Business Trip TransformationChapter 2 free porn video

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We left the hotel, me dressed as he had directed still, and walked over to a close by mall. In there we found a Fredericks of Hollywood and in we went. He guided me around as if he knew this whole store intimately well, making me a bit suspicious of him for the first time. Matter of fact, he had walked directly to it like he new because he'd been in here before at some point.

When we finally got to the check stand to pay for our purchases, he had picked out a whole wardrobe for me. Dresses, skirts, tops, cut-offs, panties, bras, and other lingerie' items too.

He insisted on paying for it all, and when the bill came I was shocked. James was spending a fortune on me. Well over eight-hundred dollars as a matter of fact. I was just stunned that he'd do something like that.

We went back to the hotel and once in my room he got me really decked out in a very short time. As we left I glanced at myself in the mirror. I almost backed out. He had me wearing a short... very short pleated skirt and a very slinky top. I could see the straps of my garters below the hem of the dress as a matter of fact.

I looked like a hooker... almost. My breasts... tits were hanging freely underneath my top and I could see them clearly through the material. I could even see the brown circle of my areolas and my hard little nipples were sticking way out. The material of the blouse was enticing them... making them want to stand out.

"I can't go out looking like this James. I... I'm too... I look like a..."

"You look like my slut Mary. My slut. Remember? You're my slut now."

"For this week maybe... I guess."

"No 'I guesses' about it. You're my slut forever now Mary. Anytime I want you slut, you will come... won't you... slut?'

I felt my cunt flood with the realization that he was right. I'd be his slut forever now. He could get me to do things somehow... Matt had never been this way with me.

I whispered back to him, while looking at the floor.


"Yes what Mary? Look at me... be proud. Be proud you're my slut. That is what I want. I want a slut that is proud of being my slut. Get your head up and smile at me... be my slut Mary."

I lifted my head up and looked him straight in the eye. I had made up my mind now. I would be the best damned slut he'd ever seen. For him I'd do anything he asked. I would be the proudest slut I could be. "YES. Yes I'll be your slut. I will always be your slut James. Whenever, wherever, anytime anyplace. I'm your slut now. My cunt is yours to do with as you please... my cunt, my ass, my mouth... all of me."

"Good. Lets go my slut."

We left heading out to the movie theater. As we got there I realized that James had a far more different thing in mind that I had for a movie. It was an adult arcade. Here I was, dressed showing off my tits and cunt... because as I walked my skirt would flip up time to time and show anyone who happened to be looking that I had no panties on... at all.

As we entered I could hear men around me commenting to either James or some other guy about what a beautiful slut I was. I heard one guy ask James if he shared his slut at all. His reply shocked me and let me know that I was in for a ride this week. I only hoped that I would be able to survive it all.

"My slut? Well, I just might, you never know. Come on in and sit nearby... if I get in the mood I just might need some help... if ya know what I mean."

James had just become some coarse man that was matter-of-factly offering me to strangers. I should have been spitting mad... a few weeks ago I would have been. I should have slapped him and stomped off... a few days ago I would have. I should have never allowed myself to be talked into dressing as I was and coming here... a few hours ago I gave up that right forever.

Now I was standing near naked in front of an adult theater listening to James offer me up to other men, and my cunt was flooding. I was thinking about all that had happened when I suddenly realized that James had asked or told me to do something.


"Undo your blouse. Unbutton it. Give these fine gentlemen a look at what you'll be offering inside."

"I can't do that out here. I'll get arrested. I..."

"You will do as you're told slut. Undo your blouse. Show them your tits."

His voice had taken a slightly harder tone. I did as he asked. Trembling fingers undid all the buttons on my blouse and then my shaking hands spread that blouse wide open, baring my tits to all those men.

One guy stepped in close and cupped one of my tits.

"Wow... nice and firm. Look at those nipples, they're all hard and begging for it. She's begging for it. You've got yourself a great slut here Mr. She's a keeper for sure. Great tits too... must be D's if their anything at all."

They were C plus, but his words, his calling my breasts "tits' shook me to the core. His touch, rough and almost callous did something to me too. The way he talked about me to James, ignoring that I was a woman... someone he should be talking to also got to me in a way that had never happened before.

His fingers roughly tweaked my nipples before he stepped back. James had reached out and taking my hand, pulled me to him. Kissing me in front of all those dirty nasty men his hands fondled my tits. As we kissed I felt my dress going up in back. I reached back to find James was pulling it up.

I let him.

Pretty soon my whole ass was exposed, as well as my tits. I could hear whistles and cat calls as James grabbed a handful of my ass cheek and pulled it sideways, exposing my throbbing asshole to their sight.

