Eden Misbehaving Ch 01
- 2 years ago
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"Oh, my!" exclaimed Penny in wonder.
"Yes," Muriel affirmed, "So she then called the Security guards, and ordered them to deport Bert for attacking Colony personnel. Bert's boss had seen the whole confrontation, and confirmed that Bert did the attacking. He was gone by the next day, and our marriage was automatically annulled for that reason.
"Gloria had to go to the Admin Department to sort out our housing situation, as the house was in Bert's name, and there she met John. It was love at first sight for both of them. He came to our house to take Gloria out, and that was when I met him. I was equally taken by him. I suppose you know that Rehome, like New Eden, allows for multiple spouses of either sex?"
Penny said, "Oh, yes. We actually came here from Rehome, as Dad was not happy about aliens sharing our world there. We got a good deal to come here and settle, he said. The only aliens here are humans!"
"So you will understand about the marriage law. What I was not clear about was whether a man could marry a mother AND daughter, so I got a friend to make enquiries for me – It was actually the black lady that Bert had tried to attack. She got back to me with the confirmation that the only restriction was the man (or woman) being closely related to any proposed spouse. There was no genetic link to John involved, so it was fine. John did not know this, so I arranged for him to drink too much and end up having sex with me. I then egged him on to have sex with the comatose Gloria; in the morning the poor innocent agreed to marry Gloria as he had deflowered her. I demanded the same right, at which point he gallantly, but stupidly, declared that he would do so gladly if he could, but it was illegal. I said I was sure it wasn't, and demanded he find out which was correct.
"He did; I was proved correct, so he found himself having to marry us both. I felt terrible about coercing him, so I became determined to be a good wife to him, and help Gloria as much as possible. It worked. John loves us both, and we have both had two of his children, so we are happy together. As long as I am able, I want to have more children, then afterwards I will become den mother to all of our children, and let Gloria have more of a social life. She deserves that freedom. I am SO happy with the man; and he is so good to Gloria. He is still besotted with her. It couldn't be better."
Penny was impressed. "Gosh. I never expected you to praise him so much. You make him sound like a saint."
"Oh, he is no saint; he is just a man, with a man's failings. He DOES have high standards, and when we met, he was still a single man at an age midway between me and Gloria. Perhaps that is why he fell for her so strongly. That is all by the by. He is just a good and kind man who wants to do his best for everyone. That is why the Governor of Rehome selected him as the Governor for this colony. He was a safe pair of hands."
"So he will make sure that Dad gets a fair trial, Muriel?"
"Of course. He will bend over backwards to make sure of that. He tells me he has been getting reports from all the relevant sources, to put before the jury, so they have all the relevant facts in front of them, and they can make a rational decision. You know that your Dad has confessed to killing your Mum?"
"I had heard something along these lines, but I wasn't taking it all in at the time, I'm afraid. The shock was still preventing me from thinking too straight."
"Well, with a confession, it is all a matter of what to take into consideration when apportioning the sentence. We don't have a death sentence – you can't go back and say to a dead man "Sorry, we got it wrong"; so some other punishment will be decided on. I don't know what that might be."
"I don't want to see him again, Muriel. I have too many bad memories."
"I understand. I was glad to see the back of Bert. It was the end of many years of bad experiences. Do you know, I encouraged the family to emigrate to Rehome – it was called Home in these days – as I thought it would take him away from access to alcohol. How wrong I was! People were soon distilling their own spirits and brewing their own beer, for there was no law against it. Without tax, it made alcohol cheap as well, which suited Bert's drinking habit. It was a disaster for us, me and Gloria."
Penny smiled at her. "Muriel, listening to you makes me feel better, knowing that what we went through as a family was not so very different from many other families. It was just the ending that was different."
"That is a good thought to hold on to, Penny."
"I still miss my Mum, Muriel. Can I hug you for a while, please?"
"Go ahead, Penny. That's what I am here for."
Penny held tight to Muriel, then after a minute or two, Muriel felt Penny sobbing quietly against her. She sympathetically and silently held Penny close, as the girl let out her grief for the first time.
