292 katies story pt2
- 2 years ago
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The room fills with their pheromones, and yet none could maintain their arousal if they tried to act on their lust. I’m not here to fuck them, and we all know it.
Melinda and Rain refused to allow me to dress. They needed skin on skin contact with me. Many did things to them against their will. Others were permitted to do something to them in exchange for what they needed to remain alive. Each came to peace with those things already. It was the things they did with their abilities that weighed heavily on their hearts. Now that they knew they were not alone in doing what was needed to survive, they found comfort in my arms that escaped them all these years.
The only times the two were not clinging to me like baby monkeys were when eating or using the bathroom.
Zander did something that made thick metal panels slid up behind the blinds on the windows. He told me that they had some sort of custom optics and other things his dad never got to show him. It was made it like they were just windows looking into the building. Any entry into the building, including fresh air vents, now had thick steel places over them. The fresh air ones were already well hidden around parts of the building, but at this level of lockdown, each had two screens blocking entry. If the system detected anything unwanted in the fresh air coming in, it closed off all outside air intakes. The system redirects all circulated air through a high-end scrubber unit that removes CO2 and generates oxygen from water. The air even passes through an ultraviolet light tunnel to try to kill off anything that the system missed. Hydrogen from the electrolysis process used to extract oxygen went into tanks underground, and away from the buildings, for a fuel source if needed. Given that there was a binary geothermal plant integrated for power here, they shouldn’t need it.
That explains the infinite hot water.
We soon heard the buzzers in the kitchen and headed that way. Melinda and Rain weren’t letting go of me and didn’t seem to mind everyone seeing their naked bodies. As we ate, I found that many of them preferred to be nude, so I asked why.
“The feeling of freedom it gives us is so liberating now that we are where it is safe to shed our clothing,” Taren said. “By necessity, we had to keep our guard up at all times. When we showered or bathed, only a few could be naked at one time. They always had to hurry to dress again. Normally our washing focused on removing built-up bodily waste, as you helped do for Taylor and Petra. We all wash each other to go as fast as we can. Once inside the edge of the ring of the woman’s power, we found some places where we were safe. We all liked being back to bathe, even if in cold water, and then allow our bodies to dry off naturally. In the last few months, we haven’t been able to do that. Rain will tell you faster than I can.”
Through my link to Rain’s brain, she used her telepathy to tell me something had changed, and none of them know what or why. When the lady pulled them inside the ring of her powers, she controlled the crazies enough that they brought the kids food, but only brought unusable clothing found in the trash somewhere. Occasionally they came to find apartments and condos where the people had left so quickly that they didn’t take all the children’s clothes. That was a rare find because those homes were where the twenty-something lived that didn’t have children. Of the few shops that the woman’s power would let them enter, they only found baby clothes. One did have places for underwear and things to fit them, but it seemed that the crazies had taken all the kid and adult clothes. Oddly they left the shoes and socks.
Some recent changes brought people unaffected by the woman’s power or those who she controlled at first, but they fought her out of their minds. Some sounded a lot like seekers tuned to find the talents of some of the kids here, even if they didn’t know they had them. They would feel them getting close and wait until the seekers managed to get into the building where they were hiding. Small groups would split up into different parts of the same floor to see where the seeker headed. When close to the seeker’s target, the others would find whatever they could to attack the seeker so others could escape. Everything was non-lethal, but some they used was strong enough to throw a grown adult male into a wall and cause them to become disoriented.
As Rain showed me this, the others were eating down everything that Zander and a girl put in front of them. The food for the two girls and I went where the girls could feed themselves and me, so they didn’t have to let go of me. I rubbed their backs and butts as we ate. The food was plentiful, and everyone had enough to sate their hunger, but not get sick from overeating too fast. Everyone slow grazed until the food Zander made was gone.
A boy named Tommy came over to me, pointed to the big bag I had carried in, that I know wasn’t where I had left it, and asked, “So Santa, what is in the bag?”
