Bayonetta's AbuseChapter 12: Inferno free porn video

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The temperature gauge drew ever closer to the red line. A large trail of dust billowed behind Bayonetta’s GTO as it raced down the long dirt road. An occasional patch of trees and stretch of dry grass were visible here and there, but vegetation was increasingly rare as they proceeded into the badlands. If the pattern held, soon there would be nothing but boulders, scorched Earth, tall rock-faces and desolate canyons. The sun beat down on the yellow sports car mercilessly as Cereza and James cruised toward their destination.

They were both wearing shades, but only one of them looked cool. Bayonetta handled the wheel with one hand, seemingly bored as the engine roared and the car tried to keep up with the demands of her lead foot. It was probably a mild day back in the city, but in the middle of nowhere there were few places to hide from the sun’s blistering rays.

Despite the harsh climate, there wasn’t a hair out of place or a bead of sweat to be seen on the gorgeous Witchinatrix. Her black, latex curves gleamed in the late morning light as she stared straight ahead, her other hand reaching down to shift as needed.

James, on the other hand, was hot and clammy in his gimp suit; sans hood. His forehead sweated lightly despite the air rushing through the cars open windows. They were headed to some kind of showdown between the Umbra and Lumen. That much he’d coaxed from his beautiful Mistress and little else.

Bayonetta had been nervous the night before, but now she was a pillar of confidence and resolve. James glanced at the back seat where the tools of her trade her visible. A thick leather gun and utility belt with her large, double barreled Scarborough Fair handguns fastened in the holsters.

“So Roxy came through?” James yelled over the howling air and revving engine.

“Yup. She sent me the coordinates overnight. Good thing, too, because my backup plan sucked!”

“I’m just glad you have a plan. Where do I fit in?”

“You don’t. Your job is to stay hidden and observe. Don’t take it personally, but if you were captured by either side, you could endanger everything. This will be hard enough without an added liability.”

“Then why bring me?”

Bayonetta raised an eyebrow and shot him a stern glance, as if he should know better. “Because after what happened before, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

James smirked. “Alright, but if I see you’re in trouble, all bets are off.”

“Only fools rush in, slut! There’s nothing you could do against any Lumen, Umbra or demon. If I fall, you’re to run back to the car and get away while you can.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Cereza chuckled. “What’s not? Me falling or you running away?”

“Neither” he insisted.

“How cocky. Am I starting to rub off on you?”

“I think anyone who lived with a Goddess long enough couldn’t help but be inspired.”

Bayonetta smiled and a splotch of red entered her cheeks. “Cheeky Cheshire ... Flattery will get you everywhere with me, but where we’re going, it will be of no use.”

The determined Domina stomped the accelerator and James held on for dear life as the car rocketed ahead.

James’ boots crunched in the sand as they plodded ahead at a swift pace. They’d parked the car a short distance back under a rocky outcropping. The shade served to hide it and prevent the vehicle from melting into the sand. The sun beat down relentlessly as they marched through brown and red wasteland.

“How far?” James asked, already perspiring profusely.

“About a mile and half, straight ahead.”

“I take it you want to surprise them?”

“The Lumen won’t be there yet, but one of my sisters definitely will. I’d like to keep them both guessing.”

“Aren’t the other Umbra capable of the same tricks you are? They could have seen or heard us coming already.”

“Mmmm, it’s possible, but not likely. Not all Umbra know the same tricks. Or are equally as skilled” she imparted with a wink. “Actually, now that you mention it...”

Bayonetta stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes. She raised her hands and spoke a few arcane words. Her gloved arms glowed a shiny purple and once she was done speaking, a light blue arc of light grew into a large bubble around them before dissipating into nothing.

“There. Now no one can see or hear us unless they’re within ten meters.”

James grinned as they began walking again. He studied her luscious, shiny curves up and down. There still wasn’t a drop of sweat to be seen. Not in her flowing black hair and not on her fair skin. Her face and the front of her neck were the only bits of her body not covered in gleaming rubber.

“How do you do that???”

“What? Magic?”

“Stay cool in the middle of a freakin desert!”

She giggled. “It’s another technique. A spell of sorts. Temperature regulation is elementary for us.”

“I don’t doubt it. The only time I’ve seen you sweat is during our marathon sessions.”

“Of course. I mean, I could prevent perspiration while I fuck your slutty ass into oblivion, but where’s the joy in that? Becoming a dirty mess is half the fun.”

James laughed in agreement. As they continued on their way, the conversation shifted to several pleasant memories and their plans for the future. For a little while, they both forgot they were headed toward something that could bring a screeching halt to all they held dear.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and James knew they were closing in on their target as their chit-chat died off and Bayonetta looked ever more guarded and locked in. Even though no one could hear them, there was no more talk. The assassin he’d grown to love was focused on the task ahead.

“There” she said pointing into the distance. A strange altar lay far away, down a steady decline to a stony plateau. The place looked like it was practically designed for strange ceremonies to take place, even though the altar itself was the only man-made structure he could decipher.

“That’s it, huh?”

“Yup, and this is as close as you get to it.”

Cereza took his hand and guided him to another outcropping; not unlike the one they’d left the car under. He could see the wide open rocky field and the altar below, but no one would be able to see him in the shade, as long as he stayed put. Bayonetta wasn’t going to give him a choice.

She closed her eyes and chanted, conjuring her witchcraft once again. A haze of orange light appeared around James’ form and then disappeared just as quickly. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on her hips.

“You can move five feet in any direction, but that’s it.”

James tested it by walking toward her and immediately ran into the invisible barrier. The unearthly force pushed back on him as he tried to proceed. His hands pressed against the field as he was held in place.

“Hey! No fair!”

“When have I ever played fair?” Cereza shot back with a sly grin. “If something happens to me, it’ll fizzle and you’ll be free.”

“Not even a kiss goodbye?” James asked, anxiety welling up in his voice.

“Relax” she answered, walking forward. “I’m not leaving yet.”