In the course of this, John reappeared at the door. He spotted Muriel cuddling Penny, and raised his eyebrows in query. Muriel lifted a hand and waved him away. He retreated towards the kitchen, and Tabs, who was drying the crockery and putting it away. He quietly gave her a hand, pointing out where some of the more unusual items were placed, then they cleared the cutlery and cooking utensils. By the time they had everything dealt with, and John had given her a "high five" to acknowledge their achievement, they chatted about her school life for a while.
"Mr Wells, I dread going back to school, having to admit that my Dad has killed my Mum. I don't know that I could face it."
"Tabs, I don't think you should go back to school until after the trial and sentence. That would appear on the news, so by the time you returned to school, it would be old news. You just have to say, "It was all in the media. I have nothing more to add."
"That sounds right. I might try that."
"The main point to remember, Tabs, is that you are an innocent victim. No-one can accuse you of anything. You can pretend it all went over your head. Certainly there was nothing you could have done to prevent it."
"Thanks, sir. You are a nice man."
"All I do, Tabs, is try to treat other people the way I would hope they would treat me. If they don't, it is THEIR fault, not mine, and I can live with that."
Next day, Muriel visited Tabs' school and spoke to the administrator. "Tabitha is experiencing considerable trauma over the killing of her mother by her father, and at present is being cared for by the Governor and his family. Her father will be coming to trial shortly, and that will not help her, so the Governor feels that she should remain away from school until she feels able to cope with her teachers and fellow pupils again. Any teacher who wishes, may send her work to be done at home, but please note she has nothing from her own home with her at this time.
The Governor will send her back to school the minute she appears to be able to cope. Do you need a medical certificate to cover her absence?"
The Administrator realised this was a delicate situation. "The Governor's word is certainly enough, but if you were able to provide a medical certificate, that would help in keeping our records straight."
Muriel declared, "That point is noted. We shall consult the family's doctor."
Arriving home, Muriel asked Tabs, "Who is your family doctor, Tabs?"
"Doctor Beattie, Muriel."
"Do you mind if we call him in to examine you and issue a certificate stating you are not fit to attend school?"
"I don't mind, Muriel. Dr Beattie is a woman doctor, so she should be sympathetic to our problems."
Muriel phoned John to get his approval. "John, the school would like a medical certificate to cover Tabs' absence from school. Could you ask Dr Beattie to call in and see her, please?"
"Dr Beattie? I spoke to her about Joe. She seems amenable. I'll speak to her myself, and set it up."
He found that Dr Beattie was happy to visit in the early evening that day. "It is outside my normal hours, but this is an abnormal case, Governor. You say she is living in your home?"
"She and her sister Penny, who is seventeen. Penny seems to be coping better than her younger sister. What I need is for Tabs to steer clear of school until she feels she can cope with normal life again."
"I shall examine her and make my own judgment, but I am inclined to agree with you, Governor."
She turned up after the evening meal, and took Penny and Tabitha into the Governor's study for her private examination of them both. Half an hour later she presented John Wells with an open-ended medical certificate for Tabitha, which required her to issue another certificate at a later date, to state when she was regarded as fit for school.
"Do you want one for Penny, too? I don't know if she has employment or a college course."
"At the moment, nothing, but I may try to get her a college course, for she needs a career for her future life."
"Well, I'll issue a similar certificate, in case her selected course wants her to start right away. Let me know when you need me again. Oh, and here is my written report on Joe Fabricci's general health and what I think happened with his medication."
"Thanks, doctor. It is appreciated. I'll hand it on to our legal bod. The chances are that this will be sufficient, unless the jury wants to ask more questions."
The following day, the legal officer reported to the Governor that the jury trial was set for the next day, in a meeting room at the health centre. Any witnesses could sit in the centre waiting room, but as it stood, he expected the trial to be entirely based on reports from experts. He himself would be present to issue to the jurors copies of each of the reports, and answer any legal questions that the jury had. If the jury wished, he could summarise each of the reports with no confusing jargon. He asked if the Governor wished to attend.
