Taking The Class: Part 4Chapter 4: Saturday Afternoon, 2:58PM free porn video

“You’re not like, actually one of them, are you?” Alaina asked in a voice full of trepidation.
“Huh?” Will looked over at his own girlfriend, who was eyeing him suspiciously. “One of what? An anime fan?” Pretty sure saying ‘weeb’ would have gotten me killed.
“Yeah, that.”
“Nah, I used to watch a bit when I was... before, but I’m not much for watching stuff nowadays.” He stepped over to Alaina and put his hands on her hips. “Plus, I’ve been really busy lately,” he said, looking down at her with a lazy grin.
She studied him for a moment before breaking into a relieved half-smile. “Alright, good.” She tugged on his sweater until he leaned in for a kiss. “Very good.” She took hold of his right hand and turned towards where all their friends had left, starting a leisurely pace after she laced her fingers tightly through his.
I can’t get over how easy-going she seems today. She hasn’t gotten upset or been unreasonable even once. It’s like some kind of fantasy version of Alaina. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand. I could get used to this. “What do you have against anime, anyway?”
“I used to just think it was weird,” said Alaina. “I mean, Ken tried getting me to watch a few things over the years, but it was the same every time. All the characters were idiots, they always had those faces with the creepy, huge eyes—bleh.”
She wrinkled her nose as they turned to walk along the side of the bleachers. “Fine, whatever, that’s anime, I guess. I told him I wanted something with a great story. I said it’d be a plus if there was a well-written female character. But half the episode would be awkward shots of girls’ underwear or bouncing boobs with impossible physics—Like, has anyone in anime-land ever even heard of a sports bra?—and all the girls in the series always fell in love with these idiot, boring guys for no fucking reason. Argh! And the one series we watched a few episodes of that he said was for girls was somehow worse.”
That’s ... I don’t remember any of those things bothering me that much? Maybe Ken has bad taste? “You said you used to think it was just weird?”
Alaina snorted. “Yeah, that was before I got... you know. And then I researched those stupid things a bit and they’re all for anime creeps. It was ... Well, it was more than a little traumatizing with everything else that was going on.”
“Ah.” Will remained silent for a moment as they crossed the upper field parking lot on the way to the lower lot. “That must have been really tough.” He squeezed her hand.
“It was,” she sighed. “Especially Tuesday after our little rendezvous mishap the day before. You really showed up at the worst possible time, y’know.”
Will blew out a breath. Ugh, I feel so bad about that. Even more so now, hearing her talk about it. Shit, did she get her Class while we were having sex that day? That’s really fucked up. “I really am sorry about that. The whole Monday thing, I mean. That was—”
“Hey.” Alaina came to a stop just as they passed the short log fencing on the other side of the lot. She gave him a serious look. “Will, I forgive you. Alright?”
“Er ... You do?”
“Yeah.” She shifted in place and looked down for a moment. “I mean, I understand. Your Trait was working on me then, so you probably knew I was turned on right away, and that I thought you were cute. Right?”
“Yeah, more or less. But—”
“And I am an amazing actress, aren’t I?” Alaina giggled.
“You were kind of blowing my mind with how real I thought your acting was,” Will said, grinning sheepishly.
“Don’t get too cocky about this, but...” His girlfriend moistened her lips, then beckoned him in closer as she rose up on her tip toes. “I’ve been thinking maybe we should try it again sometime,” she whispered hotly into his ear. “Without my Quirk, though.”
She relaxed, giving him a single raised eyebrow as she began slowly walking once more.
The gentle tugging on his hand dragged him out of a brief, but intense daydream.
“What are you thinking about?” asked Alaina. She grinned widely back at him.
Will started forward once more. She’s amazing. He glanced around, but they were crossing past the tennis courts now and nobody else was nearby. “I was just thinking how amazing you are.”