Bayonetta walked through the barrier and their mouths and bodies met in a long, deep, affectionate kiss. After a full minute of probing, sucking and low moaning, the two broke apart gently. “And this isn’t goodbye.”

She pulled back, folded her arms under her considerable breasts and gazed over her shoulder at the altar. “They probably won’t show until just before noon. They’ll want to perform the ceremony when the sun is at its peak. They practically worship it.”

James scanned the ground behind him before seating himself and resting his arms on his up-bent knees. “So now, we wait?”

Bayonetta drew her guns and began double-checking their condition. She raised her feet one at a time, inspecting her gun-boots as well. “Correct. We wait.”

Jeanne was thoroughly enjoying her tanning session as the sun bathed her body and beamed off the white latex of her costume. She was sprawled out on a towel in the center of a small encampment hidden high up in the rocks. A backpack with provisions, her gun belt, a long metal case and a radio lay not far from her body. She was half dozing, waiting for her spell-enhanced hearing to alert her to something other than a buzzard’s caw. Suddenly, her ear twitched and her eyes opened.

The crafty witch sat up, grabbed her binoculars and turned in the direction of the wide open landscape. She kept herself close to the ground as she studied the gleaming vehicles in the distance. They were still a long way off, but headed to her position at high speed.

Jeanne set the binoculars aside and picked up her radio. She brought it to her mouth and held down the send button.

“Stinger to Queen Bee, come in. I got a visual on the target. Over.”

A few seconds later, an authoritative voice responded. “Copy that. How many we got?”

“Five sedans. Estimate anywhere from a dozen to twenty of them.”

“We’re leaving now. Will be there as soon as possible. If you have a clear shot, take out Papa Bear. Otherwise wait for us.”

“Pfffft, I could handle these dorks on my own. There’s only one real sage, right?”

“That’s enough! Remember, he’s not the only potential threat. Follow your orders and keep an eye out for you-know-who. She’s up to something.”

‘Yeah, she always is. Tell me something I don’t fuckin know, Alexia!’

“Roger that. I’m on it.”

Jeanne set the radio aside before reaching over and releasing the metal fasteners on the long, thick, metal trunk. The case opened and a weighty sniper rifle was revealed. She unpacked it quickly, fixed the scope in place, adjusted it and loaded the weapon.

By the time she was crawling to the other side of the high-rise encampment she could hear the caravan pulling in near the plateau. She pointed her sights at where the cars were stopping, a couple hundred feet from the altar. Jeanne scanned the area for magic and Olvey’s powerful aura was made known to her instantly.

‘Whoa ... This guy’s for real. Maybe some help isn’t a bad idea after all.’

Before the Lumen cohort emerged from the line of black sedans, Jeanne could sense many barriers going up. One of them was incredibly strong, presumably around the sage. One medium one; his apprentice? The rest were weak, but serviceable. As they stepped out of the cars, all of them were protected. They weren’t taking any chances.

Two of the lower rank Lumen were carrying a long, thin object wrapped in a fancy blanket. No doubt it was The Holy Spear; the relic they’d gone to so much trouble to bring. Jeanne sensed no magic from it. She rolled her eyes.

The .50 caliber BMG round in the chamber was useless, especially against the sage, until the barrier around him was destroyed. Jeanne’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. Part of her wanted to abandon the plan, charge down the ridge and take on the fucker right now, but she knew that wasn’t wise. Alexia’s orders hung in her ears and she chose to heed them at the moment.

‘Damn. Looks like I’m sitting on my hands for now.’

Men in white robes shuffled around the altar as the ceremony began. Many of the acolytes were ringed around it, protecting Haydn as he recited the opening rites. The rest were guarding the relic or standing by with Father Olvey. The deceptively young-looking sage paced back and forth with his arms behind his back. His curly blonde hair waved in the breeze; his steely green eyes scanning the horizon.

It wasn’t his sight that first alerted him to impending trouble. As Bayonetta approached the altar, she knew her spell wouldn’t hide her much longer. She waved her hand to the side and the illusion faded with her gesture. The dazzling Dominatrix stepped into view, her powerful legs and shiny curves strutting ever closer. Several of the young Lumen gasped and pointed in her direction. Olvey sensed the aura of a powerful Umbra witch even before turning to see his opponent.

“Chant of fortification. Begin now and focus all your energies on me” he spoke over his shoulder to the five acolytes behind him. “As long as I stand, the witch will not harm you.”

The young men knelt, one by one, and spoke the words they’d been taught. They quickly synced into a unified chant and a faint white glow surrounded them. Olvey walked onto the desolate, rocky field to meet the interloper. His stony expression slid into a cocky smile as they grew closer.

“Bayonetta. Why am I not surprised?”

“Probably because I trashed your headquarters and fucked up your plans.”

“Are you proud of that? Defeating a bunch of initiates and taking a young woman prisoner?”

“No, but I’m proud of the video I left. Did you enjoy it?”

Olvey’s smile faded. “I have no use for such degeneracy.”

In the blink of an eye, Bayonetta drew her guns and shot a hail of gunfire in an arc at the stoic Lumen elder. The bullets ricocheted off his shielding and Olvey stood perfectly still. He didn’t even blink. Cereza knew it wouldn’t hurt him, but she needed to test the strength of his defenses. She placed her guns back in their holsters.

“And what about you?” she asked, striding toward him. “Are you proud of kidnapping? Brainwashing? Playing with people’s lives and coercing them to do your dirty work?”

“Throwing stones, Bayonetta? From that glass house you live in? How many sex slaves does your coven keep?”

Cereza ignored his taunts, stalking ever closer.

“That’s far enough” Olvey announced, withdrawing his arms from behind his back and raising them in a combat pose. A golden energy crackled around his robed form and four massive gleaming gauntlets materialized in the air above him. Each of them was taller and wider than Olvey by half. They shined in the midday sun, hanging over the sorcerer menacingly.

