Club Paradiso
- 4 years ago
- 30
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Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert.
The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at them briefly and raised an eyebrow. She returned to her magazine as the couple moved to the elevator and Cereza pressed the call button. The assistant didn’t seem overly surprised at people dressed in fetish gear heading upstairs. Perhaps that was a common occurrence in swanky condos like these.
The route to the city and the neighborhood James now found himself in were, likewise, unfamiliar. Bayonetta had explained their situation on the way back. Given the gravity of recent events, it was time for them to lay low for a while. Since Jeanne knew the location of the old safe house, Cereza had prepared a second one.
As the sliding doors closed, she pressed her buxom curves on James, pushing him up against the wall. They kissed long and deep as the elevator hummed and sailed upward. Their eyes remained shut as their wet bodysuits gripped and rubbed one another noisily. James’ cock grew hard in the steamy latex prison as she sucked on his tongue and groped him all over.
The doors re-opened and so did their eyes. Bayonetta smiled and took his hand, leading him out of the elevator and down the hallway. Their boots sank into the lush carpeting as they made their way down the dimly lit corridor. After passing several doors, Cereza stopped, extracted her key and opened the way.
The smells of fresh paint and leather hit James’ nostrils as soon as they walked in. It was a giant, open air studio loft with a full kitchen and a staircase that led up to the second floor bedroom. The curtain-draped windows were large, providing an ample view of the city that would be marvelous when the weather was better.
A brand new leather couch and loveseat were present along with various other furniture that had recently been delivered. Boxes were everywhere, some opened and some not. No doubt they contained new kitchenwares, housewares, bathroom products, rubber bedding, fetish clothing, bondage equipment and sex toys. James knew Cereza’s priorities well by now.
“Wow! Definitely an upgrade.”
“I’m glad you like it” Bayonetta purred, watching him stroll further into their new home. “The walls, ceiling and floor have been soundproofed. We can make as much noise as we want, here.”
“Oh, my...” James said with a cheeky smile and a wink.
Cereza chuckled. “I’d say you’ve earned a shower and your choice of dinner after what we’ve been though.”
“Thanks. A shower sounds amazing. And as for food, how bout something Greek?”
“I’ll call it in while you get clean” she responded, moving to one of the large boxes and opening it. She pulled out a fresh, black, latex gimp-suit still lined in protective plastic. Bayonetta turned and held it up for him to see. “Enjoy your freedom in the bathroom, because once you dry off, I’m sealing you in this. I have new collar for you as well. And a new armbinder to try later.”
James grinned, his cock stirring again in response to her lustful demands. “Yes, Mistress.”
A long line of styrofoam food caskets were strewn across the coffee table; evidence of a decadent meal. James and his Mistress were lounging on the new leather sofa, relaxing with full bellies. Cereza was stretched out lengthwise, her boots abandoned on the floor. Her feet lay in James’ lap, receiving a firm, soothing massage from her obedient gimp. As the show they’d been watching came to an end, James looked over and saw that Bayonetta’s eyes were struggling to stay open.
“You talked a big game on the way here, but it doesn’t seem like you’ll be dominating anything tonight.”
The wicked Witchinatrix sighed in contentment. “Sorry, my love. I was riding high on victory. Should’ve known I’d be exhausted after that ordeal.”
“No worries. You need the rest and my ass could use a break.”
Cereza giggled. James released her feet and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. He pointed it at the entertainment center, navigating endless rows of streamable programming on their massive new widescreen.
“Isn’t it amazing? Now that there’s so much stuff to watch on-demand, people spend more time than ever just trying to decide...”
“So much crap to watch” Bayonetta remarked. “But you’re right, it’s silly how we end up scrolling endlessly. There should be a word for that.”
“There is a term for it.”
“What’s that?”
“The Paradox of Choice.”
“Hmmmm ... Explain.” Cereza implored, pulling back her feet and sitting up at the end of the sofa.
