Andy TaylorChapter 18
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
July 31, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I woke to a hand jostling me; I roused from the depths of sleep. I cracked my eyes open and blearily looked at ... Mom. Sandy.
“If Heather’s going to ride to school with Charlie, she’s got to get a move on,” she whispered.
That snapped my brain into gear. Today is Heather’s first day at university! I sat up a bit to find her. Oh. That’s right. There are five of us in the bed this morning. Fortunately, Heather was the girl snuggled into my left side. I shook her; her eyes popped open.
“Time for school, Girl. Dad’s going to be leaving soon.”
“Oh, shit.”
She proceeded to climb over me and then down the bed and around Liya. She grabbed her gym bag and gave Mom a one-armed hug as she went by on her way to the bathroom.
“Thanks, Mom. Heather would have been truly annoyed with herself if she’d have missed this.”
“It’s no problem, Dear; a typical parental task.”
“Regardless, I say it was nice of you to do. How much time does she have? What time is it?”
“It’s 7:00; Charlie is leaving at 7:30.”
“Oh, good. I’ll get up and fix her breakfast.”
“Lie back down, Beth. Carol and I already have it covered. So, what occasioned the cozy sleeping quarters?”
“Are you kidding, Mom? I’d have thought that it was obvious.”
Mom looked at me with eyebrows raised. “You think that I should just jump to the conclusion that the five of you came upstairs after Liya’s erotic actions with Charlie and all had wild-monkey sex in one bed? Why would I assume that?”
I guess my brain is not quite fully awake, as it is obviously slipping gears. Nobody was supposed to know that The Gang had no qualms about including all of us in sex when the situation was right.
“Don’t worry, Beth. I’ll keep the secret. In which case, I should be heading to the kitchen. Oh, first. Please remind Liya to instruct me on that file-protecting app for my phone and our photos.”
I nodded at her. She departed. I remained on my back in bed, staring at the ceiling, berating myself for two avoidable mistakes. The first being that I’d gotten carried away by my libido and had completely forgotten about Heather’s need to get up early. The second being letting something slip with Mom. She is incredibly smart and does not miss things, and I learned that many years ago. Now that I am aware of my tendency to not let on to plans and schemes, I can readily see how I learned to keep my own counsel.
After pondering further, I decided that I could let up on myself for the libido thing, as I am not Heather’s keeper. However, that brought up another aspect of my psyche of which I had kept myself unaware: Being the gravity well of The Gang. I guess that I did not realize the subconscious way that I tried to see to everyone. Not their needs, necessarily, but ... I guess just being someone on whom they could all count at all times. After further thought, I do not, and should not, mind being someone on whom others can depend. That is positive. I guess that I should be at least a little easier on myself when I drop someone else’s ball. It is not my job, though I should still endeavor to help where, when, and how I can.
“I can sense deep thinking in you, Padawan.”
I do not know what happened, but that sentence encapsulated Liya, reminded me that, even if everyone considers me the center, each of us is perfectly capable of leading. I love my life and my friends so much!
As I said, “Oh, Liya. I love you,” I rolled over and hugged her tightly, trying hard to stifle sniffles.
“Wow. Three years ago, I didn’t think anyone loved me, but now, everyone about whom I care keeps saying that to me. Do I need to keep this a secret from Rhee?”
“Oh, you!” Sniffle, sniffle. “I was lying here beating up on myself for no particularly good reason. Your simple statement caused me to realize that I was being overly judgmental of myself. Thanks for that. You and the rest of The Gang help make my life so wonderful.”
“Ah, thinking too much of yourself, were you? The last time that I checked, and that was just last night, you were built exactly like a human female. Did you think that you were a god? I doubt that you are, ‘cause I think a god would not worry about all those mundane tasks that we humans have to do every day, some of them multiple times a day. You know, things like brushing teeth, excreting, doing homework.”
I leaned back so that I could look at her face. She had that big smile shining. There was only one thing that I could do, so I did it.
“Stop! Stop it! No tickling! Beth Winifred Williams, NO TICKLING!”
That did it. I cracked up, so had to stop tickling her.
“Where did you get ‘Winifred?’”
“I don’t know. Made it up? Heard it? Read it? I don’t know. It seemed appropriate, somehow.”
“Hey, some of us need our beauty sleep. Can you keep it down over there?”
Liya responded, “Hey, yourself. You don’t need that much beauty sleep. I know, because someone whose words we all take as gospel says that you have, and I quote, ‘beautiful breasts.’”
“Yeah? Well, you have ‘an exquisite ass,’ and I’ll remind you of that the next time that you’re trying to sleep and I’m making what you might consider too much noise.”
“Oh, yeah? Don’t hide behind Rhee. Bring those ‘beautiful breasts’ over here and say that to my face. Or to my ‘exquisite ass.’”
We heard a loud “Oooof” as Gracey apparently climbed over Rhee. She then climbed over me, threw the sheet off Liya (and me), rolled Liya over and rubbed her chest on Liya’s buttocks.
“There, I told you. What’d you think of that?”
“Could you roll me back over and do that to the other side?”
“You are so going to pay for that!”
Gracey rolled Liya over and dragged first one breast, then the other, over Liya’s pussy. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
“Don’t get me worked up unless you’re gonna do ... Ahhh.”
The sigh-moan was caused by Gracey licking from perineum to clit on one slow swipe. Gracey then climbed out of bed, apparently heading for the bathroom.
“Hey! Get back here, you tease!”
“I guess I’ll get up, now. Remind me next time that it’s a bad idea for all five of us to sleep in the same bed.”
“Poor, Rhee,” I said. “Maybe this will make you feel better.”
I proceeded to mimic Gracey’s actions on Liya with Rhee, including the departure for the toilet.
“I’m so going to get you back for that!”
