AlishaChapter 5 free porn video

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As we exited the garage, I got my first true taste of Ali’s popularity, the few photographers from earlier had been reinforced, and the crowd over-spilled the pavement. The camera flashes were blinding even through the limousines tinted windows. I was silent during the drive to the hotel holding the reception, lost to my thoughts. For a long time, I’d managed to fly below the horizon. My alter ego was a secretive author, while I had been able to keep my true life free of intrusions. It looked like it was about to change, and the consequences were out of my control. It wasn’t going to take the gutter press long to make the inevitable link between Ali, me and the book.

As we pulled away, Ali clasped my hand reassuringly. “This isn’t Kansas anymore I’m afraid, love,” she murmured.

“So no clicking my heels to go home then?”

She laughed and leaned across to kiss me. “No, just remember when we get there, everything you do will be under the gaze of the press. There’ll be cameras and microphones everywhere. I’ll tell you where it’s safe to talk.”

The limousine pulled up outside the hotel’s ballroom entrance, the flashes, and lights from the cameras, a cacophony of brilliant light. I went to open the door, and Ali put her hand on mine to stop me.

“You need to wait for Jamal to open it,” she told me. “Let Sandy go first.”

The door opened, and the muted voices rose to a rolling roar of shouted questions and requests. Sandy eased out and stood next to Jamal, shielding the interior from the camera’s gaze.

“You go next,” Ali reminded me.

I got out and was immediately half blinded and disoriented by noise and the lights and flashes of the cameras.

“Help Ali out,” hissed Sandy from the corner of her mouth.

I held my hand out to Ali, and she slipped gracefully from the vehicle, only I was able to see her long leg framed in the slit of her dress, which also answered my question as to whether the dress was the only thing she was wearing.

Ali took my arm, and we walked the red carpet, only it was royal blue. It was hemmed in on either side by a low barrier, behind which the press and members of the public stood. My antics had ensured that we were one of the last groups to arrive. There is apparently no such thing as fashionably late to one of these affairs. The upside of our late arrival was that we didn’t have much time to pause by the groups of journalists. The downside was that because of Ali’s popularity, every journalist and admirer was calling her name to try and gain her attention.

I followed Ali’s lead, stopped when she did and moved on she did. Jamal and two more of his team hovered in the background. Sandy kept up a running commentary for me, of whom was Ali talking to. We finally managed to reach the entrance reasonably unscathed.

The doors closed behind us, and I gave a brief sigh of relief. It was a tad premature, I was quick to find out, as we were ushered to a carpeted area with a backdrop and into an interview with a TV reporter and camera crew.

Ali was asked about her dress, her hair, makeup, the list of inane questions staggered me. I was impressed with her ability to answer them intelligently. She refused to answer any questions about the reason she was retiring as a model.

I had hoped the interview finished when Ali was asked the one question I’d hoped she wouldn’t be asked.

“And who is your companion?”

Ali flashed me a questioning glance, I knew what she wanted but I wasn’t sure I was ready, but I decided to leave it up to her, so I gave her a brief shrug of my shoulders.

Ali gave me a considered look and then she said. “This is an old family friend of mine, Ben McMichael.”

That was enough to lose the woman’s interest, so with a wave goodbye we took the opportunity to slip away.

“You enjoyed the attention,” I said.

“Did you mind that I didn’t tell her that we are married?”

“I’ve decided that it’s your decision when you want to announce it. I’m taking the cowards way out and leaving it up to you. Although I will admit, I’m not sure I am ready for the disruption it will make to my life. You’re used to this madhouse; I’m not.”

Ali gave me a calculated glance and then she smiled as she looped her arm through mine. I pulled her close and gave her a kiss which she aggressively returned.

We were led past multiple tables, full of the high and mighty of the fashion industry to a point close to the front of the ballroom and our table, where Sandy and the rest of the Ali Mac team were sitting.

Sandy was busy with her phone, and she looked up at us in surprise. “The news girl from Chanel 5 has just tweeted that you are here with your new boyfriend.”

“Christ, I said, old friend, not a boyfriend,” Ali said.

Sandy gave both of us a calculated look and said, “Sooner or later, Al, someone is going to put two and two together and get the correct answer. Its common knowledge with the press that you were married before you started your modeling career.”

“Yes, but they also think I got divorced.” She squeezed my hand. “Ben’s leaving it up to me, but I don’t think he’s happy with being outed as my husband just yet.”

That wasn’t it, and she knew it. The fact that we were still married didn’t worry me. I was scared that I’d grow comfortable with my new family, only to have it taken away from me when Ali wised up once again and understood that she could do better than me.

It was as though Ali could read my mind; she drew Sandy and me to one side, to a quiet corner where we wouldn’t be overheard. Why she had included Sandy was quickly obvious as she addressed her first. “Ben is worried that I’ll grow ambitious and leave him again. I did it once before, and I haven’t been able to convince him it will never happen again! He doesn’t want us to have the additional pressure of the press knowing that we have been married all these years, am I right, love?”

“I guess that’s a fair assessment of my fears,” I replied.

“Then you’re a bloody fool,” Sandy stated. “For as long as I’ve known Ali, she told me about the one man she loves, the father of her daughter. It wasn’t until she thought that you’d given up on her that she even looked at other men, and that didn’t go very well, did it! She made a mistake, and I can’t ever see her making it again.”

“Ben’s underlying issue is that he’s never thought he was good enough for me and I’ll find someone better,” Ali pointed out. “When the truth is, I know I’m not good enough for him, I don’t deserve him.”

“Christ, the pair of you are no better than each other, just admit it, will you? Kiss and make up, then we can all enjoy the rest of the evening.”

We did as we were told, and then we sat down. I’d come to an epiphany, I sure as hell wasn’t going to announce to the gathered press we are married, but I wouldn’t deny it, and if Ali wanted to tell them I wouldn’t stop her.

