Tenchi Muyo All Good Things Chapter 81 Funaho
- 2 years ago
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"Groggily I tried to reassure the panicky young gaggle of women, rapidly finding myself at spear point!" Ena's words continued contritely.
The beach Ryoko now found herself standing upon had that curious blend of the familiar and the unknown. After all, she had trod the surface of many worlds and after a certain point, one beach front is much like another.
The tidal pool in which the current drama was playing itself out, lacked the same overall serenity of a calm coastal day. Yet it was a scene at once immediately familiar.
How many times had it been she, that had been surrounded by the ignorant or the fearful?
The words monster! Demon! Or Devil! Ringing in a dozen languages and dialects in her ears?
"I was just about to get a net thrown over me when Azusa chose that moment to come to his senses and rise slowly to his feet.
Even swaddled in robes caked in salt he presented a commanding presence!Insuring the girls were instantly awestruck!
I came to find out later, they hadn't had a male in their presence for over five years!
Some of the younger ones having never actually seen a boy!
Of course he couldn't speak their language...
However, well ... some things as they say are universal.
It was enough at least, to keep me from getting a rock set promptly to my skull!
Until the group's leader, an older girl could be hastily summoned.
I recall seeing her for the first time. Walking slowly towards us, knee length jet black hair, dark eyes both the color and the shape of large almonds.
I also remember, rather vividly the look of total astonishment which slowly dawned upon Azusa as she strolled smoothly towards us in the loose tunic and abbreviated shorts all the girls were wearing while combing the beach for clams. On her however...
Well, that girls legs, as they say went all the way up to her damn neck!
I confess I was instantly jealous of the utterly agog looks Azusa was giving her!
And so, it was thus that we first met ... Funaho."
"That's the queen?" Ryoko gasped her eyebrows attempting to climb to the back of her neck.
Never having seen let alone-imagined Funaho without her royal robes! Or so young!
Dressed in little more than what amounted to fisherman's rags, even she had to admit. That was one spicy enchilada!
"Oh my god!" She almost panted excitedly.
"This just keeps getting better and better!" Ryoko elated.
"I knew the queen was from earth but I didn't know she was a fisherman!"
"A-Actually." Ena interjected with a sniff. "She was a..."
There followed what seemed a deliberate pause, insuring Ryoko's attention was instantly fully upon her guide.
"Yeah?" Ryoko prompted expectantly.
"A ... swine herder." Ena told her uncertainly, visibly wincing.
"A pig farmer." Ena murmured weakly.
The response was a hushed prolonged silence while Ryoko digested that little tidbit. Followed by a kind of snort. And then...
"Excuse me." Ryoko managed to gasp.
Before what little control she had broke and she proceeded to double over laughing.
"Well." Ena huffed defensively after a second or two.
"It's not that funny!"
"Oh yes it is!" Ryoko assured snickering, barely able to catch her breath.
Ena observed for some moments with mild disdain. watching Ryoko roll around on the floor 'or what passed for one here' before she was at last compelled to speak.
"Well ... if you'd rather I not tell you anymore..." Ena sniffed, a little annoyed with the reaction.
"No! No!" Ryoko waved, desperately attempting to coordinate holding her sides and wiping at watering eyes at the same time.
"I really want to hear this!"
Ena continued to eye her tiredly for some moments before with a shake of her head decided to just let it go.
"Perhaps..." She began anew after an additional moment to gather her thoughts.
"There is just something buried deep within the female psyche which attempts to place a claim on her mate."
There was a tinge of sadness to her projected voice as she and Ryoko observed the scene continuing on the beach a few feet away.
"But as it has been said 'kisses are not contracts'.
thoughts of that very nature were certainly playing about my mind.At any rate, after she'd completed her appraisal of him, the second mine and Funaho's eyes met we were instantly the bitterest of rivals.
Of course Azusa later insisted he wasn't flirting!
Ha! At the time I simply refused to believe it!
Forced to watch him attempting to communicate with a bevy of giggling Turvains! While I was relegated to Monster duty!"
"What's a Turvain?" Ryoko interrupted, actually raising her hand.
Causing Ena to stare at her oddly for both the interruption and the accompanying gesture.
"An eater of carrion and dung on my home world of Boralis!" She supplied, both words and an image. After taking a moment to recollect her thoughts.
"Ah ... Yuck!" Ryoko grimaced at what appeared to be a squat, thoroughly unholy cross between a pig and a dog. Covered with course brown hair. At least from stubby tail to shoulders that is. From there what remained was exposed pink warty looking skin. All the way to a blunt moist looking snout.
"At any rate." Ena continued.
We were eventually led from the sea shore to a place of temporary residence.It seems these young women would come to this place, fishing periodically.
Not only to supplement their food supply but to obtain fish and quantities of drift wood to sell.
In the lull between their attentions upon him, Azusa did his best to assure me of his continuing fidelity.
I realized, even then that perhaps I was being petty!
But ... watching them orbit him like planets to their sun...
To say nothing of how Funaho was looking at him!"
"Yeah," Ryoko interrupted quietly. "I've been there myself."
In the wake of the statement both sat mute for a few moments regarding the other.
"Must'a been a real bitch to sit and take." Ryoko concluded.
"Well, it turns out there was another reason they 'latched' on to him in the fashion they did." Ena continued.
"Apparently during those time there were localized conflicts between many relatively small factions. Disputes over things such as lands and chattels as is the way of most petty dictators.We came to understand the local magistrate had 'conscripted' all able-bodied males within sway into his private militia.
Leaving Funaho's family without a single one of its male members!
Even their grandfather had been 'pressed' into service!
I confess at the time, I was confused as to the more subtle undercurrents of the situation.
But it seems lands and property in that time could only be held legitimately by a recognized male heir!
Funaho and her family were on the brink of loosing their home!
Worse still, the central Chinese government of that time viewed women as chattel as well!
To be bought and sold as any other livestock!
