Deputy Head Girl Lindsay takes control
- 2 years ago
- 43
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"Jeb, do either you or Josh know how to handle a shotgun?"
"No, neither one of us ever fired any sort of gun."
"OK, we'd better get you fixed up with some, then. Let's find a gun shop and see what we can do. You're going cross country with that there mining equipment, so you'll need some way to protect the oxen. Back on the train, we weren't bothered by wolves and such, but you might be, being that you'll be a lone wagon."
"Josh, tell your sister that we'll be gone for a while, if you please."
Josh stuck his head in the back door and yelled, "HEY, MARTHA! EDDY, JEB AND I WILL BE GONE FOR A WHILE. WE'LL BE BACK FOR SUPPER."
Eddy grinned and said, "Josh, that wasn't what I had in mind. I didn't want you to tell the whole town our business."
"Oh, sorry."
"Let's drop by the jail and ask the marshal if he has any ideas where we can find the shotguns we need."
The walked to the jail and found the marshal. "Mike, these two boys are going cross country tomorrow using our wagon and oxen to haul some freight. I thought they needed a shotgun or two for protection. What do you think?"
"You're certainly right. This ain't no country to go messing about. Between the wild animals and wild men, everybody needs protection. What you got in mind?"
"Well, since neither one is experienced with guns, I figured that shotguns would be best. That way, they don't have to be as accurate and they can reload with shells instead of powder and shot. Do you know where I could come up with a couple of shotguns and shells without paying too much?"
"Check with Aaron Solomon. He has a gun shop three doors down. Tell him I sent you and who you are. He might be able to make you a deal."
"Thanks, Mike. We'll go see him now."
They walked down to the gun shop and waited while the gunsmith dealt with another customer. "Hello, Mr. Solomon. I'm Eddy Johnson, the new deputy marshal. Marshal O'Malley said I should see you about some guns we need."
"Ain't you the fellow who fixed Big Jake last night?"
"Yes, sir, I am. Why?"
"Because that bastard has made life hard for me ever since I came to Sacramento, and I'd like to shake your hand! Now, what do you need?"
Eddy explained that Jeb and Josh were starting up a freight hauling business with him and they needed some protection for the two boys while they hauled freight cross country. "I figured that shotguns would be the best bet, but we don't have much money to spend."
"You're sure right, there. Shotguns can't be beat for protection, though they ain't quite fashionable. I've got some used shotguns that I could let you have real cheap. They show some wear, but they're fine guns, just the same."
"Used guns are fine. Do you think these two young men could handle 12-gauge?"
"Oh, I'm sure they could. I've got three double-barreled 12-gauge guns you can look at. Just a minute and I'll get them from the back."
{2 minutes later}
"Here they are. Take your pick."
"Josh, you and Jeb see which ones you like."
The two boys fiddled around with the three guns for a while and finally selected two with 26-inch barrels. The guns fit comfortably and were just the right weight. "Well, Mr. Solomon, they seem to have made their choices. How much do I owe you?"
"Tell you what. Since you did such a good job on Big Jake, I'll let you have the guns for what I paid for them and I'll throw in 20 shells for each gun. You can have the whole kit and caboodle for $5."
"Why, Mr. Solomon, that's down right generous of you. Thank you very much."
Eddy paid and they walked out of the store. "You guys listen carefully. I'm telling you not to load those shotguns and to carry them broken open on your way home. We'll talk about you shooting them when I see you tomorrow morning. Now, go home. It's time for me to start work."
The boys left for home and Eddy walked into the jail. Mike said, "Since you're here a little early, I'm going to take off a little early. My wife has fixed a special supper and I can't wait to get to it. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."
Since it wasn't 7:00 o'clock yet, most stores hadn't closed, so Eddy sat down to wait a few minutes before starting his rounds. He had hardly sat down when the swamper from The Gold Dust Saloon burst in and shouted, "MARSHALL, COME QUICK! THERE'S A BIG FIGHT AT THE GOLD DUST!"
