Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
- 22
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THE rash exploit had been accomplished; and for an hour Passepartout laughed gaily at his success. Sir Francis pressed the worthy fellow's hand, and his master said, "Well done!" which, from him, was high commendation; to which Passepartout replied that all the credit of the affair belonged to Mr. Fogg. As for him, he had only been struck with a "queer" idea; and he laughed to think that for a few moments he, Passepartout, the ex-gymnast, ex-sergeant fireman, had been the spouse of a charming woman, a venerable, embalmed rajah!
As for the young Indian woman, she had been unconscious throughout of what was passing, and now, wrapped up in a traveling-blanket, was reposing in one of the howdahs.
The elephant, thanks to the skilful guidance of the Parsee, was advancing rapidly through the still darksome forest, and, an hour after leaving the pagoda, had crossed a vast plain. They made a halt at seven o'clock, the young woman being still in a state of complete prostration. The guide made her drink a little brandy and water, but the drowsiness which stupefied her could not yet be shaken off. Sir Francis, who was familiar with the effects of the intoxication produced by the fumes of hemp, reassured his companions on her account. But he was more disturbed at the prospect of her future fate. He told Phileas Fogg that, should Aouda remain in India, she would inevitably fall again into the hands of her executioners. These fanatics were scattered throughout the county, and would, despite the English police, recover their victim at Madras, Bombay, or Calcutta. She would only be safe by quitting India for ever.
Phileas Fogg replied that he would reflect upon the matter.
The station at Allahabad was reached about ten o'clock, and, the interrupted line of railway being resumed, would enable them to reach Calcutta in less than twenty-four hours. Phileas Fogg would thus be able to arrive in time to take the steamer which left Calcutta the next day, October 25th, at noon, for Hong Kong.
The young woman was placed in one of the waiting-rooms of the station, whilst Passepartout was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet, a dress, shawl, and some furs; for which his master gave him unlimited credit. Passepartout started off forthwith, and found himself in the streets of Allahabad, that is, the City of God, one of the most venerated in India, being built at the junction of the two sacred rivers, Ganges and Jumna, the waters of which attract pilgrims from every part of the peninsula. The Ganges, according to the legends of the Ramayana, rises in heaven, whence, owing to Brahma's agency, it descends to the earth.
Passepartout made it a point, as he made his purchases, to take a good look at the city. It was formerly defended by a noble fort, which has since become a state prison; its commerce has dwindled away, and Passepartout in vain looked about him for such a bazaar as he used to frequent in Regent Street. At last he came upon an elderly, crusty Jew, who sold second-hand articles, and from whom he purchased a dress of Scotch stuff, a large mantle, and a fine otter-skin pelisse, for which he did not hesitate to pay seventy-five pounds. He then returned triumphantly to the station.
The influence to which the priests of Pillaji had subjected Aouda began gradually to yield, and she became more herself, so that her fine eyes resumed all their soft Indian expression.
When the poet-king, Ucaf Uddaul, celebrates the charms of the queen of Ahmehnagara, he speaks thus:
"Her shining tresses, divided in two parts, encircle the harmonious contour of her white and delicate cheeks, brilliant in their glow and freshness. Her ebony brows have the form and charm of the bow of Kama, the god of love, and beneath her long silken lashes the purest reflections and a celestial light swim, as in the sacred lakes of Himalaya, in the black pupils of her great clear eyes. Her teeth, fine, equal, and white, glitter between her smiling lips like dewdrops in a passion-flower's half-enveloped breast. Her delicately formed ears, her vermilion hands, her little feet, curved and tender as the lotus-bud, glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of Ceylon, the most dazzling diamonds of Golconda. Her narrow and supple waist, which a hand may clasp around, sets forth the outline of her rounded figure and the beauty of her bosom, where youth in its flower displays the wealth of its treasures; and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modeled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor."
It is enough to say, without applying this poetical rhapsody to Aouda, that she was a charming woman, in all the European acceptation of the phrase. She spoke English with great purity, and the guide had not exaggerated in saying that the young Parsee had been transformed by her bringing up.
The train was about to start from Allahabad, and Mr. Fogg proceeded to pay the guide the price agreed upon for his service, and not a farthing more; which astonished Passepartout, who remembered all that his master owed to the guide's devotion. He had, indeed, risked his life in the adventure at Pillaji, and, if he should be caught afterwards by the Indians, he would with difficulty escape their vengeance. Kiouni, also, must be disposed of. What should be done with the elephant, which had been so dearly purchased? Phileas Fogg had already determined this question.
"Parsee," said he to the guide, "you have been serviceable and devoted. I have paid for your service, but not for your devotion. Would you like to have this elephant? He is yours."
The guide's eyes glistened. "Your honour is giving me a fortune!" cried he.
"Take him, guide," returned Mr. Fogg, "and I shall still be your debtor."
