HardtimesChapter 2
- 2 years ago
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Harley nodded, "Can you tell me what the car looked like?" he asked.
"Oh, no problem there at all, it looked just like Banker Teel's new Cadillac sedan with four doors and black leather upholstery. I didn't seethe driver, but the passenger looked to be a colored of some kind."
Harley smiled, "Milt," he said, "You saw Banker Teel's car. He was driving it and here is where you have to larn ... learn to be close mouthed. The banker has some black nookie he gets into. In this job you're going to find out a whole lot about people you never suspected they was up to. You just keep your mouth shut about what you see unless it breaks the law. I was city marshal for only a short while and I saw all kinds of things. Just keep your mouth shut.
"Oh," he added, "Milt, I like the way you was able to describe car so well. If it had been a no-good, we would know what to look for. You're going to make a fine marshal, I figure.
"Milt smiled at the praise and answered quietly, "Thanks."
"The reason I was asking about a car hanging around the bank is I heard there was somebody parked in the alley early this morning and I wanted to be sure it ain't ah, isn't a problem we have to deal with. You know, like somebody fixing to break in or something."
Elspeth came bustling in, "There is a very important man out here to see you, Chief Duran, sir." She looked up at Harley with soft doe-eyes, obviously very infatuated with him.
"Elspeth, why don't you call me Harley like everybody else does? And we'll call you Elly. Then we don't have to have all those fancy titles that don't know how mean anything." He smiled at her and nodded his head yes, causing her to nod yes back at him.
"You just tell this 'important man' to come on back and we'll talk to him." She nodded and fled.
Within a minute, a tall, over six foot, slender, well dressed stranger came in and introduced himself. "I'm James Stanley from the Oklahoma Central committee for the Democratic Party. I must say you've played hell with our plans for this end of the state." Although he had a smile on his thin lips, it never reached his eyes. He stuck out his hand and Harley took it, giving it a perfunctory shake and releasing it. The man's appearance and manner made Harley think of a sleek, well-fed snake.
"Now what plans would this be you all have for this end of the state?" he asked the stranger. He cocked his head to one side and watched the stranger as well as listened to him.
"Well, in one fell swoop you sent our man to the hospital and killed his two assistants, the Beaudine brothers. Jean was our man calling the shots in this county. Now the Republicans will start think they can regain the ground they lost around here in these parts. We can't have it." He spoke to Harley as if he was speaking to a child. Milt and Leroy both held their breath, expecting a becoming more famous by the day explosion.
Instead Harley asked very mildly, "What about the people hereabouts? Shouldn't they have a little say in these plans you have for them?"
Stanley made a dismissive gesture, "The people. What do they have to do with anything? We tell them how to vote. We decide what's best for this state and this country, not the people." He actually curled his well-bred lip at the mention of the common voters.
"Well, Mister Stanley, here in this room are three people who will vote or not vote their own way without any help from you and your party." He pointed to the door, "I think you better get out of here and right now. The people in this end of the' state don't need any help from you all. Beat it.
The man's eyes glittered, giving him even more the appearance of a well-groomed snake. "You don't know what you're letting yourself in for. The machine in this state is a well oiled machine, don't think we're going to allow any sand to get in the gears." He left.
"Well, boys, it looks like we got the Democrats pissed off at us as well." Harley grinned and shook his head in mock concern. "Now who else is there?"
"I vote Republican, "Milt told him," So I don't care."
Leroy grinned and said, "Hell, I never voted in my life so I don't give a shit either."
"Well, I believe he spells trouble for us, one way or another," He looked at Milt and Leroy and asked, "Speaking of trouble, we need more police. Where we going to get them?"
Leroy spoke first, "Why don't we hire a colored to take care of the colored part of town? He'd know what was happening around there more than we would. I know one such man I'd suggest for the job. His name's Leo White."
Although this had been done on a limited scale in the larger eastern cities, usually using unarmed blacks, Harley was doubtful it would succeed in a small community like Woodman. "I don't know, Leroy. I sure would like to do it but I don't think the whites would go for it. Arming a colored feller with a gun would scare the hell out of a lot of these old farts around this neck of the woods.