Under those conditions an unattached, amiable male was worth more than his weight in gold!
What did it mater if he could barely speak the language?
Azusa was a male presence!
With which Funaho and her family may have seen as the key to holding on to her family's home!
Though I will admit it took Azusa and I over an earthen month to piece this together in retrospect.
During which he became acquainted with all aspects of managing a pig farm, while I was banished to dwell in the shadows!
I of course was raised in an agrarian village and so, knew well the grind of such a day to day existence. My poor prince had no such experiences to draw upon.
Daily martial training however gave him sufficient toughness to adapt well enough.
Suddenly being the lord of his own personal 'Hiram' certainly couldn't have hurt!
Which was certainly fortunate, as in spite of her obvious affections towards him, Funaho road Azusa like a dog!
Making certain to let her disdain for me be known as well.
Yet, little by little we adapted to our new roles.
My skills in herbalogy proving invaluable to the household.
Specifically when managing to bring down the fever of Funaho's elderly grandmother Kima.
Above all we were together! He and I.
Even purgatory can be paradise when you are with the one you're love!
Having no better prospects we settled into an existence, which was to last five standard years as earth measures time.
I'm pleased to say I learned many useful skills! Including mastering reading of The Tarot."
"It seems that 'Kima' the grandmother of the family was well traveled in her younger days.
Having toured with a company of acrobats along the so called 'Silk Road' as a teller of fortunes.Eventually Adding European style divination to her formidable native repertoire.
The rapport between myself and the old woman thus seemed obvious.
In her I found a kindred spirit and tools that eventually honed my clairvoyance to it's present razors edge!"
"Can you really see the future?" Ryoko suddenly interrupted.
Grimacing slightly in the afterthought. She as quickly dismissed the notion that she might be asking a rude question. Given the current circumstance.
"After a fashion." Ena confirmed with a quiet smile, obviously unperturbed by the interruption.
"Most people however fail to understand the future is always in motion."
She paused growing mildly introspective.
"I merely read possible outcomes based upon current events." She added thoughtfully.
"To even attempt to foretell the future is to change it. Divination works best the further it is removed from the source."
"Whasit?" Ryoko kind muttered, enlisting a sight chuckle from her host.
"As I have indicated." Ena responded with the gentlest of shrugs.
"It is difficult to foretell events which directly involve myself. I believe however a sufficient number of events foretold by me have come to pass to lend credibility to my powers!"
"As a mater of fact," Ena resumed her narration.
"It was those very powers that never foretold the next twist in my and Azusa's fate.As I have indicated, my powers of divination are 'greater' in most respects than those of Elay My mother.
At this juncture of my life however they were still woefully underdeveloped!
I believe also I may have harbored a resentment still hidden deep within me.
A dark personal loathing of those same powers which had ultimately failed allowing me to save my parents. Who can say for certain?
Never the less the stage was set for the day strange men came to the door of Funaho's home."
"Misha, A bright loving flower and the youngest of the sisters was busily grounding rice flower when the fatefull knock suddenly came.
That none of the immediate family would bother banging on the door being a forgone conclusion.
I had little choice but to again hide my 'startling' appearance in the back of the home with Kima.
Begrudgingly allowing the little girl to answer the door."
"Where is the eldest daughter?" A mans gruff voice issued demandingly without preamble.
Ryoko instantly bristled. Even through the limited view of the partially opened door any jackass could've told that they were addressing a child!
"My oldest sister is out mending a fence good sir." Young Misha responded proudly.
While Ena carefully peered round the adjacent rooms door frame.
Her expression curious yet grave as she tried covertly to catch a glimpse of the 'caller'.
"I was already torn between my own preservation and that of the little girl.
Unless, of course these 'men', for I could hear other deep voices could dismiss the sudden presence of a blue skinned wench!
Nothing seemed to occur for several moments. Then I began to hear a rhythmic thumping of something impacting against the side of the house. Almost immediately, Misha became agitated!"
"What is that man doing?" The girl demanded, trying to see while attempting to keep much of the door as possible between her and these interlopers, even as the pounding abated.
"By order of the magistrate little one," The brutish man promptly answered. "These lands are to be seize!"
"I suggest you run quickly and fetch your sisters!"
"As I stood listening to this, my eyes were instantly roving about. Searching for something, anything that might provide a key to this current dilemma. Ultimately, they settled upon the chopping axe hanging just inside the door.
It was only the fear of somehow making the situation worse, which kept me from charging out into that pack of jackals!"
"My lord!" Misha pleaded. "My grandmother is bedridden!"
She then paused slightly glancing behind her, inside the house with a meaningful expression.
"I can't leave her in the house alone!"
"Misha was quite the courageous little protector. While Kima was sickly, I'm quite certain she was more concerned in that moment, trying to keep them from discovering me!"
"Then perhaps I should speak to her!" The man's voice gruffed harshly...
"Thus Prompting I must make the hardest of choices. Still just inside the small room to the back of their house, my hands fell to a herders staff propped inside the doorway to the back room. Just as a wizened voice, whispered from the bed."
"Don't be a fool girl!" Elderly Kima hissed with as much force as she was able. Pulling Ryoko's gaze that way as the old woman angrily waved at Ena.
"Hide yourself!" She added, gesturing toward side of the bed upon which she lay.
"She is very ill!" The little girl at the door just then gasped.
"You mustn't!" Misha added her small voice laden with strain as she was actively blocking the door using a foot to imped the intruders progress.
"Move aside!" The man growled menacingly prompting Ena's face to set in lines of rage. Ryoko watched as She squared her shoulders, hefting the herders staff. Obviously about to cry out a challenge and be damned the consequences. A full good second before a familiar voice cut across the babble outside.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" Funaho bellowed.
"Bellowed?" Ryoko interrupted looking at Ena incredulously.
"The queen of Juri bellowed?"
In the realm between their minds, Ena took a moment to focus an annoyed expression her way.
