AlishaChapter 2 free porn video

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Eighteen months later:

I dropped my bag just inside the door of the flat, and my backpack on the table. I collapsed on the sofa in the lounge, sick to my stomach. I glanced at my watch, 12 hours since I’d walked out of the hotel room, and I guessed Ali still hadn’t noticed I’d left.

I’d flown out to Antigua five days earlier to join Ali on her latest assignment, I hadn’t seen her for several days, and our reunion was as passionate as ever. I was glad that absence made the heart fonder, as she’d been somewhat distant for the past few months.

On her last couple of assignments, she’d barely made any time for me, yet she’d been the one who’d wanted me with her. She’d blamed it on the pressure of work, so when she was offered this contract we’d arraigned that I would join her and we’d have a week’s vacation at the end. I was looking forward to a relaxing vacation and the chance to reconnect with my wife.

I got a renewed taste of reality the next morning. Alisha was scheduled for a swimwear shoot at dawn on the hotel’s exclusive beach. She had woken me up with a kiss as she’d left the room.

“It’s very early,” she whispered. “You stay in bed, I’ll be finished in a few hours, and we can have a late breakfast. You can come and collect me later.”

I tried to sleep but I couldn’t, I showered and stood on the balcony and saw the lights of the photographer’s crew on the beach below. What the hell, I thought; I might as well go and watch the shoot.

As I stepped onto the sand, a security guard stopped me. “Sorry, this section of the beach is off limits to the public,” he told me.

“That alright, I’m Alisha’s husband.”

“And she’s?”

“The model,” and I pointed at her as she stood ankle deep in the surf 50 yards away.

He shook his head, “My instructions are to let only let people with a pass onto the beach.

Fuck it, I thought, I’d always been allowed to be with Ali on a shoot, and this wasn’t going to be the first time it happened. I called over to her.

She paused and gave me a wave and a few moments later one of the numerous assistants came walking over. Good, I thought; we’ll get this solved quickly.

Before I could say anything, the woman spoke. “You need to leave; you’re disturbing James.” The assistant spoke in an American accent.

“And who the fuck is James?”

“He’s the photographer,” she said in a shocked tone.

I shrugged dismissively, “Fair enough, but it’s not him I want to see, it’s my wife, so if you could just tell this nice man to let me pass everything will be fine.”

“I can’t; it’s a closed set.”

I gave her an incredulous look, there had to be at least 20 people on the beach, and I could tell that at least half of them had no discernible role in the shoot.

“Ali,” I shouted, “This idiot won’t let me on the beach.”

She stopped in mid-pose and then headed in my direction. She was stopped by the photographer, who I assumed was the famous James. I could hear the harsh tone of the conversation from where I was standing. James pointed back at the surf, and Ali just stood there shaking her head and pointing at me.

A third person joined them, and to my surprise, after a moment Ali walked back into the surf. This third person headed over in my direction. As he approached, I recognized him from Ali’s agency. Tony looked after Ali for the modeling agency.

“Ben, I’m sorry, but James won’t have another photographer on any of his shots.” He said as he approached me.

“I’m not here as a bloody photographer; I don’t even have a camera on me. I’m here as Ali’s husband, and I seem to recall her contract specifically states I can accompany her on shoots as a chaperone.”

“Christ, Ben, please don’t push that. He’s a temperamental bastard at the best of times. He just about had a hissy fit when he saw you.”

“Then he needs to grow a pair. Get Ali over here; I want to know what he said to her. Then tell this wanker,” and I pointed at the security guard, “That I can access the shoot whenever I want.”

Tony groaned, then made his way back to the shoot. He stopped to speak with James, and I watched in amusement as James started stamping his feet. It probably would have looked a lot more impressive if it hadn’t been on the sand; all he achieved was to kick sand over his camera equipment.

Tony waved at Ali and pointed at me, and she ran over. “I’m sorry, love,” she said as she hugged me. “I think it may be better if you wait for me in the room.”

“Christ, am I a naughty child who needs to stand in the corner?”

“Don’t be stupid; that not what I meant. I just don’t want to annoy him anymore. He’s supposed to be a genius and the only photographer the client will only use for their shoots. The shoot is a multi-page spread in an important American magazine, and I could get some amazing exposure when it’s published.”

“Ali, that’s ridiculous, half the people over there are nothing to do with the shoot. I just want to be sure that you are okay and nobody’s hassling you.”

Tony had appeared beside her as I said that and I said to him, “You better have one of these magical passes for me, or my wife and I are going back to our room, and we’ll watch the rest of the sunrise from our balcony.”

Ali gave a little snort of amusement, but then said seriously. “I can’t; I need to finish this.”

I shook my head, “No, we need to resolve this; either the agency lives up to its contract and I’m allowed on set, or I’m flying home, Ali. I’m not going to hang around here for the next few days on the off chance I’ll be able to see you between shots. I looked at your schedule last night, three more days of almost non-stop shoots.”

Ali looked surprised at my blunt statement. “You don’t mean it; you wouldn’t leave.”

