BrodricksburgChapter 8 free porn video

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It was Thursday afternoon. It had been just over a week since I asked Hanratty to contact the people on the list I gave him. He had finally managed to contact everyone on the list. He had no idea what I was looking for but it was obvious that he knew the information he gave me was important. He could see how it all tied together.

"You know, getting this information was like pulling teeth. These people didn't want to talk to me about this," Hanratty said. "They had been told not to tell anyone about the deals. So, what do you think is going on?"

"I am not sure. This all looks legal but I just sense that there is something sinister going on here. Two of these deals haven't been completed yet," I said. "I am going to keep an eye on these and see what happens."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Have you talked to Ross about this?"

Hanratty smiled. "I told Ross that you were looking to reopen the investigation into Donald Boland's death."

"Why did you tell him that?"

"When I looked at this list I noticed that the only address missing was 5219," Hanratty said. "I wasn't sure if there was a connection or not but I didn't feel comfortable telling Ross that I was contacting all of these people so I feed him the idea about you still trying to prove that Boland was murdered."

"Good job. You'll actually make a pretty good cop some day."

"Will I be as good as you?"

"Oh, no. But you might be better than Ross," I joked. "What did Ross say?"

"He was pissed. He was almost foaming at the mouth when he said, 'That was a fucking suicide.'"

"Maybe that will keep him off the scent for a while. If he asks you for an update, tell him I'm not making any progress."

"Will do."

I was supposed to have a dinner date with Carrie that night but she had called to cancel. She said that she was going to have to work that evening. She said it was a real estate deal but that was all she could tell me. Carrie was planning to go to Philadelphia to visit her parents over the weekend so we had to plan our next date for the following Thursday.

At 8:30 that evening I drove out River Road and parked in the driveway at the Boland's house. From there I was able to watch the activity around 5107 River Road. 5107 River Road was the home of William and Carolyn Patterson. From where I was parked I could see Carrie's car parked in the Patterson's driveway. The car in front of Carrie's appeared to be Stephen Farlow's car. I had not followed Carrie out to the Patterson's house but I knew she would be there. Well, I didn't know she would be at the Pattersons' house but I was pretty sure she would be at one of two addresses on River Road. Like I said, I wasn't following Carrie but her car helped me locate the house I wanted to watch.

Carrie and Farlow were in the house for nearly an hour. When they came out Carrie got into her car and drove away. I didn't move. It wasn't Carrie I was interested in. I assumed that Carrie would be headed home anyway. I waited until Stephen Farlow pulled out onto River Road and headed north into the city and then, staying well back so that he would not spot me, I followed him.

Farlow drove to the Brodricksburg Inn. I gave him ten minutes to get inside before I got out of my car to follow. My hope was that Farlow was there to meet his client. The one putting options to buy on properties along River Road. My thinking was that Farlow's client might be responsible for Donald Boland's death.

There was no way I could go into the bar and not be recognized. My hope was that Farlow and his client would just ignore me. After all, they had no reason to believe I was interested in what they were doing.

When I walked into the bar there were only a few people there and Farlow was not among them.

"Shit, I lost him."

"Hey, Hobbs, how ya doin?" It was Ralph, the Inn's bartender that spoke to me.

I was trapped. I couldn't ignore Ralph. I wanted people to think I was just there to have a drink, not because I was following someone. I walked over to the bar and sat on a stool.

"I'm doing okay, Ralph. How are you?"

"Couldn't be better. What can I get ya?"

"Give me a Yuengling."

When Ralph brought my beer he asked, "So what brings you out here tonight? Don't usually see you here without your wife."

"Carrie had to work and I just needed to get out of the house."

"Glad ya came in. It has been slow tonight."

"I thought Thursday nights is when all of the movers and shakers came out here," I said. "That is why I came here. I wanted to drink with the rich and famous."

I was joking but I hoped that I might be able to get some information from Ralph. I hoped that he had seen Farlow come through and might mention that without me having to ask too many questions.

