Motorcyclist's WifeChapter 4 free porn video

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"It didn't happen... it didn't happen..." Sandi muttered.

There was a note of near-hysteria in the naked nineteen-year- old's voice as she stood soaping her body in the pink-tiled bathroom of her suburban Lakeview Estates suburban home. For almost an hour now she'd been standing here under the cleansing cascade of the shower, trying her best to scrub away the desperate guilt she felt about the shameful way she'd allowed the photographer, Tony Fletcher, to seduce her into horrifyingly indecent acts. Yet, in spite of the bar and a half of Ivory soap that she'd used up in her despairing effort to wash away her guilt, Sandi still felt as lewd and despicable as ever.

How could I have let myself commit adultery? HOW? she asked herself for the hundredth time. Father would say I'm possessed by devils... and maybe he's right.

The young blonde wife's guilty despair, which had been steadily mounting ever since she'd fled from the "Deja-Vu" studio, ran far too deep to be washed away. In spite of her determined efforts to make herself believe that none of the afternoon's events were real, the memory grew more and more vivid. It all seemed so immediately real, in fact, that Sandi scarcely dared to touch her still-swollen breasts or sensitive vaginal area with her washcloth. Even the sharp-needled spray of hot water upon her slender back and taut-muscled young belly sent erotic vibrations surging through her traitorous body.

Oh God! What's wrong with me? I don't want to think about what Tony did to me... but I can't think about anything else. What's happening to me?

The friction of her washcloth and the almost sensual feel of the hot water seemed to be doing more harm than good so Sandi switched off the faucet and toweled her tingling body dry. The red-gold glow of late afternoon sunlight in which she'd cautiously driven home from Brunrocke, all the while throwing nervous glances into her rear-view mirror in fear of being stopped for drunken driving, had finally shaded into the deep purple of an autumn evening, and the guilt-ridden young wife was grateful for the coming darkness. Maybe now she could sleep and escape from her tormenting thoughts...

But as the troubled blonde moved toward her bedroom, symbolically cleansed and doused with fresh-scented talcum powder and spray cologne, the shrill buzz of the telephone destroyed her hope of finding temporary peace. Every time the phone rang lately, she was sure that it must be the hospital telling her that Verne was worse, or dead, for - as the unfaithful young wife's guilt increased, so did her secret certainty that anything which might happen to her husband would be her own fault.

Clutching a large pink bath towel around her voluptuous figure, Sandi raced down the hall to the telephone.

"H-Hello?" she stammered, then recoiled and jerked the receiver away from her ear as she heard Larry Johnson's salesman- smooth voice.

The towel-draped blonde's first impulse was to slam down the phone, for the last person she wanted to deal with in her present emotional state was Verne's "friend" who had treated her with such shameful disrespect the night before. Yet, perhaps he had news about her husband... with the utmost reluctance she returned the receiver to her ear, nervously biting her full pink lips as she strained to hear Johnson's indistinct voice. He was apparently calling from a public place, for there was a babble of voices in the background interspersed with bursts of music, and he also seemed to be whispering.

"Sandi? Can ya hear me?"

"Yes - is something wrong? Is Verne all right?"

"I can't hear ya, honey." Sandi winced at the endearing word. Her husband's manager was quite drunk from the slurred sound of his speech, and she was afraid to hear what he had to say. "Where've ya been all day, huh? I tried to call all afternoon..."

"I've been getting a job," the blonde said stiffly.

"A job, huh?" Larry's intoxicated laugh echoed loud and clear over the wire. "What kind of job... ?"

Sandi wasn't sure whether she was imagining the insinuating tone in her husband's friend's voice - her mind was so disoriented this evening that it was hard to be sure of anything at all. And why shouldn't he imagine that she was the sort of girl who'd find a job which people would snicker about? That was exactly the way she'd acted with him; wasn't it?

"A modeling job," she replied, wishing she hadn't spoken the moment the words left her mouth. Now Larry would expect her to earn money, and of course, she could never, never return to the "Deja-Vu" studio.

