Motorcyclist's WifeChapter 4 free porn video

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"It didn't happen... it didn't happen..." Sandi muttered.

There was a note of near-hysteria in the naked nineteen-year- old's voice as she stood soaping her body in the pink-tiled bathroom of her suburban Lakeview Estates suburban home. For almost an hour now she'd been standing here under the cleansing cascade of the shower, trying her best to scrub away the desperate guilt she felt about the shameful way she'd allowed the photographer, Tony Fletcher, to seduce her into horrifyingly indecent acts. Yet, in spite of the bar and a half of Ivory soap that she'd used up in her despairing effort to wash away her guilt, Sandi still felt as lewd and despicable as ever.

How could I have let myself commit adultery? HOW? she asked herself for the hundredth time. Father would say I'm possessed by devils... and maybe he's right.

The young blonde wife's guilty despair, which had been steadily mounting ever since she'd fled from the "Deja-Vu" studio, ran far too deep to be washed away. In spite of her determined efforts to make herself believe that none of the afternoon's events were real, the memory grew more and more vivid. It all seemed so immediately real, in fact, that Sandi scarcely dared to touch her still-swollen breasts or sensitive vaginal area with her washcloth. Even the sharp-needled spray of hot water upon her slender back and taut-muscled young belly sent erotic vibrations surging through her traitorous body.

Oh God! What's wrong with me? I don't want to think about what Tony did to me... but I can't think about anything else. What's happening to me?

The friction of her washcloth and the almost sensual feel of the hot water seemed to be doing more harm than good so Sandi switched off the faucet and toweled her tingling body dry. The red-gold glow of late afternoon sunlight in which she'd cautiously driven home from Brunrocke, all the while throwing nervous glances into her rear-view mirror in fear of being stopped for drunken driving, had finally shaded into the deep purple of an autumn evening, and the guilt-ridden young wife was grateful for the coming darkness. Maybe now she could sleep and escape from her tormenting thoughts...

But as the troubled blonde moved toward her bedroom, symbolically cleansed and doused with fresh-scented talcum powder and spray cologne, the shrill buzz of the telephone destroyed her hope of finding temporary peace. Every time the phone rang lately, she was sure that it must be the hospital telling her that Verne was worse, or dead, for - as the unfaithful young wife's guilt increased, so did her secret certainty that anything which might happen to her husband would be her own fault.

Clutching a large pink bath towel around her voluptuous figure, Sandi raced down the hall to the telephone.

"H-Hello?" she stammered, then recoiled and jerked the receiver away from her ear as she heard Larry Johnson's salesman- smooth voice.

The towel-draped blonde's first impulse was to slam down the phone, for the last person she wanted to deal with in her present emotional state was Verne's "friend" who had treated her with such shameful disrespect the night before. Yet, perhaps he had news about her husband... with the utmost reluctance she returned the receiver to her ear, nervously biting her full pink lips as she strained to hear Johnson's indistinct voice. He was apparently calling from a public place, for there was a babble of voices in the background interspersed with bursts of music, and he also seemed to be whispering.

"Sandi? Can ya hear me?"

"Yes - is something wrong? Is Verne all right?"

"I can't hear ya, honey." Sandi winced at the endearing word. Her husband's manager was quite drunk from the slurred sound of his speech, and she was afraid to hear what he had to say. "Where've ya been all day, huh? I tried to call all afternoon..."

"I've been getting a job," the blonde said stiffly.

"A job, huh?" Larry's intoxicated laugh echoed loud and clear over the wire. "What kind of job... ?"

Sandi wasn't sure whether she was imagining the insinuating tone in her husband's friend's voice - her mind was so disoriented this evening that it was hard to be sure of anything at all. And why shouldn't he imagine that she was the sort of girl who'd find a job which people would snicker about? That was exactly the way she'd acted with him; wasn't it?

