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Sex Club Fuck Queen

I was a thirty-six-year-old man at the time with a thirty-one-year-old wife. I had gotten my beautiful wife pregnant just after she had turned sixteen and she gave birth to Vivian before she turned seventeen a week later. Vivian was then fifteen and her birthday was only a month away. Then she would be a sixteen-year-old girl and legal sexually in our state. Fucking her would no longer be a crime…as long as she was willing that is. Raping a sixteen-year-old is still rape.

I had heard about a “Teenage Daughter Swapping Club” but you needed a daughter that was naturally born to you and not adopted, she had to be at least sixteen, and she could not have reached her twentieth birthday yet…hence the “Teenage Daughter Swapping Club.”

I had explained the club to my wife and she said that I could join it, as long as Vivian was all for it. Yes, she is a very understanding wife and yes, we had wife-swapped in the past too.

So I sat my wife and Vivian down and simply told Vivian what I wanted. She took it rather well if you ask me. However, she wanted to think it over. I gave her a day.


Hi, I’m Vivian and my lame father just asked me to join a fuck club. He needs me as his entrance ticket so I’ve got him by his balls for once. I could ask for the moon and get it. Only mom stood in the way of me becoming rich.

So anyway I told dad that I was willing to join with him as long as I could get paid for it. Money talks and bullshit walks.


The next day Vivian told me that she was perfectly willing to let a bunch of old men fuck her as long as she got paid for it. I told her that it wasn’t that kind of club and that men didn’t pay for sex. Vivian told me that if she didn’t get paid then she wouldn’t join.

I almost had her in my grip but she was slowly slipping away. Frustrated, I told her that I would pay her to accompany me, and that for a hundred dollars she had better let them all fuck her.


A hundred dollars was not much but it was more spending money than I had ever gotten before. I figured that I would enjoy getting fucked anyway and that the money was just icing on the cake.

Then he wanted to fuck me first. Now that was just kind of grouse. He even smiled as he said it. I would be turning sixteen in a few weeks and it would be on a Tuesday. He was planning on fucking me Tuesday, Wednesday, and again on Thursday before taking me to the Saturday club meeting. He said that he would rest up on Friday.

I talked to mom and she said that it was no different than letting a dozen other men fuck me. Yes it would be, he is my father. A dozen…what to fuck! That’s right, mom told me that at the present time there were twelve members and that dad and I would make it thirteen. She also told me that being the new girl that I should expect to get fucked by all of the other twelve men that first night. Oh crap!


I was so happy when my wife told me that Vivian would allow me to fuck her three times before that first meeting. I had been thinking about fucking her ever since her tits got to a B-cup and her pussy swelled in her tight shorts. I had been sniffing her panties for years. My wonderful wife placed Vivian’s used panties on my pillow every night like a maid in a motel does with a chocolate mint. I would sniff them, think about fucking my lovely daughter, and then plunge my cock into my wife.

I was just waiting for my night of pleasure to come. Finally the Tuesday arrived, Vivian came home from school, and we celebrated with a nice dinner, a birthday cake, and opening her presents. It had been a great day for her and the end of a very long wait for me.

Then about an hour before bedtime I asked her if I could have sex with her. She looked at her mother first and she nodded, then she said okay and walked to her bedroom. I quickly kissed my wife and followed my daughter into her bedroom. She turned on the lights, closed the door behind me, and then she locked it. She lowered her window shade and pulled the curtains closed.

I just sat on the edge of her bed and watched as my daughter undressed for the first time in front of me. It was absolutely amazing to watch. She took her sweet time too and prolonged my enjoyment and my agony. Each button of her blouse was an act in itself, parting the opening was like watching a curtain going up at a live performance, and then as she shed her blouse it was like watching a big sheet being pulled of from a statue in the City Park to reveal the town hero.

Her bra was just as dramatic to see. Her breasts filled out the cups nicely allowing a little cleavage to show. I made a mental note to get her some push-up bras to wear to the club. She reached back to unhook it thrusting her titties out nicely. The bra clung to her breasts as she carefully undid each of her shoulders and removed her arms. It held there on her heaving breasts as she breathed deeply. She was just as nervous as I was! Then it was off and flying through the air at me. I caught it and smelled of the cups that had just been holding her breasts. I sniffed it as I admired her breasts. They had just the shape that women’s breasts should have. Her areolas were just a shade lighter than her erect nipples were, as God had intended. Vivian then stood there topless in her jeans with her hands resting on her hips as I admired her. She was in no hurry for it to end.