“Look, if you want to tell the world we are still married I won’t stop you,” I whispered to her.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded, and she smiled back at me.

The rest of the early part of the evening went as I’d expected, with one notable exception. Our meal was counterpointed with music from the stage. During the coffee, there were several, thankfully brief speeches. Then to my surprise, they announced Ali as the next speaker. No wonder she’d been anxious about not missing this reception.

Ali stood, gave my bemused face a quick kiss and walked up the steps to the stage.

Her speech was simple and reasonably brief. She thanked all her friends in the fashion business for their support and guidance over the years. She confirmed that this would be her last event that she would be walking the runways as a model. But she didn’t rule out the odd foray down the catwalk for the Ali Mac shows. She said the last with a laugh. “I’m too cheap a businesswoman to pay for a model when I can do it myself, and I’m my agent, so I don’t have to pay me.”

The audience dutifully laughed.

Then she continued. “Ali Mac announced earlier this year that we would be providing two full grants for a pair of deserving students to the college of their choice. We are pleased that we will be announcing the first two recipients of these bursaries at the awards ceremony at the end of the week. We will be adding two more places next year and another pair the following year, so ultimately, we will be supporting six students annually. I know that this is a drop in the ocean, but then all oceans are made up of multiple drops.”

“When I was a student, I was one of the lucky ones; I had the financial support of my parents and the emotional support of the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. There are a lot of talented people out there without those advantages, and I feel that all the fashion houses must support and develop newcomers.”

She finished off with a second round of thanks to her team at Ali Mac. Waited until the applause had stopped and then made her way back to our table.

“You did good love, thought you might tell them about us,” I said.

“I almost did, and I will, I just didn’t think that this was the right time. You’re right; I need to prove to you first that I’m still that girl you fell in love with all those years ago.” She gave me a brief kiss.

There was one more speech and then the formal part of the evening was over. The tables were cleared, and drink orders were taken. The guests began to circulate, a considerable number zeroing in on Ali. Hey, I understood that Ali was the star of our group and I was only the supporting actor. When Ali introduced me as, my good friend Ben, I wasn’t that surprised by the efforts of those people to sideline me and monopolize Ali’s attention immediately.

Sandy and the rest of our group were circulating and networking with their contemporaries from the other fashion houses and journalists from the upmarket fashion magazines.

I was left more and more on my own. At first, I stood by Ali side and tried to join in with the conversations, but as soon as her companions thought I was a nobody, I was ignored. There was a moment when a fashion editor from one of the big glossy magazines blatantly turned her back to me, that I considered introducing myself as Xander Morton, the author instead of Ben, just to see her reaction. I didn’t, of course.

Ali seemed to stop bothering to try and include me, her conversations centering on subjects she was aware I neither knew nor cared about.

I wasn’t stupid; I’d been there before. This was Ali at her best; she dominated any group she’d was in, making contacts and setting up deals; this was her world, and briefly, years ago, it had been mine. Not now, I liked my slower pace of life; I enjoyed the passing of the seasons viewed from the comfort of my boat and cottage, watching my grapes ripening on the vines and enjoying the liquid fruits of my labors.

The final straw came when I spotted Ali with a woman I recognized as Kelly James, one of the world’s best-known models. They both had an arm around the other’s waist, and they were laughing and talking. I smiled and started in their direction, indicating I’d like to meet the woman and hoping that Ali would introduce me to her. Before I could get close, she shook her head at me and waved me away.

That was it, I got my jacket from the back of the seat at the far side of our table and headed for the exit. I know Ali had said she’d leave as soon as I felt uncomfortable but honestly, what was the point in asking? As far as I could see it would be yet another request she’d ignore.

I held my jacket and slipped off my tie as soon as I left the ballroom, finally feeling comfortable for the first time all evening. I was able to slip past the bodyguards and followed the signs to the hotel lobby intending to grab a taxi to anywhere so long it was away from here. I was sidetracked when I spotted a nice cozy bar set back from the lobby. I must have anticipated something like this was going to happen, for as I was leaving the apartment, I had remembered to pick up my wallet.

I found a quiet booth in the corner, sat down and ordered a malt whiskey from a hovering waitress. I added a few drops of water and sipped the amber liquid, relishing in the subtle burn as the fiery liquid slid down my throat. A beautiful woman at a nearby table glanced in my direction, she raised a half-empty glass and toasted me in a silent question. I smiled, yet briefly shook my head, declining the high-class escort’s invitation of her company. She gave me a regretful smile, and I got the waitress to get her a fresh drink as compensation.

Again, I sipped from my drink and pondered my future. In the short term, it was pointless trying to retrieve my Porsche, as A, there was no way the security at the apartment was let me take it, and B; I’d had too much to drink to drive safely anyway. With that decision made, I ordered another drink.

That left me with a couple of other options: either use the TGV to get home, or try to get a room here. Neither seemed viable at the moment.

Having dismissed the short-term issues, I was left with the big one, and I was far too sober to make those decisions. I drained my glass and ordered a refill.

I’d walked away from Ali once before, even though I had still loved her, and I was sure I could do it again, regardless of my rekindled feelings for the woman. There was a big difference, now: I had a daughter, there was Julia to consider and I wasn’t willing to give her up.

God knows how long I sat there, mulling over the pros and cons. For years I’d accepted, I wasn’t part of her lifestyle. Fashion and modeling was her passion, just as photography had been mine. Yes, I loved photography, but after we’d gone our separate ways, I’d soon understood that my true passion had been taking photos of Alisha. Other subjects were fun, but I didn’t have the same passion for taking them. I’d barely touched my cameras the last few years, only taking them out occasionally.

I became aware that someone had sat down next to me, I thought it might be the escort, and I glanced at her intending to decline her offer again. It wasn’t her, Sandy’s voice broke into my thoughts.

“She’s got everyone out looking for you,” she stated.

“Well if she’d been paying a bit more attention to me earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to walk away unnoticed.”

