PalmistryChapter 2 free porn video

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"I never knew..." Rebecca said softly as I left. I wasn't sure which one of us she was talking to nor did I know what it was she had never known.

When I had arrived, I'd gotten the impression from the guys on the loading dock that Rebecca was the office bitch. As I left, the guy in the office next to hers was out in the hall. I figured he had heard at least part of the commotion and had some idea what had taken place. I winked at him. He gave me a thumbs up. Just as I thought. If Rebecca had managed to summon an audience, they would have cheered.

I was glad I hadn't been called on to read Rebecca's palm. There were some dark little corners to her I would never have guessed. I had no plans to call her in the future, but I suspected I hadn't heard the last of her.

On Friday, I took Karen out again. We did dinner and a movie. When I took her home, I again refused her invitation to come in.

"You're the first guy who hasn't been all over me on the first or second date."

"Your taste in men is improving."

"Do I at least get a kiss?"

"Certainly." Karen was a most pleasant armful. I briefly considered accepting her invitation, but decided to stick with my plan. I bid her goodnight and went home.

This was the off Saturday for Sharon. I was looking forward to my next encounter with the hapless Sharon (that was how I had come to think of her) and thought about changing her schedule to weekly. I still was not serious about her and treated her as sort of a diversion but finally decided against weekly visits from her. Nonetheless, I was restless and in need of diversion. I gave Helen a call.

"Hi, Helen. This is Bob Canfield. The last time I saw you I made a rather unkind remark. It's been weighing on me and I finally decided to call and apologize. Could I make it up to you by buying you dinner?"

"Why thank you, Bob, that's very kind. It just so happens I'm free this evening."

"Great. I'll pick you up about six."

"Fine. By the way, I'm a vegetarian."

"Doesn't surprise me. See you then."

I spent a pleasant evening with Helen. She was fun to talk to because she and I were so different. Her years reading palms had made her a keen observer of people. We took turns speculating about the other people in the restaurant. I was more analytical in my approach. Her approach seemed random and disorganized but she popped up out of the blue with insights that were completely unavailable to me. It was fascinating to watch her work. I could only get from A to C by way of B. She could go straight from A to C, but was often unable to get to B. Weird, but fascinating.

I asked her if she had stacked the deck the night we read each other's palms.

"Of course. Karen needs an upgrade from the type of guys she usually dates. You'd be good for her. She wouldn't do you any harm either. You're a bit more lost than you pretend to be. I can't tell about the long term, but short term I think you'd both benefit."

"You know I've been dating her?"

"Yes, she told me."

"You've been talking to Karen?" Great. All I needed was a third party meddling in the relationship.

"I know what you're thinking. I won't meddle in your relationship. Nor do I carry tales. I won't tell you what she says and she won't hear of this evening."

I was only partially reassured, although I suppose Karen needed to talk girl talk to someone and Helen would probably be as good as any.

"One other piece of advice," Helen continued. "Be careful of Rebecca. She seems to be an attractive confident successful woman, someone right up your alley. There's a strangeness there. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about her. Caution is called for."

I told her about my encounter with Rebecca.

"You spanked her? That's great! I love it. I wouldn't have thought of that one, and it was probably your best option. If you'd turned her down or just ignored her she would probably raise the stakes. Going along with her game and taking her to a motel would have been even worse. Yes, I'd say you handled her as well as possible, especially considering the time in which you had to react. But then the idea of spanking her would naturally have occurred to you, wouldn't it. So tell me, have you spanked Karen yet?"


"Have you given Karen a spanking?"

"Wouldn't you know if I had?"

"Of course I would. But you are planning on it, aren't you?"

"Well, I wouldn't want to..."

"Bob, I'm not being judgmental, at least not in the way you think. What you two do together is your business. I know you wouldn't harm her."

"So if it's my business, why are you asking?"

"Just curious. I know you like to dominate women sexually."

"Everybody keeps telling me that. Is it that obvious?"

"It's hard to keep it a secret when you go around spanking people, but there is something about you. It's not obvious to the casual observer, but women who like being dominated pick up on it pretty quickly. Anyway, I assume Karen is in for a spanking if she continues seeing you. Just don't do it around Daryl."