Bayonetta raised her arms to the sky, spoke in an ancient tongue and four black portals to the Inferno opened. From each one slipped a giant, gnarled, black fist. Each was comprised of slithering black cords; licorice-like hair wrapped around itself. They writhed and pulsed as they flexed in the air and waited to be called upon.

She placed her hands back on her guns and readied herself. It was impressive that Olvey could summon four just like her, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. They would meet each other blow for blow as she dodged and weakened his shield with her guns. He would fall before long.

Olvey grinned and extended one arm behind him. A beam of white energy began siphoning from the group of kneeling, chanting acolytes to the glowing sage. Within moments, two more gauntlets burst into being, aligned neatly in a semi-circle above him with the rest.

“I was expecting at least three of you. Are the Umbra really so foolish?”

‘Uh oh ... If he can control all of those simultaneously, this could be rough.’

She drew her guns and aimed at Olvey, her body tensing as she anticipated his attack.

“It’s not too late to run, witch!”

Olvey’s gauntlets dove into action like a squadron of jet fighters descending from the sky in attack formation. Bayonetta’s wicked weaves leapt to meet them, clashing in mid-air as hellish corded fists and glowing gauntlets smashed into each other; but her forces were outnumbered. As the remaining two gauntlets sought her out, Bayonetta rolled to the side, dodging number five.

She rose, spun her body and kicked, calling upon a fifth weave temporarily. The corded counterpoint of her high heel boots erupted from a black portal and stomped the sixth gauntlet, sending it reeling. Now with a clear shot, Cereza immediately began firing at Olvey. Dozens of rounds ripped out of the chambers of her guns, firing from both her hands and feet as she jumped and twisted about. They pelted the protective field around him, weakening it mildly with each wave of ballistics.

Not content to rely on his mystical fists, Olvey chanted periodically and fired a searing beam of light at Cereza as she dodged and zipped around the battlefield. They were easy to avoid with her witch-time abilities, but she knew that wasn’t the object of his attacks. They were distractions so one of the--


As the thought occurred to her, one of the heavenly fists smashed into her side and sent the Witchinatrix reeling. She quickly dodged backwards, regained her composure and studied the field. She had to stay on top of those gauntlets or she was going to be in trouble. Her four weaves were keeping four of the gauntlets at bay, but she needed to be mindful of the other two at all times.

As number six approached again, she spun into another kick and sent the fist flying with her giant, demonic woven heel. It smashed into the fist that just hit her and they tumbled backward in a heap. With a little time bought, she charged forward, plowing gunfire into the steadily weakening shield of the Lumen. Yet Father Olvey stood perfectly still, smiling.

Bayonetta glanced behind him and scanned the row of acolytes. They were visibly laboring. Their bodies strained as they struggled to maintain their chants and the flow of energy to their master. She could attack them, but she didn’t want to finish them off, and it would leave her completely open to Olvey’s strikes. She paused her attack, her long black hair whipping in the breeze as she called over the din of battle.

“BE HONEST OLVEY! Are you going to kill five of your own just to match me?!?”

The sage balled his fist and the stream of energy from his subordinates intensified. The acolytes groaned as their bodies were sapped of mystical strength with even greater intensity. Olvey withdrew his gauntlets, rearranging them in a defensive fan around him. Two more gleaming fists appeared in a searing magical haze, bringing the total to eight.

“They may live. They may perish. They are prepared to die if necessary. That’s the difference between your order and mine! The Lumen do not squabble amongst ourselves. We take only that which we earn. We obey our elders and let their wisdom guide us. We build order!”

“Right, no squabbling...” Bayonetta answered as she side stepped slowly, her guns pointed at the super-charged sage. Olvey now surged with golden, pulsing energy. His eyes blazed pure white. “You just sacrifice your own people to your ambitious and call it the will of heaven! You do what you’re told and pretend it’s the only way. What a horrible thing it would be if anyone questioned your wisdom! If people chose to walk their own path.”

His eyes narrowed. “Today, the Lumen shall teach you the value of conviction.”

“Not if I teach you humility first, bitch-boy!”

Olvey screamed and hurled his weapons at the defiant Domina. He attacked with every bit of rancor and bitterness he held for the chaos breeding whores that polluted his world. “DIE, WITCH!!! JOIN THE REST OF YOUR KIND IN HELL!!!“

Wicked weaves and heavenly gauntlets clashed again, but now Bayonetta was severely outmatched. She dodged the first that swooped down on her, weave-kicked the second away and fired her guns on the last two. It was pointless. They plowed through the storm of bullets and smashed her in the face and chest, staggering her with incredible force as she grunted in pain and toppled over.

As they glided around for another pass, Cereza realized she could no longer wait to call upon one of her pacts. She had wanted to keep them in reserve until she faced off against the demon, but that was no longer possible. If she didn’t act now, there might not be a second battle.

She jumped to her feet, steadied herself and began reciting a dark hymn. Her body turned and twisted as she entered one of her patent pole-dance flourishes. Her breasts and ass shook, her voice echoing across the battlefield as she invoked the pact with the infernal demon Hekatoncheir.


The space above her exploded in black smoke and fire as a huge gateway to the void opened. If Olvey wanted a fist fight, he would get his wish. The six pitch-black arms of the giant Hekatoncheir emerged from the portal, each bearing spiked metal knuckles.

Four of them immediately intercepted the four free-wheeling holy gauntlets, seizing them and smashing them to the ground. The demonic fists held them down as Bayonetta’s other weaves kept the rest of Olvey’s armaments busy. The two remaining arms of the infernal demon lurched at the sage at Bayonetta’s direction.

For the first time, fear entered Olvey’s eyes. He shot burning beams of light at the demonic arms as they approached, but they glanced off, completely useless. Olvey attempted to free some of his gauntlets from their attackers, to no avail. He shot another beam at Bayonetta as she approached, her guns singing and the ammunition picking away at what was left of his barrier. He began to retreat in short backward steps.