She turned in her seat to look at me. “What’s your problem, you should be so grateful she wants to be with you.”

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me, I should be grateful that the woman who ripped my heart out, hid the fact I had a daughter from me for 13 years. Now she wants me to drop everything to be with her, and when I do, she ignores me.”

“But she loves you!”

“And she has a bloody funny way of showing it. She loved me then, but that didn’t stop her from putting her career first. And where is she now, still back in the ballroom with her fashion friends I’d guess.”

She shook her head, “She’s on her way to the Gare du Nord!”

That wasn’t the answer I had expected, and I gave her a surprised look; The Gare du Nord was a train station in Paris, the big question was; why the hell was Ali going there?

“Why the fuck is she on her way to the Gare du Nord?” Then it struck me, I snapped my fingers and guessed, “Did she forget to tell me she was going somewhere?”

“No, you manage to fuck up your big surprise. You were both supposed to go and meet Julia and your parents when they got off the Eurostar. She’s arranged for them to join both of you for the week. They were on a late train because Julia couldn’t leave until classes finished. It should have arrived by now.”

I sat back and rested my head against the padded back of the bench. My first thoughts were that she’d always enjoyed trying to surprise me, a trait it seemed she hadn’t lost, only this time it had come back to bite her. No wonder she’d seemed to be preoccupied with meeting everyone. She had wanted to free herself up to spring this surprise on me. I’d just seen her actions as her reverting to the focused Ali I recalled from before.

Then I shook my head to dispel those sugar-coated thoughts. I hadn’t misunderstood Ali’s actions; I was creating a convenient excuse for her behavior this evening. There had been no reason to keep this secret from me; hell, if she’d mentioned it this morning she would have known I wouldn’t have behaved the way I had. I was fairly sure the decision to invite Julia and my parents had been last minute, a very last minute one if all the texting she did in the car was anything to go by. It was something to deflect my attention from what was going on this week, an attempt to keep me calm as she did her usual thing.

“Well I’m fucked, aren’t I,” I said bitterly. Sandy nodded in agreement.

“You’ll have to give all of them my apologies,” I told her as I struggled to get to my feet. Sandy’s hand on my shoulder prevented me.

“You can do it yourself.”

“No, I won’t, I’m going home, and I don’t mean that damned apartment,” I replied as I started to get up. “She’s all yours and Jamal’s problem from now on, and if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the front desk to see if they can get me a car and driver to take me back to the cottage.”

“I can’t let you do that, Ali will kill me.”

“Don’t be daft, you do what you think you need to, but I don’t see the point of me staying, Ali will do what Ali does best. Tell her I love her, but I’m going home.”

In a way I felt sorry for Sandy; all she ever wanted was to make sure Ali had everything she needed. Now I was back in Ali’s life causing problems, and worst of all I couldn’t care less about her celebrity status. Both she and Jamal expected me to defer to all of Ali’s wishes. I felt I needed to make her understand why I was so upset.

“If you can explain to me Sandy, why after Ali made such a fuss about needing me here tonight, she thought I would be happy that she spent a good part of it ignoring me.”

I paused to take a sip from my glass before continuing. “If you can do that, then I’ll go back with you, but it had better be a good fucking reason. I tried to talk to her and her friends, and she brushed me off.”

Sandy shook her head, “She wouldn’t do that!”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

“No,” she said dismissively, “It must have been a misunderstanding. What about your parents and Julia? Are you going to ignore them?”

“Christ, I might be a bit more sympathetic if my stupid wife hadn’t snuck around at the last moment arranging for their visit as a distraction for whatever it is that she has going on this week. And don’t deny that’s what she was up to in the car. As it is Alisha can explain why I’m not going to be there.”

“She just wanted it to be a surprise for you.”

“And when did she plan this great surprise.”

“Several days ago.”

“If I call my daughter is she going to confirm that? No. I didn’t think so. Don’t you mean Ali only arranged the visit today? Well, guess what, SURPRISE, I won’t be there.”

Sandy’s phone buzzed before she could answer. She glanced at the screen. I could see she didn’t like what she saw, as her lips went tight.

“Ali wants to know why you’re not on your way back to the apartment. She not happy; you’re to call her immediately.”

“So, she calls you, she can’t be bothered to get in touch with me?”

Sandy gave an exasperated sigh, “Of course she would if your bloody phone was on, and it would have made tracing you a lot easier!”

I fumbled my phone out of my jacket, and sure enough, the damn thing was off. I swore to myself as I switched it back on, and then realized that I didn’t have Ali’s number. I’d not needed it over the summer; I mean why call someone when they are staying in the same house? She called me every day the one week she’d been away.

My phone lit up with some missed calls, several each from Sandy and Jamal, and two from a blocked number.

“Huh, you know even if I’d wanted to call her,” I said as I looked up from the screen, “I can’t; she’s never given me her number.” I put the phone down, and Sandy snatched it up and checked my contact list.

“Not true, she’s in your contacts.” Sandy pointed at an entry in the contacts list.

I shook my head. “That’s the number for our old flat in Brighton, I never bothered to delete it, just changed the name from home to Ali’s after I left. The only mobile number I’ve got for her was from then, and it hasn’t worked for years. My contacts list is full of old numbers I’ve never bothered to delete. Anyway, calling her is a moot point if I don’t have her number.”

Sandy’s phone buzzed again, and Ali’s face appeared on the screen. She hesitated before reaching out to pick it up. “What do you want me to tell her?” she asked me as the phone continued to buzz in her hand.

I held out my hand, and she gratefully gave me the phone.

“Hi Ali,” I said as I accepted the call.

“San ... Ben! What, where’s Sandy, where are you?”

“She is sitting beside me, and I’m about to go home.”

“Good, so we’ll all see you soon; your parents and Julia are here.”

“Well, I suppose that depends if the four of you are going to be at the cottage anytime soon.”

There was a long silence from the phone. Finally, she said, “I don’t understand; why would you do that?”

