My first infidelity
- 1 year ago
- 36
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"You want me to arrive at seven, ring the bell once, and stand at attention in the middle of the rug with my hands clasped behind me until you come for me."
"Good. Now don't forget. By the way, this is a formal occasion so dress appropriately."
"And what would you consider appropriate?"
"I assume you have a little black dress in your inventory. That would do nicely. Gloves would not be out of place."
"I see. It all sounds pretty weird, but intriguing. I'll be there."
"I'm looking forward to it, Rebecca."
Friday I took Karen out again. Afterward, I took her back to my house, tied her up and took her to bed. I was beginning to fear we were getting into a rut, although as ruts go this was probably as good as it gets. Saturday morning, we went out for breakfast then I did some shopping with her and took her home.
Saturday evening, the hapless Sharon arrived on time at six. I prepared her, then she helped me get dinner in the oven. We waited for Rebecca to arrive.
At seven, the doorbell rang once. I waited until five after, then went to retrieve Rebecca. I opened the doors to the entry hall. Rebecca was standing there exactly as specified.
"No, don't move," I told her. "I want to look at you. You've arrived looking so beautiful the least you can do is give me a moment to admire." She was wearing a black dress, cut low both in front and back. It ended just above her knees. Over the elbow opera gloves, black pumps, suntan hose, an amethyst necklace with matching earrings and brooch completed her ensemble.
I had dressed as well. I was wearing my tux, double breasted with tails and striped pants. It was an outfit from the twenties I'd found in a junk store for ten bucks. It was in perfect condition and I'd had it tailored. It went well with the house.
I completed my inspection of Rebecca. "This time I like what I see. Please come in," I said, offering my hand.
"This is quite a place. I wasn't expecting anything like this. No wonder you wanted me to dress up."
"Let me get you something to drink, then I'll give you a tour."
"Sharon," I called, "attend."
The hapless Sharon emerged from the far end of the hall. She was wearing her usual outfit and collar. Leather cuffs were locked on her wrists and ankles. Her ankle cuffs were linked by a short length of chain, severely limiting her stride. Step, step, step, she approached taking short quick steps, her ankle chain taut then slack then snapping taut again with each step. Rebecca stared at her, then stared at me.
"What would you like to drink?"
"Oh... uh... a vodka collins would be fine."
"Sharon, a vodka collins. Bring me the usual."
"Yes, Mr. Baxter."
"Sharon!" I said sharply, glaring.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
"I think a reminder is in order. See to it."
"Yes, sir." She said and headed off.
"She called you Mr. Baxter, but your name is Canfield," Rebecca said.
"You and I know that. She does not. I hope you will be so kind as not to disillusion her."
The hapless Sharon returned bearing a silver tray with two frosted glasses and a short stack of napkins. She was gagged, a ballgag being buckled tightly around her head and padlocked in back.
"She's ga... She wasn't supposed to call you by name, was she."
"It's quite alright. As you can see, the immediate problem has been corrected. I can address her inadequacies in greater depth at a later time." The hapless Sharon cast her eyes down and shivered as I said this.
I took a drink and a napkin from the tray and handed them to Rebecca, then picked up my own. "Thank you, Sharon. That will be all for now." She shuffled off toward the kitchen.
I led Rebecca on a tour of the house. "You'll have to see it in the daytime," I told her, "when the sun is up the windows are beautiful."
"I had no idea you lived in such a place. Servants and everything. Has she been with you long?"
"Now you know what becomes of my former lovers."
"Normally I'd know that was a joke. It's a joke, right?"
"We'll let you find out the hard way, shall we." I noticed Rebecca wasn't drinking her drink. "You don't need to worry about the drink. It isn't drugged," I said, taking her chin between my thumb and forefinger, tilting her face up toward mine. "I want you conscious and fully aware of your circumstances, not drugged."
"You sound like you're trying to frighten me."
"Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away."
"Well stop it. You're succeeding."
A bell tinkled from the direction of the dining room. "It sounds like dinner is served." I offered Rebecca my arm. The leaves had been removed from the table so that it was at its smallest size. Two places were set, one at the head of the table and one at the adjoining corner. I seated Rebecca at the corner seat and sat down at the head. "You may begin, Sharon."