The two spare arms of the demon crashed into his shield, punching it repeatedly. The glow of the barrier pulsed with each crushing strike, growing weaker as cracks appeared in the magic. Cereza continued to stalk forward, her guns emptying, reloading and firing again as fast as she could manage.

“You know what the thing about hierarchies is, Olvey?”

He didn’t answer. He was too busy siphoning energy and trying to maintain his defenses.

“Give enough time ... They ALWAYS--”




The final two blows from the arms of Hekatoncheir shattered the barrier and Olvey stumbled back on weary legs. Bayonetta leapt forward, spun in mid-air and delivered a mighty kick. The black, corded weave of her heeled boot shot out and crushed his midsection. The sage flew back, his body dragging through the rocks and tumbling over itself until it stopped in a crumpled, dusty heap. The acolytes who had been feeding his powers collapsed, either dead or unconscious.

Bayonetta strode forward cautiously. She watched him like a hawk as both their summoning magics faded away behind her. She leveled her guns as his body began to move. Amazingly, he rose, his pride getting the best of him even though he was utterly beaten. He staggered to his feet and took a weak looking stance. The powerful glow left his eyes, but they remained full of scorn for the Umbra.


The loud discharge of a .50 caliber round echoed through the rocky cliffs around the plateau. The massive bullet slid through the back of Olvey’s head and pinged off the ground.

Bayonetta stared in bafflement. She hadn’t pulled her trigger. She’d been so focused on her first real Lumen opponent in years that she’d forgotten another Umbra was standing by. What was left of Olvey’s face gushed blood as he slumped forward; dead before he hit the ground.

“Father Olvey is down!”

“Not just down! DEAD!!!”

“Vicar Haydn, what do we do?!?”

“That witch is a monster!”

“They have a sniper somewhere on the ridge!”

Haydn ignored his brothers and shoved aside the wellspring of emotions at having lost his master. He concentrated on the task at hand, reciting the words, drawing the runes and channeling all the mystical energy he could bring to bear. His white robe rustled in the wind as the summoning built to a crescendo. The ritual was almost complete.

Several of the acolytes were having second thoughts. One in particular began backing away from the altar, his hands raised at his sides. “Maybe we should run for it while we can?!?”

“Idiot!” He was hastily grabbed by one of his brothers and shoved back into formation. “If we don’t finish the summoning, we’re fucked! Our only chance now is slipping away while the witches deal with Marioch!”

“He’s right! The Umbra will take us, otherwise. Hold the line!”

“Protect the altar and the relic!!!”

The brothers formed up, buffering their magical barriers as strong as they were able. In the distance, they could see Bayonetta sauntering toward them.


The giant shell spat out the side of the formidable semi-auto rifle and bounced along the stone until it came to a stop. Jeanne observed the spray of bloody mist and the giant hole she’d punched in Olvey’s head from her well-hidden perch.

“Hahaha! One less spell-slinging dickhead to worry about!”

She moved her sights to Bayonetta and watched her rival realize the kill had been stolen from her. “It’s about time you wore him down! Was starting to think you’d lost your touch.”

She tilted her rifle to the side and zoomed in on the altar. Even without their leader, their shielding was too strong to snipe the conjuror. Jeanne sighed.

“Cmon Bayonetta! Deal with these dorks and let’s end this! We can wrap this up before the cavalry gets here...”

Jeanne continued observing until it became apparent that Bayonetta was in no hurry. She was taking her time. Stalking toward them. Taunting them with words and dance flourishes as she easily dodged the feeble attacks of the acolytes.

“What the fuck, Cereza?!? ATTACK!!! They’re almost--”

‘Oh shit ... She’s not going to stop the ceremony, is she?’

Jeanne swallowed. She trained her bullseye on Bayonetta’s head and thought about pulling the trigger.

‘Nope. She knows I’m here. She’s alert. She’ll witch-time around the shot, no problem. And I’ll be in trouble again. Or will I be in trouble for not trying to stop her?’

Jeanne abandoned her rifle, grabbed her binoculars and walked in a low crouch to the other side of her sniper nest. She could see the Umbra caravan in the distance. They’d be here soon, but not soon enough.


She tossed the binoculars aside, grabbed her gun belt and quickly strapped it on. Without another thought, she drew her custom Parabellum hand guns and leapt over the side of the nest. She laughed in giddy excitement as her body began sliding down the dusty ridge.

“Bingo, bango! TIME TO TANGO!”

It took a while to navigate all the way down the embankment. Her vision rocked and her body tumbled as Jeanne tried to steady herself down the steep decline. Finally, the ground leveled out and she entered witch-speed immediately. She took off towards the altar at five times the best pace she could manage without magical enhancement. Her body was a haze of white fury as she raced across the rocky terrain.

She closed in on the altar quickly. The first thing she noticed was that Bayonetta was gone. It was the last thought she had before a black blur flew out of nowhere from the side.


Jeanne’s head turned just in time to be absolutely crushed by Cereza’s wicked weave. The bulging black fist slammed into her upper body. Jeanne rag-dolled as the sucker punch clothes-lined her. Her lower body continued its momentum even as her face was stopped with blunt force. Her latex-clad form went end-over-end in an involuntary backflip. The white witch face-planted on the barren earth with a grunt of exasperation before she lost consciousness.

Bayonetta smirked and dusted off her gloved hands. She didn’t like fighting her own, but she couldn’t deny that was massively satisfying after all the trouble Jeanne had given her in recent times.

“What’s going on?”

“Why are the witches fighting?”

“Who cares?!? Better her than us!”

Cereza turned and began stalking back toward the altar once again. “Oh boys! Are you almost done playing with black magic? I don’t have all day!” She pulled her guns and aimed them at the closed ranks of the Lumen.