At the perfect moment she started to fumble with her jeans unable to undo the button her self. Then she stepped toward me and said, “Daddy can you help me? I can’t get it undone.” It was nonsense and we both knew it because I just flicked my fingers and it released. I then grabbed a hold of the tiny zipper pull and pulled it down brushing my hand across her love mound in the process. I felt the smoothness of her silky panties too. Then I hooked a thumb into both sides of her hips and tried to push them down but I couldn’t. Vivian stepped back, hooked her thumbs in them, and said, “I like them tight Daddy. Don’t you?” I was only able to nod as she lowered her jeans to her knees and then pushed them down further until she could get them off her feet. Once again Vivian stood up so that I could admire her in just her panties. They were silk, they were pink, and I had smelled them many times before but when she lowered them and tossed them at me I just had to smell them again. They smelled of her perfume, of her natural fragrance, and they were damp. I could see a spot of thick moisture on the inside of her crotch. I could see a loose pubic hair too. Then I looked at my daughter’s bush for the very first time. It looked magnificent, it was hardly trimmed at all, and it was everything that a grown man could wish for.

I was like a magnet as I was drawn to her as she backed away from me to sit on the edge of her bed. I was on my knees crawling toward her. The closer I got the higher her knees rose. Then her hands tucked in behind her thighs lifting and opening her…well, her opening. Her pussy was so moist that it just opened up like a flower in bloom. I nuzzled my nose into her slit coating it with the fragrance that I sought all those years. I reveled in her existence. I had made that pussy, I had fucked the pussy that it came out of, and soon I would fuck that pussy too…but first I wanted to kiss her navel from the inside. That was when I started eating her pussy, licking up her juices, and trying to get my lips and tongue inside of her. She giggled at first, then she breathed very heavily, and finally she started moaning in absolute pleasure as I ravaged her clitoris and caused her some of the most incredible orgasms of her young life. I wanted her all primed for my cock. I wanted to be the first man to go where man had gone before. Slowly I moved up her body kissing her navel from the outside, her nipples, her neck, and then her mouth. I wanted her to taste her pussy from my lips instead of from her fingers, as I knew she did often.

While she was still on the edge of the bed and her knees were up, I plunged my cock into her. She was so slick that I felt no resistance at all. She didn’t jump as I had expected but then at her age I was sure that she had masturbated with some kind of sex toy.


I had a feeling of superiority over my father as I undressed for him. He just stared at me not being able to take his eyes off from my body. I watched as his mouth hung open and drool started to come out of his mouth before he realized it and closed his mouth again.

When I fumbled with my jeans it was on purpose so that he could get in on the act but then I had to pull them down for him anyway because they were so tight.

Every night I would give mom my panties so that she could put them on dad’s pillow. It would ensure that she would get sex that night. So when I threw my panties at him it was the first time that I had actually seen him smell of them. I saw him lick the cum drops in them too and then I saw how hard his cock got in his pants.

I loved the oral sex that he gave me. It was as if this were his last supper before being executed. I didn’t even know that he had become naked until his cock first touched my pussy…and then it was in…all the way in. He wasn’t the biggest that I had ever had but he was damn good. I wondered if he thought that I was a virgin.


Fucking Vivian was fantastic. I don’t know how long I was in her but I was sure that I hadn’t cum after just a minute either. I knew she had some orgasms but I was not in any condition to count them. Finally I cum, and I cum, and I kept cumming in my daughter until I had no more to give her. As I lay on her stomach her pussy tried very hard to get just one more drop from me.

As I pulled my limp cock out of her I noticed that her pussy had in essence acted like a squeegee on my cock and cleaned it off. Then I noticed that her pussy had closed up and kept everything inside. Her mother always and I repeat always leaked my cum onto the bed before she could even cup it with her hand and run to the bathroom. I thanked God for giving her virginity to me.

All I knew at that moment was that I wanted my cock in her a lot more often.


Wow! I had no idea how good my father was in bed. If I had I would have been fucking him for the past two years. Instead I had allowed a string of guys to fuck me. There had been fifteen according to my diary. I lost my virginity at a basketball game when I was fourteen. Of course mom had me on birth control right after I started my periods at twelve.

I was now looking forward to having daddy fuck me for two more days. Then on Saturday twelve more ‘Daddies’ would fuck me. I could add them to my diary too.

