Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
- 21
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While these events were passing at the opium-house, Mr. Fogg, unconscious of the danger he was in of losing the steamer, was quietly escorting Aouda about the streets of the English quarter, making the necessary purchases for the long voyage before them. It was all very well for an Englishman like Mr. Fogg to make the tour of the world with a carpet-bag; a lady could not be expected to travel comfortably under such conditions. He acquitted his task with characteristic serenity, and invariably replied to the remonstrances of his fair companion, who was confused by his patience and generosity:
"It is in the interest of my journey-a part of my programme."
The purchases made, they returned to the hotel, where they dined at a sumptuously served table-d'hôte; after which Aouda, shaking hands with her protector after the English fashion, retired to her room for rest. Mr. Fogg absorbed himself throughout the evening in the perusal of The Times and Illustrated London News.
Had he been capable of being astonished at anything, it would have been not to see his servant return at bedtime. But, knowing that the steamer was not to leave for Yokohama until the next morning, he did not disturb himself about the matter. When Passepartout did not appear the next morning to answer his master's bell, Mr. Fogg, not betraying the least vexation, contented himself with taking his carpet-bag, calling Aouda, and sending for a palanquin.
It was then eight o'clock; at half-past nine, it being then high tide, the Carnatic would leave the harbour. Mr. Fogg and Aouda got into the palanquin, their luggage being brought after on a wheelbarrow, and half an hour later stepped upon the quay whence they were to embark. Mr. Fogg then learned that the Carnatic had sailed the evening before. He had expected to find not only the steamer, but his domestic, and was forced to give up both; but no sign of disappointment appeared on his face, and he merely remarked to the obviously concerned Aouda, "It is an accident, madam; nothing more."
At this moment a man who had been observing him attentively approached. It was Fix, who, bowing, addressed Mr. Fogg: "Were you not, like me, sir, a passenger by the Rangoon, which arrived yesterday?"
"I was, sir," replied Mr. Fogg coldly. "But I have not the honour-"
"Pardon me; I thought I should find your servant here."
"Do you know where he is, sir?" asked Aouda anxiously.
"What!" responded Fix, feigning surprise, "Is he not with you?"
"No," said Aouda. "He has not made his appearance since yesterday. Could he have gone on board the Carnatic without us?"
"Without you, madam?" answered the detective. "Excuse me, did you intend to sail in the Carnatic?"
"Yes, sir."
"So did I, madam, and I am excessively disappointed. The Carnatic, its repairs being completed, left Hong Kong twelve hours before the stated time, without any notice being given; and we must now wait a week for another steamer."
As he said "a week" Fix felt his heart leap for joy. Fogg detained at Hong Kong for a week! There would be time for the warrant to arrive, and fortune at last favoured the representative of the law. His horror may be imagined when he heard Mr. Fogg say, in his placid voice, "But there are other vessels besides the Carnatic, it seems to me, in the harbour of Hong Kong."
And, offering his arm to Aouda, he directed his steps toward the docks in search of some craft about to start. Fix, stupefied, followed; it seemed as if he were attached to Mr. Fogg by an invisible thread. Chance, however, appeared really to have abandoned the man it had hitherto served so well. For three hours Phileas Fogg wandered about the docks, with the determination, if necessary, to charter a vessel to carry him to Yokohama; but he could only find vessels which were loading or unloading, and which could not therefore set sail. Fix began to hope again.
But Mr. Fogg, far from being discouraged, was continuing his search, resolved not to stop if he had to resort to Macao, when he was accosted by a sailor on one of the wharves.
"Is your honour looking for a boat?"
"Have you a boat ready to sail?"
"Yes, your honour; a pilot-boat-No. 43-the best in the harbour."
"Does she go fast?"
"Between eight and nine knots the hour. Will you look at her?"
"Your honour will be satisfied with her. Is it for a sea excursion?"
"No; for a voyage."
"A voyage?"
"Yes, will you agree to take me to Yokohama?"
The sailor leaned on the railing, opened his eyes wide, and said, "Is your honour joking?"
"No. I have missed the Carnatic, and I must get to Yokohama by the 14th at the latest, to take the boat for San Francisco."