"No, I don't think so. What I think you should do is allow the local news reporter in to observe and take notes. We don't have a proper newspaper yet, but as you are aware, we include a section on local news in the Colony news page, available on everyone's phones. A report of the murder trial will be of public interest, and also act as a deterrent for future potential murders."
"Very well, sir. At least every potential juror will understand how the process works. I expect the whole thing to be over in one day: not bad for an important crime to be dealt with."
"Will you expect family members to be at the trial, Governor?"
"Good God, no!" He explained, "Two teenage girls, traumatised? No way! I had to provide their eye-witness accounts, as told to me personally. These girls don't want to see their father, ever again. At the very least, he cannot remain in the Colony. I think you understand the position re banishment."
"I do understand, Governor. I shall explain all that to the jury."
The day of the trial was publicly known, so John decreed that the two girls remain in the Governor's mansion for the entire day, so that they would not be directly affected by whatever happened during the trial.
The trial itself was a bit on an anti-climax. The prisoner was there in handcuffs, chained to two guards. He at the start told his story to the jurors, and admitted his guilt. Next, each of the reports was presented to the jury, so that they were aware of all relevant facts and expert opinions on the facts. The facts readily spoke for themselves, and the jury recorded its decision of guilty.
The Houston homecoming was everything Meiersdottir had promised. Media coverage was extensive, and the entire staff of Eden Rescue was flown in to join the celebration. As the harrowing story of their narrow escape from the Eden system emerged, MacPherson and to a lesser extent Cromartie found themselves momentarily media darlings, much to their—and especially the captain's—embarrassment. Ironically, Mallet himself was also showered with fulsome praise for his and his agency's role in the...
He neared the river, and selected a hide for himself while he waited. As he sat there quietly, a small version of the sheep-like creature crept out of the forest and headed for the water. Hubert got out his handgun, waiting for it to come close enough for a fatal shot. It ambled closer, passing a bushy shrub, and as it did so, it jerked and then collapsed. A snake, or something very like a snake, slithered out and away from the animal that had disturbed it. Hubert thought, "Luck sometimes...
"I'm Amanda, and I'd like to give you welcome to our great ship, the Ark." Meiersdottir had allowed the Edenites a few hours to settle into their new and unfamiliar quarters. The ship had been broadly reconditioned to resemble as much as possible the surface of Eden. Its huge primary bay had been layered with the soil scooped up from the planet, into which had been implanted as much as they'd been able to gather of the foliage. The beasts they'd herded along were already grazing...
George nodded his agreement. "Gosh, NO, that would be far too long. I am sure you could calculate the optimum dimensions of the steel links between the cars, assuming them to be welded to the underside and lower sides of the car. These connections would have to be robust, remember: timber is heavy. Much would also depend on how great a diameter of log can be accommodated. Anything too large could be left for the trains to transport through the tunnel at a later stage. "Who is going to be...
A soft brown glow outlined the Wall, its sheer size dominating the horizon. Sigmund was holding on to his spear, surveying the landscape with a pair of digital enhanced binoculars, one of the last few still working. Upstream he could discern Lake Spagelow dry this time of year, again too soon for comfort. Still no sign of Jared and Ernst though, he thought to himself. He turned around to look at his eba, scrounging for food around the low bush, with little luck that day. "I told you the bush...
The jubilation at the headquarters of the informal "Eden Rescue" group put together by Toshimura and others was intense. In one two-day explosion Meiersdottir had brought the Edenites' plight to worldwide attention, initiated a tremendous upwelling of support for the rescuers' goal and completely defused SES opposition. It was beyond what any of them might have imagined possible, especially in so brief a span. But they had little leisure to enjoy their triumph. There was work to be done,...
For the past three years Meiersdottir had gradually detached herself from Eden Rescue. She remained chairperson of its board and nominal CEO, but Heisinger and Igwanda—AC—had between them taken over virtually all aspects of operational management, and her regular presence was no longer needed. Given her advancing years—she'd be 113 on her next birthday, which was only two months away—making the daily trek to the organization's offices was increasingly difficult for her, and she was rarely...
