Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
- 22
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THE CARNATIC, setting sail from Hong Kong at half-past six on the 7th of November, directed her course at full steam towards Japan. She carried a large cargo and a well-filled cabin of passengers. Two state-rooms in the rear were, however, unoccupied-those which had been engaged by Phileas Fogg.
The next day a passenger with a half-stupefied eye, staggering gait, and disordered hair, was seen to emerge from the second cabin, and to totter to a seat on deck.
It was Passepartout; and what had happened to him was as follows: Shortly after Fix left the opium den, two waiters had lifted the unconscious Passepartout, and had carried him to the bed reserved for the smokers. Three hours later, pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea, the poor fellow awoke, and struggled against the stupefying influence of the narcotic. The thought of a duty unfulfilled shook off his torpor, and he hurried from the abode of drunkenness. Staggering and holding himself up by keeping against the walls, falling down and creeping up again, and irresistibly impelled by a kind of instinct, he kept crying out, "The Carnatic! The Carnatic!"
The steamer lay puffing alongside the quay, on the point of starting. Passepartout had but few steps to go; and, rushing upon the plank, he crossed it, and fell unconscious on the deck, just as the Carnatic was moving off. Several sailors, who were evidently accustomed to this sort of scene, carried the poor Frenchman down into the second cabin, and Passepartout did not wake until they were one hundred and fifty miles away from China. Thus he found himself the next morning on the deck of the Carnatic, and eagerly inhaling the exhilarating sea-breeze. The pure air sobered him. He began to collect his sense, which he found a difficult task; but at last he recalled the events of the evening before, Fix's revelation, and the opium-house.
"It is evident," said he to himself, "that I have been abominably drunk! What will Mr. Fogg say? At least I have not missed the steamer, which is the most important thing."
Then, as Fix occurred to him: "As for that rascal, I hope we are well rid of him, and that he has not dared, as he proposed, to follow us on board the Carnatic. A detective on the track of Mr. Fogg accused of robbing the Bank of England! Pshaw! Mr. Fogg is no more a robber than I am a murderer."
Should he divulge Fix's real errand to his master? Would it do to tell the part the detective was playing? Would it not be better to wait until Mr. Fogg reached London again, and then impart to him that an agent of the metropolitan police had been following him round the world, and have a good laugh over it? No doubt; at least, it was worth considering. The first thing to do was to find Mr. Fogg, and apologise for his singular behaviour.
Passepartout got up and proceeded, as well as he could with the rolling of the steamer, to the after-deck. He saw no one who resembled either his master or Aouda. "Good!" muttered he; "Aouda has not got up yet, and Mr. Fogg has probably found some partners at whist."
He descended to the saloon. Mr. Fogg was not there. Passepartout had only, however, to ask the purser the number of his master's state-room. The purser replied that he did not know any passenger by the name of Fogg.
"I beg your pardon," said Passepartout persistently. "He is a tall gentleman, quiet, and not very talkative, and has with him a young lady-"
"There is no young lady on board," interrupted the purser. "Here is a list of the passengers; you may see for yourself."
Passepartout scanned the list, but his master's name was not upon it. All at once an idea struck him.
"Ah! Am I on the Carnatic?"
"On the way to Yokohama?"
Passepartout had for an instant feared that he was on the wrong boat; but, though he was really on the Carnatic, his master was not there.
He fell thunderstruck on a seat. He saw it all now. He remembered that the time of sailing had been changed, that he should have informed his master of that fact, and that he had not done so. It was his fault, then, that Mr. Fogg and Aouda had missed the steamer. Yes, but it was still more the fault of the traitor who, in order to separate him from his master, and detain the latter at Hong Kong, had inveigled him into getting drunk! He now saw the detective's trick; and at this moment Mr. Fogg was certainly ruined, his bet was lost, and he himself perhaps arrested and imprisoned! And what of Aouda? At this thought Passepartout tore his hair. Ah, if Fix ever came within his reach, what a settling of accounts there would be!