The hapless Sharon served the soup and salad, then stood at attention next to the door. When we finished, she cleared the bowls away and brought the main course, steak and lobster.
"Well," said Rebecca, "there was certainly no need to go to a restaurant. I don't know of anywhere that could match the food or service."
"We have Sharon to thank for that. She's very talented." Dinner progressed. Rebecca and I talked small talk and the hapless Sharon attended to our needs. When we finished, the hapless Sharon brought Rebecca a small dish of sherbet. "Dessert," I told her.
Rebecca was nearly finished when she realized I wasn't eating. "Aren't you having dessert?"
"Yes, I am. Mine is nearly ready," I told her as she finished.
"Oh? What are you having?"
"You, of course. I'm going to have you for dessert. Sharon, please assist Miss Collins."
The hapless Sharon walked up behind her. "Please cooperate with Sharon. She's only doing her job and things will go much more smoothly that way." Sharon pulled Rebecca's arms gently behind her and locked a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.
I had caught Rebecca by surprise. She knew I was up to something but had been lulled into complacency by the dinner. She had felt safe as long as she was at the table.
The hapless Sharon buckled a collar similar to her own around Rebecca's neck, locking it in place.
"Bob, aren't you going a bit overboard here," Rebecca complained. "Please, I can't see." A leather blindfold was being buckled on.
"That's intentional. You've been blindfolded."
"I don't like it. I want you to take it off."
"Rebecca, please be silent. You're only making things more difficult."
"Bob, this is crazy. Let me go."
"Rebecca, I asked you to be quiet. Sharon, will you please gag Miss Collins."
"No, don't," Rebecca gasped as she turned her head from side to side trying to avoid the ball Sharon was trying to force into her mouth. "I don't want to be gagged."
"Now, Rebecca, Sharon is gagged and none the worse for it. It won't hurt you either."
"No, stop it. I want out of here. Let me go. I said don't. Dammit, let me go."
"Sharon, please lead Miss Collins to the door. I'll meet you there in a moment and release her."
The hapless Sharon led Rebecca away. I waited a moment, then met them at the door. I removed Rebecca's blindfold.
"Oh, we are at the door. I wasn't sure that was really where she led me."
"It's alright, Rebecca. I'm going to send you home," I said as I removed her collar.
"Sharon, please clear the table." The hapless Sharon departed. I pulled Rebecca to me and gave her a lingering kiss. "I'm sorry you won't be staying. I was looking forward to entertaining you further." I picked her up and carried her out to her car, then set her on her feet and unlocked her handcuffs. I opened her door. "Goodnight, Rebecca. Please remember to drive carefully."
Back in the house, I removed the hapless Sharon's gag and handed her a glass of wine. "Thank you, Sharon. You did a wonderful job. I'm very pleased," I told her as she sipped the wine, clearing the taste of the gag from her mouth.
"I know you scared her away on purpose, but it seems like you might be a little bit disappointed that she's gone."
"Yeah, a night with Rebecca would have been fun."
"If you want to, maybe... I mean, I know I'm not as pretty as she is, but if you want to, now that she's gone... I could... I mean if you want me to I could take her place, if you'd like maybe you could do to me what you were going to do to her... if you want to."
I was taken aback by her proposal. "Thank you, Sharon, but..." I stopped. Sharon had stammered forth her proposal with great difficulty. I suddenly realized her halting manner was not the result of reluctance to do what she was suggesting but rather fear of rejection, which I had been on the verge of doing. "... you're wrong. You're quite as pretty as Rebecca. Now finish your wine. You have a long night ahead of you."
Sharon (suddenly she was no longer the hapless Sharon) finished her glass of wine. I took the empty glass from her fingers then backed her against the wall and kissed her. I began unbuttoning her blouse. "As much as I like you in this outfit, I think I'll like you out of it as well." I got Sharon out of her blouse and bra, then fastened her wrists behind her. I pulled a short length of chain from my pocket and clipped the center of it to her collar. The ends dangled between her breasts.
"What's that?"
"Hasn't anyone ever put nipple clamps on you?"
"No. Do they hurt?"
"If done right they hurt just enough."