“Why shouldn’t I; this is the third time you’ve asked me to come with you and then ignored me. What’s the point of me being here if you are going to abandon me like you did the other time’s?”

“It’s only for the next few days, and then we have a couple of days to ourselves.”

“A couple of days; don’t you mean a week.”

“Err, yes sorry that’s what I meant.”

Tony handed me a laminated pass he’d pulled from his pocket. “For Christ’s sake only use it if you need to. He’s pissed off enough as it is and we can’t afford for him to walk.”

“Is he that good?” I asked nodding in James direction.

Tony hesitated, “Not really, oh he’s good, no doubt about it, but honestly, you are as good if not better. It’s just that for some reason the client, the owner of the fashion house, seems to think the sun shines out of that twat’s ass.”

“So, what’s he got against me; he obviously likes people watching him from the size of the crowd over there.”

Ali looked embarrassed, “Probably my fault,” she admitted. “I was showing a few people some of my favorite photos you’ve taken of me, and James wanted to see them. He knows how good you are, love.”

Oh crap. I looked back at the beach, and I could see what James was trying to achieve from this shoot. “You better go back,” I told her. “The lights going to be perfect for about 15 minutes. I’ll go for a walk and leave you to it.”

Ali kissed me and hurried back to the shoot. I looked at the pass in my hand and then at a relieved looking Tony. “This better not be a one-off pass, I will be at the rest of the shots.”

He flipped it over and pointed at the ‘all access’ hologram. “Ali didn’t tell me you were coming or I’d have left this for you at the front desk.”

“I had promised to do the photos for an old school friend’s wedding, so I only able to get here last night,” I explained.

Usually, if I was coming with her, we’d fly in together, so I wasn’t that surprised Tony hadn’t been aware I’d be here.

“We’re going to take a few days’ vacation after the shoot finishes.”

I took a walk along the beach and found a hammock to lie down on. I fished out my phone and googled James, the photographer. I’d never heard of him before, and for a so-called genius, there wasn’t that much information available, but there was enough for me to contemplate. I kept an eye on the shoot, and when it looked like they were nearing the end, I returned to the terrace.

Ali was all apologetic when she reached the terrace where I was waiting when the shoot finally wrapped up half an hour later. We headed up to our room and took a shower together. I washed the sand and salt from her body, and she started to cry.

“I’m sorry, love,” she whispered. “I get so wrapped up in these stupid assignments that I forget that you are the most important thing in my life.”

“I know, just don’t forget in all of this that I love you.”

“I know,” and she moaned softly as my hands caressed her soft skin.

We dressed with promises of later fun, and with stomachs growling in protest, made our way down to the restaurant and found a table on the terrace. At the far side of the terrace James, Tony and one of James’s assistant were sitting at a table with the remains of breakfast scattered across the table surface.

Ali gave them a hesitant wave and I ignored them, concentrating of ordering breakfast and a pot of coffee. We only just started our late breakfast before the assistant was standing at her shoulder insisting that she leave now, as the car to take her to the next location was waiting.

“I’ve got a hire car so that I can drive Ali around,” I said. “Where is it?”

“You can’t come, James won’t...” he started to say when I glared at him and tapped the access pass lying on the table.

“I will be there, Ali’s contract specifies a chaperone,” and I smiled at him. “Where is it?”

He reluctantly handed over a copy of the call sheet for that day’s locations.

The schedule had them at the next location in an hour, and the attached map showed that it was only 15 minutes away. “Be a good boy and tell James we’ll be there on time,” and dismissed him.

Ali looked both shocked and amused. “Ben, I better go with them.”

“No,” I insisted, “not this time. If I don’t go with you to this location, he’ll try to ban me from all the others. Is that what you want?”

“Nooo,” she hesitated, “but I also don’t want to spoil my chances for any other assignments.”

“You won’t, I did a bit of checking up on our friend while I was waiting for you. Other than this one fashion house, he’s got very little influence in the business. Look, I’ll compromise, I’ll only come to this next location, and I’ll leave before he’s finished. I’m going to take my cameras and drive up to the mountains. This call sheet says you will be wrapping up at six, so I’ll book us a table in the restaurant for seven thirty.”

“No, I have a better idea,” she said. “Let’s order room service and eat naked on the balcony.”

I laughed and agreed.

I drove her to the next location, a rather boring stream and a pathetic waterfall, hanging around just long enough to make sure James saw me. Then I was off, driving up the narrow winding roads, stopping numerous times photograph the amazing scenery. I couldn’t help wishing Ali was with me as some of the places I found would have looked perfect with her in the images.

I got back to the hotel at four, tired, dirty, but content with my efforts. I knew I had some great shots in the camera. I showered and lay down on a sun bed on the balcony and fell asleep in the late afternoon sun.

It was eight o’clock when I was startled awake by a peel of raucous laughter from a balcony below me. The room behind me was dark and quiet. Even if the last shoot had overrun a bit, it was dark by six and Ali should have been back an hour ago.