After his first depression, Passepartout became calmer, and began to study his situation. It was certainly not an enviable one. He found himself on the way to Japan, and what should he do when he got there? His pocket was empty; he had not a solitary shilling not so much as a penny. His passage had fortunately been paid for in advance; and he had five or six days in which to decide upon his future course. He fell to at meals with an appetite, and ate for Mr. Fogg, Aouda, and himself. He helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert, where nothing to eat was to be looked for.
At dawn on the 13th the Carnatic entered the port of Yokohama. This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between North America, China, Japan, and the Oriental islands put in. It is situated in the bay of Yeddo, and at but a short distance from that second capital of the Japanese Empire, and the residence of the Tycoon, the civil Emperor, before the Mikado, the spiritual Emperor, absorbed his office in his own. The Carnatic anchored at the quay near the custom-house, in the midst of a crowd of ships bearing the flags of all nations.
Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious territory of the Sons of the Sun. He had nothing better to do than, taking chance for his guide, to wander aimlessly through the streets of Yokohama. He found himself at first in a thoroughly European quarter, the houses having low fronts, and being adorned with verandas, beneath which he caught glimpses of neat peristyles. This quarter occupied, with its streets, squares, docks, and warehouses, all the space between the "promontory of the Treaty" and the river. Here, as at Hong Kong and Calcutta, were mixed crowds of all races Americans and English, Chinamen and Dutchmen, mostly merchants ready to buy or sell anything. The Frenchman felt himself as much alone among them as if he had dropped down in the midst of Hottentots.
He had, at least, one resource to call on the French and English consuls at Yokohama for assistance. But he shrank from telling the story of his adventures, intimately connected as it was with that of his master; and, before doing so, he determined to exhaust all other means of aid. As chance did not favour him in the European quarter, he penetrated that inhabited by the native Japanese, determined, if necessary, to push on to Yeddo.
The Japanese quarter of Yokohama is called Benten, after the goddess of the sea, who is worshipped on the islands round about. There Passepartout beheld beautiful fir and cedar groves, sacred gates of a singular architecture, bridges half hid in the midst of bamboos and reeds, temples shaded by immense cedar-trees, holy retreats where were sheltered Buddhist priests and sectaries of Confucius, and interminable streets, where a perfect harvest of rose-tinted and red-cheeked children, who looked as if they had been cut out of Japanese screens, and who were playing in the midst of short-legged poodles and yellowish cats, might have been gathered.
The streets were crowded with people. Priests were passing in processions, beating their dreary tambourines; police and custom-house officers with pointed hats encrusted with lac and carrying two sabres hung to their waists; soldiers, clad in blue cotton with white stripes, and bearing guns; the Mikado's guards, enveloped in silken doubles, hauberks and coats of mail; and numbers of military folk of all ranks-for the military profession is as much respected in Japan as it is despised in China-went hither and thither in groups and pairs. Passepartout saw, too, begging friars, long-robed pilgrims, and simple civilians, with their warped and jet-black hair, big heads, long busts, slender legs, short stature, and complexions varying from copper-colour to a dead white, but never yellow, like the Chinese, from whom the Japanese widely differ. He did not fail to observe the curious equipages-carriages and palanquins, barrows supplied with sails, and litters made of bamboo; nor the women- whom he thought not especially handsome-who took little steps with their little feet, whereon they wore canvas shoes, straw sandals, and clogs of worked wood, and who displayed tight-looking eyes, flat chests, teeth fashionably blackened, and gowns crossed with silken scarfs, tied in an enormous knot behind an ornament which the modern Parisian ladies seem to have borrowed from the dames of Japan.
Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of this motley crowd, looking in at the windows of the rich and curious shops, the jewellery establishments glittering with quaint Japanese ornaments, the restaurants decked with streamers and banners, the tea-houses, where the odorous beverage was being drunk with saki, a liquor concocted from the fermentation of rice, and the comfortable smoking-houses, where they were puffing, not opium, which is almost unknown in Japan, but a very fine, stringy tobacco. He went on till he found himself in the fields, in the midst of vast rice plantations. There he saw dazzling camellias expanding themselves, with flowers which were giving forth their last colours and perfumes, not on bushes, but on trees, and within bamboo enclosures, cherry, plum, and apple trees, which the Japanese cultivate rather for their blossoms than their fruit, and which queerly-fashioned, grinning scarecrows protected from the sparrows, pigeons, ravens, and other voracious birds. On the branches of the cedars were perched large eagles; amid the foliage of the weeping willows were herons, solemnly standing on one leg; and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolise long life and prosperity.