I teased her nipples to hardness. Sharon inhaled sharply as each clamp went on. "Come with me." Sharon followed slowly and carefully. Walking was difficult enough with her ankles chained and her wrists fastened behind her but she also had the problem of the dangling chain tugging on her nipple clamps with each step. Eventually, I got her up to the bedroom where I removed her shoes and skirt.
"Well, how do you like them?"
"They sort of hurt, but it's not like it's really painful. It's more like I want to squeeze them even harder and make them hurt more except hurt isn't quite the right word. I can't really explain it."
"Sounds like I got them adjusted about right. I'm going to take them off now. That does hurt, but you are to make no sound."
"Yes, sir."
Sharon grimaced as I removed the clamps but remained silent. I slid her panties down her legs and she stepped out of them.
"On the bed," I told her. "No, no, face down. Good." I grasped her ankles and pulled her down toward the foot of the bed so her ankles rested on the footboard. With a piece of rope, I bound each ankle to the footboard so they were about two feet apart. "I'm afraid you're going to get that spanking after all. You don't have to remain silent for this one, but I am going to gag you. Open up." I stuffed the ball in her mouth and buckled the straps.
I took my belt off, doubled it over, and gave Sharon a good hard stroke. Bound as she was, Sharon could only thrash a bit from side to side (which she did with vigor) but to no avail. She was exposed and helpless. I spanked her until I was finished spanking her.
I untied her ankles, turned her over, and removed her gag. Kissing away her tears, I stroked her thighs lightly with my hand, then mounted her.
When we were finished, I hooked her ankle cuffs together. "Are you going to keep me tied up?"
"All night," I told her. "Tell me, what changed your mind?"
"About what?"
"The first time I locked your collar on you, you made it clear that you were only here to clean the house."
"That outfit you made me wear was sort of sexy especially with the collar and everything and I'd never really dressed like that before and with wearing it in front of you it made me all self conscious and then sometimes I'd see you looking at me and you never really looked at me like that before in fact you hardly ever looked at me at all before. Then when you would punish me for not doing a good job I was embarrassed and didn't like it except that I liked the attention and when you made me stand with my nose against the wall and you touched me and moved me around so I had to stand just the way you wanted me to, it was like my insides were melting and making this big ball in my stomach and then you tied my hands and it was even worse and I was afraid you were going to do something but you didn't and that made it even worse yet. When I came here tonight I was really embarrassed to be dressed like this and chained and gagged in front of another woman and then I had to serve you and everything and when I put the handcuffs on her I imagined I was putting them on myself and I thought for sure you would see my hands were shaking but then she left and I was afraid that if I didn't say anything you would send me away too so I'm glad I said something but I was so embarrassed and I would have felt really awful if you had sent me home then."
"So why did you go home when you got spanked and why did you come back?"
"It really hurt a lot and I just couldn't stand it and besides the way you tied me up and made me kneel down and bend over that ottoman and then you pulled my skirt up and spanked me just like a little girl was so embarrassing and it made me feel so bad I just had to cry and I just had to make it stop and get away. I could hardly sit on the car seat on the way home and when I got there it still really hurt and I was so mad at you for doing that to me that I was never coming back but then the next day I realized I wasn't coming back and I knew I wouldn't have any reason to wear that outfit anymore and you wouldn't look at me the way you do anymore and you wouldn't put me in my collar anymore and I have mixed up feelings about wearing it but I like it when you put it on me in fact I like it anytime when you touch me except for the spanking so I thought about it and then called you the next day and you told me I would have to finish the spanking and I was afraid but I knew I'd let you do it and then I realized if I came over here I'd let you do anything you wanted and I wouldn't be able to stop you because I wouldn't be able to stop myself so here I am."
"Sharon, you haven't spent near enough of your life gagged."
"Oh, you mean I talk too much. I suppose I do but it's just the way I am and I can't help it but I do it more when I'm nervous and you make me nervous so... I'm doing it again, aren't I. Are you going to gag me?"
"No, I don't want you falling asleep with the gag in but if you speak again before morning I'll think of some devious punishment to inflict upon you."
In the morning we showered and dressed. I locked Sharon in her collar again.
"You know," she said, "I could probably do a better job on the house if I came every Saturday."
"Alright, every Saturday then."