No sooner had she leveled her weapons than Haydn’s voice yelled in triumph. “Marioch! Lord of the second circle! MASTER OF DEBAUCHERY! I SUMMON THEE!!!“

Moments passed. Nothing happened. Wind whistled across the rocks and the Vicar clenched his teeth, wondering if he’d made some mistake. Then, slowly, a black smokey orb appeared, growing ever larger at the center of the plateau. It swirled and grew darker, bolts of lightning and claps of thunder erupting as it took on the character of a black hole. It continued expanding until the portal dwarfed the ones Bayonetta had opened earlier. This gateway to the inferno was huge and the creature that emerged from it was fittingly gigantic.

A red face with curled horns, bony spikes for hair, a piggish snout, jutting fangs and glowing yellow eyes pushed through the roiling black mist. A massive, muscular body followed, its red flesh searing with patches of flame. Black, sooty streaks were etched across its limbs and well sculpted torso. From manacles on its wrists and ankles, heavy iron chains were wrapped around its arms and legs. All but one of the demon’s appendages ended in clawed fingers and broad, cloven hoofs.

The final appendage drooped down from a wiry nest of black hair at its pubis. An incomprehensibly long cock and behemoth balls swung between Marioch’s legs, its girth equal to an average man’s entire body. It hung at least six feet from his crotch, in some sense proportional to his gargantuan height. The demon grinned as he stepped into the mortal realm, pleasantly surprised to be given free reign in the world between heaven and hell for the first time in ages. It would’ve been perfect, but for the accursed sun beating on his skin.

Same as Bayonetta's Abuse
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My Sex Slaves

Hello people. I have recently started visiting this site and I do want to share my latest experience with u. I am @1 years old strongly built man from bhopal and I am a Master. I have 7 female sex slaves and 3 male sex slaves from bhopalitself and we do all things in real. All slaves of mine follow all my orders no matter how painfully physical it is for them or how immoral they are. I started this tradition when one friend of mine came to me and told me how badly she wanted to have sex and...

1 year ago
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Big brothers birthday gift

Till this day, I can never forget the most wonderful birthday gift I ever had, presented by my big brother. I was 20 then, and he & his girlfriend took me out as a birthday treat. On my 18th birthday, my big brother had treated me to a great weekend "camping" (mom & dad never knew about the actual "site" that we went to). It was a nice cabin situated by a beautiful lake equipped with TV and VCR. We spent a lot of time watching porno movies which my big brother had brought along and jacking in...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Alexis Tae Good For Business

Alexis Tae knows her marriage is on the rocks, but she’s trying to make it work. She spends some time getting ready for her hubby to take her on a date. She’s just toweling herself off when her husband lets her know that he won’t be able to make it. That’s the final straw. Alexis decides something needs to give. She gets her chance to make a change shortly after when her client, Nathan Bronson, comes over to sign some paperwork. Knowing that she’s decked out in a...

1 year ago
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Ricks Responsibilities

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when Ricks father died on his way home from work in a serious car wreak that also killed two other parents. Five months after the tragedy, Rick and his mom are still recovering but its nowhere near the severe pain they went threough those few weeks following the tragedy. Those past few months were spent bonding and repairing their realationship and trying to reel in the slack, it was slow but steady and things were getting better but she...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 6

In the full light of the lobby he saw the petite girl he ravished in his senior year all grown up. She wore a navy colored skirt and white sleeveless sweater. Her thin cupped bra did not hide her nipples even in the sweater. Her perky tits of youth were now mature breasts, wide and full. Her round, but skinny butt was now a bit wider, probably a bit from gravity and from childbirth, but still much of an eye catcher as it rocked to and fro as she walked. A little mileage on her face, hidden by...

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Jim Naked In SchoolPart 5B

Lunch bell went and I headed out the library and in the corridor. Ian was waiting for me near the dinning room. "Just wanted to say thanks. I know you could of run but didn't. I would if I were you." "I'm glad I've got your permission for next time!" He laughed it off. He went to the lunch queue where I met Carly. Apparently, because we are in The Program and can't keep out money on us, we get priority and don't have to pay. And I only find this out on Friday! We got our Jamie...

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Compound X131Chapter 8 Fundamental theory

There was a very unpleasant surprise waiting for Kate in the stark theater, well two in fact. The first & worst was the sight of Taylor prepared on the operating table, Taylor had long been Kate's favorite, she had only been on leave for a couple of days; what could have happened! "Why, why" Kate stammered. "Oh, look its just an exploratory, nothing to fuss over" Jenna explained in a calming voice. The second shock was the identity of the other person in the theater it was that...

4 years ago
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SecretsChapter 3

"What is wrong with you?" Katherine shrieked at her retreating boyfriend, her veins bursting out of her face and her hands curled into fists. "That slut flashes her knickers and you decide to fuck her?" Sam opened his mouth and closed it. "It wasn't like that," he responded and ran his hand through his greasy black hair. "It wasn't like that at all. She just came on to me." "Ahh, such a hard life," Katherine cried. "For you to say no. You get sex with me. Or you used to."...

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Something Sweet for Dessert Part I

I was growing impatient, quickly. Sitting around our table of six were five of the most uninteresting people I had ever met. I had nothing against any of them, personally. In fact, I barely knew any of them. I struggled to focus on the conversation, struggled to care what was going on. They talked happily amongst themselves, asking my opinion every so often. They were trying to include me a little, I could tell, but I wasn’t interested. Nothing they did or said meant anything to me. I wanted...

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Old Dog

Hey Folks, thanks for all of the notes and e-mails about last week's story. I did get a few notes from people who told me that all of the partner switching and machinations that went on it seemed like no one in the story really loved anyone else. So this week I decided to do something a bit more romantic to switch the mood up. Thanks as always to Barney-R for editing this story. Why does it always rain when I have to go to a funeral? It's funny but the weather just seems to mirror the...

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I work all over the world on a security consultancy basis but choose to live on the south coast of England. Jules works locally and specializes in getting people into work. Not employment recruitment, but more holistic and motivational, but then she’s very, very different and unconventional in just about everything she does, from her ink to her previously strong bi-sexual relationships. Well, let’s be honest, lesbian relationships of a few years ago. Her biker chick side surfaces occasionally...