“A good question. If these sleepy girls barely holding onto me will allow me to get up on my own, I will hand out your presents. From the names of you that I know already, these must be for you. I didn’t do this myself. Someone reached out to me to tell me exactly where to go and what to do. Only after all was prepared did I encounter the woman trapped in granite,” I told them. “Every one of you has dirty hands, so go wash while I get it over here. You don’t want anything on your presents.”
Rain couldn’t read what I was thinking, but at the idea of me having something specifically for them, without me even knowing them, had them going to wash their hands too.
I know these aren’t the pouches I put everything in, and their names aren’t in my handwriting. Do they feel heavier too? What did those Elves do when I was off releasing the woman from her prison?
There were nineteen pouches. I handed out to the ones where I knew their names. The others I had to call to find them. They all seemed to understand they were to wait until told to do anything.
“Open your pouches very carefully and empty the contents onto the table,” I told them and heard gasps. “The money, precious metals, and gemstones are worth a lot. I don’t know the local currency value, but gold, silver, and jewels always have value. They are merely a way for you to provide for yourself and keep you safe. What you want to open is the envelope. I didn’t read all the papers, only what I needed to sort them into the correct pile. Each of you has copies of your parents and your birth certificates plus the death certificates for your parents. While they may be a bit out of date, you also have a school ID card and some sort of ID card from the government. From what I remember and how you look now, some of these were from a year or two ago. Of the few papers I did read through, it looks like each of your families had a lot of properties, businesses, and wealth. As orphans, your parent’s wills specified that you inherited all they had at the time of their death, whenever you were able to come across these documents. I know at least Zander’s had a list of properties put in his father’s and his name. The bank where I put these bundles together already provided notarized, office copies of the government documents that officially transferred your family assets into your name. I can only guess that the dates on those forms went into the safety deposit boxes after the woman’s power made everyone flee. Probably the same for your ID cards.”
At the bottom of the leather bag, I found another smaller heavy pouch. Inside I found shrink-wrapped bundles with a cell phone and charger. My implant instantly got a ping from each of them at once, directly. The signal didn’t go to my phone first. It went from the implant to my phone.
I know these are from the man-in-the-machine or at least made by him. These most definitely were not in the bag I left with from the bank.
Each phone lit up with a name, so I went around handing them out as I said, “Please don’t lose these and keep them safe at all times. It isn’t that you won’t magically find another appearing for you completely out of the blue if you do lose it. These are special phones. Most of the time, you will get a normal, though sometimes crappy, cell signal like a normal cell phone. Where these differ is that you will always have a signal, anywhere except somewhere deep in the earth without any power or other electronics. I can’t tell you more than that, or it will put you at risk of worse than the seekers of the lady in the rock. I’m sure that if you check the address book, you will find the phone numbers for all the others, with pictures, as well as contact details for the only people you will want to talk to about the packets of papers. Those will also have pictures of not only that person, but their families. For obvious reasons, my number is not there in your phones. Dialing 911 will always instantly connect you to emergency services vastly superior to any in the world. They also won’t arrest you if you call because you are lonely, confused, or just need something to talk to other than your friends. I doubt if there is any question, well other than ones like if there is a god, that they can’t answer. Now shit happens. Don’t freak out if you lose your phone, or worse, someone stalks you and steals it. Nothing they can do will get them access to any data on the phone, and attempting to do so will go badly for them.”
Right on cue, my phone rang, scaring the shit out of Rain and Melinda walking on either side of me. It told me to go open the door to the outside. I didn’t need to do anything to have all of Zander’s defenses neutralized and the electronic lock mechanism release without even touching it. I did have to pull the door open for the invaders of the non-living humanoid variety. Many androids rushed in, carrying crates of stuff as quickly as they could get through the doors. When the last one closed the door behind them, the lock-out security measures re-engaged.
“They are friends, but only appear human to any who attempt to examine them,” I explained. “I don’t know what they have or why they are here. If you trust me, then you can trust them. I can’t promise what they are here to do isn’t going to hurt a bit. I do know they are only going to do what is best for you. Walk over to them when you are ready.”
Olen and Yee came over and took one of my hands as they walked over to the androids.
Each took the hand offered to them by the nearest android.