It was a beautiful morning and not hot yet so we ate on the front porch. When we finished, I kissed her, removed her collar and sent her on her way.
After she was gone, I sat on the porch for a while, just thinking. My first thought was 'two down, two to go'. Helen shouldn't be too difficult. She'd certainly hinted at her willingness. Rebecca was now an unknown. I didn't know how badly I'd frightened her, but I was sure I was now in a different category in her mind. I'd probably been reclassified from potential paramour to major wacko. Oh, well, three out of four isn't bad. I gave Helen a call.
"Hi, Helen, it's Bob."
"Yes, it is. I was wondering if I'd hear from you again."
"I wanted to let you know I've changed my mind. Perhaps you'd be willing to come by for dinner. I have some nice vegetarian hamburgers."
"What are they, soy?"
"No, beef. They're made from vegetarian cows."
"Bob, all cows are vegetarian."
"That's how you can be sure it's the real thing."
"Did you call just to fuck with my head?"
"That's all I have access to at the moment, but if you'd come over I could expand my horizons."
"Let me see if I understand. You've changed your mind so you want me to come over to your house so you can feed me vegetarian beef then tie me up and fuck my brains out. I don't think I've ever been asked out quite like that before."
"You left out the spanking. The one I gave you last time really didn't amount to much and I'm anxious to give you a proper one."
"You're having trouble getting the hang of this dating thing, aren't you."
"How 'bout around six."
"Well, forget the hamburgers. I wouldn't mind a nice white wine."
"I'm looking forward to your appearance."
"I'll try to remember to bring it with me."
The doorbell rang at exactly six. Women these days were not only unusually willing but uncannily prompt. I opened the door and Helen stepped in.
"There is one thing before we leave the entry hall..."
"Yes, I know about the rules. Karen told me. I prefer rope, please."
"Karen told you about that day?" I asked as I bound her wrists.
"Yes, she was actually rather thrilled with the little trick you played on her."
"I thought you didn't carry tales."
"I was pretty sure you already knew about the trick you played on Karen."
"I was afraid she was still sort of pissed about that."
"Once she realized your intent was to entertain rather than deceive, she was flattered that you went to all the trouble."
I opened the inner doors and we entered the main hall.
"I can see Karen didn't do the place justice. This is very nice."
Meg and I had bought the house because it was beautiful. I had never dreamed it would also be useful for seduction. I gave Helen the tour, then got a bottle of wine and some glasses and led her to the front porch. I retied Helen's hands in front and handed her a glass of wine.
"I thought I had to have my hands tied behind me."
"We aren't in the house."
"Then why am I tied at all?"
"I like you that way."
"Have you ever thought about why that is?"
"I make a point of not thinking about that."
"What if I didn't like it?"
"Then you wouldn't be here, would you."
We finished the wine. "OK, Helen, time for the main event," I tied her hands behind her and led her back into the house then up to the bedroom, then untied her long enough to get her undressed. I tied her to the bed as I had Sharon, face down with her hands behind her and her ankles bound about two feet apart to the footboard, her feet hanging over the end.
"Now what?"
"Now you get your spanking, but first you have to ask for it."
"You want me to ask you to spank me?"
"I want you to ask me to spank you really hard."
"Good luck."
I began tickling Helen's feet. She giggled and gurgled and shrieked, but I was relentless.
"Oh, Bob, don't. Stop it. You're driving me crazy. I can't stand being tickled."
"You know what you have to do."
"Alright," she gasped between shrieks, "alright. Spank me, spank me. PLEASE spank me. Spank me really hard."
I gave her a few minutes to catch her breath, then retrieved the switch I had cut for Sharon.
"Oh, god, you are going to spank me really hard, aren't you."
"I told you you were a meddlesome wench. You're lucky you don't have to spend the week in a scold's bridle, but for now I'm just going to gag you. You've been noisy enough already."
Helen opened her mouth and I pushed the ball in and buckled the strap. I began Helen's spanking. I was pretty sure I wasn't the first person to spank her, but I gave her what may well have been the spanking of her life. She screamed into the gag and thrashed helplessly.