"No kidding!" the drunken manager slurred. "That's great, 'cause Verne's being flown in to Gary tomorrow, and in a couple of days or so, he's got to have this operation. Otherwise, he's never gonna be able to ball again, and ya wouldn't like that; wouldja?"

The white-faced wife flinched, hot shame flooding through her body as she realized that Larry's estimation of her character was perfectly correct.

"Don't talk to me like that!" she protested, but even she could hear the false tone in her retort.

"Sorry, honey; don't mind me." Johnson had intended to apologize for his actions of the night before, but after several dry martinis too many, he found his tongue running away from him. "And don't be mad about last night, huh? I just couldn't help getting carried away by that sexy little bod of yours. Let's be friends, okay? Let me drive you into the hospital tomorrow, and we'll talk about it..."

How could her husband's friend be talking about his obscene assault on her unconscious body as casually as if they'd merely had a trivial disagreement? He was a disgusting amoral man who didn't seem to feel the least bit of guilt about trying to trick her into adultery even while his best friend lay in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down, and she didn't believe for one minute that he had any intention of treating her platonically. His "talking about it" doubtless meant he would he turning off onto some dark, deserted country road and trying to slip his hand up under her skirt or inside her blouse... or worse, much, much worse...

"I'll drive myself into Gary," she replied in an icy tone.

"Listen, you bitch," the egotistical motorcycle club manager snarled, but the phone suddenly clicked and went dead. His temper ignited when he saw that he wasn't going to have his own way after all. Even after fucking the hell out of his wife Clare last night, his loins still burned with desire for this unavailable blonde, and as he sat drinking, he'd convinced himself that tomorrow he'd be fucking her tight, blonde-fringed little cunt. Drunken, obscene invectives spewed from his mouth with such vehemence that several couples standing around near the phone began laughing and pointing at him.

"Hey, buddy! Give her hell!" one of them called out.

"You bet your life I'll give her hell," Johnson swore, slamming down the already-dead receiver. "Just wait till I get my hands on that little bitch! I'm gonna fuck her so hard she won't be able to walk for a week!" For several long minutes after she'd hung up the phone, Sandi Smith stood immobile in the dimly lit hallway with her heart pounding in her throat. A chill draft was blowing through the corridor, but as the troubled blonde hugged her slim arms against her chest, the friction of the rough terry cloth against her still tender nipples caused an unnatural heat to radiate throughout her naked loins.

If I had gone with Larry, what would I have done if he'd tried something? Sandi searched her soul for an honest answer, then shuddered as an obscene vision of Johnson forcing her down in the seat of his large Buick and shoving his huge swollen penis up into her defenseless pussy flashed before her eyes. Just the very thought made her vagina tingle with unwanted excitement, and the guilty nineteen year old was forced to recognize that she would probably have had a very hard time resisting her husband's friend.

This line of thought was too dreadful to tolerate for very long, and the mortified girl forced herself to think of other things. Anything, anything at all, was better than dwelling on the unnatural perversions that were springing up in her wicked body.

"I'll get dressed, and then maybe I'll stop feeling so odd," she muttered, falling into her old habit of talking to herself. "And then I'll... I'll make myself something to eat... and... and then I'll read or watch TV or something... and go to bed early so I can look for another job tomorrow..."

Determinedly forcing her thoughts away from the depraved sexual experiences she'd been through during the past twenty-four hours, Sandi donned a crimson-colored velour robe - one of the garments Verne had bought her - and a pair of fluffy slippers. Then, although she didn't feel the least bit hungry, she took a package of frozen hamburger from the freezer and left it to thaw on the kitchen counter while she wandered into the living room and switched on the television. For a few minutes, she played with the channel selector, but when she found nothing but a football game, a talk show and a rerun of a western, she turned it off and set an album on the stereo instead.

Well, baby used to stay out all night long,

She made me cry, she done me wrong.