"A modeling job," she replied, wishing she hadn't spoken the moment the words left her mouth. Now Larry would expect her to earn money, and of course, she could never, never return to the "Deja-Vu" studio.

"No kidding!" the drunken manager slurred. "That's great, 'cause Verne's being flown in to Gary tomorrow, and in a couple of days or so, he's got to have this operation. Otherwise, he's never gonna be able to ball again, and ya wouldn't like that; wouldja?"

The white-faced wife flinched, hot shame flooding through her body as she realized that Larry's estimation of her character was perfectly correct.

"Don't talk to me like that!" she protested, but even she could hear the false tone in her retort.

"Sorry, honey; don't mind me." Johnson had intended to apologize for his actions of the night before, but after several dry martinis too many, he found his tongue running away from him. "And don't be mad about last night, huh? I just couldn't help getting carried away by that sexy little bod of yours. Let's be friends, okay? Let me drive you into the hospital tomorrow, and we'll talk about it..."

How could her husband's friend be talking about his obscene assault on her unconscious body as casually as if they'd merely had a trivial disagreement? He was a disgusting amoral man who didn't seem to feel the least bit of guilt about trying to trick her into adultery even while his best friend lay in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down, and she didn't believe for one minute that he had any intention of treating her platonically. His "talking about it" doubtless meant he would he turning off onto some dark, deserted country road and trying to slip his hand up under her skirt or inside her blouse... or worse, much, much worse...

"I'll drive myself into Gary," she replied in an icy tone.

"Listen, you bitch," the egotistical motorcycle club manager snarled, but the phone suddenly clicked and went dead. His temper ignited when he saw that he wasn't going to have his own way after all. Even after fucking the hell out of his wife Clare last night, his loins still burned with desire for this unavailable blonde, and as he sat drinking, he'd convinced himself that tomorrow he'd be fucking her tight, blonde-fringed little cunt. Drunken, obscene invectives spewed from his mouth with such vehemence that several couples standing around near the phone began laughing and pointing at him.

"Hey, buddy! Give her hell!" one of them called out.

"You bet your life I'll give her hell," Johnson swore, slamming down the already-dead receiver. "Just wait till I get my hands on that little bitch! I'm gonna fuck her so hard she won't be able to walk for a week!" For several long minutes after she'd hung up the phone, Sandi Smith stood immobile in the dimly lit hallway with her heart pounding in her throat. A chill draft was blowing through the corridor, but as the troubled blonde hugged her slim arms against her chest, the friction of the rough terry cloth against her still tender nipples caused an unnatural heat to radiate throughout her naked loins.

If I had gone with Larry, what would I have done if he'd tried something? Sandi searched her soul for an honest answer, then shuddered as an obscene vision of Johnson forcing her down in the seat of his large Buick and shoving his huge swollen penis up into her defenseless pussy flashed before her eyes. Just the very thought made her vagina tingle with unwanted excitement, and the guilty nineteen year old was forced to recognize that she would probably have had a very hard time resisting her husband's friend.

This line of thought was too dreadful to tolerate for very long, and the mortified girl forced herself to think of other things. Anything, anything at all, was better than dwelling on the unnatural perversions that were springing up in her wicked body.

"I'll get dressed, and then maybe I'll stop feeling so odd," she muttered, falling into her old habit of talking to herself. "And then I'll... I'll make myself something to eat... and... and then I'll read or watch TV or something... and go to bed early so I can look for another job tomorrow..."

Determinedly forcing her thoughts away from the depraved sexual experiences she'd been through during the past twenty-four hours, Sandi donned a crimson-colored velour robe - one of the garments Verne had bought her - and a pair of fluffy slippers. Then, although she didn't feel the least bit hungry, she took a package of frozen hamburger from the freezer and left it to thaw on the kitchen counter while she wandered into the living room and switched on the television. For a few minutes, she played with the channel selector, but when she found nothing but a football game, a talk show and a rerun of a western, she turned it off and set an album on the stereo instead.

