BethChapter 38 free porn video

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August 7, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 8]

I woke in the middle, between my two lovers. God, this is wonderful! Rhee and Heather are snuggled into me, Heather on my right. I closed my eyes to luxuriate in being so loved, but Heather’s alarm had other plans, or, rather, commands. Oh, well. Time to get up and at ‘em.

Heather had turned off the alarm nearly immediately, and Rhee only partly roused, so we left her sleeping after I carefully wiggled out from under her arm. Heather and I showered quickly and trotted downstairs with the smell of French toast luring us into the kitchen. We hugged Dad good morning (he was wearing an apron, so the hug was not as good as it might have been), grabbed plates and flatware for eight, set five places at the kitchen table, stacking the rest. We had not checked on Gracey and Liya, but assumed that, though they were probably still sleeping, they would be joining us, soon. Dad and Heather, and Sandy had to get going.

The other three girls made it downstairs just before Dad and Heather left for the university, so they had to hug a clothed Dad, though he got to hug and kiss naked girls. He took advantage of that by, in the respective clinches, putting his hands on both ass cheeks of all three girls. I took over cooking chores, and the second seating of breakfast began. Sandy came out of the bedroom dressed for work and she hugged the three, wished us all a good day, and headed out. A nude Carol joined the three at the table and I served up French toast to all.

After breakfast, we four girls had a powwow in the Go5 council chamber about plans for the day.

“I need to look into secure storage media for the repository,” Gracey said, “and Liya and I probably need to have a discussion about appropriate software that will do what we want, with Dad’s wanted ‘oh, shit’ option.”

“Are you going to do that on your room’s computer, or do you want to use mine?”


“Okay. Are you going to want to go to the mall or elsewhere to look into storage options once you find what you need? I know you. You’re going to want to see the options in person! Besides, while hanging around in the nude with Dad all day would be nice, he’s probably going to use at least some of his free time to go to the gym and run errands. We could get either a drop-off or a pick-up from him, maybe both.”

With our late morning and early afternoon decided, Gracey and Liya went to do their research.

“Rhee, would you mind if I got started on my diary entries for the weekend?”

“Not at all. I’ll continue reading what you’ve already given me. You know, even though I was present for a lot of this, I find myself becoming engrossed in your storytelling. I’m enjoying seeing how you look at things, what you put in, what you leave out, how you interpret. I feel like I’m learning things about you that I might not have known, or realized, or figured out correctly. Of course, I would imagine that that would be expected upon reading someone’s diary. I’m having fun!”

I looked at her with love. “Thanks, Rhee. I appreciate the praise ... and the time to get some writing done, though Heather will be back in a half-hour or so.”

With the return of Heather and Dad ... Hmmm. When did that happen? I don’t remember putting anyone before Dad previously. Anyway, with the return of Heather and Dad came the return of a gorgeous nude man in the house. A gorgeous nude man with a boner, a stiffy, a hard-on.

There was much salivating. Somewhat surprisingly, there was no grabbing.

We were seated at the kitchen table.

“I’ve got some hardware answers for you, Dad,” Gracey said. “Liya and I still have to look at software, but I think that the ‘oh, shit’ option requires a hardware solution.”

“What have you got?”

“You said ‘money was no object,’ right?” When he nodded, she continued. “Again, we’re looking at software solutions, which if effective, would be the simplest and easiest answer. However, I think that there may be no such thing as a perfect software answer.”

“Give it to me.”

“A degausser.”

“I assume that part of that word is related to the magnetism unit, yes? Except for that, I have no clue what you just said, though I might be able to figure out the gist of it if the magnetism unit, ‘gauss,’ is the base of that word.”

“It is. A degausser, which is actually a misnomer of sorts, is a unit that washes a powerful magnetic field over ... well, in this case, a computer drive, playing merry hell with storage, which has a magnetic basis. However, it is a stand-alone piece of equipment. There are two types, but I don’t really see any effective difference between them as far as your ... our situation is concerned. Whatever files are stored on a unit that gets degaussed are rendered ... dissolute within a minute or so.”

“That’s certainly speedy enough. However, if the magnetic field that it creates is strong enough, would we have to be worried about subsidiary damage to other electronics in the house?”

“I don’t think so. It seems as it the unit is shielded, but I haven’t had the chance to look into that, yet.”

“Okay. Let me know. Assuming that a degausser is the best ‘oh, shit’ option, how would that work with our need for a tightly controlled storage unit?”

“That, I’ve thought about. The easiest way would be to render any warranty void on whatever the storage unit is. We can crack the box so that the drive is readily accessible. If you want, you could even go so far as to disconnect the drive from the storage and store it in the degausser, but then you might have the odd or more-frequently-than-odd problems with reading the drive if you re-connect it every time that you use it.”

“Okay, I can see that. But you’re saying that if we weren’t worried about esthetics, we could leave the drive accessible? That we could just unhook it, which is simple, right?”

“Yes, but if you were in ‘oh, shit’ mode, you wouldn’t be worried about destroying the connection.”


“Okay. That sounds simple enough. I assume that a degausser is not particularly cheap, but that’s not a problem. The next task is how to view our illicit stash of imagery. I assume that we can have some storage method that can interface with the TV. Yes?”

“Yes. Liya and I discussed that. I assume that you want any such unit isolated, yes?”

“Yes. It should not be accessible via the house’s network that you two put together for us. Speaking of which, do I remember correctly that when you set it up that you said that we could up the security level on it if we wanted?”

“Yes, and we had already discussed that, too, figuring that you’d ask that question. If the storage unit is independent of the network, you don’t need to upgrade security for that. However, we thought that you’d be interested in trying to make it harder to access from outside on the off chance that something on the network, an email, a text message, or whatever were to be – and I hate to use the word – incriminating. None of us have the slightest qualms with anything here. We love your sexual interest in us. We love your wives’ interest in your sexual interest in us. We even like the idea of being able to look at photos and videos of us having sex with you and each other. We do not consider you a criminal, but as a wonderful father and a ... very exciting lover.”