“It’s the psychological phenomenon that, the more choices you’re given, the less satisfied you’ll be with any decision you make. The opportunity cost of going through all those choices and making a decision combined with your heightened expectations, due to having so many options, means that, inevitably, you’ll be disappointed with the outcome. Basically, too much choice can be a very bad thing. I watched a famous professor give a great lecture about it once.”
Bayonetta laughed and nodded her head. “I like that. It explains so much about the modern world. And it tracks nicely with S&M.”
“How’s that?”
“Well, if too much choice makes people miserable, it follows that being given no choice at all will lead them to ecstasy.” Cereza’s eyebrows darted upward twice in rapid succession. She was being cheeky, yet there was a certain logic to it.
James grinned sheepishly and nodded. “I never thought about it like that. Definitely true for a certain segment of the population.”
“Mmmhmmm. Naughty bottoms and submissive sluts like you.”
He resumed his browsing, maneuvering through long lists of movies and TV series until he found something that looked appealing. “How bout this? Wanna watch?”
When no answer came, he looked to his right and found Bayonetta gazing into the distance. She was lost in thought.
“Helllloooooo? Earth to Cereza!”
“Hmmm? Oh, yeah, that’s fine. Play that.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah ... just a little distracted. I shouldn’t worry about it until tomorrow, but my mind keeps wandering to what I’m going to say.”
“To the coven, you mean?”
“Yep. After what went down, a statement is definitely needed.”
CerezaOnTop: Hey kiddo, you busy?
RoxTheCasbah: Never too busy for you! What up, B?
CerezaOnTop: There was a bit of an incident yesterday. You may have heard.
RoxTheCasbah: HAH! That’s putting it mildly! Everyone who went with Alexia has been really tight-lipped and touchy since getting back. What did you do??? Give them all a spanking?
CerezaOnTop: In a manner of speaking.
RoxTheCasbah: Dammit! I never get to see the good stuff!
CerezaOnTop: Trust me, it’s better you weren’t there.
RoxTheCasbah: Alright, but I want all the dirt later.
CerezaOnTop: Of course.
RoxTheCasbah: What can I do for you?
CerezaOnTop: I’ve prepared a statement. I want it sent out to all members with no exceptions. And I need it to be untraceable.
RoxTheCasbah: Easy peasy. Is that it?
CerezaOnTop: Yes, that’s all for now.
RoxTheCasbah: Send it to my home email, not my work address. And make sure it’s encrypted. I’ll take care of the rest.
CerezaOnTop: Understood.
RoxTheCasbah: You want it go out today?
CerezaOnTop: As soon as you can, yes.
RoxTheCasbah: Cool. I’m on it.
CerezaOnTop: Thanks, Roxy. I’m going to be off on a little getaway until things cool down. When I get back, we’ll do lunch and I’ll dish all the juicy details.
RoxTheCasbah: You better!
Alexia’s crop lacerated her slave’s ass over and over. The young man was bound on a padded spanking bench, his leather-clad body blending in nicely with the glossy black fuck-furniture. Only his ass and head were free from constricting leather and metal. His ass flap hung open as she slashed away at his reddened flesh. It was easy to picture Cereza’s face on those punished ass cheeks after what had transpired the day before.
The slave grunted and howled as her blows rained down. She varied the force, but few were gentle. Alexia’s cock grew harder with every blistering swat into his well beaten bottom. It jutted out from the unzipped opening of her shiny, blue latex bodysuit. Pre-cum drooled from her glans and her face was flush red. Alexia was giddy with lust and control. Lately, she couldn’t decide which she enjoyed more; beating him or fucking him.
After a few more particularly hard strikes she relented and tossed the crop aside. Alexia stalked around to his front, her boot heels echoing off the floor. She grabbed him by the hair and raised his head off the bench. The haughty brunette ducked down so they saw eye to eye.
“Why are you being punished, slave?”
“Because I didn’t make your tea properly, Mistress!”
“How many sugars do I take?”
“Th-Three sugars, Mistress!”
“You’re not going to forget again, are you?”
“No, Mistress Alexia!”