"LOOK at that tight little asshole. God... I want to fuck that one. She's tight... real tight. Shaved cunt too."

"Yeah... Oh man... I'm going in to watch and join in on using this slut. I gotta have that cunt myself. She looks wetter than hell right now. I'd bet she'd do us all right out here if her slut master told her to too."

I knew it. I would have. If James had told me to go to my knees and suck his cock, or any cock for that matter, I would have. I would. I wanted to. I wanted to be the best slut I could be for James. Deep inside I hoped that he would use me that way too. If he did I only hoped that Matt and I would be able to survive this. My having become such a slut.

Don't get me wrong. I love Matt with all my heart. Here though, I had become what I had so much held back from my world. I had always wanted a man to take me and use me however he wanted to. I had always wanted to be a slut for some man, just like I was being for James. I had held it to a very regulated fantasy world that hardly ever saw the light of day.

Matt and I had gotten in a rut. Our marriage had gone so far to ruin now that I guess I felt I had nothing to lose by doing what I was doing with James. I still wanted to love and be loved by Matt though. I would still want to be his wife and the good little woman. I had a war deep within me now.

I also wanted to be the slut. Slut Mary. I wanted to be used by a man... any man... several men... all men. I wanted to please any man sexually, and in any way I could. I wanted to be let loose, set loose, to be with any man my slut master wanted me to be with.

All these years, since high school, maybe even before then, I had desires that I had held in check. Suddenly, in one day this man James had set me loose and opened my mind up to what I had most desired all my life. I loved the attention I was getting. I loved the knowledge that I would fuck and suck anyone that James told me to. I loved that I was free to do that right now too. I only hoped that I would not or had not lost Matt forever now though too.

I knew deep down that if it came to Matt or Mary the slut... Matt would win out. I would give up being slut Mary in an instant if Matt threatened to leave me or dump me because of my sluttiness now. If I could keep him after this that is. If he knew how I was feeling... like James seemed to know... would he love me the same then? Could he? Could he ever accept that I needed this time to time? Not all the time but once in a while could he let slut Mary loose? I could only hope that things would work out. For now, for this one week I was going to do whatever James asked of me though. I had to do it. I had to.

I felt hands on my ass cheeks that weren't James's. Strange men feeling and touching me as I was held in James's strong arms. I moaned softly, but not so softly that these men didn't all hear me. Fingers prodded my asshole and slipped into my cunt. I was dripping wet too.

"Oh yeah man... she's wanting it. Listen to her moaning. She wants what we've go to give her."

James drug me inside, several men were following. Inside the darkened theater I could see a woman and four men on screen. They were all naked and the woman was taking three men at once while the fourth man stood beside them, reaching in and playing with her tits.

James led me down front, all the way to the first row of seats. There was a space in front of them of about eight feet and then a stage rose up about waist high. That stage went from one side of the room to the other, and the screen was about ten feet in back of that.

I could see the men that had followed us in were all sitting nearby now... many right beside us or right behind me. James started to work on my cunt now. His hand was down there, fingers slipping between my cunt lips, playing with me. I was wet. Real wet.

My blouse was still undone, and James reached up with his free hand and pulled it down off my shoulders, removing it from my body when I worked my arms out of each sleeve. Stopping his playing with my cunt, the neatly folded my blouse up and laid it alongside of the arm of his seat.

He then started to work my skirt down, but one of the men there whispered to him, begging for him to leave it on me. I guess he saw how sexy that would be, so he just pulled it up a bit. I rose up off my ass to allow him to do that, not even making him ask.

My cunt was fully exposed and now some men had moved down in front of us to squat down and look at me in the flickering lights of the movie. James took my right leg and pulled it up and over the arm of my seat, then reaching across me he did the same with my left leg.

Here I was, totally topless, and no panties on, skirt pulled up around my waist, legs spread widely, allowing strange men to stare at my body. And I was getting hornier and wetter as time went on. James's next move stunned me. He looked over at the man that had sat next to me, and nodded at him.

Hands started to caress my leg, then my cunt. The guy sitting next to me had his hands on my body and he leaned over and started sucking on my hardened nipple of the tit closest to him. Hands came from behind me to grasp my other tit and a rough face rubbed my cheek, hot breath on my lips... and some stranger was kissing me.

I tilted my head back and accepted the tongue that was forced between my lips, and at that point I lost any reservations that were lingering in my mind. I became one huge nerve ending begging for release.

