understand the relationship be sure to read parts 1 and 2. The sex will be coming soon. Thanks for reading! And for those of you who recognized the names and scenerio, the back story is based on Four Brothers Toward the end of the week, I was in the kitchen helping out with some dishes when Bobby came down the stairs. Kellie, come here a second. He called. I finished rinsing off the plate and...

3 years ago
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Cherub the sex cult

Math class had just just finished as 15 year old James  raced out of the classroom. He was in an energetic state as he raced to his girlfriend Kerry's room. The door was unlocked and Kerry was at her desk catching up on her history assignment. ' oh, hey James,' said Kerry looking up from her work. Kerry was wearing a purple sports shirt that was a little too small for her frame. Her skintight shorts showed a lot of leg and made James pants tighten. But this show of leg was not...

1 year ago
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School Afair 2

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher,I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little affair there. I knew that she was married and had a child thats only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldnt be...

3 years ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 3

Hugo came over shortly after Guy had arrived and took their order. Telling Guy that he had lost him two customers. Guy was perplexed but Sylvie put him in the picture. She had seen the two men leave as soon as Guy sat down. He turned to Marion. "The repairer says he can make the repair, but warned me that it will not last long as the only thing he can do is glue it. Therefore I owe you a pair of shoes." Marion smiled and put her hand on his arm. "Don't worry about it, Guy. A day...

3 years ago
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The unknown

I open the door and you step forward, looking into my eyes. Our gazes lock. You feel the electricity of passion and lust pass between us. Your gaze moves lower, taking in my moist lips, the gentle swell of my breasts with their hard points poking through the thin material…down further to the graceful curve of my hips. I smile and blush a little, being examined with a look of such lust. ‘Won’t you come in?’ I ask. > > You can feel the heat rising in your face as I realize how you been staring...

1 year ago
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Crazy HumpyMouth Days

Being born in a rural area with little excitement might have had a lot to do with my friends and I being entertained with things that others might find trivial and other things that might seem odd.Swinging on an aged willow branch over a stagnant pool of water was one our favorites because we all hoped that the next one to give it a try would have the branch break and they would plummet face first into the stagnant water. That only happened one time when I was at the willow tree and the victim...

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