I checked with the front desk, and they said that some of the group had got back an hour ago, but they hadn’t seen Ali. I tried calling her, but her phone went straight to voicemail. By nine o’clock I’d had enough waiting for her, and headed down to the bar for a drink and a snack. As I passed the front desk, the receptionist gave me Ali’s call schedule for the following day. Her first item was another beach shoot at six am.

The bar was at the back of the lobby, and I found a comfortable chair with a view of the entrance. It was well after eleven when she showed up, and she wasn’t alone. She was in the company of a couple of the guys I’d seen at the shoot earlier that day. She’d obviously been drinking as her voice was slurred and she had an arm around the taller of the two men. He was guiding her towards the lobby elevators, only that bank of elevators didn’t service our wing of the hotel.

Enough of this bullshit. I stood and intercepted the three of them at the elevator. The doors were starting to open, I blocked the opening and took hold of Ali’s arm

“I’ll take her from here,” I said with a fake smile. “I’m sure you weren’t thinking to do anything stupid with my wife, were you!”

The tall guy removed his arm from her, while his companion muttered, “What the fuck; who’s he?”

Ali looked at me through eyes that had trouble focusing. Then seemingly recognizing me, she gasped. “Oh fuck, Ben, I’m sorry I forgot that you were waiting for me. James insisted that we go for a drink after the shoot. I’m not too late am I?”

“What the fuck, Ali; yes you are, it’s almost bloody midnight. You were supposed to be back over five hours ago. We were supposed to have dinner together.”

“Nooo, it can’t be that late, I told Gerry and Ralphy,” and she pointed at the two guys trying to sneak onto the elevator, “that I had to be back for seven.”

“Well, obviously this pair of dumb fucks can’t tell the time, because if I thought that they’d been trying to get you drunk for some other reason, I might get a tad annoyed with them.”

I stuck my finger into Gerry’s chest. “Don’t let me see either of you near my wife again.” I gave him a gentle shove back into the elevator, and Ralph scurried in after him.

I kept the doors from closing with my foot and said. “I’d suggest you find another hotel in the morning, or better still, leave the island. Don’t let me see you anywhere near my wife ever again.” I removed my foot and the doors closed.

I waited until we were in our room before I spoke next. “What the fuck did you think you were doing, you realize they were trying to take you up to one of their rooms.

She sat on the end of the bed and sobbed, “I’m sorry, Ben, I wouldn’t have done anything with them I promise,” she said. “I love you too much. James insisted that I join him and those two for drinks. Tony told me to go as well. They just ignored me when I said I had to go, and that I was meeting you. They sent the crew bus away, so I was stuck there.”

I was going to have a quiet word with James and Tony in the morning. I smiled grimly to myself at the thought.

“Go and have a shower; you stink of cigarettes and stale booze.” At least she didn’t smell of sex, I thought. “I don’t want to share a bed with you while you’re like that.”

She whimpered, but got up and headed into the bathroom. I shook my head, and taking the bottle of duty-free malt I poured myself a large glass and went out onto the balcony. I stood, hands on the balustrade and looked out over the beach. How had we got to this place in our lives; it wasn’t that we didn’t love each other any less, but recently it seemed I was taking second place to her career.

I don’t know how much later it was when her arms tentatively slid around my waist. I stood still for a moment, not sure how I wanted to respond to her touch.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s the matter me, Ben.” She whispered into the back of my neck. “I knew I was late and I should have insisted they bring me back. Please don’t hate me; I couldn’t bear it.”

Christ, she sounded scared. I turned around and discovered she was naked and shivering.

I held out my arms, and she stepped close and hugged me. “What’s happening to us?” I asked.

“I’ve been foolish; I just need you to keep me sane.” She played with the Emerald hanging between her breasts. “You have my promise, my love.”

She led me to our bed, and for a second night, we made love until we collapsed in exhaustion.

I was up early the next morning, sliding out of bed without waking her. I made my way down to the lobby and found James and Tony in the restaurant ordering breakfast.

“Ali won’t be down,” I told them as I sat down and poured myself a cup of coffee. “I left her sleeping.” I grabbed James by his arm. “Next time my wife says she doesn’t want to go drinking, you won’t argue, and you will arrange for a car to drive her back here.” He squeaked in shock

“And you,” I turned to Tony. “If you ever try pimping my wife out again, I will hurt you.” I grabbed his hand and bent one of his fingers back. He cried with pain. “This is just a taste of what I’ll do to you. I love my wife and neither of you assholes will do anything to upset her.”

The pair of them looked scared, so I guessed they’d got the message. I drank my coffee and stood up. I turn to walk away and spotted several more of James’s crew hovering in the entrance. I raised my voice, “Oh yes, all of this morning’s shoots with Ali are canceled, you can call our room and let us know where you want her this afternoon.” I paused and thought. “Don’t call until after one,” I told Tony. “I better not find those two assholes from last night anywhere near Ali again.”

Tony came rushing after me and caught me by the elevator. “Ben, last night was just a misunderstanding.”

“No, a misunderstanding is Ali being a few minutes late. Not that you are telling her, she needs to go for a drink with those two bastards. When I found her, they’d got her drunk and were just about to take her up to one of their rooms. I better not ever see them again.”