"She wasn't 'The Queen' back then Ryoko my dear." She replied tersely.
"And, I thought you wanted to hear this?"
"I do!" Ryoko assured her quickly.
"It's just ... Well, I'm having a time adjusting to some of this!"
"People do change Ryoko." Ena shrugged semi impatiently.
"But I assure you, At the moment she confronted that group of men sent by the magistrate, Funaho was the picture of regal fury!"
"SISTER!" Little Misha gasp with relief.
"The sudden noses prompted I again inch closer to the door." Ena continued aloud. This time speaking from the guise of her younger self.
"Just in time to hear something swish through the air close by. Followed instantly by a startled outcry and the loud report of a wooden staff impacting upon one of the porch supports!"
"WOMAN! ARE YOU INSANE?" Ryoko heard another mans voice exclaim.
"We are sent by the magistrate himself!" The man who had first spoken gasped, obviously from the sound of things while doing a bit of ducking, as the whistle of the staff repeated.
"On his official business!"
"It was at this point I was able to at last peer outside." Ena added as she moved from her place now within the drama. Carefully peering through the outside door.
"And so at last beheld the families eldest sister, pressing a desperate attack!"
"Is that a fact?" Funaho grunted, in the very process of whipping a herders staff round, rather effectively Ryoko noted. Just the same...
"Gunted?" Ryoko muttered abstractedly.
"Stop interrupting!" Ena snapped breaking momentarily from her re-enactment to glare.
"Sorry!" Ryoko added meekly, deciding to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Which was confusing enough without all the switching around.
"You interfere at your own peril!" The man further warned while in the act of hastily giving ground. Before Funaho's wild eyed assault.
"I had no intention of standing around while this group of ruffians just 'did' as they please." Ena resumed even as she illustrated visually.
"I stood 'tensed' merely waiting for the right moment to spring into the fray. Considering that perhaps my 'bizarre' appearance, would lend an advantage to our cause!"
"Then!" Funaho growled, punctuating every word with a sweep of her staff.
"State! Your! Business!"
The last pronouncement ending with a loud whack! against something vaguely metallic.
"By order of lord Tanaka!" The man who had first spoken intoned.
"He was a great burly example of a male." Ena inserted. Continuing her narrative even as the man in question was 'sighted'.
Huge and fat now that Ryoko was at last allowed to see him. Obviously reading from some parchment stretched between his large paw-like hands.
"These lands belonging Sa-sato kukoyo are to be surrender on to his need!" The man continued.
There followed a moment of intense silence, broken only by the sounds of distant swine rooting about. Before that is, one much closer to the house continued his monologue.
"And so, all occupants must vacate by the next rising of the sun!"
He then paused, 'gloatingly' from the sound of it.
"Or be surrendered up as chattel!" He then finished smugly.
"You can't put us off our lands!" Tanya, another of the sisters, a few years younger than Funaho suddenly cried. Apparently the family was gathering and did not like what they were hearing or seeing.
"Is this how the Magistrate rewards our grandfather for his service?" She continued angrily.
It was interesting Ryoko noted, the generous amount of sarcastic 'venom' the girl loaded on to the words 'Magistrate' and 'service' when she spat that sentence.
"I felt my already chilled blood drop to sub-arctic levels when I heard some among the gathering of men chuckling to themselves." Ena added from her place in side the home.
"Why ... As to that very matter!" The man who had spoken first added.
"It is with deepest regret," He continued, matching point for point Tanya's previous sarcasm.
"That we must inform you of the, unfortunate demise, of one 'Sama' Kukoyo."
The man again paused, noting as even as I did a chorus of sibilant gasps.
"Who gave his life one moon ago in service to the cause." He added with tones dripping of insincerity.
"Grandfather?" I heard one of the girls ask; even to this day, I am not at all certain which of the sisters had spoken.
"How... ?" Funaho asked quietly, trying to find the words. At that moment sounding very young herself.
"How did he die?" She succeeded on her second attempt.
"Ah, Most unfortunate!" Another male voice suddenly spoke invisible from Ena's limited view.
Probably one of the warriors who'd accompanied the process server.
"Old man, heavy armor, fast ox-cart!" the unseen speaker positively sneered.
"The old fool never saw it coming!"
"I-I'm certain your grandfather did not suffer long!" Yet another male voice spoke up. After a moment of stunned silence.
"Again, it most likely was one of the warrior." Ena continued glancing at where Ryoko stood from her place at the door.
"One who seemed to be trying to show some shred of civility!" She added with a derisive snort.
"At any rate, it did not mater for at that precise moment Funaho suddenly screamed!"
"YOU BASTARDS!" the eldest daughter cried in instant counterpoint. Exploding up from where she had slumped despondent and out of Ena's immediate view. Then, from the sound of it, leaped into the mist of the men staff swinging!
"I myself could no longer stand idle!" Ena adamantly declared as she hurried breifly away from the door.
"Kima, their grandmother while bed-ridden still insisted in doing what she could for the household." She continued while in motion.
"Thus, among other things the back of the small house served as a dumping ground for clothes in need of mending." She halted long enough to grab the 'obi' from one of the girls kimonos, Proceeding then to wrap it hastily around her face and head.
"Beats the 'ol ninja head hanky!" Ryoko suddenly snorted.
"I Thought I warned you..." Ena paused long enough to growl.
"Ok! Ok! I swear I'll shut up!"
"Completing my 'Make shift' mask." Ena then added directly. "I preceded to charge to the front of the house grabbing the herder staff on my way."
By the time she'd arrived outside, Ryoko saw Ena's my initial estimate of four or five men woefully in error. No less the twenty able bodied intruders were present in and around the area of the front porch! Judging from the number of busted lips, rapidly swelling noses and individuals sucking dirt.
She was pleased to note that Funaho and her sisters seemed to be doing quite well!