"I am sorry," said the sailor; "but it is impossible."
"I offer you a hundred pounds per day, and an additional reward of two hundred pounds if I reach Yokohama in time."
"Are you in earnest?"
"Very much so."
The pilot walked away a little distance, and gazed out to sea, evidently struggling between the anxiety to gain a large sum and the fear of venturing so far. Fix was in mortal suspense.
Mr. Fogg turned to Aouda and asked her, "You would not be afraid, would you, madam?"
"Not with you, Mr. Fogg," was her answer.
The pilot now returned, shuffling his hat in his hands.
"Well, pilot?" said Mr. Fogg.
"Well, your honour," replied he, "I could not risk myself, my men, or my little boat of scarcely twenty tons on so long a voyage at this time of year. Besides, we could not reach Yokohama in time, for it is sixteen hundred and sixty miles from Hong Kong."
"Only sixteen hundred," said Mr. Fogg.
"It's the same thing."
Fix breathed more freely.
"But," added the pilot, "it might be arranged another way."
Fix ceased to breathe at all.
"How?" asked Mr. Fogg.
"By going to Nagasaki, at the extreme south of Japan, or even to Shanghai, which is only eight hundred miles from here. In going to Shanghai we should not be forced to sail wide of the Chinese coast, which would be a great advantage, as the currents run northward, and would aid us."
"Pilot," said Mr. Fogg, "I must take the American steamer at Yokohama, and not at Shanghai or Nagasaki."
"Why not?" returned the pilot. "The San Francisco steamer does not start from Yokohama. It puts in at Yokohama and Nagasaki, but it starts from Shanghai."
"You are sure of that?"
"And when does the boat leave Shanghai?"
"On the 11th, at seven in the evening. We have, therefore, four days before us, that is ninety-six hours; and in that time, if we had good luck and a south-west wind, and the sea was calm, we could make those eight hundred miles to Shanghai."
"And you could go-"
"In an hour; as soon as provisions could be got aboard and the sails put up."
"It is a bargain. Are you the master of the boat?"
"Yes; John Bunsby, master of the Tankadere."
"Would you like some earnest-money?"
"If it would not put your honour out-"
"Here are two hundred pounds on account sir," added Phileas Fogg, turning to Fix, "if you would like to take advantage-"
"Thanks, sir; I was about to ask the favour."
"Very well. In half an hour we shall go on board."
"But poor Passepartout?" urged Aouda, who was much disturbed by the servant's disappearance.
"I shall do all I can to find him," replied Phileas Fogg.
At that moment it occurred to me that Aouda was in love with Passepartout. That was who she was thinking of as I pumped my flesh into her. That was why Passepartout had reacted as he had on learning I wanted to leave Aouda with her relatives while we continued on with the journey.
Still, I knew in my heart that Aouda loved me. There was no disguising that fact. I was left with no alternative but to confront her. Yet confrontation meant I would risk losing her; did I dare take the chance? I decided that as haste made waste, I would be better served to wait for a more opportune moment; an intimate moment, before demanding the truth from my sweet Aouda. So I turned away from my dilemma to concentrate my efforts on Passepartout.
While Fix, in a feverish, nervous state, repaired to the pilot-boat, the others directed their course to the police-station at Hong Kong. Phileas Fogg there gave Passepartout's description, and left a sum of money to be spent in the search for him. The same formalities having been gone through at the French consulate, and the palanquin having stopped at the hotel for the luggage, which had been sent back there, they returned to the wharf.
It was now three o'clock; and pilot-boat No. 43, with its crew on board, and its provisions stored away, was ready for departure.
The Tankadere was a neat little craft of twenty tons, as gracefully built as if she were a racing yacht. Her shining copper sheathing, her galvanised iron-work, her deck, white as ivory, betrayed the pride taken by John Bunsby in making her presentable. Her two masts leaned a trifle backward; she carried brigantine, foresail, storm-jib, and standing-jib, and was well rigged for running before the wind; and she seemed capable of brisk speed, which, indeed, she had already proved by gaining several prizes in pilot-boat races. The crew of the Tankadere was composed of John Bunsby, the master, and four hardy mariners, who were familiar with the Chinese seas. John Bunsby, himself, a man of forty-five or thereabouts, vigorous, sunburnt, with a sprightly expression of the eye, and energetic and self-reliant countenance, would have inspired confidence in the most timid.