"No shit! But I'm curious, too. You seem more interested in whether I'm spanking Karen than whether I'm sleeping with her. Do I detect some prurient interest here?"

"You might."

"And what might be the nature of that interest? Are you interested in giving Karen a spanking yourself, or are you imagining yourself in her place?"

"The second choice definitely has more appeal. My turn. Why do you ask? What have you got in mind for me this evening?"

"I'd like to take you home with me, tie you up and spank you REAL hard for being so nosy and then fuck your brains out; but I won't."

"I suppose it's just as well. That would probably be more excitement than I could stand in one evening."

We'd been in the restaurant for some time at this point. The staff was starting to set chairs on top of the tables around us to clean up. Our waitress came by about every sixty seconds to ask if there would be anything else. We finally took the hint.

We pulled into Helen's driveway. I turned off the engine and turned toward her. "I've changed my mind."


"Yes." I clutched the back of her collar and pulled her across my lap and flipped up her skirt. "You're a meddlesome wench after all, Helen," I said smacking her sharply on the butt.

"Ow. Bob, you turkey. OWW! That hurt."

"It's a spanking, Helen."

I gave her a few more swats and let her up, then walked her to her door. "Thank you, Helen. I enjoyed the evening immensely. I hope you'll forgive my little outburst of a moment ago."

"It's been fun, even the last few minutes. You're leaving? What happened to the 'tie me up and fuck my brains out' part?"

"Sorry, haven't changed my mind about that yet."

"Story of my life."

Sunday morning. Time for a bit of introspection. Here I was with 3 different women who had indicated a desire to have sex with me. So far I'd spanked two of them, kissed one, and slept with... none? I've already stated my feelings about sex without bondage, but bondage without sex? Perhaps Helen was right. Maybe I was a little more lost than I thought. For a brief moment I considered therapy, but that insanity passed. I had even less confidence in therapists than I did in fortune tellers. (Recently, a student at a local high school had blown the door off his locker with an M-80 (a very large firecracker in case you're not familiar with them). No one was injured. The school was inundated with therapists wanting to counsel the 'victims' of the 'tragedy'. Here indeed was a pack of charlatans. The only 'victims' were those afflicted with therapy.)

Once I took the problem apart, it didn't seem quite so crazy. Helen was right about Rebecca. I wasn't really interested, although if she wanted to continue to play games I intended to see to it that we played my game by my rules. Helen I liked as a friend. I wouldn't mind having sex with her sometime but right now Karen was the one I had the hots for. As far as Karen was concerned, I still thought my long game approach was valid, although I had plans for her in the near future. And then there was the hapless Sharon. So far I had made her dress up in a silly outfit and collar, clean the house in high heels, stand in a corner and tied her hands behind her. What was next? I hadn't decided yet. Why was I doing this? I enjoyed toying with her, having control over her. This worried me a bit when I thought about it, so I didn't think about it. It was as if I was watching myself from a distance, curious to see what affliction would next be visited on the hapless Sharon. Of course she could avoid all this silliness by doing a proper job of cleaning the house, but then she wouldn't be the hapless Sharon.

Friday evening. Another date with Karen. The week had dragged slowly by. I had half expected to hear from Rebecca but so far not a peep. Fine with me. Karen and I had a nice evening out. We made plans to go to the art museum on Sunday. I took her home and kissed her good night, once again declining her invitation to come in for coffee.

Saturday. The hapless Sharon arrived not quite so early as last time. She was all atwitter over her previous experience. I would have thought she'd be over it by now, but I suppose being here had reignited her feelings.

"I was really mad when you made me stand in the corner last time, but then I thought that well, I hadn't done a very good job so maybe you were right to do something to make me focus on it but then when you tied my hands I was really scared, I thought you were going to do something to me but you didn't and standing there being punished with my hands tied and my nose against the wall made me feel all sort of squishy inside so I hope you won't punish me anymore since it makes me have these mixed up feelings but if you do I don't suppose there isn't anything I can do about it, is there."

"Sharon, you can leave any time you wish. You don't have to stand in the corner if you don't want to, but if you ever leave with the house not cleaned or before completing a penalty you may not come back. Do you understand?"

