Motorcyclist's WifeChapter 3 free porn video

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"Typing speed?" the pinched-faced employment-office lady snapped even before Sandi had a chance to settle herself down in the squeaking metal folding chair. "Shorthand speed? Telex experience? Dictaphone?" she continued as though reciting a litany, never even glancing at the nervous young blonde.

"I... I'm afraid I... I never worked in an office," Sandi stammered, trying to smooth her short navy blue skirt down over her ripely rounded thighs. She'd chosen the skirt, a relic from her high-school wardrobe, as being more appropriate than the vivid-hued outfits which Verne had brought her. Although she certainly preferred the new clothes, they'd seemed somehow too frivolous for a job interview, and it was only now that she realized how very short this skirt was. She felt her cheeks grow hot as she thought that this stern woman must be thinking she was trying to look seductive in a rather sluttish way.

She needn't have worried on this score, for the woman still did not deign to glance at Sandi, although she did adjust her white-plastic framed glasses to frown at the card the young blonde had filled out in the outer office.

"No office experience?" She repeated Sandi's statement as though she were accusing the girl of having a prison record. "Well, then, what can you do?"

What could she do? Perhaps because she'd been so distracted by her guilty thoughts about the depraved scene with Larry Johnson the evening before, Sandi hadn't even thought to consider this question. Getting a job and making lots of money to help her injured husband had been as far as her thoughts went as she drove into Brunrocke this morning, and she'd been very glad to have something to do that helped to alleviate the crushing burden of guilt about her wanton behavior. But what if she couldn't even get a job... ?

"Well, Mrs. Smith, what skills do you have?" the gray-haired woman asked, impatiently tapping her ballpoint against the gray metal desktop.

"I... I..." Sandi began, then paused in despair as she fished through her mind for some citable accomplishment. Verne had always praised her cooking... and she'd done a lot of babysitting during high school... and she could knit and crochet... and she'd gotten straight A's in English, though she'd failed algebra... Somehow, though, none of these attributes seemed the sort of thing that would interest this unfriendly woman.

"I... I," she tried again, "I can cook..."

"If you wanted a job as a domestic," the woman interrupted, glancing at her watch, "you ought to have gone to an agency that deals in that."

"Oh no!" Sandi exclaimed, her cheeks flushing redder than ever. "I... I don't think I want to be a maid."

Maids didn't make enough money to pay for Verne's operation, and she knew that her proud husband would be ashamed to have her cleaning someone else's home. He'd probably be resentful at the fact she was seeking any job at all, for he'd always insisted that no wife of his was going to work.

Catching the note of hysteria in the girl's voice, the frozen-faced employment bureau worker glanced up at her for the first time. The applicant didn't look a day over eighteen, though she was certainly pretty enough... somehow she just didn't look like the type to be a waitress in a nightclub, which was just about the only type of unskilled job the agency had listed at the moment.

"Unfortunately, there are no vacancies at any of the groceries or department stores here in Brunrocke," she said, riffling through a stack of file cards containing job listings. "But I do have something for a nightclub waitress at the Pioneer Bar and Steak House just out of town, down by the new expressway. It's well-paid, but naturally it involves night work..."

"Oh no, I don't think so," Sandi demurred. That certainly wouldn't please Verne either!

"Well, then," the lady was beginning to sound impatient and the nineteen year old blonde felt distinctly embarrassed. "I just don't know what we can offer you..." she shuffled through her cards again, shaking her head, and then rather doubtfully plucked one out. "How about modeling? This is a rather - uh - odd position, but maybe... ?"

Sandi licked her lips, then gulped, "Odd?" Models make lots of money, she was thinking, and people are always telling me I'm built like a model.

"Mr. Fletcher seems to be a bit particular; he never seems to like the girls we send over. I suppose its because he's a foreigner. But you could give it a try."

The woman's statement was a command rather than an offer, and Sandi rose hurriedly, aware that the woman was anxious to get on with her more lucrative clients.

Clutching the paper on which the woman had written Mr. Fletcher's address, she slowly threaded her way cross the medium- sized town toward the three-story brick building which housed the "Deja-Vu Studio". She pushed the button labeled, "Tony Fletcher, Fashion Photographer", and waited, her heart thumping against her ribs and her mouth dry with nervousness. Suddenly the headache she'd woken up with returned to throb behind her temples, and when no one answered her rather timid ring she felt a sensation of relief.

Turning so quickly that her mini-skirt caught in the current of the autumn breeze and exposed her firm-fleshed thighs and pink lace panties, she started down the three rather steep front steps, her long slender legs wobbling slightly in her chunky navy blue platform heels. I'll try again tomorrow, when I'm feeling calmer, she promised herself. And I'll wear something more conservative too. But try as she would, she couldn't block out the guilty whispers that persisted in creeping through into her consciousness.

You're just afraid - and you'll be just as much a chicken tomorrow! her conscience accused. You're too stupid to find a job to help Verne! You can't do anything without making a mess of it, just like your mother always said. Just look at what you did last night! She was right when she said you'd never be able to get along alone up north!

A sobering image of her gray-faced mother flashed across the already downhearted young wife's mind, so distracting her that she failed to hear the "Deja-Vu's" front door opening and an oddly accented man's voice calling out to her. When she felt an arm tugging at her red cardigan, she yelped and whirled around so quickly that she had to catch hold of the bannister to keep from toppling over. Then, blushing with embarrassment at her awkwardness, she turned to stare at the dark-haired, bare-chested young man in chopped-off blue jeans who had caught hold of her arm when she stumbled in her cumbersome shoes.

"Never did understand why you chicks want to wear those crazy shoes. Bloody dangerous," he remarked as casually as though they were old friends instead of complete strangers.