I untied her ankles and removed her gag, then dried her tears with a small handkerchief. I had never spanked Meg hard enough to make her cry, but since her death, I had spanked four different women and made them all cry. Had Meg been unusually tough or was I overdoing it?
"I think you're overdoing it," Helen sobbed.
"It's OK," I told her, kissing her gently. "It's over, and you've been persuaded of the error of your ways and have resolved not to earn another."
Helen nearly choked. "I think you're the first person to make me laugh and cry at the same time. But you scared me. I was afraid you were out of control for a minute there."
"I am always in control. Always."
"So you say."
I slowly explored Helen's body, trying to discover all its little secrets. She sighed when I kissed her neck and yelped when I bit her nipples. Finally I worked her into what I considered the proper state of readiness and proceeded, to the best of my ability, to fuck her brains out.
"I know what you're thinking," she said. "You're worried about how this will affect your relationship with Karen and how to call things off with me without hurting my feelings. It's not a problem. We're friends, not lovers. It's like we had to do this to find out about each other or something, but having done it, the pressure is off. We can be friends now without thinking about what it would be like with the other person. Sex between us is recreational, not serious. Maybe we'll do this again sometime, but I don't see it in the near future."
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Incest*Author’s Note: This is my first mc story, though I hope to write many more, I have a few interesting ones in the works. I would appreciate any comments or criticism. Oh, and all the normal warnings apply, and you may copy this story only if I gave you my express permission, and my name must go with it. Enjoy.* * Frustrated I know it’s perverse, but I enjoy watching their faces glaze over. I put those snooty and snarky and steely girls under, and when they surface, nothing but slut is left....
Cindy knew she had entered the wrong bar almost immediately. But before she had a chance to go out, Skye was all over her. Making him feel welcome. Buy his drinks.Cindy wanted to leave, but she did not want to be rude. And Skye was nice to her. And she was definitely intrigued by all the tattoos in Skye. She had never seen a girl so close who had so much ink.When Cindy said she had to use the ladies' room (a pretext to try to leave), Skye offered to escort her. Cindy could hardly say Skye...
He heard her moan, and it sent the blood rushing to other parts of his body, than his head. The effect she had on him was dizzying, in more ways than one. Reluctantly, he ended the kiss, and kissed her on the forehead. ‘Let’s go find someplace to have a nice quiet dinner, and get some coffee and breakfast fixin’s for the morning. The cabin has quite a nice little kitchen.’‘We should ask the desk clerk in the office where to go for supper,’ she suggested. ‘I don’t know where to go in Jasper...
Hai All ISS Readers, I am very New to this Sex stories and i had been reading all the stories from last 2 months Especially related to Gay Sex Stories…I dont know how many are true…… But i would like to put my story which will reflect my feelings towards this…….No……… I dont know that i had love feelings towards gays sex or just sex… But i am pretty sure that i have got feelings towards sexxxxxxxxxxxxx…….. To describe my self, i am arun 5.7 ht and slim personality in Bangalore…,,,,, And as...
Gay MaleWalking through the front door you hear music playing in the house and know that I'm there. You kick off your shoes and step quietly down the hall. On your way to the bathroom for a well earned hot shower you pause momentarily in front of my half open bedroom door and laugh to yourself. I'm dancing around singing along with the radio in my own room cleaning things up. I'm completely oblivious to you as I bound around, braids bouncing along with the music on my tits, barely contained under...
As a preface let me tell you that this story certainly did not end up the way it started. Now I have to introduce myself. I am Marjorie, married to Paul my husband of 22 years. Initially in our marriage like many others, my husband wanted sex more than I. At this point I wish I had given him more of what he wanted. We both got to find out what that one president was talking about when he started marketing stuff for E.D. My hubby developed erectile dysfunction and now sex is no longer an option,...
“Come on Kartik, hurry up! It’s getting late” my mom said as I was surfing through the Men’s section of the supermarket for shaving blades. Mom sounded exhausted and in some kind of pain. I looked over at her. Mom’s face was red and she was sweating. I panicked and quickly went up to her and enquired as to what was wrong. “Nothing it’s just some uneasiness I feel that’s all. You take these bags and pay the bill. I’ll be waiting for you in the car.” Mom left for the parking space with the car...