Now it was my turn to fall silent; did she have no idea why I was so annoyed and disappointed with her?

“Did you have a good time this evening Ali?” I asked.

“Yes, until you upped and disappeared on me.”

“Well I’m glad you did; I didn’t. Any guesses why I left?” There wasn’t a reply, so I continued. “No, well I wonder if it could be anything to do with the fact you ignored me for the last two hours. When I tried to talk to you, you and the people you were with cut me out of the conversations. Hey, I’d love to have met Kelly, but you waved me away.”

I paused to try and regain my composure. “Why the hell did you make such a bloody fuss about me being there? Was it so I could see how important you are? Well news flash, I already knew that.”

“I ... I didn’t mean to ignore you. You looked bored with the conversations.”

“No that wasn’t it; you did not attempt to involve me. I was tired of continuously being sidelined by you, and whoever it was you were talking to at the time.”

She groaned down the phone and then said, “Please, Ben, stay where you are, I’ll get Julia and your parents settled, then come to you and we’ll talk.”

“Oh, great, the circus comes to town.”

“It’ll just be me I promise; please, can I talk to Sandy for a moment?”

I passed the phone back to Sandy, and she listened and said yes, several times and nodded.

The phone call over, Sandy said, “I need to sort out something. I’ll only be gone a few minutes. Please, promise me you will wait here until I get back. Ali should be here in twenty minutes.” With that, she slid out of the booth and hurriedly walked out of the bar.

I gave serious consideration to just walking out, but what was the point? Sooner or later we’d have to sort out what was going on, and it may as well be sooner!

Sandy was back sooner than I’d expected, and she slid back into the seat beside me, saying “All done.” She picked up my glass and took a sip, grimaced and ordered her drink. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, and Sandy was content to keep me company.

Ali’s arrival was announced by a ripple of sound spreading out from the entrance of the bar to encompass the whole room. She’d changed out of her gown and into a dark blue version of the little black dress. She stood just inside the room, and Jamal and Raf flanked her on either side.

Ali scanned the room looking for me, ignoring several calls from people at scattered tables who obviously knew her. Jamal spotted Sandy and me and gestured for us to join them. Sandy started to move, while I did the only thing a gentleman can do in these circumstances. I took a sip from my glass and raised a finger to him in a well-known gesture. So much for her, ‘just me’ promise.

“They’re here,” Sandy said as I failed to move.

“So, I see, but she’s not alone.”

“She is, oh I see. She meant she was leaving Julia and your parents at the apartment. She has to have security with her.”

“I’m tired of chasing around after her; if she wants to talk then fine, but I’m fucked if I’m doing it with lover boy hanging around.”

Sandy gave me a surprised look, then looked back at Ali, “Who?”

“Jamal, he’s in love with her, Christ I thought all of you knew that.”

“Is that why you don’t like him?”

“It’s the other way around. He barely tolerates me.” I was watching Ali as we spoke, and she made a move to join us, but Jamal put a hand out to stop her. He repeated his come to us gesture, and I resisted the temptation to reply with the same one I’d used. I shook my head and settled back in my seat.

He sent Raf over. “Alisha is too exposed here, you need to go somewhere more private,” he said, obviously parroting Jamal’s message.

“You can go wherever you want; I’m comfortable here. If Ali is serious about talking, Jamal needs to let her come over here. She is getting far more attention standing over there.”

“Shit,” I heard Sandy mutter from behind him. She walked over to Ali and greeted her as though she was the person Ali was looking for. She took her hand and led her over to the booth, ignoring Jamal’s curse. On the way over, several people stood up to greet her, Ali gave them each a quick word but kept moving in my direction.

“You three find a table out of earshot where you can keep an eye out for any issues,” Ali told Sandy and the two bodyguards. Jamal tried to argue, but Ali refused to listen to him.

“Is there a point to this?” I asked her after she’d slipped past me, into the far corner of the booth.

“Of course, there is, love, I made a big mistake. I fell back into my old habits. I didn’t mean to ignore you; I just thought you were happy to sit back and let me do my thing.”

“So, when I indicated I would like to meet Kelly that was me being not interested?”

“Huh, you think I’m going to let you anywhere near that two-faced slut? She’s got so many notches on her bedposts she’s had to replace them more than once.”

That wasn’t the answer I was expecting. “I take it that she’s not a friend.”

“She’s a good friend with one very bad habit; she’s a sexual kleptomaniac. She likes to steal other people’s boyfriends and husbands and fuck them. If I had introduced you to her as say even an old boyfriend, you would have become a target.”

I shrugged, not fully accepted her explanation. “And so, all the other times you cut me out of your conversation, that was to save me as well, was it?”

Even in the dim light, I could see Ali blush.

“I forgot that you don’t know any of those people. You have no idea what’s going on in the business,” she told me.

“Everybody I know is part of this world. At an event like this one, gossip about the industry is our main topic of conversation. Shit, I didn’t give you a chance did I; you weren’t bored. You just didn’t know who I was talking to most of the time or what we were talking about. I’m sorry, Ben, it’s been so long that I’ve been at one of these dos with an outsider that I forgot you needed to be properly introduced.”

“Can I ask you a serious question,” I asked “Do you love me, or is this just an act for Julia? Ow ... shit that hurt!” I rubbed my cheek where she had slapped it.

“You deserved it. There are times I’m not sure you deserve it, but yes, I love you. I thought I’d shown you that this summer.”

“I thought you did, too, but then we have this evening, and while we’re about it what’s with the so-called surprise visit from my parents. Don’t tell me you had it set up several days ago?”

“No that was a last-minute thing, I was so happy you wanted to be here this week that I forgot how much I was supposed to be involved with. It came to a head when the office sent me my final schedule yesterday. There were so many meetings and events planned that you wouldn’t have been allowed to attend with me. Sandy suggested that Julia should join us and then the pair of you would be able to keep each other company when I was busy. I asked your parents along, as well, because they want to see you.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me that you were going to be busy?”