"If that's what you are looking for, you picked the right night but you are too late."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The rich and famous were here for dinner but they left a few minutes ago."

I wasn't sure if the information would be helpful but I asked anyway. "Who did I miss?"

"Congressman Freewater, Mayor Gargas, George Kasperek, Glen Buske, Robert Kelly and Richard Mitchell were here for dinner."

I felt a cold chill run through my body. The significance of these people being together was not lost on me. The fact that Richard Mitchell, Carrie's boss, was there really bothered me.

"I am sorry I missed them. How long ago did they leave?"

"They left just before you came in. Mr. Farlow came in and then they all went off to one of the meeting rooms upstairs."

Trying to keep the excitement I was feeling out of my voice, I said, "Sorry I missed them. I would love to have gotten their autographs."

Ralph laughed and then said, "You can always come back next week."


"Well, they meet here every Thursday. They don't always have dinner first and not all of them come every time. The Congressman only comes once in a great while but the rest are here every Thursday. I call them the Thursday Night Club."

Ralph wandered off to take some drink orders and I thought about what I had just learned. I was beginning to see the full pattern and it scared me. These men were powerful and I didn't have evidence that they had broken any laws. For the first time since I started investigating Commissioner Buske, I felt like I was in over my head.

I was just finishing up my beer when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"So what brings you out here, Lt. Hobbs?" Captain Ross said.

"I was on my way home from the gym and decided to stop in for a beer." I lied. "What brings you here?"

"I was supposed to meet some friends here but I guess they didn't make it yet."

"Can I buy you a beer?" I asked.

"No, thanks. I need to make a call to see what's keeping my friends."

"In that case I am going to head home."

Ross moved over to where Ralph was mixing a drink and I put a dollar on the bar for a tip and got up to leave. As I walked away I heard Ralph say, "They're already upstairs."

When I got to the door I looked and saw that Ross had taken a seat at the bar. I guessed that he might be the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Thursday Night Club members.

I decided to keep what I had learned at the Inn to myself until I could decide what it all meat. It might have just been a meeting of friends, although I doubted it. I also wondered how Ross fit in. Was he a member of the Thursday Night Club or was his appearance at the Inn just a coincidence?

My original investigation of Commissioner Buske had taken a strange turn and was now overlapping my investigation of Mr. Boland's death.

I didn't sleep very well that night as I tried to understand how the different players fit in. By four o'clock in the morning I had put things together in my mind in the only way they seemed to fit. I still needed a couple more pieces of information to confirm my theory. The problem was that even if my theory was correct I still didn't know how I could prove that anyone had broken the law and considering who I was dealing with I had better have lots of proof or I would be the one in deep shit.

Hanratty Reports to Ross

When Hanratty came in Friday morning, I didn't mention anything about my being out on River Road the night before or anything that had happened afterward. I was sure that Captain Ross would want to talk to him and I wanted Hanratty to be able to truthfully say that he didn't know what I was up to Thursday night.

The morning was pretty much routine. Hanratty suggested we hit the streets and we did. After breakfast we cruised by the schools and then checked out a couple of items that had been on the OAR that morning.

When we got back to the station after lunch I went to my desk to make a phone call and Hanratty disappeared for a while.

"Pennsylvania Department of Parks and Recreation, Peter Alston speaking. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Alston, this is Lt. Hobbs of the Brodricksburg Police Department. I was wondering if you could answer a question for me," I said.

"I'll try."

"If the city of Brodricksburg wanted to buy some land that is a portion of one of our state parks, how would they go about it?"

"I really don't know. I have never heard of that happening before. I think you will need to ask Mr. Wrestler. He is the head of Pennsylvania's Department of Parks and Recreation. Unfortunately, he is out of the office today. He should be in on Monday. Can I have him call you?"

"If you would," I said and gave him my cell phone number.

Hanratty came over to my desk as soon as I put the phone down.

"Ross was all over me," Hanratty said. "He asked if I knew why you were at the Brodricksburg Inn last night. I told him I wasn't sure but I thought that you might have been meeting Carrie there for dinner."

