Something Unlimited
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With power cables bigger around than her legs, I can see why she is worried.
“Riley, I’m not worried at all,” I told her as I rubbed her back. “I thought you knew that people like me enjoy pure bliss, and unnaturally strong climaxes, from playing with lightning. The bigger the storm, the better. Between us, I think this is more to test how much power this testing facility can draw in before it burns something out. I’ve never done this with generated electricity before. I have pulled all the energy from a tornado once.”
I saw Jill point to Riley, still with her arms and legs around my body trying to prevent them from wiring me into the electric chair. When I pointed to Riley and then gave her an Ok.
Yes, I am sure, Jill. I won’t let any harm come to her.
“Do you want to keep waiting for your body to decide it is ready to start puberty or do you want me to jump start it,” I asked her.
She was quiet, which was all that kept them from giving me the juice, for a few minutes before asking, like thirteen-year-old experiencing the wonder of something new, “You can do that? Paula shouldn’t be alive, and yet she is. Steve won’t tell anyone about it, neither will Jane or Anna, not that they talk to me as anything other than a scientist. If you can, then please do.”
Waving them off from starting this test, I carried through the hidden panels and doors that only those like me could open.
Molly had been watching in no matter how hard Steve and his people tried to keep her out.
Following the ultra-violet arrows, I came to a room where I had Riley get down. After spending fifteen minutes having her body purged of everything Molly didn’t want inside Riley, she drank as much of the highly concentrated concoctions Molly made sure were here, just in case. Once she couldn’t hold more in her stomach, I found that I knew how to put in an IV directly into the femoral vein on the inside of each of her inner thighs. Then I put a catheter inside her too.
“I find the feeling of needing to urinate undeniably uncomfortable. You’ve not told why you are altering my hypothalamus and possibly my pineal gland,” Riley said.
I just coiled up the tubes, carried the bottles, got her back in my arms, and carried her back to sit in my lap while I sat in the electric chair. Larger, gallon bags connected to the plastic IV poles bolted onto the sides of the chair, each connected to one of the IV lines I put into Riley’s and set to a full drip. Her catheter was hooked to possibly the highest capacity urine bag I have ever seen.
I held her to me tightly and said, “Welcome to my world Riley. Trust me, and you will experience wonders beyond comprehension.”
Before she quite realized that I made the muscles in her arms and legs lock in place around me, I got things going.
Looking into her brain, and Jill’s, I found where I could link to them both telepathically, but Jill could only hear it when I told Riley what I was doing. Once they both heard me say that I would keep them informed about things this way, to keep it between us, I opened the connection between Riley and me to go both ways.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give you longer to consider things, but I didn’t want you scared. You are completely safe. I’m going to help you better understand what all those like me experienced while lightning struck us multiple times. Next, I will take you through my first time in the power testing chamber. Finally, I will let you feel the shared bliss from when I held a girl like me, who was younger and just as undeveloped as you, in a big storm where we pulled in the lightning energy into us through iron veins under our feet,” I told her as I mentally kissed her forehead. “When you finally awaken, we will be in a whirlpool therapy tub because your body is going to hurt like nothing you’ve ever felt before. I’ll be there holding you.”
“Ok,” I heard her tell me.
As she slowly allowed herself to relax in my arms, I probed what they had wired to me. I was ecstatic to see that hidden away from view, that the man-in-the-machine had two molten salt reactors working to provide all the power the wiring here could handle. It was likewise powering this part of town and still only using five percent of the total energy capacity of one plant. The wires connected to the electric chair wasn’t standard copper wiring. I didn’t know what he made it out of, but I could tell that it wouldn’t melt if I pulled a powerful burst of energy that would be on par with a lightning bolt in voltage, but much less in amps.
That is still going to give her the idea.
After supercharging her hypothalamus to dump hormones into her body as fast her body could make them, I let her feel what I remember feeling when the first bolt of lightning passed through me that spring day in middle school. She screamed out as her brain caused her to feel the intense pain I experienced as the bolt ran through my body. Riley felt the sensations from every single bolt of lightning exactly how it happened to me.
I didn’t let her look around us to see someone changing out the big bottles connected to her IV lines or emptying the large urine bag, which was half full already. Even with the amount of power I was using, those around us were perfectly safe.