“Because I didn’t want you to use that as an excuse not to be here. I guessed that if I’d told you l was going to be tied up a lot and they were coming over you would have suggested that they come and stay with you at the cottage.”

A man’s voice with an Italian accent interrupted Ali. “I’m surprised to find you slumming here Ali.”

Both of us turned to see who it was. Ali obviously knew him as she gave him a startled look, I was in the dark. He was a tall man in his early thirties, elegant features and wearing an expensive suit with a casual aplomb. Your basic Adonis package.

He continued, “Sasha said she’d seen you coming in here, I told her she had to be mistaken, as you had promised to join me at Cynthia’s party. She was insistent it was you, so I came to see myself.”

Same as Alisha
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Exploration and Discovery: Richard and Becky take some naughty selfies. Now that you've read something about Richard's background and earliest encounter with his first girlfriend (and I hope you have had time to read Part One), Richard is now moving forward to new experiences. By our junior year, most of the guys had seen their girlfriend's tits and maybe felt a little pussy. More stories surfaced at the high school about the guys who were getting laid and the girls that put out. It...

Straight Sex
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 32

"You rang?" echoed through the hull. "Company is here," said Connie. "I'll just go see what she is today." She left, up the ladders, and out on deck. A Dugong, a southern species of Manatee, was lazing in the water. "Company?" "Coming!" She paddled over to the side. "Nice disguise." "Thank you. Be a love and fetch me a bacon egg and cheese biscuit." "Junior said you like people food," said Connie. "I'll be back." She ran to the galley, put the kettle on and began...

1 year ago
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Subjects 0 CH 4

STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane's family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had been absent all week, and an ugly old man was substituting for her. He wanted to make sure...

2 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 7

Susan Fitzgerald Singleton found herself in an uncomfortable situation. She had never envisioned seeking the services of a private investigator, but she was told that Hartman and Hartman were the best. They came highly recommended by her sister Mary, a prominent New York attorney. Susan suspected that Mary was using the PI firm to keep track of her wayward husband. Mary told Susan not to be misled by the firm name; there was only one Hartman. “Theresa Hartman’s the least conspicuous person...

3 years ago
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Twin Lovers Ch4

“Ow” Natty jumped. “Good Morning” I said. “Don’t stop” demanded Crystal. Natty went back eating Crystal’s pussy and I continued licking her pussy. She tasted very sweet as I slid my tongue in her tight hole. I flicked her clit with my tongue. “Mmm Jack” Natty moaned. I got off the bed and removed my clothes. I then stood up on my knees behind Natty and slowly slid the head of my cock into her wet pussy. “Ow Jack...hurts a little” I grabbed her hips then slid my cock halfway...

2 years ago
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A walk in the woods

It was a beautiful day so I decided to go for a walk in the area where I used to play as a c***d. I parked close by and started to walk the area where we used to play. After about a mile or so I needed a break and decided to sit on some rocks that were shielded by some trees and bushes I'd not noticed before, probably over grown over the years.I was sat admiring the greenery around me when a young lad dressed in a school uniform sat oppose to me, he said "Hello", I replied and asked him which...

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As darkness fell that day I knew not what awaited me once the moon was full. I felt her body slither against mine, I felt her tender kisses as shivers ran down my spine and I felt her thigh choke me as I gasped for breath. The assassins black, nylon, bodysuit glided across my naked from as she sighed in pleasure, muffling out my screams for mercy, deep breaths of ecstasy and moans of lost air. The feeling of nylon upon my cock with her skillful fingers touching me just enough to send ripples of...

4 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 51

The rain didn’t let up until nearly noon, then the sun popped out. The skies were clear and the temperature was a lot cooler. This was more like football weather and the feeling just added to the talk of the day... The Masonville eighth grade Mavericks and the big win yesterday. It seemed that everyone had a copy of the Masonville hometown paper with them this morning. Ben even brought two copies of the Dallas Morning News to school with him. There on the front page of the sports section...

1 year ago
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Sinful XXX! The anti-porn crusaders on TV would have you believe sex, smut, and whacking off are some of the most sinful evils of the world. Some might argue that depictions of procreational activities are only natural and good. Others, like SinfulXXX, go right ahead and embrace that sinful label and apply it to their refined brand of high-class pornography.The tagline at the top of sums up their offerings: Sinful Couples That Do Right To The Art Of Sex. It’s clear right from the...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Down and Out

It was raining hard. I watched the light traffic roll by fifteen stories below. My place wasn’t exactly a penthouse, there were but three of those in the building, and they were on the eighteenth floor, but what the heck, I liked my place. Four bedrooms, three baths, a kitchen I could play tennis in, well, if I even liked tennis, and a really well appointed wet bar. The streets of our little town—Granby Station, Ohio, population forty-some thousand—used to be heavy with cars and bikes and all...

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The Play Room Chapter 4 Trading Pieces

Karen started sliding her pussy back and forth on top of his rock-hard cock again, only more slowly and not pressing down as hard.He stared back at her, and moved his hands to her hips, reveling her slick pussy slipping back and forth on his member. “Karen, are you sure?”She took his hands from her hips, and brought them up to her tits. Kirk squeezed her boobs gently. She smiled, closed her eyes, and picked up the pace with her hips. “Don’t you want to make love to me?”“More than anything. But...

First Time
3 years ago
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You sighed as you came all over your hand and crotch area as you stared at a fake picture of Britney Spears. You wiped yourself clean and walked over to your bed, and lied down, staring up at the ceiling. God, you wished you could actually fuck Britney. You'd give anything for that. Anything. "I would sell my soul to get busy with that woman." Suddenly a fire blazed at the foot of your bed. You jumped out of bed and started to run, but the fire disappeared as quick as it had appeared. However,...