"I-I'm sorry... I guess y-you startled m-me," she stammered, annoyed at her own gauche behavior but feeling extremely disconcerted by the way the handsome man's eyes seemed to be undressing her right out there on the doorstep. Then, when he failed to release his hold on her arm, she mumbled, "Well, better be going. Th-thanks for c-catching me." With a self-conscious laugh she turned away from him and put one foot down on the step below, then stopped short as he tightened his grip on her sweatered arm.

"Hey, wait a minute," he smiled, "I don't get it. You come to my house and ring my doorbell, but the minute you see me you want to run away. Am I so awful as all that?"

Sandi gaped at him uncertainly, wondering just what it was about his piercing blue eyes that made her feel so exposed. "Oh no... I mean... I was... I was looking for a Mr. Fletcher," she explained, wishing again that she'd worn something that didn't reveal quite so much of her shapely legs.

The slim-hipped, long-haired youth grinned down at her, the pressure of his hand upon her arm increasing as he laughed, "Well, you found him!"

"You're... you're not... ?" Sandi was astounded. She'd certainly not expected that woman at the agency to send her out for an interview with someone who looked for all the world like a college student from nearby Notre Dame. Why, he didn't look as old as her twenty-five year old husband Verne, and what with those sideburns, boyishly waving long hair, and faded and patched cut- offs, she just couldn't picture him as a prospective employer. Of course, she'd expected a foreign photographer to look somewhat more eccentric than an ordinary business executive, but a bearded, baggy-trousered, bereted little man was more the image she'd conjured up.

"Tony W. Fletcher, Fashion Photographer," the dark-haired youth tapped his tanned, well-muscled chest, looking vastly amused at the attractive young blonde's self-conscious confusion. "And when I make the effort I actually look quite respectable enough to impress the good citizens of Brunrocke, Indiana. Come on in."

Before she knew quite what was happening, Sandi Smith found herself being led back up the cement steps and into a dimly lit, very narrow hallway. To the left was a steep flight of stairs, and at the end of the corridor was a shiny black door on which was painted in red, "knock before entering".

"Darkroom," said Tony in response to her unasked question. Then, taking the bewildered blonde's arm, he guided her up to the second story and along a corridor decorated with rather bizarre black and white fashion photos done in a very modernistic style. She'd have liked to stop and take a long look at the exotic- looking clothing and unusual lighting effects, but Tony was pulling her into a large, brightly lit room which appeared to be a sort of living room, bedroom, and kitchen all combined in an overwhelming confusion of color and clutter. Much to Sandi's consternation, there was even a shower with a see-through plastic curtain draped around it standing right beside a pile of cushions which apparently served as a sofa.

What a crazy place for a shower! she marveled to herself. Just imagine being naked in there with people sitting and watching you so close they could practically touch you! The very idea sent inexplicable prickles of excitement shooting up her spine, and Sandi immediately put an end to that lewd train of thought.

The young wife would have liked to inspect this curious room, so totally divorced from her conception of a house, but the agile, half-naked photographer was hurrying up a still steeper flight of steps and she was so busy concentrating on not stumbling on her clumsy, thick-soled shoes that she didn't dare to glance anywhere but down.

The third level of Tony Fletcher's peculiar house was his studio, and whereas his living quarters had been in wild disorder, this room was methodically neat. Sunlight flooded into the slant- ceilinged chamber through two large skylights, and the white walls were ringed with photographs and colorful posters.

"What a strange building!" Sandi forgot her shyness enough to exclaim. "It's so tall and narrow - I never saw anything like it before."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird," Tony agreed. "It's one of the oldest houses in Brunrocke - belonged to my friend Ted's grandfather before he kicked off. But I like it, 'cause it reminds me of home."


"London. Sit down." The good-looking young man gestured toward a canvas folding chair, then ambled over to the far side of the large room and began doing something with his camera equipment.

Sandi seated herself rather gingerly on the low-slung chair, self-consciously tugging her miniscule navy blue skirt as far down over her flaring thighs as possible. Then she crossed her slim ankles in the prim and proper way her mother had often insisted upon, nervously ran her tongue over her dry lips, and waited for Mr. Fletcher to turn around and break the silence. Much to her embarrassment, he merely continued doing whatever it was he was doing, whistling to himself as though he'd been all alone in the studio.

Feeling more ill at ease then ever, the nineteen year old wife made a deliberate effort to stare at the pictures on the walls rather than at the rippling muscles of the photographer's golden-tanned torso, which somehow reminded her of Larry Johnson.

Don't be ridiculous! she scolded herself. They don't look the least bit alike, aside from both having dark hair, and besides I'm not going to let myself think about last night. I'm not!

The guilt-tortured young housewife had been resolving to block out the sinful, obscenely vivid memory pictures from the moment she'd woken up to find herself nakedly draped over the living room chair, her lurid apricot-lace nightgown crumpled on the floor below. Now, hours later, she couldn't hold back a shudder as she recalled how filthy she'd felt and how she'd detected a scent of Larry Johnson's masculine odor on her own body. There had been a dull pounding in the back of her temples, and a disgusting stale whiskey taste in her mouth, but as she'd hurried into the bathroom, she'd scarcely noticed her physical discomfort in her struggle to erase the shameful images that swam before her tear-swollen eyes.

As she'd scrubbed her traitorous body, carefully avoiding applying any pressure to her ultra-sensitive breasts and soaping her hair-fringed vagina over and over to destroy any trace of her husband's friend's perverted oral assault, she'd thought she'd succeeded in driving the obscene pictures from her mind. Praying that she could make herself forget the ugly incident entirely, she'd directed her thoughts toward Verne. How could she be sinful enough to think of anything else, when her beloved husband lay paralyzed in a hospital bed? He must never, never find out...