"Good. What did he say to that?"


"That's all he said?"

"Yep. He is a man of few words," Hanratty said. "So, you got anything else for me?"

"Not right now, let's take a ride. We can take another pass by the schools before three o'clock.

The FBI's Impatience

The weekend was uneventful. Carrie called me from her parent's home on both Saturday and Sunday evenings. The residents of Riverview Apartments played volleyball again on Sunday but I didn't play. My ankle was feeling a lot better but I wasn't ready to put that much stress on it yet so I sat and watched and later I took a dip in the pool.

It was raining Monday morning when I got to the station. Chief Pasiak was in his office early and flagged me down as I passed by.

"Just wanted to let you know that Agent Van Horn was in again. I believe he thinks we are not doing anything about Commissioner Buske. I assured him that we have investigated the matter thoroughly and as soon as we can prove any wrongdoing we will go to the DA for an indictment."

"Do you think he bought that?"

"No. I don't think he has a lot of confidence in you."

"Well, screw him. What has the FBI done about CSC? Nothing. I know what Agent Van Horn is up to and I don't see any reason I should be in any hurry to help him."

"I am certainly glad I was able to cheer you up this morning," Chief Pasiak said as he laughed at my anger. "So where do we stand in the investigation?"

"This may be something bigger than just a bribery scandal involving the Commissioner of Works. I am waiting for a phone call that might answer the last of my questions. Until I get that answer I am not ready to say anything more."

"Okay, Brian. Hopefully it won't be much longer. I would like to get this behind us before the end of the year," the Chief said.

"Me too."

Mrs. Boland

Hanratty was waiting for me at my desk.

"Saw you meeting with the old man again. Ross isn't in yet. Should I tell him about your meeting when he gets in?"

"Yeah. That should get his day off to a good start," I said. "Are you ready to hit the street?"

Hanratty said, "I am always ready for that."

Hanratty and I got back to the station at 12:30 PM. Ross was sitting in his office and I saw him give Hanratty a little nod. As soon as we were past the office Hanratty said, "I think the Captain wants me to stop by for a chat."

"Go make his day," I said.

When I got back to my desk I placed a call to Mrs. Boland at her daughter's house.

"Mrs. Boland, have you by any chance remembered the name of the man that called your husband about selling your farm?"

"No. I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help."

"Do you think that you might recognize the name if you heard it?"

"I don't know, I might."

"Okay, I am going to mention some names and you tell me if any of them are familiar."


"Glen Buske?"

"No. I know Glen and his wife. It wasn't Glen."

"Carl Gargas?"

"The Mayor? No, it wasn't him."

"How about Robert Kelley?"


"George Kasperek?"

"Kasperek? That might be it. Yes, I think that was the name. Kasperek," Mrs. Boland said in an excited voice. "Does that help?"

"Yes, it does. Thank you very much."

"Did he have something to do with my husband's murder?"

"I don't know yet but I am going to find out."

Pennsylvania Department of Parks and Recreation

It was 3:15 when Alan Wrestler called me back.

"Mr. Wrestler, what I am trying to find out is how a city can go about buying land that is part of a state park."

"Can't be done. The only way land from a state park can be sold is if the legislature approves the closing of the park. At that time the land would be put up for public auction."

"Do you happen to know if anyone from the city of Brodricksburg ever contacted your department to ask about the possibility of buying land that is part of the Fort Brodrick State Park."

"As a matter of fact I do remember that. It was my first year as head of the department. I don't remember the man's name but I remember that he said he was the Superintendent of Schools in Brodricksburg."

"Robert Kelley?"

"Yes, I think that was his name, but I can't be positive because it was about six years ago. He asked about buying 300 acres of the park. He said he wanted to build a three-school campus there."

"What did you tell him?"

"Same thing I told you. There was no way we could sell him that land."

"Would you happen to have a record of that call?"

"It would be in my calendar notes in the archives. It would take a while to find it."

