My LifeChapter 2 free porn video

The following week I had to pick up a few groceries and stopped at one of the local markets. As I was browsing the aisle one of my former students appeared at the corner of the aisle.
"Doctor Davidson, what are you doing here? It's so nice to see you again."
April had graduated about two years ago.
"Well, hi, April. Nice to see you too. I needed a few groceries and just stopped in. So, how's life treating you?"
"I'm working in an insurance office. Thanks to you my job is a breeze. When they saw my computer skills, they hired me with a good salary. I just stopped in with my sister-in-law to pick up a few groceries. I watch her kids when she's in school."
Right then a gal turned the corner pushing her cart. It was Angel, pushing a cart with two kids at her side. There was a boy and a girl. They looked to be close in age.
"Marie, come here, I want you to meet Doctor Davidson. He's probably the smartest computer person outside of Bill Gates - you know, the billionaire. Doctor Davidson, this is my sister-in-law Marie. These two precious kids are my niece and nephew, Annie and William. We call him Billy."
I looked up at Angel/Marie and she was almost dumbfounded. "Hi, there, Marie. It's very nice to meet you. April was one of my smartest students."
Billy spoke up. "Are you a doctor? My mom is going to college to be a nurse. She says doctors make a lot of money and maybe she'll marry one some day."
Angel busted in, "Billy, that's not nice to say. You're not supposed to ask people about their money matters, you know that."
"It's okay, Billy, I'm not that kind of Doctor. I fix and repair computers, and I also teach other people how to operate them, like your aunt April."
"You mean it takes a doctor to fix puters. No wonder ours doesn't work real good. We tried to fix it our self. Can you come over and make it better?"
"Billy, Mr. Davidson has better things to do than fix our little computer," said Marie/Angel.
"As a matter of fact I don't have anything on my agenda for tonight. If you want to give me your address, I'll stop by and repair it for you."
"We can't afford it right now, but thank you," replied Angel.
"Sure you can. I'm not going to charge the sister-in-law of one of my best students. So, what is the address?"
"See, I told you he was a wonderful man, Marie," replied April. "Let him fix it; he's the best there is and you need it to finish your papers for your nursing degree. Then you won't have to go to the school every Tuesday and Friday to get your homework done."
"Would you like to call your husband and let him know I'll be stopping by?" I asked.
I figured I should learn as much as I could about Angel/Marie while she was somewhat trapped.
Annie spoke up, "Daddy died before we were even born, while we were still in mommy's belly. Daddy was a war hero. He died protecting us from evil people."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Annie. Who's older, you or Billy?"
"Mommy said I was born twenty minutes before Billy, so that makes me the oldest. We're both six but I'm still the oldest."
Billy asked me, "Do you want to eat with us before fixing our puter? Mom and Aunt Alice are taking us to McDonald's?"
Angel quickly said, "Billy, he has other things..."
"Yes, Billy, I'd love to have dinner with all of you. Let me get my groceries and I'll meet you there."
"This is really cool. Having dinner with my old Professor," said Alice.
We all headed for the checkout and everyone seemed happy except Angel.
At McDonald's the kids each ordered their kid's value meal. The ladies ordered and than I ordered and paid for the meal. All of us ate for less than twenty dollars. We sat down and the kids were talking a mile a minute. They told me about their school and anything else that entered their mind. They asked their mother if they could play in the toy area and she told them it might be a good idea. Alice asked if I would be able to drop Marie off at the house since I was going there to fix her computer.
"No problem, Alice. I'll come out and transfer Marie's groceries to my car. Again, it was very nice seeing you. Good luck to you on your job. Maybe I'll see you again."
I helped move Marie groceries to my vehicle and then walked back in to face the music. The kids were still playing and I sat down next to Marie.
"How could you? You know you're not supposed to know anything about me. Why did you say you would fix my computer? Why didn't you refuse and say you couldn't do it or didn't have the time?" asked Marie.
