TimeChapter 8 free porn video

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Aron could not wait, and came barrelling out and ran to give me a hug. I squatted down and gave him a hug in return and a kiss on the cheek. When I stood I said, "This is my little brother, Aron. He is the best one I could ever have gotten." Aron put his arm up to hide his face and I said to him, "Aron, this is Laura Vachon. I love her as much as I love you and Helen. Be nice to her, little brother."

Laura waited a second and Aron's training came out. He walked forward and held out his hand to shake and said, "Hello, Laura. I am glad to meet you."

Laura shook his hand and said, "I am very glad to meet such a handsome boy as you, Aron. Now come here and give me a kiss." Laura pulled him in as she squatted much like I had done and did as she said. Aron may have been reluctant, but after being hugged his usual feelings for family came out.

The spies at the window must have seen that it was safe and everybody came out as a group. The first was dad and I said, "Dad, I would like you to meet Laura. She is a very good friend of mine, and works at the school." Turning back to Laura I said, "Laura, this is my dad, Jozef. He and his wife Roch were kind enough to keep me out of an orphanage and took me into their hearts when my real parents died."

This time, Laura came forward. She dropped the two pair of hands she was holding and kissed dad the Italian way and said, "I am very glad to meet you, Jozef."

Dad took her hands in his, and stepped back to see. He thought for a few seconds, looking at the beautiful young woman before him. "I am glad to meet you too, Laura. If you are a friend of Alex, then you are welcome at any time in our house." Laura smiled and pulled her hands free and hugged dad again, this time she whispered in his ear. Dad pulled away with a quizzical look on his face, and I took Laura to see mom.

"Mom, this is Laura..."

Laura just sniffled, went to Mom, and wrapped her arms around her and started to cry. It just occurred to me that Laura's Mom had died when her brother Donald had. She had been without a mother all this time, with a father who didn't really want her.

I pulled Helen to dad and quickly told them my suspicions. Mom must have had some insight and held Laura to her. Mom rubbed Laura's back and whispered Polish to her. We all just waited. Finally, the two women parted and both had some tears in their eyes. Laura was upset at letting her feelings show, but Mom held her hand and would not let them go. She turned around and introduced her own parents to Laura.

Grandma and grandpa accepted her into the family, too. The three of them took Laura into the house, but I stopped the rest. I opened the car doors and got some help bringing the groceries and pizza into the house.

When we got into the kitchen, we found that Mom had taken her group to the living room. Grandpa soon came out, obviously feeling left out because this was not a place for a male. Helen put her burden down and was going to get more from the car. I stopped her and said, "Helen, please go and talk with Laura. I think she needs you."

Helen did what I asked, but I did not know if she knew why she had to go.

With only males in the kitchen, we put away the groceries. The pizza was left in the small boxes on the table. I wiped off the table and then set it. Aron even helped me with this 'woman's work'.

The stove was already hot from making coffee and tea. I took two cookie sheets, put some of the pizza pieces on them and placed them into the oven to keep warm.

Grandpa and dad were looking at more of the strange food on the table, while they listened to the women's indistinct voices from the other room.

"Dad, this is Italian food. You eat it with your hands, like this." I showed them how to take a bite. "The pizzas are all different. Look and see what is on the one you are eating, and then try to remember which ones you like better. This is important to the people who gave me this food for my family to try. There are even more kinds in the oven."

Dad was hesitant to try. I didn't know if it was because of the strange square food, or whether we should wait to eat with family. Aron could not wait, though, and took a piece right away. Dad looked at Aron and saw how fast the piece disappeared. He looked over the assortment and picked one piece. Grandpa could not smell very well, but the scent did get through to him. His hand came out tentatively, and he took his own selection.

By the time the third piece was eaten, the girls came out of the living room and saw us standing around the table. Mom had her arm around Laura, and Helen held one of her hands. Laura looked tired and in a way happy, but that could have been my own feelings.

I sat the women down and put a selection of pizza on each of their plates. The men folk sat, too, and I got some tea for the girls and some coffee for dad and grandpa. We remained quiet, as we ate the pizza. The girls talked as if we weren't there. Even though grandma didn't speak much English, it seemed that all of them could communicate somehow.

Through the course of the meal we learned that I was right about Laura having a need for a mother figure. The fact that Roch was my mother, and I was like her brother, Don, must have reinforced her feelings.

Laura was sitting between grandma and mom. Helen was sitting close enough that I could see both women at the same time. I saw quite a bit of similarities between them. They were about the same size. Helen was pure blood Polish, but didn't look like she belonged to our group as strongly as others did. I think if Laura were to lower her hair, it would look just like Helens. Even their colouration was very similar.

Their ages were a lot closer, too. After graduation Laura had entered nursing school and this was only a one-year course. Because she skipped grade seven, she was only turning twenty now. Helen was roughly three years older than me, and thus only three years younger than Laura.

As the meal progressed, I was able to see a small smile on occasion as the womenfolk talked to Laura.

When the tea and coffee was done, I took Mom's job and filled the various cups. When it looked like the appropriate time, I made some of my own conversation, telling them that, after eating, they had to discuss with me about their preferences in the various kinds of pizza they ate.

Dad used to smoke at the table while he ate, but thankfully the table was smoke-free during the meal. I rinsed some fresh fruit I had purchased and placed a bowl on the table for dessert.

I dragooned Aron to help me with the dishes, more to keep him away from the women. The girls must have thought the same, for Mom showed Laura the house. It seemed they spent an inordinate amount of time upstairs.

Dad asked, "What is all this about, Alex?"

"Laura had some problems growing up. She put on a good face till now, and then it broke. She sees Mom as what her mother would be like. It probably started when we were at the Leone's to pick up the pizza. Italians are passionate people who like to touch. Maria Leone is the type of a woman who either accepts a person unconditionally or not."