"I am not sure if we will need your notes but I'll let you know," I said. "You have been a big help. Thanks.

I was feeling a little apprehensive as I left the station that evening. I was in the middle of a big mess and I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it. I decided that it was time to lay the whole thing out for Chief Pasiak and I planned to do that later in the week.

Agent Kyle Van Horn

I was staring into my nearly empty refrigerator when the phone rang. I was hungry and debating what to do about dinner as I picked up the phone.

"Lt. Hobbs."

"What do you want now?" I said as soon as I recognized the voice.

"I just want to tell you what your wife is up to tonight."

"And what is she up to?"

"She is meeting her lover tonight. They will be at 37 Third Street at eight o'clock."

"Why should I care?"

"Because she is making a fool of you. She is telling everyone that you are getting back together soon but she has no plans of ending her affair with him."

"So, who is this lover of hers?" I asked, not expecting an answer.

"His name is Glen Buske."

"The Commissioner of Works? I don't believe that."

"Didn't you get the pictures I sent over to your office today?"

"No. I didn't get any pictures."

"Well, you'll have them tomorrow but why wait. If you want to catch your cheating wife in the act, just be there at eight o'clock tonight," the caller said and then hung up.

I almost laughed. Apparently my mysterious caller didn't know that Buske was a closet homosexual. I did wonder about the pictures she mentioned. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 PM so I picked up my keys and headed out of the apartment.

I was about two blocks from my apartment when I saw him. I was being followed. The driver obviously had been trained in how to tail a car but not well enough to fool me. He stayed back behind a couple of other cars but I immediately noticed the way he moved around in his lane to make sure he could keep me in view.

Same as Brodricksburg
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Introduction: Couple Pays a rapist back for Raping their friend Introduction: A Rapist gets Raped I will be telling this through the first person Character Janet. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Janet and 11 years ago I was raped by a guy named Mark. Me and my ex husband at the time lived with him and his wife Gina in their Mobile Home just outside of Atlanta, Ga because we have no where to go. One night while everyone else was...

3 years ago
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Chocolate Kisses Ch 10

Cake? Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 Sunday, February 14th, 1932 Valentine’s Day The sound of laughter filled James’ library as he read the Sunday paper. Al Capone was now serving time at the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta. Should have sent him to Alcatraz, see how he’d like that. A knock on the doorjamb caught his attention. He saw her standing in the doorway… the sight of her was enough and he put his hand down trying to keep his arousal down. She walked in and sat...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 Seans Job

Lieutenant Sean Watson was in his office early. He was looking at the dozen reports that had accumulated over the last couple of weeks. They were about the theft or removal and then the replacement in some cases, of different items from different departments on the ship. If he didn’t know better, the acts of theft were being done just to piss people off. Alternatively, they were done to make everyone suspect others of sabotaging their work. ‘Fuck!’ he thought. ‘We have barely gotten out of...

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A Fire Inside Ch 07

Several hours later, Moria and Robbin sat on the bus watching as the guys got ready for their set. Jade was dressed in a tight fitting black shirt with a skinny red tie and even tighter black jeans, and was carefully applying fresh eyeliner in the bathroom mirror. Adam lay on his bunk, eyes closed, drumming the air with his hands. Davey was wearing his signature tight, shiny pleather pants, and a black fishnet shirt that showed off his many tattoos. He was currently rooting around his bunk for...

1 year ago
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Horny mothers sexual urges

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Mom I'm home i shouted!" I had already come home from college having graduated pre med. I couldn't wait to see my mother. She was a lawyer working for a major law firm. "Honey, you have to learn to stop being impatient", my mom said. I looked at my mom walking down the stairs. She was 42 and had a very lovely body. She had hair, nice legs, firm tits and a sweet ass. When I was growing up I always imagined her as a young Linda Hamilton. I had a hard on...