To the side of porch, one of the 'soldiers', if this lot of armored ruffians could even jokingly wear the name was doing his best to crawl away from Lua. As one of the younger sisters harriered him with wooden ladle.
"Yes!" Ryoko elated. Seeing at least three of the others were stumbling blindly around from where one of the girls had thrown cinders in their eyes.
Unfortunately, the flush of victory was to be quite brief when one of the men managed to wrest the staff sudden from the eldest daughter.
Bringing the but around into Funaho's midsection before before either she or Ryoko could blink!
Funaho went down hard Kreening the smallest of wines as she fell to one knee. Partially due to want of the air the impact had robed from her.
One of the girls uttered a heart rending scream watching in horror as the man who'd felled Funaho her raised the staff, preparing for a killing stroke!
"I jolted forward!" Ena narrated directly.
"Desperately hoping to intervene! Even as I began to move I knew I was too far!
Funaho's head would surely be a splintered mass by the time I would arrive! When the downward stroke was intercepted, the thunderous whack seemed even more deafening!"
There was a kind of stutter in the surrounding motion as for a brief second every eye in the vicinity was turned upon the figure upon whose staff the blow had been turned.
As the viewpoint whirled, Ryoko again was treated to the sight of Azusa, Now standing above a still kneeling Funaho holding his own staff in a relaxed gripe regarding her attacker with a look that would have chilled a solar flare!
"Who the hell..." The man managed to stammer.
The statement hadn't completed when a up stroke violently forced aside the man's stave. Just before faster that the eye could easily follow the crown prince had whirled the opposing end into his opponents jaw!
"Dog!" Azusa spat stolidly, using an earth word, he'd only recently acquired.
"As the man bit sod Funaho managed to look up." Ena resumed.
"Something she told me later she thought she'd never do again ... strait in to Azusa's smiling face."
"A-Azusa?" Funaho whispered astonished.
"My adopted sister told me, several years after the fact, it was at that precise second she truly lost her heart to him.
It was also the same instant all the men standing about decided to rush him!I will not make undue statements as to the 'value' of any training these so called men may have received, but they suddenly found themselves facing someone who'd been trained in hand to hand combat since he could walk!
In short, they didn't have a prayer! Less than four minutes were all Azusa required.
Turning the lot of strutting braggarts into discrete piles of whimpering battered flesh.
Stopping just short of taking their miserable lives."
Indeed, it was a thrill for Ryoko to watch as well, Azusa even fought like Tenchi!
Similar moves, similar style. Apparently Yosho had past the lessons he had learned with little to no distortion. One distinction managed to catch her eye however.
Azusa seemed to 'get off' on the combat far more than Tenchi ever did! To the point of playing with his opponents with a kind of fiendish glee.
At any rate, he walked through the pack of roughens like they were a troupe of propped up dolls!
"Leave..." Azusa growled, again using one of the few 'Earth words' he solidly knew.
Considering the 'eloquence' of his other form of communication, it appeared the soldiers read him loud and clear.
Ryoko somehow kept herself from busting a gut at the way the group of men crawled stumbled or in most cases ran in their desire to comply.
Only one of their number chose to tarry at the farm's gateway.
"YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" The process sever warned. Obviously quaking in his sandals.
It only took Azusa five running steps his direction, insuring he too took to his heels.
"As the last bruised, frightened buttocks vanished down the road," Ena continued aloud. From her place with in the drama.
"Azusa suddenly found himself again besieged! This time however by almost every one of the sisters! Gathering excitedly around their young savior!"
From the huge grin finding purchase upon his face, Ryoko could plainly see Azusa certainly didn't mind the adulation!
Noting also, in the act of removing her mask, Ena eyed the proceedings in a kind of jealous sulk.
Ryoko cleared her throat about to make a comment to that effect, when a familiar voice cut through the jubilation.
"ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS?" Funaho stormed, forcing her way into the group tightly packed around the young man.
"This is not over!" She continued pulling first one then another of her sisters away from Azusa.
"They will be back!" She hissed meaningfully into the face of the second girl she'd pulled away.
"As I have already stated," Ena's mental narration resumed. "Azusa's command of the language was not the best.
Clearly from where I stood I could see the actual 'trust of Funaho's statements were sliding right past. I had to take matters into my hands."
"Beloved," Ena spoke to Azusa directly using galactic common.
"They say, those men will be returning."
"while my grasp of their tongue was only moderately better than Azusa's," Ena quickly explained.
"Being able to 'read thoughts' allowed me to 'sense' the meaning behind the words."
"Let them come!" Azusa swore with a single snort. Spiting contemptuously while glaring the direction of the departed men.
"Obviously days living on a hog farm had dulled some of my beloveds sensibilities" Ena projected sadly.
"Ether that or he was riding on a wave of testosterone so high he couldn't hear you!" Ryoko replied aloud.
"We must flee this place!" Funaho told the group emphatically.
"Everyone go and start packing!" She then turned to one of the older girls.
"Lua? Take Brea and Lin, start gathering anything we can carry!"
"What is she saying?" Azusa demanded suddenly. As he at last noted Funaho's urgency and the general 'shift' in the girls moods.
"She's says we must flee before those men return." Ena explained to him.
"To be honest I myself was astonished at how calmly he was taking the situation," She added directly.
"But then he was a prince of a powerful empire.
Perhaps it was that which desensitized Azusa from understanding our peril."
"Ena!" Funaho suddenly snapped irritably, pronouncing the name curiously to Ryoko's ears. It almost sound like she was saying 'Yena'.
"Make him understand!" Funaho gestured emphatically.
"They will return in greater numbers!"
"I found myself at a strange moment right then." Ena silently remarked.
"This was the first time Funaho had bothered, to actually use my name in the entire time we had known each other."
"They will kill him..." Funaho added meaningfully.
"With such passion in her voice, even my disdain for her was momentarily shunted aside."
"Beloved?" Ena said, again turning to Azusa.
"They say, they will bring more men when they return..."