"OK, lead the way! I'm right behind you!" Eddy grabbed up his shotgun and ran with the swamper to the saloon. He had the good sense not to run into the saloon without knowing what was going on inside, first. Eddy came to a halt and looked around the door jamb to see what was going on. Five men were standing in the middle of the room slugging away at each other. Three men were on the floor, bleeding from scalp wounds, and a lot of spectators were gathered around egging the fighters on to greater effort. The din was terrific!
Eddy yelled for quiet several times without result. Finally, he pointed his shotgun at the ceiling and fired one shot. This got everybody's attention and the fighting stopped. The crowd stopped yelling and everybody turned to look at Eddy.
Eddy turned to the swamper and ordered, "Get a doctor for those injured men."
The swamper ran out and Eddy turned back to the combatants. "OK, what's going on here?"
All the fighters and some of the spectators started talking at once. Eddy shouted, "SHUT UP! ONE AT A TIME! YOU, WHAT HAPPENED?"
The man he pointed to said, "Those four bastards jumped on poor Tommy and we ran over to defend him."
At this, Eddy said, "OK, split up into the two sides so I can keep you straight."
The men formed two groups, one with two men and the other with three. Eddy pointed to one of the other group and said, "OK, you tell me how it started."
"I was sitting with my friends drinking my beer when that little shit leaned on my shoulder and vomited all over me. I pushed him back before he could vomit in my beer. The next thing I know, three galoots jumped me and my friends came to help me. That's when the fighting started."
"OK, where's the bartender?"
Several people pointed to one of the men on the floor. About this time, a doctor showed up and started examining the injured men. The bartender started coming to life and roared out, "STOP FIGHTING RIGHT NOW!" This brought on a big laugh from the crowd, even a couple of the former combatants.
The doctor looked at Eddy and said, "None of these men are seriously hurt. The blood is from minor scalp wounds that don't even need sewing up. They'll have headaches, but that's all. I'll send my bill to the saloon in the morning. Good night."
Eddy looked at the bartender and said, "I'm the deputy marshal. I don't see any real damage. Do you want to prefer charges?"
"No, forget it. Thanks for coming to help. We'll just chalk this up as the night's entertainment."
"OK, keep a lid on the fighting and I'll just look the other way. Good night," said Eddy as he headed back to the jail.
He had reloaded his shotgun, so he was ready to start his rounds as soon as he checked out the office. Nothing untoward happened on his tour, so he lay down to catch some sleep. The alarm woke him for his second round, which was also uneventful, so he lay down to finish his night's sleep.
Mike came in as he was sweeping up the office and asked if anything interesting happened during the night. "No, nothing important. There was a little dust up at one of the saloons, but that settled down with nobody getting hurt and I didn't have to lock anybody up. Can I go now; I'm kind of hungry."
"Sure, go ahead. I'll see you tonight."
When Eddy got home, he was met at the door by Martha, who said, "Your breakfast is ready and warm on the stove. Do you think you might have some time for me this morning?"
Eddy pulled her into an affectionate hug and said, "You bet I do. Let me calm my stomach with some food and I'll be ready!"
Martha sat down and said, "Jeb and Josh have left with the wagon and Ma has gone to the market, so we have the house to ourselves. Let's make the most of it. I ain't felt you in a week and I'm lonely." She grinned and Eddy started eating faster.
"Why can't you be sociable," the belligerent drunk asked. "Just go away and leave me alone," the young woman replied. He put his hands on her, which was the step over the line as far as I was concerned. I walked up and showed him my badge. "You need to go on home. You can either leave here now and come back, or you can wait for the manager to ask you to leave in which case you won't be welcome again." I tried to be calm and reasonable. "Bullshit, I ain't going nowhere," he...