"Oh, yes sir, I understand. I like coming here and I want to do a good job but there's just so much to remember and so many places to clean that sometimes I just lose track of it all."

"I may be having guests tomorrow so I want you to do an extra good job. Now please proceed."

"Yes, sir. Right away."

"Sharon, come back here. Didn't I tell you that you weren't allowed out of the entry hall until I had locked you in your collar."

"I'm sorry, I forgot. It's just that I was in a hurry to get started since you needed the house extra clean and..."

"Sharon, there's a price to pay if you break the rules. For the rest of the day you are not allowed to speak."


"Hush, not a word. You are not to speak another word in this house today. Pretend you're gagged. As I said, you can leave if you like. Otherwise, come over here so I can put your collar on you." The hapless Sharon approached me and I locked her in her collar. "Fine. Now, on with it."

Sharon headed off to her chores. About 45 minutes later she was back.

"Do you want me to wax the kitchen floor? I did it last time so it probably doesn't need it but if you're having guests maybe... Oh, I forgot, but how am I supposed to ask if I can't talk?"

"Use sign language, write a note, any of the things you would have to do if you were really gagged. Since once again you're not doing such a good job of pretending we'll have to once again resort to reality. Open your mouth. Wider." I stuffed a ball gag into the hapless Sharon's mouth and buckled it behind her head, adding a small padlock. "Sharon, if you choose to stay here you're going to spend the day gagged. Would you rather go home?" The hapless Sharon hesitated a moment then shook her head. "So you're going to stay?" She nodded. "Good. Now remember to do a good job." She scurried off to her task.

The doorbell rang. It was my son, Mark. I'd forgotten he was to be in town on business. "Hi, dad." Mark was in the house before I could stop him. Sharon was dusting in the hall. She took one look at Mark and fled toward the back of the house. Mark just stood there, his jaw hanging nearly to his navel. I was afraid it was going to require surgery to get it back in place. Jesus, how was I going to deal with this? Obfuscation would be futile, denial even more so. Full speed ahead. I'd known Mark all his life. I could handle him.

"Did I see what I think I saw? Was that Sharon? Are you crazy?"

"Calm down. You're gibbering. Yes, you saw what you thought you saw. Yes, that was Sharon. No, I'm not crazy."

"So what was that? That outfit, the collar, the gag. That's not the Sharon I know. What have you been up to? Why did she run away?"

"She was running from you, not from me. You embarrassed her by gawking like that."

"I embarrassed her? I'm not surprised that she's embarrassed, but how did she get like that? What have you been doing to her?"

"Your mother was never able to get Sharon to do the job properly. I've instituted a training program to correct the problem. She takes the job much more seriously now that she dresses correctly. Sanctions are imposed when she fails to meet expectations. She's making considerable progress."

"I don't doubt that, but I think you're employing a level of coercion here that's way out of bounds."

"Did you see Sharon's car outside?"


"How do you think it got here?"

"I assume she drove it."

"So she brought herself here."

"Yes, but..."

"Son, she's an adult, a status for which you just barely qualify. What she voluntarily commits to is her business and none of yours. Neither her activities nor mine are subject to your scrutiny or approval."

"Maybe so, but you've got me worried. This isn't like you. I've never seen you like this before."

"And what do you hope to accomplish by worrying? Will your worry change anything? Will it make you any happier to waste time worrying?"


"Then don't. You have no understanding of the situation, neither Sharon nor I have asked for your input, and it's none of your business."

"OK. Your attitude is certainly clear. Anyway, I just stopped by to say 'hi' on my way to the airport. I'd better be going."

"It was good to see you, Mark. I'm always happy to see you, but you might want to call first before you drop in."

I was sorry to see Mark run off like that. I didn't get to see enough of him, but I had to make it clear which one of us was in charge of my life. I loved him very much, but didn't require his oversight or approval of my activities. I headed for the kitchen.

Sharon was sitting at the breakfast counter weeping. I removed her gag and held her.

"I didn't want anybody to see me like this."

"I see you like this."

"I mean anybody else. I don't mind if you see me like this... no, I do mind when you see me like this, but I can't help it, but I like it, too, but... I don't know what I mean."