"Good!" exclaimed Passepartout. "Take him, friend. Kiouni is a brave and faithful beast." And, going up to the elephant, he gave him several lumps of sugar, saying, "Here, Kiouni, here, here."
The elephant grunted out his satisfaction, and, clasping Passepartout around the waist with his trunk, lifted him as high as his head. Passepartout, not in the least alarmed, caressed the animal, which replaced him gently on the ground.
Soon after, Phileas Fogg, Sir Francis Cromarty, and Passepartout, installed in a carriage with Aouda, who had the best seat, were whirling at full speed towards Benares. It was a run of eighty miles, and was accomplished in two hours. During the journey, the young woman fully recovered her senses. What was her astonishment to find herself in this carriage, on the railway, dressed in European habiliments, and with travelers who were quite strangers to her!
Her companions first set about fully reviving her with a little liquor, and then Sir Francis narrated to her what had passed, dwelling upon the courage with which Phileas Fogg had not hesitated to risk his life to save her, and recounting the happy sequel of the venture, the result of Passepartout's rash idea. Mr. Fogg said nothing; while Passepartout, abashed, kept repeating that "it wasn't worth telling."
Aouda pathetically thanked her deliverers, rather with tears than words; her fine eyes interpreted her gratitude better than her lips. Then, as her thoughts strayed back to the scene of the sacrifice, and recalled the dangers which still menaced her, she shuddered with terror.
Phileas Fogg understood what was passing in Aouda's mind, and offered, in order to reassure her, to escort her to Hong Kong, where she might remain safely until the affair was hushed up-an offer which she eagerly and gratefully accepted. She had, it seems, a Parsee relation, who was one of the principal merchants of Hong Kong, which is wholly an English city, though on an island on the Chinese coast.
At half-past twelve the train stopped at Benares. The Brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient Casi, which, like Mahomet's tomb, was once suspended between heaven and earth; though the Benares of to-day, which the Orientalists call the Athens of India, stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth, Passepartout caught glimpses of its brick houses and clay huts, giving an aspect of desolation to the place, as the train entered it.
Benares was Sir Francis Cromarty's destination, the troops he was rejoining being encamped some miles northward of the city. He bade adieu to Phileas Fogg, wishing him all success, and expressing the hope that he would come that way again in a less original but more profitable fashion. Mr. Fogg lightly pressed him by the hand. The parting of Aouda, who did not forget what she owed to Sir Francis, betrayed more warmth; and, as for Passepartout, he received a hearty shake of the hand from the gallant general.
The railway, on leaving Benares, passed for a while along the valley of the Ganges. Through the windows of their carriage the travelers had glimpses of the diversified landscape of Behar, with its mountains clothed in verdure, its fields of barley, wheat, and corn, its jungles peopled with green alligators, its neat villages, and its still thickly-leaved forests. Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of Indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions. These were fervent Brahmins, the bitterest foes of Buddhism, their deities being Vishnu, the solar god, Shiva, the divine impersonation of natural forces, and Brahma, the supreme ruler of priests and legislators. What would these divinities think of India, anglicised as it is to-day, with steamers whistling and scudding along the Ganges, frightening the gulls which float upon its surface, the turtles swarming along its banks, and the faithful dwelling upon its borders
The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash, save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view; the travelers could scarcely discern the fort of Chupenie, twenty miles south-westward from Benares, the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of Behar; or Ghazipur and its famous rose-water factories; or the tomb of Lord Cornwallis, rising on the left bank of the Ganges; the fortified town of Buxar, or Patna, a large manufacturing and trading-place, where is held the principal opium market of India; or Monghir, a more than European town, for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham, with its iron foundries, edge-tool factories, and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward.
Night came on; the train passed on at full speed, in the midst of the roaring of the tigers, bears, and wolves which fled before the locomotive; and the marvels of Bengal, Golconda ruined Gour, Murshedabad, the ancient capital, Burdwan, Hugly, and the French town of Chandernagor, where Passepartout would have been proud to see his country's flag flying, were hidden from their view in the darkness.
The Following was revealed to me, Phileas Fogg, at a later time during our trip around the world, by my good and humble servant Passepartout, with certain flourishes added by the love of my life, my dearest Aouda. I insert it into Mr. Verne's text for chronological reasons.
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xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Jack had no idea a summer vacation would lead him to Leah and amazing sex School was finally over! In a few days I would turn 15 and I had all summer free to relax, or so I thought. My excitement over the coming vacation and my birthday was flattened as soon as I arrived home. My mother met me at the door of our home with several suit cases sitting neatly in a row just behind her. My boyfriend invited us to spend a few weeks with him and his sister in Wisconsin, her enthusiasm...