But as she'd sat drinking black coffee in the spotless little kitchen of her modern ranch house, the dreadful pictures once again rose unbidden before her eyes. There were two disturbing visions: the first, of Larry's head with its fashionably trimmed dark hair burrowing in obscene feast between her own wantonly widespread legs, his red tongue snaking out from between his teeth toward the most intimate, sacred part of her body - the pussy that belonged exclusively to her husband Verne; and the second image, of her husband's friend as she'd seen him when she opened her eyes to answer the phone, his huge, angry-red cock brandished in his hand and his black eyes burning with lustful desire.

All through the morning, as she carefully dressed and applied a touch of pink rouge to her unusually pale cheeks, then as she drove the ten miles from the subdivision of Lakeview Gardens to the larger town of Brunrocke, the disturbing images kept recurring. Now, as she sat in Tony Fletcher's studio waiting for him to interview her, Larry's flicking tongue and throbbing, swollen penis again flashed before the guilty wife's eyes. Flinching as though she'd been slapped by an invisible hand, the tortured young blonde exerted all her energy toward making the horrible visions vanish.

What's the matter with me? she agonized. Why did I keep seeing dirty pictures in my mind? I think I'm going crazy... stark raving mad!

Suddenly a flashbulb exploded in her face, breaking through her troubled reverie and dispersing the lewd, unwanted images with its burst of light.

"Scared ya, didn't I?" the good-looking man flashed a bright smile at the shy job applicant. "A model oughtn't to be camera- shy!"

"I - I'm not really a model," Sandi felt compelled to confess. "The agency lady just sent me here because... well... because I can't type and this was the only job there was. And I have to find a job - I absolutely have to!"

Tony Fletcher studied the fair-haired girl curiously, trying to guess at her story from her appearance. This was a game he often played with himself, and with his trained eye, he was usually able to make quite astute guesses about total strangers. So far he'd had eleven females come in wanting to be models, and he'd psyched out every one of them before they'd told him a thing about themselves. Not that this was much to boast about, for they'd all been pretty obvious types: seventeen year old prom queens who dreamed of ending up in Hollywood, broad-hipped mother's of three who'd won a local beauty contest ten years ago, and so forth. All of them had been pretty enough, though a little too heavy for the camera which added about ten pounds, but none of them had been right for the project he had in mind. In fact, the twenty-three year old free-lance photographer had just about given up all hope of finding a model in Brunrocke, and had been sending off letters to former girlfriends in less conservative corners of the country.

What would this honey-haired girl say when he told her just exactly what sort of a model he wanted he wondered, a sly smile flickering over his handsome face. She seemed awfully nervous and shy, but beneath her modest, old-fashioned demeanor he sensed an emotional intensity. Well, he sure as hell hoped she wasn't a prude, because she had the body and face he'd been searching for ever since he and Ted had come up with this great idea.

Once again the young photographer let his green-flecked eyes glide over the nervous blonde's young curvaceous body. She looked about nineteen, though it was always hard to be certain about age, and he saw from the ring on her slim left hand that she was married. That might just present problems, but everything else was so perfect that he determined not to let it interfere with his plans for her. Jesus, she was exactly what he'd had in mind, with that southern accent and angelic face, and lush yet slender body too! He couldn't wait to tell Ted that he'd found an absolutely unbeatable star for the film they'd been talking about all summer long. The deal might really be coming off! For a brief instant he let his mind dwell on the way things would be when this movie had made him and his friend rich and famous. His family would sure be sorry they'd called him an irresponsible college drop-out, and a good-for-nothing layabout.

Slow down, Tony, he cautioned himself. Just keep cool... you've still got to talk her into it, and you don't even know if she's photogenic yet...

Quickly peeling the top paper from the Polaroid shot he'd just taken, he peered down at it intently, then flashed a broad, triumphant grin.

Perfect! he exulted. Custom-made for us! Face like a virgin, and a bod like the hottest whore in Paris! And even high- set cheekbones, and one of those enigmatic kind of smiles. Wonder what she was thinking about when I shot that? Something she wouldn't want to tell me, I bet!

"Looks real nice," he said, sauntering over toward the young woman who sat fidgeting uncomfortably on the canvas chair. "Lots better than anyone that damn agency's sent round. Have a look..."

Sandi took the proffered photo, her smooth forehead wrinkling into a frown as she stared at it. It looked rather dreadful to her, and she couldn't imagine what Mr. Fletcher saw in it to please him so. For one thing, her shoulder-length hair was a mess; and still worse, the unguarded expression in her eyes was so different from any of the say-cheese smiling photos she'd had taken previously that she scarcely recognized herself. Planting a stiff little smile on her sensual pink lips, she handed the snapshot back to the bare-chested young man.

"Of course, I'm going to have to take lots more test shots," Tony began, "but I'd say the job's yours if you want it - uh, what's your name, anyway?"

"Mrs. Verne Smith... Sandi Smith," the astonished blonde replied, an odd little tremor running through her as it always did when she gave her married name instead of Seeburg, her maiden name. An inauspicious giggle buggled in her throat at the sheer absurdity of what was happening to her. How could this strange young man be offering her a job without knowing the first thing about her, not even her name? It just didn't make any sense at all!

"Ten bucks an hour - how does that sound?"

Ten dollars an hour? My cousin Mary-Sue's only making $1.95 an hour, and she knows shorthand and all that stuff. It's impossible - there has to be a catch somewhere. But if I'm earning that much money, I'll be able to pay all Verne's hospital bills without taking anything from that loathsome Larry Johnson. It'll make everything all right again... as if last night hadn't happened...