Well, baby used to stay out all night long,

She made me cry, she done me wrong.

She hurt me eyes open, that's no lie.

Table's turning now, her turn to cry.

Because I used to love her,

But it's all over now.

Because I used to love her,

But it's all over now.

Sandi's hand shook as she reached out and switched off the record player. The album, an old Rolling Stones collection, was one of her husband's favorites, but, though she'd often heard it before, she'd never really listened to the words. Feeling as though she'd been slapped in the face by the all-too-apt song lyric, the young wife collapsed on the white imitation leather sofa with her aching head cradled in her arms.

How am I going to face Verne tomorrow? she agonized. What if he can tell I've been unfaithful? Mother and Father always knew straight off when I wasn't telling the truth...

Then, as it occurred to her that Verne might not even be conscious, she felt ashamed of her selfish attitude. It only happened this once, and I'll never let it happen again! she vowed, temporarily ignoring her deep suspicions of her own sexual nature. And I'll never let him find out - he's already been hurt enough without that... especially if the operation doesn't work.

The thought of the expensive, delicate operation turned her thoughts back to this afternoon's fiasco of a job-hunt, and to her disgust, the lips of her still slightly tumescent vaginal lips began to quiver at the obscene memory of the magnificent but unspeakably sinful orgasm she'd achieved there on the floor of the photographer's third-floor studio.

"I mustn't think like this! It's driving me crazy," Sandi mumbled into her hands. "I've got to keep busy and make myself forget about it. Tomorrow, I'll go back to Brunrocke and try the other agency."

Unfortunately, however, there was still this long evening to be gotten through. With a deep sigh, the slender blonde shuffled back into the kitchen and stood staring at the plastic-wrapped hunk of chopped meat. Nausea rose in her nervously churning stomach at the thought of digesting a hamburger, and she hurriedly shoved the half-thawed meat back into the refrigerator and stood staring at the well-stocked shelves. Eggs... bacon... a wilting lettuce... a pastel-pink plastic container filled with leftover frozen peas... they were all equally unappealing, and instead Sandi extracted an almost-full bottle of white California wine. A drink would calm her nerves and maybe help her fall asleep, although it was still very early.

The chilled, fruity-tasting liquid felt good as it slipped down her throat, so the young wife carried the bottle back into the living room with her and sat down on the sofa again. Though she refused to admit to herself that she was trying to get drunk to block out her disturbing thoughts, she downed the first glass of wine within minutes and poured herself another as she felt the alcohol draining some of the unbearable tension from her aching body.

A copy of today's newspaper lay on the glass-topped coffee table, and the troubled blonde flicked through its pages in search of distraction. As usual, the news was boring and incomprehensible, and she turned almost at once to the women's pages, but somehow tonight she couldn't concentrate on newest fall fashions or Danish delight coffeecake to bake in ten minutes or what's wrong with new math. Even Ann Landers, her favorite feature, let her down.

There is a big difference between cold

and cool. Ann Landers shows you

how to play it cool without freezing

people out in her booklet, "Teen-Age

Sex - Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50

cents and...

Was there no escape from sex? Sandi sighed. Perhaps if she'd had normal experiences with boys during her adolescence, this strange sexual compulsion wouldn't be happening to her now that she was a married woman, and she wondered briefly just what the columnist would have to say about this theory. Then, slinging the newspaper onto the carpeted floor, she gulped down her wine and poured herself a third glass as she reached for the novel she was reading.

Build me a Castle was the story of a beautiful young American girl who meets a handsome Scottish widower while on holiday in London and ends up working as a governess in his windswept castle. Until tonight, Sandi Smith had found it fascinating, for her favorite daydream was of traveling to Europe, but tonight she found the book unpleasantly disturbing. She'd just begun chapter 8 in which the hero finally asks his governess for her hand in marriage, and the guilt-ridden wife couldn't help remembering how she'd felt the same joy when Verne had proposed to her one moonlit night as they walked along a quiet country lane.