All I knew at that moment was that I wanted my daddy’s cock in me a lot more often.


I kissed her good night on her lips, on her nipples, and on her pubic mound too before pulling the covers up.

I went to my bedroom and found my wife waiting for me. She was very interested in what had taken place. As I told her my story I got hard again and slipped my cock into her. As I finished my story I cum in her too. Then I had to smile as I pulled out and watched my cum drip down onto the sheet. We just cuddled and fell asleep without cleaning up first. That was not usual but it certainly was nice.


Daddy made love to me again on Wednesday and again on Thursday. Each morning afterwards mom thanked me for letting my father fuck me. Hell, she was the one doing me a favor. Daddy was the best lover that I had ever had. I couldn’t wait until Saturday so that he would see how thankful I really was. I would let those twelve guys fuck me raw, smile about it, and thank them for doing it afterwards. I would let them fuck my pussy, my mouth, and even my asshole if that is what my Daddy wanted me to do.


I had enjoyed making love to Vivian for those three nights but I really did need a rest on Friday because I was dying to get a chance to fuck twelve more girls just like her. Both Vivian and my wife tried everything in the book to get me to change my mind. They ran around in almost nothing, they put on a lingerie fashion show for me, and they made me very direct offers. I almost gave in when Vivian said that I could be the first man to fuck her ass if I wanted to be. When I turned her down she said that she would get one of the other ‘Daddies’ to do it then.


On Saturday I was told to take a long hot bath, do my makeup and hair as if I were going to the Prom, and to put on something sexy.

Mom catered to me all morning, she helped me with my hair and makeup, and then she helped me pick out my clothes. Together we chose a simple white bra and white thong panties. Then we picked out a soft tight sweater that would really show off my breasts to their finest. My outfit was finished off with a tight black miniskirt and sandals.

Daddy’s mouth dropped open when he saw me so I knew that I was pretty enough. I took his arm and let him lead me to the car and hold my door open like he does for mom.

As I approached our destination I was very nervous.

My panties were soaked too.


Vivian looked delicious when I saw her in that outfit. I wanted to throw her down and fuck her right there but I didn’t. Instead I offered her my arm and took her out to the car.

As I drove I couldn’t help but admire her hemline, the outline of her breasts, and the smell of her perfume. I reached over to cup a breast and she snuggled into me. My hand fondled her breast while she fondled my cock. When we arrived I was hard and her nipples were showing nicely too.

I rang the bell and a very good-looking man greeted us. He already knew our names but he just wanted us to confirm them anyway. Then he led us in to meet the men and introduced Vivian to them. She was on display and she knew it. They sure liked her. Then we were both taken in to meet the girls. Each one stood up and allowed me to observe them until the leader took me out leaving Vivian in there.


When the man took Daddy out of the room I found myself surrounded by twelve other girls some of which I already knew from school and church. We hugged and they welcomed me into their group. I was introduced to everyone else and we became immediate friends.

Then there was a loud knock on the door. The girls told me that it was time to get undressed. We each had a chair to put our clothes on as we undressed. One of the girls was nineteen and she looked like a model, she was tall, thin, and absolutely gorgeous. Daddy would certainly enjoy fucking her. One of the girls that I knew from school was a little chunky but she had nice big tits and I really liked her. The girl that I knew from church was the Minister’s daughter. I knew that Reverend Jim would be fucking me soon and I had to smile as I thought to myself what a hypocrite he really was. Mister holier than thou fucked his own daughter and other teenagers and then tomorrow he would be preaching abstinence to all us teenagers in his parish. Fucking hypocrite!


The men introduced themselves but I knew one from work and I knew Reverend Jim from church, he is our pastor.

The rules were simple. All of the girls were sixteen or over and had already given their permission for sex, so essentially I could just take it as I wanted it. Vaginal and oral were a given but anal was by request only. Noon to midnight was the time limit and it was almost noon so we were to get undressed. We each had a chair to place our clothes on. As we undressed I realized that I was quite normal in the cock department. Then I saw Reverend Jim. He was an inch or two longer and maybe twice as big around. The first thing I thought of was if Vivian could take it. Only time would tell.


When I followed the other girls into a big room the men were already there. It was quit obvious that I was the prize catch of the day. I was placed in front of a line of men that all wanted to fuck me to death. All of the other girls lined up for my father. Let the games begin.