"Well, think on this, Harley, there ain't ... isn't a colored feller down there in the Sand Bar who doesn't have a straight edge razor in his hip pocket or pinned up in the lapel of his suit coat. Most of them have snub nose thirty-twos or twenty-twos in ankle holsters or tucked away in their waistbands. So what's the difference?"
"Well, the main difference is if we give a badge to a colored man and tell him to carry a gun, all those old biddies will just scream we're just inviting rape and mayhem."
Milt asked, "Harley, what if you hire one black man and have him go armed at work and take his gun off when he ain't working? Then just spread the word he's a "pet nigger" kind of. I think it would satisfy most of the peckerwoods who need something to worry about."
"Milt, your idea sounds good to me," Leroy said, "But I'd suggest you get people to think of him as a 'man of color who is grateful for this chance to serve the white community as a 'watch dog' sort of."
"Leroy," Harley laughed, "Learning all them new words is fillin' your, uh, filling your head with some strange ideas. But I think you just hit the nail right on the head. Who you got in mind?"
"I also figure the colored man name of Leo White would be just what the doctor ordered. The man has self-respect and brains. Also, he runs the only honest crap game down on the Sand Bar."
"Okay, Leroy, tell him to come in and talk to me," Harley said. "Milt, you know anybody we might be able to use?"
"Well, there is a man who was driving corn whiskey for the late sheriff. He made deliveries between here and Enid, mostly. He's got to be the toughest man I ever met, next to you Harley. He's honest and don't chase around on his wife. And he needs a job; he's got a family to feed.
The feds took his car away from him so he's looking for whatever he can find. His name's Ed Green. His son Bertie is a hard case of sorts. But he'd charge the gates of Hell with a mouth full of spit to put the fire out if he took the notion."
"Well, I rather have them with us as against us. Tell him and his son Bertie to come in and talk to me. We still need us three or four more men at the very least. But what we want are men who won't go off half-cocked. We don't need bully boys, but people who are family men. We already got too many of the others still around here.
"So you go on about your business and I'll go see if I can get me a telephone installed at my house." Harley left the room.
He stopped at the front desk and asked Ellie, "You know how to get a telephone hooked up? I need one at my house."
"Oh yes sir, Harley, sir," she answered brightly, "I'll call and get it installed for you today."
He looked at her, "You mean all there is to it is I ask you and you take care of it?" She nodded. "Well, why didn't someone tell me it was so easy?"
"Well, I guess because you never asked. One of my other uncles and two cousins work for the telephone company. I'll call Aunt Mildred and she'll take care of everything else."
"I guess hiring family ain't so bad after all." He walked out of the station, shaking his head, and headed toward his car. He drove to the Moore's house and stopped.
Brother Moore was just coming out the door as he got there. "Oh, Brother Duran. I was just coming to see you."
Harley got out and shook the man's hand. "Why was you coming to see me, trouble?"
"Oh no, but Sister Moore and I were concerned about how all the violence you have been subjected to has affected you."
"Well, preacher, I got to admit its starting to wear me down. Every time I hear a noise at night I think its new trouble coming at me and my family. What is the matter with these people around here they let all these no goods just take over?"
The minister placed a hand on the big man's elbow. It was like gripping a tree limb. Physically there was nothing soft about Harley Duran. His softness, what little there was had been mostly reserved for his wife and child. "Harley," he began, "Most people are not as you are. They do not have your inner strength and your ability to face whatever comes and fight it. People would rather compromise and hope the trouble, whatever it might be, will go away."
"Well, why would they? If you run today, then you got to keep running tomorrow and the next day. If you face whatever you got to face today, it saves wear and tear on you tomorrow. He shook his head in exasperation.
"You are stronger than most people, Harley," the minister told him in a gentle voice. You are the strongest man I ever met. I don't mean your physical strength, which is immense, but your inner strength. Harley, if you don't look out, you are going to be governor of this state." He was only half joking when he said it. Then he asked, "What is it you were coming to see me about?"
"Oh I just wanted another lesson in talking right," he answered, "But if you're too busy..." he let his voice trail off.