Everything was so wonderful then! she thought wistfully. Marrying Verne was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. And look what I'm doing now - destroying everything. If Verne finds out about Larry or Tony, he'll divorce me in a minute. And then what'll I do... I WON'T go back to Florida... I'll have to find a job, and I don't know if I can do that... not unless it's something like that perverted modeling job...

Tears began to sting behind her eyelids as the miserable nineteen year old threw her paperback book across the room and reached for the wine bottle. Then, before she could pour her fourth glass of mind-deadening alcohol, the sound of the doorbell pierced through her dismal reverie.

"It's Larry!" she whispered to herself. "Oh God - he's drunk, and so am I. I don't dare open the door!"

The doorbell chimed again, so loudly that the frightened young wife knew someone was pushing against it with all their strength, and it crossed her mind that perhaps it was an urgent telegram. Tiptoeing across the living room to the curtained picture window, she pulled the drapes aside a few inches to peer out at the front steps. By now it was completely dark; since the porch light wasn't turned on, the only radiance came from the fog- misted glow of the street light, and Sandi's wine-glazed eyes could only make out that there were two figures out there. She couldn't be one-hundred percent sure, but she thought one of them wore a telegraph boy type uniform so she quickly padded over to the front door and pulled it wide open.

"Hi, Sandi," the smiling face of Tony Fletcher, the photographer, leered down at her.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Sandi tried to slam the door in his face, but her reflexes were dulled by the wine and Tony's shoulder jammed into the open crack too quickly for her.

"Now that's not very friendly of you, Mrs. Smith," Tony said, affecting a hurt expression. "I just brought the producer around to discuss the movie contract I told you about this afternoon. We'd like to talk with you and your husband about it."

Sandi gaped uncomprehendingly at the tall, fair-haired young man beside Tony. He certainly wasn't her idea of a movie producer - in fact, he looked even more like a college student than Tony in his jeans and matching jeans jacket and long, though neatly combed, hair. On his head he wore a beret, which was why she'd taken him for a telegraph boy in the misty darkness.

"My... husband... isn't here. And you can't come in!" she choked out, trying very ineffectually to shove the door shut.

Fletcher flashed a conspiratorial grin at his friend. "That's okay. We were much more interested in seeing you than Mr. Smith, anyway."

"But I don't want to see you!" Sandi whispered. Her head was spinning dizzily, and to her consternation, the sight of the photographer had brought back that corrupt tingling sensation in the pit of her belly. Thank goodness she was wearing something that covered her entire body for a change!

"I think you'll want to talk to us once you hear what we've got to say," the dark-haired photographer gave the thin wooden door a sudden shove which sent it flying open, and he and his blond friend strode into the Smith's house, slamming the door behind him with a resounding bang. So frightened now that her knees felt weak as water, Sandi backed away from them and leaned unsteadily against the wall beside the white couch.

"Yeah, she looks pretty good," the light-haired, slim-hipped youth said to Tony just as if the trembling blonde had been a piece of merchandise in a market rather than another human being. "But I can't see much when she's all covered up in a goddamned robe like a nun!"

The young wife's mouth fell open in shock at the stranger's lewd comment, and she wished with all her heart that she'd not drunk that wine. If she'd just felt a little more together, she'd have tried to dash out of the room and escape from these two deceptively clean-cut males who were leering at her with menacing, undressing smiles on their faces. Tony flopped down on the couch as if he owned the place, but his friend came over to stand so close to Sandi that she could smell the alcohol on his breath and see the unmistakable thick bulge in his fashionably faded jeans.

"Hey, Ted; don't scare the chick," the cameraman called to the other young man. "Keep your cock in your pants while we have some of this wine and talk about things, okay?"

He tipped the bottle to his mouth and drained the last few gulps, then waved the empty container at Sandi, who was still cowering in the corner wishing that she could vanish through the floorboards. "God any more of this stuff, baby? And get us some glasses - let's put some class into this business discussion!"