She hurt me eyes open, that's no lie.

Table's turning now, her turn to cry.

Because I used to love her,

But it's all over now.

Because I used to love her,

But it's all over now.

Sandi's hand shook as she reached out and switched off the record player. The album, an old Rolling Stones collection, was one of her husband's favorites, but, though she'd often heard it before, she'd never really listened to the words. Feeling as though she'd been slapped in the face by the all-too-apt song lyric, the young wife collapsed on the white imitation leather sofa with her aching head cradled in her arms.

How am I going to face Verne tomorrow? she agonized. What if he can tell I've been unfaithful? Mother and Father always knew straight off when I wasn't telling the truth...

Then, as it occurred to her that Verne might not even be conscious, she felt ashamed of her selfish attitude. It only happened this once, and I'll never let it happen again! she vowed, temporarily ignoring her deep suspicions of her own sexual nature. And I'll never let him find out - he's already been hurt enough without that... especially if the operation doesn't work.

The thought of the expensive, delicate operation turned her thoughts back to this afternoon's fiasco of a job-hunt, and to her disgust, the lips of her still slightly tumescent vaginal lips began to quiver at the obscene memory of the magnificent but unspeakably sinful orgasm she'd achieved there on the floor of the photographer's third-floor studio.

"I mustn't think like this! It's driving me crazy," Sandi mumbled into her hands. "I've got to keep busy and make myself forget about it. Tomorrow, I'll go back to Brunrocke and try the other agency."

Unfortunately, however, there was still this long evening to be gotten through. With a deep sigh, the slender blonde shuffled back into the kitchen and stood staring at the plastic-wrapped hunk of chopped meat. Nausea rose in her nervously churning stomach at the thought of digesting a hamburger, and she hurriedly shoved the half-thawed meat back into the refrigerator and stood staring at the well-stocked shelves. Eggs... bacon... a wilting lettuce... a pastel-pink plastic container filled with leftover frozen peas... they were all equally unappealing, and instead Sandi extracted an almost-full bottle of white California wine. A drink would calm her nerves and maybe help her fall asleep, although it was still very early.

The chilled, fruity-tasting liquid felt good as it slipped down her throat, so the young wife carried the bottle back into the living room with her and sat down on the sofa again. Though she refused to admit to herself that she was trying to get drunk to block out her disturbing thoughts, she downed the first glass of wine within minutes and poured herself another as she felt the alcohol draining some of the unbearable tension from her aching body.

A copy of today's newspaper lay on the glass-topped coffee table, and the troubled blonde flicked through its pages in search of distraction. As usual, the news was boring and incomprehensible, and she turned almost at once to the women's pages, but somehow tonight she couldn't concentrate on newest fall fashions or Danish delight coffeecake to bake in ten minutes or what's wrong with new math. Even Ann Landers, her favorite feature, let her down.

There is a big difference between cold

and cool. Ann Landers shows you

how to play it cool without freezing

people out in her booklet, "Teen-Age

Sex - Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50

cents and...

Was there no escape from sex? Sandi sighed. Perhaps if she'd had normal experiences with boys during her adolescence, this strange sexual compulsion wouldn't be happening to her now that she was a married woman, and she wondered briefly just what the columnist would have to say about this theory. Then, slinging the newspaper onto the carpeted floor, she gulped down her wine and poured herself a third glass as she reached for the novel she was reading.

Build me a Castle was the story of a beautiful young American girl who meets a handsome Scottish widower while on holiday in London and ends up working as a governess in his windswept castle. Until tonight, Sandi Smith had found it fascinating, for her favorite daydream was of traveling to Europe, but tonight she found the book unpleasantly disturbing. She'd just begun chapter 8 in which the hero finally asks his governess for her hand in marriage, and the guilt-ridden wife couldn't help remembering how she'd felt the same joy when Verne had proposed to her one moonlit night as they walked along a quiet country lane.