I watched as the girls entered the room and Vivian was placed in front of the other guys. Meanwhile the rest of the girls came to me.

The tall gorgeous young lady said, “Hi I am Kay, I’m the oldest, and you get to fuck me first. May I suggest that you try to pace yourself? You will not be able to cum in all twelve of us today, no one ever has. I would suggest though that you poke around in all of us for fun and just pick the two, three, or four that you would really like to cum in.”

She may have been beautiful but I got the distinct feeling that she knew it too. So I merely bent her over, had her grab her ankles, and fucked her just as hard as I could. I was going to show her who was the boss. I slapped her ass, grabbed her tits hard, and pinched her nipples. I rammed into her hard and steady. I was lucky enough to make her cum before I did.

When I backed up she rose and said, “Thank you. I like it rough. Now that the tension is over you can enjoy my friends all that much more. Now who would you like to see eat your cum out of my cunt?”

I pointed at the Minister’s daughter and the two girls got in position and then started in. While I was watching the lesbian action the next girl in line was on her knees sucking me hard so that I could fuck her. I hated to disappoint her but as soon as I got hard I slipped my cock into the Minister’s daughter. I had admired her tiny body for a very long time. She very much reminded me of her mother. I didn’t cum but I sure had fun in her pussy as I played with her A-cup breasts. All the time I was fucking her I told her how much that I wanted to fuck her mother.

When I pulled my cock out of her pussy the one that sucked me hard was still waiting so I put her on her back and fucked down into her pussy. She whispered that I really should pace myself. Then she said that she went to school with my daughter. She said that she could come for a sleepover if I wanted to fuck her during the week. She also said her father trades her to other members and ex-members for the night too. When I questioned her about ex-members she said that once a girl reached twenty that both she and her father were thrown out of the club. However, some still keep in contact and swap their daughters for the night occasionally. Some of the girls get married and then the swap is between her husband and the other girl’s father. Surprisingly many husbands have fucked her.

I knew right then that I had four years with Vivian before I was out of the club. Right then I wished that I had given in to my wife’s request for more children.


I felt just like a piece of meat. I was pushed onto my back and had a cock shoved into me unceremoniously. He fucked me, cum in me, and pulled out after telling me his name. The next two men just fucked me too. Then Reverend Jim slipped his huge cock into me very carefully. It was big and I was completely filled. It stretched my pussy walls to the maximum and it touched me deep inside too. As he fucked me I got the most incredible feeling ever. It was even better than when Daddy had fucked me. I had an incredible orgasm and screamed it out so that everyone would know it. Fuck his hypocrisy, he could fuck me anytime he wanted too and still preach to me about abstinence. I knew that I would kneel in his podium and let him fuck my face while he preached too. God loves a sinner!


I managed to get my cock in all twelve of the girl’s pussies and in most of their mouths too before I finally cum that second time in the preacher’s daughter. I had Kay eat her out, fair was only fair.

I was spent so I let the girls suck my cock all they wanted too while watched Vivian getting fucked by the last three men. It was just some kind if ceremony. I could tell that they thought of it as a job and that they hardly had the desire to fuck her. I hoped that I never got to that point.

When they were done with her Vivian looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.


As the last man pulled his cock out of me I felt quite sore between my legs. I was pretty sure that it wasn’t over either. The only rememberable cock was Reverend Jim’s cock because it gave me several orgasms. I found a clock and cringed as I realized that it was only two o’clock and that there were ten more hours to go.

I looked over at my Daddy and he smiled at me. I smiled back.


Vivian came over and sat on my stiff cock while everyone watched her. She fucked herself on my cock putting on one hell of a show for everyone. Together we reached a mutual climax and we both screamed out in appreciation.

She told the guys to lie down if they were ready for round two. She told Kay and the preacher’s daughter to start getting them hard for her.

I knew from fucking all of the other girls that it wouldn’t be long at all before Vivian was the “Sex Club’s Fuck Queen.”

It was quite obvious that her heart, or in that case her pussy was in the right place.

The End
Sex Club Fuck Queen


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The Queen

My quest to find the Queen of Sex Fantasy Land in search of the ultimate sexual experience...The Queen.I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? c***dish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 18 Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...

2 years ago
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The Queen

By the way, did I mention we are going to Fantasy Land? Giddy up Fantasy Horse, because we are going to ride into town with both guns blazing. Oh yea... To tell you my latest story we do have to go back in time a bit. I know, I'm sorry. We have to go all the way back to the late eighties. If you recall, I was engaged to a nice girl named Kim. Kim and I seemed to get along real well. After a while we fell deeply in love. So, after a couple of years of dating we did the inevitable. We got...