She squeezed his hand. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“It’s sort of like what you were saying earlier,” Will said after a moment. “I thought even if we ever went out, it’d be ... difficult? Er ... No offense, I just meant that it was hard to tell if you were, um, having fun sometimes before today? I, uh...” he trailed off. I should put down the shovel before I accidentally say the wrong thing.
Alaina was silent for a few paces. “Do you ... Um...” She lapsed back into silence for another moment. “Do you like me better today, then?” she asked in a small voice, not looking at him.
“No,” Will answered quickly.
She turned, hiding a disappointed look a fraction of a second too late.
“It’s not that I like you any more or less today, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s more like...” Will frowned. How do I phrase this? “You’re complex,” he said slowly. “Today you seem more confident, maybe? No, unburdened, I think is the word I want. As though a big weight is off your shoulders. For the past week, you always seemed very...” He paused. “Introspective, maybe. Like you were watching things happen from behind a wall of your own thoughts. And today you’re actually here.”
Alaina frowned up at him.
Uh oh. “Er, maybe I didn’t—”
“That’s like, almost too accurate,” she said, cutting him off. “Are you sure you can’t read my mind?”
Will grinned. “I’ve had sort of a singular focus for the past week.” His grin faded slightly. “Well, the parts I can remember, anyway.”
“Is memory loss normal with this, um ... situation?” she asked, running her thumb gently along his.
Is it? “I’m not sure?”
“Oh.” Alaina slowed her pace for a half step before catching up. “Do you, um ... Do you want me to tell you what happened?”
He considered it. Eh, I’d probably just end up ruminating and getting upset. I’ll wait until I can talk to Laura. This Trait might be annoying most of the time, but it’s not like she’ll be able to lie to me now. Although... “Nah, I think I’ve got most of it figured out,” said Will. “The one thing that I don’t get is how Carla knows Laura? Is that just from clit poker last night?”
His girlfriend grimaced. “I’ve got an idea, but I don’t know if you’re going to want to hear it. Why? Was she the one you were on the phone with before? Because if she was—”
“No, that was someone else,” Will cut in. “What’s your theory?”
“Well...” Alaina fidgeted with his held hand. “I think ... I think they might know each other from work? Um ... I think they might be escorts?”
Will looked down. She doesn’t seem like she’s joking. Escorts? He tried to imagine Laura in that role, but it wasn’t easy. There’s no way, right? “I can’t really imagine Laura doing something like that,” he said, still struggling to fit the pieces together. “Although, she was being a little weird before the breakup.”
“Yeah, I kind of heard about that from Vinnie. That, along with some things she said last night when she thought nobody else was listening ... It all sort of fits. The one thing that I still can’t figure out is why she did it.” Alaina’s brow furrowed deeply as she stared ahead onto the soccer field. “Unless...” She looked up at him with a worried expression. “Do you think she might’ve been working for your father somehow?”
Will laughed abruptly. “No, if there’s one thing I’m sure about, it’s that she’s not someone who...” he trailed off.
“But if he made a contract with her, then she’d have to, wouldn’t she?”
That’s... Will blinked. “That’s fucked up.” He sighed. “But it does sound like something he might do. And the timing is...” But wait, didn’t she start messaging me again last Monday before either of them met Alaina? I’m pretty sure ... Shit, maybe I shouldn’t have deleted all her messages. Now I can’t check. “I still don’t understand how she did something like that. From what she told me, her one Skill wasn’t nearly powerful enough to do much of anything useful. And I did break up with her before, which seems like it would’ve been impossible if she could do something like this.”
“Hm, that’s true...” Alaina pursed her lips. “But what if she got some kind of new Skill?”
“It would have to be on a completely different scale,” Will mused. “And it seems pretty unlikely. She just got her Trait that let her feel other peoples’ emotions right after we started going out last year. So that’s what, like four months to rank up more times than she did in the previous six? Seems unlikely.”
“Well, I did it.” She gave him a leer.
Her Class absolutely ranks up from having sex, doesn’t it. “You’re not her.”