Everything was so wonderful then! she thought wistfully. Marrying Verne was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. And look what I'm doing now - destroying everything. If Verne finds out about Larry or Tony, he'll divorce me in a minute. And then what'll I do... I WON'T go back to Florida... I'll have to find a job, and I don't know if I can do that... not unless it's something like that perverted modeling job...

Tears began to sting behind her eyelids as the miserable nineteen year old threw her paperback book across the room and reached for the wine bottle. Then, before she could pour her fourth glass of mind-deadening alcohol, the sound of the doorbell pierced through her dismal reverie.

"It's Larry!" she whispered to herself. "Oh God - he's drunk, and so am I. I don't dare open the door!"

The doorbell chimed again, so loudly that the frightened young wife knew someone was pushing against it with all their strength, and it crossed her mind that perhaps it was an urgent telegram. Tiptoeing across the living room to the curtained picture window, she pulled the drapes aside a few inches to peer out at the front steps. By now it was completely dark; since the porch light wasn't turned on, the only radiance came from the fog- misted glow of the street light, and Sandi's wine-glazed eyes could only make out that there were two figures out there. She couldn't be one-hundred percent sure, but she thought one of them wore a telegraph boy type uniform so she quickly padded over to the front door and pulled it wide open.

"Hi, Sandi," the smiling face of Tony Fletcher, the photographer, leered down at her.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Sandi tried to slam the door in his face, but her reflexes were dulled by the wine and Tony's shoulder jammed into the open crack too quickly for her.

"Now that's not very friendly of you, Mrs. Smith," Tony said, affecting a hurt expression. "I just brought the producer around to discuss the movie contract I told you about this afternoon. We'd like to talk with you and your husband about it."

Sandi gaped uncomprehendingly at the tall, fair-haired young man beside Tony. He certainly wasn't her idea of a movie producer - in fact, he looked even more like a college student than Tony in his jeans and matching jeans jacket and long, though neatly combed, hair. On his head he wore a beret, which was why she'd taken him for a telegraph boy in the misty darkness.

"My... husband... isn't here. And you can't come in!" she choked out, trying very ineffectually to shove the door shut.

Fletcher flashed a conspiratorial grin at his friend. "That's okay. We were much more interested in seeing you than Mr. Smith, anyway."

"But I don't want to see you!" Sandi whispered. Her head was spinning dizzily, and to her consternation, the sight of the photographer had brought back that corrupt tingling sensation in the pit of her belly. Thank goodness she was wearing something that covered her entire body for a change!

"I think you'll want to talk to us once you hear what we've got to say," the dark-haired photographer gave the thin wooden door a sudden shove which sent it flying open, and he and his blond friend strode into the Smith's house, slamming the door behind him with a resounding bang. So frightened now that her knees felt weak as water, Sandi backed away from them and leaned unsteadily against the wall beside the white couch.

"Yeah, she looks pretty good," the light-haired, slim-hipped youth said to Tony just as if the trembling blonde had been a piece of merchandise in a market rather than another human being. "But I can't see much when she's all covered up in a goddamned robe like a nun!"

The young wife's mouth fell open in shock at the stranger's lewd comment, and she wished with all her heart that she'd not drunk that wine. If she'd just felt a little more together, she'd have tried to dash out of the room and escape from these two deceptively clean-cut males who were leering at her with menacing, undressing smiles on their faces. Tony flopped down on the couch as if he owned the place, but his friend came over to stand so close to Sandi that she could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the unmistakable thick bulge in his fashionably faded jeans.

"Hey, Ted; don't scare the chick," the cameraman called to the other young man. "Keep your cock in your pants while we have some of this wine and talk about things, okay?"

He tipped the bottle to his mouth and drained the last few gulps, then waved the empty container at Sandi, who was still cowering in the corner wishing that she could vanish through the floorboards. "God any more of this stuff, baby? And get us some glasses - let's put some class into this business discussion!"