She dropped his head, seized her cock and stroked it up and down hungrily. She’d almost cum from the fear in his voice, alone. It was time to feed this bound fuck-boy his lunch. She had a half hour until her next meeting and she was going to enjoy every minute.
Alexia ceased her masturbation and turned toward the office door, already annoyed. “Fucking hell ... I specifically said ‘do not disturb.’ WHAT?!?“
The door opened a crack and a voice emanated from outside. “My apologies, Chief Matron, but a matter of some importance...”
“Oh, Lieutenant Katherine. Please, do come in.”
The tall, blonde enforcer entered and quickly shut the door behind her. The buxom woman’s latex creaked around her body as she entered. Her shoulder guards, arm guards and guns clinked with each step until she came to a stop. Katherine was no longer surprised to see Alexia with her cock out and enjoying a bound slave in her office. Such occurrences were common now, even among the Chief Matrons.
The Umbran Enforcer removed her cap and bowed before beginning. “Mistress Alexia, there’s been a communication from Bayonetta you should see right away.”
Alexia’s look grew concerned as she strode to her desk. “A communication to whom?”
The Chief Matron didn’t bother to zip herself up before leaning down and checking the terminal at her desk. She found the message Katherine spoke of immediately. It was from an anonymous source, yet marked with a high priority flag.
“My Umbran Sisters,
Recently a Lumen plot was unveiled due to fateful circumstance. The activities of Father Olvey were a threat to our entire order and needed to be stopped. Stopped they were by the actions of many valiant Sisters and our dominance in this region was maintained.
I have taken the extraordinary step of speaking to you directly about this matter without the approval of the Chief Matrons. I did this because I feel every Sister needs to know what happened. This was no minor operation on their part, but a major power play. Olvey and his sages successfully summoned a demon from the Inferno for the first time in hundreds of years. Their goal was to strip us of the enhanced abilities bestowed on us by Marioch; the one we call Phalleus. Thankfully, their end game was denied.
We all know the price of a witch’s power. The brutal and unending torment that awaits us at the end of this long road. I am no longer content to accept this as inevitable. I will harness the power of the Inferno to challenge the celestial order itself and, if need be, wipe it away completely. You may think this endeavor arrogant or foolish, but I would ask that you place your trust in me. I am doing this for all of us.
Finally, I must address the effects of Marioch’s power on the Sisterhood in recent years. I don’t need to tell you how it’s changed us. Our lust and desire for sexual conquest strengthens and drives us, but also blinds us in many ways. It has caused some sisters to cast aside their better judgment. To sacrifice compassion and consent to sexual frenzy.
The Lumen are willing to brainwash, kill and even sacrifice themselves in the pursuit of power. They have little regard for human life beyond how it strengthens their order. If we do not wield our power responsibly, we are no better. And I will not stand idly by if I feel any of my Sisters have become like our enemy.
You may not believe this, but it was not our power, our lust or our will to dominate that saved us on the battlefield. It was love. Without the clarity that love provided at the crucial moment, we might well have been weakened, defeated or worse.
Embrace love for your submissives and nurture their affection for you. If there is no romance to be found, at least abuse them lovingly and always care for them after. If they don’t enjoy our games, set them free. This is how we demonstrate the Umbra are worthy of the power we wield. That is how we prove we’re better than the Lumen.
Love may yet save each and every one of us. If, indeed, we can be saved.
Your Sister in Arms,
An avalanche of emotions descended upon Alexia.
Anger that Bayonetta had enacted her own plan without consulting Umbra leadership. That she’d sent this message without the Matrons approval and left Alexia and many other Sisters in an embarrassing mess the other day.
Relief that she hadn’t revealed what a fiasco the operation was or that Cereza had pretty much single-handedly saved the day.
Suspicion about her claims regarding Marioch and, even if they were true, what her real motives would prove to be. Only time would tell. Calling upon the denizens of the Inferno was a skill known by all in their order, but imprisoning a demon? For personal use? That was uncharted territory, even for the Umbra.