IncestEver since I was a boy I have loved visiting the seaside, the excitement of seeing such an expanse of water, the fun in the penny arcades and the taste of fish and chips. But when I visited recently it proved to be a very special visit one like no others and my excitement was found in a completely new sea side activity. I have written the story that follows because it helps me relive the passion, allows me to revisit my pleasure and my dreams come alive once more in the sights, sounds and...
Afterwards, they all recovered and cleaned themselves up with quick showers. The priority now was on having breakfast, since as of yet no one had eaten much. They all dressed up too, although Susan only wore her erotic apron. Amy naturally took her clothes off before long, but Alan complained he was getting too much visual stimulation, so she put on one of Susan's extra aprons. Alan, Katherine, and Amy sat on stools at the kitchen counter and offered to help Susan, in order to speed things...
Chapter Four: Wife's Incestuous Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michaels I pulled my SUV into the garage a changed man. It worked! My mind-control device worked. I had used it at the park, controlling hundreds of people. Most I just made disinterested. They didn't care what was going on while I had my perverted fun. Receiving a blowjob from a beautiful woman while watching a pair of twins stripping, then fucking said twins and...
The two days I spent with Vijay, and not to mention the evening with Sanjay were simply amazing. It was with these two gentlemen that I ever got the first thought that maybe being someone’s second wife or what the slang calls a keep, setup, etc is not that bad! They would take care of me and would be most interested in fucking me for pleasure. A pleasure, let me remind you, even I would get lots of at the same time. So, whats to lose but everything to gain. Besides, if they are interested in...
You bow your head in shame, standing naked before him, as you realize that you failed to obey your master. He looks at you, hands on his hips, and smiles as he contemplates your punishment. He orders, ‘Give me your wrists,’ before binding them tightly with his belt. He then leads you to the bed where he fastens them securely to the headboard with you face down, arms extended over your head. You enjoy the sensation of the cool sheets on your hard nipples before you remember nervously what is to...
Barbara Keller needed no priming to fan her voluptuous curves into a glowing furnace of lust. She realized this as she lay thrillingly naked beneath the wet, searing caresses of Satyr's loving tongue, once again hotly stroking the swollen mounds of her nipple-hardened breasts. She watched with fevered eyes his every incredible, passion-wetting lick, wildly beginning to wonder how this lewd sexual act had ever escaped her! God, and she'd thought there was nothing under the sun in the realm...
It was an exceptionally warm summer day, and like so many other people, Ashley headed to the beach. She walked past the crowded beach; what she had in mind wasn’t suitable for all those families’ eyes. She knew a spot, a bit past the wide sandy beach; the grass was closer to the water, the shore had a bit more rocks, the area more bushy and green than the wide-open beach. Not a lot of people knew about it, and the sharp, small rocks kept the ones that knew about it out of there. Once there,...
ThreesomesAboard CSS Araby Monday Morning, 5:30 AM P-Day plus 3 OK, that’s a leg. Why is a leg on my chest and another one under my right arm? So there should be a pussy right about ... Yup. And someone else is lying on either side. The girl with the legs seems to be working on the girl on my right. Janet and Gillian were both in with Robert celebrating their new bodies. I started with Caitlin, her mother Jan, Mei Ling and Karen. The leg is too pale for Mei Ling, and that’s not her moaning. That must...
CHUCK – Hawaii – Day 17 - Wednesday When I came down to breakfast, I was intercepted by the concierge, who handed me a large packet. I didn't open it until I had finished eating, but as soon as I did so, I got the concierge to call me a cab and went straight around to the Deputy Marshal's Station. When the Station Chief and I were sitting at a conference table in his office, and had consumed the obligatory coffee and law enforcement donuts, I re-opened the package and after I had handed...
With the assassination thwarted, Empress Raelina convinced me not to resign as a Ranger, but to take on a diplomatic mission for her. Hanelor was to go with me after she finished her Final Confession and Resignation. She had went with Jalin to the Temple of Harsk here in Arethias Castle to proceed with her business. Denna sat with me in my and Hanelor's room as we drank to absent companions. "To Halas," she said with a sad smile. "May he rest among the trees, and return to me in the...