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THE AMAZON QUEEN (Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang)By: XTALESAll characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex.If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned.PS: I am not a native English...

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The Queen

I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? Childish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls tied to fences. Utter nonsense. Here you people are out there, expecting some hot adult entertainment and...

Straight Sex
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(Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang) By: XTALES All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. PS: I am not a native English...

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Become A Drag Queen

anal - crossdresser - feminization - gay - transformation - submission - first time - pantyhose - lingerieI was thrilled when my boss told me he was sending me to San Francisco for a conference. It was a location on my "Top 10 places I wanted to go". I went online and Googled the major attractions and tourist "must sees in San Francisco. The conference was Wednesday to Friday and I figured I would add a couple of days and tour this unique American city. Through the Google search, I found many...

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GeniusChapter 13 Conversation with a Queen

Following Twilight's words I now understood what had happened to me, although I influence Twilight when I was fighting with it, I had opened my mind to a two-way communications! Normally Twilight had no real part to play only in protecting me and striking at my enemies, using my senses along the way. But with the emotions of Twilight coming into play it had filled me with a rage which I couldn't control. "Twilight I understand how you felt." I said which was an understatement — I felt...

2 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 3 The wish of a Queen

After Athea’s decision to leave Falkath, they sent servants to call for the Clan-Chiefs. Now back at the hall, Roban had taken his seat on the Throne of Blood. He watched the opposing forces; about fifty Norgar Clan-Chiefs, Ognar and Gyorak among them, were facing his little sister with Iane at her side. The rest of their friends had fanned out behind them. “I called for you to let you know about some decisions I have made,” Athea told the gathered Chiefs. “You mean decisions, the...

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Day for a Queen

Dedicated to a green-eyed girl from the Northwest. It had been such a bad day for Liz. Her cubicle at the newspaper sales office took on the feel of a cell at San Quentin. Her obnoxious co-workers had their ‘jerk-meters’ cranked up to eight, a car dealer had threatened to pull his two-page ad because the paper ran a story about their little habit of selling cars with bad titles, Fred in the cubicle across from her kept joking about stealing her account with the florist, and to top it off,...

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The Hijab Queen

The year is 1099 and the first crusades have begun. My name is John and I am a Christian Crusader fighting for the city of Jerusalem. We have fought for many days for this city but all have died except for me. Alone in the desert, I now march to find anyone who can help a warrior like me. With only my sword, armor, and a few drops of water I begin to feel the heat affecting my body. Every step I take causes me pain and soon I give up and lie down to rest. I soon drift off into a deep sleep...

1 year ago
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The hijab queen

The year is 1099 and the first crusades have begun. My name is John and I am a Christian Crusader fighting for the city of Jerusalem. We have fought for many days for this city but all have died except for me. Alone in the desert, I now march to find anyone who can help a warrior like me. With only my sword, armor, and a few drops of water I begin to feel the heat affecting my body. Every step I take causes me pain and soon I give up and lie down to rest. I soon drift off into a deep sleep...

4 years ago
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Biwi Bani Chudai Queen

Meri biwi sugandha un dino 24 saal ki ek bahut hi sundar aur sushil aurat thi.Uske nayan naksh kafi tikhe aur lubhawne the.Uski body kafi perfect thi jo kisi ko barbas apni or akarshit karte the.Uske size 32”28”32” thi.Hamari nai nai shadi hui thi.Sugandha ne convent se parhai kit hi. Yahi karan tha uski awaj kafi dilkash thi jo thoda angreji bolne ke wajah se aur achhi lagti thi.Humari nai nai posting hui thi.Hum jis socity me rahte the uske sare bachhe bare ,aurtein sugandha ko kafi pasand...

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The Death of a Queen

I slowly sunk to my knees as the execution decree was read aloud. It is here by ordered by king Henry that his queen and wife be put to death by beheading for crimes of consortingand fornicating outside of the royal chambers. The words stunned me and filled me with the fear of dying by having my head chopped off. The fear of execution was so great that I felt hot piss streaming down my legs and forming a puddle at my feet. I was pulled to my feet by royal guards. Tears were streaming down my...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 12 Spider Queen

Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...