He was overwhelmed by the hug he got from Tracy, then she called softly, "Hasan! He is here." Hasan walked towards the door, carrying several bags. He eyed his visitor. "John? You came yourself?" "Anything for an old friend. Where are the boxes of books?" Hasan indicated a pile of cartons next to the door. John started to carry the first out the door and over to where the platform sat. As the family trooped out, he indicated the platform. "Everyone get on there. When ready, say NOW,...
"An ark?" she repeated. "Yes! A spacegoing ark! We don't want to go back to study them or gloat over them or any of the stuff you said. We want to rescue them!" Her face still tear-stained, she gave him an unbelieving look. "How is that possible?" she asked. "It can be done, Amanda," he replied. "Not all of them, of course, not even very many. But enough; and they'll bring all the others with them, in their mind. Remember, you told me when you got back from the second trip,...
In all of human history there has, however, never been a cause behind which all could unite. Peace, love, mercy, justice, every such ideal has found its detractors at any given time; education, individuality, achievement are all opposed by a tenacious few who have determined them to be somehow evil. Human beings can't even agree on their origins, there are still those who continue to insist that the Earth is flat, and many of most inspirational leaders of the past were in fact murdered by...
The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....
"It is, Tabs, but it is a burden you have to bear, if you are to be trusted with other important matters later in life." "Understood. Wow! Penny getting married!" "Perhaps, Tabs. It is all at the "depends" stage. Now, can you back off with your questions; questions I cannot answer?" "Yes, sir. I will stop, and keep things to myself. Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down. Penny, wow!" She halted her enthusiasm. "Does this mean I can't speak to Penny about her wanting...
"Well, Carlie, it's time." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Good luck, Grandmother." "I hope I don't need it." Pushing on the armrests with both hands she stood up unassisted and turned toward the door. They were in the "green room"—the waiting area—of the most popular worldwide late-night holograph show, on which she'd appear within, now, only a few seconds. It was a painstakingly arranged, and widely publicized, appearance. A week earlier she'd called the...
Hatred, Meiersdottir mused. Unreasoning hatred. And unreasoning fear, too. How terrible that they drive so much human thinking, and by thinking actions as well. In the two days since the dramatic confrontation in MacPherson's cabin there had been a great deal of activity. First and most immediately, the Ark's course had been righted. The ship had been on the proper trajectory, merely moving far too slowly to reach worm speed in anything like adequate time. But with all of its thrusters...
The choice turned out to be dictated by the anatomy of the Ark's Eden passengers—partly the Edenites themselves, but considerably more the wildlife accompanying them. It took Heisinger a great deal of effort to describe the situation clearly enough for the Edenites to understand. They had only the vaguest notion of the concept of gravity, and none at all that it could be variable. To them one remained on the ground simply because it was natural for non-aviators to remain on the ground, and...
"You shall have it, Muriel my dear. I hate to think how much this will set me back, but it was worth it! The dinner is, what, three days from now?" Gloria responded, "Yes, dear. Three days from tonight. The dresses arrived just in time. Now Penny and I need to pick up our necklaces, to set off the dresses." "Necklaces? You have necklaces? I don't remember seeing them." John expressed his doubt. Gloria smiled sweetly. "They are being made for us as we speak, darling. Nothing...
The research station was nearing completion, as The Personalia mechanoids hurried to attend to all the tasks that were required to turn the jigsaw of parts into a working building. It never occurred to The Personalia that they were conducting tasks which a human would normally attend to; they did not know, so went about their work as only they knew how. Knowing the timetable for the station to be ready for occupation, they phoned Hubert Swanson, saying "Hubert Swanson, the station is ready...
Eden Cove seems to have it all: Turquoise waves rolling up white perfect beaches, surounded by tropical green dotted by a firework of gaudy exotic flowers. A lush wind cooling down bodies which are otherwise heated up to much by the radiant sun. Placed at this secluded patch of heaven on earth lies a top-notch holiday resort with all the extravaganza which can be offered by state of the art facilities. Eden Cove resort moreover seems to be populated only by the most gorgeous people you can...