"Who are those people?"

"They own Mario's restaurant. Their daughter is in my class. I went there to eat after school, and they invited me to meet the family. I had a family meal with them in the kitchen. We talked till late at night about how their restaurant could be made even more popular. I slept over, and went to school the next day from there."

"You have changed a lot since the accident, Alex. Some changes I cannot understand, yet. You now have what looks like an older girl for a girlfriend. You sleep away from your home. You eat things that you never knew of before, and even tell me what to do."

"Dad, you know many things that I do not know. I just happen to know some things you do not. Did you not think that I would ever grow up and be a man one day? I was always shy. A shy person would not show others what he knows or what he feels. I am not shy now, dad, and it has been a slow time coming. Isn't it better to have a son who is growing up?"

He thought on my words and said, "You are just growing up all of a sudden."

"I was growing up before, but you never noticed because I was too shy. Now I want to help my family and myself, too. You have all cut back on smoking, and that will mean you might live longer. I have brought new food to make our lives more interesting. As for a girlfriend, you are right, but I am still a boy in my pants and there is no reason that all my friends need to be other boys. I want you to be my friend, too, and not just my dad."

Dad was saved from a reply when the girls came down the steps. Laura had her face washed and looked much better now. Mom still held her as if she needed to be protected. The other girls had smiles, even grandma. This might have been a way of showing solidarity with Laura, or because they were happy that Laura felt better.

We had a more family-type meeting now, where the men folk were finally invited to attend. General facts went back and forth till the photo albums came out, and then all the relatives came out. Laura spent quite a bit of time looking at my birth parents and looking at me.

Dad got his bottle of wine out, and we all got some to drink. It was good that the hard liquor was not used, and in fact had been used less lately, I hoped. I had no idea how much dad drank at the mine site when I wasn't there.

Some of the more embarrassing moments came out about Helen, Aron, or me; as if to show that we were improving. Aron usually tried to sneak off whenever this occurred but, surprisingly, now wanted to stay with Laura. He even sat on the floor and soon was by her feet. When he got close enough she pulled him up to sit on the couch with her and played with his hair as we talked. Aron seemed to be in pig heaven with his eyes closed.

Aron had to go to bed and I suggested that Laura sleep over tonight. "Maybe Helen will share her room with you?"

"I couldn't do that. You are all tired and need your rest."

Helen said, "It is no problem. There are lots of clothes that will fit you, and you are like one of the family now."

This brought a change in Laura's face and a tear formed in the corner of her eye. Helen got immediately up and took her hand, "Let me show you what you can wear." The two girls walked up the stairs holding each other for support.

Mom said, "Laura is a nice girl, Alex. Do you think she may be too old for you?"

"Mom, how old do you think my mind is, not my body? I am more than old enough. She is also my friend and perhaps Helen's now, too. You do not have to read too much into this situation. I might not have said it, but I love Helen too, and not as a sister." Mom got an odd expression on her face. "Mom, don't try to pretend that you do not understand. I think you saw the possibility of Helen and me forming a family soon after bringing me into your family."

When I looked at grandma she too lowered her eyes. Women can be devious, but they didn't have any malicious thoughts. I think that in my previous life, if Helen hadn't so tragically died, I would have married her.

The two girls came down the stairs later, completely changed. Laura looked good in some of Helen's clothes, but filled out the blouse better. Both of the girls smiled at me, then looked at the rest of the family. They looked even more like sisters now. They resumed their old seats, and Laura resumed her hold on Aron. Aron didn't put up too much of a fight, unless it was to comply.

We talked more about school and I mentioned some of the problems I had in school. Telling them now that the events were over, made them easier to take.

"Alex," Mom said, "why didn't you tell us before?"

"Before, I was too shy and embarrassed. Now, I wanted to see if I could change things without bringing shame on our school. Mr. MacNeil is going to make them change to a better way. Bullies will still be in schools, but the ones who fight will be sent away. To put more pressure on the school, the newspapers and the CBC were called. They may try to talk to you about me. You don't have to talk to them. They just want something special to talk about, so that people will read their newspapers or listen more to their radio news."

"They want to talk to us?"

"Probably; you are my parents and they will ask what you think of the way the school lets bullies do what they want. They will also try to get you to say that you hate the school or the boys who fought with me. This will not be good for me, because you will look mean."

We talked a lot longer into the night, discussing what would be asked and what should be said. I felt like a campaign manager discussing how to handle questions with his employer before an election.

The pizza was discussed and the likes and dislikes of each person were put on a list. Bacon and green olives seemed to be a hit by everybody, even those who never ate olives before. I made my own comments at the bottom and mentioned some small things, like the sausage cut smaller, or that a better mozzarella be used. I practised my written Italian and hoped that the spelling was correct. Most European languages were spelt as they were spoken, and students had no need for spelling tests.

"Dad, our business needs to be able to talk to the world. I would like to get the phone brought to our house. The business may be mine, but this house is yours. May I do this?"

He again thought, "I have thought of getting a phone, but never saw a need for it. If you want it, then get it."

"Thanks dad. I will leave a note on the table for Mr. Skryba and his son Elek. When I can get the people to put the wires in, then Mr. Skryba can show them where to put the phone." I didn't tell dad that I had already talked to the phone company. There was no need to, anyway, for it would take a while for them to string wire our way, because I did not want a party line, with the way neighbours usually were.

Laura went to bed with a happy look on her face. I guess she never got to sleep over at somebody else's house when she was young. I gave her a very good kiss that made her thrust her body against mine. When I pulled away, my pants were tighter. Helen got the same treatment and this, I thought, would be the first time she felt my erection against her body. When I pulled back I said to both, "I love you both, and I don't know what I would do without you. Have a good night's sleep, and try to keep the girl talk down to only an hour. You have to get up early tomorrow."