Phileas Fogg and Aouda went on board, where they found Fix already installed. Below deck was a square cabin, of which the walls bulged out in the form of cots, above a circular divan; in the centre was a table provided with a swinging lamp.
The accommodation was confined, but neat.
"I am sorry to have nothing better to offer you," said Mr. Fogg to Fix, who bowed without responding.
The detective had a feeling akin to humiliation in profiting by the kindness of Mr. Fogg.
"It's certain," thought he, "though rascal as he is, he is a polite one!"
The sails and the English flag were hoisted at ten minutes past three. Mr. Fogg and Aouda, who were seated on deck, cast a last glance at the quay, in the hope of espying Passepartout. Fix was not without his fears lest chance should direct the steps of the unfortunate servant, whom he had so badly treated, in this direction; in which case an explanation the reverse of satisfactory to the detective must have ensued. But the Frenchman did not appear, and, without doubt, was still lying under the stupefying influence of the opium.
John Bunsby, master, at length gave the order to start, and the Tankadere, taking the wind under her brigantine, foresail, and standing-jib, bounded briskly forward over the waves.
Chapter 21THIS VOYAGE of eight hundred miles was a perilous venture on a craft of twenty tons, and at that season of the year. The Chinese seas are usually boisterous, subject to terrible gales of wind, and especially during the equinoxes; and it was now early November.
It would clearly have been to the master's advantage to carry his passengers to Yokohama, since he was paid a certain sum per day; but he would have been rash to attempt such a voyage, and it was imprudent even to attempt to reach Shanghai. But John Bunsby believed in the Tankadere, which rode on the waves like a seagull; and perhaps he was not wrong.
Late in the day they passed through the capricious channels of Hong Kong, and the Tankadere, impelled by favourable winds, conducted herself admirably.
"I do not need, pilot," said Phileas Fogg, when they got into the open sea, "to advise you to use all possible speed."
"Trust me, your honour. We are carrying all the sail the wind will let us. The poles would add nothing, and are only used when we are going into port."
"Its your trade, not mine, pilot, and I confide in you."
Phileas Fogg, with body erect and legs wide apart, standing like a sailor, gazed without staggering at the swelling waters. The young woman, who was seated aft, was profoundly affected as she looked out upon the ocean, darkening now with the twilight, on which she had ventured in so frail a vessel. Above her head rustled the white sails, which seemed like great white wings. The boat, carried forward by the wind, seemed to be flying in the air.
Night came. The moon was entering her first quarter, and her insufficient light would soon die out in the mist on the horizon. Clouds were rising from the east, and already overcast a part of the heavens.
The pilot had hung out his lights, which was very necessary in these seas crowded with vessels bound landward; for collisions are not uncommon occurrences, and, at the speed she was going, the least shock would shatter the gallant little craft.
Fix, seated in the bow, gave himself up to meditation. He kept apart from his fellow-travellers, knowing Mr. Fogg's taciturn tastes; besides, he did not quite like to talk to the man whose favours he had accepted. He was thinking, too, of the future. It seemed certain that Fogg would not stop at Yokohama, but would at once take the boat for San Francisco; and the vast extent of America would ensure him impunity and safety. Fogg's plan appeared to him the simplest in the world. Instead of sailing directly from England to the United States, like a common villain, he had traversed three quarters of the globe, so as to gain the American continent more surely; and there, after throwing the police off his track, he would quietly enjoy himself with the fortune stolen from the bank. But, once in the United States, what should he, Fix, do? Should he abandon this man? No, a hundred times no! Until he had secured his extradition, he would not lose sight of him for an hour. It was his duty, and he would fulfill it to the end. At all events, there was one thing to be thankful for; Passepartout was not with his master; and it was above all important, after the confidences Fix had imparted to him, that the servant should never have speech with his master.