With that last, Gracey blushed, though she looked him right in the eyes when she said it.

“Yes, you thought correctly about network security and I’d like you two to go ahead and do whatever you feel necessary to effect that. Regarding ‘incriminating,’ I very much dislike breaking the law. The relevant laws and ordinances were written for worst-case scenarios. I understand that I am still culpable, but I would rather girls like you be protected from some of the abusers out there that would not have your best interests in mind without the ugly ramifications if convicted. Unfortunately, the laws that would label me a felon do not protect girls from the worst-case culprits, they provide only a framework for punishment. It is my belief that the worst-case scenarios are part, possibly a large part, of those missing-children posters. I believe that a goodly percentage of those are sold or taken into slavery or just murdered after any ‘fun’ is had at their expense. In my opinion, there is no such thing as cruelty when dealing with those sorts of people. I am obviously no saint, but I would deal very harshly with such people.”

Heather, who was sitting in Mom’s kitchen-table seat, stood abruptly, crawled into Dad’s lap, plastered her chest to his, and tucked her head under his chin. After a few seconds, she picked her head back up and looked at Dad.

“I would hate it if we were the proximate cause of you having legal problems. None of us would or will mention this outside the family.” She looked around at us, briefly. “We need to maintain security outside of the houses, though I was so hoping that you would be willing to make love with me outdoors sometime. I will give up that fantasy, as the consequences of being caught are just too dire to fulfill it. The Devlin back yard will just have to do, and I will be as quiet as I can if that comes about.”

Dad looked sadly at Heather, then wrapped her up. “Oh, Heather. I don’t know what to say to that. That’s so precious and so sad all at the same time.”

They consoled each other for a minute or so, then Dad rotated Heather in his lap so that she was facing the rest of us but left her in his lap. His naked lap. His naked lap with a no-doubt fully erect cock. He encouraged her to lean back against him and he began stroking her right arm with his right hand; his left arm was wrapped around her body, just below her breasts.

“I assume, Gracey, that a degausser is something that needs ordering, not picking up in some local store.”

“Yeah. I bookmarked a couple websites on our ... on the spare-bedroom computer”

“Thank you. However, we ... Sandy and Carol and I ... want you two to consider that your room. Neither Sandy nor I have any living close relatives and Carol has only her mother, and if she were to visit, which is unlikely, she would stay in the Devlin house. That room is your room, and we would like to see you occupy it more fully. Please feel free to keep clothing and whatever here. We’ll buy you whatever furniture may be required ... an armoire or dresser or whatever. Sandy will be moving various of our stuff out of it and into the ‘library’ [air quotes].”

That got Dad mauled by two more teenaged girls; Heather enjoyed being trapped in the middle of it. Once that lovefest came to an end, Gracey and Liya returned to their seats; Heather, unsurprisingly, did not. The conversation moved away from discussions of security (personal and data) and moved onto many other topics. Among them were the Thursday meeting with Central High personnel about Heather’s schooling, next weekend’s state tournament, and the high school soccer team.

At one point, we four girls not sitting in Dad’s lap slowly stopped talking and just watched Dad’s right hand as it fondled Heather’s breasts. Dad was talking about the lodging plans for the state tournament when he realized that we were paying no attention to him.

“What? What is it?”

The others looked at me, so I bearded the lion.

“Were you aware that you have been fondling those pretty little titties for over ten minutes?”

His hand came to a stop, then abruptly moved to the table.

“I’m sorry, Heather. I didn’t realize. Please believe me.”

Heather rolled her head back onto his left shoulder to look at him and said, “Dad, I’ve told you that you can have whatever from me that you want. Granted, you didn’t ask, but I am perfectly happy to consider that I granted you permission when I intruded on your lap. So, let me state this clearly. Dad ... Charlie, you may touch me any time you want. You do not have to ask. If I object, I will be very polite about telling you so, but I do not anticipate ever telling you no. So, please, if you would be so kind, return your right hand to making me feel incredibly warm, safe, happy, and loved.”

Dad was looking in her eyes during that discourse. He continued to look into them, then said, “You really mean that. Don’t you?”

“Yes. Your hand felt so good. There was a sexual aspect to it, but, mostly, it was just pleasant, and I felt ... at home. Loved.”

“Oh, Heather,” he said as he hugged her tightly. “You are home. You are loved.” He then looked at the rest of us. “What do you think?”

Liya responded, “I think that, as she often does, Heather is jumping my proposal to the family. She does it entirely unintentionally. It’s just that, when it comes to you and to this family, the five of us think very much alike.”

“What, specifically, does that mean in this instance?”

“I would rather we wait until the whole family is here to hear my proposal. In the interim, I agree with Heather. Please go back to making her feel ‘warm, safe, happy, and loved.’”

Dad looked sheepish and said, “Will it feel the same if there’s intent? The ‘safe’ and ‘home’ aspects might be tied not to fondling her in a sexual manner but to the unintentional intent, an avowed oxymoron, to show my love for my daughter.”

I jumped back in. “Yes, Dad. Actually, we were aware of that. We thought that it would be amusing to make you aware of it. Of course, now you’ll be too aware of it, and we’ve ruined Heather’s day.”

I followed that with a grin at Heather.

She grinned back at me, then said, “If I could reach the floor from here, I’d stamp my foot and then pout, maybe even run off to my room because my sisters were being mean to me. However, Dad, if you don’t get back to the wonderful job you were doing for my mental wellbeing, there’s something of yours within easy reach of ... Oh, god no. We want that thing to be always in fine working order. I don’t want to threaten that thing. Never mind.”