She paused studying his expression, obviously wondering if he could be swayed.
"Surely even you can not stand against so many?"
Night had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...
"You look good." Tenchi told the Princess as she stood leaning against the side of the porch. It had been several minutes now, the two of them standing there, alone. The air in the living room before had seemed, stifling. Beyond his ability finally to bear. There hadn't been anything so much as a plan in coming outside, rather than the sudden, almost overwhelming need to just get out of there! Tenchi had taken her hand almost without realizing he had done so. More of ... an after thought...
"WHA?!" A just arriving Ryoko yelped, suddenly finding her self standing at finger point, while Tenchi, among others blinked in surprise. He however was the only one suddenly very aware of the pressure Ayeka was exerting on his arm as just to the other side of the Princess, certain galactic law officials where sizing up the pending predicament. "And now it gets really interesting!" Kiyone thought glumly. Not, without an appropriate amount of sympathy for Tenchi to be sure. "OH!"...
The next hour or so was blessedly uneventful, for the most part. Beginning with the Grand marshal being sent on his merriest of ways, 'sarcasm intended', with a surprising minimum of fuss. Azusa's bemusement at having so efficiently defused the situation however suddenly melted upon his return to the vicinity of the front yard. The very moment his dark brooding eyes had set upon where Ayeka stood. Something poignant seemed to have passed briefly between father and daughter. Enough...
"I'm surprised they're allowing us so much time together really." Tenchi huffed. Sparing only a few glances the direction of the massive tent the Jurian's had set up in the vicinity. Noting with some amazement something which had been absent only yesterday now towered over and almost completely engulfed most of the old rest stop. "Don't they have some traditions about, you know? 'Seeing' the bride before the wedding or some such?" He finished. Deliberately ignoring the now...
Sasami had been waiting patiently as she might. Attempting to hold a sense of what she believed was termed 'cultivated composer'. That managed to last until the first few bars of the all too familiar 'Wedding March' began. For the way that her heart leaped in her chest it might well have been 'Toccata en Fugue'. She quickly reminded herself that she was not about to greet some mad doctor or even a disfigured deranged organ playing actor for that mater. This was her wedding day and...
Several minutes, and as many buckets of soapy water later. The female contingent of Wataru's crew had almost restored the mini to showroom condition. While Sara, Mikito and Yoshi worked, the interval also witnessed Yuba's final tentative re-emergence from the caravan. "Now, Yuba dearest." Michele attempted to console. "Everyone has a moment or two of dementia now and then." "My god!" Yuba wailed, as Michele steered her sullenly towards a rest stop bench. "I really showed my...
Turning to regard the new speaker even as the others, Tenchi felt something in the location he normally associated as his brain simply freeze. In his twenty-one years he'd done and believed he had 'seen', many a great thing. Some of which could even be termed 'miraculous' Perhaps even godly. This however was the first time he could specifically remember seeing someone who actually looked ... Well, like one always expected an alien to look. She was blue! His mind instantly shooting...
'Tenchi the magnificent', glanced under at the first hold down's release mechanism, then again at the rectangular shape muted under the bright green tarp on top. Realizing he'd barley noticed it on the stage/bed behind Yuba. "Well, She had nice legs." He admitted privately, among other distractions at the time. "You go round." He started, pausing when noting Todd staring into the distance with a look of undisguised wonder. Just then on the ground, in front of him ... a moving shadow,...
Tenchi dragged more than walked himself up the darkened entry hall. Even by his standards, this had been one exhausting day. Thoughts of food, bath and bed circled his mind while trudging past entry into the living room, wondering who would be still up at this hour? Seated across from the doorway from him, Katsuhito sat holding a sleeping Mayuka while providing Ayeka a shoulder against which to slumber. It would have been an idyllic scene, if not for how pissed he currently were at his...
"Ow." Kiyone moaned softly. Fidgeting when gently as possible, Tenchi laid her down. "Lie still." He commanded, equally soft, before turning purposefully to a squat cupboard at one side of the Olsen's entryway. "Hold on." He told her soothingly. "I'll be just a moment." He would rather have taken her to the shrine however she'd insisted her injuries were not severe and the Olsen with its supply of healing herbs was closer. Once certain his back was to her Kiyone allowed her...
Day 3: (Faster than the speeding bullet.) The steady rhythmic hum of the passenger car nestled about him. The dull regular 'clackity-clack' as the train's bogies made their way across countless trestles beneath. So oddly soothing in its way as one came to terms and accepted. That after a time, it had almost Lulled Tenchi in to a kind of daze. Last night had been complete and utter hell, his thoughts wandered briefly backwards. The events of the previous day insuring a state of total...
"Tenchi?" Kiyone whispered urgently. "Uh?" he attempted, then embarrassed at the slight lapse, swallowed the portion in his mouth. He'd been concentrating on his meal, desperately avoiding eye contact with Sasami while ignoring Ayeka's periodic flinging of visual daggers at her sister. "What's on your mind Key?" He whispering at diminished volume. "Is, they're something wrong with your Grandfather?" She asked. "Huh?" "Would you mind?" Ayeka muttered, annoyed as Kiyone...
"Daaaaaadeeee." Tenchi seemed to hear from a great distance. "You gonna wake up?" The darkness shrouding his senses seemed to be lifting gradually, though the room about him remained fuzzy. "Key?" The child's voice came again. "Why don't he open he eyes?" Tenchi tried to concentrate, certain that he recognized the voices. Not an easy feat, feeling like he was swimming in Jell-O. "Give him a moment sugar bear," He seemed to hear distinctly. "You're daddy's been through a...
Smiling, his mind in a whirl Tenchi was yet again, wondering ... He was still uncertain exactly what had made that moment any different from countless others, but having no real regrets. What was more, it had all come so natural, instinctively. like he had done it before ... Had he? It was after all just a kiss. Mechanically it wasn't 'brain science' or even 'rocket surgery', but at the end of any day, is a kiss just as kiss? He'd always wondered also ... Well, what Ryoko would taste...