Aron crawled in bed with me again and asked, "Alex... is Laura your real girlfriend?"

"Yes, she is, Aron. I think you like her, too. I know she likes you. If I wasn't your big brother I would get mad at you trying to steal her from me."

"I wouldn't do that to you, Alex."

I simply pulled him close and kissed his cheek. "I was only pulling your leg, Aron. But she does like you, just differently from how she likes me."

The next morning I got up a little earlier again and started breakfast. Mom, or Dad, was usually first, but I found two pretty girls instead. Both were dressed similarly, as they walked towards me. Helen said, "Good morning Alex," then proceeded to give me a kiss similar to what I gave her last night. She came up for air and did it again as she snuggled close. Her hip found my erection, and I think that was what she was trying to accomplish. She moved back to give Laura a turn, and Laura tried to burn my lips with the kiss she gave me. The scent in the air told me that there was at least one aroused woman in the room with me.

I reached into my pants and rearranged myself in front of them. "You wenches will pay dearly for that. Now, you better run, or dad will see my tent and sniff the air. Then we will all be in trouble."

The two girls giggled like they were twelve and scampered away. I made bacon quickly and when dad did come down. Good thing for the smell of grease, there was nothing to find.

Breakfast was more lively than usual. Laura seemed to fit in as if she were born to this family. She talked to Helen about girls in school but never anything that would compromise her medical ethics. Mom tried her best, like many mothers, to make sure all her children had enough to eat. Laura, I think, was pleased that she was included in this effort.

Mom packed both Laura and me a lunch. Laura looked at the paper bag a few times on the way to school, and I think she found something very meaningful in a simple meal.

Everybody took time to send us off. My bike was still hanging out of Laura's trunk. At the last stop before we got to school Laura said, "Alex, I love your family. Your mother reminds me of what mine was like. If I had some photos, then I could show you that they even look similar."

"You may be right, but I also see a distinct similarity between you and Helen. I am not going to pry, but I hope the two of you got some sleep last night."

"We got some. It was just that we had so much to talk about."

Before class I got a chance to talk to Mr. Clark, and I found that he had been talking to trades during his evenings and was getting them to understand my concerns. Even Mr. Clark was not too sure about my insistence on this type of quality.

I made it to homeroom just before the bell rang. A moment later I saw that Nick had decided to come back to school. Both of his eyes were black from ruptured blood vessels in the vicinity of his eyes. The other two would have been able to go back to school the next day after the fight, but had decided to play hooky instead. Nick tried to glare at me, but I just smiled and ignored him thereafter.

After class, Nick had the chance to talk to me, but I think he was gathering courage from his circle of friends.

The next three classes only got me some nasty glances and some whispered words from the group of boys.

Rita held court at lunch. She must have talked quite a bit to her mother. The conversation was much more sparkling and everybody seemed to get involved at some point. After our meal I handed Rita the note to her dad with my critique of his new North American style pizza.

The last class of the day was French. Mademoiselle Bouchard seemed to be staring at me again. Perhaps Laura mentioned something about us. This was fine, and I just hoped it didn't upset Natalie too much. We got back our assignments personally and Mademoiselle Bouchard held mine longer in her hand, as if trying to hold onto the paper.

It was Friday, and everyone was anxious to get out. When the bell rang, the class quieted right down waiting for the order to depart. A mad rush as everyone left, and I only got another glare from Nick. Rita and four of her friends stayed for a moment. Rita asked, "What are you doing this weekend, Alex?"

"I am sorry, Rita, but I will be working all weekend and perhaps for the next six or so."

"Even graduation?" she said as she hung her head. She, I guess, wanted me to be her date at the year-end party.

"No, Rita, not that weekend. Would you do me the honour of being my date for the party?"

She sprang at me and gave me a kiss, then looked around at the teacher and her friends. "Yes, Alex. I would love for us to go together."

"Good. Then think of a good dress, but think of one that is Roman or Greek in style but will still fit in with the rest of the crowd."

"Oh, I will. Mom will help."

"I am sure she will. I have to talk to Mademoiselle Bouchard for a moment, and then I have to get home. I have a lot of work to do before I get to sleep tonight."

"Ok, bye," she said, and with a quick glance at Mademoiselle Bouchard gave me another small kiss. This was never done in school, and I think the teacher was a bit shocked to see it happening.

I walked over to her desk after the group of girls left. Mademoiselle Bouchard said, "You have her wrapped around you finger, Alex. I hope you don't hurt her."

"I would like to think that I am not a cruel or callous person. I try to be honest with my dealings with others, and hope the same is done in return. If I knew that it would work, I would turn the other cheek if hurt. But I have found that doing so only gets the other side of my face struck, too."

"That happens many times, Alex. Now, what can I do for you?"

"The conversation will be delicate to say the least. Would it be possible to talk to you about this next Tuesday, after school?"

"What is it about, Alex?"

"I would rather talk about it then. Would you be able to give me some of your time?"

"I have a few things to do, but I think I can do them at other times. Tuesday will be fine."

"Thank you, Mademoiselle Bouchard. I will see you then."

Laura was waiting for me, and when I knew that we were safe, I kissed her very tenderly. "The first day I said you had my heart to add to all your others. It's true, for I think you got Aron's, too, last night."

She smiled at me, "I only want yours."

"That thought will have to tide me over the weekend. I have to work all weekend. The family will come home on Monday. Helen and Aron will be going to school for the rest of the year. There was just too much to do, and their help was needed to get the mine going."

"They looked a little tired. I don't think they were getting enough sleep."

"They are still too excited about the gold and drive themselves hard. Next week, I should be home every day. Partly because Helen will be there, and I do not want to do anything behind her back. Aron will be there also and is still quite impressionable. I would like you to come over and visit one night, but not Tuesday."

