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The Maybach, six cylinder, 4 litre, gasoline engine poured columns of oily blue smoke into the chilly air. The fitful breeze carried it lazily into the surrounding trees. The SdKfz 251 rocked over the rough, unsealed road, its tracks creaking and groaning with the effort.
Inside, six men sat rolling from side to side with the movement of the personnel carrier. They were dressed scruffily in variations of German Feldgrau police uniforms, all sported facial hair of some discription, and scraggly, unkempt hair poked from beneath their caps.
On the grating beneath their feet lay their weapons. It was a mixed collection of German and Russian guns, two PPSh 40 sub-machine guns, a Tokarev rifle, two Mp 40s and an Erma, a common police weapon in 1943.
The vehicle rolled out of the forest and rattled down a hill towards a group of farm buildings. Cattle peacefully munched grass in the nearby fields and some farm workers clustered around a fence-mending project.
The workers looked up at the approaching 3/4 track, then continued their work. Police vehicles often came past, it was no big deal.
The carrier ground to a halt outside the farmhouse gate. The fence was a crude affair, fashioned out of whole logs cut from the forest. The gate was no-more than a thin log with a brace and swung on an iron hinge.
A man emerged from one of the nearby sheds carrying a handsaw. He waved it in greeting at the yet unseen policemen. From the carrier an officer stood wearing a 'coal-scuttle' helmet. He scrutinised the farmer as he approached.
"Hi boys," the farmer said in German, "hungry?"
"In a hurry," the officer replied, "but thanks. Seen any strangers around here?"
"Not here. Haven't lost any stock either since they cleared that village. Lazy bastards, I don't know what else you can do with them?"
"True," the officer agreed, "how's your workers?"
"Stupid! Poles, what do you expect? No work ethic. You have to show them the smallest task and then stand over them, otherwise they just sit down and do nothing."
The officer looked carefully around before nodding to the other men. The rear door of the carrier swung open with a groan and the others began to alight.
"Mind if we take a look around?" the officer asked.
"Go ahead. I'm just in the workshop if you want anything."
The name Belarus was transliterated into Russian as Byelorussia. From this word, the English mistranslated it as 'White Russia, ' although more correctly it should have been 'White Ruthenia.' That mistranslation, however, was taken into other languages and to the Germans it was called 'Weissrussland.' In 1943, 'West Wiessrussland' had been opened up for limited colonisation by ethnic Germans with an ultimate view to incorporation into the Reich.
Belarus is rich in resources. 43% is covered in forest and pasture land abounds for the breeding of cattle. In addition, extensive industrialisation had occurred in the 1930s and, even then, the 'Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic' was considered a good example of socialism at work.
But the price had been heavy for the Belarussians. Collectivisation of agriculture had resulted in widespread famine and unrest. Belarussian culture and language had been suppressed and ethnic Russians moved in to 'strengthen socialist values' among the population. Consequently many Belarussians had been 'relocated' to open up farmland in other parts of the Soviet Union.
If many Belarussians expected a better deal from the invading Germans they were disappointed. Perhaps millions were transported back to the Reich as 'guest workers, ' never to return. By 1943 it was obvious to the remaining population that the Germans hadn't come as saviours.
Hundreds of thousands of men and women had fled to the forests to avoid deportation and many linked up with groups of Red Army soldiers trapped by the speed of the German invasion. Moscow parachuted in some regular airborne units, the VLV, and a new NKVD organisation, called SMERSH, formed 'doctrinal units' and 'reprisal squads.'
Rhykov had been in Belarus since shortly after the invasion. His unit varied in size, but his core group of operatives were controlled by OSNAZ, the special forces of the GUGB. (Foreunner of KGB)
With so many organisations participating in the partisan effort against the German forces, it was a wonder that operations could be coordinated at all. But Rhykov's reputation enabled him to pull together the operations of the partisans, the VLV and OSNAZ into some sort of coherence. Moscow recognised this and STAVKA, General Headquarters, appointed him as overall commander in the Pripyat/Neman area with special authority over all groups.