Justin and Karen had come a long way. Karen was no longer depressed, well she wasn't depressed when she was living like Justin. She wanted this feeling to continue and half jokingly suggested to Justin that they switch lives for an entire week. But Justin said that they were pretty much doing that anyway. What Karen meant was totally not just pretend. Justin would sleep in Karen's bed and she would sleep in his room. She would go to school and he would do all of her chores. She...
The Appointed President meets the Elected President. John awoke some time later. He was on the floor. He looked around, there was a Golden Retriever lying next to him keeping him warm. His head had been on a pillow. He was all alone, he called out, “Johannes?” “I’m in here John, we did it. We did it.” The dog woke up and looked at John, “Mesha?” John barely said. The dog got so excited, she was in his lap washing his face and ears. Mesha was a purebred Golden Retriever that John and his...
Mera naam kunal h i a m live in varanasi . Ab main kahani pe aata hu mere ghar ke bagal me ek aunty rhti thi jinka naam vimla tha wo bhut sexi lagti thi unki umar kuch 50 sal ke aas pas thi . Main unhe aunty khta tha lekin mujhe pta chala ki aunty ke affers aunty ke bagal me rhne wale auncle ke sath h jo wha vo rent pe rhte the kuch tb se aunty ke prati meri bhawnaye badlne lagi ar kuch dino ke bag auncle ka transfer ho gya ar vo chale gaye main aunty ke yha aaya jaya karta tha. Ek di ki bat h...
EXPOSING KATHRYN My wife has always had an exhibitionist tendency, probably left over fromhigh school days when we had sex in risky places out of necessity. She isa gorgeous redhead, a true redhead with pale skin, freckled where the sunhas licked its infrequent rays, and a lush growth of shocking red-orangehair at the base of her belly. Her exhibitionism was mild, though, andwhat happened one afternoon far exceeded her limits. Or would have, hadshe known. One late afternoon we had had a...
En nanbanin manaiviyai jollyaaga oothu kondu irunthen, mundravathu naal vanthathu. Nalai naan companiyil interview mudithu vitu appadiye veetirku sendru viten, indru thaan naan irukum kadaisi naal endru manaivi idam solinen. Sari endru ketu kondaal, kalai vidinthathu enaku udambu sorvaaga irunthathu. Mundru natkalil 5 murai manaiviyai oothu irunthen naan ilaithu viten endru kuda sollam. Ennal ingu nadantha kama anubavangalai marakave mudiyaathu, nanban manaiviku thaan nandri solanum. En...
There are times that I am frustrated by becoming a senior. And the most obvious affect is the matter of sex. Since my wife went thru menopause (almost 10 years ago), she no longer has any desires for any sex. Snuggling, kissing and hugging are still okay with her but not the actual consummation of sex. So, I often find myself either going out to get a massage and hope for a “Happy Ending” or watch a porn movie on the TV and jerk off. Well, that is until I met a friend in the similar...
This is a quickie that I wrote while a little bored. It does end rather abruptly, and that was because I wanted to leave the rest to the imagination. I had finished the story up and was about to send it out when I realized that somehow I'd lost the second half of the story and had to write it all over again. I don't think it is quite as good the second time since I lost the mood, but I thought that I'd share it anyway. The Bus Ride By Morpheus Tony took his eyes from...
Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German EIGHT The doorbell rang. That could only be Svenja and Biene. I saw from Mom's face that I was supposed to answer the door. I couldn't see myself doing that in this outfit. But on the other hand, I wanted pants for Monday. I opened the door. Biene looked at me and lifted her hands in front of her mouth. Svenja's eyes became gigantic. I waved them inside. I must say, the two were really...
“Hey mom! I’m home.” Alex the shortish brown haired, green-eyed girl called as she dropped her school bag at the kitchen door. “Mom?” She called again. “She’s not here.” A strange voice said from behind her. Alex jumped back from the stranger. “Who are you?” She demanded. The woman she was confronted with simply smiled. “Where’s my mom?” “Relax Alex.” She said monotone. “How do you know my...
I figured out at a rather young age that rubbing my crotch just right felt really really good. So good in fact, that I did it basically any time I got a chance. Nap time, bed time, long car rides, recess, on the bus...basically any time I was hidden from the chest down, I had my hand in my pants. It wasn't until I was 11 or 12 that I found out what I was doing was masturbating. Once I learned about the mechanics of sex, it got extra weird...I basically found anything that was remotely phallic...