At some point James had given up his seat to another man and taking my blouse he laid it on the stage. Three men were feeling and kissing my body while I was still kissing the man standing behind me. Suddenly I was picked up and moved. Fear coursed through me for a second until I saw James directing the move.

Laying me on the stage with my legs dangling over the edge, hands took them up and held me spread wide apart. Very wide apart. Everyone could see my cunt throbbing and the wetness dripping off out of me.

Several fingers were inside my cunt now, stretching me wide. I couldn't count how many, but there were at least four. Hands were on my tits, on my legs, holding my arms, and head too.

Suddenly a cock was thrust at my lips. I opened my mouth and took it in without a thought to who it belonged to or anything. The man was rough, taking my hair in his hand and pulling my mouth over his shaft. I choked for a moment as the head of his cock bumped against the back of my throat.

Then, magically, his balls bounced off my chin. I had all of this cock in me and down my throat. I wasn't gagging... well not too much and the longer he held me there like he was, the less I felt the need to gag. Then he was fucking my mouth. Just like it was a cunt, he pounded his cock in and out. I kept my lips sealed as tight as I could during it all.

The next thing I knew a cock was pressing into my cunt. I moaned around the cock in my throat and he suddenly shot off. I choked again for a bit when his salty cum filled my mouth, but I managed to keep it all in. As he pulled out he wiped my face with his cock and then slapped me with it. I loved that feeling of soft, firm flesh slapping my cheeks. I sucked him back in my mouth and cleaned him off before he disappeared into the background and another cock was offered to me.

The man fucking me was ramming fast and hard and I orgasmed as he shot off inside me. He pulled out and I could feel my cunt open and the cool air slipping around my cunt lips. Another cock was there before I could enjoy that feeling though and this cock was larger. It was the biggest cock I had ever felt. At first I thought that someone was sticking their hand into me.

Looking down between my legs for a second I was shocked to see a large black man was sticking his cock into me. Just the sight of his coal black skin caused me to start to orgasm again. He made me cum twice before he was fully inside my cunt. He didn't slam into me, because if he had I'm sure the head of his cock would have hurt like hell slamming into my cervix. He was gentle... well, considering the situation, and his strokes in and out of my cunt were welcomed.

Here I was, a married lady, naked on an adult theater stage, getting cocks stuffed into my mouth and cunt. I was in a nirvana like state as cock after cock filled me and then let loose their loads deep inside either my mouth or cunt. Cunt... I was calling it my cunt. God how I had changed so much in such a short time. Forgive me if calling my cunt upsets you... it's just what I have to call it.

After about six men had used me James stepped in and made them step back. He asked me how I was doing.

"Hey Mary... are you okay? Do you want to keep on going?"

"I'm fine. I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow... but I'm loving this so far. I won't get arrested will I? I mean, we are in a public place and all."

"Know that big black guy that fucked you?"


"He owns the joint. He locked the doors and there are eight or ten guys in here. You up for it?"

"Yes. I do have to work tomorrow... please keep that in mind."

"Well, it's nine o'clock now... how about two more hours?"

"Two... maybe three. I think I could handle three."

"Okay. Midnight it will be princess slut."

"I am aren't I? A slut I mean."

"My slut. Remember that Mary. You're my slut."

"Yes James. I am your slut."

My newly shaven cunt was giving me a rush too. It felt so different to have a cock in me and the pubic hair of a man rubbing me there. I felt more naked than I ever had, naked yet sexy and wanton. James had oiled my whole crotch area while talking to me, I guess for extra lube to make up for the missing pubic hair. Whatever the reason the oil and the nudeness of my crotch were helping to drive me even farther into nirvana.

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Business Trip fun

nternational business trip gets an exciting finishThis event happened only last week and whilst it's very fresh in my mind I thought I'd put it down for you all to enjoy.So there we were my boss and I away from home for 5 days in Greece and not a sniff of any sexy ladies anywhere, I was getting hornier by the day and those urges I get from time to time kicked in with vengeance.During the international summit we were attending I made many acquaintance's from around the globe and found a few good...

1 year ago
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Business Trip

The last thing I wanted to do in July is have to make a business trip to Dallas. I don't mind heat, after all, summer is my favorite season, but there is heat, then there is Texas heat.I arrived in Dallas on Sunday afternoon, grabbed dinner and headed back to the hotel room. I was on the 10th floor and had a great view of the hotel across the street. I watched a movie on TV then got up to get ready for bed. I looked out the floor to ceiling window and could see straight into the room across the...