As he was strolling along, Passepartout espied some violets among the shrubs.
"Good!" said he; "I'll have some supper."
But, on smelling them, he found that they were odourless.
"No chance there," thought he.
The worthy fellow had certainly taken good care to eat as hearty a breakfast as possible before leaving the Carnatic; but, as he had been walking about all day, the demands of hunger were becoming importunate. He observed that the butchers stalls contained neither mutton, goat, nor pork; and, knowing also that it is a sacrilege to kill cattle, which are preserved solely for farming, he made up his mind that meat was far from plentiful in Yokohama- nor was he mistaken; and, in default of butcher's meat, he could have wished for a quarter of wild boar or deer, a partridge, or some quails, some game or fish, which, with rice, the Japanese eat almost exclusively. But he found it necessary to keep up a stout heart, and to postpone the meal he craved till the following morning. Night came, and Passepartout re-entered the native quarter, where he wandered through the streets, lit by vari-coloured lanterns, looking on at the dancers, who were executing skilful steps and boundings, and the astrologers who stood in the open air with their telescopes. Then he came to the harbour, which was lit up by the resin torches of the fishermen, who were fishing from their boats.
The streets at last became quiet, and the patrol, the officers of which, in their splendid costumes, and surrounded by their suites, Passepartout thought seemed like ambassadors, succeeded the bustling crowd. Each time a company passed, Passepartout chuckled, and said to himself: "Good! Another Japanese embassy departing for Europe!"
Chapter Twenty-ThreeTHE next morning poor, jaded, famished Passepartout said to himself that he must get something to eat at all hazards, and the sooner he did so the better. He might, indeed, sell his watch; but he would have starved first. Now or never he must use the strong, if not melodious voice which nature had bestowed upon him. He knew several French and English songs, and resolved to try them upon the Japanese, who must be lovers of music, since they were for ever pounding on their cymbals, tam-tams, and tambourines, and could not but appreciate European talent.
It was, perhaps, rather early in the morning to get up a concert, and the audience prematurely aroused from their slumbers, might not possibly pay their entertainer with coin bearing the Mikado's features. Passepartout therefore decided to wait several hours; and, as he was sauntering along, it occurred to him that he would seem rather too well dressed for a wandering artist. The idea struck him to changehis garments for clothes more in harmony with his project; by which he might also get a little money to satisfy the immediate cravings of hunger. The resolution taken, it remained to carry it out.
It was only after a long search that Passepartout discovered a native dealer in old clothes, to whom he applied for an exchange. The man liked the European costume, and ere long Passepartout issued from his shop accoutred in an old Japanese coat, and a sort of one-sided turban, faded with long use. A few small pieces of silver, moreover, jingled in his pocket.
"Good!" thought he. "I will imagine I am at the Carnival!"
His first care, after being thus "Japanesed," was to enter a tea-house of modest appearance, and, upon half a bird and a little rice, to breakfast like a man for whom dinner was as yet a problem to be solved.
"Now," thought he, when he had eaten heartily, "I mustn't lose my head. I can't sell this costume again for one still more Japanese. I must consider how to leave this country of the Sun, of which I shall not retain the most delightful of memories, as quickly as possible."
It occurred to him to visit the steamers which were about to leave for America. He would offer himself as a cook or servant, in payment of his passage and meals. Once at San Francisco, he would find some means of going on. The difficulty was how to traverse the four thousand seven hundred miles of the Pacific which lay between Japan and the New World.
Passepartout was not the man to let an idea go begging, and directed his steps towards the docks. But, as he approached them, his project, which at first had seemed so simple, began to grow more and more formidable to his mind. What need would they have of a cook or servant on an American steamer, and what confidence would they put in him, dressed as he was? What references could he give?