"Why not that day?"

"I want to have a heart to heart talk with Natalie about my girl. I do not want her hurt, and I definitely do not want you hurt. We have a lifetime to live through and I want to keep the scar tissue to a minimum."

"Do you want me to do anything?"

"The only thing that I can think of is to invite Natalie over to your apartment on Tuesday night. That would be the best place for our talk."

"I can do that. Tuesday is one of our days."

"After Tuesday, it may be a day for all of us."

I walked Laura to her car after sorting what I was taking with me. After Laura drove off, I walked quickly to the bikes. One wheel was flat and the valve was gone. I guess Nick had not learned his lesson. Instead of going home, I pushed the bike and took some of the load to the nearest service station. I bought a package of valves and got the tire inflated. Then I started for home.

Dad was working in the barn or hiding more of the gold they had harvested today. I kissed Mom and said, "It is nice to have you home."

"It is nice to be doing my job here, but I am needed at the mine too. It is hard to do both."

"I know that, mom. There is no justice sometimes. All a son can do is to help all he can. Now, give me that knife and drink some of your tea while I take care of the potatoes."

One by one, the family came to the kitchen. Helen was first, though, and kissed me in front of mom. It was not a sisterly kiss, though. "I see you and Mom had a talk. Is there anything that I should be told?"

"Not really. Mom thinks that I should give Laura a bit of competition."

"That can give me a certain problem, even if I am still a boy." I heard Mom laugh and Helen turned red. "Women are usually very knowledgeable in these matters. I assume that we will have to give dad more time to come by this information slowly. So here is your kiss and it better keep you till I can recharge it."

She got her kiss and I watched Mom looking at us. I would like to know what she was thinking. It still seemed odd that a mother would allow this, even if her daughter was 16.

I walked to Mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for trusting us. I will do nothing to hurt Helen. I have loved her since when I was just little and visiting. I just hope she loves me the same way I love her now. Maybe something can come of it. I don't think my feelings will change, but Helen has the option of finding somebody else if she wants to."

"You now seem older than Helen. I trusted you as a boy, and now I trust you as a young man. Go slow, and do not push. She is the only daughter I have."

I kissed her again and said, "Thanks again, mom."

I looked at Helen and her expression could almost be seen to glow. "I will talk to you later, wench. There are many things for us to discuss."

"Yes, Alex," she said; the same way Mom replied to Jozef.

After the meal, I finished the remainder of my homework and then got what I thought would be needed for the mine. To get the most out of our time, dad, grandpa and I would drive to the mine tonight and work till Sunday night. Sunday morning, I was told, we would have a small service.

Mom packed us some more food in case we found ourselves in danger of starvation and we were off. It was still light out when we got there.

Mom and grandma were going to try to catch up on their chores that they had let lapse for a week. Helen and Aron were staying home to do some of their own chores and rest. They would be going back to school on Monday.

Both Rolph and Lester were there to greet us. Both had rifles over their shoulders, and I was thinking we were repelling the Huns. Dad was just being cautious, and I commended him for it.

The camp had grown in a few ways. The tent was to one side, and there were many tarps all over the place protecting equipment. I guess all our tarps had gone into this endeavour, in addition to others that they had to buy.

The vertical drill had its own canopy that would keep out the strong sun and the occasional rain. The dark sky indicated that we might get some, but the radio had said that there was only a 30% chance.

Dad had decided to follow the blaster's handbook in reverse. My flags, as to the probable location of the large nuggets, were still in place. He had drilled and blasted almost all around the flagged-off area. He explained that now he could use smaller charges to just break apart the area under the flags a little at a time. Only as a last resort would he now blast further in.

The overburden was already removed, and dad used a sledge and wedges to break the rock away. I was not tall enough or strong enough to swing the hammer. When we had a good-sized step made, I did work, but I could not do it for long. Night did not bring relief, for dad just turned on the generator and used portable lights to continue.

Rolph and Lester were not seen. Rolph was out doing his patrols, while Lester was trying to get some sleep. He was even more worn out than dad, because he stayed here all the time and tried to give us our 50 dollars' worth.

It was midnight when we quit. I was tired and cramped. All I wanted was to crawl into bed, but I went to the river and washed first before heading back to camp. I crawled under a large tarp and just pulled a sheet over me and fell asleep right as my head hit the pillow.

The night had brought some rain, and with the dew it made most things wet or at least damp. After a quick breakfast our labour started again. Mosquitoes bit me. 'Deet' had not been invented, and the tents didn't have the fine screening to keep the critters out. My back arms and legs were still sore, and I hoped that some stretches would get the worst of the stiffness out.

Removing rock was easier in the daytime, and I had a whole new crop of pain when Guy Rousseau pulled up with a large hamper of food. Work stopped abruptly and we cleaned our hands and faces.

"No sense wasting soap on the rest, when we are just going to get dirty again," dad said.

We had hot fried chicken, fresh bread, steaming vegetables and even some cake. I could see that dad had gone all out in ordering food. This was the traditional way of feeding a work gang.

Guy smiled at us and took away the food containers used last time, to be cleaned and reused.

Helga came over with a gun strapped on her shoulder. There was a bit of light-hearted banter between dad, Rolph, and Lester. Grandpa and I were tired and didn't have the energy to spend on this talk. After the meal we had lots of river water and put the covered food in the shade. There was not much to go bad, and salmonella would not be a problem unless we tried to eat any remaining food, the following day, for breakfast.

We worked hard till five, when we again stopped to eat the remainder of the food. Lester had worked on the sluice, while we continued reducing the size of the outcrop. We did find a few nuggets, and I kept mine in my pocket till they would go into a mason jar back at camp.