1 year ago
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Business Trip BBW

While on a business trip in the southeast I was in my hotel room feeling horny so I decided to post an ad looking for a thick woman for some late night fun. I got a bunch of responses and most were just spam but one of the real ones stood out. She was a white BBW in her late twenties with long hair dyed red. She had a few tattoos and a wonderful set of big saggy tits. I gave her my number and we texted a bit before she told me to come by and pick her up. I got directions and headed over to her...

3 years ago
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Business Trip in Atlanta

Business Trip In Atlanta I was staying in Atlanta for work. from the first day i was so horny, i wanted some cock to suck really bad, and started thinking about getting fucked in my ass. I was scanning craigslist, but wasn't getting a lot of responses to the ads i was replying too. I decided to put up my own add, and i added a picture i took in the hotel room. I used the mirror next to the bed to get a nice picture of my plump round ass sticking up in the air begging to be fucked. I got replies...

2 years ago
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Business trip to Mumbai

Last month, me and an Indian work mate were in Mumbai on a business trip and stayed at the Heritage Inn in Byculla - central Mumbai. He asked me whether I wanted to try Indian pussy, little did he know I fucking love it. He being a local knew all the best spots, so one evening we caught a taxi and after a while arrived in a place called Colaba. The place was located on some winding street which would be difficult for any stranger to find. At the entrance, we were greeted by some chubby...

3 years ago
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Business Trip Part 2

Business Trip Part 2 His hand is caressing my leg slowly going higher each time. He reaches the top of my stockings, feeling my garters. My mind is caught up in a fog of the moment. The multiple sensations of what a woman must feel in her man's arms. The blissful desire to submit oneself to her lover. "I love a woman that wears garter and stockings, Your legs are so nice and smooth." He pulls me closer and closer as we kiss. He guides me to the bed spreading my legs apart with...

2 years ago
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Dads Trip Made My Mom Strip

by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn't had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn't seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say he had to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. They had a good boy, Jeff; they...

3 years ago
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Dads Trip Made My Mom Strip

by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...

1 year ago
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Business Trip Hotel Hookup Partially true story o

Owning my own general contracting business was a blast 80% of the time, 20% of it was all headaches. But that was about to change. I had a deal in the works that would cut that 20% to near 0. The last thing needed was a face to face with the owner to go over the final contract. He had requested a few days of training for me on the systems and contracting schedules they need to complete the jobs. I booked a nice room in a nice hotel for two nights, Wednesday-& Thursday.When the days got...

2 years ago
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Business Trip MixUp

I had always had a crush on Ryan since my very first day on the job. He was totally hot with his chisled jawline, tanned body, and firm muscles. It wasn't until I saw him naked until I realized just how fucking hot he was!Ryan and I worked in the same department at one of the nation's top advertising firms. Lately, we had been assigned to the same project which required us to work many late nights together. He and I had become very close. I had just found out that he and his long term...

4 years ago
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Candy Striper

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...

3 years ago
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Charlotta The Candy StriperChapter 2

The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

I had been at my new job for about six months when my boss called me in to his office and told me he needed me to travel to Tampa and spend a week or two sitting down with a management team of a company we had been working with. I was happy to be out of the cold for a couple of weeks and the job seemed easy enough so i gladly accepted and began making arrangements. The company i was visiting was a small but profitable family business that managed several dozen self storage facilities and was...

2 years ago
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Business Trips Moving Up

The changes that were the most troubling to me were the ones that involved very specific fetishes, not that I was favoring any of the transformations that I have experienced in the past few months, but it was definitely the insane ones that kept my mind reeling whilst at work and in my nightmares. This curse was definitely getting the best of me, it was my affliction and I was now living with it for months, I treated it as a disease, I knew what had to be done to keep it under control,...

2 years ago
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Businessmans New Employment

I had been sent by my employers, a well known U.K. bank, to Bangkok in Thailand for a few days work. First a little about myself. I had joined the bank straight from school and had worked myself up to be Manager International Far East. Although based in London I travelled extensively around the Far East, to include Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore amongst other places. I am a widower my wife having died prematurely a couple of years ago. I was 45 back then and found it difficult to...

3 years ago
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Business Trip With Seema 8211 My PA Part 2

I was shocked to know that Seem had a crush on me. But I decided not to waste any time as this was a once in a lifetime chance for us. I just pulled her and planted my lips on hers. She responded immediately. Soon we were kissing like two teenagers on their first date. Our hands hurriedly undressed each other. Once we got naked, she moaned as she got hold my 9” thick cock. I got hold of her 36 C cup boobs my fingers rolled on her dark erect nipples. She let out a muffled moan and her grip on my...