Practice, at which Dad dropped Heather off only slightly late, was a bit sloppy today, what with the more than 2 inches of rain yesterday. That did not keep Civia from strutting her stuff. She is quick with the ball in the open field and devastating with it in a bit of traffic. Both forms of excellence were highlighted when Coach had her at left wing during the full-field scrimmage and our side executed a counterattack. Kanda correctly anticipated a pass to Dakota (the other side’s right half) and intercepted it already up to speed. Civia and I, as soon as it looked like Kanda would get the interception, took off. Kanda sent the ball forward to Civia just past midfield.
Civia had too much of a head start on Lissa (sweeper on the other side), whose pass Kanda intercepted, and left her trailing well behind the play. She then broke past Zala (center half on the other side) with a crazy spin move and angled toward the left post. I was slightly trailing her and about midway between her and Rhee. As she approached the box, she was angling a little more toward the middle, Zala still trying to catch her. I put it in fifth gear to cut behind Civia and slice Zala off her tail. As I passed by her on her left, Civia faked a pass to Rhee off to her right, which had Ann leaning to her left to help Sophia in guarding Rhee on the right half of the penalty box.
Gracey was trying to stay in contact range of both Civia and me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kanda, trailing Dakota on defense, come barreling up off to my left to give Gracey someone else to worry about. After the faked pass, Civia, still in high gear, took another four steps toward Ann, then did a clockwise 180 and backheeled it to me. I saw Rhee breaking for the goal so one-touched the ball across the goal mouth right before Gracey reached me, just outside of Brianna’s extended left leg. Rhee slammed it home.
Coach immediately blew her whistle and started hustling our way, but Rhee had run straight over to Civia and put a Rhee hug on her.
As I joined them, she said, “You have got to teach me that move you put on Zala! That was wicked!”
“You don’t know about ... I’m sorry. It’s a Zidane roulette. It appears pretty simple, but it took me a long time to get it down. It requires two soft...” She stopped speaking and looked up at Coach.
“Hold the phone, Civia.” Coach then faced the rest of the pitch and yelled, “Gather ‘round. Double time!”
Once we were all there, Coach spoke up.
“Listen up. Did anyone recognize what Civia did to Zala?”
“You mean other than make me look foolish?”
Coach smiled and nodded her head.
No one spoke up.
“That was a Zidane roulette. While far from the inventor of the maneuver, Zinedine Zidane popularized it. He played for the French national team and a number of European clubs and is one of the greatest midfielders of all time. He’s now the coach of Real Madrid. [Coach used the Spanish pronunciation, ‘Ray-all Mah-dreed,’ accents on first and last syllables.] I heard Civia start to explain it to Rhee and Beth, but I’m going to once again prove the adage that no good deed goes unpunished. Civia is going to explain the concept and the process of that move to all of us.”
I quickly glanced at Civia to see her complexion redden.
“Have at it, Civia.”
Civia looked bamboozled, even a bit frightened. I was close enough to hear Rhee whisper, “You can do it. Pretend that you’re telling just Beth and me, like you had started.”
Civia looked at Rhee with a grateful smile and nodded her head. She inhaled deeply and, looking mostly at Rhee, started.
“As Coach said, it’s a Zidane roulette, a 360˚ move that is very hard to defend, for a number of reasons, the primary of which is that you keep your body between the defender and the ball. The pros, well the really good pros, can do it in traffic, but I’m not up to that. In the open field, as here, it can be a good way to get past a single defender quickly.”
As she got more into the explanation, she became more comfortable, less aware (sort of) of her surroundings and to whom she was speaking.
“As I started telling Rhee and Beth, while the idea is rather simple, the actual execution of the move, or, at least, learning how to do it well is ... Umm, it took me a long time to get it down. And I mean a really long time. I probably worked on it off and on for a few months before it felt automatic enough to use it in a game.
“It’s tricky, because it requires at least two soft touches with precise control on each, often at speed, like I did here. There are variations in all ... parts of the move, but I’ve managed to become somewhat good with only the variation I used today. I start it with an inside-foot tap opposite to the direction of travel while rotating through the first part of the 360. You can also do a drag to start the move. Almost immediately after the first part, you then need to do a drag to get the ball going forward again, with your back to that direction, but you have to do it while completing your 360. I usually need another tap as I come out of the spin. I’m not as comfortable going the other way and haven’t yet used a clockwise spin in a game or serious practice.”
“Thanks, Civia. Would you please run through it in super-slow-mo? Perhaps you can show Zala how you wrong-footed her so well.”
Civia’s face heated again, and many of the team chuckled ... including Zala.
She nodded. “I should point out that there is no good defense against the move when it’s done well. I remember reading that the only reasonable defense is for the defender to put her body on the person doing it, knocking the ball handler off stride. As Coach pointed out to me last week, contact of that sort would get a foul called in younger levels but might not in the more-physical game of older levels. Perhaps the best users of the move have been Maradona and Zidane, and both of them were large ... ummm ... stocky, and strong, so they could resist body pressure of the defender.”
Civia ran through the maneuver quite a few times in slow motion, then a couple times at reasonable speed.
“Thank you, Civia. You have already repaid the team any debt owed for letting you practice with us. However, I’d like to ask one more thing from you. I want to get a few of the team learning this and I’d like you to teach them.”
Civia looked almost aghast and squeaked out, “Me?”
“I think you’re the only one here that can do it. I didn’t have impressive dribbling skills when I was playing, and I certainly can’t do it now. It’s got to be you. We often have team members teaching each other skills, so it’s no different than if you were on the team. While I’ll wait to demand that you teach them next year, I’d really like some to begin learning it now so that come next year, we can have a few of you teaching it.”
Civia nodded. “Okay. I’m not really sure how to teach it, but I’ll try.”