I held her until she was calm and quiet. "Do you want to finish the job?"

"Yes." I led her back to the main hall and held the gag to her lips.

"Do I have to be gagged?"

"Yes, if you're going to stay."

"What if somebody else comes?"

"I won't ever let anyone in again while you're here."

"Alright." I buckled the gag in place and locked it. Sharon returned to her task.

When she finished I could only find one small flaw (cobwebs above one of the mantles again). "That's much better, Sharon. Next time let's try for 100%. Now remember not to speak until you're out of the house." I removed her collar and gag and sent her on her way.

The hapless Sharon was becoming acclimated to the fact that she would be punished if she broke the rules. Rule enforcement was about to increase.

On Sunday, Karen and I went to see the Greek silver exhibit at the art museum. It was worth the trip to see the beautiful objects fashioned by hand all those centuries ago. We ate a late lunch in the museum café then went driving aimlessly around town, just talking. We found ourselves driving through one of the older parts of town. The street we were on was lined with large older houses similar to my own. All were masonry, either stone or brick. Many had been restored, others were crumbling, all were impressive. Karen was enthralled.

"I just love these old houses. Wouldn't it be great to see inside of them."

"I think that could be arranged."


"Yes, I know someone here."

I parked in front of a three story stone house on a corner lot. It was just sunset and there were lights on in the house. It had an impressive set of leaded glass doors and the interior lights glittered and danced in the beveled pieces of glass as we mounted the stone steps.

"There's no one home at the moment but I can show you the house anyway." I opened the front door.

"It's unlocked?" Karen asked.

"Think about it. If someone were going rob this place, would you want them to have to break in? You can get a new VCR but they don't make doors like this anymore."

"But someone could just walk right in."

"And so we shall," I said, punching numbers into a small keypad just inside.

"But, but..."

"It's OK. I've turned off the alarm."

We stepped inside and I closed the door, resetting the alarm. We were in a small entry hall. In front of us was another set of leaded glass doors which opened into the main hall. The entry hall floor was ceramic tile with a small oriental rug in the center. On our right was a small ornate table with a burled wood framed mirror hanging above. It was obvious even from the entry hall that the house had been restored to its original splendor.

"There is one little problem before we go on inside," I told Karen. "I have to tie your hands."


"It's the house rule," I told her. "Women visitors are only allowed inside if their hands are tied behind them."

"You're making this up. You just want to tie me up."

"So why would I want to tie you up?"

"I don't know. Guys like to tie women up sometimes. It makes them feel superior or like they're in charge or something."

I stepped very close to her; my sport coat brushed against her breasts. "Karen, is there any doubt in your mind which one of us is in charge?", I asked, speaking softly.

"No," she replied even more softly. "No, there isn't."

"So where then is my need to tie you up."

I opened the drawer on the table under the mirror. It contained three pair of handcuffs and a couple short lengths of rope.

"Oh, my," Karen said. "What are those doing in there."

"They're provided for the convenience of guests."

"You really weren't kidding."

"No, I wasn't."

"Couldn't we just go in anyway? There's nobody home. How would they know?"

"I wouldn't want the owner to find you wandering around loose, so to speak. You don't have to go in. We can leave now if you want."

"But I really want to see the house."

"Then you'll have to be tied. Would you prefer rope or handcuffs?"


"Cross your wrists behind you." Karen complied and I tied her wrists snugly.

"Bob, this is so weird. Why did you bring me here?"

"You were the one who wanted to see a house. This is the only one I have access to."

"You have some very strange friends."

"Yes, I suppose I do. But then, so do they."

"Huh? Oh, I get it. Yes, they do, don't they."

"Shall we go in?" I opened the doors to the main hall. Karen gasped as we stepped inside.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!"

And so it was. The marble threshold gave way to a thick rose colored runner which extended down the hall, flanked by the dark oak flooring. Polished brass and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The walls were covered with antique wallpaper above the waist high mahogany wainscoting.

On the right was a drawing room or library. There was a fireplace in the far wall under a massive mahogany mantle as wide as the room. On either side of the fireplace were bookcases with leaded glass doors. Above the mantle were stained glass windows.