2 years ago
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The Good Provider

My wife Mary had died several years ago leaving me to raise our then eight-year son Shane alone. I thought I was handling it pretty well, being a good provider as I had been in the past, but it soon became obvious that I was in over my head. Shane seemed to need more and more of my time as the years passed but I couldn't afford to give it to him. I was laid off from my job and had to take a lower paying one. The bills began to pile up and son I had to take a second job just to...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Venice Rose Ava Davis Mardi Gras Swap

Ava and Venice went hard during Mardi Gras and flashed enough guys to earn themselves a ton of beads. But their stepbrothers, Elias and Nick, took the heat for their stepsisters sneaking out. Now, Elias and Nick want Ava and Venice to make it up to them, so they steal the girls’ beads and tell them they’ll have to work hard to earn them back. Things start simple enough, and the girls show their stepbros their tits. But it doesn’t take long for the night to escalate into a full-blown fuck...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 35 Hello CSE Goodbye Tommy

“Good morning, I am Doctor Will Morris,” I said to the assembled class. “I assume you are all here for subject 6.710, Introduction to Computer Engineering. If anyone is in the wrong place, I suggest now you leave quietly, and get to wherever it is you should be.” I looked around the lecture theatre, there were maybe two hundred and fifty people, none of whom looked like leaving. Most of them had been in the previous lecture, the introductory lecture for Computing 1A. The challenge we had...

5 years ago
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Learning to Swim the Hard Way

I couldn’t swim. I was a fit young lad, just 17, did plenty of exercise but I’d never learnt to swim though I’d often told my parents that it was time I learnt. Then my mum saw this advert in the local paper ‘Your teenager can’t swim? With my help they will - guaranteed. Following my unorthodox methods they will be swimming in weeks. Limited places on the course, telephone Alice Phillips xxxxxxxxxxx.’ Mum talked to me about it and agreed with me that I really should learn to swim and it would...

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More Discovery with Chuck and Shirley

The year following Shirley and I getting married, our last year of high school, our friends teased us mercilessly. Shirley was continuously besieged by her girl friends to answer sex questions. They would always get one of Shirley's straightforward answers too. When we would get home and be doing chores she would tell me what was asked and what she told. This usually got me going a bit. Just thinking of the individual girl and what they would ask made me fantasize a bit of what it would be...

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DelawareChapter 4

As you remember from Chapter 3, my wife Emma left me on a Saturday evening to go to what she thought was an innocent dinner with Rolf Ericsson and his friends at the Old Colonel's Mansion. After the dinner she would be introduced as a member at Rolf's private historic 1648 club and stay there overnight. She didn't believe me when I told her that I had gotten secret inside information about what she was expected to do at the Colonel's Mansion and what she thought only was an innocent...

4 years ago
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The Developing of Emma part Three

She awoke to the sickly smell of a woman’s perfume; the silky stockings were still there, but Emma was now naked apart from a chiffon negligee, her hands bound behind her back. The voice of the woman broke the silence.“Hello again ‘Emma’; that’s a very pretty name you’ve chosen for yourself, we shall soon have you worthy of being Emma, and you’ll soon know your place amongst men, and women.” The woman was sat with her legs crossed in a throne-like chair, no store clothes now, she wore a...

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Jake Finding True Love

FORMATIVE YEARS "Jake! Jake, are you in there?" Oh, hell, that's Jane! "Yeah, just a minute." Damn! No privacy even in my own room. Damn good thing that door's locked. Jane was the thirteen year old girl from next door. I had just been looking through a copy of Sunshine & Health, a nudist magazine with my pubescent, fifteen year old dick at full mast and dripping precum. Shit, not now. I quickly jammed my cock back into my pants and zipped up. Just as quickly, I shoved the nudie...

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Falling Below Standards

“I know” she beamed back. “Ladies, stop” came a firm direct order. They froze. Principal West stood before them, he was a tall man in his fifties with silver hair. There was a tense silence as he looked at them, inspecting them with his dark eyes. “Miss Greene, what’s this?” he said, stepping to the side of her and pulling at a loose strand of her dark hair which had fallen out of her neat bun. Madison’s heart sank and she remained silent for a moment. “Please-” “I think we better have a...

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Summer TrainingChapter 11

The stop at the grocery store took a little longer than Jeff had expected, but they had Stephanie's prescription ready and most everything he needed for meals for the next couple of days. He enjoyed being away from the house, but he didn't want to leave his stepsister to her own devices for very long. Their current relationship was fragile and Jeffery didn't want to jeopardize it since it had taken quite a while to get it to that stage. Jeffery smiled. The look on her face this morning...

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Brady Berta BoydChapter 6

It turned out to be an open winter. We had no time to sit by the fire. Charlie and Pete pushed things along and the timbers were dressed out and moved to the warehouse. The floor of the warehouse at loading dock level was the first portion to be constructed. Soon the shell of the building was being put together and we could say we had a warehouse. Canvas was our major expense, but it was something that could be used over and over again and later sold as used. The warehouse floor was built...

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BBW Becomes My Adventurous Fuck Buddy Ch 1

It was around 8pm on a Wednesday evening. I was still at work, managing a large pub in West London. The pub was a lot quieter than I expected. The glorious afternoon sun had turned into heavy rain as the day wore on. I'd usually let one of the staff leave early in this situation but I decided to take the selfish option. I was on the last day of an 8 day straight and fancied an early night so that I could make the most of being off work for the next two days. I squared it with everyone staying...

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Beauty is Only Skin Deep The Revenge

“Well, John how are you feeling?" Denise asked. "Did any of this feel different to you?”  “You know," I answered, "This has certainly been more than different. It’s been sublime.” “How do you feel about cheating on Alice?” “I frankly don’t give a shit,” I answered honestly. “She is cheating on me not only with what she is doing with her buddy back home but also by not giving herself to me the way you have. I realize now that her beauty is only skin deep and the difference with you is that your...