“That’s all I can ask, and you’ve already done a pretty good job of teaching, so I suspect that you’ll do fine. I’d like you to teach Lissa, Rathi, Heather, Rhee, Mia, and Beth. Oh, and Tonda. My rationale...” She stopped, then explained a point. “Civia, when we do something like this, I explain why I want something done and, if necessary, how. My rationale for selecting your students is that I want our best dribblers – Lissa, Rathi, Rhee, and Beth; the four most likely to see situations in which they need to beat only a single defender – Rhee, Heather, Mia, and Tonda; and the player that handles the ball the most on offense – Beth. I’d like you all to spend about 15 minutes on it at the beginning of practice every day this week, immediately after the run. When you’re done, join the rondos or whatever it is we’re doing then. The rest of you are welcome to try to figure it out, but not during practice, please.”
“One more thing before we get back to the scrimmage. I was going to wait until the end of practice, but since we’re standing around already, I might as well announce it, now. First, though, how many of you will be attending Elkton Central this fall? I know that Ann and Brianna are not, as they’re at West, and they’re the only ones on the team already in high school.”
Some of us raised our hands.
“How many of you were considering or planning to try out for the team there?”
The same girls raised their hands.
“That team lost most of their offensive punch to graduation last year, while the defense is, I think to a girl, expected to return this fall. That defense will consist mostly of seniors and their D was pretty good last year. However, the O needs some serious help, while the midfield is a mixed bag. I’d like to encourage any of you with an interest to try out this fall, despite that you’ll be only in the 9th grade. This team’s offense, if you’ll pardon my expression, kicks ass, and even 9th graders could be of great help to the high school team. I have another reason to encourage you to try out. I’ll be a PE instructor and the girls’ soccer coach this fall.”
There was much rejoicing.
I waited a bit then, with Coach looking right at me, yelled, “Settle!” Obviously, that surprised everyone, as near-silence fell, but I continued with, “Coach, would your new job negatively impact your ability to coach this team next spring?”
“Probably not much, if at all. However, I know that the team and I can rely on our Assistant Coach to fill any leadership gaps.”
I wasn’t expecting that, so blushed.
“However,” she continued, “with Ann’s departure, we should probably start thinking about candidates to fill her Co-captain shoes. While it doesn’t greatly matter, I think the best candidate would come from the midfield or back line so that the defensive side of things is represented. Unlike this year, the captaincies will be put to a team vote sometime before the game schedule starts, though I’ll probably reserve some extra votes or veto power for myself.”
“Finally, in this vein, so that we can get back to Civia showing up our entire defense...” [she got the expected chuckling] “if anyone wants to try out for goalie for next year, please let me know. Although I expect Marli to continue doing a bang-up job, she’ll need a backup. If you know of or hear of a goalie that might be interested, either in the younger league or on the regular team of this age level, please bring her to my attention.”
Practice re-started. While Civia did not show up “our entire defense,” she did put on a show. I began entertaining the thought of a Barça-esque front line of DWP – Devlin-Wilkerson-Palecek. Yes, they are obviously not MSN (Messi-Suarez-Neymar), but for girls our age, they are a reasonable equivalent. I am really looking forward to next year.
When we were finished and folks were preparing to head home, I intercepted Civia.
“Hey. Gracey is going to spend Wednesday afternoon at my house, staying through dinner, and then we’re taking her home. Would you be interested in joining us for that time, that is lunch through dinner? We could take you home when we take Gracey home.”
She did something of a double take, opened her mouth, closed it, then said, “You’re inviting me for two meals and the afternoon on Wednesday?” When I nodded, her face beamed, but she said, “I’d like that. Umm, why me?”
“Well, we’re teammates, or ... will be. My parents want to meet you and you’re fun and you seem to fit with us. That is, fit with Rhee and Gracey and me. Oh, yeah, Rhee will be there, too, as well as Rhee’s mom. Usually, if Gracey is over, our friend Liya is also here, but she won’t be this time. We’re not doing anything special for dinner, probably grilling if the weather holds.”
She inhaled and exhaled while looking at me. She again inhaled deeply then said, “I’d really like that. I’ll call you after I’ve asked my parents tonight. Thanks, Beth.”
“I do have a request, although your invitation is not dependent upon your response to my request.” I grinned at her. “I’d like you to spend time with us doing the roulette. Would you be willing?”
She grinned. “Sure.”
Before Rhee and I could head out, Coach collared me.
“Beth, just in case it could come in handy for you in the future, do you know about the age requirements for the various team levels?”
“I think so. Isn’t it 12-15 for this level, younger but at least 8 for the preceding level, and then Ann’s next team is 16-18. Is that what you wanted?”
I asked that because I was pretty sure that it wasn’t what she wanted.
“Not really. Oh, Rhee, please keep the rest of this under your hat.” She waited for Rhee’s nod, and continued when she got it. “Are you aware that, though the upper age limits are hard, the lower limits are not?”
I shook my head.
“They are. What do you suppose is the paramount goal of a coach of the younger league? Either of you?”
I thought for a bit, glanced at Rhee, who shook her head minutely, then looked back at Coach.
“I think it’s development of general skills and understanding of the game. After that, I think getting a first determination of a position or positions for which individuals seem suitable.”
“Mostly right. I’ll ask a leading question. Which is more important for that level, winning or player development?”
“No question; it’s player development.”
Coach nodded emphatically. “So, with that in mind and knowing that the bottom age limit on these levels is not hard-and-fast, what do you think would best have suited Civia’s development this season? The team for which she played or ours?”
“Oh, no. Are you saying that we could have had Civia all season? Because there’s no question that we could have done better by her than the team she was on. She told me that it was too easy for her this year. I also get – loud and clear – your main message about coaches, particularly at that level.”
Coach looked me in the eye for ten seconds or more, then did the same with Rhee.
“I know that Beth understands and I’m fairly certain that you do, too. But, please, tell me that you do.”
“Yes, Coach. Civia’s coach this year should have suggested, as soon as it was obvious that she was playing well above the league’s level, that she move up this year rather than waiting for next year.”
“Excellent. I love coaching smart players. For whatever reason or reasons, this team is loaded with them. I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. This is the best team that I’ve coached, and it has been incredibly fun for me. I’m really looking forward to see what this team can do next year, although I haven’t at all given up on this year.”