“Shit,” Tony gasped. “Christ, I had no idea; they were friends of James.” He swore again then said, “Look after Ali for the rest of the day. I’m canceling the shoots for today. I promise you, the rest of them will be closed to everyone but the crew.”

He stalked off in the direction of James, and as the elevator doors closed, I heard his voice raised as he shouted at James.

Ali was still asleep, so I ordered breakfast for both of us. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee had her moving. It took her a moment to notice that it was fully light outside.

“Ben, I’m late for the shoot; why didn’t you wake me?” She cried out as she scrambled out of bed.

“Wait, you don’t need to rush. I had a word with Tony and James earlier, and after what happened last night, they’ve agreed to cancel today’s schedule so you can just relax for the day.”

I thought that she’d be relieved. I wasn’t expecting the torrent of abuse I got.

“What the hell did you do, Ben? Shit, I’ve got to work with these people and I can’t afford to get a reputation as a Prima Donna.”

“Ali, last night these people set you up. They were happy to pawn you off to a couple of lowlifes, who if I hadn’t stopped you, would have spent the night fucking you. So, hell yes, I spoke to them.”

“I knew what I was doing.”

“Are you saying you wanted to go with them?”

“Christ, no, but they were important people in the fashion business, and they could get me work.”

“No, they weren’t, Tony said they were just a couple of James’ friends. He was buying favors with your body.”

The room fell silent as we both glared at each other. I was so pissed off with Ali at that moment. What worried me, even more, was the sickening thought that this might not be the first time this had happened.

I went over to her as she pulled on a t-shirt. “I did what I thought was best for you,” I said. “Is this the first time this has happened?”

“Like that, yes, but I’m always getting hit on, you know that.”

“I know,” I sighed. “Come and have something to eat, then you can call Tony if you want to see if they can rearrange today’s schedule.”

She came over and put her arms around me, “No, you’re probably right; a day’s break is going to be best all around. Let’s eat and then get out of here.”

We spent the rest of the day up in the hills. The Ali of old reappeared and we walked along trails that wound through the rainforest arm in arm.

Shooting began at dawn the following day and continued until dusk. I left Ali to it, and she was back at six-thirty. The next day followed the same schedule except she called to say we were invited to a party that evening.

She spent the evening doing what she does best, flitting from one group to the next, but unlike in the past, she didn’t keep returning to my side. I was just left standing like a wallflower until midnight when she wanted to leave. In the hotel room, she undressed and climbed into bed, turning on her side facing away from me. When I slid in behind her, she moved away.

“It’s too hot Ben; I just want to sleep.”

The next day and another party in the evening. Tony called to say Ali and all the crew had been invited to a party that evening, and they were going there as soon as the last shoot finished.

“Fine,” I said reluctantly. “Where is it, I’ll meet you there.”

“Umm Ben, it’s only for the crew. I’m not sure if I can invite you. I was only calling to let you know that Ali won’t back until very late and...”

“That better be your idea of a bad joke,” I interrupted. “After what happened the last time she went out with this crew do you seriously think I’ll let her go on her own?”

“Yes, well, okay. I’ll ask the hosts if that okay with them.”

“Tony, you’ve got two options, either I’m there to keep an eye on things, or you arrange for Ali to be driven back here after the shoot finishes. If you don’t, it won’t be just your finger this time. Do I need to call your office?”

“Fine.” He gave me the address; now I almost wish he hadn’t. I got there just after eight, and it looked like Ali, and the rest of them had been there for a couple of hours. When Ali greeted me, she’d obviously been drinking. I checked around, and I didn’t see Ralph or Gerry about. That was the only good thing about the evening. It followed the same pattern as the previous evening, Ali ignoring me as she played to the gallery.

I stood on the patio with a glass in my hand, a nobody in a crowd of beautiful people that swarmed around Alisha. She’d spoken no more than five words to me all evening. Tonight it was an actor from some American series who’d been fawning all over her.

Finally, when he put his arm around her, resting his hand on her ass, I’d had enough. I’d walked over and pushed myself between the pair of them. I grabbed his hand, bent it back and he stepped away from us in surprise.

The American actor, and I still had no clue as to who he was or what show he was in, placed his hand on my chest. “Who the hell do you think you are? Ali and I are talking.”

“I’m her fucking husband, dickhead,” I growled, “so piss off.”

“Do you know who I am,” he spluttered.

“Not a fucking clue, so you can’t be anyone important. Whoever you are, that doesn’t give you the right to grope my wife’s ass. As you don’t seem to understand English, let me repeat myself, piss ... off ... dickhead. Ali, we’re leaving!”

I took her arm and pulled her around and looked into her glazed eyes. “Enough,” I said, “It’s time we left. I’m not standing here any longer like a fucking wallflower.”

She shook her head, “But we don’t need to go, Ben!”

She pulled me over to the other side of the patio, “What are you doing; Tony wants me to play a role in Ryan’s latest show.”