Grandpa fell a few times and I always checked him. He would always refuse my help stating that he was just clumsy. "Grandpa, I love you. If you die, how do you think I will feel for the rest of my life?"

"I am fine, Alex. Now, let me up."

"No. You need to rest here for an hour. After that, you can work for a half-hour, then another half-hour off."

"I am not dead yet. I can do more than you."

"Yes, you can, and you have been doing so for a week longer. Either you rest, or you will go home. That is not an idle threat. I will not have your death on my conscience."

Same as Time
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First Time Fucking My Friends BBW Mother Pt 4

After Diane and I had 69'ed for awhile, she was begging for me to fuck her wet pussy. As she got off of my face, she turn over towards me and started kissing and licking my face saying how she loved tasting her pussy juices off my face. She then laid down on the bed next to me and pulled me up on top of her. Looking me in the eye saying "Oh baby, I want you to slide that hard cock of yours deep in my pussy and fuck me like you've always dreamed of."Her pussy was dripping wet by now that my cock...

3 years ago
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The Other Side of Laura

AT 25, Laura Windslow wasn't suffering financially. Her job as a free-lance book-publishing editor saw to that little matter. Socially, was another story altogether. She was a dud in the attracting men category. And she knew it. Book publishing. That fits me, she thought more times than not, the bookworm. The little dull as dishwater bookworm. Her cat jumped up on her lap. "Wiggy, don't you ever get tired of all this excitement?" She giggled. "You don't give a rat's ass, do you...

3 years ago
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What Viagra Did For My Boyfriend

My boyfriend and I got into a discussion about what viagra would do for a younger normal very virile guy in his 20s. He said that he had heard of college students taking ecstasy and viagra combined for wild parties and fucking all night. Curiosity got the better of us and I talked him into trying to get some. So he looked into it, though it was expensive but he purchased five black market viagra pills.One evening the next weekend we were making out on my sofa after watching rented movies and he...

Straight Sex
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The Bridesmaid Part 2

Bridesmaid Part 2 By Miss Jessica Lisa reached under the bed, and pulled out a shoe box. "Put these on," she said, handing me a pair of black 2 1/2" pumps. I didn't know they were pumps then, but have since learned more than I ever expected. "How do you know these will fit," I asked. "Because," she said, "I looked at your shoes one night. You're a mens 7 1/2, which makes you a women's 9 or 9 1/2. We're the same size, although I bought these...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mistress

Title- Happy Birthday Mistress Author- Jayden Mczimmer         Email- [email protected] Codes- FF, spanking, D/s, toys Copyright 2008 by the author                Today is your birthday and we only got to spend some time together during the morning. We both wanted to lounge around the house all day but our schedules wouldn't allow it. Since I have class till ten tonight you decided to enjoy your birthday evening and go out with a friend.        What you didn't know was that my last...

1 year ago
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Living on a Dead End StreetPart One Sunday and Monday

Living on a Dead End Street~ Part One ~ Sunday and Monday by Ginny Wolf The clock said it was almost 10:30 on a Sunday night as I sat on my "beauty lounger" in the den. My was hair tightly set on 38 small brush rollers and covered with a pink hairnet. A layer of thick white cream covered my face in the kind of rock-hard facial that severely limited my ability to speak, with only my eyes visible under the beauty mask at work "softening and cleansing" my skin while giving me "deep...

1 year ago
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Suhasini 8211 The Sex Worker Discovers Her Art

This is Swankyess. I’ve earlier written some stories that are posted on ISS. I’m about to share some experiences of Suhasini, a sexy 20 year old [her true age] sex worker from Aurangabad district. Although, not very literate, she shares about one stranger who teaches her about her own biological body, and how she is on an immaculate journey of pleasing her customers. The story in her own words, only edited by me: I’m Suhasini, and I stay in Aurangabad District. This is very close to historical...

3 years ago
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"The unwritten law of triage is knowing when nothing else can be done, and actually accepting that." ~ A.K. Lovell ~ ________________________________________ Chapter 24 ~ The Black Pool Dublin, Ireland. Population in excess of 450,000 Muggles, 1,240 witches and wizards, and 451,240 innocents. Since mediaeval times the locale had served as the capital of the free standing Republic. The Black Pool, or so the Anglicism had stated. Now the expanse of land it rested upon...

2 years ago
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I Accidentally Pimped Out my Daughter

She slowly turned over to face him, and started to relax a bit as he continued petting her, getting higher and higher up her skirt, until he had exposed her pink, silk panties. She grabbed the back of his hand as it explored her sexy butt and pelvic area. She was turning red in her face and clearly starting to experience a great level of pleasure. He had entered her underwear and pulled the fabric to the side to reveal her beautiful, puffy bare pussy. I couldn't believe that she shaved...

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Gaon Janewali Bus Ke Safar Mein Samuhik Chudai

Abhi story ki oor aa jate hai. Ye tab ki baat hai jab main gaon jaa rahi thi apne mamaji se milne. Morning mein late uthne ki wajah se maine jo ac bus book ki thi woh miss ho gayi. Isi wajah se mujhe ST bus mein travel karne ke sivay koi choice nahi thi. Is ST mein bohot se gaon vaale buddhe the. Ye buddhe bade hi tharki the aur gandi nazro se mujhe ghur rahe the. Aur mere baare mein toh aap jante hi honge ki main kitni naughty aur slutty ladki hu. Maine ek yellow t-shirt pehna that aur niche...

3 years ago
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BBC Cums to Stay Part 3

Reggie had been in lots of shoot outs over the years but when the cops and Feds first surrounded the abandoned garage where his latest d**g deal was going down, and then raided it, shots firing, it was still a big shock for him, particularly when a bullet grazed his leg. Reggie somehow managed to get out the side door of the garage and in all the confusion in the darkness slipped away without being caught. Damn that rich white asshole Gary who still owed him a hundred grand. If Gary had paid up...