Mind Control
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Alex n Ricky

It was after school when we had drama classes and it was about two hours long. I had been in the club for about a year and a half and i really enjoyed it, while Alex was new to it. So, it was after school, in the theater, and i was early. Then without noticing Alex had came in and i was practicing my sketch. "Hey..uh? Is this the drama club?" Alex said in a shy tone "OH! oh my god!... you scared me!" I said in a startled voice "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to disturb you but...

2 years ago
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The Business Trip Affair Part 5

At around eight the next morning, I awoke to his gentle kiss. I loved the sweet gentle gesture. I reached acrossed his chest, resting my hand on his other shoulder, "Good morning handsome." "Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?" I responded in a sleepy voice, "Of course, how couldn't I? I had you holding me." "I'll always hold you in my arms." He rolled on top of me. Pinning my arms onto the bed, kissing my lips, "I'll always take care of your needs, in every way." I reached up, pulling his...

Wife Lovers
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Couches Are Great Places To Start

Ella knelt behind the couch; she was watching the horror movie with her elbows on the back of the couch. The heat from the fireplace was radiant on her back and she could feel it slowly warming her muscles. Ben and his brother sat in front of her, commenting on the movie. A natural break in the movie, a lull in the action, provided Ben with the opportunity to offer tea. His brother Callum accepted but Ella shook her head.The movie continued to play but Ella wasn't paying attention, instead...

Straight Sex
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Finally I Did it

Hi this is Peter from Kerala. I am studying in a reputed engineering college. This incident happened a year back. This is real life Kavya is the heroine of the story. She was one of the stunning beauties of our batch. From the very first day itself I had an eye on her. I am tall with 6ft height, slim built, medium complexion. Kavya is 5ft 8inches in height, wheatish complexion, had a stunning figure if 34-32-36(I measured this after our encounter). My only weapon was my tongue. People are...

2 years ago
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My Rival Wins My Wife and I LoseChapter 3

We put our coffee cups in the sink and went out to the car. Erin sat staring out the window as I drove. I said, "Honey, I know how hard this is for you. I really admire how brave you are being. You are handling this situation a lot better than I am." She didn't turn around. She just said in a very quiet voice, "I'm certainly not feeling very brave. I'm terrified." I replied, "I will do what you have asked Erin. I will try to find some way out of this mess without losing everything....

3 years ago
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10 July 2008Chapter 1

“Happy birthday, Mommy!” Young Timothy yelled surprising Wendy with a homemade gift. She hugged him to her breasts in appreciation for his hard work. She opened the small box, spread the tissue paper and removed the object. “It’s a pen and pencil holder. Now you don’t have to use a coffee cup for your pens,” he smiled with pride. “Thank you so much, Tim, just want I needed,” she smiled at Dan and Karen. “It’s made out of popsicle sticks. Jake helped me to glue it together because I was...

1 year ago
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Mad about Masi

Dear readers, I’ve almost read all the stories, till now which have been published on your site, and do consider most of them as fantasies of people. But believe me that i am sharing my personal and true experience. The story starts from the time when I was too young, about nine tears before, at the age of ten. When my Masi (my mother’s sister) came to our house, she was very beautiful, had a complexion whiter than milk also only, only 19 unmarried and had a nice figure of course, as it was...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 8

I felt even better this morning when I woke and I could tell for sure that fucking was good for me. I don't know if it made me sleep more soundly or what, but after a good workout on the sheets, the next morning seemed grand. For breakfast this morning the girls wanted me to fry some of the bear that they'd cut into strips for drying. What the hell, it looked a lot like bacon so I gave it a try. It turned out to be delicious, with eggs and toast. I liked it so well I went back after my...

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Fantasy Realized 14 Complete story

Fantasy Realized Complete Story (CH. 1-4) Cindy Johnson: [email protected] Audio Book available: Post a review and send an email request for a link to the Free Audio Prologue: Wilson and Helen use sex as a hobby and a way to stay connected. The meaning of love and sex has become blurred for them, however, each of them enjoys the journey. My name is Wilson and the story you are about to read is true and it has been an amazing journey... Helen and I have been married for 5...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 43

Cassidy broke into tears as she left the room and rushed into Holly's embrace. "Hey, it's okay," Holly advised as she hugged the young woman. "You did a great job." Cassidy looked up with tear-stained eyes. "Those girls are going to be molested by that monster tonight," she wailed, "and it's all my fault. If I had just left things to Bryant, they'd be safe. Instead I had to push it. Did you see that woman? She was drooling on her keyboard. Oh those poor little girls." "You...

4 years ago
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At This Minute

Its now 12:17 pm on a Thursday. Its February so its a little chilly. I just got here to the Adult Shoppe in Phoenix az. Flew in from texas, dallas texas. Im in my hometown for a week trying to right the screw up that someone else created at work. See Im in the marketing and sales division of the largest adult theater/bookstore chain around the country. My job is to build sales by building customers. To build customers you have to offer the public something that seems crazy,but attainable to the...

1 year ago
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ChoicesChapter 13 Voices from the past

Morgan left around an hour later, after we fed each other breakfast (of the cereal and juice kind; get your mind out of the gutter), and cleaned up a bit. We kissed each other good-bye at the door, with her promising to call tomorrow--her parents had a thing tonight that she needed to attend. After the door closed behind her, I tossed the sheets into the hamper, and judiciously concluded that I should probably do my whites today before I ran out of underwear later this week. While waiting...

4 years ago
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Cousin bahen ke saath paheli baar fucking 1

Mai Gujarat me raheta hu aur dosto maine apani mamu ki ladaki ke sath paheli baar fucking kiya ye us waqt ki baat hai jab mare mamu ki ladaki yani ki meri cousin bahen mere ghar par kuch dino ke liye ayi thi taab use rooj bahar ghumane mai le jata tha. Ek din mera haath galati se usake boobs par chala gaya tam maine usake bade boobs ko mahesus kiya usake boobs bahut bade the aur mai paheli baar kisi ladaki ke boobs ko touch kar raha tha usdin bato bato me maine pucha ki tum dusare city me kyu...