There was much chuckling and grinning.

“Go ahead, Dad, go back to pawing our sister. Oops. I mean go back to comforting our sister. Just be aware that the rest of us might demand equal time.”

I then grinned at him.

“Yeah, you aren’t pawing me ... I mean, you aren’t comforting me because I don’t have ‘pretty little titties,” said Rhee, which she followed with an exaggerated pout. “You don’t love me as much as you love her.”

Dad just shook his head. There was more chuckling and grinning.

Dad, however, got us back. He put a hand on each of Heather’s breasts and exaggeratedly fondled them, bent his head to the side of her face and, almost slobbering, kissed her repeatedly, breathily saying, “Oh, Heather. Your breasts are magnificent. Your beauty enchanting.”

Heather cracked up; we laughed along with her.

“Dad. Oh, Dad. You ... This whole family. You are all wonderful.”

“Since the mood is broken,” said Dad, “what do we want to do for lunch?”

After a simple, but scrumptious lunch which, despite the hot day, was grilled cheese and canned tomato soup, Dad decided to run errands and we decided that we would help him. Liya and Heather buckled into the front passenger seat and I reprised an old complaint.

“You know, sometimes I wish I were petite like Heather and Liya. They always get the front seat.”

As the two of them turned and stuck their tongues out at me stuck in the middle of the back bench seat, Dad said, “If I have to come back there, young lady, you’ll be in a world of hurt.”

I grinned at him in the rearview; he smiled back.

I then got one of the front-seat occupants back. “Dad, Liya wanted to tell you something.”

“Oh, you ... witch. I thought Heather was gonna be the ... explainer of reality. But, okay, I’ll do it, but in my own way. Dad, when we were getting dressed, and, boy, is that annoying, we decided something. Look, Dad.”

Rhee and I, with our angle of view into their seat, could see Liya reach into Heather’s lap and pull up on the left leg of her shorts. Her gym shorts. Of course, Heather did not even flinch, probably divining Liya’s nefarious plan.

Liya gave her play the perfect pause, then said, “We decided to go commando. Doesn’t Heather’s bare pussy look delectable? Would you like to eat it?”

When Dad managed to jerk his attention away from Heather’s crotch, he said, “You five are evil.”

He, then, got back at ... well, at someone, though I am not sure who. I suspect that his response was altered by the fact that Liya’s arm may not have reached without creating other problems. He grabbed Heather’s left hand and put it on his crotch.”

“What am supposed to do with this, now? I will have to wait in the car in the parking lot until it subsides so that I can be seen in public with a quintet of sexy, underage girls without being arrested.”

We all laughed, though I noticed that Heather’s hand had not left Dad’s crotch. I could see small ripples in her forearm, so her hand was also not stationary. I quickly looked in the mirror, but Dad’s eyes were on the road. I, then, looked at what I could see of Liya’s face. It was focused on Dad’s crotch. It was undoubtedly focused on Heather’s hand in Dad’s crotch. It was almost certainly focused on Heather’s hand while it was fondling Dad’s crotch.

“Jealous, much,” I queried myself. However, I also thought, “Dad is becoming quite comfortable with touching us and, even more wonderfully, us touching him. Fuck, yeah!”

Heather then made all of that brutally clear.

“Dad, I wish you were commando so I could feel you better. But this is pretty nice, anyway. I love your cock. I wish I could give you a blow job while you’re driving.”

A very quiet “Fu-ucckkk” emanated from the driver’s seat.

A jarring sound interrupted the reverie of Heather sucking on Dad’s cock in the car.

“Please hand me my phone, Beth, that’s my mother.”

We had decided to solve the lack of suitable pockets on our gym shorts by putting all of our phones in a knit shoulder bag. I pulled hers out and handed it to her. She answered immediately. Though Liya might have been able to hear the other side of the conversation, I could not, so I was surprised when Heather held the phone in front of her.

“D ... Mr. Williams, would you please pull over. My mother wants to talk to you.”

Dad did so shortly, put the truck in neutral, and took the phone from Heather.

“Hi, Mrs. Wilkerson.”

Again, I could hear only one side of the conversation, so I repeat it here, though Dad did tell us the subject.

“No, I’ve got the whole gang here; we’re running errands.”



“Yes, I understand.”

“No, that wouldn’t be a problem at all.”

“That’s fine. We’re happy to help in whatever fashion you need.”

“Okay. Good afternoon.”

He, then, returned the phone to Heather, put the truck back in gear, and drove on ... without saying a word. I waited, perhaps, a minute.

“Dad, if you don’t spill, there will be hell to pay when we get home.”

It was right then that I finally noticed that Heather’s left hand had not returned to her side of the Trooper! I marveled at that and all it implied.

Dad looked at me in the rearview, then grinned. That threw me for a little bit of a loop. Is he happy that Heather’s hand is still in his crotch? I really did not think so, but if it is not, then it must be the phone call.

“And you still haven’t spilled, so why don’t you just get on with the tipping over.”

“Heather, if I buy you enough clothes to deal with this week’s school and practice clothing needs, would you stay with us for the rest of the week?”

My eyebrows bolted to the top of my head. Does that mean... ?

Heather squealed like she was coming hard after being gang-banged by the Go5. She tried to launch herself at him, forgetting that she was seat-belted in.

“Whatever you did,” she said, “I owe you a huge hug, and you won’t have to remind me. If you find yourself on the macadam in the parking lot with somebody kissing you all over ... and it might, indeed be ‘all over,’ just remember that as my thanks.”

“It was really no big deal, Heather. Your ... mother said she had to work a lot of extra hours this week and that she’s dropping your sister at her mother’s. All I did was tell her that I suppose that we could put up with you for the time. She even threw in the weekend at no extra charge.”