August 1, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I had suggested to Coach that she allow me to grab Marli, Heather, and Civia so that Heather could teach Civia about the finer points of outside-foot shooting. Coach had turned it around on me, putting me in charge of shooting practice today. I explained to everyone that we would be doing the usual 1.5 hours of shooting practice, as we did once a week in most weeks, though today’s would be focused solely on outside-foot shots. I started off by having Heather show what we wanted, and she expertly reverse-sliced three consecutive right-footers past Brianna and into the goal. Two of those were into the right corner, but the third was a doozy. It started out well left of the goal and curled in to kiss the inside of the left post just below the crossbar. A pro goalie could not have stopped that one. If Heather did not already have the entire team’s respect, she did now. She then took three left-footers, getting one goal, missing the goal once, and having Marli make a great save on her third.
The team was encouraged that even Civia was not good at it. Only Rhee and Ann approached Heather’s right-foot skill; except for the two lefties, no one approached Heather’s left-foot skill. Heather did an excellent job of instruction, and most of us improved measurably.
I said little on the walk home from practice, as I was pondering a big decision. Rhee was filling the void, though, thinking out loud about how to incorporate Civia into the offense next year. By the time we walked into the house, I had made the decision and Rhee realized that I had not been taking part in her discussion. As she started to say something, I held up my hand; she closed her mouth.
“I’m sorry, Rhee. I’ve been pondering something for a couple days and for the whole walk home and have come to a decision. I need to tell ... no, I need to show you something.”
Rhee looked a bit taken aback and again opened her mouth to say something, but I just gave her the “follow me” sign and started up the steps.
When we walked into our room, I said, “This is really important, Rhee. However, let me get something prepared before I tell you.” Her expression showed a bit of fear, so I said, “It’s nothing about us. Well, not directly about us. I’ve been writing a diary, and I’ve decided to share it with you. I’m ... Let me get this done, first, then I’ll run through a more-comprehensive introduction. Okay?”
The touch of fear left her face, but she was obviously still quite confused. I jogged my computer awake and signed into my password-protected diary folder. I hooked my tablet to my computer, then copied this entire file that is current through yesterday onto the tablet. Once that task was done, I disengaged the tablet from the computer, opened the file, then handed Rhee the tablet.
“Rhee, I love you, but I’ve kept something important from you, though I hope you’ll understand why when you read this. I’ve been trying to write every day, but with you here almost all the time now, that plan has become untenable. So, after I introduce all this, I’d like you to start reading my diary. It will be easier than explaining everything. Feel free to skip through parts of it where you’re present. I suggest that because it’s almost a quarter-million words long.”
Her eyes went huge.
“It’s gotten very difficult to keep current. With you here a lot and the Gang being here for entire weekends, I’ve had to cram writing long daily entries for two to three consecutive days into single days. If you know about the diary, and have read at least parts of it, I can write when just you’re here. I feel very strongly about keeping this going for at least a year.
“I started it in early May with the primary purpose, then, being my sexual ... umm ... not really awakening, but that word will suffice for now. However, over the first month, I decided to expand the focus to include anything that I thought was relevant to my maturation process, learning to be an adult. The team makes up a large portion of what I’ve added that I originally mostly glossed over. I’m sure that if I were to think hard about it, there are many occurrences that I did not include that probably relate, more or less, to me becoming the adult Beth. However, I decided that I would not go back and insert things, because it might prove too much temptation to alter other parts, parts that I recorded faithfully, but, due to hindsight, might consider differently, now.
“Anyway, the first ten or so ‘chapters’ provide the basis for the diary and begin the transition of my raison d’etre from just the sex aspect to a broader – and lengthier – purpose. Those chapters account for something like ten percent of the length to date, so even that might take a while to read. If you want to ask questions, feel free. While you’re reading, I’ll be beginning today’s entry, as my sharing this with you is certainly noteworthy.”
Rhee stared into my eyes for quite a while, then said, “Wow. I had no clue that you were doing something like this. A quarter million?! The whole Harry Potter story was about a quarter-million words long, and that took me a long time to read. You’ve put some time into this. Umm, I hope I’m not too annoying of a ... a character in this ... long novel of yours.”
“If anything, Rhee, you might look better than reality. I have something of a soft spot in my heart for you.”
I then grinned at her, whereupon she wrapped me in a Rhee hug.
“You. Let me go. You have some reading to do. I’ll sit here for a while at your beck and call, as it gets going immediately. Once you’re into cruising mode, I’ll start writing about today.”
It didn’t take her long to comment, considering the sentence ending the prologue.
“Holy shit!”
Rhee looked up at me and I nodded at her. “Yes, that’s how it started.”
“B-b-but ... do you know if ... it ... continued?”
“I’m virtually positive that it didn’t, but you’ll see for yourself, shortly. I’m wondering what your next exclamatory comment will be. I know what will cause it. So, read on, MacDuff.”
I could tell exactly when she got to the point where I started down the road of being Mistress. Rhee’s eyebrows, if they could have, would have jumped entirely off her head, they were so high on her forehead. She looked up at me, chin hanging. I gave her a “keep going” hand motion and she bent back to her reading. I then could tell when she got to the contract, as she looked at me again.
“Holy shit, Beth. I would never have thought of something like this. I don’t know what I’d have done in your place, but it wouldn’t have been this. I’d ask how it’s worked out, but you’ll probably just tell me to keep reading.”
I nodded. “Of course. Keep reading.” I grinned.
At that, I turned and began writing this day’s entry, as there shouldn’t be much for a while to cause Rhee to comment. Once I caught up, I interrupted Rhee’s reading.
“Hey, I’m going to fix us lunch. Do you want to come down with me? You can keep reading, but I’d like your company.”
Rhee looked up, nodded, stood, and, with the tablet still in her right hand, hugged me.
“Hey,” she exclaimed, “why are we still wearing clothes?”
“Huh. We are. I guess we got side-tracked, huh?”