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The Poor girl and the King and Queen

King Dong was a good man and loved his life, he lived in a beautiful house in a country far far away with his Queen and two pretty princesses and it was there that a young woman entered his life, she was poor and dressed shabby unlike Queen Kay who always looked imaculate in her clothes both her outer wear and underwear, but when King Dong saw this begraggled woman he fell in love with her, so much so that when she told him she was a lesbian the King promised his Queen to her, 'use her for your...

3 years ago
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Captured Queen 1 Getting The Queen

Soldiers broke the gate of the temple, she did not move. She knows that very soon she will be dead. And soldiers came inside the room killed the four guards that were trying to protect the queen, a man shouted, stand up whore. She did not move a bit, she is awaiting death. A soldier came forward to kill her with a sword, but captain stopped him, said-we must wait till the prince to see her. He stopped and ordered a soldier to check her if she has weapon. The soldier started with her legs...

4 years ago
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The Mistress Queen

Eleanor’s mother secured the leather pack around her small shoulders, pulling the deep green cloak across to cover it. The cloak was made of the finest fabric; its brilliant color showed even in the fading light of the sun and must have cost more than all of their possessions combined. Her mother completed one more cursory inspection as they stood outside the door to their small hut at the edge of the woods. “Remember, Eleanor,” her mother pulled her chin up to look her in the eye, “they may...

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SacrificeAnja The Jungle Queen

Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...

2 years ago
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The Strip and Fuck Club Ch 06

It was a bitter sweet day. Ned waited in the entry way for Kiki to join him. They were scheduled to depart for the Strip and Fuck Club. Kiki had been a marvelous house companion and had expressed her gratitude and joy, vocally and physically, for her week of residence at the mansion. Living as Ned’s night-time plaything was a treat but not Kiki’s desired life path. Ned had conceded to her wishes and now she would continue her journey of sexual exploration as a performer at the club. Despite...

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Mindcontrol Panties 09 Worshiping the Queen

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered the department store. By now, this sort of store was familiar to it. It had been in a similar place before. It moved, sliding between the shoppers, not noticed. It was so average. So nondescript. Nothing to be concerned about. Why give it a second glance? The figure trembled. It could feel the building ecstasy. Eight panties had gone out. Eight girls mind-controlled into new beings. The rush of meddling was almost orgasmic to the...

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Princess Diana and Alexander the GreatChapter 2 Meeting with the Queen

Princess Diana returned to Themyscira within 26 days after leaving Alexander's encampment. She was immediately allowed to appear before the Queen where she asked for a private audience. She did not want to discuss offering herself sexually to Alexander in open court. "Very well, Diana," Queen Hippolyta told her daughter, "Retire to your chambers and refresh yourself with a bath. I will join you there within the hour." "Very well, my Queen," Diana replied, bowed to her mother and left...

2 years ago
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Sex Club 1 Initiation

Introduction: I first noticed when I got the first hairs at the base of my cock around 10. By 13 I had pit hair, leg hair, and now at 14, I started getting facial hair. My mom only just this summer noticed, I guess because of the start of my mustache, and immediately took me to a doctor. Im fine but extremely early for 15, so I might not get much taller than 59 but damn do I have great muscle definition. And Id bet the biggest dick in my grade. Sex Club level 1 – Initiation It was the middle...

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Night with the Rodeo Queen

The state rodeo queen, Cassidy, was a high school classmate of mine, and we were good friends. We were active in many of the same things, mainly FFA and music. She was about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, red head. Up until a couple years ago, she was a little on the skinnier side with about medium C breasts, but the summer after graduation, she was up to small D’s, and now a year later, she filled out a pair of Wrangler jeans a lot fuller than I had seen before. She entered the arena with...

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The New King Using my Queen

My Father’s passing was a surprise to everyone; The royal family was the first to hear, with redundant hawks sent all over the nation to notify next of kin. The lineage has been passed on and I am the new king. My long afternoons spent studying our traditions and laws went from feeling like a boring waste of time to feeling like an opportunity to finally rule the way I wanted. My condolences are with the members of my family who knew him before his reign, but the rest knew he was a coward and...

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Carnival Queen

Carnival Queen Chapter 1 - 1 in a million My family owned the best beauty parlour in the district in mid America where I lived. It did hair, make up, tattoos, permanent make up, hair removal, nails, tanning and everything a good parlour should provide including botox, etc. It even had links to a cosmetic surgery for more structural changes. I was 17 and I had an older sister of 19, Samantha, and she was very excited right now. It was time for the town carnival and every year...