I’m sure not going to let her get a chance to feel the hard breast buds and the small mound of fatty tissue that her locked arms and legs are now pushing into my chest. Her first round of pubes had only grown just long enough to show she had begun getting them.
“Deep breaths Riley,” I told her as she tried to recover from the intensity of feeling what it was like having so many bolts of lightning course through her body. “That was the easy part.”
In my head, I suddenly knew every single test, the order, what energy was available to me back then, and all the nasty little hidden torture devices made into the chair in the new testing chamber. She was the only designer.
I kissed her on the lips, at least in our minds, before making sure Jill heard me tell Riley, “Now it is your turn to experience your creation.”
As the fear started to build, I put her to sleep, found some way to connect the big bottles for her IV over my shoulder, but I had her hand grip the urine bag. No one questioned my carrying her through the hidden passages to get to the new testing chamber. With some work, the technicians, and Jane came up with enough plastic IV poles to connect three of the big bottles to each of her IVs. We hooked her catheter tubing to a port inside the chair for that purpose. Some pantyhose like fabric went up to cover over where the IVs went into her legs. These were to keep them from pulling loose. The chair had places to thread the lines trough, with plenty of slack, too. Once strapped in, as they had done to me, I woke her up.
This time I kissed her forehead as I said, “I’ve never tried this before, but I expect that it will work. If not, the testing stops immediately. I’m not physically modifying your brain, exactly. Somehow, I know how to link us together so that your body behaved like you are one of us, not just feel it through me. Jane and Anna are on the earbuds in your ears. I’m in your head talking as we have been since we started the testing today. Only the four of us know that you aren’t a newly found person like me. They will follow the testing protocols you created to test the limits of those like me, but who can’t do all that I can.”
I told her to relax as I closed the top of the testing chair like it was now her coffin.
In the headset I was wearing, which I didn’t even notice someone placing on my head, I heard Anna saying, “I don’t ever want to find myself needing to go up against you, David. Seven of those like us scanned her top to bottom. Not one could tell that she is anything other than one like us. It even appears that she is halfway between red and green. Joe told me how Riley is working hard to learn how to pull in energy to get it to go green the first time, then keep it green as we run her through the initial pokes into the tender flesh of her budding breasts, asshole, under her arms, and belly button. Riley is screaming for the testing team to stop the pain, but you know how that is going to go. I don’t understand why you are doing this for her, but we will talk afterward.”
“I’m doing this to her, Anna. She made this chair and all the torment it gives to people like us to make us pulse. She is only fifteen, and I already feel she is going to be working here for a very long time,” I said back to Anna over the headset.
I let Riley scream and scream as Anna and Jane tried to talk her through what she needed to do before I joined in.
Blocking them out from her hearing them, I told Riley, “Concentrate hard to keep the place in your head green. When you have it, even with the pain, you must use the place in your head to see the negative energy the pain is causing to go to your brain.”
I waited for a long time before she asked me what to do now that she saw the way the power looked to her. I guided her through finding a source for something the opposite of the energy that is causing her pain. It didn’t have to be perfect, only close while she learned. Explaining to Riley the concept of calling that to her took longer than learning to keep the simulated place in her head green. I could feel her relax when she used some energy that was close enough to the negative energy to allow her to cancel out most of the pain. I could see there wasn’t another one that exactly matched it, but what she was using made the pain more like an itch.
Per the testing script, they increased the points on her body to cause her to need more and more energy to counteract the pain. Then she hit the limit of the sources allowed into the testing chamber. They continued to increase the pain points, but not the energy. She had plenty to keep the simulated place in her head green, but she also used it to fight the pain increasing. I let her struggle to the point where the simulated place in her head was orange.
“Focus and concentrate,” I told her. “Look for two different forms of energy which you can join to get what you need. You made these tests, so you know there are many forms of energy here now that can do this if you work to find them. None of it will matter if you don’t ignore the pain to get the place back to green Riley. You can do this.”
Well, she will have to if she doesn’t want to find out what it feels like to pulse the first time.
The pain continued to increase, and that was the driver she needed to find what she did know was there for her to use. Instantly, she canceled out the pain and had energy in reserve to keep fighting it as they added more and more pain points. She was doing very well in keeping the simulated place in her head green.
You are letting your guard down Riley. I can’t tell you, or it won’t be as effective. We all have had to learn this the hard way.