Heather’s left hand was now on her face along with her right hand. She was emotional and seemed to be trying hard to grab hold of those emotions and not lose it in the car. After 30 seconds, or so, her hands fell to her lap.

In a very level voice, she said, “Thanks, Dad, for agreeing to take me in. I wonder, though, if I will be thinking that this is such a great idea come next Monday. It’s always so hard to go back to that house after spending the weekend at home with my sisters and Moms and Dad. How hard will it be after ten days?”

“We could always tell your ... mother that we lost you.”

Heather chuckled. “Thanks, Dad. I’ll be fine. You know, I spent so much of my life suppressing emotions. The very first day that I was ever in your house, Beth and Rhee had to deal with me crying ... I don’t remember how many times. My life was much more level. I had no horrible fears, despite being certain that my brother and/or his friends would rape me at some point. I also had no real highs. Now, I go from one to the other and back nearly every weekend.”

She suddenly shook her head violently. “Now, look what I’ve done. I’ve depressed everyone. I’m sorry.”

I didn’t have to tell Liya, she just did it. While Dad was pulling off the busy street into yet another strip-mall parking lot, Liya wrapped Heather up and squeezed her.

“Heather, forget it. We’re your sisters, your friends, your lovers. We’ll support you. Remember, without lows, highs aren’t anything to get excited about. Those lows make you appreciate the good times all the more. Besides, think about this.”

With that, she took Heather’s left hand and, by leaning far in front of Heather, she placed that hand in Dad’s crotch, then moved that hand around. I leaned forward so I could see, then unbuckled my seat belt and leaned between the front seats. I took Heather’s hand and the support task from Liya.

“Heather, sister-friend-lover, this is our man’s cock. Our man really loves it when you touch him like this.” Now, that Dad was hard, I took her hand and had it hold him. “This cock is one of the many highs that you will have this week that will more than make up for the lows of going back to that house.”

Heather glanced at me, then looked at Dad. She looked down at the catch on the seat belt, unlatched it, leaned over into Dad’s lap. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I assumed that she was kissing Dad’s bulge.

When she sat back up, she looked into Dad’s eyes and said, “I would really, really like to suck your cock right now. Thanks, Dad for being so wonderful.”

She turned to put her back to the windshield so that she could look at all of us.

“Thanks, sisters, for reminding me of what I gain by being with you and how much more important that is than the duller times when I’m not with you. So-oo, who’s up for reminding our Daddy in every store we go in this afternoon, that there’s almost nothing between his hands and our pussies?”

The rest of the afternoon was loads of fun. Heather was her usual – with us, at least – happy, effervescent self. She and we found some obtuse, hopefully-indecipherable-to-others way of reminding Dad in all four stores we visited that we were all sans undies. He wound up sporting something of a bulge for much of the time. Perhaps anyone that saw him will just think that he is hung like a horse. [Yes, I know such terminology. There’s this thing called the Internet... ]

As we approached the house, Heather began the process of stripping, pulling the hem of her shirt up. Liya stopped her, then looked at me and shook her head.

“Okay,” I thought, “she wants us clothed for some reason and I’ll bet that the reason has to do with her proposal. I wonder...”

The cars of both the Moms were home when we pulled into the garage at 4:30, an odd happenstance for a Monday, but planned given the need to take Liya and Gracey to Gracey’s house after dinner. The five of us carted all the groceries and assorted other stuff that we had bought, and the Gang helped me put the foodstuffs in their assigned places. Rhee required no direction in this task, but I showed the others where a few, rarer items lived. Both Moms were naked; they put away the other various and sundry items. They seemed a bit surprised that we did not immediately strip down.

When all was accomplished, Dad said to the Moms, “Your five daughters thought that it would be amusing to tell me on the way to our various shopping tasks that they were all commando, with Liya baring Heather’s ... pussy to prove the point. They also made sure to remind me of that fact each time we entered a different business establishment. Is the doghouse large enough for all of them?”

Sandy cracked up. Carol only barked a sharp laugh, then grinned at us.

“Oh, poor Charlie,” Carol said in an overly simpering manner. “Did those young, teenaged girls get the better of you? I’ll bet you’ve been sporting a boner ever since. Here, let me strip you and give you some relief.”

Before she could act on her words, Liya said, “Please, wait!”

Carol turned her head to look at Liya, a move performed by Dad and Sandy, too.

With all six parental eyes on her, Liya looked like quailing, but threw back her shoulders and said, “May I make my family proposal, now? It is relevant to ... this,” which she matched with a wave of her hand indicating Dad and the Moms.

The Moms looked at each other; Carol nodded slightly.

Mom said, “Okay, Liya, you have the floor.”

Liya straightened her spine and said, “An aspect of recent events in this house that I really like and wish to continue is the sense of ... sexiness, of something interesting about to happen. More specifically, I find that I really like the anticipation of sexiness, the possibility that sexiness will happen in the next minute or around the corner in the next room. I also, as I’m sure do my sisters, enjoy each and every interaction with Dad ... with Charlie. I love anticipating the known and, particularly, being pleasantly surprised by the unexpected.

“In that vein, my proposal is two-parted, though one of those two parts is also two-parted. First, I propose that Charlie may touch any naked skin on any of his wives and girlfriends any time that he desires and in any fashion that he desires. If any of his wives and girlfriends, for whatever reason or reasons, wish to have body parts exempted from the above, all she need do is wear sufficient clothing to cover it or them.

“For the first part of the second part, I propose that the wives and girlfriends take it in turn, perhaps alphabetically, to remove Charlie’s clothes for him whenever he enters the house clothed and expects to be home for some time. For the second part of the second part, I propose that Charlie, if he is home, will be the one to remove the clothes for any and all of his wives and girlfriends when they enter the house clothed.”