“Christ, Ali, how stupid are you? The only role he’s thinking about is the one where he takes you to bed and fucks you.”

Same as Alisha
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Owning Amber

Amber was very skilled graphic designer. And most of my clients were calling for Amber to handle their designs personally. I soon changed the dress code for the shop allowing the ladies in the design room to wear casual clothes on Fridays. Amber normally would wear jeans and tee shirts on Fridays. The jeans held her heart shaped ass as if she was liquid and poured herself into them. I was very happy with the way things were going with the print shop. The guys never missed a Friday and my...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 22

Agent 1 was awakened by someone knocking on the door. He lifted his head and looked at the clock next to his bed. He grunted when he saw that it was only barely past five o'clock in the morning. He didn't care for getting out of bed yet. So, he pulled on the cord, that was hanging down on the wall behind the back board of his bed, to switch the lights on. He waited on his eyes to adjust to the light and then shouted in the direction of the open door of his bedroom, "YES!" He could hear...

1 year ago
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Tall Fences Make Good Neighbors IV

Jason had fantasized all day about what to expect when he got home. Each time, Megan had forged ahead, taking the game to another level. Mutual masturbation had led to sex within the space of 3 days, accompanied by the confessions of her secrets. That she’d had sex with other girls hadn’t been such a shock, considering her wanton behavior, nor had her admitting to having participated in group sex. Her interest in bondage, however, had been an eye opener and he couldn’t help but wonder if that...

3 years ago
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My Eighteenth Birthday Part 4

This is not my work, its cut and paste.---------------------------------------In parts one, two and three, I told you how my wealthy father used bribery to keep me a virgin until my eighteenth birthday. On that happy day, he handed me the keys to an expensive imported car and a letter of acceptance from the finest university in the country. Both bribes had cost him dearly. After my fabulous birthday party, Daddy called me to his study where I learned his true motive for wanting me to be a...

1 year ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 5 Unwanted Intervention

The next day, Cate and I again picked up Chalise and Kitty for school. This was particularly necessary since Chalise and her mother jointly shared her car for her mother's job as well. The girls were in a particularly good mood, considering what had occurred over the weekend and they were still anxious to talk about it. "So, Cate, get anything good last night?" Kitty teased. Cate blushed. "Sorry, but nothing happened between us. I was, uh, a bit indisposed, if you get my drift. Besides,...

3 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Morning Part 2

Friday Morning: Part 2 “Sounds good sir.” So, what do you think Benerdon’s plan was this time? To sow a bit of discord into the school. I don’t know about that. It seems to me like she wants to distract Mr. Litski from looking into her dirty laundry. A bunch of angry teachers sounds like the best way to accomplish that. Particularly if she’s not around. Then the only one they can go to is him. And if he makes a decision that she doesn’t back up... Then that further ties him up when...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 117 A Cheeky Kiss

As Mr and Mrs Unsworth along with Jessie and Bjorn headed out of their hotel into the streets of Ulm they were greeted by several other hotel employees all wearing the same see through uniforms. They would have seen other employees in the same uniforms the night before but having just been many hours in an aeroplane then a taxi from Munich to Ulm they were just too exhausted to notice anything of any significance. They just staggered somnambulistically from their taxi up to their room and...

1 year ago
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‘Please John?’ Carly begged as she looked over her shoulder. The desperate tone in her voice only made his rock hard dick throb more and he pressed it teasingly against her firm little ass. ‘What do you want, Baby?’ he demanded. His strong hands where holding her hips and he pulled her back against him. Moving slowly he spread the fluid dotting the tip of his cock over her already swollen clit. His action pulled a desperate moan from deep inside her and she balled the sheet in her fists as...

2 years ago
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Agle Janam Mein Phirse Ladki Banana

Hi friends mera naam yogesh hain mein bengaluru mein rehne waala hoon mein aaj aapko meri story baataney waala hoon please co-opearate it’s my first story you can mail your comments at Ab meri kahaani ki mene kaise apni virginity khoyi baat un dino ki hey jab mein puc 2nd year mein tha meri maa mere nana-nani aur mere mama-mami key saath bhagwaan key Darshan key liye chaar din gaaon gayi thi exams ke kaaran hum papa aur meri behan ghar pe rukh gayi meri uncle aunty (aunty ka naam suma...

2 years ago
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Out of the Darkness

Jacob Bard Daniel called her at work just before quitting time and told her he would be waiting for her at their loft downtown and for her not to be concerned about the lights not working. He had removed the fuses. Obviously, this was not going to be their usual romantic Friday evening rendezvous. He went on to assure her he had everything taken care of and that dinner could wait a little—adding that he had thought of nothing but her all week, and she was all he wanted. She giggled shyly,...