As he was reflecting in this wise, his eyes fell upon an immense placard which a sort of clown was carrying through the streets. This placard, which was in English, read as follows:
"The United States!" said Passepartout; "that's just what I want!"
He followed the clown, and soon found himself once more in the Japanese quarter. A quarter of an hour later he stopped before a large cabin, adorned with several clusters of streamers, the exterior walls of which were designed to represent, in violent colours and without perspective, a company of jugglers.
This was the Honourable William Batulcar's establishment. That gentleman was a sort of Barnum, the director of a troupe of mountebanks, jugglers, clowns, acrobats, equilibrists, and gymnasts, who, according to the placard, was giving his last performances before leaving the Empire of the Sun for the States of the Union.
Passepartout entered and asked for Mr. Batulcar, who straightway appeared in person.
"What do you want?" said he to Passepartout, whom he at first took for a native.
"Would you like a servant, sir?" asked Passepartout.
"A servant!" cried Mr. Batulcar, caressing the thick grey beard which hung from his chin. "I already have two who are obedient and faithful, have never left me, and serve me for their nourishment and here they are," added he, holding out his two robust arms, furrowed with veins as large as the strings of a bass-viol.
"So I can be of no use to you?"
"The devil! I should so like to cross the Pacific with you!"
"Ah!" said the Honourable Mr. Batulcar. "You are no more a Japanese than I am a monkey! Who are you dressed up in that way?"
"A man dresses as he can."
"That's true. You are a Frenchman, aren't you?"
"Yes; a Parisian of Paris."
"Then you ought to know how to make grimaces?"
"Why," replied Passepartout, a little vexed that his nationality should cause this question, "we Frenchmen know how to make grimaces, it is true but not any better than the Americans do."
"True. Well, if I can't take you as a servant, I can as a clown. You see, my friend, in France they exhibit foreign clowns, and in foreign parts French clowns."
"You are pretty strong, eh?"
"Especially after a good meal."
"And you can sing?"
"Yes," returned Passepartout, who had formerly been wont to sing in the streets.
"But can you sing standing on your head, with a top spinning on your left foot, and a sabre balanced on your right?"
"Humph! I think so," replied Passepartout, recalling the exercises of his younger days.
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Borrowing it by Karen Hansen Its just too weird. Exciting... strange... even fun at times. But mostly weird. Even more weird are some of the people you might meet... like Kevin. An older businessman who's like the others except for his kinky edge. While discussing little turn-ons the first evening he bought dances, he told me about his fantasy of being bound, teased and tormented by a beautiful woman. Beautiful woman can get away with almost anything. A couple of dance...
It was a long day at school. Even though my mother had sucked me off that morning, relieving my morning piss hard on, I found that by third period I had a semi erection at the thought of seeing Ms. Ruthie Pearson and her soft thick lipped mouth after school. During study hall the voluptuous Ms. Pearson found an excuse to tell me loud enough for anyone close to my desk to hear. "I think you had better see me after school Mr. Dorsey. Yesterday's offense hasn't been fully settled yet." So...
It was going to be like any other day at the lab. Everyone was in a hurry since it was Friday and wanted to get his/her experiments done in time, so to go home and start the weekend early on. However, it didn’t turn out that way…The week before the boss had accepted this new student from Italy. Her name was Vanessa. She was not so tall, had blond hair and a nice body. Since she just joined, she was still a bit shy, but nevertheless she was very attractive and I had noticed this early on after...
KatieToo long since our lips last met. Too long since we last embraced.As I write this letter I am laying on my stomach, on top of my bed. I am currently residing in a small shack, a stone's throw from the water. It's a plain affair ¬ a wooden door opening to a single room. Along three of the walls are large windows, their shutters held open to the sea breeze by wooden struts. To one side of the room is my desk. At the other side of the room is my canopy bed, little more than a mattress raised...
This is Arjun here and I’m here with my first story on this site. Please accept my apologies in advance for any mistakes. So, this happened in December 2018. It was a Saturday. I was browsing online on an adult dating site hoping to get lucky. Most of the people on the site were from the US. I searched for the chat room. But to no avail. Disappointed I headed to IM section. There I saw a couple listed in my own city. Normally I don’t contact local folks as most of them do ask for money, be it a...