Alexia released her desk and straightened her back. “That will be all for now, Lieutenant. Thank you.”
The Chief Matron didn’t look back at her enforcer before strolling to the window. She was lost in thought with a hand on her chin. Katherine was glad she didn’t have to hide her grin. The armed blonde saluted and made her way out. The dutiful soldier was glad someone was re-asserting order into a coven that had grown far too chaotic.
The door shut and Alexia took stock of her bound slave. Despite Bayonetta’s massive presumption, the ring of truth resided in some of her words. When was the last time Alexia had shown her slut any kindness? Asked him how he was feeling? Did more than demand his total obedience and sexual servitude? The Chief Matron couldn’t recall.
Frustrated, she stalked back to the bondage bench and parked herself in front of him. She put her hands on her hips, her cock now hanging half-flaccid below.
“Slave, I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the unvarnished truth. Do not tell me what you think I want to hear. Just answer honestly. You will not be punished regardless of what you say. Understand?”
“Yes, Mistress.” His body wiggled in its bonds, his anxiety evident.
“Do you enjoy being my slave?”
“Yes, Mistress. Very much so.”
‘You already knew the answer to that one. Be more precise.’
The Chief Matron thought a few moments before speaking again. “If you could change anything about our arrangement, anything at all, what would it be?”
“Oh ... Ummm, it would be nice if I didn’t have to sleep in the cage all the time.”
Alexia smirked and her eyes narrowed. ‘I lined it with leather just for you.’
“And maybe I could pick what we have for dinner once in a while?”
The Chief Matron seized her girthy unit and resumed stroking it. ‘What, your birthday dinner isn’t enough?’
“ ... Perhaps we could cuddle from time to time?”
Alexia shoved her cock in his mouth, silencing him instantly. Her hips pressed forward and she burrowed her fleshy sausage in deep until the glans hit the back of his throat. His straining eyes peered up at her, confused by the sudden shift in tone. Regardless, he took up his task obediently, sucking away on her meaty shaft. She took hold of his head and started thrusting into his sucking lips eagerly.
The brown haired Goddess sighed. His baby blues kept peeking up, pleading with her as she fucked his mouth.
“I’ll think about it. Now suck me off, bitch.”
It was a beautiful day on the Bora Bora Islands, but then again, it seemed almost every day was gorgeous in this place. James had learned a bit about the region from promotional pamphlets available on their flight. The temperature rarely deviated above eighty five degrees or below seventy five. The dry season ranged from June to October. The rest of the year had lovely days like these broken up by periods of monsoon rain. The island’s economy was mostly tourism. If heaven existed on Earth, this might be it.
It had only been a matter of days between Cereza unveiling her “Bayonetta & James Go Tropical” plan to finding himself in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They had a lovely villa many times bigger than a couple could possibly need, a private beach and many other accommodations within walking distance or a short cab ride from their island hideaway.
It was strange being in French Polynesia, a place that was as far as you could get from France where people spoke only French and assorted native languages. Stranger still that his first day in such a lovely place was being spent getting buried. Only James’ shoulders and head remained visible above the white sand. It had taken almost an hour to dig a hole big enough for him to fit in. Cereza had spent the last ten minutes filling it in around him; packing down the sand and making sure he couldn’t budge.
James looked up at his beautiful Goddess as she finished the job; sweeping more sand over his shoulders and upper chest. Leave it to Bayonetta to wear leather and latex to the beach. Her shiny, black latex bra barely contained her massive milkers. The garment almost passed as the top half of a two piece bathing suit, but not quite. Her leather skirt ran snugly down to her knees. The bulge in its front grew more prominent by the minute as Cereza sealed her slave in sand below her.
She pushed a few more mounds of the sparkling silt over his shoulders and around his neck, packing them down tightly. The deed was done. James was entombed in the Earth, aside from his protruding head. He couldn’t budge a millimeter and that put a mischievous smile on Bayonetta’s face. She collapsed beside him to rest a few minutes before enjoying his predicament to the fullest.