Ted guffawed loudly, his eyes never leaving the firm-fleshed mounds of the blonde's buttocks which undulated provocatively, even beneath her heavy velveteen bathrobe as she scurried out to the kitchen. "She looks sweet and innocent enough," the red-faced wife heard him say, "but are you sure she's really a good fuck?"

"I oughta know! She's hot as a firecracker, and I got scratches on my back to show it. Just needs the right guy to set her off!" the photographer boasted.

In the darkened kitchen, the humiliated blonde leaned her spinning head against the cool refrigerator door and blinked away her tears. This new degradation, following so closely on the heels of her unspeakable wanton performance that afternoon and her husband's manager's upsetting phone call, was too much for the intoxicated nineteen year old to handle. There was only one clear thought in her mind - she had to get out of this situation, for another perverted violation of her body was inevitable unless she did so at once. In the past twenty-four hours she'd learned to recognize the signals of sexual danger radiating from aroused males and from her own traitorous body, and all her instincts told her to flee before it was too late.

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Ballad of the Beasts

How many times have you heard the Story, Blood-drinkers, Immortals, Lords, and Ladies of the Night, Counts and Princes, Castles and interviews, Dracula, Seline, Orlok..... Edward. (Lets Ignore that one for sanity's sake.) But with all of the Legend and Myth, it leaves one wondering if there is any truth to it all, anything remotely real? One thing that has, no doubt, been part of many a person's fantasies (Including my own) is what we would do when Presented with Vampirism, I for one would...

2 years ago
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Kausi Chitti Sealing The Deal

This is a continuation from the first part of Kausi Chitti How it Began It was around 5 pm and my uncle was leaving for his shift just as my cousin entered the house I watched her come in covered in sweat from the heat. Her under boobs having a distinct outline and her armpits having small almost cute wet patches. The weight of her school bag made her body convex and arch in the sexiest way imaginable. She is only 18 but is so developed that if it was not for her cute innocent face she would...

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Friends mom

I went over my friend’s house to see if he was home.She told me she was home alone for the rest of the month.I asked if I could stay with her.She said yes she was wearing nude nylons and slides on her feet.I slid my dick in her shoe and fucked her foot til I cummed on her foot in her shoe.She really loved it.

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Little extra help

My wife has a pretty wild past...dated alot of guys and slept with them, been with women, group sex, drunken sex and partied on extacy and liquid E...So one weekend we were out and ran into one of her old suppliers and hook up...after a few drinks he asked if she still played around with "E" anymore...she said no...hard to come by. He said he would give us some if he could play around with her...I said up to her but I was game. So we went to his apartment and he poured a few shots and put the...

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My Husbands First Gay Experience

Last weekend I was invited, by Penny and Pat to join them in Vegas for their anniversary.This invitation wasn't to catch up or celebrate, it was an invitation to fuck them both. I had met Penny and Pat on the speedo Forum that I run. Pat was a swimmer in school and had always had a thing for speedos. He met Penny in college and she is turned on by guys in speedos and encouraged Pat's fetish. Over the years we exchanged photos and stories.Penny and Pat had experienced sex with more than just...

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Trans Guy and the Lawnmower Man

I’ve been on Testosterone for a couple of years now, during that time I’ve gone from being a ‘cis gendered woman’, to a ‘trans man’. Taking testosterone makes you hairier, puts on a shit load of muscle mass, trims your waist and thighs, makes your tits smaller but your pectoral muscles way bigger, changes your hands and feet - makes them way more veiny, and (my fave part) makes your clit turn into a dick. Now, I was never a ‘girly’ girl, but always loved women, was never really interested in...

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Repeat PerformanceChapter 10 Dave and the Redhead

I picked up another four hundred-plus dollars over the Christmas break, but after buying presents, I was probably only ahead by two hundred. With Mom's help, I found something really nice for the Bentleys as a thank-you for their generosity in lending me the car. Mom and Marge Bentley were good friends and she knew just what to get her. I let Mom buy it since it was a very nice golf jacket, and she would know the size and colour that Marge would like. I also knew Dad was getting tired of...