She looked intently at nothing, nodded, and glanced around at each of us.

As soon as I realized that she was finished, I looked at Mom ... at Sandy. My estimation of who would respond first was correct.

With a smile, Sandy said, “I was going to propose something very like the second part of your second part. I very much like the idea of Charlie being the official stripper of girls and women in the house. I also like the idea of we females getting the same task, though we seven will have to share that task. I know that you know this and have considered it, so you must be at least resigned to the fact that various of you, particularly you, Liya, and Gracey ... Heather, less so, will miss many turns. What were your thoughts on those days on which Charlie will enter the house clothed on multiple occasions?”

“A turn is one ... de-frocking or de-clothing occurrence, whether it be the only or the fifth instance of Charlie’s de-frocking of the day. We should also use the honor system, though I do not expect my sister girlfriends or my mother-wives to cheat.”

“Given names or nicknames?”

“I had thought given names, but it won’t really make any difference except on the first occasion, this afternoon. Oddly, Sandy, I am unsure of your given name and I can see multiple options beginning with very different letters. Outside of one of the possibilities for your given name, mine would be the first, followed by Beth, Carol, Graciela, Heather, Rhiannon, and, assuming that you are not Alexandra, you. Assuming that your given name is not Alexandra, then I have the only nickname that starts with a letter different from that of her given name. Obviously, while I would like to use given names as it means that I would not have to miss my first turn, I am quite okay with using nicknames and waiting for my second or third turn for the opportunity, if we accept my proposal, of being able to take Charlie’s clothes off him.”.

Same as Beth
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Their self-tour of the classrooms was an eye-opener for both Angela and Eric. They knew the Matthews were wealthy, and seeing the opulence of the Retreat certainly enforced that, but the classroom was something beyond wealth. As they stopped in one of the work areas, Angela dropped into the form fitting seat and just looked around her. "It's like ... sitting in a beautiful wooded glen, yet each study area is secluded from the others. My goodness. Even the computer screen seems almost part...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Comes True

by Kiran AliBeing an avid reader of the xhamster site on the Internet I understand the fantasy many men have of sex with their daughter-in-laws. I can under stand since I have the same type fantasy about my daughter-in-law. It is nothing she has ever done that would even give me a hint that she might also have the same feelings for me. I have never said anything out of the way to her to make her even wonder about my secret feeling for her. I just go through life admiring her from a distance;...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 38

November 24, 1977 An odd kind of emotion appears in parents of young men and women who are about to venture out on their own. It is most pronounced during holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. There’s this sense that the family is starting to fragment with a child leaving the nest. As a result, there is a tendency to demand all of the children appear at home during the holidays. Sandra’s parents were coming to the realization that their daughter was already testing her wings in...

1 year ago
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Private Alexa Flexy Enjoys Anal with her Stepfather

Alexa Flexy has been a naughty girl in Private Specials, Horny Beauties 3, her grades at college were not good enough and now, she’s grounded at home for the summer! Fortunately for Alexa however, her mom’s boyfriend, Ralf Christian, is around to keep her company and give her some extra punishment. So watch the sexy Alexa in action right here on as she takes a break from sunbathing and enjoys the outdoor fuck of a lifetime, first starting with a kinky spanking before going on to...

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Fucked My Aunt

Hi friend first I like to thank the ISS group for such a beautiful place to share all the real stories that can be shared and made to enjoy the feeling what we feel to others to. And coming to myself I am santhosh (not real name) from Bangalore I am doing business in bangalore.this is a true incident happened to me on the august of 28th.oke I am man of not so good built around the body but at the thighs region I am 28 years oldie made lots of things to seduce my aunt who was as thick as ice to...

3 years ago
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My two step kids Chapter V

James was working, and I was about to drive Tim to Wendy's house, so he could profess his love for Jeanette. I wasn't sure how this was all gonna go down, but my heart was pumping. We both got into the car, and I started driving."I know you must have a lot of adrenaline going through your system right now, but do you have any idea what you are gonna say, or do?" I asked."I'm gonna knock on the door, and just walk in. I'm gonna walk right over to Wendy's room, and grab my sister's hand. I will...

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The Antiques Werent the Only Old Thing

I got to work, and looked at the schedule for the day. Aside from routine shipouts and taking inventory in, I was scheduled to go to a frequesnt customer's home to inspect and inventory a group of consignment items. I recognized the name, and also saw it would be quite a drive, as the house was located in a semi-rural area outside of the city.I arrived at the address about 2:00 P.M., and drove up a long, tree-lined driveway to a large and meticulously kept home. I rang the bell, and was...

4 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 54 Trouble on the mound

Night had at last fallen. Long time Residents of the valley regarded the time just after sunset, as one of quiet contemplation. As indeed did those who now regarded the darkened form of the shrine. They however were trying to figure out the best way to break in. "Keep the flashlight covered!" Sato growled. "You want the whole fucking town to see we're up here?" Sato's long time in the city had robbed his recollection. He'd forgotten how just how dark it got here about. His...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 14

I was happy when I was rid of Winter. I didn’t want to start liking her. I was starting to think she and Faye, or Carmine, or Gretchen, were angels or something. Maybe demons. One of those Japanese snow succubi? Yuki-onna, I think they were called. I was smiling to myself; I was relieved to find the Richardson’s open. Gum, condoms, a dozen roses. The checkout woman was white-haired and grinning. She reminded me it was gum before I knock, roses when the girl opens the door, and condoms not...

2 years ago
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To fully enjoy this tale please read the events leading up to it within the links below. had worked out well with Angela and with more work to do at her house I was looking forward to more hot sex with her. I got the feeling she was getting hooked on fucking me behind her husbands back and she was certainly up for some kinky fun. I had big plans for expanding my sexual adventures...