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Sex Club 1 Initiation

It was the middle of summer and the only escape from the Florida heat was the community pool, which was perfect because I loved to swim. And show off my body. The pool wasn't open yet, but I loved to get there early to be the first one in, and have the first ten minutes of the day to myself before it filled up to around 200 people. I leaned against the admissions building by the counter, waiting for the clock to hit 10. I was there way earlier than usual today and there was still 15...

1 year ago
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The Hit Men Meet the Demon Queen

The Hit Men Meet the Demon QueenBy Denuded Man-berriesIt is early evening and a man in his thirties is walking down a trail in the woods. He is wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a white t-shirt and combat boots. He is puffing a pipe full of cannibus and seems to be heading somewhere specific.He stops at a fork in the trail and sees a broken branch on a sapling, takes a breath, and looks around.Down the trail two men are coming from the other direction; one heavy set, the other thinner. They...

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Erotic City In the hive of the Queen

Harmony struggled to keep up with the long legged women, who had captured her. Afraid that she'd lose her balance and be trampled to death, she kept her eyes forward, but her mind was on Byron. Were they as rough with him? Where were they taking them? So many questions were floating around in her head; all without answers. They weaved in and out of various side streets that sparkled in the artificial light, until stopping at a set of diamond steps that led to the very castle that had originally...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Curse of the Gypsy Queen

Yes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy.  Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffy’s. BUT ALAS?. she isn’t really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE.  [email protected]          BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND THE CURSE OF THE GYPSY QUEEN                          ...

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Pramila Bhabhi Fuckfan Club 8211 Paying The Bills

What are the things you need to consider to call a woman, ‘A loyal Indian housewife’? The answer would be something like this. ‘She should have love only for her husband and no one else should attract her more than her husband.’ , ‘She should be with her husband through all thicks and thins of life.’, ‘Her main ambition in life is to take care of her house and her family and to make it flourish.’ There was a woman, who used to fit in this description of ‘a loyal Indian housewife’. Meet, Pramila...

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A married couple are interviewed for a very exclusive club 8211 one where the wives fuck around and the husbands sit back and watch

“So tell me, why do you want your wife to fuck other men?” Julie and Juan looked at me expectantly. My wife Sheila were sitting in their living room, all four of us relaxing with drinks in hand, while their kids slumbered upstairs. It was a suburban evening like any other, apart from the topic of conversation. I swallowed hard and said, “I have a small cock. I love my wife, and I realized that I can’t satisfy her by fucking her. I also realized that watching her have...

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Race Queen

RACE QUEENby TOXISThis is a mistake. I never should have taken their money but it was so much money. When was I going to make $1 million in one year ever again? I was so sure I was doing the right thing. Now look at me.Let me back up. Eighteen months ago, I was the newest partner in a major New York law firm, only 26 years old, one of the best and brightest. I was drop dead gorgeous but in a professional way. I knew it too knew. In college and law school, I kept getting offers to...

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Sex Club Stage 1 strip club

SEX CLUBStage 1 (Strip Club)Dave was a porn addict. He just couldn’t stop watching porn. He would watch it for up to five hours every evening. He was a 55 year old divorcee and had been living on his own for ten years. He wasn’t the most personable of men, he was slightly overweight and pretty shabbily dressed. His communication skills were not good. He knew all these things so he was content with an evening watching his favourite porn sites on his computer.He knew all the genres, all the...

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Wife exposed and fucked in Denver dance club

Introduction: The parts about Debbie wearing revealing clothes, flashing her panties, having her skirt lifter up her ass and it swirling above her cunt, her nipples being pushed out of her bra, having her cunt and ass humped on the dance floor, and being molested are true. She didnt fuck and suck in the club. She did dance in the cage. I chose the name Steve because my friend Steve cheated with Debbie and cuckolded me for two years. Bob operated a rafting business and Steve pimped her to his...

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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 6 Truck Stops Whore Fucking Club

***** Chapter 6 - Truck Stop's Whore Fucking Club After putting on the revealing pink outfit that my grandpa left for me on the bed, I waited in the family room office until he clocked out. I was so exhausted but I still had the thoughts of sex swirling around in my mind. I was also very curious where my grandpa wanted to take me dressed like this before he drops me off at my place. I heard him shout out my name from the security office lobby area. I walked towards his voice and sat on the...

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