Ted guffawed loudly, his eyes never leaving the firm-fleshed mounds of the blonde's buttocks which undulated provocatively, even beneath her heavy velveteen bathrobe as she scurried out to the kitchen. "She looks sweet and innocent enough," the red-faced wife heard him say, "but are you sure she's really a good fuck?"

"I oughta know! She's hot as a firecracker, and I got scratches on my back to show it. Just needs the right guy to set her off!" the photographer boasted.

In the darkened kitchen, the humiliated blonde leaned her spinning head against the cool refrigerator door and blinked away her tears. This new degradation, following so closely on the heels of her unspeakable wanton performance that afternoon and her husband's manager's upsetting phone call, was too much for the intoxicated nineteen year old to handle. There was only one clear thought in her mind - she had to get out of this situation, for another perverted violation of her body was inevitable unless she did so at once. In the past twenty-four hours she'd learned to recognize the signals of sexual danger radiating from aroused males and from her own traitorous body, and all her instincts told her to flee before it was too late.

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Claire (Nicole Sage) welcomes her friend Randy (Oliver Davis) to her home. They are both nervously excited about something they have met up to do, something that will net them a ‘huge’ pool. It turns out that their group of friends (including their significant others) has always teased them about their chemistry together, eventually creating a pool to entice Claire and Randy to go on a date. The pool has since escalated to what they are about to do today: Claire and Randy will...

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The Villa Chapter Two

Alexa rolled over, the crisp white sheet dropping away and exposing the long length of her bronzed back. Her glossy black hair curled against her smooth skin, and her toned muscles moved easily as she stretched out to turn the clock towards her, checking the time."Shit." she sighed, and flopped onto her back."Mmphh?" Shox muffled into his pillow, stretched out comfortably beside her.Alexa draped both of her arms over her eyes and kicked at his leg with her foot."Get up, you need to go and pick...

Love Stories
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Kiss of the Sun

Another Summer Lovin’ easy read. Estragon, les mots ne sont jamais assez. Thank you for always being readily available and willing to take on the words of a rambling woman with your forever watchful eye and guidance. Cheers M ____ ‘You can’t be serious?’ The delicate voice was barely audible, as the young woman slumped down on the chilled leather seat. The words printed in front of her didn’t make sense, couldn’t make sense, and still the lawyer began to explain. Through the shock, a...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor

Unexpected Visitor By [email protected] happened recently on a Saturday evening. I had been watching football on the television all day long and had completely ignored my wife. If I completely ignore her for any length of time when I am home, she feels that have been "naughty" and deserve a spanking. So on this Saturday evening, after we had our supper, my wife informed me that I was going to be spanked for ignoring her. My wife usually spanks me at least once a week, so I was used to...

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Ed BiggersChapter 16

Standing beside the single horse, horse drawn carriage, Ed couldn’t believe his luck in finding it. It was just large enough to carry two adults and three children. The driver’s seat was open, but the passenger area was enclosed. There was a small area in the back to carry some luggage. The carriage, known as a Glass Panel Rockaway, was the kind of carriage that irritated so many drivers of modern cars in rural areas. The Mennonite man that he bought it from had been very surprised to find a...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Marsha May Backyard Carwash with Marsha May

We’re putting Marsha may to work on this one! Who hasn’t wanted a sexy blonde with Juicy Tits and plump ass to wash their car. I always have and that’s we got in store for you guys today. Marsha got all wet playing with suds, rubbing her tits all over the vehicle. Another One. She’s a wild one, she grabbed the hose and sprayed her pussy until she came, my kinda girl. Jmac then came in and fucked her Silly. Iconic. This scene is timeless. If you like seeing a wet chick getting banged, i have two...