Hero had been sitting at the base of the entry hall stairs staring despondently at his shoes for several minutes. He been siting there far longer he supposed, lost in thought uncertain of his next move. His conversation with the queen had raised far more questions than it had answered. To say nothing of the considerable inner turmoil it had stirred up! The same questions had been rolling through his mind, over and over again since the Queen had made it her business to be elsewhere and no...
Elsewhere at roughly the same time, Tenchi was making his way along the house sun porch. Briefly he paused, taking the majestic view of the placid lake offered from this angle. Then, taking a deep breath, he smiled. "The coast is clear Mr. Sheagame." He addressed the empty air. "You can come out now." There followed a long pause during which nothing happened. Then suddenly, sounds of shuffling from underneath prompted seconds later a slight squeak. Signaling in turn loose boards being...
"I tell you Tenchi it was Achika!" Kiyone swore. "Right in front of me plain as day!" Having cleaned and washed, no longer looked like a victim of a food riot, Tenchi stopped. Turning slightly, holding the ends of a towel around his neck in both hands, staring at her evenly. "Why don't you believe me?" Kiyone challenged. "First of all," He told her slowly. "I never said that I didn't, Key." "Well what do you think..." She began. "What I said, was 'let's not talk about...
"Excellent!" Funaho breathed decisively, as Kiyone continued to glare holes in her. More than anything, Key thought the Queen seemed ... Relieved? Almost like she was expecting another answer? She wasn't certain, and didn't know that moment if she gave a damn anyway! "Not like this!" Ayeka openly wept, still kneeling on the floor leaning forward to bury her face into hands. "Please eternal Tsunami! Not like this!" She whispered, almost inaudibly. It was difficult to watch and almost...
Their arrival at stair's end was not at all disappointing. As usual, Sasami had pulled out all stops preparing lunch. The largest permanent table in the rest stops area covered with bright linen. Even from where they stood, the aroma was sheer heaven. "You know Sasami," Kiyone was saying, while Katsuhito and Washu looked on. "You're going to a lot of trouble for just a lunch!" Watching as the second princess was finishing a few last touches with Kiyone holding a box, on which Sasami...
"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...
Ayeka stood, slightly stooped over eyes closed, totally out of breath. Slowly, methodically the princess began taking deep 'lung-fulls' of air. Sara, at that moment being the closest to the stairs stood blinking at the young woman's sudden appearance. Glancing then back along the ancient flight to a curious a trail of dust still spiraling, linking the front of the distant house to the top step of the shrine. "Who is that?" Yoshi asked voice brimming with awe, still standing over where...
"You are now Husband and wife," A voice coaxed softly behind them. With every thing going on it took Tenchi some seconds realizing it was Masaki addressing them. "There is no longer a need to restrain yourselves!" Ayeka's mother smiled. Responding to the gentle urging Tenchi opened his hand shifting his grip. Only just aware of the last of the vines still entwining their fore arms falling away. Noting in its passing the delicate patterns now indelibly there understandable more livid...
There was music in the air. The shrine and its grounds had been meticulously cleaned, not that Katsuhito had EVER allowed them to fade into disrepair. Tenchi had more than his share of calluses attesting to the fact. It was never the less a point of amusement for him to note several of the flagstones he was going to replace this week had been hastily dealt with. Obviously to his eye by someone new to using a trowel. Whatever they had 'stuck' them down with didn't even appear to be...
"Ah Mr. Masaki!" The man behind the counter said in surprisingly fluent Japanese. Tenchi had never considered himself racist, but hearing his native tongue from an someone of such obvious Jewish origin, without a trace of accent was ... Well, just plain odd. Not that 'it' coming from what appeared to be a floating wooden log was any less strange. "Or a bronzed, elf eared, blue eyed blond bomb shell for that matter!" He thought with a smile. "I understand you need some custom sizing...
"It's Beautiful." Mihoshi breathed. Looking over at her, Tony had to agree, enjoying the soulful perhaps 'mesmerized' look that had come over Miho. He could sympathize really, he was sort'a fixated himself, on Mihoshi. "You really like it?" He baited. "IT'S SO CUTE!!!!" She squealed. Clasping her gloved hands together and bouncing in place staring at the mini. "Well, I'm pleased to hear that Miho," He told her. "Cause were gonna take pictures of you and the car...
In spite of her being closer at start of their sprint, Tenchi easily beat Kiyone to roadside. Not that she was really going 'flat out' mind you. When coming finally a breast to him however, it seemed to her that most of his sense of urgency was lost. Obviously reading her next question with a glance, Tenchi simply pointed. Allowing her to follow the line of his gesture. Before Kiyone suddenly felt a groan rising from within. "Kiyone!" Came a weak and distant wail. Staggering up the...
"Grandpa's right." Tenchi thought bitterly, forcing the memory to subside with difficulty, taking its place among a multitude of lingering regrets. "I'm being selfish and it's just plain wrong!" He silently added. Having finished stowing all the tools, he then made his way towards the front entry. Of course, that was not precisely true ether, he continued to consider. Oh, he had tried to make amens with how he had unintentionally stabbed Ayeka in the heart. He had given her the...
With attention focused on the small screen, Ryoko absently reached into the box and after a moment of two of groping managed to procure the intended prize. "Quit hogging the crackers!" She hissed in a low voice. Sparing the princess only the smallest of sideways glances. "You know perfectly well you're the one shoveling them into you trap!" Ayeka whispered, fiercely indignant. "Shhhhh!" Ryoko snapped "They'll hear your big mouth!" grimacing while gesturing at the small device...
"Did you enjoy your meal sir?" The stunning brunette behind the lunch counter asked. "Not really," Tenchi thought, smiling politely, wondering if he should just come right out and say... "I'm accustom to larger portions and the sauce you use for your teriyaki eel is substandard at best!" Instead he simply nodded and smiled. After all Washu's seafood supply plus Sasami's cooking no doubt had him spoiled rotten! "And here's your change!" She intoned, pleasantly if mechanically,...