The redhead deflated a little at that comment, her hand going limp in his. “Yeah, that’s true. She’s taller than me, and has bigger boobs, and—”
“And she’s not the girl I’d rather be with right now,” Will finished for her.
Alaina’s frown righted itself, and her hand gripped his tightly.
“Let’s not talk about her anymore,” said Will. This is gonna ruin the day for both of us if we keep digging at it.
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” she said in an exasperated tone. “It’s so annoying! I can’t even get upset today!”
“Good, “ he said, giving her a lopsided grin. “You’ve been upset too much the past couple weeks. Take a day off once in a while.”
The valedictorian and student council president snorted. “Fine, but just one. They don’t give me very many each year.”
“I won’t tell anyone. At least, as long as you give me an incentive not to.” Will waggled his eyebrows at her until she giggled.
They started down the slope at the side of the field towards the parking lot.
“Speaking of telling,” Alaina said, “are you going to tell me who you were on the phone with earlier?”
Is this the time? He scanned her face, noting how her smile was showing through her mock scowl. Seems as good as any.
“Remember this morning when you said you wanted me to check with you about other girls?” Will asked.
“Yeah, w—You were talking to one of them?” Alaina asked incredulously.
She makes it sound like I have legions of girl friends or something. “Yup. I sort of made plans with her for tonight last Sunday. So I wanted to see if she’d be open to something a bit ... Well, something unusual.”
His girlfriend frowned at him as they reached his car. She stopped with him next to his door and pulled her hand away. “I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
Oops, that was a bit clumsy. “Er, what I meant to say was that I wanted to see if she’d be interested in being with you tonight. No wait, I meant meeting you tonight.”
“You asked her before...” Alaina scowled at him for a moment, then shut her eyes and let out a breath. “Sorry,” she said more calmly once she’d opened her eyes again. “Does she have a name?”
That seemed like a close call. “Kayleigh. But her friends call her Kay.”
“Kayleigh,” said Alaina, sounding the name out in an unfamiliar manner. “And what did you imagine that Kayleigh and your girlfriend would get up to with you tonight? Straight to bed, or...” She gave him a disappointed look.
Why do both of them immediately assume I’m trying to have a threesome? I think they’ll get along really well. Once they put their claws away. “Actually, I thought we’d go to karaoke. She’s a great singer, you’re a great singer, it seemed like a great way for you to get to know each other.”
“Huh,” said Alaina. She frowned up at him for a moment. “Sorry, this is really taking a lot more getting used to than I thought,” she muttered.
“What is?”
“I’m used to people seeing me as the student council president, or the valedictorian, or even as the drama club president.” She fidgeted bashfully. “It’s ... It’s really hard to get used to you. Because to you, I’m not just like ... some kind of fetish, am I? Even when you called me Prez, it was because that’s how you saw me; it wasn’t a title, it was a name.”
Will ran a hand up and down his cheek awkwardly. “I’m not really sure what you mean?” he said. “Whether you’re Alaina or Prez, you’re still you, right? Er ... This reminds me of Frege’s Puzzle—he was a late nineteenth, early twentieth century philosopher—where, well, the short version is that two names can refer to—mmf.”
Alaina continued the kiss for several minutes, her hands gripping his collar tightly as a fleet of industrious tongues treated him to a slice of blueberry heaven.
He blinked, trying to recall which name referred to him, and Alaina’s happy smile came into focus. “What was I saying?”
She hugged him and pressed her head into his chest. “Don’t worry about it,” she murmured.
Will stroked the back of her head. “Worrying seems like the last thing I should be doing right now.”
“Hm.” Alaina said after another minute. She pulled away. “I forgot to bring something to drink. Do you have a water bottle or something in your car?”
“Yeah, I always keep something in the back.” Will unlocked the doors with the fob in his pocket. “Get in, I’ll pass it to you once I find it.” Now that I think about it, I’m unbelievably thirsty. How did I miss that before?
“Alright, thanks. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that...” Alaina started around the front of the car as he pulled his door open.