3 years ago
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my neices photoshoot

I ran into my neice(my wifes brothers daughter) at the mall recently and she asked me why we(my wife and I ) dont come around anymore. I told her it was my fault. she asked what that ment, and i told her your aunt doesw not "feel comfortable" around you. she asked why and I told her Mandy(my wife) caught me masturbating while I was looking at a picture of her(my neice). she blushed some then asked me what picture was it. I told her it was a picture of her from a party where...

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Nothing Gets Through Ch 13

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 13 © 2009 All rights reserved I will not cry, Lani told herself. I will not. She wiped at any tears that dared escape her eyes. So Dom blamed her, just like Jason did. Well, she'd had it. Let them blame her. It wasn't her fault the defense had faltered tonight and allowed a season-high number of shots, any more than it was her fault that Jason had been hit with an errant stick during the scrum in his game. Next time, she told herself, she'd find a guy that had nothing...

Love Stories
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Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets By Couture"Are you done yet Millie?" Victoria called from the living room."Almost finished ma'am."  The petite young woman hurriedly loaded the cups in the dishwasher and looked around beneath the sink for the detergent.  She was a pretty girl of only twenty four.  However, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, cheeks with a light coat of blush, sky blue eyeshadow, and pink lipstick, she looked nineteen."Hurry, you're embarrassing me in front of my friend.""I'm sorry...

4 years ago
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An Absence of TrustChapter 6 The Aftermath Edith

I was stunned into silence. I have completely underestimated Howard. He has laid down an ultimatum and I was given no opportunity to respond. He would not permit it. I have never seen him like this before. Never! He has challenged me to defend my actions and choose between his demands and divorce. There is no middle ground. I can't see any road to compromise. I heard the door close as he left for his walk. I got up and moved to the kitchen, making myself another gin and tonic. It was...

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More Strip Poker

We were lying cosy in bed this Sunday morning and after a very nice romantic fuck, he had asked me about some of the things I did before I met him. "You did what?" asked my husband, Billy, who suddenly sat up and looked down at me. "Well, it was all quite innocent," I explained. "But you got your kit off in front of these guys?" he said. "Sure, and they did the same," I said. "I'm not sure that helps any," he said with a big grin. "So how old were you?" "I don't know," I...

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Live out your desire

You are drunk, all your friends are already home and you just walked out of the club on the streets. No girl is with you, you left your ex Cameron three weeks ago, well maybe it was a mutual breakup. Nevertheless it was the right decision. You had some great years and even when the sex was good it was never what you truly desired. You never had the courage to act out your fetish cause you feared that Cameron would tell anyone and with the word spread you must fear to lose your business and your...

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Party of the First PartChapter 2

"I am dying of curiosity," said Melba Dow. "When Sally called to invite us over, she said they were getting a few couples together for dinner and some 'adult games.' Apparently, Jack's brother gave Jack some party games or something for his birthday. So, they are having a few friends over to try them out. If I didn't know that Jack and Sally were so straight-laced, I'd suspect they were having a swingers party or something." "Not in this one-horse town," laughed David, Melba's...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue

Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. Does Brian escape a life as Leroy's trashy whore? Does Brianna keep the family riches? Private detective Sam Splayed is now on the case. Categories refer to entire story, not...

4 years ago
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Between the Seats

Between the Seats By Robokun They should have considered themselves lucky; really, this was not an easy flight to book on such short notice. But staring at the seats they would be occupying for the next eight hours, luck didn't pass through their thoughts at all. Something close to luck, however; 'Fuck' He hissed as quietly as he could. ”We're sitting separately!?” Her disappointed glance...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 8

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B********************Chapter 8 So many changes had taken place in Hawksville in the two years since Rhino had established their headquarters in the sleepy conservative Southern town. Initially there had been unspoken resentment toward the imaginative company for its brash, go-ahead way of conducting business which ran counter to the traditional careful manner in which things had always been done around these parts. Then there were the other...