Unlike any medical exam I’ve had in my life, the android pulled them into their lap with the kid’s back against their chest. Feeling some concern from Yee, I went over to be close to her if she freaked out or just needed me.
The android holding her lovingly, reclined back so that Yee was lying flat before softly explaining that the androids on either side were going to gently wrap soft bands of cloth to hold her legs to the robot holding her. It allowed the robot to position and move Yee’s body for the robots which were going to examine her needed. After her legs were bound to the robot, but with Yee easily able to get her legs free, had Yee’s knees spread open widely to allow a purpose-built robot, from one of the crates, to move in to do its work.
“I need to gently open you up so the machine can do its designated task. I’m sorry for the slight pinches around between your legs. It is for your comfort. A spinal block is too risky without knowing the full status of your body,” the android told Yee.
Four small jet injectors pushed from the back abover her butt around to the front above her V. Three sets of a synchronized series of pressurized pops injected whatever it was they were putting down there. The machine pulled the injectors away, put them back into a section of the robot, and it moved away.
The android moved to sit back up with Yee cradled against her, gently stroking her hair, as she said, “A fast-acting topical anesthetic was applied by the injectors to make it as painless as possible. Now just relax and let the anesthetic work.”
Yee looked over where the machine moved over to Oren. It had the pads around his dick, balls, and around his butthole.
She saw him clenching up and said, “It won’t hurt Oren. Just some fast pushes under what they are pushing against you.”
Sorry Yee, but that isn’t why he tensed up.
The robot put its fingers around his dick to keep it out of the way. There were four sets of synchronized injections for him. The android kept holding it and his balls until his boner went away. The robot doing the injections was already getting in place to numb up Petra.
I turned back to Yee when the android holding her said, “We are going to open you back up again like before, but there will be a sheet draped over our legs so that you won’t see all we must do as part of your exam. If you wish to watch, we will not use the sheet. From this angle, you will not see much.”
Yee opted for the sheet, Oren didn’t.
Two androids came over pushing another small, custom-made robot, the same as for Oren. Yee watched the android guiding the robot to where it began threading some sort of tube into Oren’s dick. A port on the side connected to where it drained off into a jar. Once it entered his bladder, the urine rushed out to be collected. The tube was clear, and Yee got to see a tiny camera going up into the tubing and then down past the purple helmet. Looking down between her legs, I noticed that the machine already finished checking her bladder and maybe her kidneys. She had a larger tube, slightly stretching her cherry open, that had multiple tools inside her. I could see slight movements under the skin where her immature uterus should be. It continued to do its work as the place in my head showed me that the one inside Oren had microscale cameras that went into his tiny prostate to thread down into his testicles. I didn’t see any signs of his balls started puberty. The tube slid out of him at the same time as the Yee’s came out of her.
Yee’s android told her how the androids were very happy that Yee didn’t feel any of the exam of her bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pussy. Oren’s android explained what it had done as well.
Nice distraction.
As the two androids talked to the kids, the robots between their legs changed out. Numb all around between their legs, they didn’t feel the machine molding a plastic shield that covered everywhere from just above their pubic bone to the top of their butt crack. In the center was a port lined up directly over their buttholes. Once connected to the port, the robot used a small appendage to coat their buttholes with lubricant liberally. Neither child felt the tube, the diameter of an American quarter, slip easily through their butthole. Various tools began entering through it. The place in my head showed me that at the front of the thing inside had tiny ports spraying more anesthetic onto the walls of her bowels as it moved up toward their stomachs. I watched it snake to just below where the food we ate here was digesting.
Unlike the one I had seen before, a new tool slipped in that detected parasites. Yee had multiple types of tape and roundworms inside her.
Those don’t look very big. Were those also kept dormant by the woman’s powers?
Whenever the machine encountered a parasite, it used microscopic tools and cameras to zap it, to kill it, and then ensure the parasite got entirely removed from the walls of her intestines. Yee watched the machine working on Oren. Neither showed any signs of discomfort. That one pulled out of their butts once it finished washing them out as it retracted from inside them.
“We need to take some blood now. Since you are already numb between your legs, we will take it from a vein there to not cause you discomfort or nausea at the sight of blood,” the android told Yee.