“You absolute bastard!” Lou snarled, stepping forward – but a pair of Federal marines in power armor were there to grab him and slam him back down into a chair. Their metal gauntlets were shockingly gentle, considering their enhanced strength, but Lou still felt terribly impotent in their grip. His hands tightened into fists and he glared at Admiral Bosch, who shook his head slowly, looking sad. “That is the problem with you Neopolitans. You’re so sentimental. Embracing tradition for...
Sweet Sixteen Part 11 By Beverley Ann Miles Alex was asleep by the time they got back to Jeremy's, so they carried him into the house, then revived him with a cup of tea, and a shower. He redressed in the clothes he'd started the evening in, and the chauffeur took him home. Fortunately he wasn't working the next day, so he slept in late, to be woken by a call on his mobile from Clive... could he come round tonight? "Oh yes, of course darling." he responded sleepily. As it was...
I will readily admit that our first night in the same bed was not a perfect night in the terms of continuous sleep. But that is not to mean that it was in any way unpleasant. I woke several times to the feel of a knee or an elbow or an arm or a leg, and as I achieved consciousness, I realized that those parts belonged to my little bit of perfection, and I rearranged myself and her and went back to sleep. We hit another one of those milestones and hurdles in a couple's evolution when the...
"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...
je l'ai connu j'avais 18 ans, c'était un collègue et ami a mon père.La premiére fois que je l'ai vu c'était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l'avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j'avais une copine ou pas si j'aimais les mecs.Toute la famille s'entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en vacances...
“The edge is a bit dull,” said Alice. She’d been at her task for some time, and this was the second time the blade had needed sharpening. Liz accepted the razor from her superior and soon the not unpleasant sound of the blade being sharpened on a whetstone blended with the other sounds of the temple’s peristylium: the play of a large fountain; the doves in the temple’s rafters; summer insects. Underneath all these pleasant summer sounds was a quiet but constant high-pitched moan, almost a...
Starting off in a new job is scary, even scarier at 17. I had worked in a shop for the summer when 16, but when I was at college I got a Saturday job in a small factory. The work was always interesting and varied. Most weekends the office only had a couple of women in, they would just work up until dinner time. One of the women, older then the rest would often work the whole day.I had been working there for a couple of months, when one Saturday I was asked to paint the office, and could I work...
IncestI managed to get a week of good weather and didn’t see Jessica alone again for two weeks. Tim was back to school for his employer after just a week and a half home. The last time Jess and I were alone together, before the night we spent with Tim, she’d found great excitement in the rougher things I’d done, and seemed turned on by those closest to being painful. I’d offered to bring some toys that would give her pain without permanent harm to see what she liked and just how far she wanted...
Time is always like a river that never ends. Friendships would naturally grow and improve depending on the individuals. Almost four years would pass with the most straightforward ease. The world would go through many changes, just in those years alone. New leadership, new ideas in economics, further changes in society, technology, everything was changing at a quicker and quicker pace. Things that were brand new in the late seventies were a regular thing now. Of course, all of that honestly...
Hi I have got amazing response about my earlier stories. So writing a new one. This one is not experienced by me but the one who is experienced is very close to me and have told me personally. I am using my name instead of her as per her instruction. Anyway guys enjoy. I am Sandhya Kumari. I loved sex. I loved it ever since I was sixteen when I lost my virginity to the family servant’s son, a boy I did almost grow up with. He was a couple of years older than me. I was lovely at eighteen,...
Now this is the life, he thought. John took one last dip in the clear warm water and then shrugged his way out of the ocean, heading towards his chair. The sand was soft, white and not quite hot enough to burn. He gave himself a quick rub with the towel, then stretched out on the chaise lounge and let the sun's warmth wash over his body. Two weeks. He smiled. Two whole weeks of nothing but sun, sea and food. He reached for his sunglasses and slid them on, never turning his face away from...
I will call him Alex to protect his real name. I met Alex at a new job I started in Nov. of 2016. Alex had just turned 21 in June. As time went on that year me and Alex became very good friends. Alex was about 5'6 and around 130 lbs. He had green eyes and reddish hair he would comb it to the right in the front I used to make him mad by calling him little Justin Bieber. This k** was so beautiful and he didn't have to work on it . It came natural to him but he didn't brag about it . Alex didn't...