MasturbationShae rushed to the corner hoping to catch the last bus of the night. It was almost 1am and she knew if she missed the bus it would be several hours before the next one would be by. Just as she got there it was pulling up and she sighed with exhausted relief. Working at a bar to pay her way through school and raising 4 kids was over-whelming at times but Shae knew it would pay off soon and with just 3 semesters left she could feel good about herself for the things she had been through to get...
My name is Celine and my husband Sylvester. We are both of Indian origin. Our marriage was by arrangement as it is the custom back home in India. I came from a very poor family background, one of the six daughters to my dad who was in a clerical job. As it was the tradition, to get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. He had hell of a job to scrounge enough dowry to get my two elder sisters married and he was dreading how on...
I could feel her hands touching me. They slid down the side of my face, leaving a warm trail of sensation. "Yamabuki..." I heard her speak the name, and again marveled at the regal tone. She was real, and I knew her, but who was she? I knew she was speaking to me as she pronounced the name, and knew that she loved me. I don't know how I knew, but I knew. " ... dreaming?" I asked, the word mouthed silently. "Yes," came the response. My eyes were closed in my dream. I wanted to open...
Rachael Cavalli was delivering her stepsons laundry when she realized she never prepared him forsex. Rachael decided now was a better time than ever! She had stepson strip down to his birthday suit right in front of her and damn was his cock large! She proceeded to show him how to use a condom by placing it on him via mouth. She may have took things a bit too far. The next day, Rachael had just prepared her stepson for his date, and when she went to check on him and Raquel Diamond, things...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1- The Morning After Ron looked at himself in the mirror and groaned; he looked as bad as his hangover felt. His eyes were bloodshot, it looked as if he had tried to cut his own hair, and he was wearing full facial make-up that was smeared from sleeping in it. He opened the medicine cabinet looking for a bottle of Madam Rosmerta's Morning-After Medicine, unfortunately there was none. He shook his head as he looked in the mirror again, "Never again, never, ever again. Not if I live...
1. She knew something was up when she went through the garage. There were lights on that shouldn’t have been. Coffee cups on the table. Two of them! There was music coming from the back of the house. Her first instinct was to run out and call the police. But her curiosity got the better of her and tipped toed into the back of her house. Halfway down the hall, she heard grunts and squeaks of pleasure, groans. She reacted on two levels. While her reality state told her that she...
Introduction: Iv\e been very naughty lately… My name is Chloe, and something happened about a week ago that has completely changed my life in a way I never could have imagined. I just turned 31 and celebrated my ten-year wedding anniversary by myself. My husband, 42, has been incredibly successful with his work, which has allowed me to stay at home and live the life of a well-off housewife. Unfortunately, his work has often kept him out of town for months at a time. In fact, within the last...
Hi this is arvind again and back with another sizzling story about how I fucked my mosi again.Please read my earlier story named ”Randi Mosi ki chudai”.Let me introduce myself I m arvind and I m 19 years old with a pure young boy’s figure.I have a good physique that every girl would want in her man.I am 6 ft tall with a 6.5′ long cock.About my mosi now.Her name is sarita and she us 33 years old with a sexy figure.She has big boobs and her back is the thing that I love the most in her.She always...
IncestWhen it all began I must admit satisfying anyone's fetish was the last thing on my mind. I was just looking to get laid. Yet there it was, an ad looking for something very specific. She wanted someone to play daddy. She also had some very specific ideas about the type of daddy she wanted.I thought why not. If it would lead to some sexual fun I would be her daddy, her long lost uncle, the delivery man or the paperboy. She asked what kind of daddy I would be and I wrote back and told her I would...
With no forewarning, the Giant hamster jumped onto Betty's back. And with its hand-like paws grasped her tiny shoulders. This gave the rodent the leverage it need to shuffle its body forward. Though the hamster-like pet fit easily in the palm of one of the Giant humans that inhabited this world. But to the humans from Earth, it was larger than a St-Bernard dog, but just slightly smaller than a pony. And by their standard, he weighed in at over one hundred and eighty pounds. The sudden...