“We could be seeing the sites right now, scuba diving, deep sea fishing ... but your priority was burying me in sand and fucking my mouth.”
“Shush, Cheshire. There’ll be time for all that. This is a fantasy I’ve had for a long time and I wasn’t going to wait another day to indulge.”
“Fair enough. Did you bring any sunscreen?”
“You won’t need sunscreen in a minute when I’m plowing your face.”
“True...” he snickered. “You know, it was weird hearing you speak French earlier. I’m so used to your British accent. I like both, though. I bet you could make any language sound sexy.”
“Thank you, darling. I hope my French wasn’t too out of practice.”
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t speak a word.”
“Yes, especially when you have a giant cock in your mouth.”
James chuckled. “My god, you’re even hornier than usual! I’m in trouble these next two weeks, aren’t I?”
“You have no idea.”
Bayonetta rose, unzipped her leather skirt and tossed it aside. She stepped into view and turned to face him; her shadow casting over James’ head. Her thick cock was at full attention and her weighty scrotum hung below it. Her full, hairless package gleamed with a light sheen of sweat, appetizing as ever to James’ covetous eyes. The fat, meaty length that he’d serviced so many times before was ready for another round of debauchery. Cereza closed the distance to him and lowered to her knees in the warm, soft sand.
Cool autumn rain pitter-pattered on the cobblestone walkway as James hurriedly followed Bayonetta to her new lair. They jogged from the car park to the entrance of a classy looking, unfamiliar apartment building. By the time they reached the lobby their leather and latex clad bodies were glossy and dripping. It was almost refreshing after their time in the wasteland. The rain served to wash off the residual dust and grime of the desert. The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at...
The woman sitting at the front desk glanced up at them briefly and raised an eyebrow. She returned to her magazine as the couple moved to the elevator and Cereza pressed the call button. The assistant didn't seem overly surprised at people dressed in fetish gear heading upstairs. Perhaps that was a common occurrence in swanky condos like these. The route to the city and the neighborhood James now found himself in were, likewise, unfamiliar. Bayonetta had explained their situation on the way...
************************************************************************* 10.A Night out Dancing. 11. Sunday 12. And So It Begins 13. The Party Pt1 14. The Party Pt2 15. Feeling Hidden 16. Raping Silk 17. Bad Day Sex 18. Club Cane - Coming Soon 18. Blurred Lines Defined - Coming Soon *************************************************************************** Please send me love... **************************************************************************** Michael had planned the...
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MatureI can’t believe what’s happened to me! Here I am in a swingers’ paradise on a beautiful Caribbean island. Last night I had sex with seven people and tonight – who knows? Maybe more!Well I better put you in the picture – my name’s Anita and until about a month ago I was just one of those lonely divorced women who thought they’d never have sex again. That was until my wonderful, wonderful friend Lorraine came round with a gift – and what a gift! A magic wand which unlocked my sexual yearnings and...
so... a friend & i wrote this for another friend's b-day. she wrote the clean stuff & i wrote the smut & yes, a date w/Costner is like that.A Foxtail in Comoor...George Clooney is the biggest dick in hollywood, and he proved it in Taylor's Mrs. Face and roxxanna valencya It was a glorious spring day in lake country. The light breeze cast ripples over the bright blue water making it sparkle in the sunlight. Taylor and “Giorgio” (as the locals called him) were enjoying an...
(sequel to 'iWant To Kiss')[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Hey Spence."His surprised face was the second-best thing Sam saw that morning. The best had been Carly sl*eping next to her, but then again, it was hard to compete with that. Poor thing must've been tired. Not that Sam had anything to do with that. It wasn't like they'd spent the previous night making out until 4:30… honest."I didn't know...
"I guess you probably wanna get back home, huh?" Finn asked as Liv hung up the phone. "You look like hell!" "Thanks. You really know how to charm a girl," she replied as she tried to run a finger through her matted hair. "I could really use a shower ... and a nap, I'm really freaking beat." Liv was tired, but, for the first time in many hours, she felt safe. Knowing the police were on their way somehow made everything better. The nightmare was ending and the tight feeling in her...