"Slow down, Angel - I mean Marie. Look, I like you and it was a total accident that we happened to meet in the store. You also know that I wanted to get to know you better. As far as the computer is concerned, I am a computer expert and there is no reason for you to have one that doesn't work right."
"I can't see you at Stella's anymore. I don't think I can handle it," replied Marie.
"Listen, I like you and I think your kids are adorable. I lost my only son a few years ago and seeing your kids and listening to them talk made me remember what I don't have anymore."
She was staring at me confused. I knew it was really bothering her.
"I have to ask you why you are selling... why you are working at Stella's."
"Don't judge me, Harley; you have no right to judge me or my kids or what I choose to do with my life."
"I'm not judging you, Marie; I'm trying to understand why a woman would sell herself when she has two young kids. Is it the sex? The money or is there some other reason?"
She was about to cry when her kids came back. "Come on, kids, it's time to go home. Mr. Davidson is going to drop us off at the house."
"I'm also going to fix your computer, Billy." I looked over at an aggravated Marie. There wasn't much she could say in front of the kids.
When we arrived at the house, everyone grabbed a bag of groceries. Their house was small but neat and clean. Billy took me over to the computer and I turned it on. After finding out the problems I fixed it in less than an hour. I always carried spare parts in my car but they just needed their computer cleaned up and a few programs updated.
Billy and Annie sat there next to me and watched while I fixed the computer. They must have asked a thousand questions. They kept calling me Mr. Davison, finally I told them to just call me Uncle Harley. Marie was in the kitchen putting away her groceries. I saw her look over at me every time she thought I wasn't watching her.
After I got done fixing their computer I put in a dozen kids' games for ages three to seven. I showed them to Billy and Annie and they were two happy little kids. It even made Marie smile seeing her kids so happy.
I could see Marie wasn't going to say much to me so I said my goodbyes to the kids and left. She did stand at the door while I was getting in my car. I wasn't sure if she would even talk to me after that.
I waited two weeks before I went back to Stella's. When I walked in Stella just stared at me.
"Is she here today? I need to talk to her."
"She was here but went home early. Is everything all right between you two?" asked Stella.
"As far as I know. I just needed to talk to her. I'll talk to you later, Stella."
I left and went to Marie's house. Billy came to the door. "Uncle Harley, what are you doing here?" I saw Marie coming toward the door.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"I had something to ask you but I stopped by... the university and they said something about you getting your computer fixed so you were probably at home."
Billie and Annie were in hearing distance and I know how kids are always listening.
Marie tried not to smile but she did. "So what is it you want?"
"I have a proposition for you."
"What? What did you say?" She took it totally out of context.
"I have tickets to go to the university basketball game Friday night and I wondered if you and the kids would like to go?"
Billy came to the door. "A real basketball game. Wow, Mom, can we go?"
"I'm sorry, Billy, but I have to be at the University Friday and your Aunt Alice doesn't like sports."
I spoke up. "Marie, I don't know if you trust me enough but I would be willing to take Billy and Annie to the game. That way Alice won't have to babysit, and it will save you a few dollars. You can call Alice and I'm sure she will vouch for my character. Besides, it would be a fun experience for the kids. I'll stay here with them till you get home from the University. What do you say?"
"Say yes, Mom," cried Annie. "I've never been to a basketball game."
"Yeah, Mom, please. We'll be good for Uncle Harley, we promise."
"You kids go into the other room for a minute. I need to talk to Uncle Harley."
"Why do you keep putting me on the spot? You're using my kids to get at me, aren't you? What exactly is it you want?" asked Marie.
"You, Marie, I want you to be my friend. I want to help you if I can. I don't know where this is going but I do know that since I met you I feel different on the inside. Why don't you want to be friends with me? I'm not that bad a guy."
"You don't understand. I like you, I really do, but I don't have room for romance in my life right now. My plate is full and I'm doing the best I can. I don't know what to do about the kids now. They like you and talk about you all the time, ever since you fixed our computer, which I really do appreciate."