Phileas Fogg was also thinking of Passepartout, who had so strangely disappeared. Looking at the matter from every point of view, it did not seem to him impossible that, by some mistake, the man might have embarked on the Carnatic at the last moment; and this was also Aouda's opinion, who regretted very much the loss of the worthy fellow to whom she owed so much.
Then too, I thought, Passepartout may have come to realize that I had discovered his affair with Aouda and fled to escape my wrath. Almost immediately I rejected the idea. He was a man among men, of that there was no doubt. He was also a gentleman and as such would no flee into the night. No, Passepartout would stand his ground and face me, hoping to persuade me to relinquish Aouda to him. He would also want to complete the trip we had begun together if at all possible. Therefore something dire had occurred to keep him from sailing with us. But what that may have been I had not the slightest idea.
There was the possibility that they might then find him at Yokohama; for, if the Carnatic was carrying him thither, it would be easy to ascertain if he had been on board.
A brisk breeze arose about ten o'clock; but, though it might have been prudent to take in a reef, the pilot, after carefully examining the heavens, let the craft remain rigged as before. The Tankadere bore sail admirably, as she drew a great deal of water, and everything was prepared for high speed in case of a gale.
Mr. Fogg and Aouda descended into the cabin at midnight, having been already preceded by Fix, who had lain down on one of the cots. The pilot and crew remained on deck all night.
The seas remained relatively calm and I lay on my bunk awaiting Aouda's arrival. She tapped at my stateroom door at 12:30.
"Come in, please," I called out and she entered wearing a cloak which she promptly flung aside to stand naked before me. My desire for sexual gratification overcame my lust for the truth. I imagined his scent upon her and could not shake it from my consciousness. To this day I suspect that Aouda was aware of my feelings of the moment, for she sank to her knees, working on the buttons of my fly, then extricating my rigid cock and gulping it into her mouth and sucking voraciously upon it.
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Sirens and the rule of law rang out from up over the hill. Couldn’t be so divine as to bludgeon the heat of August nor smother the vengeful Despréaux fire, but the rain was a sudden blessing. All the lady angels in heaven, resplendent in their shimmering see-through gowns, must have been running through the sprinklers on God’s lawn. Mud squished between his toes and it felt good. Every time the thunder came creeping in over the sound of the bullhorn, it gave him some measure of satisfaction....
After a few minutes of face fucking her, he was ready for his final conquest. He was ready to make her his cock whore."So are you ready for the fucking of your life, whore? I may be younger than what you would normally go for, but I have the stamina that your older men just can't give you. When they are played out and wanting to roll over and go to sleep, I'm just hitting my stride!" he said.He reached down and hauled her to her feet by the arm and spun her around so she stood facing the bed...
MatureHello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back with a story of a great blowjob. Thank you, readers and my dear fans who contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-five years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with athletic fit body and a 7 inch dick. Megha, my sex partner. Twenty-three years old, 5.6 foot tall and stats of 36-30-36. She looks like Shraddha Kapoor. Read the...
Rebecca still wasn't sure exactly how it happened, but she had agreed to be part of the Wilsons' annual House of Horror. Sure, she had heard it was one of the biggest things in Andersville and considered a great honor to be asked to participate, but she had never participated in Halloween activities before and had always considered the holiday pretty barbarous in concept. And now she was going to be part of it! Once that fact sank in, some dread started to creep in. She started remembering...
ive been with my gf now for over 5 years and its always been my fantasy for her to fuck someone else she was always against the idea till she lost abit of weight and sum guy she knew started messaging her on line once they were messaging and he sent her a pic of his cock which was bout 9 inches and very fat she called me over and showed me when i noticed some of the messages she sent him telling him how wet she was right now i went to sit back down wen she told me to go down nd suck her feet...
Outside, the sun had long since faded. The moon, nearly full and obscured slightly by fine clouds, bathed the trees and rooftops with a white hue, and the soft yellow glow of the sodium street lamps gently illuminated the distance. The air on this cold November night was chilled, the slow, regular gusts of wind making it mildly bitter. Michael embraced the air of the night as its refreshing cool flowed over his face from one side to the other. Resting his arms on the railings in front of him,...