Supplies, weapons and ammunition were always a headache. The groups armed themselves with whatever they could, captured from the Germans, parachuted in, or from prewar stocks kept at secret locations by the local defence committees.
A policeman approached the Polish farmhands. In fluent Polish, he asked each of them their names and former occupations.
Eventually, in a low voice he said, "if you want to know what's good for you, fuck off!"
"What?" one said in astonishment.
"Do I have to spell it out for you? In five minutes I don't want to see your faces or I'll shoot you, understand?"
The Poles looked at each other, bewildered, then began to run. The policeman then took aim with his rifle and shot the first of the cattle.
"What are you doing?" the farmer yelled, running out of the workshop. His voice was cut off by a burst of machinegun fire. Rhykov leaned against the side of the carrier and watched as the rest of the men ran towards the buildings with molotov cocktails. These they hurled through the windows and the open doorway until the farmhouse buildings were well ablaze. Rhykov then lit a cigar and peacefully puffed on it while his men finished the work.
Eventually he waved his men back to the vehicle and it lurched off again. After half an hour the driver yelled, "spotter," and pointed to the sky. They all looked up and spied the aircraft, high and circling.
"A 'Storch'," Rhykov informed the others, while looking through his binoculars, "smile and wave, gentlemen."
"Hi Fritz," one said, "come lower so we can give you a proper Russian greeting."
"Leave him," Rhykov instructed, "we're too easily trapped in this district."
"Do you suppose they've seen the farmhouse?"
"It occurs to me, yes. We need to find somewhere we can ditch this crate and get back to the forest."
"A lake?"
"Perfect! Head over there then run this thing into the water. We'll head back to the rendezvous on foot."
The tide was turning against the Wehrmacht in the partisan war behind the lines. The campaigning season was a particularly difficult time for the Germans as sorely needed troops had to be diverted from the fronts to protect supply lines and rear areas.
The civilian population had turned from indifference to outright hostility. Agricultural production had practically ceased in some areas as the locals fled for safety or joined the partisans. Those remaining in the villages risked reprisals by German police and SS units. Some three hundred Belarussian villages were wiped off the map and the remaining inhabitants slaughtered.
But those Belarussians who co-operated with the occupiers, through fear or preference, risked being executed by SMERSH after a 'tribunal.' Sometimes, such hasty trials were not bothered with. To be killed if they did or killed if they didn't, such was the fate of many of Belarussia's civilians.
Now and then, the Germans would arrive in company strength backed by tanks and armoured cars to clear certain 'troublesome' areas. Occasionally, pitched battles would ensue involving hundreds of soldiers. Normally careful about committing himself to such battles, on one occasion Rhykov collected enough forces together to take on a full scale German 'clearance' operation.
It was January 1944 and the weather was bleak, cold, and the countryside blanketed in snow. The pine trees that had provided cover to Rhykov's men and women, were stripped bare of leaves. The wind had dropped and the blizzard abated as Rhykov and his staff observed the vehicles approaching.
They now had radios, parachuted in by VLV aircraft. STAVKA had demanded a showdown with the SS Division operating South of the Neman. Such a battle, they hoped, would prevent reinforcements heading towards the fighting East, where the Army was launching a major offensive.
Rhykov had some 2000 under his command. There was a VLV Company, his OSNAZ team of about 100, but otherwise, most were armed civilians sprinkled with Red Army soldiers.
They had no artillery, but had a few rocket launchers and a Bazookas. Otherwise, nearly everyone was armed with the unbiquitous PPSh sub-machine gun and hand grenades. They were also equipped with two 12.7mm heavy machine guns and two mortars.
The SS was led by a PzKw III tank and three 'Puma' 4-wheel armoured cars. Behind them was a Panhard and about a dozen 3/4 track personnel carriers. The rest of their infantry were on lorries. All up, there were approximately 300 Infantrymen. It was a formidable force in anyone's book.