3 years ago
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family sex 5

water beating against her tits. She lathered her pussy and ass with sweet-smelling soap. "Ooooh, shit!" she gasped, the rough washcloth rubbing against her sensitive clit. She soaped her tits, sighing as her nipples swelled and ached for her father's mouth. Leaning back against the tiled shower stall, she rinsed her tits. Spasms rippled through her hot young body as she rinsed her cunt and ass. By the time she had stepped out of the shower and dried herself, she was...

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Very hot fall weekend

This is a true story of one very hot weekend that my wife and I had a couple of years ago. My wife is 5’10” blonde with a very hot body with 38 C breast. She was 36 at the time and it was mid fall. We were going to the cottage for the weekend. Being mid fall the other cottagers are not a round but the weekend was to be very nice for our part of Canada. So it was finely Friday night work was all done for the week. I packed the car and headed out and pick up my wife from her work and we set off...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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GloryHole Britney Amber Second Appearance

Britney Amber might be the biggest slut in town. Seriously. She’s been to this particular adult book store so many times, the clerks are tired of her. They know what she’s up to back in the video arcade, and quite frankly, they’re not too happy about it — at all. “Well, if your dick was big and black, I just might suck it!” Britney chirps, as she strolls back to the “cruisy area” of the store. Britney knows the video arcade is full of creeps and...

4 years ago
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Manolos Parting Gift To Me

Finally the last of the guests had left.     We had hosted a party for a group of friends our foreign exchange student knew.   He had been living in our guest cabin on the farm and was headed back to Portugal in two days.     Manolo was bright, articulate and made a lot of friends in the short time he was living here.   Some of the local girls would miss him too. He was very popular with his rugged good looks and athletic body.   I should know.   He spent many an afternoon in our pool. If...

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Bhabhi Aur Mera Sapna Hua Pura Ek Mast Sex Se

Hello girls, aunties aur bhabhi’s. Main sameer aapke samne dubara ek naye kahani lekar aaya hu. Mere pichle kahani “4 saal ka intezar” aaplogo ne pasand liya h aur ye kahani jo mein aaj likhne jar ha hu wo bhi aaplogo ko pasand aaega, ye kahani ek bhabhi ke h jo apne vasna pura karna chahte h. Jisse ke aaplog jaante h mein Bangalore mein rahta hu waha mere building mein ek bahiya aur bhabhi rhte h jinke saath mere aache banti h, mein aksar unke madad karta tha. Bhaiya ke shaadi ko 2 saal hogae...

3 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 2

I was 12 and Les was 11 when I started Jr. High. I don't know about today, but back then Jr. High was a rite of passage. You went to a completely different school, you were in a new social class, you were no longer a kid. Instead of going a couple of blocks to the elementary school, I rode my bike almost 2 miles. There were parties, school dances, sports, all kinds of things that didn't exist in elementary school. This was no place for a kid sister to be hanging around. I never said...

1 year ago
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A Night with Marie

Authors note: This is a true story. The only thing changed was the names of those involved. ***** Finally, I got my friend home. I’ve successfully kept her from being arrested and thrown in jail. I’ve got her home, to her room and into her bed. She’s lying there crying her soul out, and having massive panic attacks. The grief of her lost child from years before, the anger at her drug addicted mother, the shame of having Heroin withdrawals, and the overwhelming despair that all those...

1 year ago
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First Time With Indian Gays In The Middle East 8211 Part 3

On the Monday of the following week we were stood down early so I went to the mess and had lunch. By 12.30 I had finished my lunch and everyone disappeared back to their quarters until the bar opened at 2pm. I decided to go to the barbers where I had been warned about not to go without the rest of the guys to see what would happen going on my own. When I arrived it was only about ten minutes from closing but I went in anyway. There was only one customer there already being attended to and I...

Gay Male
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A Spell Reversed

A SPELL REVERSED by Throne Ronald Rich stood over his wife Lindsey with a leering grin on his handsome face. She sat in an antique wingback chair that had been in her family for generations. Lindsey was pressed against the back of the chair, looking intimidated. Her husband said, "You are so stupid. Not only did you sign that pre-nup that allows me control your huge fortune, but you showed me those ancient books of magic. I couldn't believe it when the stuff actually worked." He...

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Bo Peeps Curse

As the 6'-0" lawyer walks though the mall wearing an expensive suit and carrying an expensive briefcase a woman watches him with interest. Her name is Sally she is a pick pocket. She takes pride in how plain and common she can make herself look. That way it is difficult for her victims identify her. She stands 5'- 8" and has soft brown shoulder length hair. She has a slim figure and B cup size breasts. Her light blue top, blue jeans and sneakers makes it easy for her to blend in with the crowd....

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Final Reward

It was the end of a long life spent in service to the Lord and Cardinal Frank Spencer had been a long time dying. His last weeks were spent in bed as his body failed and his mind went back over his life and everything that had happened and what he had done. From a teenage tearaway who was rescued by his parish priest, he remembered growing to love the church and the good works he was able to do. After years spent in various parishes and being moved around every few years, he found he was...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 5

The sound of a jackhammer from the park across the street filtered through Martha's pulled curtains and right through the ear plugs she had placed inside her sensitive ears to insure getting a much needed rest before striking out on a search for a suspect with plausible motivation in her niece's death. She had no doubt it was a homicide even though the original coroner's report indicated that it was either accidental or suicide. She had to laugh at the suicide aspect because she couldn't...

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John and Angeline SiblyChapter 3 The Fall and Rise of John

My name is John Sibly; I'm five foot eight and at the time this all started I lived just in the suburbs of the great city of London, with my beautiful wife Angeline, our daughter Rebecca and our new-born son Paul. I am the sales manager for an engineering company. Things are not going too well for the firm. The "powers that be" are "stick in the mud's" and our product line is old fashioned and out of favour. The sales team have to work their socks off trying to meet their quotas! To be...