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I glanced up as the commander stepped into the room and everyone quieted. He looked at me, “Morpheus, take Swift, Taylor, Samson, Adams and Michaels. They had a prison escape on Devlin.” I nodded and stood, “How many?” He shook his head, “Nine.” I grabbed my bag and started towards the lifts. The other marshals followed me as I dropped to dispersing. We had a four hour wait in the starport before boarding a shuttle up to the cargo transport that was headed to Devlin. There were only a few...
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The Johnson/Goodall family had been in Sacramento for just over three weeks and they were already on their way to becoming "rich." Eddy had collected $56.25 in wages as a deputy marshal and their company had collected $300 for delivering heavy freight more quickly than the customer had expected. Eddy had already been contacted by potential customers for other jobs which they were now ready to handle. Over the next week, Jeb and Josh earned $53 for moving a load across town in two trips and...
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Eddy had one point on his side: the first time he fired his shotgun, people would come running. He just had to hope that they would get there soon enough to do him some good. He figured that he was hidden well enough in the dim light that the thugs would have a hard time spotting him. Eddy had a problem that he didn't see any way around: he couldn't shoot just because he didn't like their looks. They had to make the first move. Maybe they would try something illegal so he could shoot,...
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I arrived back at the motel, two hundred miles from my home town at four in the morning. I was exhausted, but more concerned with my mom's feeling than anything else. It wasn't the first time in my life that I was awake at 4AM. Since there was nothing I could do to help mom at 4AM, I fell into bed and at least tried to sleep. The ringing of the room phone woke me. My cell phone couldn't ring because it was turned off. I had even taken the battery out, so that I wouldn't be disturbed at...
"So go home and get some sleep. You look like hell," Webster staid. "Gee thanks, I needed to hear that. However after five hours sleep, it isn't unexpected," I said. "Then don't stand here searching for compliments, go home and sleep. You have tonight off anyway, so when I see you tomorrow at noon for your 7AM shift, I expect you to look your normal gorgeous self," Webster added. "I'm only gorgeous because you are comparing me to the likes of Simpson," I said with a smile. "I...
From the DA's office we went to the local Rainbow Steakhouse. Simpson convinced me to carry a couple of burgers and fries to the jail. We delivered the approved paperwork, which we hand carried through the building to the office of the head jailer. While the staff made their checks and balances, I ate a McDouble and fries. That and a canned coke from the machine in the hallway was lunch for both of us. It wasn't my favorite meal, but I also didn't feel that I had been punished. I sat...
I was right, there was no one as cool as Lieutenant Bullet in the Motel lounge that Saturday night. I really might not have been in any shape for a new man anyway. I sat gingerly and tried not to squirm in my seat. In other words my rectum was a wreck. I went to bed after my lounge walk through, even though I had only been awake a few hours. Again I slept like I had been drugged. Hell who knows with that crowd, I might have been drugged. Sunday morning when I woke up it was all better. My...
Amanda and her companion Cynthia were out hunting a fugitive and I was stuck doing paperwork. In fact I was the only one still here. I glanced at the comm when the holo of commissioner Drake appeared and sat back, “Sir.” He looked tired, “I was told you are the only marshal left. I need you to do an escort. She is already there but needs an escort for her next stop.” I nodded, “Name?” He snorted, “Good question. She is not in any system but works for us in ... private. Escort her to Hades...
I drove the Toyota to the grocery store just a few blocks away. I might have walked but I wanted to buy a few things. With the microwave oven and a little planning I could cook almost a full meal. Of course that was not my plan. I found that I could store about three frozen meals in my apartment sized freezer unit. Since the motel had an ice machine just outside my door, I could use all the freezer space for frozen dinners. That ice machine as well as the lounge walk through was why I got...
I glanced at the door when Simon stopped in it. He smiled and leaned against the frame, “I have a mission for you.” I sat back and pushed the data films away as I reached for my ready bag, “Tell me it is off world.” He laughed and nodded his head, “A prisoner transfer to Graham.” I stood as Dragon leaped from her perch and flew towards me, “Let Amanda know I went out?” He chuckled, “She is down in dispersing getting your vouchers.” I stopped when I reached him and sighed, “Simon...” He...