Like magic, a needle threaded into a vein in their groin and their blood collected. It applied pressure to stop the bleeding and sprayed on a form of liquid bandage to keep it sealed up.
“We now need to scan your body from head to toe. I will help you stand so the machines can do this quickly,” the android told Yee.
A large machine came in that used different appendages to scan her from head to toe first, with the android lifting Yee took care of the task for her feet. It then did both legs to her crotch between altering the shape of the scanner to scan from just below one butt cheek, over her entire groin and lower abdomen, and end below the opposite butt cheek. It then did from her shoulder down over her hand.
The android when back to cradling Yee as she found that Yee liked her arms, stomach, and undeveloped chest rubbed to soothe her.
“Yee,” the android said. “This will not be fun for you at all. The scans show you have multiple cavities, and you need braces. With your permission, we would like to put you to sleep for a short time so we can clean your teeth, fix your cavities, and put on the brackets for your braces. I will hold you the entire time as I monitor your vital signs very closely.”
Since Oren already had a robot dentist working in his mouth, Yee agreed. Seconds after an IV went in her arm that Yee was asleep.
The scans taken were 3D. Instead of doing one tooth at a time, a 3D printer had made a mouthpiece from the top and one for the bottom of her mouth. Small robots like those used inside Paula to do some repairs went to work, removing plaque, polishing her teeth, drilling out decay, and then filling in the cavities. Instead of what dentists had available to use, it was a mixture like that used to fill in the gaps in Paula’s broken bones, but this had something to encourage the dentine to fill the spaces inside removed due to decay. Outside, a synthetic element replaced the decayed enamel.
Quickly they prepared the site for each bracket for her braces. All the mouthpieces came out, any debris left in her mouth removed, and brackets quickly cemented into place.
I wish I had something like this for when I had cavities when still a little kid.
Maybe fifteen minutes after putting her to sleep, something went into her IV to neutralize the sedative. I can only guess they gave her caffeine, or some other stimulant, in her IV because she was awake and fully alert in a few minutes.
Once the android had Yee sitting up in its lap, she reached to take a medicine cup from the table, handed it to Yee, and said, “We cannot process taste, only prepare some flavoring based on known substances. It contains mild pain killers to help with the pain in your mouth from your dental work. Others are for you to take containing the specific amounts of vitamins and minerals to counteract your deficiencies, medicines to remove any parasites our tools missed, plus a lot of electrolytes. Do not worry if you have a watery bowel movement a short time from now or don’t have a bowel movement for a few days. Expect either or both. They are the side effects of the procedures we performed inside you. When you feel ready, I can help you stand and protect you from falling as we go to get you some stew created to give your body the nutrition you require to ensure your body recovers properly.”
I had her on one side and Oren on the other as we all ate the amazing stew the androids brought to us. Both got many small portions over the next two hours to keep them from eating too quickly and getting sick. As the kids ate, the androids completed packing and departed, the androids that remained went around using jet injectors to vaccinate each kid based on the results of their blood test. Some needed only a few. Others required them all. Everyone, except me, of course, got a tetanus booster whether they needed it or not. None complained one bit about the shots.
It had been a long day for everyone. Zander showed us to the large adjoining rooms filled with beds. Each had a bunch of equipment beside it that I know the androids didn’t bring in.
“These machines are used to do various studies on people as they rest or sleep. It is up to you if you don’t want to have yourself connected to the machines, but our android nurses asked us to please let them connect us up. They want to keep a close eye on us and collect data to analyze. While they have a lot of data on humans from zero to one-hundred-one, very little exists for those like us,” Zander said as the Androids connected sensor pads in the places like he was getting a sleep study. Then they fit something that went down to cover his dick and balls. I saw Taylor having a small, flexible probe into her pussy and another that, somehow, stayed in place over her clit without anything more than some sort of gel. Oren and Yee didn’t get to decide if they wanted the sensors monitoring them. Both were rag dolls from exhaustion.
Melinda came over to get into bed with me, and then Rain got in on the other side. Both wired up with sensors.