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Fantasy Park Pt 1

I'm on my way home from work and I'm walking by the park at night and i hear a russle in the bushes as I start to aproach the park on my right. I look around but I don't see anyone but,I can't help but feel that I'm being watched and not just by one person....... Suddenly from behind I hear another noise and I pick up my pace to keep some distance between me and whoever is walking behind me. My heart begins to race as the footsteps behind me seem to get closer. I dare not turn around for fear...

3 years ago
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At the Beach

A Chastened, FL Tale My name is Willie, but everybody calls me Slim on account of how skinny I am. I’m a 34 year old Negro, gainfully employed in two occupations. One being song writer. Yes, I’m the guy wrote Come Back to Me, Baby and Hotter than Hot; and the other being Stage Manager at the Chastened Theatre Ensemble, here in downtown Chastened, Florida. I was born and raised here, never left but the one time to fly out to Los Angeles to collect my Grammy for wrote Come Back to Me, Baby and...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Cameron Canela Public Balcony Sex

Cameron Canela makes a visit to James Deen late at night. The two are in Las Vegas and James has a great view of the strip. Cameron takes the opportunity to step onto the balcony and strip her petite all natural body totally naked outdoors. She makes it clear what she wants, and is gagging on James Deen’s dick in no time. Cameron and James proceed to fuck each other on the balcony in public. Screaming as she cums, Cameron could give a shit who can hear or see her. She wants James’...

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Thanksgiving Dinner

Charlene McCloud listened to the many diverse conversations her neighbors were having around the table. The couple from apartment 4B, Tobias and Ruth, were talking about the one day their water heater decided to leak causing hundreds of dollars of damage to their newly renovated hardwood floors. The couple from apartment 2A, Jason and Jared, shared some of their designer tips to a couple from floor 5. Their names escaped Charlene, but she had bumped into them a few times in the elevator. The...

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She awakened slowly, with much confusion. When she was able, she started to look around her, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty. The room was warm & comfortable - thick rug that added sponginess to one's step. Low light. Fragrant flowers all around. But, she did notice there were no windows. It was so quiet in this room. As she looked around she began to notice other things - a wall that contained handcuffs and some chains. Some sort of machine was directly set up in the middle of...

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BrutalSessions Keira Croft All Natural Pain Pig Keira Croft Squirts in Rope Bondage

Keira Croft is a secret slut and is no stranger to being tied up and abused. She is the kind of whore that you would never suspect if you met her at the supermarket. But beneath her quiet exterior is a hungry BDSM pain slut that wants nothing more than to be restrained and used. She begins her session suspended in the middle of the room, dangling only from black leather wrist and ankle cuffs. As she twirls helplessly about like a fuck toy, she is completely vulnerable and exposed to the cruel...

2 years ago
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My daughter Diane

Note : This story is completely fictional!It happened one night when my 16 year old daughter Diane came home from a party drunk off her ass. I?ve always thought she was beautiful as I watched her grow up .I made a peephole in the bathroom so I could watch her. I watched her body form into a sexy woman. When she would shower I would take her panties and smell them while I jerked off dreaming of her pussy. Any way this night she came home very drunk about 1am. My wife and I were in bed I was...

1 year ago
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SamChapter 18B

There is never a hard cock around when you need one. Miss Albert's Math class did nothing to sooth my fevered libido and when it let out school was over and everyone not engaged in some kind of extracurricular activity ran off to start their weekend like it was the last one they would ever have. I told Neeka not to wait for me and I went back of the Gym to wait for Polly and whatever diabolical scheme she had devised to torture me today. I tried not to think about it too much... all right,...

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Some chocolate piece at the adult video store

Home alone again and my pussy aching for some cock…But I had not enough with my lovely toys; I needed even more tan this to have some relief. The adult theater was closed; so, I had only two choices: the adult video store or just a pick up outside…As I walked into the adult video store, my eyes raced around at all the magazines, movies and sex toys they had on display. It was such a turn on; I wanted to purchase a new toy for my cunt.As I browsed around the store, several eyes stared at me; but...

4 years ago
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Something wicked this way comes

Hans had grown up in a small out of the way village in the mountains and for over 20 years he had been hearing horror stories about the hateful, scary witches that roamed in the forrests.all the grown ups spoke of how they all were wretched old hags that tricked women with the lore of love-potions, cursed men with boils and even k**napped young c***dren to either eat them or force them to be like them. And just like everyone else the young man never questioned this, witches was horrid evil hags...

1 year ago
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The courage son

Note : This story is completely fictional! *** Hai readers the different tasted story read and cum with your thoughts. The front door opened. Elvis turned around to see his mum walk in. She was carrying bags of groceries. "Hey, mum," he called out. "Let me help you with those." "Thanks, son," Solly said. She stretched her back. "These bags were killing me." Elvis took some of the bags while Solly took the rest. He followed her into the kitchen. As he walked, his eyes traced her figure. She was...

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Malish or Massage

Meray doston meri pheli kahani hai main Amar hoon mumbai say hoon meray ghar main maa,dad,or didi hai didi ki to shadi howay 4saal ho gayai saal badi mast maal hai per kahani meri maa ki hai meray 52 kay lalo hain sex nahin aataa 3.5kaa lun hai maa nay bola 2min main pani nikalta hai woh saal say usa may hai business kartay hai wahan gori say shadi kar set hain her mahinay 2,3 lakh daitay hain main student hoon 19 ki age hai mera lund 10.8 kaa lumba or 4ka chora hai yeh is liye kay meri maa dus...