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KennedyChapter 15 Friends of Friends

Kennedy and Mr. Glastonbury walked to his car, parked in the school pickup area. There was a traffic ticket on the windshield. One of the patrolmen who'd been on duty inside the school saw them and noticed the ticket. He walked quickly over and picked it up. "I'll take care of this," he told Mr. Glastonbury. "I'm sorry, Miss. I really screwed up." "Yep!" Kennedy agreed. "I've screwed up, Mr. Glastonbury has screwed up; God knows, Larkin is a total screw up. It's not that you make...

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The best sister ever part 5

Yes this is all true. please read from the first stories.The next morning I woke up and we had all slept in our parents room and my cock was still in moms pussy while i had dads cock up me as well. Me and my sister both went ownstairs and had a sandwich and another fuck before mom came downstairs to leave for work. When she came downstairs my sister came in my mouth and I came in my moms mouth nd we swapped cum as she kissed me goodbye.It is two years later now and we are all above age now so...

4 years ago
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The Door Next DoorChapter 1

Ben switched on the Weather Channel and looked at the current conditions: Temperature 25 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit. At least, he figured, the forecast had been correct. He pulled on a sweater, boots, overcoat, hat and gloves. Then he picked up a plastic tub containing his car battery and carried it to the parking lot. There, he popped his hood, set the heavy object into its holder and connected the cables. His engine cranked briskly when he turned the key, but it took a while to ignite....

3 years ago
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Afternoon Aftermath

For Cindy Davis, it had been a weekend of unbelievable firsts.She had just spent two nights in a mid-town hotel room making almost constant love with Ray, a man she barely knew. Of course, it had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, no doubt about that. He’d been alone, a long way from home and had needed her. Still, it marked the first time she’d ever cheated on her fiance', which would never, ever, happen again. Then there had been anal sex. It happened sort of by accident, but it had been...

2 years ago
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Helping Linda Part One

This is a true story. I was a virgin when I met and fell in love with my wife, whom I will call Alice for this story. This is despite me being 26 at the time we met. Alice who was 20 when we met was not a virgin, but had only slept with one previous boyfriend. This story tells how Alice and I went from a very conventional relationship to swinging with two other couples after we had been together about 10 years (and married 7 years). Part 1 My wife had and still does have two very close friends...

Straight Sex
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My Awakening What Happened Next

If anyone has read “My Awakening”, this is what may have happened later. It didn’t but I still wanted to have more of my motherNothing happened between my mother and I until my brother had left home for university. I had continued to touch her tits whenever I could but these opportunities became few and far between. There was always someone else in the house which made it difficult, and I had started dating girls my own age. However, an opportunity arose as my father had heart problems and was...

3 years ago
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Tami Gets Even

There was one park in particular that she really enjoyed since it was always empty. She never saw the need to leash her two retrievers and would let them chase squirrels and birds to their hearts content. This March afternoon though she was surprised to see several cars in the parking lot. She muttered to the dogs as she walked past the parked cars to the trailhead, “Must be a walking club boys, we need to make sure we don’t spook anyone.” She knew the dogs were friendly but the last thing she...

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Claudias ConditionChapter 29

Brooke declined Claudia and Dan’s offer to join them for the dinner date with Karen or James Winslow. Instead, she chose to stay in and chat with Kyle on Seeme. She would be waiting in bed for them to tell her all the juicy details of their dates. “I remember you saying you were going to be a good girl on your dinner date with James. That dress tells me you will be far from good!” Dan teased, gazing at his sexily dressed girl. “I do have a certain slutty reputation to uphold for you, you...

2 years ago
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Love Never Dies Pt 03

This story is based on fact and personal experience. Big Cock Fantasy readers will be familiar with the emerging character of Gaynor. As always, I hope you have a stimulating read. Comments are appreciated. ~~~~~~~ NOW OVER dinner – one of Veronica’s casserole creations which pleased the taste buds but left me in the dark as to all of its ingredients – she suddenly asked: ‘Do you miss having sex?’ My wine glass was at my lips but I paused and looked across the dining table at my wife. Her...