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The Criminal

Mark, 28, sat alone in his cell at a small town sheriff station. He knew he made a major mistake in trying to rob that bank. He did not want to go back to prison. He was told that some authorities would be here to pick him up to take him to some court. If he was gonna get away, the time was now. There was only one deputy at the station right now. Mark knew that another cop would probably come in within an hour. He needed a plan. The station itself was very small. It was one big room with eight...

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Hot Mature Couple

A number of years ago, I met an older couple. I was in my 40's. Attractive, in shape and hung, so I could get attention in the swinger adds. Which worked for me since I was too busy running a business to date. This couple was a man who was in his early 70's. Medical conditions kept him from taking care of his hot, 55 yr old wife. I will call him John, and her Liz. Liz was about 5'7" and 130 lbs of perfection. She worked out daily, was toned. And her 36 dd's did not need a bra. They were...

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Busty Friend Avni

I and Avni were good friends since childhood, we became friends coincidentally as she had a thing for my friend. She used to come near my house and we use to talk for hours at stretch sometimes, back then pretty face didn’t matter as much as seeing good boobs on a girl you know, and boy did she have good boobs, soft( I had felt them accidentally on occasions), big, and round! She had a good ass too, but that was never the focus. I didn’t especially like her or something, but it was always fun...

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Gone With the WindCh 2 The Desert Wind

March 15th, 1995, 1:10 PM EST, Caldwell Limited, near Rochester, NY John Caldwell sat in a hot tub reflecting on how short life really was. He looked out at the still-grey world outside the glass enclosed room he sat in. It seemed like only yesterday, in some ways, that he married Gretel not too far from where he now sat. But it was 18 years ago! In September, his son George would be an adult. He had already graduated from high school, for crying out loud! Admittedly those 18 years were...

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Morning Person

It's one of those mornings. You peel open your eyes and wonder what the fuck happened to you last night. You breathe deep and stretch and it hits you – that smell. Pussy, come and desperation. Mmmm your favorite smell. Your face is sticky and your mouth tastes sour and thick, but damned if it's not the best way to wake up. Suddenly you remember being knuckle deep in a cunt you didn't yet know, remember the stretch and pull and the taste of it, and you drag your fingers under your nose just to...

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Superman HaChapter 15

This was going to be kind of a catch-as-catch-can sort of war, since we planned to depend as much as possible on the local people to do the fighting. Since we could move anywhere we wanted to by means of the TWT transporter gates, it made no real difference where we started from. Therefore, we just made Hillora, the town where Allor Insrullor came from, as our main base. This town happened to be about 100 klicks from the ocean, so it was not an obvious place for an invasion to start. This...

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Megan is Daddys Little Cumwhore Pt 3

MEGAN IS DADDY'S LITTLE CUMWHORE - PT. 3 On Monday morning Daddy came into my room and woke me up early. Even before my pink playboy bunny alarm clock could go off. I sat up in bed and looked at Daddy who looked like he was ready to go to work. He had on a dark suit and tie. I had on Hannah Montana nightie that barely came down to my butt and a pair of baby blue nylon panties. He looked down at me and said, "Good morning princess! Is my little girl ready for her first day of...

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NubileFilms Francys Belle Let Yourself In

Francys Belle is ready and waiting for her date with Raul Costa. Decked out in a bra that hides nothing and a matching robe and panties, she keeps herself hot and ready with light caresses. Raul knows to just walk in without knocking, and when he does, Francys is ready and willing. Raul makes it across the room in record time as Francys teases him with her lovely body lines. Kneeling on the bed, she is the perfect height to prop up her titties and give Raul one hell of a show. When Raul leans...

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The Kolkata Trip 8211 Part 2

After the long session of sex, we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra and lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out.That’s where he got his stamina I guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after I finished my smoke I got up Me- I should change to normal, the food will be in...