“Ya think?”
We proceeded to remedy the situation, then went downstairs for lunch. While Rhee continued to read, I fixed lunches of turkey and gouda sandwiches and potato salad. When Rhee finished her lunch, which she had eaten while reading, she put the tablet down.
“Wow. This has got me a bit turned on, imagining you doing what you did and watching Mom, uh, masturbate. And you’re Sandy’s ‘Mistress!’” She suddenly sat up straight, then looked at me. “As Mistress, did you have something to do with getting ToC started?”
“Not at all! I would love to claim that I had thought of it, but I had nothing to do with it!”
“Oh, wait. That’s the timeframe that had my mom crying to your mom. That was our moms!”
“That’s what I believe. Your mom introduced it, but I have little doubt that mine was involved, and deeply.”
“You’re probably right. I’ve always thought that my mom was a bit devious, but I think yours could beat mine in deviousness with both hands tied behind her back. I always have the feeling that she’s playing a much deeper game than I think, sometimes, even a different game altogether. While I’m surprised at this diary and your actions at the beginning of it, I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
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I walked out of my house early in the morning to meet up with Amanda so we can walk to school. As I walked I had so many questions racing in my head from yesterday afternoon’s encounter. Was she showing me that she was interested in me? Was her kiss real or was she playing along so she could get an idea of how I lost my virginity? All I knew is I slept like shit. I had woken up at 4:30 in the freaking morning because there were so many questions that kept nagging at me. That and remembering...
Love StoriesI heard her hit the floor just as the door was closing. I quickly used my foot to keep the door from locking me out as it closed. Pushing the door back open, the sight before me was Facebook-worthy; actually, probably more Reddit-worthy: my co-worker Carly had fallen on her face, dead drunk in the entryway of her hotel room. I couldn't help but notice that her already short skirt had ridden up a bit, giving me a good look at her toned thighs. Damn, that yoga was really working for her! Yes,...
Oru naal naanum Reemavum kadaigaluku porutkal vanga sendrom. Naan avalai thuni kadai ondril iraki vitu carai parking seivatharku sendren. Apadi selum pozhuthu naan avaluku message panninen, naam kadaiseiyaga vetil unathu kannavan ilathapozhutu pinpuramai caril naandraga oothom, inrum apadi ookalama endru keten? Reema atharku enathu kanavan ipozhuthu veetil irukara ilaya enrdu enaku theriya villai. Aval oru kasapana anubavathai anubavaithathu podru errichalaga pessinaal, aval meendum enudan...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 22Megan let herself into the house and as she always did called out, “I’m home”. There was no immediate reaction but after she dropped her school bag to the floor and began to climb the stairs she heard the click of a bedroom door closing followed by the sudden appearance of Angela, her mother, on the landing.“Hello Dear, you gave me a start .... I didn’t hear you come in ... I was tidying up...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am just like any other guy of my age I think except for the fact that I am a principal of a private school and I am most privileged as it is an extremely well-known school. Everyone as in everyone dreams to be in my school and being expelled is something unthinkable. Thus, I am privileged since many are willing to do nearly anything to be a part of Saint Catherine Girl School. We even have students from abroad and what a joy to have girls from...
I kneel at your feet, my hands on your knees.slowly spreading your legs apart, I rub the huge bulge in your jeans in front of me. I look up at you and smile as I undo the button, then I look down as I slowly unzip your fly.”mmmmmmm, this is gonna be so much fun.” I whisper as I bite my lip. I pull on the elastic band of your shorts, revealing the head of your cock, it’s getting hard already.and a tinge runs through my body, knowing just how much you want me. I hold onto your shaft as I pull you...
It’s hard to keep a hotwife like Lily Starfire satisfied. I try my best, but a girl has her needs – ya know? When I get a video from her while I’m away, I know it’s going to be good. Lily is with her personal trainer & while she is already built like a goddess, my wife likes the up close & personal contact. I watch Danny Steele, her trainer, try to maintain himself while he instructs my wife to bend & stretch for him. Lily keeps pushing for a deeper session...
xmoviesforyou"A model from Onlyfans meets one of her followers when she's stops over in his town, asking him to show her around and shoot some new content for her site, but one thing leads to another..." Author's Notes "While this story may depict two real people, it is fictional. The woman involved is a real OnlyFans model, whose user name is mira.clegoddss and has approved of me writing this story." Part 1 I got home around 4:40 AM, around the same time I usually would after I got off work. It was hard...
StraightAllie was a good-looking, fun-loving, full-figured woman. She was average height, at 5' 3" tall and was 200 lbs. She was married to a man for almost 15 years. He was a real jerk and was always yelling at Allie about things that he could do himself that he wanted her to do for him. She was always being bossed around and it was making her angry. She was also sexually frustrated because her husband practically ignored her in the bedroom. She was talking to her friend George online one day and he...
She was a typical midwestern girl from the late seventies. She wore tight jeans, Converse basketball shoes and denim shirt and puffy coat. Her light brown hair was parted in the middle and feathered on the sides. Franky seemed to know her and kept looking in on our interactions. At one point he pulled me aside and read me the riot act about cheating on my girlfriend Amy. I just smiled. I wouldn't let him take the high ground anymore because I discovered he was having sex with our boss,...
Sasha walked into Discover Cove for the first time. Not knowing really what she was getting into. She was wearing a short slinky black dress that barely covered her, but as she walked further into the club she felt more over dressed the anyone. Most of the other women were in sexy lingerie and half of them were bare chested with only sexy panties on. The men in silky boxers or briefs. Some with white terry cloth robes on. She walked over to the bar and took a seat and asked the bartender behind...
I woke up feeling the warm embrace of a naked body lying next to me. At first I thought I was at home and Jenna had rested her head on my chest but then I realized that it was better. It was Nikki laying her head on my chest and she was lovingly rubbing it with her hand. I started playing with her hair, relishing the feel of it, hoping I would never have to lose it again. "Good morning," said Nikki softly. She kissed my nipple and then continued her rubbing. "Good morning beautiful," I...