3 years ago
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Its a long way to fall

Four people sat silently in the bedroom, with only moonlight and the glow from the monitor for illumination. It was enough for their purpose. They were each dressed in black jeans, black sweatshirts and had black balaclava hoods at the ready. Two men, and two much younger women. The girls sat together, and they wore headphones to listen to the dialogue being played out in the next room. The men had heard too much of it before; they sat impassively but patiently. They were waiting until the...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Little Miss Good Pussy 112610

Well my parents really pissed me off this weekend. My mom and pops are swingers and this is how they met 10 years ago. My mom is white with a nice body and my (step)pops is black and to me is the sexiest man on earth. Me, I am Nikki and I am 18 1/2 years old and a superfreak. Anyway they are spending the weekend in Florida at an interracial swingers convention and they wouldn't let me go. Pops said its for white women and black men number one and number two he didn't feel safe having me and my...

3 years ago
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Aunt Brandy Initiates Virgin Nephew

I am a 18 years old swimmer with a very thick and horny virgin 9 inches dick. I fantasize about my Mom’s younger s****r, Aunt Brandy, every night. She is a astounding 36 years old, 5 foot 10 inches tall, blue-eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 D breasts and nicest, long legs and a hard round ass. My Dad always comments about how delicious my Mom’s s****r is, and how he would love to fuck her. She knows how we lust for her, because she seems to get extra exuberant when she is around us. Aunt...

3 years ago
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My Lover Chapter 1

My name is Foxy Sanders. I am eighteen with long dark hair down to the small of my back and green and blue eyes, they change from time to time. I’m not fat by all means, but I definatly do not look like one of those anorexic chicks, a rank bag of pathetic skin and bones. I am a 48 C, in bra size of course. I’m not pale, but I’m not as tan as Ayden, though I am only half a foot shorter then my 5’11 boyfriend. I worked at the lingerie store a few blocks from mine and Ayden’s apartment called...

3 years ago
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My Husband Cheated on Me PT 2 Gay

Several weeks had gone by since that one revealing episode in the gym. Many sleepless nights had been spent trying to wrap my head around what I had seen. The shock of seeing my husband intimate with another man still had not worn off. Every night I would lie in bed, slowly bringing myself to climax to the memory of Kevin and Mike naked together. I definitely felt hurt, but I couldn't ignore just how thrilled and naughty the whole scene made me feel. Kevin and I had just finished showering...

2 years ago
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Intimate And Crazy Sex With Office Mate Priya

Hi Everyone, It’s been a long time since ma last story. I am great fan of ISS reading stories every day. Well I am Nick aged 25 male (coolnicky (dot) 2289 (at) gmail (dot) com), well forgive me for my mistakes in the story. Well this story is about how had an intimate and crazy sex with me office mate at various places while just knowing the fact that it was just lust and lust nothing more than that. Well ma office mate was Priya, vital stats 34D 30 34. The Experience I have made is little...

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Feelups at Big Surf

In Tempe, AZ during the early 70's one of the first water parks in the country to open up with an actual simulated ocean. Surfable waves included. I was about 16 at the time when my friend Dan and I started going there during the summer. It was a real feelup heaven. We would get on our inflatable rafts and paddle all the way to the back of the Water Park where the waves were generated. We rode the waves on our rafts into the beach area. Closer to the beach in front of us would be all these...

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On an Island With MomChapter 3

We went out every day for over a week to gather samples from the various reefs in the area. I had gotten over my initial shock of seeing Amista and Aldrix casually remove their sarong and dive naked. That didn’t mean that I did not get an instant hard-on every time Amista took off her sarong to dive and when she came back on board to deliver the samples to mom. Because I did, every damn time. Thankfully, Mom often stayed out late to visit with old friends, and I could take that opportunity to...

1 year ago
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Menopause 8211 Conflict Leads To Lust

The story starts with portraying a fine morning in a town and roadside house where a lady (in here late 40’s named Sarah) is serving breakfast to her family (Her businessman husband Bob, Son Steven and daughter-in-law Emily), the gardener (John) is working in the garden (A Japanese old man) and driver Arthur (Black stud) is getting the Car ready. The son expressing her love to his beautiful wife by doing feet-play under the table while having breakfast and the driver is also peeping at her...

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Good Girl

Good Girl Last night, I dreamed of a blackhorse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedsidetable, to see if there is any significance to this particular night timevision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dream of passion. Consideringall that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. *   *   * "Kneel." She kneeled carefully. Her legs spread wide, feet tuckedneatly under her bottom. Her arms, as always, behind her back. Her back...

1 year ago
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First Time Anal

Part Five, read first for parts firstWe'd been seeing each other for a few weeks. I'd pop round on the way home from school for a quick fuck, sometimes on your settee in the living room, other times on the stairs right in the hall. A couple of times you picked me up from school and took me on a short drive into the woods. Sometimes, if I had ten minutes and I was at home, I'd pop round and give you a blow job and then run back home.After three weeks like this I managed to get away for the...

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Meri Behan Poonam Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Mera Name Amit Hai Aur meri Behan Ka Name Poonam Hai. Hamare Family Mai Me Meri Maa Our Meri Behan Hai. Mere Papa Ki Death Ho Gayi Thi. Meri Umar 21 Saal Hai Aur Me Collage Me Padta Hu. Meri Behan Ki Umar 25 Saal Hai Aur Who EK Primary School Me Padati Thi. Meri behan Poonam Bahot Hi Sexy Hai Uska Fig, 34*32*37 Hai. Rang Gora Nahi Hai Par Kali Bhi Nahi Hai Who Ek Creamish Colour Ki Ladki Hai Jisko Dekh Ke Kisi Ka bhi Lund Khada Ho Jata Hoga. Uske Hair Black Hai Aur Lambe Bhi Hai. Ab me Story...