Tony Fletcher moved an inch closer to the gracefully contoured young blonde so that he was standing near enough to smell the fresh, unperfume-adulterated scent of her very feminine body. Inside his hip-hugging cut-off jeans, he felt his virile penis jerk to life to bulge noticeably against the much-washed denim fabric, and his smile grew even more gleeful than before. Before this afternoon was over, if things worked out the way he hoped, he'd be sinking his long thick cock into this innocent- looking blonde's sweet little pussy. It would be good and tight, he was sure of that, and she'd be whimpering beneath him and begging for more. The fact that she was another man's woman added an extra fillip of erotic anticipation to the scheming Briton's lust.

There you go again, counting your chickens before they're hatched, he cautioned himself. Talk her into getting out of her clothes before you think about getting into her cunt!

"Tax free, of course," he added smoothly. "And a cut of the profits too, naturally."

"P-profits?" Sandi stammered, not really liking the sound of "tax free"; though she knew little about such matters, it somehow sounded dishonest. Yet overriding her vague doubts was her almost desperate desire to earn money, lots of money. If she could pay for Verne's operation without asking Larry's help, she might be able to get her husband out of his disloyal friend's clutches. He could stop risking his life every day and could get a good job that didn't take him away from her for weeks at a time, and their marriage could be the way she'd dreamed it would be. Last night's wanton breakdown of her willpower would never, never recur...

"Yes, you see, we're making a movie. My partner and I, that is," Tony explained.

"A movie? But... but I c-can't act. I mean, I never tried..." Sandi broke in, her face reddening with disappointment at having lost this wonderful job so soon.

Secretly, she'd always wanted to try out for parts in high- school plays, but her father had been opposed to it, and besides she was sure she'd just get tongue-tied on stage and never be able to utter a word in the end. Still, it would have been wonderful to be up there with all those people in the audience looking up and admiring her, and a movie would have been even more exciting. If only she were a different, cleverer sort of person...

Her classic-featured young face collapsed into a mask of despair as her short-lived vision of finding a good job faded. Probably she'd end up being a waitress in a drive-in, or a maid, or nothing at all. And Verne would continue to be controlled by his selfish manager, Larry Johnson. Why was she so inept at everything? She'd hoped that marriage would change her, transform her into an accomplished, self-assured young woman: but no, she was still as stupid and useless as she'd been back at her father's vicarage back in Florida.

"Doesn't matter at all," the photographer's British-accented voice broke through her dismal thoughts. "Why do you suppose I went through a goddamn employment agency in a dump like Brunrocke if I wanted a real actress? Listen, Sandi, you're exactly the girl I'm looking for. You've got the face I need - and you can act; everything you're thinking's reflected all over you. Don't put yourself down!"

Sandi hung her head, letting her long, ash-blonde curls form a protective veil around her flushed face. This was probably the first time in her nineteen years that she'd had to make a decision of any importance entirely on her own, and she felt flustered and helpless. To make things worse, Mr. Fletcher - though he did seem very nice and friendly - persisted in eyeing her in a way that reduced her already shaky composure to shreds. She especially didn't like his remark about her thoughts showing on her face; it proved she still was out-of-control as she'd been the night before because since childhood she'd usually kept her expression smooth and guarded.

"I... I don't know..." she murmured.

"Let me tell you more about what we're planning to do," Tony said in his most persuasive voice, placing one hand on the nervous blonde's arm in a studiedly casual way. She shivered slightly at the contact, which sent his eager penis leaping into such urgent palpitations that he was afraid she would notice his arousal and be frightened away. "My mate and I got this fantastic idea for a flick - a real money-maker - but we needed a certain kind of bird. And you're the one! You've got that sort of soft, gentle looks, a kind of sweetness and innocence, and we just want you to act as though you're not in a film. You dig? You just have to be yourself!"

Sandi shook her tawny golden mane of hair away from her face to stare in bewilderment at the enthusiastic youth beside her. Although the pressure of his hand on her arm certainly wasn't in the least way suggestive, she felt her entire body vibrating with shameful excitement at his touch. All the unwanted excitation she'd felt from Larry Johnson's obscene touches of the night before came back in a dizzying rush, and though she tried her best to control herself, the two depraved images that had been plaguing her all day flickered briefly before her eyes again.

"You just have to be natural, uninhibited," Tony Fletcher's clipped-sounding voice broke through the guilty young wife's unwanted remembrance. "Come on, let's take a few more test shots and I'll try to show you what I want."

Suddenly Sandi's body seemed to make up her mind for her, and without having made a conscious decision to accept this mysterious, almost suspicious job offer, she found her head nodding in agreement. As she did so, a curious elation tingled through her bloodstream, and her posture automatically grew straight and proud.

"Okay," she said to the photographer in a voice which quavered a little although she was trying to sound self-assured and experienced. "I'll... I'll take the job, Mr. Fletcher."

"Tony, please," the young cameraman smiled, his pleasure so obvious that Sandi's self-confidence jumped up several notches. His next words, however, brought feelings of inadequacy welling up inside her once again. "But you'll have to get out of those clothes - those just won't do at all," he said firmly. "Here - you have a drink and just relax while I dig up some things, okay?"

Sandi found herself nodding again, although a drink was the very last thing she wanted after last night's whiskey-perpetuated fiasco. Up until her marriage a year ago, she'd hardly even tasted alcohol, and although she now accepted a glass of wine or beer, or even an occasional whiskey, just to keep Verne from making fun of her, she still viewed liquor with distrust. Certainly she'd never have considered drinking at one o'clock in the afternoon, but since Mr. Fletcher - Tony, rather - seemed to think it perfectly natural, she didn't want to seem gauche by protesting.