4 years ago
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basment rape

I woke up in my condo looking at the beutiful toronto sky line. I looked at my self, i needed to get a better tan. I decided i would go to the toronto islands and tan. I put on a bra top you know the kind that has a bra support they gave my d cup breast eye poping clevage. I put on a very mini pencil skirt, it was 2 inches below my ass. I was also not wearing underwear. Overall i was a beutiful 20 year old, with beach blonde hair d cup breats a nice ass slim stomache and perfect legs. I put...

3 years ago
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No FutureChapter 68 Ivory Towers

Sally 2091 Sally had a great deal to be satisfied about even though she wasn't the kind of person to take good fortune for granted. She was blessed with relatively affluent parents who loved and cherished her. She was similarly blessed with the intellectual ability to secure a place on a postgraduate course at Oxford, one of England's two greatest universities and one which still ranked moderately highly in the world. She was a talented sportswoman, a girl with an extensive social network...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Strip Club DJ

"AAAAAAAAANNNND Say hello to Lucy Diamond!" You shout over the microphone, while spinning a fast paced remix of "Clint Eastwood" over your turntables. Lucy was blonde and leggy, with all kinds of that sparkly stuff around her eyes. Boy if your parents could see you know, you think as she breaks out of her satin negligee. This isn't exactly where you'd planned on ending up when you bought you're first record, but a job's a job, it puts food on the table and beer in the gullet. Still, you wished...

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Emilys TinyCunny Part 2

Emily finally came over to us that evening in the pub, and after blushing and going red thank Wendy and me for “taking care “ of her a few weeks ago. We all chatted about that night and offered that if she ever wanted to stay over at any time she was more that welcome. Emily asked if she could stay next weekend, Wendy’s eyes opened wide to the thought of having her tight cunny again, but I said that we had a weekend away arrange to friends at Wyn and Bev’s as it was Wyn’s birthday and he was...

2 years ago
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Next GenerationChapter 2

Saturday... So, the weekend finally arrived. Saturday morning I texted Carter to let him know we were on our way over. He texted me back, “Dude, you better hurry or I’m gonna get blue balls!” Cara rode over to Aaron and Meg’s wearing a sun dress and no panties for easy access. I just wore cargo shorts, commando, no shirt and flip flops. We drove over and talked about the weekend ahead. When we arrived, we both walked up and I rang the door bell. Meg answered the door naked and let us in,...

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Movie Night3

“What did you get dad?” I looked at a tiny version of my wife in her flannel pjs. Her long blonde hair, mousy blue eyes, and soft, tender complexion was beaming with excitement. “Well, I got Sleeping Beauty, an old Disney movie.” Sarah was very familiar with the new generation of kids movies, but Beth wanted me to get an old classic. I figured I couldn't’ go wrong with it. “Sleeping Beauty? What’s that?” Beth smiled with her own doe eyes, wide set and deep blue. “Oh,...

3 years ago
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Trinitys 21st party changer her life forever

The party was arranged at a San Francisco night club which specialised in parties for gay and lesbian groups but they are also very popular with everyone as the music was especially good and the other entertainments were very raunchy with no holds barred when it came to rules etc. It was free to get in but if you booked before-hand you were given a password to give to the doormen.Trinity and her friends Shelley and Frida live near San Francisco and work together is a sports gym nearby the city....

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At last I have sex

I was seventeen and had a boyfriend for a few months but apart from lots of kissing we’d not got as far as having sex. Paul was the same age and a good looking guy, he was a few months older than me, stood about 5’ 10, shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes and was pretty fit. My name’s Joanna, I’m 5’6, long dark hair, blue eyes, slim build with B cup boobs and I shave. It wasn’t as though I hadn’t wanted to have sex with him. I had ever since we kissed first time and every chance I had, I’d be...