"So what's the problem with us being friends? We can enjoy each other's company and we can take the kids to different games. I get tickets all the time for everything. Look Marie, I'm retiring next month from teaching at the university and as you know I'm pretty much alone. If you say you want me to stay away from your kids, I'll bow out quietly."
"No, it's not fair to the kids. They like you and they deserve to do more things too. I'm so busy between work and school that I don't spend enough time with them."
"Work? Where do you work?" I was being serious here but she didn't take it that way.
"Stella's - you don't think that's hard work? You should try it for a month." She just started laughing and had a hard time stopping.
"What's so funny? I thought you had another job. I didn't think about Stella's."
"I just keep picturing you being a gigolo and it's so funny. You would have a hard time getting past one customer." She started laughing again.
The kids came running to their mom and asked why she was laughing. "Can we go to the game with Uncle Harley, Mom?"
"Okay, kids, you can go. I'm making the arrangements with Aunt Alice."
"Yea, we can go. Can we have a hot dog and popcorn, and pop?" asked Billy.
"I want one of those big finger things that say number one," said Annie.
"I thought you guys wanted to see the game?"
"Yeah! That too, Mom.
"I have one extra ticket in case you want to go with us."
"You know I have to work that night. Maybe you can take my brother Joe with you. He's Alice's husband, he's a big sports fan."
"That's fine. Give him a call and let him know I'll be by here to pick him up. I'd love to meet your brother. By the way, does he know about your job?"
"Please, Harley, no one knows and I need to keep it that way. Everyone thinks I work part-time at the University."
I met Joe and he seemed like a decent guy. I asked him what he did for a living and he told me he was a contractor.
"How's business now? Keeping busy?" I asked Joe.
"I have a bid in for a really big job. They told me I can have it if I can come up with the bond money."
"I'm not quite sure I understand," I mentioned.
"For the really big contracts, like this one for a new mall, you have to put up a fifty thousand dollar cash bond. It's in case you back out before finishing the project. It protects the buyer from faulty or dishonest contractors."
"Sounds fair to me, Joe."
"It is, but the smaller contractor like me doesn't have that kind of money lying around. I asked the bank for a loan but we already have a hundred thousand dollar debt, for all the equipment we bought and are paying on. They won't loan us any more without collateral. Without the bond we'll lose the contract."
"Maybe I can help Joe. I know a few people who might be willing to loan you the money. Give me the information on the mall and I'll see what I can do."
"Thanks, Harley; that would be great. Contracts like this are hard to come by. Tell your friends I'll pay them off as soon as possible if I get the loan."
"Let's see how it goes first, Joe. Right now I promised two great little kids a trip to a basketball game."
After the game Joe went home and I sat with Billy and Annie until their mom arrived. When she walked in the door she looked at me and quickly looked away. I think it was because I knew where she was while I took her kids to the game.
"Mommy, we had a great time. Uncle Harley bought us everything. Look, Mom, I got a nerf basketball so I can play with it in the house," said Billy.
"See my big finger, Mom. It's say's number 1. We had hot dogs, and cotton candy, and everything," said Annie.
"They were great kids, Marie. I told them I would take them again if you say it's alright. Your brother Joe seems like a nice guy. I told him I'd get two extra tickets so his kids could go next time."
"Thanks for taking the kids, Harley. It was really nice of you. We'll see about going again later. Right now I need my sleep."
I knew she didn't want to talk to me so I said goodbye to the kids and told them we would do it again sometime.
On Monday I contacted my attorney and told him to find out about this mall deal for Joe. He called back the same day and told me it was legitimate. I told him to contact my accountant and set up the loan for Joe.
The following week I got a call from Joe saying that a firm bought his bank loan and also fronted him the fifty thousand dollars he needed. He thanked me over and over again.
"Joe, just do the job proud. I expect to shop in the mall when it's finished. By the way I have six tickets to Friday's game if you want to take your kids and ask Marie if we could take Billy and Annie. Just leave me a message on my answering machine."