"Here you go," Tony said, offering her a glass of a thick, yellowish liquid which he'd extracted from a bottle in a well- stocked cabinet built into the wall, then diluting it with water, so that it changed color in a mysterious way. It tasted as peculiar as it looked, but after the first licorice-flavored sip Sandi decided that she liked it much better than Verne's Johnny Walker.

"Pernod," Tony replied to her unspoken question as he turned to another cabinet and began pulling out an assortment of brightly-hued garments. "Should get your head in just the right place."

Sandi didn't quite know what he meant by that, but she was too filled with inner excitement to wonder about it for very long. I'm going to be in a movie! she thought, goosepimples breaking out on her smooth flesh at the very idea. What would my father and mother say? And the kids back in Florida who always thought I was the preacher's mousy goodie-goodie daughter. What'll Verne say when he finds out?

There was no question about how her parents would react; they were opposed to movies in any way, shape, or form unless they were about bible stories and somehow she was sure that that wasn't at all what Tony had in mind. As for Verne... well, it was hard to tell. He seemed to get jealous about the silliest things, and he'd always been against her working; but, of course, now she was doing it to help him so he couldn't really mind. Certainly he'd rather have her doing something respectable that he could be proud of instead of washing other people's clothes or serving drinks in some nasty bar.

But the biggest triumph of all was the thought of the reaction of the people she'd gone to school with back in Florida. Imagine the way their mouths would drop if they knew that skinny Sandra Seeburg with her dishwater blonde hair and unfashionable clothes was now Sandi Smith, movie star!?! For the first time in her life, the green-eyed blonde began to feel as though she were an important person in her own right, not just the dowdy preacher's daughter, or a faceless, unpopular high-school student, or even the famous Verne Smith's introverted wife. It was a marvelous feeling, and as she sipped at the fresh-tasting but deceptively potent Pernod her sensation of freedom rapidly increased.

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I love big women with big tits and have been with a lot of them. My all time favorite was Barbara who I met at a club in New York. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, a classic BBW with a large frame, huge ass, and enormous tits. She had a beautiful face with long flowing blonde hair, and a great complexion. We hit it off from the get go and had a great time dancing, drinking, and smoking cigarettes. She got a little drunk and asked to go outside to cool off. We were standing in the parking...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Grannie

Introduction: How does a boy liven up a boring holiday at his grandmothers place? My parents had been under a lot of stress for a while now, and were frequently arguing. I could do nothing of course, but stay out of their way. In any case, the school-holidays were coming up, and I had definite plans, which were to keep me out of the house as much as possible. And then they dropped their bomb-shell. They said that they needed a break, and had booked themselves a holiday. For a moment, I got...

3 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 35 The ThousandMile Chain

As soon as Spencer and I got settled in our apartment, I began to write to Kayla. I needed to attack my mistake, take the aggressor's role. Tough to do when you're a thousand miles away, but I had to try. I had the time to compose the proper letters, as we were there for a couple of weeks before classes started. There were a few kids who had spent the summer working in Gainesville or going to summer school who were in town, so aside from the townies, the campus was pretty much populated by...

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Bens revenge with Will Part 2

Just before I left to go back to work, I picked up the phone and check for the last number redial and wrote the number down. Then I slipped out the front door, got into my car and drove away from the house. Arriving at my work place I picked up my mobile. I had to phone Will.I got a ring tone and waited for an answer, then.“Hello? Who’s this?”“Hi Will, you don’t know me, but you do know my wife fairly well.”“Who’s that then?”“Dee?”“Oh shit man, are you her husband?”“Yes and I thought you could...

2 years ago
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Surprise foursome1

Beep! Beep! "hey wanna meet up on Monday." Eagerly I replied, it was pretty obvious my crush on her everyone knew about it "Yeah sure Eloise". All right let's slow down a bit I'm 15 and a very athletic tennis player although I used to be small and scrawny, but recently started getting bigger muscles as I work out. Monday came fast, I arranged to meet up at her house to do some revision. By the time I got to her house I was nervous and sweaty, I had never been to a girl's house or even...

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1994 New Years Keela

This a story, and no more than that! I could not go home for the winter break due to tons of things to do about my college thesis, so I stayed in my adopted town in the Pacific North west, so Keela my running teammate. She had the same problem, she was writing her thesis as well. Christmas went by and I spent it in my apartment by myself and tons of papers everywhere, I had chinesse take out. New Year’s eve came along and I decided to call my friend to see what she was planing to do. It was...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day Holiday

Valentine's Day Holiday By Paul G. Jutras "Paula, are you ready to go shopping." Paul's mother said as she slung her purse over her shoulder and stood by the door in her white space coast T-shirt, socks and sneakers with a black belt on her red shorts. "Coming, mom." Paul said as he blew on his drying nails and slipped his bare feet into a pair of hot pink pumps that matched the dress he had on. He liked the click-clack sound of his heels on the tile floor as he minced his way out...

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My Auntie Taught Me To Masturbate

My first masturbation was when I was 18 years old and it was done to me by my aunty (my father's cousin sister) Her name is Sellamma. She was about 35 years then. She was married for nearly 15 years but did not have any c***d. It was said she had several miscarriages. Her husband was not employed but was well do to with income from ancestral property.He had some chronic disease and though he was taking treatment he did not get well and died later. I had heard her many times speaking ill of him...

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All Things Come Vol 2 Ch 05b

This story follows on directly from the previous chapters, which in turn follow on from ‘All Things Come…To He Who Waits’. Some characters from the first volume have reappeared, and Luke’s personality and abilities are assumed to be already known. The rhythm of the narrative is changing, but it is still the same story…. After posting eighteen chapters of the Luke Lancer Saga in the previous format, (plot and character / some hot / more plot and character / more hot / close chapter, between...