Before Rain could figure out how to get me to reconnect her to mind to speak with her telepathically, Melinda asked why I didn’t have to go through all they did or wired up.
“I can’t tell you much about, it but let me just say that I had sensors from head to toe, inside and out, for months,” I explained. “These androids have enough data on me. The part of what makes me special means that I don’t get sick anymore or have any needs to go to a dentist ever again.”
To Rain, I whispered, “I know you speak without trouble. You can just ask instead of having to find a way to get me to notice that you want me to connect with you telepathically. It is kind of rude to just intrude into people’s minds uninvited. You need to only reach out to others when it is an emergency. You already know people exist to seek those with unique abilities to sell to governments and research labs to figure out how they work. You don’t have to worry about the link I made to you. It is like your telepathy, but different in ways that hide it from detection.
When the girls figured out how to sleep with their heads on my chest, and hands pulled to their butts, that didn’t make the sensors bother them, they began down the path I knew was coming. I could feel them being at the peak of fertility for this month. For the first time, I also saw how I had a sort of link going out to each of the kids. Even the youngest of them wanted to be close to me, cuddle me, and use whatever of their bodies that they could to get me off repeatedly. Anytime I broke a link, it came right back, stronger than before. Fortunately, only Melinda, Rain, Petra, and Taylor were still awake. Petra already went to her happy place. She was waiting on Taylor to get to hers before they both went to sleep.
I’m not having sex with these girls. They will get pregnant if I do.
Not knowing exactly how I did it, I found that I had pulled three of us into a place like Yuri’s pocket of space out of time, but this one was only in our minds. Our bodies were still in the regular-speed time. It was clear to me that the link between the three of us had shielding to keep it from the sensors, which they weren’t wearing in the meadow beside the lake.
Knowing what they wanted to do, we got down to business. Over the days and weeks here, I used all the sexual knowledge I had to pleasure their bodies and give them the most prolonged, powerful orgasms they couldn’t ever have outside of this place. All went well until the inevitable. Both conceived the first time we had sex, and they found they were both four weeks late for their period. Instead of getting time to worry about it, we jumped ahead to them being close to time to deliver. Knowledge downloaded into my head showed me how to birth each set of triplets, going back and forth since there was a delay between their being ready to have their next one. We didn’t have any need for food here, but we also didn’t have any diapers. After the first two weeks, the meadow around the field changed. Slowly it turned in to the place they fled. We still had no way to get diapers or clothes, but there were plenty of crazies trying to get to us and the babies. We managed to grab two babies each and flee to a new place for a while, and then I wasn’t there with them anymore.
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Is that such a bad thing? Would these elite kids keep caring about their partner being ready to fuck and ensuring both get to cum at least once? Faith worked it out with April. In exchange for letting April put herself into a sugar coma, Faith could babysit her. Ellen wanted to go to the kid’s dinner and dance. Dee and Tee were going too. On the other hand, I went to the dinner and dance for sixteen to twenty-one-year-olds. Both dances were like the ones I remembered from previous years. As...
Did she want to do this or was she pulled down here by her mom and sister to get her so horny she would give me her virginity? I could tell right off that now her sister and mom were gone that she was incredibly nervous while still being very horny. The way she was squirming around I was pretty sure she wanted to feel what the others had felt. I didn’t want to let her do more than she was comfortable with so I took the tension away the best way I could. “It seems your mom and sister are...
How long have they been held by those people transporting them? The only difference between how the twins looked when they came out of the showers was the towel around the girl’s head. I checked both out. The girl had a nice set of firm breasts, each about the size of half baseballs and her pussy juices already making the inside her of thighs shiny. Her brother was sporting a boner about six inches long and a bit thicker than mine. Neither of them seemed to care that they were there naked in...
It isn’t what she is expecting. I had Tiffany sitting naked in the empty tub when her dad brought in a glass 1000cc enema syringe with three feet of tubing made to fit on the tip. Her eyes went even wider when she saw it. Her mom popped in with three douche bottles and said, “Who knows what else she has been sticking in there. Then we have the issue that she and her brother are trying to see who can go the longest between showering before someone takes them out back, strips them, and hoses...