Subliminal Sales Copyright 1994 Victoria Powers It was flat here! You could see for miles. I was riding a Clydesdale through the dry terrain of a grain field. We were thundering along, chasing another horse and rider. They appeared to have plenty of speed and stamina to stay in front of us for so long. The rider I was chasing was a beautiful woman. She knew how to ride too, not a wasted motion, and moving with the horse's gallop instead of flopping about on the saddle. The one thing...
1:When did you lose your virginity? 172: Rough sex or soft sex? Rough3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes? Yes, shemale, a****l4: Weirdest place you’ve ever had sex? Train station5: Favourite sex position? Doggy, receiving6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive? Submissive7: Have you ever had any one night stands? Yes a few8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor? Any9: Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yes, forest10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? Yes11: What does your...
Schaffer slammed his hand down on the console, frustration overcoming him. He picked up the sheet of paper that he had been recording his findings on, checking his crude drawing of the control panel, what buttons he had been able to discern the functions of labeled in blue ink. Fortunately, the pens had thawed from their frozen state along with the rest of the building. Apparently, they still worked, and there had been plenty of paper sealed in airtight boxes in the storage room for him to...
One morning, Susan came downstairs wearing nothing but a short robe tied loosely around her hips, her big tits wobbling and barely contained by the thin fabric. She walked into the kitchen area to see her husband Jim sitting naked at the table in the breakfast nook. He had a mug of coffee on the table in front of him, and in one hand he held his phone, on which he was reading the news. His legs were spread wide, and between them was a naked girl—it was their step-daughter, Bella. Her back was...
‘What are you doing?’ asked Liz. I walked over to the large alcove where I hung my clothes and pushed the curtain open, then taking black ropes from the bottom drawer I tied her hands in front of her, but not too tightly. ‘Are you for real?’ Liz demanded. ‘I’m sorry,’ I mumbled. ‘Get inside. Now.’ She stared at me. ‘Get in!’ ‘You’re mad,’ she sighed. But she didn’t refuse. ‘Sit on the floor.’ She tutted but obeyed. As I tied her ankles she looked up at me silently, pouting. I looked...
‘That’s it, I quit.’ I sighed, my sighing breath continued until Ryan, my partner, cleared his throat. ‘You quit? Just like that?’ his eyebrows arched as I kicked my shoes off and watched them hit the leg of the bed. ‘Yes,’ I nodded as I spoke. ‘I’m sick of being treated like some no-purpose bit on the side,’ I sighed once more as I sat onto the edge of the bed. Lifting both my legs up, I crossed them in front of me. ‘Here,’ his voice broke the hollow silence. His hands reaching out as he...
Before the story begins just in case you missed it, this is fiction. [u]The story is not based on reality or nonfictional event[u]. The events portrayed here do not reflect on anyone, not the US military or any security forces contracted by them, not the San Antonio police department and their detectives. My name is Marcus, my friends call me Mark. I spent four years in the Army. I was a military police specialist or MP. I spent two years of my four years in Afghanistan, two years in the...
Dani Evans sat, rather uncomfortably, at one of those small, tall tables in the lobby bar of the Beacon Marriot in downtown Boston. Surrounded by half a dozen coworkers from around the country gathered at their Quarterly Sales Conference, she felt alone. And when she drank, feeling a little lonely, as always she started to reminisce. She sipped at her dirty martini and nodded appropriately to those around her, while trying to understand what was happening to her.The years had been more than...
BDSMI am a secretly bisexual married man 60 years old living in Philly. I had some previous encounters with other bi men MWM which I prefer. On the 4th of July the wife and I went down to the waterfront to see the fireworks and while there we got involved with another couple and were chatting waiting for the festivities. We had a lot in common and he was retired from the Navy and I retired from the Army. We chatted had a few glasses of wine and he and I really hit it off. We had similar...