I didn't want to argue with Marie again about taking the kids. I'd let her brother Joe do that for me. He got back to me and it was on. We took the four kids to the game. Joe and Alice's kids were excited too. They had a boy and a girl, ages ten and eight. We met at Joe's place. Marie dropped the kids off there, I guess so she didn't have to face me.
I couldn't get Marie out of my mind. I almost felt like stalking her but I knew that wouldn't solve my problem. Joe and I took the kids to another game but again we were to meet at Joe's place.
The following week I stopped by Stella's place. "Is she here, Stella? I want to invite her to my retirement party at the university."
"I'll page her for you, Harley." Angel came down the stairs and saw me.
"Hi, Harley, I'm booked up today. What can I do for you?" She looked somewhat sad and I know she wasn't booked up. It wasn't the way that Stella ran her business.
"The University is throwing me a retirement party Saturday and I would like you to be my date. I would feel odd not having someone to go with. Do you think you could go with me?"
Angel took a deep breath. "Okay, if you promise not to talk about my job."
I had the biggest smile on my face. Even Stella smiled when she heard Angel's answer. "Fine, I'll pick you up a six. It's a pretty dressy affair. Thought you might want to know. I'll try and have you home by midnight in case your sitter needs to know. Thank you and I really mean it."
As I was leaving I saw Angel smile at Stella. Maybe she still liked me.
I went to pick her up at the house and April was there. I had on a black tuxedo. "Wow! Don't we look spiffy," replied April.
Marie came to the door and looked beautiful in a light blue dress. "You look absolutely gorgeous," I said, as she smiled at me. "I mean it, Marie, I've never saw anyone so beautiful. You look like an angel."
She looked at me quickly, but then she knew it had nothing to do with her work name.
The retirement party was nice. I introduced Marie to everyone as my good friend, soon to be a nurse. Every man there complimented me on my date. A few even remembered my retirement. When the music started I held Marie close and the scent of her was almost erotic to me. I kept tipping the band and told them to keep the music slow. I just wanted to hold Marie.
I got Marie the drink of her choice but I drank club soda. My stomach was acting up so I didn't want any liquor. I knew there were a lot of my friends and associates at this party but I would have just as soon been alone with Marie. She acted so graciously to my friends and fellow teachers. Most people there thought we were a couple even with the difference in our age. It was just the way Marie acted with me, almost like she was glad to be there.
On the way home she told me she had a wonderful time. I thanked her for acting as though she liked me and she told me, "I wasn't acting, Harley, I really do like you."
When we arrived at her house she invited me in. She told me the kids would be staying at Alice's house tonight. As we walked through the door I turned her around and kissed her on the lips. She didn't stop me but kissed me back with the same feeling that I gave her.
It wasn't five minutes before her dress was removed and she stood there in her bra and panties. I had my clothes off in less then thirty seconds. We lay on her bed and I kissed her time and time again. She wasn't at work, she was at home and I could kiss her as much as I wanted. I removed her bra and sucked on her nipples. She pulled my head down on her breast and I sucked for all I was worth. I removed her panties and slipped my fingers into her moist opening. I pumped them in and out of her pussy as she pushed hard against my finger.
"Cum for me, Marie, cum for me. You can do it; I feel your pulsating pussy against my fingers. Cum for me, baby, cum for me."
She screamed out and had an orgasm; her juices covered my hand. I squeezed her mound with my fingers deep within her. I then laid next to her and we cuddled. My cock pressed up against her ass. She leaned forward and I pushed my condom covered cock into her already wet pussy. After I came, we fell asleep with my cock buried deep within her.
I woke up sometime during the night to pee and took off the condom and disposed of it. My stomach was still bothering me but I didn't want to bother Marie so I looked for a few antacids and went back and cuddled up to Marie.
We woke up the next morning when the phone rang. It was April asking when Marie was going to pick up the kids.
"Did you have a nice time at the retirement party, Marie?" asked April.
"Oh, it was very nice. It made me feel rather sophisticated, and the people were all so friendly. Also Harley is a good dancer," answered Marie.