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My First Massage Sex With Neighbor8217s Maid

Hey guys, hi I am new here and writing my first sex story you all might think that this is a fake story but its not . I study in 12 class I am fond of watching porn movies specially indian because indian masala is the tastiest masala . Mere ghar ke baju me ek kamwali aati hai lagta nahi ki wo kamwali hai kya maal hai me usko hemasha look deta rahta hu aur vo bhi muje dekhte rahti hai , Ek din me school ja raha tha to mene usse pocha marte hue dekha uss din ussne low cut dress phena tha aur...

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This is a story about a women I know, Saira. I know Saira, because my wife baby-sits her kids while she is at work. Saira is a very beautiful women. she wears burkha..She is about 5′ 8 tall with mid length curly black hair, steel blue eyes, fantastic smile and personality, and a voluptuous body. If I was to guess what her measurements would be, I would say they are 36C-30-40 I have a few myself. I fell in lust with Saira the first time I saw her, with her good looks and great personality it is...

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The Waif Part 1

I love Montreal. It’s a mix of cultures, ethnicities, and languages. A unique blend of new and old melded together.In summer, there is an area on one of the major streets, which is made off limits to vehicles. This is the ‘Quartier Des Spectacles‘, Montreal’s entertainment area. It is here that are held events such as the ‘Just For Laughs Festival’, the ‘Montreal Jazz Fest’ and other such events throughout the summer months.It abuts what was once ‘The Maine’, Montreal’s red-light district. Many...

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Private Silvia Dellai Enjoys Domination Hardcore Fuck

The beautiful and horny Silvia Dellai has come to Private Specials, Extreme Belles and today she gets a fuck that she will never forget. Angelo Godshack is ready and waiting for this saucy sex slave as she gets dominated in an extreme fuck like no other. Watch Silvia submit to the desires of her man as she has her pussy and ass eaten before gagging on his big cock with some hardcore deepthroat action. Then enjoy the sight of this filthy babe getting fucked as she takes a hard ramming with some...

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IM NOT GAYOR AM I A reality inspired fantasy

This story is inspired from when I was a few years younger, what I got up to, and the fantasy that spawned from it that I secretly so badly wanted.From my teens into my twenties, I loved masturbating. I particularly loved doing it outdoors, or in risky places like public loos. I got so turned on at the thought of being caught. I regularly used to stop into a woodlands on my cycle home from work. It started by going on to the woods and having a quick sneaky wank. The more I did it, the more...

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Vignette Sssshhh

Vignette: Sssshhh Sssshhh. Quiet. Be still. Can you feel it? The slow, steady drag of air escaping from your parted lips, filling the expectant heavy atmosphere with the moisture of your desire. Can you feel the trembling of your skin and the fluttering of your eyelashes, as weighted by need they press down eager to caress your flesh? Can you taste the wetness pooling in your mouth as your tongue tip teases along the undulating ridge of exposed teeth before flicking further outwards to coat...

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Interracial Bisexual Cuckold cum lover

My wife likes to role-play her favorite game is for me to be a nasty boy and she is the teacher. It usually starts out like this, she will go out on the town and come home about 1 A.M. I know she is out fucking and sucking black men (she loves BBC) but it turns me on to know that she will be home nice and horny and will share her sexual adventures with me. A typical night will go like this: She will come home and release my cock and balls from my cock cage. I am not permitted to play with my...

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Road RageChapter 2

"Barry Hall, we have come for you. We need you for our experiments." "Whaaaa!" At that moment I smacked him behind the ear with a piece of plastic garden hose filled with lead shot, he went down like a bag of shit. Next move after shutting things down was to drag him over to the porch and lay him on his back with his head hanging over the edge. A fumble around and I found my length of tubing and funnel. Something I had done many times as a paramedic, I slipped it down his throat. Now...

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Frat Boy Master

Frat Boy MasterI go out to the bars once in awhile. Usually it's a waste of time butsometimes I get so horny I'm willing to throw away a few hours for thechance at some hot sex. This was one of those nights. I took a shower andchecked myself out in the mirror. I thought I looked pretty damn good for35. 6'2" and a lean, hard body. A nice thick cock and big, hairy balls.Six pack, long hairy legs. Hell, I was starting to get hard just lookingat myself. I turned around to check out my ass. ...

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Sues visit to The Doctor

fan story from tiknala[05/10/2013] knock knock …. oh not another one , that bloody receptionist , I told her no more patients and I bet she’s gone and left it to me to lock up ..The door opens and in you step …......take a seat what can I do you for you ….......I have a lump on my breast , can you check it out for me …......I turn to wash my hands and when I turn back again you have already removed your jacket and are unbuttoning your blouse ….. bloody hell , I think to myself, she's got...

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Grand dadChapter 5

We had been sitting in the posh hotel dining room enjoying a drink, when I saw this good looking gentleman of about 50 walking toward us with a huge smile on his face. He and Pop greeted each other warmly and then Pop introduced me to Pat Shroder. He looked at me like he was ready to devour me. I looked pretty darn good but he seemed unusually intent. He was still holding my hand in both of his when he said, "You are gorgeous and exciting Kathy. I am eager to get to know you a lot...

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While she sleeps

For Katarina it all started with a few confused mornings. She would awaken to find her bed covers ruffled in strange ways. Her nightdress hooked up around her armpits. Legs freezing cold because they'd apparently decided to kick themselves free of all insulation over night. It was odd… but the only daughter of the Ivankov family just assumed she was dancing restlessly in her sleep. Stressed out by the hardships of teenage life in this small, rural village. However, the first time she woke up to...

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DDFBusty Emma Butt Titty Fuck XXXtreme

Emma Butt has an enormous cleavage. The brunette bombshell from England is blessed with absolutely impressive 36F / 80H tits which leads to turning heads wherever she goes. The curvy Queen of hardcore fucking stars in today’s Busty premium XXX porn scene by DDF Network alongside stud Marc Rose. During a chat at her place, she notices a hard-on inside his pants when he grabs her big titties! Emma Butt is very upset and surprised at first, but immediately sees the advantage of the situation...