"Here we are again." Tenchi thought dryly. Though the observation was largely untrue. The ubiquitous rhythms beneath the earlier car were all but absent. Replace with a lulling 'throb' barely hinting at the power and speeds they were currently traveling. He'd also been spared the the indignations of being forced to stand, hanging on to a ceiling strap for dear life. More over and perhaps most importantly, Sasami was no longer stalking him. Like grandpa, she was dead to the world....
"Lucky son of a bitch!" Todd said wonderingly as Tenchi was dragging Ayeka away. "Come again?" Kiyone asked, in the act of taking a step forward to follow almost involuntarily, When Todd's remark brought her up short. "I mean some guys have all the luck!" He said quickly. Having seen what had just 'gone down' Todd was reevaluating his chances. 'Clearly, Masaki and that 'Ayeka' chick were an 'item'. "So." He ventured now that he seemed to have Kiyone's attention. "What's...
"One can't help but wonder," Petra intoned solemnly. "How many times have feet of countless multitudes traversed these stones?" He paused, gesturing at the step on which he stood. "Wearing them away as worshipers and acolytes tended to the needs of the spirits which bind these mountains together." Petra descended the flight of ancient stairs slowly as he continued his narrative. "Listen!" He said, stopping. "One can almost hear them whispering!" He looked toward the other side of...
To her credit Ryo-ohki didn't jump or lose grip on the tray, though her eyes did widen slightly. The ambient light catching the crimson jewel at her brow. Looking her over, Tenchi was in a mild state of shock. Ryo-chan looked nice. Really nice! It was plainly obvious there was feminine skullduggery a foot. Noting instantly not only was there only one glass on the tray but two straws. "I know Ayeka and Ryoko had a hand in the clothes and make up but the juice and straws," He paused...
It was only as the door behind them slid suddenly shut that Tenchi realized they simply weren't where they were suppose to be. No amount of redressing could have 'added' the extra space opening up before them supposedly inside of the priest quarters. That in of itself wasn't too disconcerting, he'd been telliported, translocated, dimensionally shifted and phased through solid matter once too often to go willy-nilly over such things anymore. For a good solid second or so the...
Kiyone had lain for more than several additional moments. Allowing her over taxed mind to simply 'idle' while just listening to the muffled exchanges from somewhere in the house below. The exact interval she lay there likewise went unnoticed when she suddenly started. Making out what was clearly Azusa amid the others she could hear. Perhaps she was still 'off balance' to put her current state into the mildest of terms but hearing the emperor's voice served to crystallize the...
"One hundred fifty seven!" Kiyone grimaced, chinning herself on a bar suspended between two of the older trees on the training ground. "Going to kill her!" She gasped upon lowering to full extension, before exerting, rising again. "One hundred fifty eight!" She rasped upon returning chin to the bar. "Finally lost what little brain she had!" She then growled, then lowered. Then, in spite of working off a serious 'mad on' since she had arrived, Kiyone executed her one hundred and...
"What I would like to know!" Misaki conferred angrily as she fairly stalked along besides Azusa. "Is how they always seemed to know our comings and goings!" They were moving towards 'the boardwalk' that spanned the small section lake almost touching the house. Now surrounded by a healthy selection of the imperial guard. "Come now good wife." Azusa soothed, seeming far less concerned. "They most certainly have their sources as indeed do we." Misaki seemed to consider, digesting...
Ryoko carefully slid the door open, glanced left, right, then just for good measure leaned impossibly backward. Defying gravity just shy of bringing both feet off the floor as she surveyed the darkened corridor behind to either side. "The coast is clear!" She whispered gleefully, having no real idea what that saying had to do with someone lurking about but when in Rome... Thinking 'that' in turn set her to 'thinking' which made her pause. "Whoo boy!" She grumbled shaking her head,...
"Soon." The thought drifted, as the presence unseen bided its time. Watching quietly as Sasami turned and left for the kitchen from the eves above of the entry hall, "Just a little longer" A silent promise was made from the shadows which clung there. "And he'll be all mine!" Patiently observing as the chosen quarry returned just below, watching as Tenchi set to stowing his heavy work boots. Waiting pensively for the right moment to strike! The instant Sasami hurriedly disappeared...
"Meyow..." Ryo-chan moaned. Watching darkness slowly fade as the shadows about her assembled themselves, taking on the familiar shapes of Sasami and Kiyone looking down at her. "Meyow?" she asked faintly, hoping, somehow she had imagined the whole business. "That's a big aye-firmitive Ryo-honey." Kiyone told her seriously. "You plum fainted." "Mooooooh." Ryo-ohki whispered, totally mortified suddenly identifying the new location she was in as the sun porch or patio. Smiling...
"Sis?" Sasami called quietly, knocking softly at the door. "You still awake?" In the darkness beyond Ayeka turned, in a way grateful for the intrusion. Try as she may, sleep simply would not come. She had lain for what seemed like hours, wrestling with her conscience. Listening to the sounds of house surrounding her. It had taken every ounce of will she could muster not to rise and follow, when she'd heard Tenchi's soft foot steps. Growing fainter and fainter as she noted his leaving...
In her room, Ayeka paused regarding herself in her full-length mirror. With the original destruction of Reyo, she had gone for the longest time unable to stand the sight of any artifacts, which they had managed to reclaim from the wreckage. So when Misaki's mirror had been recovered, seeing it broken covered in muck, only seemed to vigorously salt an open wound. She had no idea at the time it could be restored in such a fashion! She was a princess, not an artisan after all! So when Tenchi...