3 years ago
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Never Met You

I met Eric online, we had never met in person but we agreed we wanted to. We didn’t live too close to each other, which made it hard to meet up. We did the best we could though, we messaged each other, called each other, talked over web cam, and sent heaps of pictures. I woke up thinking about him, I reached for my phone and went to the pictures he had sent me the previous night. I put my phone up on the bedside table so I had both hands free, then put my right hand down my black short shorts...

First Time
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 6 Ranger 2

Aerick was numb. The past two days had been an ordeal that he never would have imagined in his darkest fantasies. He was both mentally and physically exhausted, aching in places he didn't know he had. Everything was an evaluation. A test as it were. The women who tested him varied with each test. The very first being endurance, hence the enema. The second test was one of crisis. He was restrained to a post, his arm left free to hold two ropes. One rope was attached to a set of weights that...

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Slaves of the Amethyst part nine

Chapter Sixty Four.Alice had simply never known an evening like it in her life. To her it was the most defining few hours of her impending adulthood. In common with many a young person Alice had entered into marriage with Daniel with only the vaguest idea of some nebulous future. They’d had hazy ideas of buying a house someday, of Daniel getting a better job, of c***dren someday, of moving out of Teescastle. They’d had dreams but the reality had always been the wage...

3 years ago
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The dating game

I cant believe my friends don’t this they set me up on this blind date sorta thing where its set in this coffee shop and the guys are sitting at a table there is about six tables and its booked there is enough room for one more girl well you have ten minutes to talk and at the end your to ask whether or not the person wants to continue im thinking how desperate can you be to do something like that so all of a sudden this nice coco skin girl comes in and she blows everyone out of the water...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory Tiffany Wants a Nooner

Introduction: Tiffany is alone at home and horny, so she decides to visit her husband at his work for a little afternoon delight. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Tiffany Wants a Nooner Note: This takes place during Chapter 34, following Tiffany Sullivan. Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 I was bored. Ever since I gave my son-in-law my Gift, my life had been so busy, so full. After so many years I was happily reunited with my...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Story Part 26

Jessica's Story - Part 26 Edward was used to being the only boy in the house, even though there was another boy living with him. It had never occurred to him that this other boy was now wearing skirts and dresses, and wore his dark brown hair long. As far as Edward was concerned, Jessica was a girl. It had been debated whether to tell Edward the truth about Jessica, but Anne had decided to keep it from him for now. But today, Edward was not bothered about his older sisters. Today...

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My best friend visits home

Sara and I were college mates five years back and we were best friends and classmates as well. We used to sit on the same bench, eat food, roam around, gossip and have fun together. The college was jealous of watching our intimacy. We were best friends, that is what I knew about our relationship and nothing more, although I didn't know what was going on in her mind.I had a good job and settled in my hometown, but I had lost contact with Sara. We hardly talked to each other, now that she was...

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The Greatest Desire Part 2

When we slept together i had a condom on, don't get me wrong it was still good, however I wanted to feel what she actually felt like. Well of course I could not complain, I never though I would kiss her let alone fuck her so I was glad I got to at least do that. Well that all changed one day, as I walked out of the door of the college I am attending I heard her voice. She called to me and asked me what was going on. I told her that I was finished for the day and she asked me if I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 39

As soon as Julie got back to her room from her "date" with Gerry, she stripped down and jumped on the bed and cocked her knees back to fully feel and squeeze her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down the lips, toying with them, pinching them, making her clitoral mound fill even more with blood. She pinched it down with her thumb over the hood and three fingers squeezing her slit and letting the middle finger slide between to toy with her clit. Her mind drifted back to Saturday night,...

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Ingenious Toys Part 2

And that brings us to Ike and Mike. A few weeks after theepisode with Earnest 2.0, I was just about to sneak back into the senior girls’ dorm after sex with Mr Gallows when he stopped me. “I have a present for you,” he smiled, holding out a wooden box about the size of a book. “Oooh, goody. Is it like your last present?” “Different,” he said, as if that answered my question. “Open it.” I opened the box. Inside, nestled in red velvet were two flesh coloured sex toys. One was about six inches...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Brother Part 2

“Are you awake?” I heard a croaky voice emerge from my many,many thoughts. “Mhmm.” I struggled a groan out my mouth before rolling onto my side and curling into a sleepy bundle of warmth. My eyes were still squeezed shut. I needed sleep. “Oh come on, Lilly, wake up.” The voice got closer to me and I felt two intruding fingers poke at my sides. “It’s nearly nine. We need to get the house ready.” I moaned again and dug my face deeper into the pillow. “Fine,” the voice sighed and I heard...

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Sissy Clinic for Bois Chapter One My New Sissy Client

“I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me,” Jaiden Chapman told me as my assistant Susan served us both coffees.  “Professor Greene at Texas Woman’s University recommended you,” she continued.  “Professor Greene, Kristen, is my thesis adviser — I’m working on my M. Ed. in curriculum design, and when I shared my story with her she was certain you would be able to help us.”I recognized the professor she was referring to immediately from working with her several years earlier when I...

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The ProdigalThirtyfour

THE RECEPTION WAS BACK AT THE HOTEL. Sandra had everything ready for guests by the time we were out of the receiving line. The four of us rode in the limo taking a long route instead of the direct two blocks to the hotel. We drove about a mile along the lake and through downtown with people on the sidewalks waving at the “Just Married” sign on the back of the limo. The two brides sat opposite Wendy and me and kept looking at each other and giggling. It was infectious. “Old Nebraska blessing...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Brooklyn Chase 09152020

Brooklyn has always been creative with her tax returns, and claimed lots of deductions. This year, Tax Agents Isiah Maxwell and Prince Yahshua, have come to pay a visit to find out how she could be claiming a 50,000.00 deduction for Lingerie. They sit down for the meeting and he questions how she could spend that kind of money on Lingerie in a year and she decides the easiest way would be to show them. So she begins showing them different pieces of Lingerie and telling them the trips, cars and...


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