2 years ago
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We Chat Ne Meri Pyaas Bujadi

Hello to all ISS readers. I m samir from ahmedabad, gujarat. I m 25 year old student. 5.10″ hight. Ethletic built. Used to go for workout regularly. Meri ghatna kesi lagi plz muje batayiega jaroor. Aapke mail ka intezar raheg. Aur koi ladki ya bhabhi meri se sex karna chahti ho to muje mail kare. Ab jyada bore na karte hue me apni kahani batata hu. Me ye ghatna hindi me batana chahta hu. Ye ghatna 6 month pehle ghati thi. Unn dino me apni padhai se thak gaya tha. To me time pass ke liye mob...

1 year ago
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My Chweet Bro Who Let Me Live To My Lusty Dreams

Hello friends, this is Kavya I’m 26 yrs old cutie. I was introduced to this site by my friends; I am in final year of my M.B.B.S. I am from Andhra Pradesh staying in Delhi as of now. I got my medical seat in Delhi, since my brother works in Delhi; I also stayed along with him. It’s a one room kitchen with attached bathroom. Initial days it was not easy to get adjusted but as days went on we got used to it and went on. His name is Vijay he works in a IT industry, we were close with each other...

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EvilAngel Theodora Day Anal Rookie In Hosiery

Young starlet Theodora Day is only three weeks into her porn career! Sexy in sheer pantyhose and heels, the spunky cutie strips and shows off. Theodora chats with director Mick Blue, flaunting perky, natural breasts and playing with her cunt. The long-haired XXX rookie reveals a butt plug wedged in the tight booty beneath her sheer tights. She encourages Mick, masturbating for him. He tears open her leggings to prod her butthole with a toy and then eat her wet twat. Mick fucks Theodora,...

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A Quick Threesome in the Shower

I was in the common shower on the third floor one late holiday weekend, a freshman student named Joey, entered and placed his towel on the bench at the entrance way. I could not help but notice him, since freshman students were usually confined to the first floor shower. Joey was about 5'9" and close to 175lbs, he was a very light complication black guy with very curly hair. You could not help but notice him on campus he looked almost white. As he walked towards the back of the shower he had...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 22

LauraTommy must have been like a mouse the morning after, as he had already left for work by the time I woke up on Monday. We had talked until the early hours and decided that we were going to take Cara up on her generous offer. I sent him a text to remind him to invite Kazumi to be with us and then I set about what I had planned for the day.Strange as it might sound, I was pleased when I walked into the kitchen and found some of the debris from the previous day. It gave me something to do, but...

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 9 Thursday School

I woke up this morning as soon as the alarm went off, and wasn't dreaming. Just as well, because the song playing was something about independent women and angels and some guy named Charlie. Hate to think what that would've had me dreaming. The tune was catchy, though. The group was called Destiny's Child, which is a good name. Bathroom, no trim today, shower, hair. Oh, I've been brushing my teeth every day, too, just been forgetting to mention it. I'm supposed to floss every day, too,...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Pehli Chudai Uske Ghar Pe

Hi dosto, mera naam insomanicman hai.Meri age 21 hai or me surat,gujarat ka rehne wala hun,mere size 6.5 hai.Kisko bhi satisfy kar sakta hu meri tricks se. Sidhe chudai story par aate hai meri age tab 18 thi or mene new gf banai thi social site pe pehle to roz chating hone lagi uske baad sab khel suru huwa. Waise wo ladki ka naam tha zoya (name changed) uski bhi age 18 thi thodi blackish par maal bohot mast tha bhara huwa badan 32 k boobs or gand to aai hai koi bhi fida hojai. Aise hi social...

3 years ago
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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

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The Cuckold adventure

The Cuckold adventure: Authors note: This is a true story, I knew both Al and Joyce (not their real names). Before they moved away Al was a complete cuckold. Joyce was truly a cum slut. If you liked this I can continue telling you of their 18 month relationship with John. Please give me some feedback. Al and Joyce had purchased a three story condo in the city. As the entire unit need renovation it worked out well for Al, being a security geek he had to have every room wired for sound and...

4 years ago
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Colleague With Beautiful And Huge Boobs Fucked Outdoor 8211 Pt 1

Hi all, this is Raj and I am writing my second story here on Indian sex stories. Please read my first story if you get a chance, title – ““. I am currently married and stay abroad and planning to visit Mumbai. I love hitting the gym and have a perfect athletic body. And I would love to meet the readers for coffee or dinner. ;) Now coming to the story, her name is Riya (name changed for obvious reasons) and she used to work in my company but was located in different cities. One day, I was amazed...