The morning transmission began as tumultuously as Meiersdottir had expected. Toshimura, in particular, was outraged that she had departed so drastically from their plans aboard the Gardener, and spent the first two minutes expressing that with phrases like "cover-up" and "betrayal of trust" and "high-handed unilateral decision-making" sprinkled liberally throughout his tirade. "All right, John," she said when he finally began to run out of words, "but that's something I don't want...
Igwanda and Meiersdottir walked back to their mini-pavilion, as they had come to call it, in stunned silence. Meier was awake and cranky; "I changed him," Lee said, "but I think he's hungry. Can't help you there." "Thanks, Janet," replied Meiersdottir absently. "I'll take it from here." She took the baby and with practiced movements opened her tunic to give him suckle as Lee left. "Hey, ouch, little man," she said, "just suck gently ... ah, there you go." As the baby fed she...
It was officially called a "mission briefing," and was closed to the public and the news media. Even so, popular interest in the return to Eden had reached a sufficient pitch that a variety of SES brass who had little of substance to contribute took up the first 90 minutes with what were mostly tendentious platitudes. The keynote speaker was Abel Langston himself, who thankfully gave to those who'd be light-years away in the coming election an abbreviated version of his remarks (they'd...
Yet another time the Edenite mother seemed at a loss for a response. The silence went on for a full minute, longer. Meiersdottir and her companions simply waited. "You ask us to leave this world, to leave our home and go with you?" the alien finally said. "Yes," she answered. "There's no other way for you to live. Your world is going to die, and you'll die with it if you stay. But we can help you leave it." "All of us?" "No, I'm sorry," Meiersdottir admitted. "Even we can't...
Meiersdottir slept fitfully but long in her cabin that night. The trip down to the planet, and especially her excursion into the Edenite nest and the effort she'd put into her presentation to Gagugakhing, had tired her severely; at her age the whole thing had been exhausting. Even so she kept waking, brooding, and then dozing back off. As a result it was nearly noon by the ship's clock when she at last bestirred herself from bed. She showered and dressed and wandered down to the ship's...
"Before we shut down, who's got Eugene's key for the log?" asked Meiersdottir. The Ark had been emptied of all its living cargo save for the plants unneeded on New Eden within a span of less than twenty-four hours. As before, AC—Heisinger and Igwanda—had taken on the brunt of the effort, aided enthusiastically by the remainder of the ship's original crew. The Edenites were already ensconced in their new Earthly home, their animals grazed happily in the abundant fields that had awaited...
There was a substantial welcoming party waiting as the sub-orbital came in for its landing on New Eden. Meiersdottir's entire estate staff had all turned out to greet their mistress, along with the two of Igwanda's security detail who were currently stationed there. The bulk of his security forces were now based on another nearby island but maintained their vigilance to prevent unauthorized encroachments by either air or sea. And, in equal numbers—still numeric parity, she noted—were the...
Even before the Gardener reached orbit, it was evident that there had been changes in the century since the Argo's visit. Dramatic changes. The rest of the planet—the landscape, the elevations and prominences, the distribution of life, on which most of the ship's scanning equipment was trained—was roughly identical to what the Argo had seen. Even such changes as were detected were more or less to be expected: slightly altered shorelines, minor expansions or contractions of arid desert...
It was impossible, was the shipwide consensus. There was no conceivable way that a culture obviously in the early stages of agrarianism, with but a single field planetwide under true cultivation, could have advanced to organized iron mining and smelting just a century later. "It took us several thousands of years to cross that bridge," said Toshimura. "To even suggest that another species could make the transition in a mere hundred is nonsense!" None could argue with the proposition that...
Preliminary analysis of the specimens produced a strangely mixed bag of results. The air, as the Argo had found, was quite breathable without respiratory filters; it was considerably more pollen-laden than Earth's—an ecology without significant insect population would naturally rely more heavily on airborne dissemination—but the pollens were completely innocuous to humans. Likewise the water was perfectly drinkable; the natural sediments would simply pass through the human digestive tract...