1 year ago
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The Train Ride

Version One - Mother's Way Billy watched the train coast into the station. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was already four o'clock. He had been waiting for the train almost an hour. The smell of diesel and hot metal washed over him as the train finally came to a stop. Looking down the line of dirty silver cars, he saw a lady hanging out of a window frantically waving at someone. She was one more good looking woman, he thought before he realized that it was his mother. He...

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BurrChapter 32 The Baldwin Sisters

On Tuesday morning Suzanne came to the mailroom and said she needed to speak with me, privately. When I went back to work, I was confronted by Phil, the kid who was training me. He asked what Suzanne had talked to me about. It was none of his business, but not wanting to get into trouble on my second day at work I told him. "We're going golfing later and she just wanted to make sure I brought my clubs and shoes today." "How is she?" he asked. "She's okay, I guess, but I've only...

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A peeper Pays a price 2

Tom sits up, and gets out of the glass box. She turns to face Melissa, and in one movement starts kissing her on the lips. Grabbing her ass and back, she pulls Melissa against her, so that their naked cunts touch each other and their juices mix. Tom feels oddly off balance, now that he is so much more top heavy, and their breasts smash together as they tightly hug each other and kiss. “Good girl, now would you like to help us with our...

2 years ago
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My first time ill never forget

Who would have ever known that two best friends could ever be something more.. True Story I was 17 and it was the last year of my senior year in high, I have always grown up with my best friend Jacob. Jacob and I had always done everything together, we were always together. That was mainly because he was my next door neighbour for most of my life. His room faced mine so we always went out to our balconies from our rooms and just have our usual conversations, tonight’s conversation was about our...

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Night to Remember

It was Thursday night and Michelle was in one of those moods. She wanted, no she needed some erotic sexual activity. She didn't really care what kind as long as it was with someone exciting and warm blooded. Not that she wasn't choosy, she definitely was choosy. She was just used to getting what she wanted and when she wanted it and she wanted some tonight. She made sure she dressed for the occasion. She took a long hot bath, shaved her legs and pussy until they were perfectly smooooth. Put...

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Girlfriends Mom catches me jerking off

The year is 1985. I'm 22 and I'm dating this hot little 19 year old for about a month and she asks me to come to her parent's lake house in the country for the weekend. She had dark hair and a sexy body, long legs with beautiful 38dd tits. Everything on her is tight as a drum and I can't wait to get there so we can fuck out brains out. On the way up there she tells me everyone can hear everything going on in the house because it's kinda small so we won't be fucking while people are home. I'm a...

3 years ago
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End Of An Era

What's worse? Being two hundred miles away from someone you want to be naughty with or living in the flat next door to them?For me, it happens to be the latter.Sometimes in the evening, we sit on our respective sofas and send messages to each other using WhatsApp. Not your normal messages, the ones we send generally contain more than one explicit image of us masturbating or doing something with our pussies or tits. The interchange can get steamy, but it’s all talk to get us riled up for the...

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number 2

I remember where it all started. I was at my best friends house playing downstairs. I had to go to the bathroom so I went upstairs when I got to the top his sister was coming out. She just got out of the shower so when she came out she had a towel wrapped around her hips but nothing on the top so her big tits was out for all to see. she was 18 I never seen a woman nude or half nude as the case maybe. The next time i seen her nude was when we was playing in the attic and the way to it was...

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My Boyfriend Made Me A Lesbian In Coimbatore 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Jennifer back again. Sorry for the delay in posting my 2nd part. My first part was how my boyfriend made me a lesbian. After that i had sex with many girls in my hostel. But i wanted to share my favorite experience with you all. After that incident we had our exams and we did not have time for sex. It was almost a month without his touch. I was starving for his cock since i have many pussies in my hostel. Now coming to the story. As i told we had our exams and did not touch each...

3 years ago
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The Pee Play

The bar finally calmed as night slowly became dawn. The evening had been rowdy because the men had not received liberty in two weeks because of the holiday that had overtaken the city. Each legionary was to be given one day’s liberty over this weekend and Dismas and Gestas had a firm plan that involved a lot of wine and hopefully a prostitute if they could find the money. The two Roman soldiers were auxiliaries and were not paid a soldier’s wage. They were born in neighboring Syria...

4 years ago
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Annie and her Granny Chapter 5

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 5 - The Substitute Steve has qualms about the propriety of the favour his mother asks of him, but he has no idea of where the deception will lead. "No, no, no!" I shouted in the car on the way home. "It's a mad idea; completely bonkers; and almost certainly illegal!" "You said you'd think about it," my mother said accusingly. "Well I couldn't turn Dolly down flat, not with her lying half-dead in hospital!" I realised that was a...

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Corruption of Ichor

11:59 PM, October 6. The eve before Ichor's 18th. A beautiful redhead, popular and smart, with the body of a supermodel, she had a great life ahead of her and honestly, she knew it. People looked up to her and she got what she wanted, always. A little bratty when needed, she was more bitchy and thought she was the best, and had many awards to prove as such. Little did she know how her world was going to flip upside down... for better or for worse. She was the only one left up in the house, the...

2 years ago
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Daddys love and abuse

Introduction: First story please tell me what you think Jon was sitting in his favorite chair watching an old movie that he just ran across on late night TV. Next to him he had a full glass of rum and its almost empty bottle that he had just opened earlier that night. He keeps looking up at the clock it had just reach 2 am. Every minute he was getting more pissed off. He finally hears the loud music his daughters friends listen to. He turned off the TV and used all his strength to not go out...