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Air Buns

I travel fairly regularly for work. I’m a salesperson and I handle the southwestern part of the US. Naturally, I’m always looking for the most reasonable airfares, or at least the most benefits for those super high ticket prices. While planning my latest trip to Dallas, TX, I came across an interesting airline website. The airline was named Southern Air, and I couldn’t help but notice all over the website were pictures of very attractive black women who appeared to be dressed as flight...

1 year ago
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Cumming home to Lucy

Note : This story is completely fictional! (And my very first.) I got admission into college and moved to Chicago a few years back. Being a student, I could not afford to rent a place by myself. So I rented out a room in a mansion owned by a couple. The guy's name was Matt and he was working in a financial firm as a senior banker. His wife Lucy was much older than me but a stunning woman. I was pleasantly taken aback when I saw her first. Slhe had long dark hair and a charming face with a very...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Joseline Kelly Clearing Your Head At The Gym

Joseline is the definition of a gym rat. Whenever she has some spare time shes working out, and people have noticed, Especially the gym manager. He always sees her going hard in the paint so one day he decided to find out what her deal was. He asked if she was training for anything in particular, but Joseline just likes to go to clear her mind. The gym manager insisted there were other ways to do that, but Joseline just wanted to get back to her workout.the gym was closing up, the manager...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 09

The target’s name is Sandra Torres, a college student at the local city college. Reyna made the rules simple: I couldn’t use force. I couldn’t tell her about the game. I could slow Maria down, but I couldn’t tell Sandra about Maria. Reyna was going to have me followed by one of her sluts. I had to put a tracking app on my phone (she would give me cash to buy a new phone afterward because I will never ever use a phone touched by her again). Apparently, the app is also recording audio, and her...

Mind Control
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YoungerMommy Athena Anderson Erin Everheart Two Moms Are Better Than One

Juan Loco is fortunate enough to have two stepmoms in Athena Anderson and Erin Everheart since his dad was first married to Athena and later to Erin. Athena and Erin are also good friends, so Juan gets the best of everything they have to offer. While the two stepmoms are working together to help Juan out with a project, Athena confesses that she thinks Juan is kind of cute. Erin laughs her off, but Juan overhears and realizes that he totally has an in with one of his hot stepmommies. Athena...

1 year ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

4 years ago
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Iss Reader Seducing Me

Hi friends, this is rishi with another real incident of mine. I just love iss and its my first preference whenever I want to shag. It’s so that reading makes me hard better than watching porn. I have posted a number of my stories earlier and then work kept me busy and have not posted any of my experiences lately. So to break the jinx I am here with a new story. My name is rishi arora, 28, living in delhi. I am a ca by profession and work in a renowned global accounting giant. As I am in to...

3 years ago
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Designated Driver

My name is Gabriel. I work at a small sales company. One Friday afternoon, shortly before closing, I listened to my workmates comment among them: ‘What are we going to do tonight?’ Ignacio and Emily, the hottest couple at the company, suggested: ‘Let’s go to Destiny’!’ The guys welcomed the idea, because this is a very trendy club or disco in the city. Peter, a quite cheerful young guy, responded worried: ‘But, Iggy, last week, we got in a fight there, and also, we were fined for DUI upon...

4 years ago
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Eviction Week 09

Author’s Note: This chapter is non-erotic and is meant to act as a bridge to the conclusion. Week 9: Is Trust Enough? Making a Choice ‘You really like fucking me over, don’t you?’ Jeremy asked, walking into the bathroom. Tyler was at the sink, spitting out toothpaste. He had expected some backlash from Jeremy about the move to get rid of Quinn, but he should not have been surprised. Tyler had been trying to get rid of her for the last three weeks unsuccessfully. ‘What are you talking...

2 years ago
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How it all began

I began wearing pantyhose at the ripe age of 16, I had just come into my own. I developed a very thick patch of pubic hair and my boobs grew to double their original size. I was to attend the winter formal I needed to wear a long gown and leg covering for it was winter time. The sales woman suggested a pair of $30 pantyhose which was almost as much as the gown. The sales woman convinced my mother and home we went.When the special day came my mother assisted in my preparing. I remember my mother...

3 years ago
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Fun at my mates stag party

I lay on the bed exhausted and Jane makes me promise not to say a word to Dave about what she had just told me. It wasn't gonna be hard as I was heading back home in the morning and probably won't see Dave for a while.All this happened eighteen months ago and I have been following Janes exploits on fab all this time, her verifications confirm she is still being a filthy cum loving slut.I'm heading back to Leeds this weekend for Dave's stag weekend I have messaged Jane suggesting we could meet...

1 year ago
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Midnight moments

I feel myself slowly coming into my consciousness. It must be 2, ormaybe 3 a.m. Then I notice it. Warmth. Its source so close to me, lying beside me, my back to it. How long have I been asleep? Am I still dreaming? Then he stirs, just slightly. He moves closer to me, and I'm happy for it. I feel his body heat surround me. The rise and fall of his chest presses gently against my back. His even, resting breath coordinated with my own. It is lovely. As I lay there, eyes still closed I think about...

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College Education Part 4

College Education - Part 4 Life changed quickly after my night at the club. Before the first Monday back at classes, Stacy and I worked on my hair to make it look less feminine. It wasn't that unusual for a guy to have highlights, and upon returning to class, I actually got a few compliments on my new hairstyle. I wore panties and a camisole under my boys clothes every day, and I kept my legs and underarms shaved smooth. My toenails were always polished bright red or frosted pink,...

1 year ago
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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you've got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward; or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you're not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won't get any easier.”“But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance; what's to say I can ever trust him again?”“It comes with time. I know what he's done must hurt,...