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Camped out1

______________________________________________________________________________________________ I live in the country on ten acres: a few acres of woods, 5 acres of pasture with my house and a small yard nestled in the middle. My mother in law lives a short walk away across my pasture, that way my wife and I can keep an eye on her and help out if she needs it. My brother in law has a daughter, Lisa. She's got bright red hair, stands about 5' 2" tall and weighs about 110 lbs. Although I...

1 year ago
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Beach Trip

My family, which consists of my significant other and his child, planned a weekday trip to Old Orchard Beach, Maine, two weeks in advance. We do this a few times each summer since his family owns a house there. When he allows a friend of his child to join us, it becomes a sexless vacation. The beach is white and the town center has plenty of amusements, games, and restaurants open to all ages every night of the week. I needed adult fun, so I planned ahead to enjoy myself in spite of the...

Straight Sex
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choice of a step mother Insertion part3

But then the full weight of the situation I am in struck my head. Jack was just standing there, his eyes blinking in a peaceful rhythm, his face calm and his right hand still on my bare ass, slowly moving, no wait, He is drawing a question mark. It took me a sec to notice it, it was cute, and that lasted short as he inserted his finger in my ass crack. My body reacted in a way I still don’t completely understand. It was so wild, just imagining that now sends shivers down my spine. ...

1 year ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 2

The Goddam hurricane season seemed endless. This was the third time I had been down here volunteering for the relief agency in the past three months. I was hot, sweaty, smelled bad, and my feet were itching from some new fucking fungus. I saw no hope for having a shower anytime soon. Didn't matter, my shaver ran out of juice yesterday and I couldn't find any 120-volt circuit to plug it in. I had used more mosquito repellant in the last two days than in the last year. I went back to the...

3 years ago
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Rather be Lucky than Good Ch 02

Second chapter of Dave’s day at the mall. Many thanks to the wonderful BlackRandi1958 for editing and pointing out that old dogs have to learn new tricks. No more double spacing after periods. Made some changes to her edited copy. Any errors are mine. ***** I watched for just a moment to make sure she got away, then turned back to the service entrance where a trickle of folks were running out. As I passed them going the opposite direction, one guy said, ‘Run for it man, they’re shooting...

4 years ago
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I Made a Promise

I had originally intended this to be a two part story, But I got so caught up in it that it begged to be told in one part. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ***** Lieutenant Mitchell called our squad together early one morning in late November. Mitchell was a newly minted second lieutenant assigned to our squad replacing a seasoned veteran. Just great. Well, he wouldn’t be the first one I would have to break-in. Intel had provided us with information that three...

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The Correction of Linda

Linda was still looking at the st Trinian schoolgirl packages,contents one tie ,white cotton blouse black knickers black gym slip,One pair black high heel shoes her exact size,and last but not least one black suspender belt with black seamed nylon stockings. Just her size but very expensive far beyond her budget,pity as she needed something for the fancy dress party coming up in two weeks time,and she instinctively knew that it was a sexy outfit good for all sorts of occasions. This outfit she...

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My Uncles Wife

I went to visit my Uncle last month while my brother was away for training and what I thought was going to be a boring visit turned my world around. My uncle owns a small ranch (ony about 60 acres) with a small barn and some horse stables. Whenever I visit I agree to help with the chores and I get to ride any of his horses anytime I want. On this visit my uncle got called away for business which left me at home with his wife who is an attractive woman but it is mostly her body and her...

1 year ago
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My first experience

My first experience was rather not what I had in mind but otherwise fulfilling. I live in a small town with a population of about ten thousand and almost everyone knows everybody. School was tough for me and that is why I was given extra tuition after regular school hours by a Mrs B who live two blocks from our house. She is a kind woman, soft spoken and well mannered. She is a tall woman too, not , huge boobs and looks kinda of like Mimi Rogers (the actress). Anyway, Mrs B's children are all...

First Time
3 years ago
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Can I Come in for a While

"Can I come in for a while?" The girl from across the street asked when I opened the door. I lived in a small single house in a cheap neighbourhood that was full of new families and single parent homes. Across the street there was a row of attached townhouses that stretched nearly thirty units in one block. Living with her single mother, she was about fifteen at the time and she was locked out of her house when she came home from school. I had answered the doorbell and there she...

4 years ago
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Fun With My New Friend

Fun With My New Friend an original story by CutePatti Summer vacation was fading quickly and I would be starting 8th grade in just a couple of weeks. Man, why did it seem like school took up so much of a guy's life. I mean, you just get used to having fun, sleeping in and no homework when all of a sudden, bam, it's time to get back to the old school. I think of it more like prison. Oh, well. Maybe a lot of it was that I didn't have a lot of friends and during the summer...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't love some Horny Whores? Just by seeing the site’s name, isn’t it pretty obvious to know what the fuck you can expect? I mean, on you will obviously get to see some gorgeous bitches who can’t wait to get fucked. The first time I visited this place, I thought that this shit only offers VR videos, because of the shit that was suggested at the time I visited, but they actually offer a lot of random clips instead.Now, this is a site that allows you to download all of the...

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