Many years ago, in the days of Prodigy chat, you could go to chat rooms related to the state you lived in. I had been hanging out in the chat room of the state I lived in and had met a number of people on it - both in person and just to chat online. My wife was aware of most of the people I chatted with and would sometimes sit with me while I chatted. One person I began chatting with was a woman by the name of Amie. Amie lived about 35 miles from us and was a 38 year old single mom....
Eric wasn’t used to all the walking and exercise I put him through as we explored parts of the local wilderness. When we returned from the jaunt, Eric and Nicole broke into the beer he bought. I was satisfied with my whiskey and cola. After the kids were in bed, Eric asked if he could go into the spa and relax. Nicole and I joined him and put on some great CDs from the 80s and early 90s rock. It made for a very comfortable atmosphere. Nicole sat in between Eric and me in the spa. She...
Introduction: Wife and I have our first non-family threesome with my best friend I just experienced the most amazing week of my life! My best friend, Eric, came to visit me for four days. He looks very similar to me, and was mistaken as my brother by those who didnt know. My wife, the one who has bore two of her fathers children, has always been reserved about sex with anyone else outside the family, but this past week was a major step away from that trend. Eric wasnt used to all the walking...
Hi dear ISS voracious readers, This is my first sex story I am gonna present u, not my first sex…lol… I am a doctor, my name is shoban babu, 29 years, well built, muscular, fair complexion boy, I am from Tamilnadu, Salem district, this Is a real story, while I was pursuing a job in Bangalore private hospital, it is a Christian institution… I worked in medicine department, on the first day of joining I visited the medical department HOD, asst professors and staffs in the ward and finally went...
She answered so fast that it took a second before I said, “I don’t need help, but Emily is sounding like she is going to barf all over the place any second now.” I hope they make it time. They made it in time to make sure she didn’t suffocate in her vomit, but that did nothing to stop me from almost puking myself as I heard her from just a few feet away. Man, she is throwing up a lot. How can she have that much in her stomach? Emily had finally stopped the dry heaves and then told the...
The last thing I remember the fuckers have me tied down and hooked to an electric fence so the evil people could shock me as leverage to make Paula spill the beans. As I awoke, I found myself restrained. No longer filtering out the light, I couldn’t even open my eyes. I don’t even have the energy reserves to filter out the light. I may be naked and strapped down, but at least I am not I a hospital, again. Taking a deep breath, I concentrated hard on the place in my head. It was off now, and...
When someone came around to wake me up, I was still able to see the girl like me just by finding the egg I fertilized growing inside her. One thing I found about having this thing in my head was that I always felt full of energy and ready to go even if I just went to sleep. We could not have been asleep very long. When I found my jeans and boxers, they were still really wet, so I just got on my shorts. Even though everyone worried about bugs and sunburn, many of us decided we would risk it...
"So are you going to swim some more or do you want to go hang out together in the teen lounge," I asked a girl that I just remembered had been there with me a lot when I was off in one of my hiding places. She had pulled me down to the girl's locker rooms at least twice a week after gym class to shower near her. I think it was more to give her comfort to have someone else not showing any development there when the other girls teased her still having a little girl's body. She blushed and...
As the girl with the huge tits tapped her way out of my room, I headed off to get something to eat. In the cafeteria I could hear a few kids in here eating, but it wasn’t as many I would have suspected if my floor had a group counselling session soon. I stuffed myself again and still no one had come to tell me to come back to the go to the session. When I was almost back to where I would have to surrender my pajamas, if I got them dirty, a nurse came to get me to take me to see a...
“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...
Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...
Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...
Is there a plan here? What exactly are we doing with Ariel anyway? After double-checking that Molly was buckled well into her five point harness I got on the I-95. We had about an hour before sunrise and Molly shot me a message that there were no police scheduled to be on the interstate between here and Fayetteville due to shift change. We have about three hours before we would see any cops. We should put as much distance behind us as we could in that time. I started wondering if there was...