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Moth Ch 031

Submitted to by the author. * Zoa glanced at the young man kneeling next to her on the high branch. He was sweating, his eyes were wide, and he was breathing way too fast. She reached out and took his hand. ‘You’ll be fine,’ she whispered, and he turned his fear-filled eyes to her. ‘Just stay next to me,’ continued Zoa, squeezing his hand harder. ‘I’ll guard you with my life. I promise. I’ll get you through this alive, Vumanesco.’ Around them other couriers were gathering on...

4 years ago
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She thought she was alone

famale friend told me a fantasy she had, that's where this story came from. These are not real people and it didn't really happen. She came home from work and was glad another busy work week on come to an end. Jenny loved her new job despite the long hours and the fact that she had to move to a new town far from her home, she was making good money and had a position that gave her a lot of pride. A quick shower watch a little TV and get to bed early, she was exhausted from the long work...

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Lost Empire 35

"I'm not all that sure right now Captain," Hartwell said with a wry smile on his face. "As upset as you were, do you really think that you are ready for this?" Mara snapped to attention as she saluted both Hartwell and Derrick. "Yes sir, I am more than ready!" Mara's face a look of consternation as she was staring at Hartwell after what he'd said. Hartwell turned to Derrick still with a wry smile on his lips. "What do you think sire? Do you feel that she is settled enough...

3 years ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 9

When we were on the way home, I called him. -imad? -yeah? -how many sex positions do you actually know? -hmm…maybe about 50? -what!? I was astonished. He smiled. -eh…you know what? There are hell a lot more than that! Some do not even have names. You see a lot of them in porn movies I knew what are porn movies but I had never watched any. I considered them as too anti religious activities. -well…can you show me a porn film? -well…take my laptop, type… I did as he said, and watched the porn. I...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Eva Nyx See A Horny Dog Fuck

You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a “double debut” around here, as new stud Rocket Powers is also making his industry debut today, and we paired HIM up with See H?️M Fuck 1st timer Eva Nyx for this week’s update. After our most recent director Scott Trainor conducts the interview portion of the program, Rocket stands and commences to disrobe with a bit of aid from Eva, who then begins to lube HIM up, front and back, ensuring that BBC is prepared for action. Eva then sniffs...

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 4

Donnie was awake at his usual time, 05:00. It was Sunday and that meant that his parents would expect him to join them at the Parish Church as always. Before then though, there was plenty to do on a working farm. Dragging himself out of bed, he snagged his towel and headed to the bathroom to wash and brush his teeth. Beira's 'brand' reflected back at him from the mirror once more, and he realised that the stinging pain was gone. Donnie ran his fingers over the mark and found that it...

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I Lust for my Auntie Part 1

It was 6o clock when her car pulled up. She was still wearing work clothes and had a sad look on her face as she saw me get in the car. She pulled out of the driveway and i said, "I know what you have doing Mindy, and i have proof. and i dont think Uncle Raymond or your son are going to want to find out, with the push of this one button i can send those pictures to the whole family." I said with an evil grin. "What do you want?" She said with a scared look on her face. I told her to...

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With my mother in a hotel room

I had just got a job in a bank in Bangalore and to celebrate it I and my parents were supposed to go on a trip to Delhi. My father works in Chandigarh and had come on a few days leave. I had to join duty on Monday and today was Wednesday. We had booked tickets for Delhi the next day morning, but suddenly father received a call from his office. There was some crisis and he had to rush back. Before leaving he said “Son, you proceed to Delhi with your mother. I will join you later if possible.” So...

4 years ago
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The Magic of BellsChapter 5

Sam shook her head, eyes opening. Her temple throbbed, which was never a good sign. That she noticed that fact was good, though, as that meant she was conscious. She was also upright, something very unusual if she had, as her confused mind suspected, been unconscious. She was still on horseback as well. Hands, someone's, were on her leg and belly... "Sam!" Heather's worried voice brought her farther into the land of the living. She turned, blinking. Heather stood on the ground beside...