4 years ago
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My husband and the volleyball girl

This is about the first night my husband fucked another girl in front of my eyes and how I got off on that, watching him thrust inside of someone that wasn’t me gave me an animalistic shock. I felt incredibly horny.The first girl to join us was Crystal, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She’s a cutie. A few years younger than me, dirty blond hair and phenomenal legs and ass. My husband flirts with her often. Almost inappropriately. I had approached her about joining us. She had just...

1 year ago
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Private Suzy Rainbow Teen Enjoys Interracial Fuck With Rimming

Private is dedicated to bringing you the best European porn and today we’ve got a scene that delivers just that! Returning today to is Suzy Rainbow, a very sexy brunette that has come to Private Specials, Ass Licking Girls to deliver fantastic interracial scene and show off her phenomenal rimming skills. Watch her with Tony Brooklyn, giving a sloppy blowjob before heading down further and putting that tongue to work, eating ass and getting her man horny for hard fuck, Suzy sure does...

3 years ago
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Old White Cock and horny Indian Girl

My name is Pallavi, i am a 27 year old from Mumbai, India.I have long black hair, big boobs, a wide and thick ass and hot legs and thighs. This story is a true story which happened while i was doing my higher studies. After graduating from college my boyfriend Krish and I decided to go to the United States for our higher studies. We rented out an apartment together in New York City. Everything seemed fine, until I met Rick. Rick was our landlord. He was 56 years old. He was a basically...

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Christmas Trip with the Cousins

This is a fictional story that involves incestuous innuendos and flirtation. If you are not into that type of story, then this may not be the story for you. This story also contains mind control themes. None of these characters represent a real person, any similarities are purely coincidental. All characters in this story are over 18 years old. Every year my aunts, uncles and first cousins spend a week together for Christmas. This is a tradition that has been going on since I was a little kid....

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Sam Gets Married

I couldn't stop the tears from forming in my eyes as I stood among a large crowd of friends and family, watching a car festooned with colorful ribbons and trailing a string of clanging cans drive away with my only c***d in the arms of another man. Even though I knew they would be back in three weeks from their Hawaiian honeymoon, living not far away, I was feeling the loss and sadness every father feels when he sees his daughter suddenly choose another man to live with and love.As the crowd...

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E087 In The Greenhouse

Saturday starts nice and sunny when Emma and Donald wake up.  It is already getting warm by nine o’clock.  They decide that they will spend the day, for the most part, on the beach.After a quick shower, both are in bathing suits, Emma insists on a cover to go down to breakfast with Dorothy and Maude.  But both women can see her figure outlined under the light coverall and sigh at Emma’s loveliness.That is the nice thing about Dorothy and Maude, they have over the years learned to appreciate,...

Love Stories
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Alka And Ajay 8211 Part 1

Greetings everyone! This is Lingeshwaran (Yahoo: ; gtalk: ; skype: ) here. You can add me to your buddy list if you are interested in chatting or real meet up or just need a companion for talking. Feel free to add me to your chat list or you can mail me at my Gmail id. Feel free to send me your comments on how to improve my writing too. I would be glad to improve. You can search using for my other stories in Like my other stories, this will also be a slow moving, but...

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The Other Couple A swingers story

The contact internet advertisement read: “Couple mid 40’s, healthy and discreet, GSOH, N/S, S/D, reasonable appearance, seek swinging couples for fun times. Photo appreciated.” We wrote a self-descriptive introductory email, attached a nude photo of each of us and waited. It took a few days to receive a reply. The email from Fay and Bob was positive, included photos of them nude and a home phone number with the suggestion that the two women talk first. Their phone conversations were encouraging...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 63 The Final Countdown

May 13, 1985, McKinley, Ohio The phone rang very early on Monday morning, startling me awake. A quick glance at the clock told me that it had to be Angie calling, and I dreaded answering the phone. Reluctantly, I got out of bed and moved across the room to answer it. “Mike,” I said after I picked up the handset. “Mike? It’s Mom.” “Mom?” I gasped in surprise. “What’s wrong?” “Grandpa Loucks had a heart attack,” she said. “Dad is on his way to Chicago.” “How bad?” I asked. “His prognosis...

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