“Where is it...” He sat down, then twisted to his right between the seats and started digging through his emergency blanket and towels behind his seat.
A hand grabbed his butt through his jeans.
“Is that supposed to be motivational?” he called out.
“Nope, just doing some maintenance.”
Will rolled his eyes. After another moment, he pulled a large canteen of water out by the handle around its lid. “Here,” he said as he brought it to the front seat with him, offering her the first drink.
Alaina unscrewed the top and took a long series of gulps before passing the container back to him. “Mmm, thanks!” She sighed in contentment.
Will drank, then held it out for her. “More?”
Alaina shook her head. “I think I was getting pretty dehydrated there.”
He screwed the cover on and tossed the water canteen into the back. “Yeah, same. Er...” he shifted awkwardly in his seat. “You mind using that cleaning Skill on me?”
“I guess that’s fair payment for the water,” she said with a grin as she leaned over into his personal space.
Will raised his hands to brace her as she rested her arms on his shoulders, and he ended up cupping her boobs over her hoodie. He squeezed gently out of habit.
“Skipping straight to foreplay?” Alaina teased, settling onto his palms and pressing him against his door. She gave him a brush of her lips across his but didn’t use her Skill.
“Most girls would probably be thrilled that a guy stopped for foreplay at all,” said Will. He moved his thumbs up and down over her chest.
“Would Kayleigh be thrilled?” she asked playfully, her lips nearly touching his.
“You could ask her yourself tonight if you want,” he bantered back, resisting the urge to lunge forward and kiss her as he stared into her eyes.
His girlfriend drew her fingernails lightly over the back of his neck while she looked back and forth, pretending to think. “I don’t know...” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Is she hot?”
Will chuckled. “Daniel? Is that you, bud?”
Alaina giggled, then pressed her lips softly to his.
A sensation of refreshment passed through him, and he felt the pressure in his bladder disappear. The Class might suck in some ways, but the perks are great. He poked his tongue out, and hers met him at his lips for a quick greeting before she pulled back.
“Mmm,” she cooed. She gave him another kiss, her tongue darting into his mouth briefly, then pulled back to her seat.
“Where to?” he asked. “Back to your house to dehydrate me again?” He waggled his eyebrows.
His girlfriend smiled salaciously at him, running her teeth over her lower lip. “Tempting,” she said. “But I feel...” She eyed him speculatively. “What do you think about going on a bike ride with me?”
A bike ride? Haven’t done that in ages. Could be fun? “Sure. Assuming you’ve got a bike I can use.” He belted in and pressed the ignition next to the steering wheel.
Alaina buckled up next to him. “Yeah, you can use Mom’s. It used to be my dad’s, but hers broke a while back...” she trailed off, frowning.
“Broke?” he asked as he pulled the car out of its spot.
“Yeah,” she said pensively. “I wasn’t paying attention when we were out for a ride one day six-ish years ago and almost got hit by a truck. Mom’s bike got run over when she jumped off it and tackled me out of the way, but ... The entire frame snapped.”
She leaned against her door, a stunned expression creeping over her face. “I remember she said it was just damage from being run over, but ... The entire bottom of the bike—the pedals, the rear wheel, it looked like it was torn off the rest of the bike. One of the pedals was shattered. Like glass. Like something had stomped down on it with an insane amount of force.”
Will clicked the radio on at a soft volume and turned onto the street. “Your mom cares about you a lot,” he said, feeling a sudden lump in his throat. He blinked a few times.
Neither of them spoke for a few minutes.
“Sorry, I got a little sidetracked,” said Alaina. “But I’ve got a bike you can use if you want.”
“I’d like that,” said Will, deliberately keeping his face straight.
She snorted. “Are we just going to keep going back and forth on that?”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about. Also I haven’t ridden a bike in a long time, so no laughing.” He gave her a stern look even as she started to giggle.
“I’m really looking forward to it, then. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you even be mediocre at anything so far.”

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