"It's the opportunity we've been waiting for!" Shaw fairly oozed excitement. "Now we can begin to truly interact, to see them in their homes, to really learn about them!" Igwanda noted dourly how the first officer, with no role in the mission other than as pilot, so eagerly used the first person plural to include himself in the ranks of the scientists. But he kept his observation to himself. And it was true that the scientific contingent, down to even the usually stolid Heisinger,...
"I see. Go ahead, then." "Piotr tells me that his pal's Dad – the name of the man is Hubert Swanson, by the way – it seems that he currently is a labourer on the rail track. He is a frustrated man, and takes out his aggression on everyone who has a better-paid job. He tells them that he is just as good as them, but they get better jobs because of their paper qualifications, not because they are better at their jobs. That doesn't endear him to his colleagues at work." John nodded....
I am NOT the author.am simply sharing Lauren takes a solo vacation and meets the sexy VP she hates from workI was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I'd spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation.“ I don't care if Mark can't make it- I'm just going to take off,” I said.“ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go...
If anything, the pace of that progress was even faster over the next few weeks. The scientists were gathering an immense body of knowledge about both the planet and the aliens themselves. After hearing Meiersdottir's description of the mating process Heisinger and Komosaki were avid for a first-hand view; the Edenites showed no hesitation about allowing them entry to the nest to witness not only that but an actual hatching. "It's unlike anything on Earth," Heisinger reported afterwards....
Time was closing in on their departure from Eden. They'd been at the planet for nearly fourteen Earth months, on the surface for the great majority of that time, and Captain Ziang had set a deadline of only two more weeks before the journey home would have to begin. All the scientists were hurrying to cram as much additional research as possible into the remaining time. Many were already drafting the breakthrough papers they would publish after their return, papers that would forever...
Abel Langston was first and foremost a politician. He loved the trappings of power, the sense of control and most of all the limelight that his electoral successes had brought him in steadily growing measure. And he was determined that his new post on the five-member SES Board of Administrators would be neither his last nor his highest in his chosen field. Thus, almost as soon as he took his seat he followed the time-honored approach of all ambitious politicians and began casting about for...
The Gardener reached worm speed and negotiated the worm transit uneventfully. At the astronomers' request Captain Ziang left the external scanners on for a short while at the beginning of the transit, but the view was only of a featureless void and after a couple of the more agoraphobic members of the crew asked, she turned them off. On-board excitement built quickly as the ship exited its wormhole and began decelerating toward Eden. The astronomers and physicists busied themselves quickly...
The summons she'd expected, from SES Executive Director Eugene Mallet, reached her in her hotel the next morning. Would she please present herself in his office as soon as possible, preferably immediately? She was of course under no obligation to comply. It had been several decades since she was in any way beholden to SES, and they had no authority whatever to command her. But it suited her purposes perfectly to obey the peremptory directive; indeed, had it not arrived promptly she would...
Meiersdottir was true to her word; the following morning the chamber was again full. There'd been a good deal of grumbling about "unnecessary" meetings, but her prestige was such that she'd persuaded even the most recalcitrant among her scientific peers to attend. And, she noted with approval, his military ... task force, she remembered, were also present. After calling the meeting to order Shaw, as pre-arranged, immediately recognized her. "Thank you all for coming today," she began....
Cromartie's story had impressed them all so much that they were perhaps lulled into complacency. The days and weeks passed by in endless sameness and still they hadn't reached the critical worm transit that would take them to the Eden system where they could begin decelerating to make orbit and finally, via shuttle, planetfall. And time was, Meiersdottir knew, uncomfortably short. The original plans had called for arriving at Eden a full six months before the emissions of Chen's nova...
But for the next several days she had no opportunity for another visit. Heisinger and Igwanda had worked out a rough revised schedule for the rescue operation once they'd reached Eden, but they needed her input on many details as the only crew member who'd ever been on the planet. For almost every waking minute the three of them were in constant discussion, calling often on Watesi, Yuan and Paulssen for consultations. Amuri was pressed to refine estimates of the arrival of the Chen's nova...