"Wake up Daddy and see the sun. It's like a big red ball." I could smell coffee. I guess I overslept or didn't want to let go of the dream I was having. Ashley brought out a cup of what she had brewed and sat next to me. The kids watched with us until the sun was completely sitting on the horizon. I made my excuses and headed out back to the outhouse. Ashley had put the washbasin out with a jug of water. I came in asking, "Does anyone want a bath?" Ashley snickered. "Not me, the tub...
August Taylor is one horny milf. She loves to fuck, doesn’t matter where or with who. This week, it was her step son’s turn. She pulled his cock out in the kitchen and began choking on it, not caring that her husband was just in the other room. They then fucked in the kitchen as the rest of the family was having breakfast at the dinner table. Eventually, they snuck upstairs to continue fucking properly. August’s pussy got penetrated by her step son’s cock in several different positions until...
xmoviesforyouI knew where I was this time. I was in the 'dark' space ... my subconscious. A small part of me mused if this was normal or not. I decided it wasn't ... someone would have written a book on it ... or maybe I just didn't check the 'metaphysical' section. Once again I was seated in the chair of dark stone. I looked around. I couldn't see my doppelganger ... I couldn't see 'The Beast.' There was nothing ... I was profoundly alone. I stood up and stepped out into the...
Kay sat on the sofa in her apartment, waiting for her boyfriend Zack to get home from work. She sat there naked, with her legs spread wide. Her right hand draped across her body, caressing her left breast. Her left hand slowly stroked her wet pussy. She and Zack had be living together for a few months. There relationship was very sexually charged from the start. She loved Zack sensitivity. They loved talking about ways to please each other. They spoke openly about their sexual likes and...
Walker: “We don’t serve time travelers in here.” Pilar: “A time traveler walks into a bar.” Saturday morning breakfast, sun streaming in our Main Street windows. Pilar glanced at Walker’s face, looked under the kitchen table, sighed. “Vanessa, what would our family be like if Papi were ... like, normal?” Vanessa laughed, “Well, we’ll never know, will we?” I shook my head, “A mother’s burden...” Pilar held out her hand, “Come on, Papi, I’ll take care of it. Again.” Gregory stood, “No,...
In the meantime. Camila and Sheri co-wrote an article for the school paper about the conflict between the school and me. It informed about the crimes that happened around campus, my involvement in stopping them, the Dean’s coverups, and the attack on Viki and me. We came out smelling like roses, and the school had an outraged student body they had to contend with. My influence with the board of directors kept growing. I didn’t often let people see my worth, but when I hired Camila I had to...
About 9:00 AM I roused and found myself still nested tightly to Alex’s body, which was a great way to greet the day. I stroked her arm and the leg that was draped over my groin and then moved my hand to weave my fingers into her hair around the side of her head, wondering what her response would be when she woke up. She nuzzled into me a bit more and her right hand went straight to my morning wood running her fingers over the head and down the shaft as she slid her leg down my thighs. Her...
Young girl discovers her love for cock. High School Slut. By Durty Write Summer break ends tomorrow, and I’ve had a lot of fun since I turned 18 last month. Wow since then I have been quite active with the boys and girls, and realized I like older. Last night Daddy really gave me a good fucking and a big load of cum. I love cum. Yummy!!! Sunday morning, what shall I wear to get fucked? Looking in my closet. Oh I know. Looking at my short pleated jean skirt, and cotton crop top, that just...
IncestAs I quietly enter the bedroom, I see you lying in the twilight. Your hair has grown longer, your eyes are closed, your skin is darker, your breasts are larger and your body glistens with sweat. You are beautiful lying there naked. I see you laying there on the bed in all your beauty. I continue to look at you, unseen, as you gently squeeze your breasts, and rub your clit. You slide your fingers inside you, bucking and thrusting them in and out. Your nipples harden, you pull them, squeeze them...
"Listen, Bus driver, don't be touchin' any of the controls. Got it?" She slapped Garth's gloved hand as he tried to help her with piloting. "I've been flying this lunker for five years by myself an' I've been scrapping the zone for ten." She kept one hand on the small control stick while the other was busy punching buttons on the thrust equalizer panel. "And I ain't never needed anyone's help yet." Garth winced as the pieces of junk whizzed by; each one seemed a little bit...