1 year ago
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The Kennels

When Kate and Brad had seen the house, the cellar had been the selling point. When looking around the house they had opened a heavy door and gone down a flight of stairs into a typical looking basement, apart from the fact that just behind the stairs there was a heavy barred door and a few steps behind this door what could only be described as a jail cell. The cell was about 10 foot square, solid stonewalls on three sides and bars at the front, and the ceiling was an old heavy brick arch. Kate...

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Blairs Britain

Blair's Britain "Damn, where's my bra?" For those of you who don't think there's anything odd about this question perhaps I should explain. I am a heterosexual married man yet here I am typing out my story in stilettos, stockings, satin knickers and suspenders, a satin bra and a slip writing my story. I would never have thought this possible 10 years ago when "Things Can Only get Better" blared through the speakers and a triumphant Tony and Cherie drove to Downing Street. I...

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Fucking Sameena Majid

At moment I am 25 and this story is from when I was in college and was 20 and the girl I fucked was 19 and was a beauty with a really attractive figure. She had really large breasts probably the best amongst the batch and it was because of that that I changed my intentions of just being friends. But there was a problem, she wasn’t like the usual English girls who would hang around with anybody, though she did wear tight clothes sometimes which showed her cleavage and eventually made me 2 decide...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold

Part 1We were married in the Skywalker Lounge, on the top deck of the Golden Princess Cruise Ship. We hadn't sailed yet and were still moored to the dock in San Pedro. Twenty-five of our friends came on board to attend the ceremony. We all dressed in Hawaiian shirts or sarongs. The view of the harbor was spectacular; the lounge décor was like something from outer space. It was magical!After a beautiful ceremony, hors d'oeuvres and drinks, our friends departed, wishing us well. Angel and I...

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She returns and her name is Shybut that is the

Waking up in my bed, seeing the bite marks on me, heart was racing. And I was thanking god my heart was racing. “I’m still human,” I whisper to myself as I look in the mirror. Even grabbing my crucifix I have on my wall. “Still human,” I mutter again as I sit back on my bed to recollect myself. I can feel the room spinning again as I catch my breath, and calm myself. After a few minutes, I go down stairs and grab some food. “Morning,” mom says as she walks by. “Glad to see you are up, was...

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Breaking The Norm Ch 4 Is it Love

It’s been a couple of days since that whole incident with Lisa. I was completely worn out from all that had gone on, not to mention sore and aching. Fortunately for me I had a ton of PTO days; boy did they ever come in handy. I had kept my word as far as Lisa was concerned. The morning after her somewhat botched attempt to hold me prisoner in my own home, I personally escorted her ass to the front porch. Although I was pretty upset with the whole damn situation, at...

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Amy 7

Amy finally gets home from meeting with Ben!!!ENJOY!!!I woke up the next morning on the couch with the TV still on. I instantly checked to see if Amy was home and she wasn't yet. I made coffee and tried calling Amy. It went right to voice mail and I asked her to at least call me. No calls came and I was just getting ready to go and see if she was still at Ben's place. Then I sat back down and just watched TV for a while. About 11 that morning I got bored and logged back onto the website that...

1 year ago
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The Score

I watched from my car as she hurried across Maryland Parkway. The long hair turned me on. It was almost flowing behind her... The street lights flashing off her blonde tresses. She was wearing a jacket but her breasts were free in the "T" shirt; I could see them bounce. Just as they were at the party. She wasn't self-conscious about them. I'd stared at them several times that evening. She never seemed embarrassed. We both laughed about it. It was a sexual thing and I was positive the...

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Market ForcesChapter 60 Ownership 101

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this first session of our training programme." It had fallen to me to kick off the first of the Slave Owners 101 as it had come to be called. We'd converted a wing of the Sales Centre to provide some lecture rooms and a couple of rooms for practical work as well of course as the cells to provide secure accommodation for our "training aids". We'd brought together a group of five for this first session. Freddie had canvassed some of our existing...

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Delilah AgainChapter 4

When I made it to the kitchen, they were both there, both in pinafore aprons over their nude bodies. L ... Enid ... had her back to me, the marks of the whip vivid. I thought there was some swelling, too. “Good morning?” Yes, there was a question in my mind as well as my voice. They both turned to face me. Sally mimed a kiss before saying, “Good morning, Master Jerry.” Enid, though, took a couple of steps toward me and fell to her knees, head down and wrists crossed in front of...

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Making The Sale

Well this one is kind of a long one so guys grab you a beer and a bowl of popcorn or ladies, grab you a glass and a bottle of wine and some cheese and I hope you all enjoy! Let me start by reminding everyone that all my stories are true life experiences of my swinging lifestyle and my open marriage! Some of the names have been changed but all the experiences and encounters really happened and conversations are word for word. A note about cock size. Personally my pleasurable comfort size for a...

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Coed in the Corner Part 3

He dared her to do it. She always did her best to do what he told her to do. When it came to doing something naughty, Tabber always knew what to tell Joni. So there she was, walking across campus, heading toward her special corner of the general classroom building. Her heart was beating so strong she could feel it. ‘I can’t believe I’m going to do this,’ she thought to herself. ‘What exactly am I doing anyway?’ She chewed on her lower lip as she walked, lost in her thoughts. She was thinking...

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The Infinite Book 2 Chapter 5

Silver and gold, only knights who held such rankings were present in the war room. Many grumbled in annoyance at their participation, having been busy the night before in stopping the fights in the streets. This dawn briefing was required, but why? If it was simply a matter of going over the details of the Red Revelry, then only those who had taken part would be present. For some reason, everyone in the city of sufficient rank had been gathered. The stone palace walls were decorated with...