By the time the planning revisions were complete the Ark had, at last, entered worm space for its faster-than-light transit to the Eden system. As MacPherson had noted in his greatly abbreviated pre-launch briefing, the transit was in objective terms instantaneous; from the moment they entered the wormhole to the moment they emerged no time whatever would elapse in the physical universe; the two events would occur simultaneously. Subjectively, though, it would seem aboard the Ark to last...
"I won't be here tomorrow," she warned MacPherson. "And today must be a short one. I need my rest; I'm going down to Eden tomorrow." "Ye gae yersel'?" he said in surprise. "Why?" "Long story," she told him. "But I need to be there, on the first landing. Does it frighten you, knowing we're here now?" He gave her a long, speculative look. "Nae, Missus," he said at last. "Wha' I did, I did forr rreasons I ha'e tol' ye, an' I do no' know still if they werre guid...
"I know you said this could happen, Amanda, but I still can't believe they'd actually refuse us!" said Heisinger. The humans were gathered in the pavilion watching as the Edenites industriously helped assemble the first load to be ferried back to the Ark. This would be, as they'd long planned, mostly soil along with a few basic horticultural specimens. The massive bays of the mothership would have to be conditioned into a reasonable approximation of Eden's surface before they'd be...
The work went on virtually non-stop, with periodic slow-downs when one or another of the humans was too exhausted to go on. Heisinger and Igwanda rested in relays, one of them always awake to guide the operation and ensure that it hewed to the plan; the others snatched such sleep as they were able when they were able. They were in constant communication with Cromartie aboard the Ark to ensure that the on-board arrangements likewise followed the plan, and twice Igwanda made quick visits to...
"Married?" said Meiersdottir in surprise. She was on the communicator with Igwanda, who with Heisinger had alone remained on the surface. The others, together with both landers, had repaired to the Ark as soon as what had been intended as the final loading was finished for a much-needed night's sleep. It was now early afternoon planetside in what was their first day of inactivity since they'd arrived at Eden. "Al and I originally planned it when we started," Igwanda told her. "We...
"You say that name of this ship, Ark, has much meaning to you," Gagugakhing remarked to Heisinger. "Would you tell us this meaning?" The younger woman had quickly adopted the practice of alternating with Meiersdottir in interacting with the Edenites on their voyage. Actually the brunt of the effort fell on Heisinger; the old woman was increasingly feeling the ravages of her advanced age and the efforts she'd put forth in their visit to Eden itself, and as little as an hour was enough...
At long last, after five grueling weeks of crushing on-board gravitational excess and unremitting tension, the crucial day had arrived. There remained but hours before the nova's killing burst of radiation would reach the Eden system, and before the Ark would at last attain the minimum speed that would allow it to pass into worm space and escape. And Meiersdottir was still in a coma. Even the optimistic O'Bannion now referred to her condition as "critical," and was increasingly guarded...
What developed, as Igwanda had predicted, was a second day of virtually no predatory activity. Two flying creatures stooped on small ground animals, one successfully and one not, but other than that and a brief territorial display between two of the hexapods the day was a bucolic repetition of the previous one. The scientists spent most of it again collecting specimens. Observing closely, both Komosaki and Heisinger were able to collect ground plants onto which some of the grazers and...
"Wonderful, Roxanne. Isn't it wonderful, Hasan? You are going to be a father again, dear." John Wells looked Hasan in the face. "Hasan! You and Roxanne? I hope you are going to make an honest woman of her!" Hasan, looking shell-shocked, automatically mumbled, "Yes, of course," at which Tracy said, "Congratulations, Roxanne. Welcome to the family as a wife to Hasan. You have been close to us for a long time, and we have slowly become a family, together. Now Hasan has agreed to make a...