2 years ago
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Cathy and Rose

It was the day after my niece Cathy’s 16 th birthday, when my sister-in-law Rose dropped Cathy off at my house for afternoon tea. “Hello Cathy, did you enjoy your 16 th birthday party?” “Yes Uncle Jim,” said Cathy, “I did, except for one thing. I didn’t get a proper birthday kiss from you. I overhead my mum talking to her friend Trudy and mum said that you are the best kisser she has ever had.” Feeling quite flattered, I said to Cathy “Well, we will just have to fix that won’t we? Why don’t you...

1 year ago
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Eyes Wide Slut

You have a slightly difficult relationship with Oscar's sister Hollie. This is due to the fact that you desperately want to fuck her, and she knows it. She discovered your feelings a while ago when she caught you wanking into a pair of her panties. For some reason, this did not endear you to her. These days her attitude toward you is a mixture of pity and contempt, but that doesn't stop her prick-teasing you mercilessly when your friend isn't around. You've tried to suppress your feelings for...

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DaughterSwap Arya Faye Jill Kassidy The Treat Trade Pt 2

Arya and Jill are extremely bored at home. Their dads are out of the house and they want to do something fun! It cant be mischievous though since they just got off being grounded. Arya then gets a brain blast! They can bake something sweet to cure their boredom, and share it with their fathers to get on their good side even more! Perfect. The baking gets underway but it just turns into a shit show. The girls start having food fights and get carried away with sprinkling sugar on each others ass...

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Hour Lunch

‘Hey babe, I couldn’t get you, so I just wanted to let you know that I will be home late tonight. My boss just invited me out to dinner. Just wanted to give you a heads up and to let you know that you didn’t have to cook tonight… I love you and I’ll see you when I get in tonight.’ I don’t know how many messages like this Janet had received over the last five or so years from me. I became the lead QA field operations guy for the south east region for Five Star Communications. I was constantly...

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How I learnt to love sex

I just felt like wanting to tell that story which is absolutely true and mine. Please don’t laugh or make fun, in way, this is the story of how I learnt to love sex as much as I do and how I began to lose fear… I would never be as hot if it hadn’t been for those two guys who had made this first time an amazing, wonderful experience… Please leave a comment!I was just 14, and in the middle of my Flower-Power hippie period. You could find me walking around barefoot and with very colourful clothes...

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The Saga of Bass and SarahChapter 6

We got back Sunday night. We unpacked, and I put Sarah to work sorting dirty clothes; she had the clothes from my trip plus all the things we’d messed up at the beach. I got the girls in bed, and at last went downstairs to have yet another talk with my wife. I stopped her from separating the laundry and poured us each a cold glass of orange juice. We sat down in the kitchen. “Sarah,” I started, “I hired a private investigator. I’ll be seeing her tomorrow. My guess is she’s found out just...

4 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 9

The prince's unarmed men were all against the wall in a group but not shackled or even tied. They looked dispirited but I knew that this could change in a second. They were brave men and had a code of honour that made them do some stupid things. I walked through our line of defenders with Albrecht. I too had to show no fear but there were also a lot of armed Frisians very close. I said, "The Franks and the Frisians along with all the tribes that speak our language are of the German people....

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The Witch and the Dragon Part 3

Chapter FiveHe began undoing the closure to his Master Guardian’s uniform. Her wide golden eyes were riveted to his actions, making him ache in anticipation. Going right for the kill, Zak-o? Remi snickered in his mind. Zak clenched his teeth. Get out of my head, Red. But Remi wasn’t the only presence he felt… or heard. Zak, she’s really innocent. Anniel’s concern-laced voice chimed in next, making his hands freeze. Why don’t you let her stay with me, and we can have some girl talk. Alluna’s...