I guess there is a good side to screwing a girl so much she is too sore to have sex. Well that is if they come cuddle up like you are the most important person in the world, or at least in the room. Shawna had dozed back off by the time Sue came out of the bedroom. As soon as she saw all the stuff from her house her eyes went wide. She looked over at me and then really started to panic since I was still dressed from when her parents had come to the door. “I have no idea which of the girls...
So, with this herbal pill Molly gave me I will feel good, but I won’t cum or get hard. Will that actually still stop me from attracting girls who might be interested in having sex with me? After packing up we checked out before hearing from the airbase toward the Budweiser Brewery. Molly wanted to do the tour before we got back on the road. I was surprised when they didn’t bat an eye at us taking the tour without any adults chaperoning us. They even offered us small samples of the various...
Jon and Jan? Steve let them out into a storm like this already? Was it a test to see if they could handle it? Maybe control the storm? I didn’t remember going to sleep but I woke up to a pair of little hands around my morning wood. I noticed Cassie was sitting on my bladder holding my boner in her little hands. All the kids that had come in the room last night were sitting on the bed looking at the monster in the little girl’s hand. “Hey Cassie, can you let me get up to go pee so it will...
Today I headed to Annie’s dojo. It had been so long since my last visit here that I forgot to focus on not making mistakes as I went through my katas. Annie reminded me when she came over to appear to be helping me with my form. After karate we headed over to Annie’s house. I expected to sleep over as we had done before summer break. “David, I really need you right now, but I can’t. Not for a few months at least. I was stupid and went alone to a party where someone drugged me. Even drugged...
I think she liked me barging in on her. These beds are even better than I had imagined. Sara got permission to stay the night with Yui, so to hang out in the bunk bed together, so I headed back to Hinata’s house. When I started to head to the room where I slept, I got a good look at the adults that were here. Hinata’s mom glowed and would soon find she conceived last night. The aunts and uncles were equally showing they had quite enjoyed their time not having their older children hanging...
Yeah, I threw her under the bus. I did need to get back home. Dad texted to say we had a meeting with the school board in three days. While everyone was distracted, I went to get my clothes from downstairs and quickly got everything out into the car. I gave everyone, even the girls that were visiting and still naked, a big hug before getting on the road without them delaying me leaving. By not needing to stop for sleep and using a new navigation app, which marked every form of law...
I wouldn’t have thought about going to such great lengths, but I’m also not an adult whose consciousness transferred into a mainframe. After Elena, Molly, and “David” departed, and Mr. Smith just vanished without anyone seeing him leave, the elder requested I come to his quarters for a private meeting. “Darren, I see you have met some powerful allies. How it is that you, Mr. Smith, and that child David all have a similar appearance is beyond me. Your parents would be proud of you,” the...
It is time to see what mess that Amelia got herself into now. In the woman’s outer office, before we went into her private office for the briefing, she said, “That was interesting. I knew you were very skilled and fast, but I didn’t understand how fast. You taking down one of our elite security teams, there to be the first line of defense against intruders, without harming them, is incredible. I am going to thoroughly enjoy my colleagues questioning your value to our agency as a resource....
You don’t even know that I sense them now, and I’m not going to tell you. I knew now why Elena decided we needed to take the long walk around the perimeter now. All three sets of triplets were together in the big nursery with the other toddlers and young children. Paula was here too, playing with the children in the play area like a child without any siblings. When we finally made it to the resort building with the nursery, Elena didn’t get to tell me that my nonuplets were here. April beat...
I liked the food and services here, but it is less stressful at home. After running the bionic twins around the perimeter of the resort, until they were on their backup batteries, I speed fucked their pussies raw, got a shower, grabbed my bags, and went to get April and my siblings. All three conked out before I made it onto the main road going to the interstate. When we got home, they were well-rested. After lunch and a change, Molly, Dolly, and Chrissie took them into the pool to swim. I...
It looks like you got it wrong. Can we afford to have mental health staff that assumes something a patient said, no matter how incredible or unbelievable, didn’t happen? The person “talking” with Molly came out and asked me to speak with him privately. “Use the app. It is on my phone, and I will be in your contacts on your device. I’m sure Molly put me there the first time she sent you a message over her app,” I told him. I see that answers one question you have. “I saw the popup message...