Muriel intervened. "Everyone sit down. I am about to serve the soup. John, see the girls to their seats, will you?" The meal was a wonderful means of breaking the ice, and by the end, they were all chatting together, mostly about the children, but John spoke to Tabitha about the bedrooms, the time of breakfast, and other non-baby subjects, as he had remembered Penny's comments about Tabs. He asked Tabitha about her schoolwork, questioning her about her possible career choices. Being a...
John pursed his lips in thought, then said, "Why don't we make the railway system a company owned by the community, with each family issued a share on arrival, or two shares if they have been here more than a year. We could reward our committee members with an additional two shares for their work on the committee. That way, it is in their interest to see the colony expand successfully: the rail network will show that success, I believe." "Neat trick, Governor. I think they will go for...
"The Landerships going down in tandem were carrying lengths of cable for the wires between the fence poles, and delivering mechanoids to weld them to the fence posts. The cables are heavy, so only a few can be delivered on any trip. We found that the practical delivery is the cable links between two posts, so this is going to be a long job, with thousands of deliveries to be made. We have had to collect additional fuel for the task, so other Base ships have been detailed to have their...
Tracklaying supervisor Gerald Kreusch had heard that the cable car transport was operational and wanted some answers about the rail tracks. He contacted Peter Parker. "Mr Parker, this is Gerald Kreusch, tracklaying supervisor. I would like to get started on laying track on the other side of the mountain, now that the cable car system is in use. Can you do anything to expedite this?" "I can certainly look into it, Gerald. What do you need to get up and running? "A number of things, Mr...
"Fine, Welty, at least up until a half an hour ago. I hear you have a murderer and two frightened girls here." "Yes, siree, Gov'nor. The boys brought him in. Noisy he was. Once they had him manacled to the cell wall, they put a gag on him to shut him up. He was a mix of anger and tears, he was. They said he had torn up the room where his wife died, so we didn't want to take any chances, so that's why the manacles and the gag." "I do hope he has not been allowed to suffocate,...
"No. We are testing the strengths of various cables that are on sale. Most cables are designed for pressure strains, and not protection against physical attack, so we may have to go for armoured cables, which are much dearer; however, we need so much cabling that we should be able to strike a good deal on the purchase. We anticipate at least four cables between fence posts, and then cross links of the same quality, welded in place, with the wire mesh added on the inside." John was...
"Perfectly right, darling. Just as you did with me, only I was too drunk to feel the pain. Penny gets the whole shebang, lucky girl." "You wanted this to happen, the pair of you?" "Yes, dear", said Gloria; "Yes, dear," said Penny. Gloria added, "I made sure Penny got protection, as she is not ready for a baby, so you can give her the works, John." "You really want this, Penny? Sex with this old man?" Gloria was incensed. "Old man? You are younger than my mother, John, and she...
They both rushed to meet him. Muriel demanded, "Well?" "It was as I feared. Spontaneous abortion; happens in about 15 per cent of all teenagers, often for no apparent reason, but usually because of a genetic abnormality. I am assuming no history of drugs, smoking and drinking of alcohol." "Nothing like that, Doctor", said Gloria, "And she eats well - we make sure of that - so not a nutritional problem." "In that case, just a non-viable foetus. There should not a be any problem...
I was beat, beat, beat. This last project had taken the wind out of my sails. Too many 11pm calls with China. Too many lunches eaten over my computer keyboard. In fact I’d spilled coffee so many times I was on my third keyboard. I told my pal in California that I was taking a vacation. “ I don’t care if Mark can’t make it- I’m just going to take off,” I said. “ Great,” said my pal Rob. “Go for it. Where to?” “ I’ve got a great spa picked out. Actually, it’s down your way. Santa Barbara. Eden...
"Colonel, are they gone?" asked Chavez over the communicator. "Yes, Sergeant, you may speak now. Have you—" "Are you insane, Colonel?" the sergeant burst out. "The lander is ready to go right now, we can have you safe on board in—" "Sergeant, shut up," said Igwanda sharply. He still wasn't quite certain of Meiersdottir's intentions, but he'd had more than enough of Chavez' interference. "But to spend the night camping out in the middle of thousands of—" "Sergeant, do I...