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Living With My AuntEpisode 25

On the way, Jill stood up and half crawled up to Kelly in the driver's seat. She asked Kelly to let us stay by ourselves at the cabin, saying we needed some time by ourselves to talk things out. Leaving Kelly at her place, we carried our bedrolls to the studio in the gathering darkness. Once at the cabin, we made a quick supper of some rolls and cold cuts that we found in the fridge and then we climbed the stairs to the studio. I was spreading out the mattresses and bedrolls when Jill spoke...

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The SmithChapter 4 Eagle

“Starting today and continuing for the next month, this is your list of daily duties. You may ask for my advice at any time.” Thirty minutes of swimming twice a day, once before breakfast and once in the afternoon or evening. Attend breakfast at 8:00. Clean up after all meals. Complete assigned homework Prepare lunch and dinner. Lunch needs to be served between 12:05 pm and 12:30 pm and dinner between 18:00 pm and 18:30 pm. Write up a paper on each station in the workshop. You have...

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The Library part 2

Library, Part 2Once again, I am just an amateur writer. I particularly hate editing my work too. So I’m sorry if there are too many mistakes. I get ideas and then go with them. When I woke that next morning, I was both relaxed and stressed. I knew that I was going to have to go back and go through that ordeal again. I went about my day as normally as I could. I worked, I came back home, and then ent my girlfriend off to work. She is a bartender for now and she always worked Thursday, Friday and...

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They say there is a very fine line between stupidity and bravery. As I sit here staring at all the explosions in the distance, in the middle of a forest, I realise I may have already crossed the point of no return. My name is Barry Barnes. I am 28yrs old and I can easily be described as your everyday person. I have no particular skills and no academic knowledge. The one thing that defines me is my bigger than average dick and complete obessesion in women and mages (sometimes both). Since I was...

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Sex With My Lovely Sister

Hi i am regular reader of iss…i know many of these stories are false….but i dont know y they are writting these false stories…but i dont like to bluf these iss readers…..coming to the story i am abhay(name changed) i am 24 and i am having one sister she is 23 and her name is sudha we both are very best friends as there is only one year difference in between hus we both live together and i am staying in hyderabad coming to the story i like my sister very much she is having excelent figure ..any...

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There and BackChapter 92 Changing Plans

"Eamon's going to try to convince Alistair to break things off with you," I knew it, I just knew it... "and try to convince you to marry me." "That's just so typical – I hate his elitist sh ... wait, what?" He shushed me again. "He wants me to put aside Anora – you know that, and honestly, he may be right – and he thinks that if we can garner proof of you being the 'lost Cousland', I will gain support in the Landsmeet if I marry you, especially after what Rendon Howe did to your...

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  Life was not pleasant for her, she had to work on the farm from a very young age, and their Pa, Mr. McKinley, was very hard on them, striking them frequently with his cane. He especially picked on Nancy, whom he blamed for the death of his wife, so she grew to hate him. It is rather ironic, therefore, that her first and many subsequent sexual experiences involved him.   The first came when she was just turned eighteen, as she was beginning to awaken sexually. It was summer so she was...

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Talent Scout Hypnotizes Wannabe Star

Nervously she fidgeted with her fingers. It was happening, it was finally happening. She studied the guy who sat across from her. He was rocking a perfectly groomed snowboarders goatee and wore a pinstriped suit. Behind his desks he displayed pictures of some famous singers and pop stars. She had been with this agency for a few months now, but this was the first time she was invited in to have a little chat with the big boss. ‘You’re talented.’ He said. Elisa felt her cheeks flush,...

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Temptation Chapter four Taking more chances

Please not this story is total fiction and none of these events happened. in this chapter I will try push it on a little as the others have been a little slow. But I will still give lots of details or if you do want to give me some advice for future chapters I would appreciate it. Please read chapters one to three so you get the full picture. Sunday morning after the Saturday night experience. As Sarah awoke she laid in her bed thinking. She couldn't help but think about what...

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Fulfilling my boyfriends fantasy

I am standing at your front door, wearing a not-so-long black coat, that ends suggestively mid-thigh. You invite me in, licking your lips in anticipation. My sexy heels straighten my back and gently push my ass out, and as I slowly turn around to close the door, you catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. I turn back to look at you, expecting a gentle, yet passionate welcome, but instead you grab me around the throat and snap a collar around my neck. “You’re mine today bitch, and you...

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Sex With Boss To Get Job 8211 Part 3

Hi this is Neha with third and second last part of my story. You can read earlier part of my stories (link on top). So I wake up at 4 in the evening and realized that I am alone in the bed and Steve is not here. I came out of the bed and started looking for my cloths. I did not find it then I looked on the lower floor and found out that Steve was watching TV and my clothes were on the floor. I asked him to pass my bra and that dress to me for which he said good morning and asked me to come...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 4

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 3: is chapter 4:In chapter 3 this story left of with me asking my wife for more details on how deflowering Jayne the Virgin was going to happen. She told me they are still planning it and are getting closer to how Jayne would like it to happen but more discussion is going to happen as these...

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SRU RevengeTV

Disclaimer: This story involves adult content. Please do not read if you find transformation stories offensive. Thanks to Bill Hart for this mighty story universe. If this tale came out right, thank him. If it didn't, blame me. As always, please let me know what you think! Thanks to Steve Z, Jen, Scott, and Tom for pointing out what should have been obvious. SRU: Revenge-TV By Lucretia Mike was walking through the mall heading to Radio Shack for an adapter for his TV. He...

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My Friends Girlfriend

Fire sucks. I just wanted to say that from the start and get it out of the way. There's no way to describe coming home from a long day at work to see fire jetting out of your apartment windows. To make a long story short ..... electrical fire. I guess you could say I was lucky though. Not everything burned, and I was able to save about half of my clothes and a few other odds and ends. And trying to look on the bright side of things ...... I guess that's what renters insurance is for, right?My...

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