"What time did he go home, Marie?"
Marie paused... "I don't remember, must have been late."
"This is me you're talking to Marie. Is he still there?" asked April.
She looked over at me and was afraid to answer. "Yes, April, he's still here. We are going to have breakfast and then I'll be over to get the kids." She hung up the phone.
"Marie, I'll just have a glass of juice if you don't mind. My stomach has been acting up as of late." I didn't want her to think I was in a hurry to leave. After all, I would love to be with her forever.
A few days later I stopped by her work and asked to see her. Stella paged her and when she saw me she got mad. "What are you doing here? I told you not to come here and see me."
I was dumbfounded. After our love session at her place I couldn't believe the turn around in her actions. "I came here to ask you to go with me to Las Vegas Friday. I have to accept an award and I wanted you to meet my sister. She'll be there."
"I can't go; you know I work on Tuesdays and Fridays. It wouldn't be fair to Stella with me taking time off at will."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought we were finally going forward. I really wanted her to go with me and got aggravated. I looked over at Stella and I knew she wanted to stay out of it, but Marie brought her up as an excuse. "Stella, you supply girls for overnight trips, don't you?"
"Yes, but..."
"Stella, I'll give you five thousand dollars to have Angel as a companion for me for two days. We'll be flying out Friday and returning Saturday. I will see that she has her own room and give you my word that she will not be asked to do anything she chooses not to do. Is that acceptable with you?"
Stella knew she had to answer. "Harley, of course those are very generous terms. However, the decision rides with the girls, in this case Angel."
Angel was glaring at me. "Alright, the terms are acceptable. You make the arrangements with Stella." She got up and walked out.
Stella spoke first. "Harley, are you sure about this? Believe me, Angel cares for you but I can't promise what kind of a companion she will be."
"Don't worry, she's a spectacular actress. I found that out at my retirement party."
"Harley, she told me all about that party. Believe me, she wasn't acting. She really does care for you."
"She has an odd way of showing me."
I was just confused. I will be the first to admit, I don't know anything about women. I felt that it was time Marie learned of the real Doctor Harley Davidson if we were to go any further. I just hoped that I wasn't being presumptuous. I'm almost sure she was interested in me. Liking someone doesn't necessarily mean you want to spend the rest of your life with them. I wanted her in my life, did she want me? I needed for her to know that I had more than enough money to take care of us and she would have to quit this so called job if we were to be together.
I picked her up for our trip to the airport. Thank God for her sister-in-law April who agreed to watch the kids on such short notice She got in the car and took a deep breath. "Harley, I am going to tell you a few things. Please don't interrupt me; I have to get this out in the open. It's a bit awkward for me so please try and understand. I know you want to know why I'm working at Stella's and I'll try to explain everything."
"Okay, Marie, I'll listen and try not to interrupt you. You should know that I really care or you. And that is why I keep bothering you and the kids."
"Harley, I care for you too and I've know for awhile that you liked me also. Now, about the job. I hate it; I've always hated it for the short time that I have had it. After the death of my husband, I received VA (veterans) benefits. I also received social security. It wasn't a lot but we were able to make ends meet. About two years after the death of my husband I decided to go back to school and work to get a nursing degree. I was doing okay till we had a few setbacks. Our washer and dryer needed replacing and later we had to get our car repaired. We still made ends meet until last year when the car just stopped running. We had to get another vehicle. By then we were behind on all our bills so I had to find a job or quit school.
"The nursing program was our future and I didn't want to quit. I would have asked Joe for help but he had debts of his own. I went looking for a job and there just wasn't anything paying enough to really help us. I couldn't go to school and work a full time job and still see my kids. I was up the creek without a paddle. One of the other female students told me she was able to make money working at Stella's and said I should talk to her about working part time.
"Now, I'm not a prude or anywhere near it but I never thought I would become a hooker for even a short period of time. Stella explained her program for the girls and said they could average five hundred to a thousand dollars a day. I thought about my kids and my nursing career and went for it. I told Alice and Joe that on Tuesday's and Friday's the University let me work off part of my schooling by working at the university. I hate what I'm doing and only have less than a month left to go before graduating. I have to finish and I can't let anything or anyone stop me.