Straight Sex
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted and although I did have a boyfriend at the time it...

3 years ago
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Erotic Education 3 Anal Assault

"Aisha and Birgitte demand an anal attack as our next nice action in bed", I inform their mom casually."I propose I introduce spanking your beautiful bottom first, which will turn you on terrificly, as I know, my Love".Their mother lifts an eye-brow, so I explain her all the dirty details from a psychological and physiological point of view."Hard hits at your bare bottom causes them to turn red-hot, which influences your underbelly: wet, warm and wanton!".She nods in agreement. "You will get...

2 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 5 Administrivia

We got back to Widemouth after about two weeks on the road. At least, me, Aldo, Brian, and the boat crew did. The guys bringing the horses back would be several more days. Dolphin had been repaired and was back at the quay being watched for hull leaks. It still had some, but the problem wasn’t as bad and could be handled as long as it got no worse. The leaks may even go away on their own, as the new planks swelled in the water. I wanted to use Dolphin as a transport, for spare crew and...

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The Hotel

Jed walked into the bar at the hotel where he was staying. His cock was on fire as he needed to dip it in a nice wet cunt to relieve the pressure he was feeling. He got a drink at the bar and when he turned he saw her. She was a gorgeous blonde in a tight low cunt red knit dress showing a lot of her huge tits. He got her another drink and walked to her table and sat down and asked her "Want some company?" She smiled and said "Sure." He sat the drink in front of her and they began talking as he...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 6

Departure was delayed five hours. Although there was no public notification, rumor had it that an important arrival had been delayed due to Communications failure in Samoa. A bar fight over the result of the final try at a national Rugby test, put several customers in hospital and led to the arrest of several participants ... all wearing India National Team Rugby shirts. No mention was made or inferred as to whether or not the shirted participants were players. Rumor had it that they were...

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The Brother Returns

Much like the time between our first and second sexual experience together, little was said about anything that had happened. Strangely our relationship had remained much the same, no awkwardness or pauses in conversation. Basically life went on as though nothing had happened; which was fine for me and evidently for Derek too. The happy atmosphere was broken, however, when Derek's brother came back from New York. He had arrived only 3 hours before Derek hadd led me back to his house as usual...

2 years ago
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Night Journey

Hi, all ISS readers .I am jitu from a small town from south Maharashtra .I am 26 yrs old, a well build, 6.1 ft tall & little bit heavy Person & that’s why look little bit overage. & exactly opposite to me my mom is 42 yrs old, a short heighted, fair in complexion, not so bulky body, but having perfect bulks where needed, & actually she looked very younger then her age. When ever we both went out in the markets, people would think that we both would be husband & wife or any other relation but no...

4 years ago
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Even Big Girls Like To Play Sometimes

Every since they were very little girls, Kirsten and Keisha were inseparable. Kirsten, my daughter, was blonde-haired and blue-eyed and cute as the day is long. And now, in her teens, I was well-aware that she was every guy's wet dream. She was a cheerleader, and active in many school and social activities. Keisha was our next-door neighbor. She was African-American, with a beautiful milk-chocolatey complexion and a truly beautiful face. We're talking full-on fashion model beautiful. Only...

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Die beste Freundin

Peter war ein durchschnittlicher Junge. Er war 20 Jahre alt und ging zur Uni. Er war normal gebaut und nicht sonderlich athletisch. Seine Freundin war Sophia, sehr hübsch, groß, kleine brüste und einen dicken Arsch. Sie beide hatten eine Fernbeziehung, weil sie in unterschiedlichen Städten studierten. Lisa war Peter's beste Freundin aus Schulzeiten. Die beiden kannten sich nun schon 5 Jahre und hatten viel zusammen erlebt. Lisa war 19, und ca 1,65m groß. Sie war sehr dünn, hatte dafür aber...

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Fun With My Bhabhi

Hi, ISS readers, i’m sam daily reader of this site.I’m from Chandigarh n a medical student. I had read many stories on this site, found many of them are fake or many real one also. Now i”m going do share my experience with all iss readers. Its my real story which happens in July 2012 when i got free from ma +2 exams. My dad is a industrialist so i’m free after ma schools not want to go ma dad’s office. Sorry i forget to told about myself, i’m 20 years old with good looks n i’m 5’8″ with 8″ long...

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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

4 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 11 Grabbing Tiger by the Tail

Dave and Darcy met Alec at the practice range early and worked out hard until the team showed up at nine o'clock. Dave watched as the women's team arrived for practice as well; he noticed that Tiffany Goodwin, Keith's blonde girlfriend, was still giving him dirty looks. He shrugged it off and focused on his game. His swing felt good and his confidence was very high. Coach Dawes pulled the team together at just after noon and told them to enjoy the rest of the day but he wanted the players...

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Training my first pumper woman

Training my first pumper womanI have always been a very horny guy; full of powerful sexual needs that were not being met. Every week, I needed to clean out my pipe a number of times a day and there was not always a women on the other end if you get my drift--which is sadly the case for many college students. So, I got my first pump to train my manhood to grow to thicker and meaner heights. It was the old kind made by John Holmes--with a black knob on the top and made a loud pumping/hissing...

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The Gymnast1

*** Anyone who enjoyed the first part please give me any feed back or if you would like a 3rd part *** -- Jessica stood leaning forwards against the mirror in the shower, her legs still spread with her feet on the floor against either side of the shower. Alex's Cum continued to flow out of her ass and pussy along with the remains of her virgin blood. When her hands left the mirror two hand prints appeared with the steam from the hot water. She looked at herself deep in the eyes and asked...