On the left was the living room. Unlike the rest of the house, it had white maple flooring. Ornate plaster crown molding rimmed the ceiling. Also unlike the rest of the house, the woodwork was painted.

Karen was practically spinning in circles, trying to look at everything. She was wearing 4" heels, and with her hands tied behind her, she was tottering a bit.

"Careful," I cautioned. "You don't want to crash into anything expensive. And don't wander into any unauthorized areas."

"Unauthorized areas? What are you talking about?"

"Don't go into any private areas of the house. There's a penalty for intrusion."

Same as Palmistry
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Weekend CaptiveChapter 8

Down at the Surf Club the beer flowed endlessly as dozens of husky young men overdid their efforts to satisfy the Big Australian Thirst, the national pastime that traditionally excluded women - at least in the bars. Poker machines rattled and clinked, adding to the loud sounds of talk, and orders for pints, "schooners" and "middies" of frothing beer. Barmen carried huge platters of brimming glasses to tables or shoved them across beer-wet bars to drinkers clad mostly in shorts and shirts....

1 year ago
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my dads lover my mistress

Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 18 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didn’t hear me come in. “what the...

3 years ago
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Young Boys Help Me Teach my Wife a Lesson

I was pissed at her for being so rude to my friends at a party we were at. They were just flirting with her a little like young-virile men that they are and she got upset. She is always like this so uptight about herself and her fuckin’ stupid ideals. I just stood there looking like a moron. Jake, one of my colleagues, saw that I was upset and took me to a corner and tried to cheer me up, “Oh c’mon BL, wives are like that. Mine is as fucked up too.” Marcus, another guy...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 7

It rained the next day. It was more of a morning drizzle but it was the first hint of precipitation that we'd seen since we'd got to this world. Personally, it didn't bother me. I was still in bed, fooling around when it happened. I'd just finished a little three-way tussle with my mother-in-law Betty and my sister Patricia. The two of them had come into the tent complex with the intention of stripping the air mattresses and pillows of their linen so that they could do the laundry. In the...

4 years ago
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Cathy Gets a New Job

It's a pretty big deal when the president of a large company, standing outside the Mayor's office in a small town in Iowa announces that his company intends to spend eighty million dollars to build a new manufacturing facility in the town. Building that plant would bring more than a thousand badly needed jobs to the community and could inspire other companies to the area as well. To Cathy Henry, the news was precisely what she wanted to hear. As a young mother whose husband was still overseas...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1103 Rock

"I've got the jeep packed with booze and we can be in California in two days. Let's go, RB." He said her initials like she was a fast food sandwich. Shit. I had to believe this was the boyfriend. Lester Hawkins was tough, but tall and stringy. William in Kokomo looked like a Greek god with sculpted abs and arms. The guy in front of us looked like his body was built by steroids. He was sweating and his pupils were dilated so far I couldn't tell the color of his eyes. And he had an...

2 years ago
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Mom Ki Diary 8211 Part 2

Hello friend , I am Ap and I am writing the second part of “ mom ki diary ”. Got a good response for my earlier stories,so thank you to all of you.For girls who want to have sex with me mail me at “Maine jaise hi pages palte ,to wahan mom ne apni life ka ek aur incident likha tha.Main chaunk gaya ki pehle student se,ab kisse? “21st October 2015 Roz ki tarah aaj bhi main subah jaldi uthi .Mujhe bahut lonely lag raha thakyunki aayush aur uske dad ek week ke liye bahar gaye hai.Ham log recently...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 16 Rage Against the Machine

Calix woke, his mind calm. He felt – peaceful. He felt better than he had for a long time. His mind seemed quiet and organized. He felt - ready. It had taken him quite some time yesterday to open and deal with the boxes in his head. Much longer than he expected. Too much time. Maybe Octavia was right. He’d never thought about it before. He’d never considered that maybe taking the time once a day to deal with all of the crap would be enough. He’d have to start trying it – maybe before he went...

2 years ago
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College Pals

Joan was a petite, 19-year-old, brunette. She was 5’2,’ and her body was accented by breasts and hips that were just large enough to give her some very nice curves. She had very little body fat, and her belly was soft but flat. She usually wore her hair in a style that framed her face in a soft oval. Joan was not a glamorous beauty, but, she presented an appearance that was deliciously cute. On top of her appearance, Joan had a very sweet personality to go with it. Unbeknownst to Joan, she...