"I know that you offered to help but I can't just take money from people, even you. I have to earn my way. I know you are now a retired professor and probably living on a limited income. I couldn't use you for my personal gain. I care for you too much for that. I couldn't believe that you paid five thousand dollars to be with me at this benefit. I think you used some very poor judgment but decided to come after you ended up writing Stella that check. I'm going to give you back the part I make on this trip. I get sixty percent of the money. There is no way I can accept this much money from you. In fact, I need to talk to you about our relationship, but not till after this award banquet.
"We'll talk again after the banquet. I will not accept any more money from you, I'm sorry, I just can't. After our talk tonight please don't ask for me at Stella's anymore."
I heard everything she said. I decided to go with the flow and let her find out about me at the benefit. I told her to try and enjoy herself at the benefit, that it was all prepaid including her own private room which had its own hot tub in it.
"All I ask of you is please act as though you are my friend at this benefit. There will be a lot of people watching us and I have to mingle a lot. Also, I should tell you that my sister is a straightforward person and her husband will be there also. They know you only as my friend."
"Harley, I don't act with you. I really enjoyed the retirement party. There was no acting. When you and I have sex, there is no acting there either. You need to know that."
We arrived at the airport and took our seats on the plane. While in the air she had a drink and I asked for club soda.
"Harley, you better see a doctor. Your stomach ailment has been going on too long to be indigestion."
"I'll think about going after we get back from the trip. We'll see then."
Marie was impressed with our hotel accommodations. We had adjoining rooms with a door that locked between them. She had the hot tub on her side. I had one at home so it didn't mean that much to me.
"When we get back tonight, I'm going to spend a lot of time in the hot tub," said Marie. "I love them."
"I have one at home. I never realized you liked them so much. Of course I have always asked you to come over, but you never wanted to come to my place."
We dressed for the banquet. I put on my tuxedo and knocked on our joint door. When Marie opened it, I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Elegant would be the way to put it. I pulled out a little box that contained a diamond necklace and long earrings.
"How beautiful, Harley. Where did you rent them from?" asked Marie.
It didn't seemed odd that a person would lease or rent expensive jewelry for elegant gatherings. "I'll explain later; right now we need to hurry over to the banquet room."
She slipped on the necklace and earrings. To me she looked like a movie star ready to walk the red carpet.
As we entered the banquet room everyone noticed our entrance. Person after person came up to greet us. "Mr. Davidson, it's an honor and a pleasure to see you." That must have been said a hundred times. Everyone complimented Marie on how beautiful she looked also.
"What's going on here, Harley? I'm getting a little nervous. The people are nice and all but they act like you're the president or something. They're treating me like some kind of royalty."
I laughed and as I was about to tell her what was going on my sister came up to me and gave me a big hug. "Hi, Harley. It's so good to see you. So, is this the special woman you've told me about? She's kind of young for you but she is gorgeous."
"Marie, meet my little sister, June. Mom named her that because that was the month she was born. The old guy with her is my brother-in-law, Bill. He's the only man alive that can keep her in line other than me," I laughed.
"June, Bill, this is Marie, a very special friend. Now, I have to talk to a couple of people. June, please answer any questions Marie might have. Tell her the truth about me and our business. I think she's a little nervous right now."
I pulled Marie to the side. "I'll be back in a few minutes; I have to talk with a couple of people. You'll be more than safe with June. Feel free to ask her anything you want."
As I was walking away to talk to a couple of people I saw June sidle over to Marie. "So my brother said that you are studying to be a nurse and almost have your credits finished. You do know my brother is - what should I call it? - infatuated with you? I can see why. You are one nice looking woman. I see Harley pulled out all the stops and you're wearing Mom's jewelry."
"What? Your mom's jewelry? Oh, my God, I'm so sorry."

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