2 years ago
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Hands on Healing

(Comments and suggestions are most welcomed. Thanks!)Rachel had invited me over for her house on the Friday night that I was in DC. I had a rare weekend layover and she was home alone that weekend.Duffle bag slung over my shoulder I rang the doorbell. She answered with a big grin on her face. She was wearing what looked to be a silky type of shirt but with no buttons. A v-neck pullover over with some kind of graphic design. I could not be certain, but it did not look like she was wearing a bra....

4 years ago
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Emergency Sitter

I’d known Kristen for almost two years. Our nine year-old sons played soccer on the same team, so we spent many Saturday mornings alongside the field watching them run around after a white ball. We weren’t exactly “good friends”, but we talked every time we met, passed the time of day and consoled each other in our single parent status. My wife had left me for her rich boss and how her husband ran off with a girl from a trailer park. We always laughed about how there was a message in there,...

Straight Sex
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Rather be Lucky than Good Ch 03

Continuation of an old man’s day at the mall. I suggest you read chapters 1 & 2 if you have not, otherwise this ain’t gonna make a lot of sense. ***** After making sure I was gonna live, Debbie and the kids left to go get dinner and then on home. Her parent’s generation thought if your spouse or kid was in the hospital, you were supposed to spend the night in their room. Thank goodness I had convinced her that was totally unnecessary. I mean, I don’t feel good, don’t want to entertain or be...

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Motor City TrickChapter 3

I explained to Sue that I wouldn't be stopping by tonight since I wouldn't be getting off till after midnight. She mentioned that she planned on catching up on her sleep anyway. It was a busy night. Some were still celebrating Halloween. The way some women of the night dressed, every night was Halloween. It was a busy night and we were still talking to some of the prostitutes. That along with doing our regular patrol made for a quick night. It was almost midnight when Jen and I were...

2 years ago
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Unwanted Attention Part 4 XSkullcrasher 3000

Unwanted Attention - Part 4: X-Scullcrasher 3000 By MindlessPath There were 2 cafeterias on the campus. I had been able to get free meals at one thanks to being a scholarship student. The problem was that you had to show a valid ID to get into the building it was located in. The other cafeteria was super expensive, I didn't know what kind of security measures it had as I had never been there as I knew I could not afford to. I didn't have any kind of valid ID so I probably couldn't get...

4 years ago
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Book Club For Two

Peter pulled his BMW into the garage and raced inside.  “Hey!” he shouted to his wife, Ellie, as he dropped his suitcase in the foyer and hurdled upstairs. He grabbed what he needed from his closet and then reversed course. He nearly ran into Ellie at the foot of the stairs.“Oh my God, you startled me!” Ellie said, seeming flustered. “I … I thought you were going straight to the airport.”“Yeah, I was,” Peter said breathlessly as he folded a pair of wool slacks and a couple of dress shirts and...

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Exploring Office Colleague

Hi this is firdous. I’m from Bangalore. Working in a MNC company. This my first story, so ignore if any mistakes. Any aunties or girls looking for having in Bangalore can contact me on I’m here to share incident that took place between me and my office heroine.. Let’s call her Miss P. She was my senior and she was everyone’s favorite. Every guy in my office building had wish to fuck her once. She was fair and pinkish cheeks and nipples (this I got to know later), had perfect assets and silky...

2 years ago
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Chasing Love Ch 08

‘Cal has been tipped off about me. He is taking away all cell phones. I had to pull the fire alarm just to contact you. All outgoing calls must be routed through the switchboard. I will hide this cell phone where Cal and his men cannot find it. You cannot call me, I must call you,’ he said quietly into his cellular phone. ‘I’ll be in touch,’ he added before hanging up the phone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘Is everyone okay?’ Cal asked as his men and women fanned out outside the compound. ...

4 years ago
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The Loves of Sophie Pt1

Sophie, standing in the clear light of day, viewed her naked body critically in the long mirror. Having waved goodbye to her thirtieth year a couple of years earlier, she was just a little concerned with what age would do to her body.Others still commented on how beautiful she was. She was slender, youthful in appearance, and retained plenty of vigour for the life she led. Yes, it was easy to deceive others, but in her own eyes, her flesh was losing some firmness and the smoothness of the skin...

Straight Sex
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"I'm just saying, he's too old for my baby," Cecile stated, staring at her best friend, Angela. "Anastacia is not a baby. She's 21, for Christ's sake. And so what if he's a few years older than her. A mature man can help her..." "Can take advantage of her.... All my baby knows is sports and her school work. She's not into men like that. He's going to hurt my baby..." "You don't even know the man..." "I know men!" Cecile stated firmly. "All of them are just...

4 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 1

The first annual gathering of the Order of the Love Monk had an immense, ominous shadow cast over it threatening not only the possibility of ever having a second, but having the first happen, except that virtually all the first initiates, those who were involved in the earliest orgies who had sustained their interest beyond them and most of the secondary initiates who embraced the philosophy via gatherings throughout the US the first initiates had created, in New York City, San Francisco, the...

2 years ago
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I am such a slut4

The young man stood up and I followed him from the seats in the adult theater as we headed to the back room that he had mentioned. I could see that he was a taller man, around 6'1 or so and lean of build. Sandy short hair, maybe even light brown. I really couldnt tell too much in the darkness of the theater. He too had on shorts and for the first time I felt the coolness of the theatre on my shaven legs. My boyclit was hard. Excited really. Very excited at the prospect of what might lay ahead....

1 year ago
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Guest of the House of Shahira

It has been many years since I first passed through the Obsidian Gate. All has changed since that day. New Gods came with their followers’ swords. They threw down the Sultan and beheaded him. Everything they remade in their image. What was once a temple is now a brothel for the powerful, a place where contempt finds expression in flesh. It was not always so. In those days of my Goddess, it was a place of joy, of relaxation. It was a place where stature and wealth meant nothing, where titles did...


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