1 year ago
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lactating hot wife Chapter 4 Jill takes two

Previously: As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier.  The first two weeks of Glenn's stay went smoothly, however, my life changed completely one Friday evening in early June. My husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was...

Wife Lovers
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Curious Friends

When I was f******n me and my buddy would watch porn together at first we would just watch and laugh or comment. Time went on and it became more frequent and once in a while I or he would bring a movie over with good sex scenes. We did this so frequently we became very comfortable and eventually we couldn't help but make jokes about each other when we would get boners. Eventually you couldn't help but make the joke of wiping out your dick and swinging it around. Inevitably you couldn't help but...

3 years ago
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They both were very comfortable articulating what they liked and wanted from me sexually. Jane was turned on by admitting to use a vibrator to masturbate. Watching her masturbate and knowing that she would be ready to fuck afterward was a big turn on as well as her reaction. Susan would never admit to masturbating. When asked, both had no interest whatsoever in sex with another female, though a threesome situation with another man was very acceptable and an obvious turn on for both. Jane...

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Sister in Law

He couldn't get it out of his mind. The suggestion. And her sister. He was sitting on his couch and his sister-in-law, Debi, was sitting on the floor while he was massaging her head. His wife sat across the room in her favorite chair. Her sister was staying with them for the weekend and she had just driven 200 miles to get there, complaining of a headache. They had dinner and were on their second bottle of wine, when he offered to rub her head. The three of them chatted idly while he pressed...

1 year ago
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A Christmas dream

A Christmas dream I wake up in my lonely apartment on Christmas morning thinking it's just going to be like any other morning, then as I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room I see that there are gifts under my tree, several of them ! Strangely there were none last night when I went to bed. Looking around the room I see that all the doors and windows are still closed and locked, after thinking about it for a few minutes I approach the tree and start looking at the...

3 years ago
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Hubbys Special Present

The following story is a fantasy but with a cast of real characters. Though my husband is a wonderful lover who makes me cum like no other I'm a woman with an occasional dominate streak that needs to be satisfied. I decided to find satisfaction for my inner Mistress on the internet. After having several dominance and submission cyber sex sessions with potential slaves one certain candidate stood out from all the rest. Stephen was convenient as our time schedules were similar and he was always...

3 years ago
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Swimming Pool Submission

Okay, I never thought I'd write a story like this but a challenge is a challenge. Michael said that I was too much of a wimp to write a rape story, so of course I had to prove that I could. Just call me stupid. Now he has to write one too. I'd done it a dozen times before. Sneaking into my neighbor's backyard pool late at night was something I was getting used to doing. I always thought that if someone caught me I'd be able to talk myself out of trouble. Being a cute girl had always...

3 years ago
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Dreadlock Holiday Day 12

Day 12I awoke after another night of Sally being a black cock slut. As I slid out from under the sheets I could smell Leon on her, in the bed; his musky smell filled the room. I headed towards the shower and turned to see her laying with her legs slightly parted and his dried cum still covering her pussy and on the sheet below.She was waking as I returned to the bedroom and gave me a smile as she rubbed sleep from her eyes. We didn’t say a word about last night although our heads must have been...

2 years ago
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Teenage Temptations Two

A week had passed after I had held my first private English lesson. I had swapped careers, moving from my steady job in engineering to pursue my vocation as an English teacher. Now, I was reconsidering the wisdom of the whole thing, given the lapse in judgement with my first student. Emily was due for her second tutorial in the afternoon, and I was anxious about how things would turn out after her first visit. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about her. I had relived that moment when...

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The CoverUp Ch 01

Hi, everyone! This is my first submission to the site, so I hope you all like it. Comments would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to tell me what you liked, what you didn’t like, and/or anything else you can think of to write down. I’m interested to know what you guys think of the story so far.  DISCLAIMER: Any resemblances to real people or locations (with the exception of cities, states, etc.) are purely coincidental. I’m sure that some of the locations I use are in fact real, but for the...