That was a cold shower for him. I need to go find Bart anyway. This guy’s sister got off his lap, and I saw him being dragged from the restaurant by a group of girls that looked like they were sisters or cousins. More than one of his brothers and cousins sighed in relief. “David,” one of the boys in his family whispered to me. “If only you would let me, I would suck your dick. I think most of the boys and men in my large family would too. Girls in our family don’t get raped, but the guys...
Staff meeting. “April, sweety, go on over to one of the other pools. Don’t take your suit off unless you need to potty or aren’t going to swim anymore today. Go swimming at the pool in front of my building with Bart, his new girlfriend, Bambi, Tee, and Dee. I’m busy right now, ok,” I told her. April said, “Bye, Day-id. Tee and Dee want to play with me.” I went to the side of the pool to tell the women, “Get what used to be your suits, wrap up in a towel, and come back over where everyone...
Who is this arriving like they are looking to make a quick deal and flee before I notice I’ve gotten screwed? A Mercedes SUV pulled up like they owned the place. Out came a woman and man in their thirties. It took a few tries for them to get directed to me. Paula figured out who they were, so she stepped back off to the side with Molly. “Mr. Jones,” the woman said. “We are adjusters sent on behalf of your insurance company. If you permit us to enter, we will survey the damage and cut you a...
“Good afternoon, David. I hear that you want to save the city the trouble of placing a lien on your property to cover our costs to find the skeletons in your closet,” an older, soft-spoken man said. “A transaction of this nature is highly unusual, which is why Janet got us involved. You not being eighteen drastically complicates matters. One block from your property, we have a three-story building that the city took possession of when they failed to pay three years of back taxes. By state...
Time for a surprise party. Janey had given me a key to her house, so when I went up to her room, I saw her trying on different outfits plus some mix and match. If I let her keep doing this, we are going to be late for dinner. “Well, put something casual, but not school or hang around the house, on. We have dinner reservations. I’m driving your car. I want to see how it handles compared to the Lotus,” I told her. She didn’t mind that I fixed her hair up to highlight the earrings and...
Bumpy doesn’t bother me, but the two kids next to me are finding it bothering them. The first few bumps jostled the boy and girl enough that they both moaned out in pain. I looked at the girl’s face as she started squeezing my hand as the bumps rocked the transport around. I could see her body tensing up and then watched her eyes roll back in her head. I would have gotten worried if I hadn’t seen her butt jiggling away in a way that didn’t follow the bouncing caused by the road. I heard her...
When I got out of the Rolls Royce, they ignored me. When I came onto the porch, the boy’s eyes looked at me like a piece of meat. Two of the three blew their wads in their pants when I flexed my muscles. “David,” Trudy said. “You have a go-bag in the trunk of the Rolls Royce. I know you don’t care if you ruin your new clothes, but you should change anyway.” Tate invited me inside and showed me where I could change clothes. I found a pair of biking shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers, and socks. It...
Fucking for science, that is a new one. I moved behind the first of the girls and gently placed my hands on her tits. Her nipples were already rock hard. Over the heavily padded thing there, she bent forward and reached between my leg to put my dick in her mini volcano. A backward push slid two inches inside her. She started rocking her hips to get more of me in her. When she started doing all the work, to fuck her pussy with my dick, I got a good hold on her hips, and then we got into the...
Jessica was a waitress at a beach side café and had been for the past three years. She owned half the café and her brother owned the other half. But she enjoyed working as a waitress. She heard the small chime ring as the door opened. Jessica looked up to see who the first customer of the day would be. To her surprise it was a stranger, which seemed odd. Her type shouldn’t start turning up for at least another two weeks, when summer vacation began. She looked around and finally...
LesbianAbout two-thirds of the way along the Faubourg Saint-Honore, and in the rear of one of the most imposing mansions in this rich neighborhood, where the various houses vie with each other for elegance of design and magnificence of construction, extended a large garden, where the wide-spreading chestnut-trees raised their heads high above the walls in a solid rampart, and with the coming of every spring scattered a shower of delicate pink and white blossoms into the large stone vases that stood...