In the early evening they made their way back to her home. By this time I was.. how can I explain this feeling? I was.. on fire. I remember my leather driving gloves being so drenched in sweat that they had to be painstakingly removed. On the way back to my beach house I just threw them out of the window. I had loved those gloves. Unbeknownst to her, she had committed yet another crime. The punishment would be relentless. And I would break her, like these pacific waves breaking against the...
Lana Rhoades is looking for a hookup on a dating app when she comes across the profile of Adria Rae. She has some similar interests and a gorgeous face. Lana calls her up and shares her profile. The lesbians arrange to get together right away. Adria arrives and suggests they go for a hike, but Lana knows what she wants to do. She wants to try facesitting. Since it looks like it’s going to rain anyway, Adria goes along with Lana’s suggestion. Lana slowly leans in to kiss and caress...
xmoviesforyouTogether with my wife I spent a few days in a medium-sized country hotel in the Spessart, a wooded landscape in Germany not far from Frankfurt. As most of the guests book these wellness oases from Friday to Sunday noon, it was quite crowded there on Saturday and also on Sunday at the breakfast buffet, but after that, the hotel emptied visibly. As we made an extensive day hiking tour on Sunday, we were a little surprised about the now quite empty hotel when we returned in the late afternoon....
Fast forward five years. I’m, and she’s a middle-aged woman. We both love my father; this happened despite that. It had nothing to do with psychological issues, or resentment, or sexual frustration. And while neither one of us expected it, neither one of us would ever undo it either. The night began typically; I picked my mother up at her workplace after getting off at my own. We were sharing a ride that summer because it was convenient. I was doing an internship for a venture capital firm...
We’re just outside of Denver, boarding a train that takes us through the Rocky Mountains. One of those trains with the scenic cars. Luxurious, with a staff that waits on you hand and foot. We find our way to our room, and as we settle in the cozy surroundings we understand why they call them ‘compartments’. It has everything we need though, a small sofa, bed, bath with a shower, no tub, sorry. The sudden lurch of the train takes us by surprise and you fall backwards knocking both of us...
It had been nearly two months since we had left the port town of Iltha’tal and thankfully we had not run into any trouble. We had maintained the schedule of who would travel the forests and who would travel in the wagon. Of those who did travel in the wagon, the driver on duty rotated between everyone and at least one other sat to keep them company. They also kept their eyes on the forest just in case something slipped by the others. Training their skills and accessing their combat awareness...
The town of Spant was almost big enough to be a city. It had three inns, not two as Virien had heard, though considering what the girls offered upstairs in the third one, it was no surprise that she hadn't known of it. The largest of the inns was The Rusty Bell. The deciding factor for me was its proximity to the western edge of Spant. We had decided that it would make for a quieter stay if the boys didn't accompany me into town, but I still wanted them as close as I could get them. The...
Introduction: A vey naughty boy is punished by his teacher, Principal and Janitor A story on how they robbed my innocence. this is just an idea, if the idea is good I will continue it with much more sex!!! My name is Andrew, I go to St Andrews Catholic School, one of the best in my state. My father dishes out $35K for me to be here each year. It was a semi boarding school, basically this means we can go home is we want to any day from Monday to Friday, but we have to go home for the weekends....
Michelle slowly considered what Rob was saying. This would be their biggest score yet. They had made some decent money at local clubs working together to fleece unsuspecting men. Michelle would cozy up to them and pretend to share drinks while they got good and drunk. If they weren’t drinking fast enough, she would help them along with a little extra ‘additive’ in their drink. Then she would go home with them, letting them think they were going to get laid. Usually they barely got inside the...
After spending a few hours on the phone with Matthew and explaining everything that has transpired over the last few days, Evony told him where she is staying. He was concerned for her, especially after having a long conversation with the police. She sat and listened to it all and by the time she finished he told Evony that he would be at her side no matter the cost. After ensuring that he hasn’t been followed, Matthew shows up at the hotel. He quickly finds the door to Evony’s room and...