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My Daughter inlaw scores and so do I

My son garry and his wife are so strung out, i try my best to help but i think im just enabling them. This is about my last visit, when i arrived garry was in the tub the door open and jess his wife was bent over him doing something what idk, but didnt care either all i know or could think was about jess's ass wearing only a t shirt and no panties. her little shaved twat and ass hole was the nicest thing id seen in mos. I could tell they were already high from whatever d**g they could get there...

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Happy Sister

It was a beautiful summer day, and the sun had kept my body warm. Even as I drove my pick up truck, I could feel the suns rays beating down on my arm. I had my windows rolled down to enjoy the nice breeze as well as the warmth of the sun, making it a perfect day. I was dressed in normal somewhat baggy jeans and a white tight t-shirt that had shown off my muscular build. My hair was dirty blonde which almost every woman I had met or seen had loved it right away. My eyes were a bright blue that...

1 year ago
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Tinder Date And Sex With A Hot TV Actress

Hello everyone, this is Prem, 24 years old, living in Mumbai, trying to break into the film industry as a screenwriter. My sex life has been pretty interesting lately and this is all because of Tinder. I had Tinder for 2-3 years now, but earlier I used to get no response on it. Then, gradually and slowly, I got a few matches on Tinder. I had written Screenwriter on my Bio, but when the girls who had matched with me got to know that I am a struggling screenwriter, they used to un-match! This...

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Getting My Car Registered

It was mid summer. I was 18 years old at the time. My car’s registration had expired and I had to go register it. I came to the Vehichle Department of my area, and entered the building. I found the waiting line to get my number. I filled out the form given to me at the door. Half an hour later I was sitting down waiting for my number to come up. Finally it was my turn, so I went to the desk specified next to my number on the board. Just so you know, when I was going to the desk, I was not...

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My Sister and 50 Shades of Hurricane Sandy

Story My Sister and 50 Shades of Hurricane Sandy? By Reeb It was a rainy somewhat warm day leading up to that October 29 th night. Hurricane Sandy was soon to make landfall somewhere on the New Jersey coast sometime that night. Living about 150 miles from the Jersey shore in eastern Pennsylvania, we expected the highest winds and rain overnight. The winds grew stronger as the night progressed. It wasn’t long after 8pm that the lights flickered and then out went the electric, phones and cable...

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Luscious Lady Lawyer

In her first case before the notoriously unforgiving Judge Victor Randolph, she stands, quaking inside with fear, behind the Defense Counsel table as she prepares to present her opening arguments. Little does she know that before this trial is over, she will have learned many, many things about the inner workings of the local legal system. She's a great attorney, but is still intimidated by the judge. He reminds her of an old owl, perched high up on the bench, glaring down at her, making her...

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And Carmela Makes Three

"Dr. Green, my husband hasn't had an orgasm in over a week and I know that he's climbing the wall. He needs some relief soon and I'd like to give him a hand job or suck his cock. Will it be safe?" "Jill," he held his hand on my left shoulder and said after a brief pause to consider, "we need to keep his head and neck completely immobilized. The excitement of orgasm and ejaculation might very take a hopeful situation and turn it into permanent paralysis or even kill him. However," he...

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Taking Things In Hand Ch 02

Well, this is a ‘2’ so there has to be a ‘1’. I suppose I could do a bunch of updates to make this all standalone, fuck that. Go read the damn thing, typos and all. Got me a notice about my last story posted here that said something about ‘learn to spell’ I got crabby but fixed some, missed some..oh well. Getting old. Anyway… After I kicked Patti out of the house and burned up her massage table I had spent maybe 40 solid hours making, things got quiet around the house. Hell, I expected my...

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My cousins mom

This happen few years ago when I and my cousin were 20 yrs old and her hot mom was 36. Hard to believe she got pregnant with my cousin while in highschool. My uncle almost got in trouble since she was a minor but for some reason their marriage worked out. Diane's parents were rich and my grandpa as well. She is a very beautiful blonde woman with super gorgeous body. If she didn't get pregnant and marry she would have been a super model. Even at 36 she is always mistaken as her son's girl friend...

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