Gay Male
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Little Buddy

Little .... Buddy ? "Skipper, can we talk?" "We are talking." "I have a question but I dont want you to be mad. Can you try not being mad for me?" "I ... I will try. What's your question." "Well, you remember when I was hypnotized into thinking I was Mary Anne?" " what about it?" "Its just ... how could that happen? I mean how could I really believe I was her?" "The professor said you were the kind of person who falls for hypnotism easily. Its not a big deal,...

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Nematodes and Other Poems

NEMATODES Uncover nematodes, With foreskins for brains, Crawl upon their thousand Veins, through the morass Of my prepubescent, Nascent shemale soul, Seeking whom and what They may devour Within the space of an hour Or less of appetite Made wild and hideous By egoistic self-reflection, And I wait, patiently, Offering both breasts and thighs. CHALKBOARD LESSON The spellbound toes Wriggle their red nails Across the chalkboards Of my entrails, Sounding sharper Than...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 2

Revanche squealed with laughter as he ran in and out of the forest with Christopher and Sherry his cousins, Thamara and Trevor the twins should be arriving soon, they were all having a big picnic at Cairin. Christopher picked up his little sister Sherry after she fell down, carrying her over to his mother, he quickly ran back to play with Revanche. Jenee soothed Sherry's sobs with a kiss and hug then washed off her knee's telling her it was just a little scrape, Sherry was soon back to...

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OHGirls Speeding Violation

We were driving back home one weekend and I was driving my wife’s car. Normally we take my SUV when I drive, but we decided to take her car, which is a sporty sedan. I wasn't aware of how fast I was going, when I noticed the lights and sirens coming up behind us. It was a sheriff’s police car and when I looked at the speedometer, I was doing 85 mph. I slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. We waited a few minutes as the officer ran our license plates and then he made his way...

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Exposed and watched while changing in the dressing room

I was walking in New York City running errands and went into a very small, men's clothing store on Columbus Avenue. The store carries nice, affordable clothes from a French clothing designer and was having a 50% off sale. I entered the store and picked up a shirt when I heard (and then saw) the store clerk, a late 30s-something woman. She asked me what size I wear and told me that most of the store's clothing was subject to the discount. She was the only one working there and I was the only...

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A sister snuggles up in her brother8217s bed one night and wakes up to the strangest sensations

I lay in my bed, shivering slightly in the cold late autumn night. It had been a very warm day, but tonight was unseasonably cold. Probably only about 39 degrees outside, and not too much warmer inside. In theory I could turn the heat up, but my mom and twelve-year-old brother, Brady, were out of town with one of Brady’s swim meets, and the thermostat had a security code on it and I couldn’t turn it up, despite the cold. I was fifteen, I thought. I shouldn’t be having to...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 19

At breakfast with Bill, Josie couldn't resist alluding to the remarks he had made the day before about not letting our bedroom gymnastics interfere with today's tryout. "He slept, undisturbed, for eight and a half hours," she reported. Bill caught the implication immediately. "Hmmm. I left you two twelve hours ago. What about those other three-plus hours?" Josie could only laugh. "If anybody's interested," I said, "I'm just fine this morning ... I could drop down and give you --...

2 years ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Devon Green 23883

Internships – still a great way to get your foot in the door. But even so, times are tougher these days, and college students like Devon Green still need to support themselves. She explains to her friend’s dad Mark how grateful and thankful she is to be employed as his intern, but she admits that she’s still having money woes. For business reasons, Mark can’t take her on as a part-time employee yet, but he can slip her some extra cash…in exchange for some other kind of “help” he needs. And, of...

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JordanChapter 13

The next morning I woke up to someone giving me light kisses all over my face. "That's a wonderful way to wake up" I told her. Jordan smiled and moved to give me a sensuous kiss on the mouth. "One day I'll be able to do that for you every morning," she told me with a smile. I knew what she was trying to say – you're going to be my husband one day - but I chose not to respond. "How are you feeling this morning? Sore?" I asked Jordan. "A bit but not too bad. Why, do you want to...

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