It was official, I was in my own personal hell with no chance of freedom. I sat in my office with my head in my hands. I had been sitting in my office with a constant hard on, for the entire four days Sara had been off work. Unfortunately, the only plans the girls made was to stay out by the pool, and that was what they did. They stayed in their little barely-there bikinis, torturing me. The first day, Beth made excuses about going to the bathroom or to get a snack. She did anything that...
Sara Fletcher watched from her front porch as Arnie Harned pushed his wife, Molly, into the house. Molly and Sara have been best friends ever since the Harneds had moved in next door six years ago. Sara is twenty eight years old, five foot six, hundred thirty pounds, short brown hair, dark chocolate eyes and a very pretty woman that draws enough whistles and stares to keep Edward her husband of ten years alert. Ed is thirty years old, five foot ten, hundred sixty pounds, good looking with close...
CheatingVera: So I found myself heeling Major Howard like a dog, walking naked in the corridor, praying that none of the doors we passed would open and reveal my bloated body to strange eyes. I had no choice -- and I knew it -- but that didn't keep me from being jumpy. Major Howard noticed and said, "We're the only people in this part of the ship -- and tomorrow, ALL concubines will be nude. You can relax -- and get used to it." At the end of the corridor the door opened on an area with what I...
OCTOBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Adrienne's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into my adoptive sister's sucking pussy. The stunningly gorgeous blonde, fully naked with a fine sheen of sweat coating her skin, stayed on all fours in front of me until I'd finished busting my nut inside her, and then both her arms and legs collapsed as she fell face-down on my bed. Even though I was standing on my own two feet next to the bed, my...
(for the sake of confidentiality, the names given in this story are made up names)This happened six years ago. I had just moved into my own place with my best friend, Mike, as my roommate. Mike and I have been the best of buds since our toddler years... he's like a brother to me. And his mother, Jean, has always been in my life too, which meant a lot to me, because my mother died when I was three. But when the puberty years started, I began to notice just how fine a specimen Jean really is. ...
It started when Dan invited us to join a bible study at his house on Wednesday nights. We did not know him or his family very well so we decided to join them. We all hit it off. I knew early on that we would become close friends. My wife and I began going to their house on the weekends and staying the night in the guest bedroom. We became like part of the family. The girls all adored my wife and I, and we loved spending time with them. One night we were all lounging in the family...
I had been waiting all day in school now. It was a short day, only a few hours, but I had still been staring down the clocks waiting for the final bell. Today would be the day when Jon and I have our first time alone in a bed. Not that sex in the park or movie theater hadn't been amazing, but this was different. I felt my white lace bra rub against me, exciting me only further, causing me to not even hear the bell. I ran out of my class and there he was, my perfect boyfriend. Jon; hair like...
Straight Sex“It looks like Rob is putting the moves on your wife with a nice tit feel,” Don mentioned of her breast in his hand. “So I can see. She’s enjoying her fun with him.” “You don’t mind another guy seducing your wife in front of you?” “No, I’d sooner have her do it in front of me to enjoy rather than cheating behind my back.” “So you don’t consider it cheating if you watch a guy fucking your wife?” he asked directly. “No, I consider it an extension of our enjoyment of sex within our...
I needed to know, was last night real? Had I dreamt all of it? God what a wonderful dream that would have been, what a beautiful fantasy. Before fourth period I walked out into the courtyard, knowing he’d be there. My eyes scanned the many faces enjoying there lunch period. There he was, Tyler was standing with a small group of friends laughing. I smiled as my heart jumped to life. I started over to him as he turned towards me a huge smile appeared on his face. He held his arms out for a hug,...
My girlfriend a few years ago, let's call her Mindy, was living with her parents at this time because she was a college student and her parents graciously let her move back in with them. at this time I was in my mid-twenties and Mindy had just turned 20 herself. She stood about 5 foot 5 and she had brown hair and wore glasses to looked a lot like Velma from Scooby-Doo. Mindy had nice b cup tits and she also had a nice little ass. Our sex life was great we had sex almost every single day that we...
Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...
What can be said about Riley Reid that has not been already? This girl is fucking amazing and today she has arrived with her round, juicy ass, sexy bush, tight pussy, and incredible personality. Watch as she talks nasty while getting her hole pounded from all positions. This XXX veteran shows no signs of slowing down and loves cock as much as ever. There is only one Riley Reid and today she is here for the ultimate POV experience. This beautiful little brunette is very flexible and knows how to...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Sarah, I’m 5’3, reasonable B cup breasts and other than that quite a nice slim body with long blonde hair, my glasses sometimes make me look a bit nerdish but I like the look, it fits in with my interests. I live with my father and 2 brothers, mum died around 10 or so years ago when I was 6 and my brothers were 10 and 12. I go to school where I’m reasonably good but I’m one of the only girls in the year, despite that I’ve not had many boy’s express interest in me. On weekends I work...