4 years ago
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Business Trip

Marilyn Bear was upstairs in her bedroom packing a suitcase for her trip to California. She was due to start her new job with Chambers and Associates, the company that had just hired her to be their media marketing director. Marilyn and her husband, Bill had argued long and hard over her taking a job but she had ended up winning. After all, as she pointed out to him, they had agreed ten years ago when she had finally become pregnant that she could go back to work when Susan, their daughter,...

3 years ago
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Business Trip Massage

Part I:It was about 7:30 when Todd finally got back into his hotel room after a very long day full of meetings. The room was your standard Marriott; business class room with a king sized bed, a desk, lounge chair, small fridge and a large bathroom. It would suffice for the next two days, or rather nights. The days unfortunately were taken up with Convention duties.He had just returned from a nice dinner with colleagues and had declined a night out in the city with them; he told them he was too...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

I guess I have ways been a bi-male. If I had to pick one or the other I would chose males. There has always been something that has drawn me towards them. Maybe its the strength and power that I see in a naked male. The powerful shoulders, the muscles in their chests, the way their chests tappers into a thin waist line. And of course that beautiful special muscle that hangs between those powerful thighs. Always wondering how it would surprise you as it rises beyond your expectations.Now I'm...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

I awoke the next morning with only the slightest of hangovers from lastnight's beer. I smelled like dried cum, which was caked on my cock, and stale pee and beer. A quick run thru the shower, this time for washing me not for playing in, and all the usual morning ambulations. Within a short time I was ready to head down to breakfast.As part of this software conference, the sponsors had set up a breakfast buffet, and were hoping that the attendees would get to know each other better. I grabbed...

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Business Trip

I feel a little nervous writing this article as this is the first time I am ever writing anything on erotica. This article is based on a real incident where I was one of the protagonists. Before I speak about the incident, I need to give a brief background. I am married but have an ongoing affair with a married colleague of mine. I think our affair is different because we love each other very deeply. It is not a matter of flesh only for us but goes far deeper into our souls. For the purposes of...

3 years ago
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business trip

I job requires extensive travel.  And I am away from my wife and family for 6 weeks at a time.  One trip in perticular was a very interesting one.  I was at the bar with 2 of my co workers enjoying the band and feeling no pain.  A older couple in their late 50’s were there and began talking to us.  The wife was pretty overweight and definatly not my type.  But she was very ‘friendly’ with all three of us guys.  Right in front of her husband she would begin to rub my hair and touch my thigh. ...

3 years ago
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Business Trip

I am not the most attractive man, I am balding, in my fifties, and weigh about 300 pounds. My dick is only about five inches long and I have only slept with three women, one of which is my current wife. My job requires overnight travel and many times I go with a coworker and we share a room. I travel with Bill often, he is a younger guy and likes to go out drinking and comes back to the room d***k and a couple of times he brought back a woman. I would pretend to be asl**p and watch them have...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

“Would be nice to sit on a boat with your wife and see my wife’s ass shaking out in the water snorkeling and know you were out there trying to get a peek of her goodies,” was what I told Mike. He chuckled on the other end of the phone. “That could be arranged he said and Melbourne's great too. Lot's to see and do. Depends on what you like doing.”Well maybe we should actually work on this I thought. I had always wanted to visit Australia and so did my wife. “Would be fun,” I said, “and I’d love...

4 years ago
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Business Trip With My MILF Boss

It was after tax season and I was looking forward to having a few months of no overtime, an early afternoon off, and maybe a trip to the beach every now and then. I’m might be 41 but I can still wear a bikini and draw a few stares from the middle aged guys. As I was day dreaming my boss Phil walked into my office with my cute young nineteen year old intern Tim from last year. Little did my boss know that one day after work I had given young Tim the first blow job of his young life, one of many...

4 years ago
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Business trip with dad first part

My dad is a salesman for an intrenational company which means he is travelling a lot, mostly in europe. I was just in the mid of my teens and he asked if I would like to follow him on a trip, and I was afraid it will be boring, but got convinced when he told me the hotel was really nice with a big spa area. Off we went and arrived late in the evening, and just went to bed. Next morning he went offfor meetings and I was all alone on the hotel room. Decidec to take a shower and before I went in ,...

3 years ago
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Business trip with my boss

I went with my boss on a buying trip, and I got my own room so he probably had no thought that it would happen. In the evening he invited me out me at a resturant after work, we would meet at his place so I had plenty of time to fix me, I was long in the bath and drank so I started to get a bit drunk, so when I wanted to shave my pussy and gave myself an enema, then I got hornier and hornier my pussy was soaking wet, so I dressed up in a half long red lace dress, and I had a black lace bra, a...

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