"You got a cute ass," I said, pinching Mary's plump ass as she turned the shower on. "Have I ever told you that?" "All the time," Mary answered, giving me a fond look. "And I never tire of hearing it." My cum was running out of her ass and cunt, white rivulets that ran down her legs and made her look so goddamn fucking sexy. We had just spent the last hour and half making love, in every position we could think of, and I came inside every hole my naughty filly had. I gave her ass a...
Introduction: I started playing with his balls lightly squeezing them and kissing the shaft of his dick. I could feel him getting tense Jason and Emily May 20 2014 Jason was the typical stereotype geek in high school but I found him beautiful. he had crystal blue eyes, long curly shoulder length jet black hair,weighed in around 195-210 and was 63. In my eyes he was beautiful The one day during science our teacher gave us an assignment. Normally our assignments are in school but this time...
ELLIE'S PROBLEM Ellie lived for her school activities. She is a cheerleader, on the debate team, and on the school newspaper. She carries a 3.8 grade point average in High School classes. She is considered a brain and standoffish by most who know her. Ellie is also one the best-looking girls in her High School, so she thinks. She is also a bit of snob, with an elitist attitude. She knows she has the brain and the looks. She has many boys who dated her wrapped around her little...
Hi to all and I am a regular reader of ISS and I would like to narrate about an experience which happened with me nearly 4 months back. My name is Kuchchi changed. I work for a private company in M Nagar name changed. I am 37 years old married and my wife is staying in another city with my parents. I visit my family once or twice in a month. I have a well built body and strong enough to accept any challenge. My story goes like this. One evening I was returning from market on my bike and...
Dominatrix duo Courtney Taylor and Mercedes Carrera snicker at their puny new client Robby Echo wondering if he can handle such overpowering women. Robby is eager for their services regardless of how much they mock his potentially small cock and ball sack. The masseuses call Robby into the shower where they ask him to sit on the sukebe chair while they continue to mock his physique, lathering his chest while he takes turns suckling on their massive boobs. They lead the eager beaver toward the...
xmoviesforyouFetishNetwork is a pretty great name for this network, since it is comprised of tons of fetish sites that cover a wide variety of topics from usual to spooky to super hot and taboo. There are more than 40 sites in this network and they are always adding more, which is unusual for a network. There are even different categories of sites for you to pick from that all keep it really kinky. There are about 20 BDSM sites, a couple hypnofetish sites, spanking sites, female domination ones, smoking and...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesNow. My first stop after leaving my apartment is Murray's, if something is going on in my city he is bond to know about it, the problem is Murray's forays into the supernatural have left him ecentric at best. I open the door to the antique shop, I instantly get the sense of power pushing back, it tingles across my skin as I push further into his shop. Magic doesn't like me, I have never figured it out but for some reason the powers involved are simply a bad match with me. "Murray you...
Hi to all readers….. ….this is Vedant frm mumbai MALE 34 i would like to tell u one damn experience about my sex with my friends wife which i was not expecting at all to happen…… …..but it happened due to sheer luck or my good fortunes…. ….. It all began in my society where i live in bombay i had a close friend named Sanjeev who stays just opposite my building in my society Sanjeev is marketing guy who is on tour most of times his wife Neha is a good friend of my wife…….. i have noticed many...
I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I water'd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears; And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright; And my foe beheld it shine, And he knew that it was mine, And into my garden stole When the night had veil'd the pole: In the morning glad, I see My foe outstretch'd beneath the...
All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. My mate Liam crashed out on the sofa. I loved it when Liam came round to my flat. I loved him. He was my best mate. He was straight and he was the only straight person I’d come out to. None of my other mates knew I was gay. I didn’t wanna tell ‘em coz they didn’t mean anything to me. Not really. If I never saw any of ‘em ever again it wouldn’t bother me. I wouldn’t miss any of ‘em. But if I never ever saw Liam again...