As they had most of her body pricked by the needles, they began pushing energy into her that caused pain many times more than the rounded points. She faltered immediately. The place was almost red by the time she could get her mind to check it. Her peers didn’t let up on her either. They continued to increase the additional pain energy going into her as she struggled to get the place in her head green, or at least yellow. At the same time, she frantically searched for a counter energy form for this new type of energy. What was close wasn’t enough to give much relief, and what she did get disappeared because they kept increasing what they sent in to hit on different places on her body. She worked hard and got herself green again, but only because she started grabbing lots of non-counteracting energy types to do her best to get something that worked. What she finally made work handled what she needed to counteract both pain energies, so they gave her another. It continued enough that she got overconfident. Then they cut off the sources she was pulling into her.
I will give it to her. She managed to last seven seconds before she lost the battle of trying to keep herself from pulsing.
I wanted to help Riley but knew I couldn’t. Not having been like me, she had no way to store the energy that the rest of us used that caused us to pulse. That didn’t mean anything. I just knew how much she would have pulled in and put that inside her so she could feel it blast out of her.
While she stayed passed out, they replaced the bottles of Molly’s magic goop with full ones. They had me outright vaporize the mess of shit in the testing chair all over it and her. I noticed that her body stayed filled with all the nutrients she required for her body to mature quickly, and keep her puberty hormones on high, except those which would cause her to have her period. That would be at least a year away. She awoke as I was gently running my fingers up over her, no longer bald, plump pussy, over her stomach, breasts, and then across her face.
“Time to get serious now, Riley. You know the drill, you wrote it. I’m proud of you for not just giving up because you aren’t like one of us,” I told her as I gave her the first kiss on her lips from a boy, according to her memories.
I closed the chair back around her and told the technicians she was ready to continue.
Unlike the slow progress Riley had documented, they jumped ahead to where she would pulse at the lowest maximum value of any tested in any of these chambers.
I gave her suggestions on how to get the energy types she needed to stop the, now, excruciating pain she felt as soon as she managed to counteract the last one.
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After being best friends for 3 years the transition to being a couple was turning out to be the most fun Matt and Mia had ever experienced. Being virgins, they both had their own ideas and fantasies of what their first sexual encounter together would be like. Mia knew she wanted it to be totally spontaneous and full of passion but she had no idea if Matt was planning a rose petals on the bed special, full of meaning and tenderness or a beginners bondage experiment full of dominance and...
First TimeSex with no limits I plunged my dick with a single blow. How delicious it felt to introduce my dick into that marvelous asshole, then experience all kind of sensation as a vacuum is created withing her anus. Well, buddies, it caused my penis to get sucked from inside, gripped, while my balls bumped against her ass cheeks. No way, I had nothing more left but to begin to pock until I felt my balls touching her asscheeks!! I suppose there are many instances in a man's life when he has...
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Pushing them to the limits.You might think what a strange heading for a story, but this will become clear during this story. When I started to put this story on paper, I didn't think it would become a long story. But it turned out to be a quit long story. I will split it up into chapters, but I can't wait to tell you how I pushed these young women to their limits...Let me tell you about myself. I'm an ordinary guy, in my 50's and married. We have no k**s, and still enjoying each other in every...
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Wife LoversI'd been working there for a year or so when Heather was hired. The company was growing fast and she, and earlier I, were among a number of new web developers we brought on. I was more into the coding side of the job and she was an accomplished graphic artist though we both shared some abilities in the other's strengths. I'll have to admit, Heather was not a stunning beauty and she didn't particularly catch my attention at first. At maybe 5 foot 4, she was quite slender, with medium length...
Slowly he unbuttoned her blouse. He stood behind her and she could feel his body pressed against hers. When he finished the last button, her shirt dropped to the floor and she thought he would quickly undo her bra so he could get his hands on her breasts. But he didn’t. To her surprise he moved her hair and slowly kissed her throat and her neck and her ear. Shivers went up and down her spine and she moaned softly. He continued to kiss her neck and her back and down her arms. With his fingers,...
Chinese. Brown hiligts5'-4"Skinny and dicate frameSize 0Perky titties Has only dated white or native Cock worshiper So where were we?Less than 4 hours after discussing it seriously and 10 min since she met the young man from Craigslist, she is kneeling between his legs while he is sat back relaxed on our sofa. I have watched the closer up camera footage so many times of this that i almlost forgot my view of the situation. She only licked his long, straight cock once from bottom up after...