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Beena8217s Luck

I am Beena , 31 year old housewife married to Rupesh who is a regional manager in Pvt firm we live in big bungalow in Vizag with 4 bedrooms & in one portion he has his office from where he operates In Last ten years of marriage, last one year has been real pain as my husband due work pressure & drinking habits’ has totally neglected me, In fact its almost 6 months back that we had sex, Earlier to this we had regular sex almost twice a week , Though my husband is not well endowed he is a...

2 years ago
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Early Birthday Present

College lass Jolene gets a special steamy birthday present from her step daddy.... I had to get out of my school uniform. It’s not that I don’t look like ‘jail-bait’ in it. I mean my plaid college skirt is so short and my thighs are super eye candy. I had a party to get ready for and not just any party- it was my eighteenth birthday celebration. I mean I was a big girl now. Virtually a woman. And I was pussy wet with excitement not because I expected a hot fuck later with my boyfriend but...

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CHAPTER 51B: MARIE COMES FOR A VISIT, PART 2The next morning found me waking before her and I was successful in extricating myself without waking her. She did find us shortly afterwards, though, all gathered in the kitchen. She came out wearing a robe I dug out of the closet for her if she wanted it. The rest of us were naked, including Tim. Tim seemed to have made the decision since Key West that our acceptance of nudity and being challenged in exhibitionistic situations deserved an adjustment...

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Massage with Benefits

I was reading ads on Craig’s List when I spied an interesting post. The ad was for massages.What caught my eye was the following in the ad: My body movement and range of motion improves mood and better sleep. My style is a combination of therapeutic and sensual. The massage can be in the nude with mutual touch if that helps make the session more relaxing, natural and comfortable.I responded to the ad asking for rates and if the masseur made house calls or only took appointments in his location....

Gay Male
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Even Better in the Morning

“Are you awake?” Her voice was a soft whisper. I could tell she was trying not to wake me if I was still sleeping. But an expectant undertone told me she hoped I was awake. Or maybe I was simply hearing more than she’d said. I wasn’t sure. The warm pressure of her body snuggling against my back was what had drawn me from my slumber only moments before her whisper, and I didn’t know if she was simply being affectionate or if she had a more playful, less innocent, intention. Nor was I sure which...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Lands End Part 10

“Room service? Did you order breakfast, Kea” Kea was as puzzled as Landra, “No, maybe they confused the room number... (raising her voice towards the door) Are you sure this is for us?” A feminine voice answered from behind the door, “Room 304, for Miss Kea and Miss Landra...” Landra, looking at Kea, raised her voice too, “OK, that’s us... just a minute.” Landra got up, put on her robe and went to the door. Kea covered herself with the quilt. When Landra opened the door, they saw Tesela, the...

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Helping Sandy Cool Off

I had known Sandy and her husband, George, every since we moved into this neighborhood. During the period, as neighbors, Sandy and George had been experiencing marital difficulties. My wife and I had, on several occasions, tried to talk to Sandy and George regarding their marital problems but, unfortunately, their marriage was breaking up. Sandy is a beautiful woman, 25 years old with long blond hair, blue eyes and was about 5’2 tall and very slim. If I were to guess I would place her weight at...

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ExtraDimensional Arena

The dust swirls and settles as the crowd excitedly takes their seats, pays for their company, snacks or merchandise. The show will start soon and beings from across every dimension have gathered to view the one constant across their worlds, fucking. Fighters are willingly pulled from their world by the Arena master in exchange for some great payment to their world, in turn they combat others in non lethal combat that ends with the loser getting fucked by the winner however they choose. It was...

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Baseball The all american sport

I was sitting in the stands watching and recording each move of a baseball game, keeping a watchful eye on every tight ass on the field - especially the one belonging to the pitcher. As the game drew to a close, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Before I knew it, I was wiggling in my seat! When the game was over I took off for my post-game interviews. My press pass got me into the locker room area where I congratulated the team. When I finally made my way to my favorite player, I...

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The Addictions of Mature Swapping Part 2

So three days have passed since my hot sexy mature wife Trisha was swapped by Tom & Shelly. I thought my hard Italian dick pounding her pussy for 15 to 20 minutes was pretty good, however Tom fucked her hard, fast and deep for close to an hour. It was a complete turn on to see that hot little size 4 bouncing up a down another man's hard cock, listening to her scream, FUCK ME, FUCK ME like a slut. He was able to cum in her pussy three times and just when I thought he was done he rolled her...

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Husband Told Me I Could Have Sex With My Stepson

I’ve been married to my husband nearly three years now, I’m 28 and he is 45, I was probably the cause of his marriage break up with being his secretary. He has a son and daughter 17 and 15 from his first marriage, which we often see, and I get along fine with.Four months back my husband suffered a stroke; he was paralysed from the waist down and needs a lot of help all the time. Jake my stepson came and stopped with us to help look after his father. Jake is used to having girls stop over at his...

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My sex life at 61

I am 61 years old and married 41 years as of October 2nd. When I first got married I was totally straight and then after 20 years I realized I was bi and now I feel like I am totally gay. For the last couple of years I haven't been able to get an erection, but I still get horny and I can still cum, albeit once a week. Every Saturday night my wife and I have sex and I use a vibrator on her that I bought at a local sex shop and I would use it until she had an orgasim. Then it would be my turn and...

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Tit Model Is Given To Older Man For Rough Sex

Anyone who looked at the furious movements in the bar's dark corner could see the girl's lurid activity. The slut on her knees in the tiny black dress was frantically jacking-off a SEXUALLY-EXCITED older man. She had torn open the fly of his trousers and was attacking his protruding cock. His head was thrown back. He was groaning in ecstacy from the slut's ferocious handjob. The more she aroused him with her hands and showing him her tits.. the more he punished her. The SUBMISSIVE slut had...

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