"Harley, this is just one example of what I have been saying in my own overly articulate way, "You have been threatened, shot at and seen more violence in the past month than most people could see in two life times. But you still find time for what most people would consider a triviality under the circumstances."
"If you mean I have my own set pace to do things, I guess you're right. But I got so much to do."
"Very well, for the rest of this week, pay special attention to everything you say. Instead of saying 'runnin' say runn-ing. Also include play-ing, work-ing and so forth. Basically you have a good instinctive grasp of the English language, you merely need to be less idiomatic."
"What's this have to do with idiots?" Harley asked, frowning.
"Oh no. 'Idiom" means you speak a dialect, a variation of the English tongue. You say, 'ain't' instead of 'isn't, ' for instance. This is idiomatic speech."
Harley smiled, "Damn. Just listening uh listen-ing to you is a pure dee revelation. I already have been trying to watch the ends of my words. But it takes so much effort."
Moore's face turned solemn, "Harley, there is one thing I do believe you should do. If you will forgive my meddling, I feel it would be incumbent upon you to say a few words in church this Sunday. I have also spoken to the other ministers here in this community and they would like for you to speak to their congregations as well. You need to reassure people you are not just another Lester Beaudine. People are beginning to hope, but they are a bit afraid as well. Could you do it?"
"Well, yes, I could, what should I say? I never talked in front of people before."
"You remember how you responded when everybody laughed and said they would vote for you? Just keep it in mind. You'll do just fine, I'm sure."
"Well, okay, if you say so." Harley shook the preacher's hand once more and got back in his car and left. He wasn't too certain he was up to making a speech in front of people. The next few days seemed to be a respite.
On the following Friday at noon he headed home, hoping there would be no problems there. There weren't. Ida Mae was swinging in her tire swing and singing to her doll.
Ida Marie was mopping the kitchen floor. "Harley, honey, we need a dog." She greeted him with a kiss and a hug."
He carefully and slowly said, "Well, okay, if you feel you want one. But what kind do you have in mind we need?" He looked at her trying to fathom what prompted the idea.
"Harley, I want a big mean son of a bitch who barks loud, bites hard and won't back up from nobody."
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Author’s Notes: A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to the people who helped in refining and improving this chapter. My lady love for her undying support and the harshest critique one can hope for, my editor bikoukumori for his unending patience and a host of volunteers who suffered through the early drafts of this tale. In no particular order: Thornfoote, Pyvent, UKWaterRat and of course my Patrons. All participants in sexual activities are adults. “I’m not quite sure if I’ll ever be...
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Richard showed Margaret his (skeletal) house and described what he hoped to do. She told of her school in Brisbane – St. Margaret’s – and how she had worked in the new school library. “It seemed like a fine way to spend time: surrounded by knowledge and both preserving and disbursing it.” Richard told her about the Agricultural College and his two years at Lamorbey. “My folks live in Warwick! That’s only an hour from Gatton!” “And only double that to Southport, where my parents...
Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...
Lamorbey Station seemed far away when Richard pulled onto campus early on Monday. He’d spent Friday night in his Jeep, near Tambo, an hour past Blackall. He’d lunched and dined out of the esky. The next night he’d spent in a motel in Roma, where he’d enjoyed a shower. Last night he stayed at the Royal, an older hotel in Gatton, and so was well-rested. He was also in a good mood. He’d opened the “pay envelope” and discovered ten five pound notes – far more than he’d expected for just under...
The year ended. Richard drove west and north, arriving at Lamorbey on schedule. He was welcomed by Janey with an exuberant night of sex. In the morning he was welcomed back by the foreman and many of the crew. Ferd was in Emerald on a “shopping trip.” Ferd turned up in mid-afternoon. He’d been purchasing ammunition: .30- .30 and .30-06 cartridges and a box of slugs for the 12-gauge shotgun, which Richard had never seen. The “hunting party” was to be made up of Ferd, Richard, Janey, Al, and...