THE SUIT - Part 4 By LJ Sara was certain that the overly friendly woman was slowly trying to drive her insane. It was the only explanation. The crazy, old woman kept dragging her to the kitchen. When she wasn't trying to stick needles of odd, and various shapes and sizes into her hands. Which she inevitably stuck into her own fingers. The cooking was worse. Far worse. Sara might be a genius in some areas, usually scientific ones, but she didn't know a cookbook from a...
"And here's your change Mrs. B," Mr. Kabak continued serving the customer. Dropping the money into the till as he waved her goodbye.I kneeled stock still lodged under the counter, the wooden base hard against my head. My hands clung to his strong hairy thighs, listening to her footsteps. I never once released an inch of his cock from my mouth, as he told me to. The drool dripped off my lips but I kept as quiet as a mouse waiting for the exit doorbell.When he looked down at me I knew she was...
Gay MaleMaine khud ko samjhaya aur Bhabhi ko sidha karke meri or ghumaya. Unke lal lal lipstick lagai hue otho par apne oth rakhdiye. Idhar bhabhi ne bhi mere otho ko apne otho mein sama liye. Hum kiss karne lag gaye Main bohut der tak unke otho ka rass pi raha tha. Aur sath hi sath unki badi gaand ko bi sehala raha tha. Fir bhabhi ne apni otho ko alag kardiya aur maine unke muh ke andar meri jeeb dal di. Mere jeeb jaise hi unke jeeb ko touch ho gayi waise hi woh mujhe ekdam se chipak gayi. Woh jor...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Prince Meinard Anger boiled inside of me. This foul, loathsome thing touched my daughter. He corrupted her purity. He made her into his slut. Shadows trailed after him as he flowed past my attacks. My iron body creaked and groaned. I swung my sword as his shadow rapier prodded my body without effect. He danced around, a fly buzzing around my greatness. “She is mine?” I snarled, my sword slashing at him. “Really?” he growled. “Yours? You had...
The Next Day Strange Encounter A dull popping sound entered his consciousness. It was accompanied by a stinging sensation on his thigh. It happened again and he moved, hoping that whatever was stinging him would go away. A third ‘pop’ and its accompanying sting brought him awake. “What the hell?” Frank sat up and looked around, suddenly realizing he was naked. And freezing! The little campfire was just smoking ashes and would probably have to be rekindled. Holding his hand up from checking...
Please note this story is pure fiction, and is just a fantasy Spencer stood at the big mirror in his parents room. He slowly looked himself over. As he looked at the mirror, he stared at the gorgeous woman infront of him. He had been dressing in his moms clothes for a long time, but for the first time ever, he did his makeup, and it looked sexy. He stared at what he was wearing. A black lace bra, black silk panties with a lace trim, black sheer stockings with a lace trim, and a black garter...
"More cock, please," I said as he stood and turned. Once more I took him into my mouth and took him as deep as I could. I felt him at the back of my throat. I remembered reading how to deep throat and wished I could. I tried to stifle my gag reflex and swallow him, but it didn't work. I coughed and took him out for a second. I put the head back in and lolled the head, until he pulled away. "I want to fuck you, to make love to you, Carree. Let me take your ass for mine, and your,...
I have a dream about being accosted taken and throw into a panel van . held down and tied up a dirty soiled jock still wet from cum and piss . rubbed over my face and forced in my mouth, duct taped, gaged, as a hood is pulled over my head .left blinded and conpleatly helpless . As I can feel the van pulling away as doors slam shut . People laugh and say "well time to get back with this bitch , she's going to be a busy slut tonight"feet kicking me and hands grabbing and pushing me. every bump...
No, I didn’t tell him about it. I wouldn’t know how. But I was so aroused by the experience that I wanted to do it more. I had invited my five new friends to come over again this Saturday and even suggested they could bring some of their buddies. So my new secret double life was the way I was going to go. I went back to my prim and proper married life during the week while planning my nympho weekend. My head was spinning thinking about all those cocks fucking me and how I would be getting...
10. Having sucked and fucked my way through the first hour or so of my membership at The Grande Theater, I sat resting and enjoyed watching a fiery redhead porn princess get double penetrated and then impossibly huge loads of cum on her face. My entire crotch was moist and slick with a nasty mix of lube, cum, and saliva and momentarily enjoyed a cool breeze through the theater. My cock was rigid and I knew I was ready for more. I pulled up my black satin panties and re-zipped my...
Six hours in a bus. It was going to be a long trip. Luckily they would stop every two hours for a toilet and smoke break. There were very few people in the bus, so I made sure I was sitting alone.Even though there were plenty of seats available for some privacy, a gorgeous young woman asked if the seat across from me was taken. I told her the seat was free, so she put her suitcase away and sat down.She was stunning. Long dark hair, a short, white summer dress and white pump heels.She looked at...
The warmth coming from the hastily assembled camp fire provided the only comfort for Ivory and her mostly silent companions as they anxiously awaited the outcome of the Chief’s conference to which Glade was the only woman other than the Chief’s wife who was privileged to attend. They had been gone for such a very long time and Ivory, like everyone else, hoped that whatever came of their discussions would at last bring direction and purpose to the villagers’ wandering. Ivory’s only distraction...
Hi. After reading many stories on this site, I also felt the desire to punch in my experience for you people to enjoy as experiences are to be shared. I am 36 yr old, 5’ 11 height and a sportsman. Job I cannot specify in the story but I move to a new place after every 2-3 yr so I have been to many places in my last 16-17 yrs. It was when I was transferred to Delhi that this episode happened. After spending sometime in Delhi, through a mutual friend I came to know that one of our ex-classmate...
This tale is a direct result of a private chat I had with my girl Lindzy. I tried to keep it as real as possible to the chat as to how she recounted her experience. It aroused me and I hope arouses you too! This all happened when I was 17 for Tommy's 20th birthday party at his apartment. We had been dating for a year and he was my first. Not dating in the traditional 'going out to dinner and a movie.' We were fucking, every day, often several times. He had lots of parties but I never fucked...