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

1 year ago
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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 18

Amelia, pulling away from me, woke me. Morning sun was bright. Never a long sleeper, this time I’d slept longer than usual. I tried to hold onto her. She tugged her arm out of my hand. “Let go, Mike!” Opening my eyes, I asked, “What’s wrong?” Amelia blushed. “I leaked all over the sheet. It’s a mess.” I grinned. How cute. “Would you like to take a shower together?” Amelia grinned. “Kay.” Then she frowned. “But no funny stuff! I’m sore.” My heart ached. I loved her so much. Five minutes...

4 years ago
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The Sunglases

Mike was walking home from school along Industrial Way. His mom hated it when he walked home that way; she was always worried that Mike would get run over by one of the trucks that tore by, heedless of the occasional pedestrian. Mike preferred it because the other people at school didn't walk that way. It was a typical spring day, slightly warm with clear skies. As Mike was walking, he was kicking some pebbles, trying to keep them on the little path by the road. One skittered off and under a...

3 years ago
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Swapnil To Swapnali

Hi every one. The story I am going to write is not complete true, but some scenes of it are happened with me. I am sissy in nature and always wanted to read sissy especially bottom gay sex stories. This story is about me and my friend Rohit. Rohit is smart handsome boy whose parents are divorced and they are busy in their own life, gave him a lot of money and house in Pune. They even do not bother to ask him about his studies. Though he is smart and having money, because of he is shy attitude...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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PervMom Ashley Fires Taking Care Of My Stepmom8217s Pussy

Smart and sexy MILF Ashley Fires has a special friend, and she doesn’t want her husband to know about it. To make sure her stepson keeps her secret, she grabs his dick and shoves it down her throat for a sopping wet blowjob! Later, Ashley sneaks into the house after getting into some devious fun. To distract her stepson from her misdeeds, she seduces him, spreading her legs on the couch and taking his cock in her MILF love tunnel. Then, he gives her a hot creampie! A couple days later, Ashley’s...

2 years ago
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I Have Gynecomastia Chapter Two

Chapter Two I have Gynecomastia By Terry Hansay Best you read my first Chapter before reading this Chapter Two... Enjoy! My Mom walked me into the church meeting room. I did not want to go and she knew it. I felt like a like a kid as Mommy took me into the classroom. I did not know what to expect. How could a group of men meet, socialize and talk about their breasts? About 7-8 men were socializing plus several other women were there. Look like the women are with their men,...

4 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part Two

It’s been six months since Ella has become my temp sub, andshe’s learning quickly. I've been training her in a lot of the areas she didn't know about. She follows orders to the T and doesn't get to cheeky. Of course she is by no means perfect, but she’s learning.  We started off seeing each other a few times a month, now it’s as often as we can. She doesn't know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to ask her to be my live in weekend pet. This means she’ll come stay with me all weekend long. We...

2 years ago
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My First Time Sucking Cock

At first, I didn’t understand what she was saying or why: “You want to suck cock”, she said, “I can tell you want it. I can tell you would like it”. Julie was standing over me with her black pussy poised just in front of my mouth. It was forty years since we had been in high school together. We had flirted and teased sexually, known there was a spark, but we had not dated, it was not something one did then, interracial dating, in the South. But I met her again at a lawn event at my son’s...

1 year ago
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Out of Control 3

Jessica woke up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. At first she didn't realize her position- she was still in the wrong body. The "real" Jessica was in the body of a tall, handsome man, and at the moment, was getting into a very nice suit, preparing for work. "What are you doing?" Jessica cried as she got out of bed, running for her boyfriend. However, her legs buckled as she got up. She'd taken quite a beating only hours before, and was still getting used to the new body. She fell to her knees...

1 year ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 28 to 29 Going Pro part 3

Chapter 28Adam wasted no time obeying his wife’s command.He swivelled on the bed until he was lying full length behind me, his down, male body pressed against my skinny, middle-aged frame as if we were two spoons in a drawer. I could feel his muscular chest hot against my back and his erection pressing against the back of my legs.It was beginning again. My heart thumped in excitement.“Be gentle. Please,” I whispered, wanting desperately to feel him inside me again but knowing how sore I already...