Gay MaleI am Rohan, 25 years old 5 ft 10″ athletic body. I am working as consultant in a architecture firm. I also do part time photography assignments like interior design shoots and portfolio shoots (). It was a casual day at work. My colleague Ankit was on leave and I had to attend his phone and say he’s off. When I was about to leave for lunch, his phone rang and I was cursing Ankit for taking off. It was a lady on the other side, Ms Dristi,wife of our client. She had a sweet but confident voice....
They pulled into the car park and Mark parked the car in one of the bays. Mark & Jane got out and waited for Dan to join them. They headed off across the car park towards the lift to the shops “Come on Dani, keep up” shouted Mark, there were a few people about and they probably heard “Dani” as “Dan” but it was still embarrassing. They got in the lift and went up to the second floor, where some of the shops were located. Jane spoke as they made their way to the shop. “Honey, now that you are...
I had just returnedfrom a long and hard day at work. I stood at the bedroom window wondering how to shake off the tiredness. The reflection of setting sun in the blue waters of the backyard swimming pool seemed so soothing to eyes. I find the feeling of the cold water rushing over my skin is so soothing! I wasted no time baring myself naked by getting rid of my work clothes. I looked in the drawer and picked the pale orange two piece bikini that looked so hot on my tanned skin. I snatched a...
“CATS! SEX! AND NAZIS! That’s why they call me Mr. Happy! Are you a believer? Yeah? Well, I’m a deceiver. But I lied when I said that honesty was dead. I really believe all these things I say to you. It’s just that none of them are true!” -NoMeansNo – “Why Do They Call Me Mr. Happy?“ Robert Chase was mowing his lawn in his quiet suburb of Wichita, Kansas, when the motorcade pulled up to his house. A limousine escorted by four SUVs. Neighbors came out of their houses to see. People from...
In this story there are a few matters where some terms used here in Australia may not be fully understood in other countries, so this note is to help clarify a few items in the next sub-chapter. There are two general groups of trucks used to cart dirt and other materials around where the truck tray rises up at the front to let the load slide off of the back of the vehicle. The basic design is the same for both in they have sides almost the same height as the cabin of the truck and the rear...
I could hear master circling in front of me. He traced his finger around my stomach, and suddenly he pulled off my nipple clamps, one at a time. My gag stopped me from screaming. To add to my humiliation I could hear a car loudly honking its horn as it drove nearer; then the car stopped, and the engine turned off. A small group of young boys began hollering at master and I. Master enjoyed the attention, I craved it. "You like what you see?" He yelled at the boys, "Come on down here, she'll...
He did not even have to guide his small erection into her tiny opening by hand. His aim was perfect and he felt the head of his hardness slowly pierce her pink cavity. He felt the warmth on the head as it sunk into soft suppleness. She sighed heavily as she felt the tip inside her opening as well. He did not go all the way inside her yet. He took one of his hands and began caressing her hard right nipple, all the while letting the head of his small erection linger just inside her vaginal...
Straight SexThat little Long Island scandal that hit the papers recently could only happen in today's society, where the media tries to create their own news. My college football buddies and I were at this pre-season party, reminiscing about those 70's parties - the ones just before the discovery of aids! One guy, an assistant coach today at a well kown Midwestern college, told us about the Rite of Passage they used to have, there, and the ironic twist of fate that ended it. There were no media...
Hello story fans. Nikunj is back with new story of my friend shilpa. She is Rom Mumbai, female 22. I know that well almost 95% story in not true. But today I am describing her real true story that happened one year ago. I m really sorry that I m not well in English because our language in gujarati. Now I am describing her story in her words. I am 22 years old female living in Mumbai, chembur. I am 5 and 3, normal figure with medium size boob. I am a member of middle class family. I live with my...
Again, I kept playing back my secretly recorded video and nothing. Jake did a great job. The hi def cameras were strategically placed throughout the house, even knowing they were there, I could barely see the lenses. They could pick up the sound on the other side of the room. One day after work I came home and my wife had left a note that she had gone shopping and the kids were over at friends. She told me that she would be home after dinner. I headed into my man cave and started to scan the...