Straight SexI sat in silence, occasionally and listlessly taking sips from a glass of wine as I watched snow dance in the wind outside the bar windows. It was December 24 and I was alone. Christmas seemed a long way off; more a memory than an event about to happen. I had moved far away from family and friends to take a new position with my employer. Worse, my schedule meant that I wouldn’t be able to get home for Christmas and probably not for New Year’s either. Sitting home watching TV didn’t appeal to me...
Straight SexHow I became Suzy the SlutFirst let me describe myself at the time. I was 155 pounds 5 foot, ten and in good shape my body hair was sparse and my figure was on the feminine side with a narrow waist and a bubble butt and my nipples are quite big for a male. However I am pretty well endowed with a thick seven inch cock. If I wore a tight tee shirt and my nipples were perked I would get a lot of looks from both men and women. Like most males I did not pay any attention to my nipples but the other...
" Hallie ? What seems to be the problem " I asked her " No real problem actually I was just wondering if we could schedule some tutoring lessons this week ? " But Hallie , you have a very high B in this class , why would you need tutoring ? " I questioned . " Well you see my parents are quite strict on me about my grades and they'd like me to have at least an A in all of classes and calculus is the only thing I seem to have a B in . " " Oh I see " I nodded " So do you think...
Parents will do everything for their children. Dani Jensen is no different from other parents. She will do whatever it takes to dig her daughter out of trouble, even if it means having fun with her teacher. Luckily, her daughter’s teacher is hot and tasty-looking. Ryan Driller tells Dani about the naughty antics of her daughter in school. Dani can’t help but smile. She knows that her daughter got her dirty imagination from her. Wanting to show it to Mr. Driller, the beautiful blonde...
xmoviesforyouThe next day at work, word had clearly got around as she was getting some very dirty looks from most of the men and some of the women and it wasn’t long into the day before and men were accidentally brushing against her and by lunchtime many were getting brave enough to get a feel of her tits and arse as she went by them. It was too much and by mid afternoon plucked up the courage to tell Lee what was going on and asking him to make them stop. He told her not to worry, he’d sort it out. A few...
I had spent the previous week taking my urban hikes, and watching the lobby plants in The Haven grow. It was obvious that there was too much heat in the place. If they weren’t watered every single day the green plants turned brown. It seemed that the old people did better, than the green plants, in the heated atmosphere. Probably why the majority of people over fifty welcomed global warming. I know I laughed at it. The only constructive thing I did all day, every day, was to ride around on...
Mistress,On arrival the sissy opens the door to me the mistress is upstairs putting on her sexy dress and panties drinking a G&T. You take me upstairs after a few words and undress me. After my journey I need a shower which you wash me all over paying attention to my cock balls and ass. Finally shaving my balls and ass so they are clean and smooth. You dry my off with a towel except my ass and balls this is done with your tongue .Next you suck me to erection about 7 inches of meat in your...
It was a dingy, nasty redneck dive bar where I first saw Karen. She was obviously out of her element and was not the type that would not usually patronize a seedy bar such as Red's Bar. Red's bar catered to the lowlifes of the world, or at least this seedy neighborhood. Working men who did a daily grind at one of the local and looked forward to a shot and a beer before going home to the old lady if they were still married or hooked up. The women that came to Red's were women without morals...
When the internet as invented, it was an astonishing marvel that created a technological singularity that advanced humanity beyond its basic limitations. Cancer was cured, rocket-science became public transportation and global warming didn't stand a chance. As the population boomed and robotics became as advanced as they were, the solar system was suddenly met with a new challenge; overpopulation. Planetary colonization made this a less urgent issue, but at the rate the population soared, the...
Unlike the author, dave (worm) had no interest in the teenage school girls laughing and flirting in his hot, overcrowded commuter train home every night from London Waterloo after a long boring day in the office.His low sperm count and lack of any female willing to take him seriously meant he would never father any of his own, but couldn't resist the perverted thoughts of submission to them. He hated their jokes at his expense, preferring instead to imagine his next humiliation by Mistress...
BDSM*** “Looking out over the hillside, he got the feeling that everything was going to be just fine from then on, the end.” *** “Oh my god” Steven said aloud even though he was the only person in the room. He felt relieved, as if a huge weight had just been lifted from his young shoulders. He could finally rest, his mind was at peace knowing that his story was finished. Steven stood up from the hard wooden chair and stretched his aching muscles, locking his hands together and...
"What do you think?" She said to Andrew, not even noticing that I was in the room. "Nice!" He said nodding in approval. Kate looked over at me. "Who's this?" She asked, pointing at me. "That is my best friend and partner, Charles." "So this is the notorious Charles?" She said walking over to me. "So... how comes you never picked me? You don't think I'm hot?" She was being very blunt and getting to the point. If I'm suppose to be the big guy, the man in charge,...
I said, “My father was a slave of my mother’s. He didn’t have any powers like ... this,” indicating his backrest. “Your mother didn’t tell you I had the gift?” His surprise was genuine, and it seemed to confuse him for a moment. But then he looked at me and said with a surprising amount of fondness, “Yes, your mother did make me her slave. It was possibly the happiest time of my life. But this isn’t about your mother and I. This is about you. You are my son, and I felt I should pass this...
Chapter 5 Jason looked on in amazement as Mandy gently removed a rubber balloon gag from Flora's mouth, and finished removing the mask. Her real face was remarkably similar to the face of the mask, although a little flushed-looking. Jason guessed that the mask had been molded from her actual features. Flora blinked, sputtered and licked her lips several times. "Ahh. Roowaah. Christ, Mandy, did you have to leave it on so long? I thought I'd die of thirst!" Jason stared as Mandy...