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Ready for More

I'm Terri Wilson. My husband Brett and I were enjoying a rare Sunday morning alone. Our twin teens were staying at friends' houses, so we had a rare break from the usual morning chaos. Brett and I shared many adventurous times when we were first together; now in our later 30's with two kids for the past 14 years we didn't often have time for more than a quick fuck to take off the edge. Yes we'd settled into the dreaded routine. I needed more. I was ready for more. First I rocked slowly...

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A New Taste Part 22 Mexican Wank Off Bi

The next morning I was sat drinking coffee with the doors to my little balcony open. The warm fresh air filling the room as I recalled the previous nights exceptional adventures. I had time to myself to dwell on each precious erotic highlight. Polly gripping my cock shaft as I rammed her boyfriends ass, her virgin anus squeezing my fingertip as I unloaded into him and the slutty abandon of sharing his spunk. It had been a rollercoaster of delights.Eventually Polly surfaced and wandered into the...

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Anna Mardi Gras Adventure

Anna - Mardi Gras AdventureAnna walked briskly down Bourbon St while I followed close behind. Her fat round ass, encased in a tight, short skirt, swayed from side to side as she deftly navigated through the crowd in her 4" heals. A mass of beads, ranging from small to big, was d****d around her neck but they did little to hide her huge, God given breasts."Show your tits," a group or drunk boys on a balcony above her serenaded and she stopped abruptly and looked up at them with a defiant...

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ExxxtraSmall Kendall Woods Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board

Kendall was tired of going on the internet all day. She wanted to get out and do something with her life! After hours of thinking she got the best idea ever. Go to the park and fly a kite! Sounds awesome right? She forgot one thing. Shes the tiniest girl in the whole world. As soon as the kite went up, it was pulling her all sorts of ways. She could barely control it, and it got swept right into a tree. Great. She could barely reach it and was now stuck with nothing to do. Thank heavens for the...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 36

Life, thought Karen, has gotten a whole lot more complicated. She hadn't meant for it to happen, but it had happened, and now she had to deal with it. She just wasn't sure exactly how she was going to deal with it. Karen, the newest Priestess of the Circle (Sandy had technically been inducted first), had just reached into her -- very attractive -- history teacher's brain and induced an fantasy. It wasn't difficult to do. Mr. Reed was young, attractive and would have to be dead not to...

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Picnic Table Jerk Off Another one of my wifes college adventures

My wife lived 150 miles from home while attending college. Her boyfriend attended a different college, but had plans to be home for the weekend, so she was desperate to find a ride home to spend some time with him. While eating lunch on Wednesday she saw a guy she knew slightly. He lived in the same town as her but had gone to a different high school. When he got up to leave the cafeteria she walked over to him. She gave him a flirtatious smile, made lingering eye contact with her beautiful...

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CindyChapter 56

We made it through the weekend and the only damage was to my waistline. Friday evening with Mike's barbecue and the Saturday night dinner at the catfish place and by the time Cindy and I were flying away Sunday she recognized our problem. "Baby, bicycles and walking EVERY day this week. We ate too good this weekend." We kept our promise to each other. Bicycling around the park was a bit of a bore, but we knew a stretch of road that was used by a couple of local bicycle groups and they...

4 years ago
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PromiseChapter 2 The Lawn Tennis Club

IT WAS THE CUSTOM to play tennis during the siesta, even if here in the capital there wasn’t much of a siesta for anyone. But for those who were in charge of their own schedules, and Monsieur M was certainly one of those, except in the hottest months the siesta was a good time for tennis during the week as well as on the weekends. When I rolled up to the Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, step aside, that was really its name, on that Saturday afternoon a valet took charge of my vehicle and I...

2 years ago
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Job Interview To Life Partners

Hi, I am Rohit, 23-year-old computer engineering graduate from Karnataka. This is my fantasy story. After finishing my graduation I was desperately searching for a job. I have uploaded my resume in all the job portals but with little or no success I had to leave my hometown and left for Bangalore in search of a job. I did not have money for the longer duration of stay in Bangalore and pressure to find a job was brewing on me. I booked a paying guest in j p Nagar for 3000 rupees per month which...

Gay Male

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