"I'll be your snitch if you be my bitch," Monk said once he got me to a table away from everyone else. "You have to be out of your mind," I said. "First of all I don't know you, and second it's against every rule and standard of conduct. So no way." "Well at least think about it and I'll give you something as a show of good faith. You want to know if Gypsy was selling her ass, well she wasn't." Monk said. "I still think she was. You might not have known it, but I am pretty...
I slept pretty good all in all. I attributed it to exhaustion as much as anything. 5AM came early on the last day of my day shift. I still had to force myself to run, even thought it was just a few degrees warmer, which make me feel a little better. Spring was on the way, thank god. It could not get here soon enough for me. It had been a dismal winter. I didn't stop in the cafe again that morning. It was time to give some though to breakfast again. I had already started to lose the weight I...
I had no idea what they really thought of all the increased work I caused them. I know the district attorney, who was responsible for our cases. called me in before she arraigned the pot case of mine. The one with the survivalist and the grower from down east... "Well Deputy Porter, we are going to trial with a pretty good case. The girl tuned on everyone in the county it seems," she said. "Actually most of the buyers were outside the country. There are only two county residents," I...
On the way home Angel stopped at the drug store for a prescription of Vicodin. I was expecting significant pain for a while longer. That expectation was based on the doctors warnings. "Take it easy and don't go back to work before you are releases, You are going to have some pain for a while." I was already having some pain when I moved, If it got worse without the hospitals big time drugs, I was going to be in a fix. I had Angel make one more stop on the way home. She went through the...
I dressed in my warm clothes even though I was riding the bike and would be warm enough very quickly. It was simply because the slow steady exertion of the bike ride seemed to heat my body better than even the running had done. Running had warmed me up, but it also wore me out. The bike tending to warm me, and give a work out, but leave me with some reserve energy in place. I didn't feel that I was completely tapped out when I returned home. After the ride I came home and fixed a bowl of...
I returned the call to Simpson. "Well good afternoon Chief Deputy," I said into the phone. "I couldn't find the news story on TV. Was I wearing clothes?" "Actually it was just the remains of a building on the Greene Valley Vineyard grounds in the picture. They did mention your name, which isn't all that good for you. Undercover cops are probably better off going anonymous," he said. "Well I didn't give them my name," I replied. "I know some state cop on the scene did. He had...
Martha had a lot to say! She gave him all kinds of hell for not being more careful. She then hugged and kissed him for surviving to return to her. Eddy's side was so painful, that kisses and few light hugs were all he could do for a while. Martha also congratulated Eddy for being promoted to marshal to replace Mike. Mike resigned on the day of the fight with the protection people since he was going to be spending all his time in bed, anyway. The doctor ordered him to stay off that leg; he...
I was pretty sure our days of shopping together had ended and I was just as glad. Jeremy had begun to get tiresome. I got my shit from the trailer and sent him off home dragging the trailer behind. The biggest thing I had was the antique pistol. Everything else was small, but the items did fill up four of the large plastic storage baskets, which I took from the locker. I wasn't sure whether Jeremy would take care of selling my stuff on line or not. I was absolutely sure I would go crazy...
The Brit was dealing with contractors the next day, so he didn't need my help on the pub at all. Which left me time to think about the shotgun problem again. I decided not to trade the Mossberg pump gun in on a new shotgun. It would be worth next to nothing in its present state. So Tuesday after my ride and while the kitchen equipment contractor worked on The Brit's pub, I headed for the gun store where I had bought the .22 mag revolver and derringer. It was almost an hours drive, but I...
After the fish fry, we drove back to the compound for the boat ride to the waterway. The flat bottomed boat was pretty slow but even so we made the inspection trip in a few hours. Like almost all our inspections of anything, it came up empty. There just weren't that many fish and game law violations. Hugo and I walked the cut and rode the waterway for the next two weeks. We also checked one end of the sound just to keep busy. All and all I was bored out of my mind. The trike and running was...