Some of the soreness was soaked away in the hot bath, and Donnie felt better, both physically and mentally. He relaxed in his room, getting dressed, finally, and going into the kitchen to forage for some food. Charity heard him rummaging around and went in to help him. Together, they put some sandwiches on the table, along with a quart of milk and some cookies. Don wolfed down his food, talking now to his sister, as he chewed huge mouthfuls. "That's out of sight... you getting the lead in...
The Teachers Summer VacationHe was a new teacher at the high school, (young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes, he had gotten the job of his choice. It was a very upscale suburban area and close to the small tract of woods he had with the cabin he was building. It was a very modest log cabin but he had some interesting additions. There was a solar outdoor shower and a wood fired sauna. Down the hill was...
Jenny went off shopping, leaving Mike in the penthouse, a few minutes later Julie turned up wearing a short pleated white tennis skirt, white tennis shoes and socks and a white cropped top. " Look what I've brought from my brother's shop !" She waved a thick, 3" wide 9" long leather paddle that had studs in it! " What are we meant to do with that?" asked Mike. " Thrash ME with it !" said Julie, " BUT.....It would be nice if Jenny Did It!!!" " She told me she has only been spanked by others,...
No one believes seniors ... Everyone thinks they are senile. An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighborhood after they retired. Holding hands, they walked back to their old school. It was not locked, so they entered, and found the old desk they'd shared, where Jerry had carved I love you, Sally. On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armored car, practically landing at...
Daddy's ranch has always been the best. From the time I was a little girl up until now. I am twenty-one years old, and my name is Mary Anne. I have lived in the same place my whole life. I am a pure bred country girl. From the beautiful state of Texas. I help out around daddy's farm for a living now. Why work elsewhere when I can just get daddy's money? We have alot of horses on the ranch to take care of, so we tend to have alot of ranchmen. Daddy has always had alot of money. I could never...
EroticThe inner muscle of her hot moist thirty-two year old canal gripped her index finger as she inserted it, slowly pulling it all the way inside. She felt the fiery pliable pink walls surround her finger as she let it linger inside, letting the elasticity envelope it, tugging on it, making the sensation build. She loved getting herself off. She had learned how to master it fully. Her legs were spread as wide as she could get them as she lied on her bed, a thick towel folded double under her ass....
Dave was a great man and had been a huge part of my life growing up. He was my uncle's best friend. My uncle was ten when I was born, and I grew up admiring him and his friends. I lived with my uncle and grandparents most of my early years and was constantly following my uncle around. His friend, Dave, lived a few doors down and spent most of the time at my grandparents as well. Dave wasn't a fan of little kids, and that never changed, but I was different. Dave grew up in a broken home and knew...
CheatingI adjusted the rear view mirror so I could catch a glimpse of the police officer better as he pulled up behind me and snapped off his lights. I shouldn't have been speeding. After a beat he stepped out, and I quickly scanned his appearance and sighed in relief. He looked like he was about my age, and he was cute! I might have a chance here. I quickly went to action and gently grabbed a hold of my B cup sized breasts resting in their push-up bra and cupped them. I thanked myself for...
As I told you in my previous story, ‘The Second Time’, Ellen and I had been married for 22 years when we decided to swing. I had wanted to do it for some time but although Ellen was mildly interested she didn’t want to contemplate it while our son was living at home. Now that we were empty-nesters she was prepared to move cautiously in a search for a compatible couple. I’m 50 and Ellen is 47. She’s slim, blonde and very feminine. Her breasts are small but her nipples and aureoles are large and...
Swinger100% fiction! Ever since we were teens my sisters and I have wound my brother up. When we started to smoke he wouldn't touch them, when we started drinking he decided to be teetotal. So we mercily called him Mr Straight and kidded him about how he would never do anything remotely dangerous or taboo. I don't see him very often but his work occasionally means he stays with my family for a few days when he is in the area. On one such visit I was home alone with him as my family were away visiting...
IncestI was nervous as hell as I walked through their door. I knew Hank and Sally were older than I was, they had said so in their email, but I was not quite expecting the warm, grandmotherly face that greeted me at the door wearing a bathrobe."Come in! Come in hot stuff!" Sally said excitedly as she grabbed my hand and briskly walked me back to the bedroom. Lying on the bed in front of me was an older gentleman, completely naked, with the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life!"Jump on up here!"...
“Choose.” “Oh yeah ... umh ... I don’t know. They all speak Japanese?” “Yes.” “But they’re all tall, blonde and beautiful ... in a western European kind of way.” “What?” Ceiling said. “You want short and dumpy?” “If they look Japanese? Yes.” Mahiro. “She’ll look like my wife ... looked.” He slumped. “When she was alive.” He perked up with a thought, “If you had one that looked like my wife when we met...” “Hold on,” Ceiling said, “Let me confer with my people. Sam?” “What?” “Can...
I was sitting at a local coffee shop, not too far from a lesbian bar. I noticed a well endowed woman who came in and ordered a tea. She appeared to be a business women. She was probably around 5 feet tall and quite gorgeous. I asked if I could share her table, just hoping by a long shot that I could take her eventually to my home. My panties were already dripping wet with desire from staring at her from the start. We started talking about our lives and to my surprise, although she was married,...
Author’s Note: I apologize for the length of time between this chapter and the last, plus the title is different than what I wanted, but the original title idea wouldn’t fit. Life has a way of continuing when you don’t want it to interfere with writing, but it does, as it did with mine. For those new to the Dazzled series, December’s life followed the path of George Straight’s song, She Let Herself Go. Please enjoy this final chapter and leave a comment if you wish, as is my policy, only...
My wife Linda has been helping out at shelter type, she helps with the food and other things. She helps out 3 days a week, she's been doing this for about 2 months now. I went down there one day to say hi, and I didn't see her. I asked where Linda was and they told me she got off around 1pm it was almost 2pm, she told me she gets off at 3pm. So I went in the back where they park there cars and looked for our van. I found it, but I saw it was shaking. So I went up too it and peaked in, I saw...