But one thing counted heavily against them. They were almost certainly confined to the road because of snow drifts on either side. Rhykov knew this and had picked his battlefield carefully.
If Rhykov had not been ordered to, he would've preferred not to have engaged such a force. Such operations were costly on equipment and personnel. Likely as not, the Germans would call in aircraft if they found the going too hard.
An OSNAZ team lay concealed near the road with a Bazooka. Their task was to immobilise the tank. Nearby was a low forested hill where teams of VLV airborne troops lay behind log barriers with heavy machine guns. Elsewhere, some crossfiring was possible from trees on the other side of the road. There, around 1000 irregulars lay in whatever cover they could devise for themselves. Rhykov had done whatever he could do, the rest lay up to the Germans.
Suddenly, the 20mm Automatic on one of the first carriers swung towards the forest and opened up. Clearly, the Germans had spotted some of Rhykov's irregulars. The whole convoy halted, well short of the OZNAZ team. Rhykov held his breath, hoping the Bazooka team would display some patience. The tank had to be disabled to block the road, but if they broke from cover too early, the SS would be alerted.
Some of the irregulars returned a sporadic fire. The last thing Rhykov wanted was for the convoy to halt at that point and disgorge the infantry. From there, the Germans would be able to work around the flank on his left while his specialist teams were too far away to attack the armoured vehicles. Things were in danger of unravelling, thanks to ill-discipline on the part of his soldier-civilians.
"Commander?" the anxious VLV Officer raised his eyebrows.
"Wait!" Rhykov commanded, "not yet! Your men would be butchered before they got within range. We must draw them on."
"That tank can't leave the road, Commander, a few of us might make it before..."
"I admire your courage, but not your common sense. We wait, tell your men to stay down." The VLV Officer crawled off. "If they suspect they're heading into a trap, Pavel, they will deploy their infantry. They must think there's only a few hotheads. Keep the Bazooka teams back, you must tell them to wait."
"Yes, sir!" The OSNAZ man crept away.
"Radio? Tell those fucking idiots to fall back. All partisans not engaged to hold their fire and stay under cover. The rest can fuck off, as far as I'm concerned."
'Their Officers are wary now, ' he thought to himself, 'they will think to themselves that the terrain ahead looks to be a very good place for an ambush. What would I do? Would I delude myself that these people are merely scatter-brained peasants? Am I some arrogant newcomer fresh from Germany keen to make a name for myself, or am I an old hand who knows how these barbarian Russians operate? Hmm, my noncoms are begging my pardon and telling me it's a trap. But Hitler told me to be wary of cowardice and lack of resolve? C'mon, my brave lad, don't be distracted, press on with your orders.' But the convoy remained halted and fired into the trees on the left with their cannon.
"Radio?" he called, suddenly inspired, "call the boys. We're going to play dress-ups."
SS Liebstandarte Division 'Adolf Hitler' had, indeed, freshly arrived from Germany. Most of their armour, however, remained behind at their base near Minsk. Instead, they'd been lent some armoured cars and a tank from a local police unit. The police were to guide them, but soon they'd discovered that the Feldpolizei had a different way of operating from the SS.
Briefly, the SS preferred to blast away at anything and ask questions later. The Feldpolizei, from long experience at these operations, preferred patience. The Feldpolizei had developed a grudging respect for the Russians. The SS, by comparison, regarded them as 'vermin' to be cleared from the land anyway they could.
An argument had developed between the Feldpolizei commander and the SS, a fellow called Obersturmbannfuhrer Armin Reichenburg. Reichenburg was convinced the 'rabble' his men had seen were a 'provocation' and 'forlorn hope' by local Russians determined to save their village. The Feldpolizei, on the other hand, suspected they were being led into an ambush.
The objective was a village up ahead and their orders were to completely destroy it as a 'lesson' for past partisan raids. Rhykov, however, had already ordered the village cleared and some of the peasants had swelled the ranks of his irregulars.
Both German Officers were still arguing when they both saw a squad of Feldpolizei walking towards them from up ahead.