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Mami Ki Beti Ko Choda

Hi friends I am Sunny main 21 saal ka hu and this is my first story ki kaise maine apni mami ki beti ko choda baat 1 saal pehle ki hai jab main apni mausi ke beti ki shaadi me gya tha jab hm waha par pohche toh waha par Sab aa chuke the main apni cousin jiska naam sapna hai use dekh kar khush hua kyonki woh mujhse 3 mahine choti hai toh hum dono close hai. Mere mann me uske koi galat intutions nhii thi lekin shaadi waali raat jab sab log ready ho rahe the shaadi ke liye Main bhii ready hone...

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Tucker fantasy

Some one had gotten ahold of me and wanted me to write up a fantasy for them and I said I would. So here we go. Tucker and Amy have been married for alot of years. They have alot of love for each other and with that their sex life has still been good but deep down inside Tucker wanted alittle more. He had been watching videos of sex or porn as most call it. Through watching the movies he had realized he was wanting to do something new with his wife but didn't know how he would bring it up to...

1 year ago
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Daddies Friends part one

Daddy called me about two days after our first meeting. I was sitting at home and answered my cell quickly when i saw his number on the ID. "Hey Baby girl. You ready for some more cock?" he said, getting right to the point. "Oh Daddy, I was hoping you would call. I need you Daddy. I need that big cock inside me. I need it so bad." I purred in my sexy baby doll voice. "I got a friend who wants to meet you. We're coming over. Be ready." Daddy said in a strict, matter of fact tone. "Yes Daddy,...

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Here for You Ch 1820

Chapter 18 Elle arrived at work and glanced at the clock every half hour. She hadn’t heard from Ben since the last text. By eleven, jealousy settled in her gut. She began to punch numbers into the keyboard harder than necessary and slamming at the drawers. She had texted Ben an hour ago, but there hadn’t been a reply from him. At around lunch time, she was already close to giving up hope that she would hear from Ben when she received a text from him saying that he would be picking River from...

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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 6

I woke up the next day to the sound of my alarm buzzing. Yawning, I reached to switch it off. It was 10 o'clock. I usually liked to lie in at the weekends. After a few minutes of lying on the bed I decided that I'd best get up. I was both excited and nervous today, excited because I was looking forward to George's softball game this afternoon. But I was also nervous because of my date with Robert tonight. I had dated a boy for a while back in England so it wasn't like it was my first time...

3 years ago
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Into the Sunlight Ch 04

Brandon was impressed. As hard as he and the guys on his team played, they could not stop the females. Camirra took over and called the shots. After the first twenty minutes, things changed. She was quick, and crafty. The girls out ran, out shot, and simply outmaneuvered them. The girls worked like a well oiled machine with Camirra as their leader and she could play. Soon the game ended and the kids were awed. Camirra looked at a surprised Brandon. She was smiling. ‘What are you smiling...

2 years ago
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Independence Day Mf inc 1st

This was one of the very first stories I ever put up on the ‘net, back before I used the name SpectreOfHell. If you were a fan of the Incstgrrl website you might have seen it there. Anyway, here it is… Independence Day By Zarathos AKA Spectreofhell We usually go to our place at the lake each July 4th. My daughter, Julie, turned 12 last February, and she for once was reluctant to go with us when the holiday rolled around again. She wanted to be with her friends instead. I had to admit my...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Harley Dean 23437

Harley Dean’s shooting for the stars at work, and on the verge of securing a new contract, she’s going to make partner. But what she doesn’t know is that her nasty little co-worker Kyle snatched the signed contract and has it in safekeeping. He doesn’t quite admit it, but he lets her smugly know what he’s up to as she frantically searches for the contract. But Harley has two aces up her sleeve: !) She’s hot as fuck; and 2) Kyle hasn’t been laid in forever. So out come Harley’s nice natural...

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Life in My Little Hometown

Gina had brought John a car rather as a going back home present. I was not very happy about it however; I kept it to myself. The corvette she had brought him was in my name and most of the time I did do the driving when John and I went out. Mainly because he just drove too crazy in it. I rather grew jealous of Gina as summer went on, as she seemed like she was taking up a lot of John’s time. Everyone around me told me it was just because she would be returning home soon. The only person I...

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Alexandras New Practice

Dr. Alexandra Prince looked up from the pages of pink and yellow forms, intensely frustrated. She was not frustrated by any inability to make sense of the complex lab report, for she was a good, indeed, a brilliant doctor. Rather, Alexandra was frustrated in a much more basic way, as a woman. John, the young hunk she had living with her, the man who had been keeping her gears oiled regularly for the last few months, had been called out of town. Consequently, Alexandra had been making do with...

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Waiting After Work Part 1

My body shivers and I can't tell if my nipples harden from the cool air coming in through the cracked window, or if it's a result of my state of helplessness while awaiting your pleasure. You taught me the proper way to tie my ankles to the lower posts of your bed so that my legs are spread just far enough that I cannot do more than writhe while I wait for you to come home.The familiar burn of the ropes pinching my skin makes me eager to feel what you have in store for me today. I would say see...

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Island Expedition

The problem is they are the same person. Island Expedition by Cheltenham  I led the expedition through a vine laden forest and slashed at the overgrowth with a machete. ‘The myths describe a wooden box with an accented crest of snakes, and a gold seal over the locks. The locks can be opened by those destined to find it and no one else.’ As a tour guide, I had to make a living somehow. We planted items throughout distant locations and pretended to find them days later. It brought visitors...

3 years ago
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Once a Virgin

John O'Connor smiled as he watched his twin sisters Elizabeth and Dana opening their birthday presents. He had every reason to smile and no one think anything of it. After all, they were his sisters and had been for eighteen years since 4 and 4:45 that morning. Plus he knew, like virtually everyone else in the room, that their mother would once more regale them with the story of their delivery early one very cold Nov. 16, 1983 morning. She always told the story on each Nov. 16, and the girls...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 30

"Hello? Daddy?" "Selena! Is there something wrong?" Scott Hanson asked in a worried tone, knowing it odd she call him at work, and from New York City. "That's what I want to ask you, if there's anything wrong." She said back inquisitively. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I spoke with Mommy last night and I'm so psychologist, but I can tell something is wrong. She sounds very depressed. I got real bad vibes from her Daddy. Do you notice anything when you talk to her?" She...