Submission Knows No Limits By Katey Caine i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...
Hi, I am the regular reader of ISS. Mein kafi din se soch raha tha ki mein bhi apni story likhu to aaj mein aapko aapni story bata raha hoon. Mera naam rahul hai. Mein job karta hoon. Jab mein college mein tha to meri kafi girl friends thi. Jab mein 2nd year mein tha to meri friendship SIMRAN naam ki ladki se hui. Who itni sexy nahin thi but apne apko maintain karke rakhti thi. Who jab taayar hoti thi muje dikhane ke liye to sex bomb lagti thi. Jab mein usko first time date pe leke gaya to...
"This is the back for entry, the real view is on the other side." William Frazier met them at the door looking as though he was ready to board a yacht. "Come in. Shay we've waited too long to invite you to our home. Kent take her bag and I'll show her around. Kent was gone for a little while, Shay thinking he probably needed Curtis to drive him to the other side of the house. Mr. Frazier led her through room after room. A formal dining room that could seat 20 or more, sitting rooms and a...
This is the story of love, the only feeling that discriminates no one. It can bring strangers to intimacy or may convert siblings into lovers. It knows no limits. Author’s Note:This is the first part of my novella, “And so, she cummed”. It portrays Romance as the prevailing theme. _________________________________________________________ Cast of Characters:Major Characters:Bianca Floris: Protagonist.Raymond Peter Evans: Viewpoint character and Bianca’s boyfriend.Veronica...
LoveAs Sarah moved through the house her thoughts dreamily shifted, she hoped that the club would be hopping with guys later on tonight, after she met with Jess of course. Maybe she would be lucky enough to even find one who might go back to a hotel room with her for the night for some blow, a good time, and an easy fuck,…and then she frowned. She remembered her last attempt at bringing a guy to a hotel room for the night, the little fuck had said she was disgusting, and nasty looking,...
After staring at the one on her wrist she looked at the cross on her finger, the clover inside her arm by her elbow and the dragonfly that was paid for by her first gang rape. For a few moments it was hard to breath. Her very quickly planned decision to run away so far had gone pretty well, one puzzle piece at a time. She thought about the dragonfly she had wanted. Like many mothers and daughters she felt like her mother was too strict and was constantly changing the rules when she would...
blackmailing the cumslut We met online.? She responded to a request for comments about a story I?d posted to a website she frequents.? She expressed an interest in many of the fantasies I enjoy?bondage, enslavement, collaring, modification, and humiliation.? She seemed young and na?ve in some ways, yet curious and sexually aware in others.? Her name was Irene, but that name would not be hers for long. Many emails pass back and forth and I quickly became infatuated with the Korean, UCLA c...
Ki Jung finds the tea house without trouble. She enjoys herself more than she expected she would. Ki Jung meets several people around her own age range, learns to play Majong, enjoys some tea, and engages in some interesting discussions. The evening at the tea house is the first of many. The weekly trips to the tea house raised her spirits. It feels good to interact with others her own age. She even allows herself to be led to a semi-secluded area where she engaged in some good old fashioned...
It was Violet Parr's 18th birthday, and she had no intention of letting her day be a boring, work filled drag. Instead she came up with the most scandalous plan for making her 18th the most remember-able. At least to superhero standards. You see, Violet wasn't part of a normal family; as much as she had dreamt, she was part of a family of superheros. Her father was the famously strong Mr. Incredible, her mother was Elasta Girl, and her two brothers were Dash and Jack-Jack. They were all endowed...
I got to the coffee shop at 8:50am. She was running late and had called me. I thought, not good for her. She showed up at 9:12am. She sat down and I looked at my watch "You know, you will pay for being late young lady." "Yes sir." "I'm really sorry, but.." I held up my hand "I'm not to hear any excuses, do you understand?" She held her head down and simply said "yes, sir." "I've ordered for you." "They weren't going to put the order in until you showed up." "Did you do...
She knew better than to move, knew that if her hands wandered, she would be punished. He had ordered her to keep her hands where they were, above her head. He was not kind enough to restrain her—to keep her from moving. He wanted her to break, to disobey. His eyes told her to misbehave, that he needed to earn her submission. She whimpered as his fingers moved deeper, rougher. She wanted everything. She arched against his touch as his fingertips drew out a high-pitched whine from her throat....
Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...