There were seven of them, led by a Hauptmann. Like many local Feldpolizei, they were scruffily dressed and weapons were a matter of personal preference. The Hauptmann put up his hand in greeting as the little group approached the first vehicle of the convoy, the tank.
"Hey," he called, "we ran our truck into a snowdrift. We could use a tow?"
"Who are you, Hauptmann, and where are you from?" the Feldpolizei Officer asked.
"The village... special detachment."
"I know of no 'special detachment' in my area," the Officer answered, "what unit are you from? Let me see your orders?"
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A young white girl after returning to the states due to the death of her father, quickly becomes an oversexed young teenager, and incurs one incredible sexual experience after another. She comes of age as an attractive young woman in this new most enticing area around the big city of New York. She then stumbles across items in an old trunk in her family's attic, and thinks she has found out the true story of her family's checkered past!. It seems her Grand parents, and to a greater...
Kayla's boyfriend Christopher had just returned to the dorm following an outing to the bar with Kayla, her roommate Ivy and some other guy friends. He was wiped out. But he couldn't shake the feeling of some spark between himself and Ivy, who was a very mysteriously alluring girl. There was something about her eyes. You could just look into them and become hypnotized... His thoughts veered away as he drifted into a deep sleep and began having a vivid dream.Ivy was touching herself, alone in the...
Jack and the girls had gone home about an hour ago and I was in the gym working out when I heard the front door open. Kelly came bounding in calling out my name.I told her I was in the gym working out.Kelly sauntered into the gym wearing my favorite little black skirt and red tube top with a "cheshire cat" grin on her face. My cock stiffened a little when I saw her. She came over to the bench where I was now sitting up, straddling my legs and sat down. She looked at me in my eyes and said "I've...
Robert was back in moments, leading Eva by the hair. When he got to Tom he pushed her down between his legs. He then turned and left her there. Tom looked down at the confused woman. He gently stroked her face and watched as she nuzzled against his hand. He helped her up and pulled her into his lap. He held her while she snuggled in his arms. Tom spoke gently in her ear, "I'm afraid that Robert thinks that you're too old for him. There are things that he just doesn't understand. I...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is ADULT oriented material of a graphic and violent sexual nature. It is also a work of FICTION. If you find yourself confusing fantasy with reality, even only on occasion, then please click your browser back button now. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Nightmare in the Woods by Night Owl First Posted: 10/04 (Story Content: M+/f, Outdoor Bondage, Gang Rape) The dream...
Introduction: A special bond is forged, and then tested This story, while obviously fictional, illustrates one of my deepest fantasies. Although Im not a lesbian, or even bisexual, Ive always been hopelessly attracted to my mother, who has been the source of my masturbation fantasies since I was 10. I hope you enjoy it. Riona was 6 years old the first time her mother touched her like that. After a long summer afternoon playing in the yard, Riona decided it was time to go inside and maybe get...
The difficult part of being mission support is the waiting around. Ensign Antonio Williams wasn't going to learn if he didn't lead. Now two squads of DECO Marines were on the surface for the purpose of capturing the culprits who had abducted Tony Williams from a New York jail. The targets of the Williams' raid were aboard a private yacht cruising Lake Superior—Gichi-gami to the Ojibwe. My part of the raid was diversionary. Imagine that a man, his lion and his wolf are walking down a back...
This is a true story. I just wanted to share it with a community that would appteciate. I am also not the best author but wanted to start sharing some of my sexual experiences. If you like what you read please let me know. I hope this stpry makes you cum as much as i did when i was partaking in the events. I changed the names of participants for privacy. This took place in June of 2008On a phone conversation one day my dear friend Matt had been chatting about different women we thought were...
Nice Nikita has a hot history with me, first her client only, later an intimate best friend to mate.She is a slender blonde beauty and her only hobby is her horse. Once she invited me to watch her ride.No pants, no saddle. A sexy sight which easily excites me, so she invites me to sit right behind her.After our first fuck at foot-pace the scene gets unexpedly hotter: we watch her mare mate a stallion.Nikita is a nice slender sensual blonde beauty in her early thirties. She runs several tobacco...