Night had at last fallen. "Time flies." Tenchi mused to himself quietly. "As the saying goes." He was uncertain of how long he had been laying there, the wedding seemed only a few hours ago. Not precisely tired from his exertions, though he supposed the word 'fun' was a raggedly deficient descriptor of the last few hours. It was curious that he found himself speculating as to the current location of the massive Ryeo unit in relation to his house. Was it floating? perhaps even...
"One should always remember, my princess." Shalla nodded pleasantly, her wizened features almost seeming to bob upon her neck. "Virtue is mostly for the masses! Nothing is inherently sinful in the bed chamber after all!" In the sun-room at the houses West End Ayeka, now dressed only in a light robe, surveyed her options without much enthusiasm. Gone where the carrot shaped throw pillows and cushions, replaced by row after row of garment racks holding the finest livery. Except for the...
"Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!" Ryoko called across the field. "You boys hungry? I got the cure! Plain, mild or spicy? It's great I'll insure! Step up quick, Jump up real fast! I got the beef but it sure won't last! Pork so juicy you'll yell for more! The pigs in heaven and the taste'll take you there for shore! Noodles so tasty slippery and hot! Come one, come all my Ramen will hit the spot! Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!" Ayeka found herself smiling, Ryoko seemed to be in her element. It...
"My god!" Tony gasped, standing finally at foot of the path gazing up, taking in the awesome glory that was Funaho. He'd been walking, taking picture and muttering since arriving at valley rim. So much so both Mihoshi and Michele trailing behind were beginning to think the camera was geared to his legs and larynx. Step, Click! Step, Click! "Good lord!" Step, Click! Step, Click! "Incredible!" On and on with only minor variations. Until finally standing at start of the modest path...
Suddenly within her minds eye Ryoko was aware of being lowered, feeling bare shoulders touch a smooth soft surface that yielded under her. Experiencing a brief but pleasant friction as her body was eased downward. All but suspended by a pair of wonderfully muscular arms. In the dark above her, enough light was present to reveal a pair of dark morocco eyes silently regarding her. "So ... beautiful," A man's voice sighed. "You have been haunting me all day!" In turn Ryoko simply stared,...
"The nerve!" Todd muttered sympathetically, having witnessed the entire scene. "Pardon me?" Ayeka started still stunned, turning to look uncomprehendingly at him. "Sounds like sour grapes if you ask me!" He added brightly, adjusting the strap holding the cam he was carrying. "I-I'm afraid I don't..." Ayeka stammered, still in a kind of shock. "Well, its kind'a obvious!" Todd continued smoothly, really wanting to cheer her up. "I think the girls around here should just 'wake...
"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...
"Tell me," Kagito addressed The girl pleasantly. "Why dose a 'weapon' need an education hmm?" The younger incarnation of Ryoko simply looked at him curiously as he approached. Continuing to study him when he stopped only a few feet away regarding her intently. "Power down." He commanded firmly. In response the girl closed her eyes, flipping a mental switch causing the colors of her battle skin to fade, ebony and crimson lightening, its protective epidermis thinning until she stood...
"MAYUKA!" A voice suddenly called. Ryo-oki came running into the room at almost a dead run. Before Washu and Ayeka's startled gaze, Ryo-chan slid to a halt then fell to her knees throwing her arms about the child. It was obvious to anyone Ohki had been crying her eyes out. "Hi dad ya hondar of lik dat?" She sobbed, squeezing the child tightly. "I sorry!" Mayuka sniffed. Petting Ryochan's fur. "Wanted see what wrong wit Papa yuki!" Ryo-ohki looked up. Glanced at where Nobuyuki now...
The Noise of the celebration cascaded all about the palace, as it had done for the past three days. Her ability to endure more unbridled adulation of her fawning subjects long since exhausted, Ayeka finally sought relative peace and sanctity in her chambers. She bore no ill will, did not fault the common folk their desire to see, to speak and even attempt touching her! After all, they were her subjects and she, their new queen. Still clad in her flowing gown, Ayeka found the relative quiet...
Ryo-Ohki was happy. Of course that was her usual state, being one of the most 'up beat' creatures in creation. Having left Sasami at last sleeping soundly, she was off on her nightly hunt, searching relentlessly for the perfect bed. She didn't sleep so much as 'catnapped' for want of a better term. With three solid hours being the longest interval Ryo-chan had ever slept in one go in her entire current existence, over seven hundred years of hibernation not withstanding. Carefully...
Only a few hours later, inside the more mundane portions of the Misaki home, Hero looked up expectantly from where he knelt at table side. Waiting patiently within the small dining area, he nodded respectfully to the queen as Funaho was first to arrive fresh from the bath. Noting Misaki trailing less than a step behind. Taking the moment also of delighting privately as any man would upon the arrival of so many healthy females, attending Tanzuru aside. "And where have you been all this...
"To recap; Just under and hour ago the entire entourage finally arrived here at the United nations." Andarka solemnly addresses her audience. "Consisting of the Japanese Prime Minister and several notable cabinet officials as well." With a well-lighted hallway serving as 'backdrop' Andarka Moi looks attractive and markedly different from the last time we saw her. Favoring a more tightly conservative cut and style. The majority of her hair is wound in a tight braid, coiled and...
At a gesture from Ena, Ryoko glanced to her left as yet another scene began its revelation. "I awoke,..." Ena explained quietly. "How much later I do not know, to find Azusa tending me." Ryoko raised an eyebrow at the vision revealed. The younger version of Ena now lay naked, starkly sprawled on a raised platform in some darkened chamber. The effect of her nudity heightened by a single source of overhead illumination and the ebony material upon which she lay. Rendering sight of the...
"Good evening ladies." Arin sneered, halting a short distance away. Bowing before them in a sarcastic mockery of polite formality, before turning to face a stunned Ryoko directly. "Did you really think to be rid of me so easily Ryoko?" "You can't be here!" She murmured thickly. "It's impossible!" Ryoko wailed, now in the grips of a rising hysteria. "HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO DIE?!" She screamed as she leaped igniting her sword. As she descended upon the sight of her own...