Richard asked for the Christmas to New Year’s Day week off and drove to Southport in two harrowing days, with extremely high temperatures. He was welcomed by his parents with the news that “Cat’s on a cruise to Auckland.” After unloading the Jeep he showered and re-dressed. It was a luxury to have real hot water on tap. “How are things?” Andy asked him. “Well, I’ve worked hard for two months and I think I’ve learned a lot. I’ve been talking to one of our Aboriginal drovers and learned from...
Part 1, Husband's view of the Adventure, the beginning.Good morning everyone. Here is just a piece of the story. Do you think it sounds okay or do you think I should edit out more before finishing the final edit?The Hardware Store and the Store OwnerWell it had been a couple of months since the mailman and we figured for this town that was as good as it would get ever, were we wrong. It was a Saturday morning and I had gone into the garage to do a table project. I had got a few of those large...
“It’s actually just under 30,000 acres,” Richard was told about two weeks later. “Can you explain?” “Of course. First of all, it’s unclear to me whether the property is within the bounds of Womalilla or of Mungallala. Most likely Mungallala’s too far west. I don’t think Brisbane’ll have to adjudicate. But the land itself extends south of where that two creeks you crossed join to an unnamed east-west road. The land is lightly wooded in the east and shrubby in the west. Because of the...
Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...
Time flies, they say. Richard knew from school that Ovid wrote “omnia mutantur, nihil interit” (everything changes, nothing perishes Metamorphoses XV), where he later refers to “tempus edax rerum” (time the consumer of things). But what eats up the days, the weeks, the months? One of the Greeks wrote that everything flows. 1962 certainly flowed away. Like water or sand through your hands. Jenna was pregnant again. Joyce would have a sibling before she was three. Ferd was married, but was...
On the journey back from work all sorts of things were running through my mind. I had built up many feelings, guilt - poor dad had no idea just how much of a naughty women Cathy was. Lust, I kept fantasising about Cathy and her perfect body. Excitement, the chase of of going after an older women and succedding was a big adrenalin rush. Looking out the window gave me time to reflect on what I wanted out of life. People might say why don't you go for someone closer to your own age but women my...
"Oh damn!" I groaned. "Not you too!" "The last time I made love in this pool was almost nineteen years ago, Bob," she huffed in my ear. "Paul got me pregnant with Jill in this pool." Her pussy muscles rippled and she sobbed "Oh yes!" as she began to cum. "It was ... October," she panted. "It was snowing. This ... pool ... is famous ... with the ... locals ... for ... ahhhhhhh ... this is so good, Bob ... people think the pool helps ... uhhhh ... women ... get ... mmmmmmmm ......
Richard had little use for his wife anymore. He couldn?t even remember why he had married her, aside from it being a naïve college sweetheart thing. He had been a bright young ROTC cadet, on his way to a commission in the Army, while she had been an ambitious marketing major, seeking a career in advertising. Well, Uncle Sam had dragged him around the world in 19 years of service. He had no choice in where he was stationed. This was something that Lacey had never grasped. She had constantly...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
Hi friends it’s sameer back with one more story of my sexual encounter. This is the continuation of my last story “hardware aunty ki hard chudai “.Thank you very much for your great response, I was really surprised that you guys liked it so much! So after I helped that aunty to get inside the shop, I was just standing right across the shop and the rain wasn’t getting any lighter. But after what I had seen, those sexy cleavage, wet waist , my mind was all in her boobs and my dick was getting so...
Hi, my name is sameer and I am 24 years old. I am average built neither fat nor slim and Caucasian colour, I am currently living in a small family where my elder brother is working and my parents are retired government service. I am in my final year of engineering. So that is a brief summary of myself, now let’s go to the story. In this story, I am going to narrate how I met a hot aunty in a hardware shop and how my lust compelled me to have sex with her in a totally awkward situation. It was...
You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...
“Oh come on, Annie, just a quick fuck, for old times’ sake.” “You have got to be kidding, Ollie.” “Ok, maybe not a fuck, but how about a blow-job? One last time.” “Oh, fuck it, ok, a blow-job. But it’ll have to be a quick one.” He was already undoing his belt. I pushed him back against the wash-basin, hitched up my frock, and knelt down, hoping the floor wasn’t too dirty. I unzipped his fly, and tugged down the front of his briefs as he undid the last button and his trousers descended...