You are a space marine like Aliens, Doom and Starship Troopers. The year was 2147. Mars had long been colonised at this point. The Union Space Exploitation Corporation (USEC) had built a base there to conduct scientific experiments with warp speed. Space travel between planets still took years. Cryogenics had been invented to help but while it did prevent travellers from ageing during the journey, it didn't make the trip any faster. USEC aimed to fix that. However during one of their attempts...
I rolled over and kissed Michelle good morning. We cuddled together for long minutes until a knock at the bedroom door made us seperate. "Yes?" she called and the door opened as Airman Cathy Denon stuck her head in, "Breakfast in twenty you two. Time to rise and shine." "Coffee?" I asked. "Ready in fifteen, hot black and strong just the way I'm told you like it. You've got just enough time for a shower or a quickie before breakfast, but make sure it's a quickie. I get upset when...
This is a fantasy story, so the things would b out of the box and there would b a chance for the readers to suggest me some changes ( if they want at all)….the build of this story would b slow. It would b much more real life with a lot of focus on conflicting emotions. I don’t think there would b some kinky gang bang or something like that in this story, this would b a slow and steady erotica of mixed feeling and emotions. Hope you like it. That was off day for him. He could cool his heels...
It was Sunday afternoon. Deepti walked out of the bathroom. “Will you do my toe nails now?” She asked me , carrying all needed materials in a dainty basket. I looked up from my book and saw the glint in her eye. Yes, I wanted to. Deepti sat in the plush chair across me. I put down my book and Deepti put her right foot between my legs, resting it on my chair, and handed me the basket containing her pedicure materials. I was wearing boxer shorts and a tee shirt. I put the basket on the...
Diego Perez hasn’t known his stepmom’s sister for very long, but his step aunt, Jessica Ryan, is eager to get to know him better. She arrives for a visit while Diego’s stepmom is having a nap. That’s okay; Jessica is happy to sit and chat with Diego. Eventually, the conversation turns to the fact that Jessica wants a baby badly. She’s even brought a cute little onsie to show off how committed she is to breeding. That brings the conversation to a close. Later,...
xmoviesforyouThese girls are about to tell us about how they ended up completely naked in front of their parents and/or siblings. Whose tale would you like to hear first?
Theodora Day is doing her homework when she comes across a coupon in one of her textbooks. That gives Theodora an idea. She gets to her knees and musses herself up, cropping her top and making sure her tits show in her sheer bra. Losing her glasses and mussing her hair, she calls for her stepbrother Ricky Spanish. When Ricky comes to see what Theodora wants, she crawls across the bed in full do me mode. Theodora reminds Ricky of the time that she gave him a handjob so he would do her homework...
xmoviesforyouSMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE by Throne Glen couldn't believe it. All he had done was to sneak a camera into the sorority house and set it up to take shots of the girls. Was that so bad? They certainly thought so, and they had a unique idea of what punishment would fit his crime. It didn't help him that several of them were connected to scientific research being done in connection with the university. And that some of those students had access to certain drugs. He was standing on the...
Taylor Swift--known as much for her slender figure, long blonde hair, and milky white skin as for her incredible country/pop career--exudes sex appeal through her faux-innocent persona. One might not suspect a white starlet like Taylor to harbor dark fantasies about big black cock. Appearances can be deceiving. Rumors indicate something lies deep beneath Swift's carefully tailored image as America's sweet white girl next door.A few years ago at MTV's VMA awards, Kanye West interrupted Taylor...
My first trip to see Julie had to wait a whole month after I’d arrived in Middlesbrough, until Friday 3rd October; we had arranged to meet at Reading rather than at Stamford as I definitely didn’t want to have to share my limited time with my girlfriend with my parents, or be restricted as to how much time we could spend together in bed. We hadn’t been apart for such a long period since our first summer, two years ago, when Jen and I had been working at the vegetable factory and Julie had...