The pep rally last period was a bit subdued. Everyone knew about Jay's suspension, but no one really knew how it would affect tonight's game. On top of that, people seemed to be split on the cause. Me. Half the kids considered Jay a slime ball who deserved what he got and the other half were in the "He's a football player, let him get away with anything" camp, so the rally was anything but normal. After school Beth and I grabbed a quick McWendyking Arbycastleburger and got to the...
‘Of course men see sex everywhere.’‘That’s because there’s sex in everything.’‘No way. It’s just ’cos you’re a man.’‘It’s true, it’s a primal urge, you can’t get away fromit.’ Joe drained his glass and refilled us both. We werehaving another one of our Sunday evening pubconversations. They could be about anything: SaddamHussein; whether God is a woman, but we usually gotround to sex at some point.‘That’s rubbish. There are some things in life whichjust aren’t sexy.’ I tasted the sharp alcohol...
Three Cheers for Freedom I looked up at the clock on the wall as the second hand crept around the face of the clock. The bell would be sounding any minute and I couldn't wait to get out of class. There is one more after this but that is ok because I get to spend it with my girlfriend. The bell finally sounded and I joined the crowd of students and teachers that flowed through the hall. The din of a hundred conversations joined the clang of locker doors being opened and closed. I...
Curvaceous redhead Tana Lea loves the feel of leather on her skin, and frankly, she looks fucking HOT wearing it! She can’t resist a man in a leather jacket either, especially with Small Hands looking like a tasty treat. While making out, she can hardly wait at all to unzip her top and unleash her big bouncy boobs – all the better for Tana to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for dick down her throat and a pussy pounding! She loves playing rough, using leather as a gag and licking cum...
xmoviesforyou"I have a proposition for you Sasha."My sister looked at me and frowned. We were both slumped on the couch watching mindless crap on the TV. Mum and dad were at work and we were left pretty much alone for most of the day during the summer holidays.We were both on break from school, but mum and dad had decided we had to do plenty of chores around the house. Something about the devil being in idle hands. Not that we were religious, my dad just like the expression because it let him order us...
I awoke in my crew quarters from the harsh halt of hyperspace travel. Sirens started to blare as red lights flashed. A loud speaker said,”All crew prepare for emergency flip and burn!” I quickly rushed for the wall seat in my room and buckled in. I felt gravity give out then the swinging of the ship and following that a 5G burn trying to slow us down. It didn’t take long before I passed out. I woke up hanging by the straps of the chair looking down at the ceiling of my quarters. “Alexa you...
Each experience we have on all three parts of the mind play togeater, forming new wonders and memories combining in infinite ways. This is what makes us "US' the one where I am myself. The lifetime of all we have done, seen, shared, loved and so forth. Yet what happens if those memories we cherish the most could be rewritten unwillingly by another? Or worse yet, taken away, plucked by one who walks the roads of the mind and steals at will? One who loves terror and all (yes a real...
*** Part 2 A few days had passed since I was taken advantage of on video by jake and his friends and had to return to college. As I walked the campus so many guys were staring at me and more precisely at my breast. I looked down as I walked as I felt ashamed and I knew they had all seen the video. I ran into jake and his friends as I was walking and he blocked my way. We need to talk to you bitch come to the boys toilet with us now. There were a few guys there when we went in and vince closed...
Group SexWe’ve been married over thirty years. It’s been a good marriage, lots of ups with only a few downs. Our sex life is still pretty good; we’ve always been fairly adventurous, and willing to try different things. The only limitation has been that we are monogamous, by choice; neither of us has ever expressed any interest in trying other partners, sharing, swapping, or any such experiences. Since we live in a small town in Oklahoma, that’s probably for the best. Everyone would know if we did!...
Oral SexJournal of an Agent: Chapter 2 – Katie Holmes "Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming. "Take a message. I’m…busy," I replied. "That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s pretty important, you should take it. It’s Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don’t. Today I had to restrain myself again...