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The Family Goldman 3

Thousand of feelings crossed my mind at the moment Mom and I walk out from the elevator in the mall. What I had thought as an ordinary trip to the mall turned out to be my first solo assignment. Can I nail this mission? Fear, doubt thrill and excitement mixed together in my head, creating an uneasy feeling. I tried to keep Kimberly's bubbly expression intact. I had to maintain her beaming gaze. This was not the first time I went to the mall as Kimberly. I spent many times here with...

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hot mom 3

To Jodie's relief, Craig called the next day and invited her and Dane to go for a hike."I'd like to meet your son," he said, "and I'd like to make up with you, Jodie. I don't like being without you.""I'd love to see you, Craig," she told him. "I'll pack lunches for all of us. Come on over."As long as Craig was around, Dane wouldn't dare come on to her. For today, at least, she wouldn't have to worry about controlling herself. Jodie hummed happily to herself as she prepared the...

4 years ago
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Rough sex with stranger in a bar bathroom xxx

So currently I'm staying in Los Angeles visiting a friend. I've been here for about 2 weeks now and have been loving every minute!She suggested that we go to a bar to have some drinks and I was like "sure why not". I couldn't wait to see if I could find a sexy man at the bar to fuck for the night.After a few drinks and shots of tequila I was feeling soooo horny and needed some pleasure really fast! I just could not stop thinking about someone pounding me hard and fast and swallowing their juicy...

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Kavita 8211 A Horny Nurse

Hello everyone This is my first story at iss. Hope you would like it. Coming to the story. I am Ankur Bajaj, from Chandigarh 26, fair and athletic, 5’7″ tall. This incident happened a few days back. , It was a normal day, I returned from Office and was about to have lunch. My parents said one of our relatives is hospitalized. After my lunch, my mom asked me to take my granny to the hospital to see my ill relative. In the evening at 6:30 pm we took a cab went to Fortis Hospital, Mohali. We...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Misha Cross Showing Her Gratitude

Dazzling blue-eyed hottie, Misha Cross, wants to show her gratitude to you after you help her pass her exams. The naughty hottie has something in mind that will make you feel happy that you help her out. Without wasting any more time, Misha gets down on her knees and starts teasing you with her alluring eyes. She then brings out your big black cock. Misha can’t help but admire the sheer size of your BBC as she strokes it with her hands. You can feel her soft lips and warm tongue exploring...

2 years ago
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Neelu Ki Ek Raat Ki Kimat

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 56th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about newly married lady whose husband was on tour and friend of his husband. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. Maine iss story ko ek naye tarike se likhne ka prayas kiya hai ummid hai aap log ise sarahenge. Raat ka samay tha. Neelu makan ki balcony par khadi hokar bahar dekh...

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The Song of Farwalker and Deadgirl

Like a few of my other stories, this one clawed and scratched at the inside of my skull, getting in the way of other stories until I acquiesced to let it out. I’ve configured it as a Weird Pulp style for brevity’s sake. There is no graphic sex here. It just wouldn’t fit. Special thanks to Sbrooks for the editing and Crkcppr for Beta reading it for me. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. The Song of Farwalker and Deadgirl: The Long Night of the...

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A Girl Named Slave

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Ambra Dolce Maid Gets The Job Done

This week the cleaning service sent my way a hottie with a huge pair of tits and a big ass to go with them. Upon seeing her, I knew I had to do something. So once she accidentally got wet while cleaning the bathroom, I offered her some money to just clean naked instead. She agreed with some hesitation and soon she was cleaning my place completely in the nude. From there, it was hard to just watch her clean naked without getting turned on. So I had to pull out my cock and make her yet another...

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Ass Lovers

I have been in love with a man by the name of Austin. He had blond curly hair and the sexiest blue eyes, but that wasn't the first reason why I fell for him. It was his ass. It was so beautiful and soft like a baby's bottom. Austin and I have been in the same apartment for three months now, but never talked. So when I walked up to him from down the hall, he was surprised. "Hi, my name is Dane, I found out you moved here a while back," I said. "Hi, my name is Austin," he said. He had a girly...

Gay Male
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Me And Sam Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? I awoke late on Sunday morning. Not a sound came from Mom's bedroom. I opened her door and peeked inside just to make sure everything was all right. She seemed lost to the world. I went back to my room and put on the clothes that I'd worn yesterday. It was time to mow the lawn. Thinking in some insane way that it might garner Sam's attention, I mowed the lawn using a different pattern yet again. I missed her more than...

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Their date

It had been a little more than a year since they had last seen each other but a few words was all it had taken for them to re-connect and make plans to meet up again tonight.A 'date', a simple word that did nothing to convey the making up for lost time that was planned but they both knew what they wanted, what they both needed without anymore than that, apart from a simple instruction from him setting expectations for the night to come.“I want you dressed in something naughty, and heels”, he...

4 years ago
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How a Young Boy Turned Gay5

One day Chris and Alex were hanging out together. When Chris asked his dad, "I wonder what it's like being gay?!?" "What?!?" Alex responded. "I wonder what it's like being gay!" Said Chris. "I don't know son, I wonder the same thing." Responded Alex. "How about we find out together?!?" Asked Chris. Alex responded, "Sure son let's do it!" So they got naked and Chris jerked his dad off. "Ohhhhhhhh Chris that feels great son!" Moaned Alex. "Do you want...

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